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Continuité des connaissances d’énumération et conséquences sur les savoirs : mieux comprendre les difficultés des élèves confrontés à des problèmes d’énumération / The continuity of the enumeration’s knowledge and its theorical consequences : a better understanding of the difficulties of students facing enumeration’s problemsRiviere, Olivier 07 December 2017 (has links)
Des travaux de didactique des mathématiques, conduits par Briand, ont permis de montrer l’existence de connaissances spécifiques d’organisation dans le domaine des problèmes concernant le dénombrement et les opérations arithmétiques, connaissances qui relèvent de ce que Brousseau a appelé l’énumération. Cette thèse montre que ces « connaissances d’énumération » ne sont spécifiques ni au champ numérique, ni même aux mathématiques. Elles se retrouvent dans de nombreuses situations scolaires et présentent un caractère transdisciplinaire. L’étude de la situation fondamentale de l’énumération permet d’exhiber de nouvelles variables et de compléter l’étude des stratégies. Une nouvelle définition de l’énumération est proposée, permettant d’unifier la description des difficultés rencontrées. Le caractère transdisciplinaire de l’énumération est étudié dans le domaine scolaire « français ». Les situations étudiées dans ce cadre permettent d’intégrer la dimension de l’écrit dans la description de ces connaissances. Du point de vue méthodologique, des analyses a priori successives montrent comment les modifications de point de vue permettent de faire évoluer le modèle, proposant notamment une nouvelle modélisation du traitement / Research work on mathematics education, carried out by Briand, have shown the existence of specific knowledge in the field of numerical problems, involving counting or arithmetic operations, which reveal what Brousseau has named “enumeration”. This thesis shows that enumeration’s knowledge are not specific to the numerical field, neither to mathematics. This knowledge can be founded in many scholar situation and show an interdisciplinary character. The study of the fundamental situation is down, which allows to unify the description of the subject’s difficulties. The interdisciplinary character is studied in the scholar field of language. The study of these situations in this context allows us to incorporate the dimension of writing in our descriptions of the knowledge. Considering metrology, theses analyses show how modifications of point of view enable an evolution of the model, allowing in particular of new modeling of treatment.
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Counseling psychology doctoral trainees' satisfaction with clinical methods trainingMenke, Kristen Ann 01 December 2015 (has links)
Counseling psychology doctoral trainees’ satisfaction with their clinical methods training is an important predictor of their self-efficacy as counselors, persistence in graduate programs, and probability of practicing psychotherapy in their careers (Fernando &Hulse-Killacky, 2005; Hadjipavlou &Ogrodniczuk, 2007; Morton &;Worthley, 1995). Much of the extant literature related to assessing psychology graduate students’ satisfaction with their training has focused on supervision processes and has not adequately assessed other elements of training such as coursework, clinical experiences, and the learning contexts of practicum sites and program settings. Additionally, the available research is largely quantitative data based on geographically restricted samples that does not adequately explain reasons for trainees’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
The purpose of the present study was to broadly identify factors that contribute to counseling psychology doctoral students’ satisfaction with their clinical methods training in coursework, clinical experiences, supervision, and practicum and program contexts. Eight advanced doctoral trainees from APA-accredited programs in counseling psychology were interviewed about their satisfaction with their training experiences. Data was analyzed using Consensual Qualitative Research (Hill, 2012). Results indicated that trainees generally entered programs with broad/unclear expectations, but some identified preferences for practicum settings, developing clinical skills, learning approaches to psychotherapy, and training in multicultural competence. Participants expressed higher satisfaction with courses that included multicultural content, training in theoretical approaches to therapy, and clinically-applicable content using teaching methods that included combining lecture with dialogue and experiential exercises. Diversity in clients’ demographics, presenting concerns, therapeutic modalities, and distress levels contributed to higher satisfaction with clinical experiences. Additionally, participants expressed their value for the opportunity to accrue client contact towards internship requirements. Strong supervisory relationships were most frequently identified as contributing to participants’ satisfaction with supervision. Participants expressed highest satisfaction with supervisors who conveyed care and support; were respectful, invested, competent, and experienced; provided new learning and feedback; and demonstrated multicultural competence. Practicum sites which provided an appropriate balance of training and clinical work, met trainees’ expectations for developmentally-appropriate training and clinical experiences, and fostered positive relationships between trainees and competent, invested staff members were described to produce highest satisfaction. Participants also expressed highest satisfaction when they had open, safe interpersonal relationships with faculty and felt secure in their ability to secure practicum placements in a range of settings. All participants stated they would feel more satisfied with their programs if more courses were available, but opinions varied as to the type of additional training desired. Findings are considered from the perspective of experiential learning theory (Kolb, 1984) and situated learning theory (Lave &Wenger, 1991). Implications for program faculty, practicum staff, and future research are discussed.
