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Sammanställning av utbildningsmaterial om reservkraft med inriktning dieselaggregat / Compilation of education material regarding back-up power with focus on diesel power generatorsAndersson, Martin, Hägerström, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Dagens samhälle är uppbyggt av ett konstant energiberoende för att få samhällets alla funktioner att fungera. Ett strömavbrott kan därför bli förödande där kontinuerlig tillgång till elektricitet behövs, trots att Sverige har starka elnät har kravet att alltid ha tillgång till elektricitet öppnat upp en marknad för reservkraft. Syftet med det här arbetet var att ta fram kursmaterial för att läsaren ska få en övergripande kunskap om reservkraft med inriktning på dieselkraft. Det framtagna kursmaterialet består av rekommendationer i form av sidhänvisningar ur källor som kan användas vid sammanställning av undervisningsmaterial. Kompendiematerialet kompletteras med en PowerPoint-struktur som kan användas i undervisningssyfte. Genom att studera relevanta källor har vi fördjupat oss i ämnet dieselaggregat och har plockat ut sidhänvisningar enligt kopieringsavtalet, som gäller för högskolan, som vi anser passa bra vid skapandet av ett kompendium. Vi har även strukturerat en grund till en PowerPoint som kan underlätta vid skapandet av föreläsningsmaterial.Denna rapport förklarar ett dieselaggregats tekniska uppbyggnad och vad som är viktigt att tänka på vid dimensionering av ett aggregat. Rapporten tar även upp rekommenderat underhåll samt de miljö- och säkerhetskrav som ställs på att aggregat. / Today's society is composed of a constant energy dependency to get all functions of the modern society to function, a power failure can be devastating. Even though Sweden has a strong power grid, the requirement to always have access to electricity has opened up a market for back-up power. The aim of this work was to create material that could be used in educational purpose and for the reader to get a basic understanding of back-up power with focus on diesel generated power. The course material consists of recommendation of content in the form of page references from sources that fit well in the compilation ofeducation material in the form of a compendium. The compendium is supplemented with a layout of a PowerPoint presentation that can be used for educational purposes. By studying the relevant sources, we have deepened in our topic diesel generated power and have picked out page references, in accordance with the agreement regarding the school copy law, which we consider to be a good fit for the creation of a compendium. We have also created a foundation to a PowerPoint that can facilitate the creation of lecture material. This report explains the structure of a diesel power generator and what is important to consider when sizing a power system. The report also discusses recommended maintenance as well as the requirements placed on a diesel power generator.
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Energy Storage System for Wind-Diesel Power System in Remote LocationsCordeiro, Roberto January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show how much fuel can be saved in a power system based in diesel generators with integrated wind turbine (WDPS – Wind Diesel Power System) when a storage system is integrated. Diesel generator is still the most used power system for remote locations where the conventional grid doesn’t reach and its integration with wind turbine is seen as a natural combination to reduce diesel consumption. However, the wind intermittency brings some challenges that might prevent the necessary diesel savings to the level that justifies the integration with wind turbine. The introduction of a storage system can leverage the wind energy that would otherwise be wasted and use it during periods of high demand.The thesis starts by describing the characteristics of energy storage systems (ESS) and introducing the major ESS technologies: Flywheel, Pumped Hydro, Compressed Air and the four main battery technologies, Lead Acid, Nickel-Based, Lithium-ion and Sodium-Sulphur. The aim of this step it to obtain and compile major ESS parameters to frame then into a chart that will be used as a comparison tool.In the next step, wind-diesel power systems are described and the concept of Wind Penetration is introduced. The ratio between the wind capacity and diesel capacity determines if the wind penetration is low, medium and high and this level has a direct relation to the WDPS complexity. This step also introduces important concepts pertaining to grid load and how they are affected by the wind penetration.Next step shows the development of models for low, medium and high penetration WDPS with and without