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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de la SERPINA1, une antiprotéase différentiellement exprimée dans le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire

Normandin, Karine 12 1900 (has links)
Le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal. La survie à 5 ans est de 30-40% chez les patientes atteintes d’une tumeur invasive (TOV), comparativement à 95% chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour une tumeur à faible potentiel de malignité ou borderline (LMP). Au laboratoire, l’analyse de l’expression des gènes de la micropuce à ADN U133 d’Affymetrix a révélé que la SERPINA1 est un gène dont l’expression varie entre les tumeurs LMP et TOV. La validation par Q-PCR nous a confirmé que cette antiprotéase est majoritairement surexprimée dans les tumeurs LMP, par rapport aux tumeurs bénignes (BOV) et aux tumeurs TOV. Nous avons donc surexprimé la SERPINA1 dans les lignées cellulaires invasives TOV 112D et TOV 1946 du cancer de l’ovaire et dérivé des clones stables. Les résultats obtenus nous indiquent que la surexpression de la SERPINA1 a un effet sur la capacité d’invasion et de migration cellulaire et non au niveau de la croissance cellulaire et la formation de structures tridimensionnelles. Les résultats issus de l’étude in vivo dans les souris SCID nous permettront de déterminer si la surexpression de la SERPINA1 a un effet sur la tumorigénèse ovarienne. Ainsi, la SERPINA1 demeure à notre avis un candidat d’intérêt pour tenter de mieux comprendre les différences biologiques entre les tumeurs LMP et TOV, ainsi que le rôle des protéases et de leurs inhibiteurs dans la progression tumorale du cancer de l’ovaire. / Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic cancer with a five-year survival rate of 30-40% in patients diagnosed with high-grade invasive disease (TOV). This is in stark contrast to the 95% five-year survival in patients diagnosed with low malignant potential (LMP) disease. It is therefore important to understand the biological differences between LMP and TOV. We have previously identified differential expression of SERPINA1 between serous LMP and TOV tumors through gene expression analysis using Affymetrix U133 DNA microarrays. Expression of this protease inhibitor in the majority of LMP tumors was confirmed and validated by Q-PCR. To study the effects of its overexpression on the invasive potential of ovarian cancer cell lines, SERPINA1 was cloned in the pcDNA3.1+ plasmid and stable clones were derived from two invasive ovarian cancer cell lines, TOV 112D and TOV 1946. Comparisons between clones and controls have shown no SERPINA1-dependent difference in cellular growth or spheroid formation. However, effects on cellular migration and invasion are observed in cells overexpressing SERPINA1. Results from an in vivo xenograft study in SCID mice will allow us to determine if SERPINA1 overexpression affects ovarian tumorigenesis. SERPINA1 remains an interesting candidate gene whose further characterization may lead to insights into its role, and the role of proteases and their inhibitors, in ovarian cancer disease progression.

Caractérisation de Cks1, régulateur du cycle cellulaire, dans le cancer épithélial de l'ovaire

Desgagnés, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal. La survie à 5 ans est de 30-40% chez les patientes atteintes d’une tumeur invasive(TOV), comparativement à 95% chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour une tumeur à faible potentiel de malignité (LMP). Au laboratoire, l’analyse de l’expression des gènes de la micropuce à ADN HuFL d’Affymetrix a révélé que Cks1 est un gène dont l’expression varie entre les tumeurs LMP et TOV. En effet, ce régulateur du cycle cellulaire est surexprimé dans les tumeurs TOV par rapport aux tumeurs LMP. Nous avons donc déplété Cks1 dans des lignées cellulaires tumorales invasives du cancer de l’ovaire dérivées au laboratoire, soit la TOV112D et la TOV1946, en utilisant des shRNAs sous le contrôle d’un répresseur inductible à la tétracycline. Puis, nous avons dérivé des clones stables inductibles à la tétracycline. Les résultats obtenus nous indiquent que la déplétion de Cks1 n’a pas d’effet sur la prolifération et la migration cellulaires, ni sur la formation de structures tridimensionnelles in vitro. Ainsi, nous pouvons conclure que Cks1 ne joue pas un rôle clé dans la progression tumorale par rapport aux paramètres testés. Or, des études supplémentaires seraient nécessaires pour expliquer les différences biologiques observées entre les deux types de tumeurs étudiées, et justifier cette variation observée de l’expression de Cks1. / Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic cancer with a five-year survival rate of only 30-40% in patients diagnosed with high-grade invasive disease (TOV). This contrasts with the 95% five-year survival in patients diagnosed with the low malignant potential (LMP)disease. Previously, we have identified differential expression of Cks1 between serous LMP and TOV tumors through gene expression analysis using Affymetrix HuFL DNA microarrays. Overexpression of this cell cycle regulator was observed in the TOV tumors, but not in the LMP samples. To study its role on the invasive potential of ovarian cancer cell lines, Cks1 was depleted in two tumoral invasive ovarian cancer cell lines established in our laboratory, TOV112D and TOV1946, using an inducible shRNA strategy. Then, tetracycline-inducible stable clones were derived and studied further. Comparisons between clones and controls have shown no Cks1-dependent effect on cellular growth, neither in migration capacity nor spheroid formation. Thus, we can conclude that Cks1 does not play a crucial role in the tested parameters for cancer progression, but further experiments could elucidate the biological differences observed between the two kinds of tumors studied.

