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Iglesia Maradoniana : en studie om fotboll, religion och identitet i ArgentinaAnselmo, Benjamin January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie är genomförd i Argentina, ”fotbollens land”. Den handlar om en grupp människor som möts en till två gånger per år i vad man kallar Maradonakyrkan för att helga Diego Armando Maradona. Studien genomfördes i form av fältstudier på plats i Argentina med metoder som intervjuer och deltagande observationer. Maradonakyrkan är ett så pass nytt fenomen att inga akademiska texter funnits att tillgå. Begrepp som tas upp och diskuteras är bland andra fanatism och idoldyrkan. En av frågorna som ställs är om Maradonakyrkan kan ses som en religion. Med hjälp av Magnus Engstrands teorier så är resultatet: ja det kan den. Uppsatsen har bidragit till att skänka ljus åt en annars nästan helt okänd religion. Förhoppningen är att den kan leda till att fler undersökningar görs kring förhållandet religion och sport i allmänhet och om Maradonakyrkan i synnerhet.
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Masculinidades de moda : machos del Siglo de OroGagnon, Julie E. January 2003 (has links)
Among the diverse fabric of masculinities that prestigious authors such as Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Tirso de Molina and Agustin Moreto weave into their plots, fashion proves to be a common thread and a particularly useful tool. Thus, as I approach the idea of "Fashionable Masculinities" and investigate a few "macho" and/or not so "macho men" in Early Modern drama I hope to go beyond the traditional interpretations, stereotypes and icons often associated with men---in particular, Spanish men in Golden Age drama. This will be achieved by revisiting typical cases and compared through research and documentation of atypical representations of maleness that could be considered displacements and/or subversions of the social matrix. In effect, this study explores how the male ideal is shaped and judged both by the essence of his personality, as well as his physical appearance (i.e.: clothing, hairstyle, mannerisms, discourse and voice). As such, it becomes evident that masculinity is moulded, influenced, enhanced, exaggerated and even muted as it is subject to the whim of different fashions prevalent at a specific moment in time. Moreover, a multitude of social, cultural, racial and historical factors determine the always changing image of the so called "macho man". / Therefore, in order to explore distinct representations of masculinity I approach three different comedias by three different playwrights while comparing how the main character's masculinity fared in three very important spaces: physical, social and sexual. I focus my attention on Saber del mal y del bien by Calderon. Secondly, Don Gil de las calzas verdes by Tirso and explored El lindo don Diego by Moreto. Each one the these represents a different degree of palatable male identities given this particular social construct.
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Rahmenbestimmungen : Funktionen von Rahmen bei Goya, Velázquez, van Eyck und Degas /Beyer, Vera. January 2008 (has links)
Based on the author's dissertation (doctoral)--Universität Hamburg, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 237-252).
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Discursividades y transformaciones del sujeto poético en los poetas chilenos de neovanguardia del período 1973-1985: revisión y análisis de la ruptura y el programa poético de La nueva novela de Juan Luis Martínez, Purgatorio de Raúl Zurita, La Tirana de Diego Maquieira y Proyecto de Obras Completas de Rodrigo LiraOjeda Barías, Sergio January 2015 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Literatura / Esta investigación abarca la poesía chilena de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, en el
periodo comprendido entre 1973 – 1985. Analiza, da cuenta y reconoce las
discursividades y transformaciones del sujeto poético en un grupo de autores que
los estudios críticos han conceptualizado como la neovanguardia. El corpus de
lectura corresponde a: La nueva novela de Juan Luis Martínez (1977), Purgatorio
de Raúl Zurita (1979), La Tirana de Diego Maquieira (1983) y Proyecto de Obras
Completas de Rodrigo Lira (obra póstuma, 1984).
Así, se recorren los principales componentes de un nuevo programa discursivo de
ruptura cuya característica principal es una profunda fragmentación del sujeto
poético. Este fenómeno deviene en un proyecto poético que, recogiendo la herencia
de la vanguardia histórica, clausura las posibilidades del poema formal y se rebasa
a lo extratextual.
El análisis discursivo de las escrituras se guía principalmente bajo los postulados
teóricos de Mijail Bajtín y Yuri Lotman, lo que posibilita el estudio de la poesía desde
la perspectiva de los géneros discursivos como un sistema complejo que se nutre
de un conjunto de elementos extraliterarios. Otros enfoques teóricos se integran a
la discusión bibliográfica. Analizar las discursividades poéticas como sistemas
polisemánticos y multigenéricos, ha sido uno de los propósitos centrales de este
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A bi-county examination of child welfare workers' levels of compassion fatigue and coping skillsKeyes, Pamela Marie, Smith, Christina Leigh 01 January 2005 (has links)
This study examined the relationship between child welfare workers' coping skills and their levels of empathy. The author developed instruments for measuring empathy and for measuring coping skills. Measures of the coping skills and empathy of child welfare workers in San Bernardino County and San Diego County were compared and found to be similar; the author hoped that this would demonstrate that the results can be generalized. The hypothesis that excellent coping skills diminish compassion fatigue and lead to increased empathy was supported.