integrated ESS. Simulations are executed based on these models in order to determine the diesel consumption for each of them. The simulations are done by using reMIND tool.The final step is a comparative study where the most appropriated ESS technology is chosen based on adequacy to the system, system size and location. Once the technology is chosen, the ESS economic viability is determine based on the diesel savings obtained in the previous step.Since this is a general demonstration, no specific data about wind variation and consumer demand was used. The wind variation, which is used as the input for the wind turbine (WT), was obtained from a typical Weibull Distribution which is the kind of distribution that most approximate a wind pattern for long term data collection. The wind variation over time was then randomly generated from this distribution. The consumer load variation is based on a typical residential load curves. Although the load curve was generated randomly, its shape was maintained in conformity with the typical curves.This thesis has demonstrated that ESS integrated to WDPS can actually bring a reasonable reduction in diesel utilization. Even with a wind pattern with a low mean speed (5.31 m/s), the savings obtained was around of 17%.Among all ESS technologies studied, only Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) showed to be a viable technology for a small capacity WDPS. Among the four BESS technologies studied, Lead-Acid presents the highest diesel savings with the lower initial investment and shorter payback time. / O objetivo dessa tese é determinar quanto combustível pode ser economizado quando se integra um sistema de armazenamento de energia (ESS na sigla em Inglês) a um sistema gerador baseado em gerador diesel integrado com turbina eólica (WDPS na sigla em Inglês). Geradores à diesel são largamente utilizados em áreas remotas onde a rede de distribuição de eletricidade não chega, e a integração de geradores à diesel com turbinas eólicas se tornou a combinação usual visando a economia de combustível. No entanto, a intermitência do vento cria alguns desafios que podem inclusive tornar essa integração inviável economicamente. A introdução de ESS à esse sistema visa o aproveitamento da energia que seria desperdiçada para usá-la em periodos de alta demanda.A tese começa descrevendo as características de ESS e suas principais tecnologias: Flyweel, hidroelétrica de bombeamento, ar-comprimido e as quatro principais tecnologias de bateria, Chumbo-Ácido, Níquel, Íon de Lítio e Sódio-Sulfúrico. O objetivo dessa etapa é obter os principais parâmetros de ESS e apresentá-los numa planilha para referência futura.Na etapa seguinte, geradores à diesel são descritos e é introduzido o conceito de Penetração do Vento. A razão entre a capacidade eólica e a capacidade do gerador diesel determina se a penetração é baixa, média ou alta, e esse nível tem uma relação direta com a complexidade do WDPS. Nessa etapa também são introduzidos importantes conceitos sobre demanda numa rede de distribuição de eletricidade e como esta é afetada pela penetração do vento.A etapa seguinte apresenta a modelagem de WDPS com baixa, média e alta penetração, incluindo a integração com ESS. Sobre esses modelos são então executadas simulações buscando determinar o consumo de diesel de cada um. As simulações são feitas usando a ferramenta reMIND.A última etapa é um estudo comparativo para determinar qual tecnologia de ESS é a mais apropriada para WDPS, levando-se em conta sua localização geográfica e capacidade. Uma vez que a escolha tenha sido feita, a viabilidade econômica do ESS é calculada baseado na ecomonia de combustível obtida na etepa anterior.Como esta tese apresenta uma demonstração, não foram utilizados dados reais de variação do vento nem de consumo. A variação do vento foi obtida de uma distribuição Weibull típica, que é a distribuição que mais se aproxima da característica do vento coletada em logo prazo. A variação do vento no tempo foi gerada aleatoriamente baseada nessa distribuição. A curva de consumo é baseada em curvas de consumo residenciais típicas. Embora a curva de consumo tenha sido gerada aleatoriamente, o seu formato foi mantido em conformidade com as curvas típicas.Essa tese demonstrou que ESS integrado à WDPS pode trazer uma economia razoável. Mesmo usando uma distribuição de vento com baixo valor médio (5.3 m/s), a economia obtida foi de 17%.Dentre as tecnologias de ESS pesquisadas, apenas o sistema de armazenamento com bateria (BESS na sigla em Inglês) se mostrou viável para um WDPS com pequena capacidade. Dentre as quatro tecnologias de BESS pesquisadas, Chumbo-Ácido foi a que apresentou a maior economia de diesel com o menor investimento inicial e com o menor tempo de retorno do investimento.
