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Ensino de História, retórica e narrativas : o professor-orador na sala de aulaGiacomoni, Marcello Paniz January 2018 (has links)
A proposta desta pesquisa é compreender um ator e um lugar centrais para a educação: o professor e a sala de aula de História. Entendo que o professor trabalha com um regime de verdade específico que denomino verdade histórico-didática, cuja natureza reside no caráter relacional que congrega o professor (enquanto indivíduo que significa a sua prática a partir de seus valores), seus alunos (com seus interesses, desejos e saberes) e o conhecimento histórico (validado tanto pelo saber historiográfico de referência, quanto pela experiência do professor). Visando compreender essa relação, faço uso das formulações da retórica, desde os clássicos antigos até seus intérpretes modernos, com Reboul (1998), Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca (2005) e Meyer (1998, 2007 e 2013). Estas reflexões permitem pensar a retórica simultaneamente como ferramenta de análise e como um referencial teórico projetivo, refletindo sobre um tipo-ideal de docente, que defino como professor-orador. Defendo que pensar o professor como um orador significa situá-lo na delicada intersecção das provas do discurso, conforme Aristóteles constituiu em sua Retórica: o ethos, o pathos e o logos. O ethos é o orador, a forma como ele constitui e trabalha sobre uma projeção de si, dotada de autoridade, e a forma como essa imagem é apropriada pelo auditório. O pathos significa reconhecer que o outro para quem o discurso se dirige (o auditório) possui valores, crenças, significados e emoções, que devem ser levados em conta. O logos é o conhecimento histórico, ou a própria verdade histórico-didática entendida de forma relacional com as outras provas do discurso. Além disso, a dimensão de prova (pisteis) da retórica é cara ao discurso histórico, relacionando a argumentatividade com a comprovação em uma dimensão ética. O professor-orador é um indivíduo consciente de seu lugar neste delicado equilíbrio. A fim de cercar teoricamente esta questão, além dos referenciais da retórica, reflito sobre os seguintes caminhos: 1) a concepção de História enquanto produtora de narrativas sobre o passado, relacionadas à práticas científicas e a um lugar social (CERTEAU, 2008); 2) a noção de transposição didática (CHEVALLARD, 1997), que permite identificar um trânsito entre os saberes históricos produzidos na academia, os saberes preparados visando o ensino e os saberes efetivamente ensinados, em cada sala de aula específica, mediados por decisões epistemológicas, culturais e políticas; 3) a experiência acumulada do professor enquanto uma das práticas de validação da verdade histórico-didática, juntamente com os discursos provenientes da historiografia e do campo da educação, que lhe autoriza ou refreia de determinadas decisões. Ao buscar compreender estas premissas em ação, analiso diretamente aulas de cinco professores e professoras de História, coletando dados a partir de observações de aulas, entrevistas, questionários respondidos pelos estudantes e registro de materiais utilizados em aula, e compreendendo um conjunto variado de observações realizadas como puramente retóricas, já que lançam mão de expedientes que visam negociar as distâncias entre o conhecimento histórico e os alunos. Neste processo, os professores e professoras projetam-se como adultos de referência, articulam valores e intencionalidades às suas práticas, dispõem suas aulas em formas estruturadas, animadas por problematicidades e permeadas por formas argumentativas retóricas. Na relação com os estudantes, ressalta-se a importância da palavra e os significados dos estudantes agregando-se nas narrativas construídas nas aulas. / The purpose of this research is comprehending an actor and a place as central for education: the teacher and the History classroom. I understand that the teacher works with an specific truth regime which I nominate historical-didactic truth, whose nature stays in the relational character which congregates the teacher (as an individual which signifies his practice from his values), his students (with their interests, desires, and knowledge) and the historical knowledge (validated both by the historiographic knowledge of reference and the teacher’s