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La chronique X: reconstitution et analyse d'une source perdue capitale sur l'histoire aztèque, d'après l'Historia de las Indias de Nueva España de D. Duran (1581) et la Crónica mexicana de F.A. Tezozomoc (ca. 1598)Peperstraete, Sylvie 22 December 2005 (has links)
Parmi les premières chroniques sur les civilisations préhispaniques, à l’importance fondamentale mais au destin souvent funeste, c’est de l’une des plus intéressantes et des plus énigmatiques, la Chronique X, dont il est question dans cette thèse. Ecrite en nahuatl et abondamment illustrée, il s’agit, et de loin, de la source la plus détaillée dont disposent les mexicanistes sur l’histoire des Aztèques, depuis leurs origines mythiques jusqu’à la Conquête espagnole. Actuellement considérée comme perdue, elle nous est toutefois partiellement parvenue à travers deux adaptations en espagnol du dernier quart du XVIe siècle, réalisées respectivement par un religieux dominicain d’origine espagnole, Diego Durán, et par l’un des petits-fils de Montezuma II, l’historien indien Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc. / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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The Familiar Foreign Country: Reading Mexico in Cormac McCarthy, Jack Kerouac, and Katherine Anne PorterLigairi, Rachel Mae 12 July 2006 (has links)
My thesis examines the discourse of Mexico in the works of three twentieth-century American authors-Cormac McCarthy, Jack Kerouac, and Katherine Anne Porter-in order to analyze representations of Otherness in modernism and postmodernism. I seek to destabilize the dividing line between these periods as well as to show how representation in postmodernity has become more problematic due in large part to the proliferation of consumer culture. Though the Mexico that McCarthy employs in Blood Meridian and the Border Trilogy (All the Pretty Horses, The Crossing, and Cities of the Plain) escapes many stereotypes, his Mexico is merely a staging ground that he uses to examine postmodern questions of philosophy while deconstructing myths such as the Old West and Manifest Destiny and reflecting on the ramifications of World War II. Therefore, McCarthy elides Mexico by using its Otherness as a mirror that enables reflection on the Self. Kerouac too is interested in using Mexico to solve U.S. problems. In On the Road, Kerouac's fictional counterpart, Sal Paradise, searches for the authenticity missing from middle-class American life by ultimately turning to the "authentic" Mexico. Though he is able to distinguish between simulations and reality in his own cultural context, once south of the border Sal misrecognizes what is a hypperreal Mexico for supreme authenticity. By contrast, when Katherine Anne Porter crosses the border, she is quick to identify corruption and revolutionary failure in Mexico. When pieces such as "Xochimilco" and "María Concepción" are placed alongside that of the work of Diego Rivera, a leader in the Mexican muralist movement, it becomes clear that Porter essentializes her Mexican subjects with the specific political goal in mind of furthering the revolution. Additionally, by crossing the generic lines separating fiction and non-fiction, Porter approximates what could be called a postmodern form of ethnography. Yet all of her representational strategies are tempered, especially in her last Mexican story, Hacienda, by an awareness that representations of Other cannot be other than flawed.
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Curating the Americas: Library Practices and Early Histories of the New World Between Spain and VeniceMendez, Alexandra Vialla January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation investigates how a network of Venetian and Spanish scholars placed ancient texts and new geographic information about the Americas in dialogue to create new histories of the modern world, from the 1510s to the 1550s. I focus in particular on the print production and manuscript exchanges of Venetian state officials Giovanni Battista Ramusio, Pietro Bembo, and Andrea Navagero, and Spanish state officials Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. Under the custodianship of Navagero, Bembo, and Ramusio, the Library of St. Mark, donated to the Republic of Venice by the Greek cardinal Bessarion in 1468, functioned as a site of knowledge production. The gatekeeping and information management practices that these men carried out as caretakers of this politically charged library of Greek and Latin books informed their manuscript exchanges and print production.
Geographic news from the Americas in the form of letters, accounts, maps, and printed works posed a particular challenge to classical understandings of the globe, and the Spanish and Venetian intellectuals examined here together faced the challenge of apprehending the new and determining the role and relevance of ancient texts such as those of Ptolemy, Plato, Pliny, and Strabo in the contemporary world.
Through their histories, summaries, anthologies, and commentaries, they made news into history, curating the presentation of the Americas for their reading publics. Their published works fixed in print the fluid correspondence networks and manuscript exchanges that enabled their creation, making the private public with a great deal of mediation, selection, and suppression or selective acknowledgment of sources and dialogues. By reading the printed works together with the manuscript backstory, I reveal how these scholars pushed at the boundaries of what was expected of them as Spanish or Venetian state agents. Their curated presentation of information about the Americas obscured the porosity of intellectual exchange among Spanish and Venetian intellectuals at the time, and the extent to which the production of Americana in Venice is not just a Venetian story, but also a Spanish one.
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Extending the solicitation management system: User interface improvement and system administration supportChen, Kun-Che 01 January 2008 (has links)
The main purpose of this project is to develop new functionalities for the Solicitation Management System (SMS) to support the Office of Technology Transfer and Commercialization (OTTC), California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) and the Center for the Commercialization of Advanced Technology (CCAT), San Diego State University (SDSU) for the 2008 solicitation, which opened on 28 Jan 2008. SMS is a system built to facilitate the processing of grant proposal solicitations. The SMS was first built in 2004 and was primarily used by the OTTC, CSUSB for its solicitation activities. The new version of the SMS is more user friendly, so that it is easier for users to use and comprehend. The purpose of this software is to aid the processing of a solicitation for organizations that conduct solicitations for grant proposals.
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Masculinidades de moda : machos del Siglo de OroGagnon, Julie E. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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