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Client Writing in Individual Therapy: A Review of the LiteratureBennion, Karla Esplin 01 May 1986 (has links)
Client writing has been used in association with individual therapy for many years, but published research on its effectiveness is sparse. Such research could provide a potential tool for therapists, as well as expand scientific knowledge. This review includes all available reports on the topic of client writing in individual therapy. The studies fall into three general categories: the systematic, "experimental" studies; the anecdotal reports; and the didactic reports. All studies considered show some benefit from the use of client writing in therapy. Writing appears to be beneficial whether initiated by the client or directed by the therapist; beneficial to adolescents and adults of all ages; beneficial to hospitalized patients, clients in individual therapy, and to students in school counseling; beneficial with different forms of writing; beneficial with different types of therapy; and beneficial whether writing is the main focus of therapy or only an adjunctive process. However, the conclusion that client writing is beneficial is largely based on anecdotal reports from therapists who have accidentally stumbled on it. Much more systematic research is needed, beginning with a survey to determine how extensive is its use. Specific recommendations for research are made.
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Contribuições da ecologia de ecossistemas ripários como tema transversal para o Ensino Fundamental II e Médio / Contributions of the ecology of riparian ecossystems as a transversal theme for Elementary and High SchoolCamargo, Arthur Ferraz de 27 February 2019 (has links)
Ecologia é definida como a ciência responsável por estudar as distribuições e abundância dos organismos vivos no mundo, diante de fatores químicos, físico e biológicos. Assim, é de suma importância entender como as diferentes variantes dentro do meio ambiente influenciam no desenvolvimento dos organismos, e como as alterações ambientais afetam essa dinâmica de interações dos mesmos. Ecossistemas ripários conseguem apresentar uma variedade ainda maior de enfoques por caracterizarem faixas de transição entre ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos, evidenciando assim aspectos ecológicos únicos da relação entre eles. O objetivo desse projeto é possibilitar e/ou facilitar a abordagem de temas acerca da Ecologia de Ecossistemas Ripários (EER) dentro da faixa escolar entre o Ensino Fundamental II e Médio, por meio de cenários ecológicos estudados pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Ecologia de Ecossistemas Ripários, transpostos de forma didática. Para que essa transformação do conhecimento seja possível, o estudo utiliza o conceito de transposição didática, que representa a transformação dos saberes científicos em saberes escolares. A transposição didática serve de guia para a análise dos conteúdos publicados pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Ecologia de Ecossistemas Ripários, corroborando na divulgação dos estudos do grupo para diferentes níveis escolares. Tais estudos representam situações diversas com alterações de relevo, conservação, tipo de cobertura vegetal, estágios de recuperação, qualidade da água, atividades de entorno, entre outros aspectos, que poderão ser associados às características de interesse trabalhadas pelo(a) professor(a) e ao conteúdo pertinente ao nível escolar em questão. Indo além, e pensando na acessibilidade, também é possível que o conteúdo de interesse seja impresso pelo(a) professor(a), para casos onde a interação no ambiente virtual não seja possível. Espera-se que, apesar de ser um assunto complexo, a transposição didática consiga aproximar os conhecimentos científicos em ecologia ao ensino básico, a fim de sensibilizar desde menores faixas etárias, sobre a importância da conservação desses ambientes, e que ela seja uma plataforma transversal, deixando os conceitos mais complexos ou simples, de acordo com a demanda dos interessados. / Ecology is defined as the science responsible for studying the distributions and abundance of living organisms in the world, faced with chemical, physical and biological factors. Thus, it is extremely important to understand how the different variants within the environment influence the development of organisms, and how environmental changes affect the dynamics of their interactions. Riparian ecosystems can present an even wider variety of approaches by characterizing transitional ranges between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and then revealing unique