own experience). Aiming to comprehend this relation, I make use of the formulations of the rhetoric, from the ancient classical ones to their modern interpreters, as Reboul (1998), Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (2005) and Meyer (1998, 2007 e 2013). Such reflections allow us to think the rhetoric simultaneously as a tool of analysis and as a projective theoretical referential, reflecting about an ideal-type of teacher, which I define as an orator-teacher. I defend that thinking the teacher as an orator means to situate him in the delicate intersection of the discourse proves, as Aristotle constituted in is Rhetoric: the ethos, the pathos and the logos. The ethos is the orator, the way he constitutes and works on a projection of the self, gifted of authority, and the way this image is appropriated by the auditorium. The pathos means to recognize that the other to whom the discourse is addressed (the auditorium) have values, beliefs, meanings and emotions, which must to be taken in consideration. The logos is the historical knowledge, or the historical-didactic truth itself understood as a relational form with the other proves of the discourse. Moreover, the dimension of the prove (pisteis) of the rhetoric is pricey to the historical discourse, relating the argumentativity to the evidence in an ethical dimension. The orator-teacher is an individual aware of his place in this delicate balance. In order to theoretically search this issue, besides the references of the rhetoric, I reflect about the following ways: 1) the conception of History as a producer of narratives about the past, related to scientific practices and to a social place (CERTEAU, 2008); 2) the notion of didactic transposition (CHEVALLARD, 1997), which allows us to identify a movement within the historical knowledge produced in the academy, the prepared knowledge aiming the teaching process and the effectively taught knowledge, in each specific classroom, brokered by epistemological, cultural and political decisions; 3) the teacher’s accumulated experience as one of the practices of validation of the historical-didactic truth, with the discourses coming from historiography and from the educational field, which allows him or restrains him from some decisions. In order to comprehend these premises in action, I directly analyze classes of five History teachers (men and women), collecting data from classroom observations, interviews, questionnaires answered by students and recording materials used in class, and understanding a varied set of observations made as purely rhetorical, once they make use of expedients which aim to negotiate the distances between the historical knowledge and the students. In this process, teachers project themselves as adults of reference, articulate values and intentionalities to their practices, arrange their classes in structured forms, animated by problematicities and permeated by rhetorical argumentative forms. In the relationship with the students, the importance of the word and the meanings of the students is emphasized in the narratives built in the classrooms.
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Latentní znalosti z obecné biologie u studentů středních škol / Secondary school students´ latent knowledge of cell biology and physiologyŠILHAVECKÁ, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this work was the verification and comparison of knowledge of the general biology curriculum learnt by students of eight year courses and four year courses in grammar schools. The set up and verification of the didactic test identifying the level of knowledge of general biology of students, its introduction and results assessment in the selected schools were a part of the assessment. The test was taken by the students of the fifth and eight classes of the eight year grammar schools and by students of the first and fourth class (of the four year grammar school). The objective of the test was to show what the students remembered immediately after the general biology curriculum had been taught (students of the fifth and first classes), and what they were able to recall after a certain time (students of the eight and fourth classes). The assessment of the results of the individual classes was carried out in detail and was drawn up in tables for clarity.