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Batteridrift på mindre fartyg : Klimatnyttigt eller inte? / Conversion to electric propulsion on smaller vessels : Environmentally friendly or not?Nordborg, Erik, Ide, Amadeus January 2022 (has links)
De europeiska klimatmålen gällande utsläpp av växthusgaser blir allt tuffare, och man börjar tänka i banorna att elektrifiera sina fordon och fartyg. Detta innebär en mer omfattande batteridrift och produktion av litium-jon batterier.Frågeställningen i denna studie, kretsar kring hur klimatet egentligen påverkas av elektrifieringen av ett fartyg. Både gällande driften av fartyget samt vid framställningen av batterierna som krävs för framdriften. Beräkningarna koncentrerar sig enbart på koldioxidutsläppen och en jämförelse har gjorts med ett dieseldrivet fartyg.Resultaten visar att driften av fartyget renderade i mer utsläpp än vad själva framställningen av litium-jon batterier gjorde. Utsläppen som uppstår vid elproduktionen visade sig skilja mycket beroende på vilket europeiskt land fartyget framförs i. Detta på grund av att användningen av fossilfria energikällor är olika runt om i Europa. Om det batteridrivna fartyget framförs i Sverige skulle utsläppen motsvara 2% av utsläppen från det dieseldrivna fartyget. Om det batteridrivna fartyget däremot framfördes i Estland skulle utsläppen öka med 17% gentemot utsläppen från det dieseldrivna fartyget.Slutsatserna av denna studie är att koldioxidutsläppen från ett eldrivet fartyg blir betydligt mindre än från ett dieseldrivet fartyg, om detta fartyg framförs och laddas i Sverige. Men att nyttan för klimatet inte blir densamma, om man framför fartyget i andra europeiska länder, där elproduktionen sker med större delen fossil kraft. / The European climate goals are getting tougher when it comes to emissions from carbon dioxide. Therefore, the electrification of various vehicles and ships are increasing. This equals to an increase in production and operation of lithium-ion batteries.This thesis investigated how the environment is getting affected by the emission that develops during the electrification of a smaller ship. Parameters that have been accounted for are, the operation of the ship, and the production of the lithium-ion batteries. The emissions from carbon dioxide were the only emissions taken to account. A comparison with a diesel-powered ship was also conducted.The results revealed that the emissions from the operation of the ship are greater than the emissions from production of the batteries. It also showed that the emissions differentiated dependent on which European country the ship would operate in. This depends on the usage of fossil-free energy sources throughout Europe. If the vessel would be operated in Sweden, the emissions would only be 2% of the emissions produced by the diesel-powered ship. But if the ship instead would operate in Estonia, the emissions would be 17% higher than the emissions produced by the diesel-powered ship.The conclusions of this thesis are that emissions from an electric ship becomes significantly lower than those from a diesel-powered ship. But if the ship would operate in other European countries, the environmental benefit would not be as great.
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Economic Feasibility Photovoltaic/Diesel/Battery Hybrid Power Syatems to replace stand-alone diesel generators in off-grid remote areas of ZambiaKapambwe, Elias January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The specification of a small commercial wind energy conversion system for the South African Antarctic Research Base SANAE IVStander, Johan Nico 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The sustainability and economy of the current South African National Antarctic
Expedition IV (SANAE IV) base diesel-electric power system are threatened by
the current high fuel prices and the environmental pollution reduction obligations.
This thesis presents the potential technical, environmental and economical
challenges associated with the integration of small wind energy conversion system
(WECS) with the current SANAE IV diesel fuelled power system. Criteria
derived from technical, environmental and economic assessments are applied in
the evaluation of eight commercially available wind turbines as to determine the
most technically and economically feasible candidates.
Results of the coastal Dronning Maud Land and the local Vesleskarvet cold
climate assessments based on long term meteorological data and field data are
presented. Field experiments were performed during the 2007-2008 austral
summer. These results are applied in the generation of a wind energy resource
map and in the derivation of technical wind turbine evaluation criteria.
The SANAE IV energy system and the electrical grid assessments performed are
based on long term fuel consumption records and 2008 logged data. Assessment
results led to the identification of SANAE IV specific avoidable wind turbine grid
integration issues. Furthermore, electro-technical criteria derived from these
results are applied in the evaluation of the eight selected wind turbines.
Conceptual wind turbine integration options and operation modes are also
Wind turbine micro-siting incorporating Vesleskarvet specific climatological,
environmental and technical related issues are performed. Issues focusing on wind
turbine visual impact, air traffic interference and the spatial Vesleskarvet wind
distribution are analysed. Three potential sites suited for the deployment of a
single or, in the near future, a cluster of small wind turbines are specified.
Economics of the current SANAE IV power system based on the South African
economy (May 2008) are analysed. The life cycle economic impact associated
with the integration of a small wind turbine with the current SANAE IV power
system is quantified. Results of an economic sensitivity analysis are used to
predict the performance of the proposed wind-diesel power systems. All wind
turbines initially considered will recover their investment costs within 20 years
and will yield desirable saving as a result of diesel fuel savings, once integrated
with the SANAE IV diesel fuelled power system.
Finally, results of the technical and economical evaluation of the selected
commercially available wind turbines indicated that the Proven 6 kWrated, Bergey
10 kWrated and Fortis 10 kWrated wind turbines are the most robust and will yield
feasible savings.
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