ecological aspects of the relationship between them. The objective of this project is to enable and / or facilitate the approach of themes related to the Ecology of Riparian Ecosystems (ERE) within the school range between elementary and high education through ecological scenarios studied by the Ecology of Riparian Ecosystems Research Group, transposed in a didactic way. In order for this transformation of knowledge to be possible, the study uses the concept of didactic transposition, which represents the transformation of scientific into scholarly knowledge. The didactic transposition serves as a guide for the analysis of the contents published by the Ecology of Riparian Ecosystems Research Group, corroborating in the dissemination of the studies of the group to different scholar levels. These studies represent diverse situations with alterations of terrain, conservation, type of vegetation cover, recovery stages, water quality, environmental activities, among other aspects, which may be associated with the characteristics of interest worked by the teacher and the pertinent content at the level of schooling she or he work with. Going beyond, and thinking about accessibility, is also possible that the content of interest gets printed by the teacher, in cases where interaction with the virtual environment is not possible. It is hoped that, despite being a complex subject, the didactic transposition will be able to bring the scientific knowledge in ecology closer to basic education, in order to raise awareness of the importance of conservation of these environments, and leaving the concepts more complex or simple, according to the demand of the interested ones.
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Atividades lúdicas e atividades algébricas: uma introdução ao uso de letras nas aulas de matemática / Understanding the algebraic language and its contributions to solving first degree equations with an unknownViestel, Renan Sanchez 14 December 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem a intenção de apresentar uma sequência didática que foi aplicada para um grupo de alunos do Ensino Fundamental II com o objetivo de potencializar sua compreensão sobre a praticidade e conveniência da linguagem algébrica. A sequência didática é composta por atividades lúdicas e atividades algébricas que buscaram estimular que os alunos produzam notações e símbolos de forma autônoma, que fizesse sentido para eles, bem como instigar sua curiosidade, em um ambiente um ambiente que estimule a pensar e resolver problemas, onde a relação professor - aluno tenha como base a confiança e o respeito mútuo. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi feito por meio de um estudo de caso. As atividades foram aplicadas para uma turma de 6o ano com a intenção de produzir significado para o conceito de incógnita. A análise da efetividade da sequência didática levou em consideração os aspectos particulares dos alunos e da escola, o campo semântico no qual os alunos trabalharam e os tipos de equação do primeiro grau com uma incógnita que os alunos conseguiram resolver. A pesquisa nos permitiu concluir que o trabalho inicial de motivação e entendimento da linguagem algébrica facilita a aceitação, pelos alunos, do uso da letra no lugar de um número desconhecido, tornando-se um facilitador para o aprendizado de equações do primeiro grau. / This dissertation intends to present a didactic sequence that was applied to a group of students from Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grades) in order to enhance their understanding of practicality and convenience of the algebraic language. The didactic sequence consists of recreational activities and algebraic activities, which seeks to stimulate the students to produce notations and symbols autonomously, in a way that makes sense for them, instigating their curiosity, in an environment that encourages to think and solve problems, where the teacher-student relation is based after trustfulness and mutual respect. The development of this research was made through a case study. The activities were applied to a 6th grade class, in order to produce meaning to the concept of the unknown variable. The analysis of the effectiveness of the didactic sequence took into account the particular aspects of the students and the school, the semantic field in which they have worked and kinds of equations with one unknown variable they managed to solve. The research allowed us to conclude that the initial work of motivating and understanding of the algebraic language facilitates the acceptance of the use of a letter instead of an unknown number, becoming a facilitator for learning first degree equations.