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Classifications morphologiques des verbes russes : émergence, évolution et perspectives d'une complexité épistémologique / Morphological classification of Russian verbs : emergence, evolution and perspectives of an epistemological complexityZhurauliova, Hanna 30 June 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche vise la description et l’explication des différentes classifications concernant le verbe russe, partie du discours la plus vaste et la plus difficile à organiser dans cette langue, de par ses nombreuses catégories et un système compliqué de conjugaison, ce qui a pour conséquence une multiplicité de propositions, au cours des siècles, tentant de maîtriser cette complexité. Ces tentatives diffèrent selon les idées dominantes de l’époque : par le choix de l’objet (slavon, vieux russe…), le point de vue jugé pertinent (diachronique, synchronique, logique…), le critère linguistique adopté (morphologique, sémantique…) et donc par les méthodologies dépendant de ces options théoriques, chacune révélant des faits nouveaux (telle la découverte de l’aspect) mais du même coup une complication supplémentaire pour le classement, et donc des difficultés accrues dans l'acquisition ou l'apprentissage du système verbal russe. Notre objectif est double : saisir pourquoi les classifications existantes aboutissent à des modèles trop complexes pour être enseignés tels quels, et déterminer le point de vue à adopter pour pallier le problème pédagogique : notre hypothèse est d’intégrer le critère de la fréquence (jamais pris en compte jusqu’ici). / This research concerns the description and explanation of various classifications of Russian verbs, which constitute the largest and most difficult-to-organise part of speech in the Russian language due to the numerous categories and the complicated system of conjugation which have led, over the centuries, to numerous propositions attempting to master this complexity. These attempts differ, according to the dominant ideas of each epoch: in the choice of the objective (Slavonic, Old Russian...), the viewpoint judged pertinent (diachronical, synchronical, logical...), the linguistic criterion adopted (morphological, semantic...) and therefore by the methodologies dependant on these theoretical options, each one revealing new facts (such as the discovery of the aspects), but at the same time becoming an extra complication for a classification and therefore adding more difficulties for acquiring or learning the Russian verb system. Ours is a double objective : to grasp why the existing classifications lead to models that are too complex to be taught as is, and to determine the proper viewpoint from which to remedy the pedagogical problem (which has never been taken into account so far).
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Les pratiques effectives d'acculturation à l'écrit en classe de CP : impact sur les représentations des élèves et sur l'apprentissage du lire-écrire / Effective practices of acculturation in writing in the first year of primary school : impact on the pupils' representations and on the learning of the reading-writingTiré, Marianne 11 December 2017 (has links)
Plusieurs enquêtes nationales et internationales (Lire écrire compter, PISA, PIRLS) ont pointé l’augmentation, en France, des écarts de performances en lecture et en écriture entre les élèves issus d’un milieu socioculturel défavorisé et ceux issus d’un milieu favorisé. Notre recherche s’inscrit dans le champ de la didactique de l’écrit. Elle cherche à montrer comment des pratiques enseignantes qui favorisent le processus d’acculturation à l’écrit et qui s’articulent à un apprentissage « technique » de la lecture et de l’écriture peuvent être un levier possible pour enrayer les inégalités. Pour explorer les liens entre pratiques d’acculturation à l’écrit dans les classes de CP et apprentissage de la lecture, une étude longitudinale a été réalisée dans deux classes de CP situées en éducation prioritaire. Notre démarche écologique et ethnographique s’appuie sur des données qualitatives et quantitatives que nous avons recueillies à partir d’entretiens réalisés auprès des élèves et des enseignantes et de questionnaires renseignés par les parents. Nos propres données ont été complétées par les données issues de la recherche #LireEcrireCP coordonnée par R. Goigoux (évaluations, questionnaires, fichiers « tâches codées », films de séances de classe). Les résultats mettent en évidence d’une part que des pratiques moyennement acculturantes ne permettent pas de faire suffisamment progresser les élèves afin de réduire les inégalités. D’autre part, ils montrent que pour être efficaces, les pratiques d’acculturation doivent non seulement être régulières et ritualisées mais aussi accompagnées de postures d’enseignement qui favorisent les interactions langagières pour rendre explicites les savoirs et les savoir-faire engagés, et qui considèrent l’écrit dans sa globalité et pas seulement comme une activité scolaire. Enfin, l’analyse de deux pratiques d’acculturation exemplaires (production d’écrit et pratiques variées de lectures) dans deux autres classes participant à la recherche #LireEcrireCP indique que des pratiques d’acculturation efficaces sont possibles, même en éducation prioritaire. Ainsi, il ressort de notre recherche que les pratiques d’acculturation assorties de gestes d’enseignement efficients peuvent contribuer à réduire les inégalités scolaires. / Several national and international studies (reading writing numeracy, PISA, PIRLS) have shown that the gap in France between pupils from privileged sociocultural backgrounds and those from a disadvantaged background when it comes to reading and writing is on the increase. Our research focuses on written teaching. We are trying to demonstrate how teaching practices that favour writing cultural integration through technical learning of reading and writing can help reducing inequalities. In order to explore the connection between cultural integration practices for writing in CP classes and learning to read, a longitudinal study was undertaken in two CP classes within a priority education zone. Our ecological and ethnographic approach is based on qualitative and quantitative data collected from interviews with pupils and teachers and from questionnaire filled in by parents. Our own data were compounded with results from #LireEcrireCP research coordinated by R.Goigoux (evaluations, questionnaires, “coded tasks” records, class videos). Results show on one hand that moderate cultural integration practices are not sufficient for pupils’ progress to reduce inequalities. On the other hand, that in order to be efficient, not only acculturation practices must be used regularly and routinely, but they must also be used in conjunction with teaching practices that encourage language interaction in order to make sense of what has been learned, and to consider writing in its entirety and not only in a school context. Finally, analysis of two examples of cultural integration (written assignment and various reading practices) in two other classes taking part in the study #LireEcrireCP shows that cultural integration practices can be successful, even in priority education. Our research therefore demonstrates that cultural integration practices, along with efficient teaching methods, can contribute to a reduction in academic inequalities.
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Repetition and internal allusion in Lucretius' 'De Rerum Natura'Buglass, Abigail Kate January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to solve the apparent problem of the frequent repetitions in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura (DRN). Verbal repetitions of many different lengths pervade DRN, and are noted in the scholarship. Yet a consensus has not been reached as to their purpose and function, or even if they rightly belong in the text. Multi-linear repetitions are viewed as a temporary stop-gap which Lucretius would have removed or adjusted had he lived long enough to effect it; or as later interpolations; while shorter repetitions are underplayed or even ignored altogether. But repetitions and internal allusions in DRN are part of a purposeful, meaningful didactic and rhetorical strategy, and they form much of the intellectual structure of the poem. These internal connections combine in DRN to form a remarkably complex intratextual network. The thesis argues that repetition is a crucial way in which Lucretius conveys his arguments and persuades the reader to pursue a rational life. Chapter 1 analyses the ways in which Lucretius' epic predecessors used repetition and how Lucretius may have applied these models. Chapter 2 looks at the internal evidence for the alleged unfinished state of the poem and examines the function of long repetitions in DRN. Chapter 3 investigates the rhetorical background to and functions of different kinds of repetition in DRN. Chapter 4 explores the didactic and psychological effects of repetitions and internal allusions. Chapter 5 shows how repetition creates an image of the world Lucretius describes: just as Lucretius tells us that atoms and compounds make up different substances depending on their arrangement in combination, so repetitions perform different functions and produce different outcomes depending on their placement in the text. Throughout the poem, repetition serves again and again to reinforce Lucretius' message, creating argumentative unity, and bringing order from chaos.