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Contextualisation didactique en éducation à la sexualité et production d’inégalités dans les pratiques sexuelles à risque chez les lycéensGirondin, Alberte 15 January 2019 (has links)
Les transformations institutionnelles qu’a connu la Guadeloupe ont marqué les pratiques sexuelles de la population. Cependant, comme partout en France on retrouve l’éducation à la sexualité à l’école. Afin de comprendre comment se fait cette intervention de la sphère publique par le contexte scolaire auprès des élèves d’origines sociales diversifiée. Nous prenons comme référence les travaux de Bru (2002), Chevallard (1985, 2009), Sauvage et Turpin (2012) et Poggi (2014) pour le processus de contextualisation et ceux de Lahire (2012) et de Bozon (2013) pour comprendre la production, rencontre et modification des dispositions incorporées sexuelles. On pose que l’apport des savoirs va produire et agir sur les dispositions incorporées sexuelles des élèves par l’action de l’enseignant et crée un processus de contextualisation. Nous formulons deux hypothèses : la situation didactique en éducation à la sexualité est à la fois contextualisée et contextualisante.Les études menées sur l’analyse du curriculum formel, sur l’analyse des pratiques déclarées des enseignants et sur l’analyse des pratiques déclarées des élèves en rapport avec le milieu didactique en éducation à la sexualité. Permettent de conclure que la dimension contextualisée est révélée par les dispositions incorporées des acteurs et le poids du contexte institutionnel. Cette dimension contextualisée induit une dimension contextualisante, par une place insuffisante accordée au contexte social de l’élève, le savoir reste homogène dans un milieu diversifié. Cette rencontre entre homogénéité et diversité crée des inégalités dans l’acquisition des savoirs et dans les choix de conduites sexuelles. / The institutional transformations experienced by Guadeloupe marked the sexual practices of the population. However, as everywhere in France we find sexuality education at school. To understand how this intervention of the public sphere is done by the school context with students of diverse social origins. We take as reference the works of Bru (2002), Chevallard (1985, 2009), Sauvage and Turpin (2012) and Poggi (2014) for the contextualization process and those of Lahire (2012) and Bozon (2013) to understand the production, encounter and modification of the incorporated sexual dispositions. It is posited that the contribution of the knowledge will produce and act on the sexual incorporated dispositions of the pupils by the action of the teacher and creates a process of contextualization. We formulate two hypotheses: the didactical situation in sexuality education is both contextualized and contextualizing.Studies on formal curriculum analysis, analysis of teachers 'declared practices and analysis of students' reported practices related to the didactical environment in sexuality education. Let us conclude that the contextualized dimension is revealed by the incorporated provisions of the actors and the weight of the institutional context. This contextualized dimension induces a contextualizing dimension, by an insufficient place given to the social context of the student, knowledge remains homogeneous in a diversified environment. This encounter between homogeneity and diversity creates inequalities in the acquisition of knowledge and in the choice of sexual behavior.
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Situations d'apprentissage et activités de conception en baccalauréat technologique "Design et Arts appliqués" : représentations et instruments / Learning situations and design activities in French design and applied arts curriculum : representations and instrumentsMontiès-Farsy, Sophie 04 December 2018 (has links)
Dans la formation du baccalauréat STD2A, il n’est pas question d’enseigner à des élèves la profession de designer, contrairement aux formations supérieures, mais de les préparer à intégrer ces formations. Son objectif est de donner plus des éléments de compréhension des démarches de conception qu’une compétence professionnelle de designer. La finalité de ce travail est de regarder comment l’activité de conception est enseignée au lycée. Le cadre théorique interroge les articulations entre activité, instrument, milieu, tâche et compétences et activité de conception. Le cadre de l’étude a été circonscrit à l’épreuve certificative « Projet en Design et AA » . La méthodologie s’appuie (1) sur une analyse a priori de la tâche prescrite par l’institution et redéfinie par des enseignants travaillant dans trois lycées différents, et (2) sur une analyse de l’activité d’un échantillon de leurs élèves. Les activités sont regardées à travers des entretiens menés avec les enseignants sur le dispositif qu’ils conçoivent, à travers des entretiens menés avec les élèves sur les tâches qu’ils ont réellement effectuées, et à travers les signes produits par les uns et les autres. Les résultats montrent d’une part, que l’activité d’apprentissage est instrumentée plus par les représentations différentes que les enseignants ont de la situation de référence prescrite que par leur représentation d’un état prescrit de compétence de conception. D’autre part, bien que l’activité de l’élève soit motivée par l’obtention du baccalauréat et non par la conception d’artefacts, il élabore des instruments sémiotiques et matériels propres à l’activité des étudiants qui apprennent à devenir designers. / The secondary school leaving certificate in Science and Technology: Design and Applied Arts prepares pupils to integrate postsecondary design programmes.The purpose of this study was to investigate how design activity is taught in secondary school. In an attempt to highlight the impact of the environment on the learning activity, the theoretical framework questions the relationship between activity, instrument, environment, task and skills, design activity.The study favoured an exploratory analysis based on the observation of real situations in an unambiguous and operational way. The scope of the study was limited to the certification exam “Project in D and AA”. The research design was empirical and based on (1) a priori analysis of the task prescribed by the institution and redefined by teachers belonging to three different high schools, and (2) an analysis of the activity of a sample of their pupils. Observation tools were based on the abstention from direct observation. The activities were viewed: through interviews conducted with teachers; through interviews conducted with pupils on the tasks they have actually accomplished; through the signs produced by teachers and pupils. The results show that the learning activity is instrumented to a greater extent by the different representations teachers have of the prescribed reference situation than by their representation of a prescribed state of design skills. In addition, although the pupil’s activity was motivated by the obtention of a school leaving certificate and not by the design of artefacts, the pupil develops semiotic and material instruments specific to the activity of students who train to become designers.