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Pour une théorisation des utilisations de la chanson en classe de langue : genres, contextes et publics : contribution à une définition de la chanson en tant que genre et perspectives méthodologiquesGourvennec, Ludovic 10 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif général de proposer une approche renouvelée de l'exploitation méthodologique de la chanson en classe de langue. Elle propose d'abord une définition théorique du genre de discours "chanson" (et notamment son ancrage dans la complexité du rapport création / production / diffusion / réception qui le définit). Cette démarche définitoire conduit à considérer un hypergenre (la chanson), décliné en trois genres de discours (la chanson interprétée version studio, la chanson représentée version en concert, la chanson illustrée version clip vidéo), chacun ayant ses spécificités génériques. Elle étudie ensuite l'inscription de ce genre dans la problématique méthodologique, en particulier telle qu'elle est présentée dans le CECRL. A la lumière d'une lecture critique des nombreuses contributions publiées depuis une quarantaine d'années et de témoignages d'enseignants, elle envisage quels objectifs l'enseignement/apprentissage peut viser par l'utilisation de chansons, quelles compétences cette exploitation peut permettre d'acquérir (la compétence générique s'avérant centrale) et comment l'exploitation de la chanson peut répondre aux enjeux induits par la notion de "tâche" et celle de "séquence didactique". Elle présente enfin des options méthodologiques concrètes, articulées selon différentes cohérences séquentielles, dont celles basées sur la tâche ou définies par la pédagogie du projet. / The general purpose of the thesis is to offer a renewed approach in the method of using songs in a language course. At first, the thesis gives a genral definition of the genre "song" (in particular its link with the complex chain creation / production / broadcast / reception which defines it). This defintion attempt leads up to the notion of a hyper genre (song), comprising three sub genres (studio recorded song, live song, illustrated song in a video clip), each one having its own generic specificity. The work then deals with the way this genre can be inscribed in the methodological questioning, in particular as it is presented in the CECRL.Through a critical reading of the numerous contributions published during the last forty years, the thesis presents which objectives the teaching/learning process can aim at through songs, which competences this pedagogy through songs allows to gain (as the generic competence appears to be central) and how it can constitute a means to tackles the specificities involved by the notions of "task" and "didactical sequence". Lastly, the thesis presents actual methodological options, in relation to the different sequence organisations, among which those based or defined by the pedagogy of project.
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Um estudo sobre o uso de recursos computacionais para o ensino de fun??esSilva, Adaias Corr?a da 26 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-11T18:18:18Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Diante da realidade do ensino da Matem?tica no Ensino B?sico no Brasil, principalmente no tocante ao conte?do de Fun??es e sua relev?ncia para o desenvolvimento acad?mico dos estudantes no Ensino B?sico e Superior, este trabalho prop?e o uso de softwares educacionais de maneira que auxiliem o ensino de Fun??es no Ensino B?sico, uma vez que os computadores e softwares se mostram como uma importante op??o de ferramenta de aux?lio no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, tendo a Engenharia Did?tica como metodologia de pesquisa e investiga??o. Foram aplicadas sequ?ncias did?ticas, onde buscou-se detectar as principais dificuldades no ensino de Fun??es no Ensino B?sico, propondo-se ent?o interven??es did?ticas a fim de auxiliar a aprendizagem dos discentes, analisando de forma qualitativa os resultados obtidos durante as interven??es. Ao final das interven??es did?ticas, verificou-se com a discuss?o dos resultados obtidos que os mesmos foram satisfat?rios em rela??o ao aprendizado da maior parte dos discentes. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o Matem?tica, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / In face of the reality of the Mathematics in Basic Education teaching, specially regarding to functions and its relevance to the student?s academic development in Basic and Superior Education, this work proposes the use of Educational softwares in a way that helps the teaching of functions in Basic Education, since the computers and softwares are shown as important options to help the teaching and learning processes, using the Didactic Engineering as a methodology research and investigation. Teaching sequences were applied in order to detect the main difficulties in the teaching process of functions in the Basic Education, then it was proposed Didactic Interventions in order to aid the students leraning, analyzing the qualitative form the results obtained along the interventions. Considering all the discussions of the results at the end of the didactic interventions, it was verified that the results obtained were satisfactory to the majority of the students.
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Cria??o e adapta??o de jogos para GeoGebraPinheiro, Paulo Geovane Ramalho 29 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-12T16:38:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 / Nesta disserta??o, desenvolveu-se um trabalho com jogos virtuais, utilizando parcialmente a Engenharia Did?tica, por se tratar de uma metodologia de pesquisa que valoriza o ambiente onde ocorre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O principal objetivo foi agregar uma nova ferramenta de trabalho no ensino de Matem?tica, pois prop?e-se ao professor do ensino m?dio adpatar ou criar jogos eletr?nicos, com o uso do programa GeoGebra, para uma maior participa??o dos discentes na busca pelo protagonismo de seu aprendizado. O foco dos jogos aqui trabalhados foi: Plano Cartesiano, Opera??es com n?meros inteiros, Gr?fico de fun??o quadr?tica e S?lidos geom?tricos. Esses conte?dos encontram-se na Matriz de refer?ncia de Matem?tica do estado de MG e para pr?tica dos mesmos, foram realizadas interven??es did?ticas em laborat?rio computacional da Escola Estadual Chaves Ribeiro, localizada no munic?pio de Itaobim, onde os estudantes competiram entre si na execu??o de jogos virtuais. Ademais, para an?lise deste trabalho, empregou-se question?rios cujos resultados serviram para confrontar o conhecimento pr?vio e o conhecimento dos estudantes adquirido ap?s o uso dos jogos. Ap?s a an?lise dos resultados obtidos, pode-se constatar que a pr?tica de jogos virtuais p?de colaborar na melhora do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, como tamb?m dinamizou o ambiente de ensino, tornando as aulas mais atraentes. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o Matem?tica, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / In this dissertation, a work was developed with virtual games, partially using Didactic Engineering, because it is a research methodology that values the environment where the teaching-learning process occurs. The main objective was to add a new working tool in the teaching of Mathematics, because it is proposed to the high school teacher to adapt or create electronic games, using the GeoGebra program, for a greater participation of the students in the search for the protagonism of their learning . The focus of the games
worked here was: Cartesian plane, Operations with integers, Quadratic function graph and Geometric solids. These contents are found in the Mathematical Reference Mathematics of the state of Minas Gerais and for their practice, didactic interventions were carried out in a computer lab of the Chaves Ribeiro State School, located in the municipality of Itaobim, where students competed with each other in the execution of games virtual communities. In addition, to analyze this work, questionnaires were used, whose results served to confront the previous knowledge and knowledge of the students acquired after the use of the games. After analyzing the results obtained, it can be seen that the practice of virtual games could help improve the teaching-learning process, as well as dynamized the teaching environment, making classes more attractive.
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Vers une didactique du cours particulier : pacte didactique et centration sur l'apprenant / Face to face didacticNano, Floric 15 June 2018 (has links)
Le premier cours particulier de langue donne lieu dans de nombreux cas à des ratages dans la négociation du pacte didactique entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant, lesquels ratages génèrent une centration sur le professeur et non sur l'élève. La mise en place d'un outil à visée diagnostique doit permettre de développer un pacte didactique pérenne qui permettra cette centration idéale sur l'apprenant. / The first private language course leads in many cases to failures in negotiating educational pact between the teacher and the learner, which generate failures centration on the teacher and not the student. The implementation of a tool for diagnostic purposes should help develop a sustainable educational pact that will this ideal centering on the learner.
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Didaktické hry a jejich zařazení do výuky fyziky na ZŠ / Didactic games and their inclusion to physics teaching at basic schoolNOVÁKOVÁ, Alena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the inclusion of educational games in teaching physics at the elementary schools. The work aims to create a set of educational games for teaching physics at the elementary school. The theoretical part analyzes the theory of didactic games and use of games in education, increasing motivation among pupils. Further the theoretical part consists of an analysis of the selected thematic unit "substances and bodies". The practical part consists of a set of my own didactic games. Created didactic games can serve mainly for practicing, repetition and consolidation of curriculum and are designed to develop the selected key competencies to stimulate the innate playfulness and creativity of students. They also provide feedback on students' knowledge. It is possible to include games into the teaching in the form of competitions of individuals, couples or groups of pupils. Didactic games' benefits were verified in tests. Evaluation and results of these tests are elaborated at the end of this work.
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