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"Harry Potter är inte lämplig i skolan" : En jämförande studie mellan serbiska och svenska lärares syn på litteraturundervisning.Cvilak, Martina January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis is about Swedish and Serbian teachers and their views on how literature should be taught to students in high school. The twist is that these teachers live in two different European countries, and work under two different educational systems. Three of them work in Stockholm, Sweden and the other three in Belgrade, Serbia. The purpose of this thesis was to find similarities and differences in the practice of teaching literature among teachers in these two different educational systems. The teachers were interviewed separately and spoke freely about their views and methods when teaching literature. The results seem to indicate that two European countries have two totally different approaches to literature, but also that the interviewed teachers were not as heavily influenced by the curriculum as one would expect, but their own individual opinions, interests and passions. </p>
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Konstruktionen av en diversifierad normalitet : En studie av hur det interkulturella perspektivet kan yttra sig i några förskolepedagogers didaktiska överväganden och praktik.Dalgren, Sara January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of the present study is to describe and analyse how an inter-cultural perspective presents itself in the didactic considerations and in the practice of preschool teachers on a multiethnic preschool.</p><p>The theoretical perspective upon which the study is founded is social constructivism, but in addition to this Ingegerd Municio’s idea of two existing discourses present within the institutions in the Swedish educational system, as well as René León’s concept of a diversified normality, has been used as theoretical tools and points of departure.</p><p>The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative field study at a multi-ethnic preschool, where participating observation and group interviews have been used to collect data. In these teachers from the preschool have participated.</p><p>The results and the analysis of the data show that an inter-cultural perspective surfaces in the didactic considerations and in the practice of the preschool teachers in their construction of a diversified normality. The diversified normality thus constructed is constituted through different social processes. I have here identified the following ones: the preschool teachers emphasize differences among the children in general, they allow that the children behave differently and they allow them to be different; they recognize “cultural” differences, differences in origin, and frames of reference, and they recognize that the children at the preschool are bilingual.</p>
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Why Is The Little Girl Missing? : A descriptive study on the cause and effect of translation shifts in the Swedish translation of Enid Blyton’s <em>Five on a Treasure Island. </em>Almgren, Anders January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay will investigate the cause of <em>shifts – changes made when translating – in the Swedish version of Enid Blyton‟s <em>Five on a Treasure Island. It should be seen as a direct sequel to <em>The Little Girl is Missing – a bachelor degree project written at Stockholm University. In said degree project the methods used when making the shifts was described, but now the reasons <em>why the shifts were made and <em>how they have affected the plot will be presented. To do so a number of theories concerning both gender studies and translation studies will be used. </em></em></em></em></em></p><p>The working hypothesis is that the shifts were made to rid the translated text of the original text‟s sexist content – to create "equality between women and men" (Lpo 94: 3) and making the translation fit the target culture i.e. today‟s Sweden. This claimed sexist content will be determined mainly with the help of the Swedish compulsory school system‟s curriculum, Lpo94, and Berit Ås‟s master suppression techniques. The intention is to bring the translation phenomenon of ideologically influenced translations into the limelight and start a debate. Besides that, this essay will also provide a didactic model for teachers wanting to work with translation dilemmas in class.</p>
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