Identificação de genes de maracujá azedo diferencialmente expressos durante a interação com Xanthomonas axonopodis / Identification of differentially expressed genes during the yellow passion fruit- Xanthomonas axonopodis interaction

Munhoz, Carla de Freitas 04 October 2013 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de maracujá azedo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) sendo esta a espécie de maior expressão comercial dentre as passifloras cultivadas. A bacteriose do maracujazeiro, causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae (Xap), é uma das doenças mais severas da cultura, acarretando grandes prejuízos aos produtores. Atualmente, é incipiente o conhecimento sobre a interação maracujá azedo-Xap. Diante disso, a identificação e a caracterização dos genes envolvidos no processo de defesa são passos importantes para dar suporte ao desenvolvimento de variedades resistentes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar genes de maracujá azedo diferencialmente expressos durante a resposta de defesa à Xap, bem como mensurar a sua expressão. Para isso, foram construídas duas bibliotecas subtrativas de cDNA (forward e reverse) usando o método SSH a partir de transcritos de folhas, que foram inoculadas com o patógeno ou solução salina (controle). Após o sequenciamento dos clones, o processamento e a montagem das sequências, as unisequências foram anotadas através da Plataforma PLAZA e do programa computacional Blast2GO. Genes envolvidos em diversos processos biológicos foram selecionados para a validação das bibliotecas por PCR quantitativo. Usando a Plataforma PLAZA, 78 % (764) das unisequências mostraram similaridade com proteínas de Arabidopsis thaliana, enquanto 87 % (866) delas apresentaram similaridade com proteínas putativas de diversas espécies vegetais, quando se utilizou Blast2GO. Na biblioteca forward, foram identificadas 73 proteínas relacionadas à resposta de defesa, dentre as quais estão proteínas envolvidas na sinalização intracelular, na ativação da transcrição e regulação da expressão de genes de defesa, bem como proteínas de defesa, de resistência e relacionadas à patogênese (PRs). Dentre os 22 transcritos validados, 95 % foram diferencialmente expressos em pelo menos um dos três períodos avaliados; os genes mais expressos em resposta à infecção pelo patógeno são os que codificam as enzimas lipoxigenase, (+)-neomentol desidrogenase e quitinase, as quais participam diretamente nas respostas de defesa vegetal. Dos genes cuja expressão foi mais reprimida, dois codificam proteínas relacionadas à fotossíntese e dois codificam proteínas envolvidas na detoxificação da amônia e do H2O2. Nossos resultados sugerem que a planta utiliza um arsenal de transcritos para responder à infecção; entretanto, este arsenal não é eficiente para impedir a ação do patógeno e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento da bacteriose nas condições estudadas. Nosso estudo é inédito e gerou informações sobre a reprogramação transcricional durante a interação maracujá azedo-Xap, o que constitui um importante passo para o melhor entendimento sobre este patossistema. / Brazil is the main producer of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) worldwide, which is the most widely commercialized crop among the cultivated passifloras. The bacterial leaf spot induced by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae (Xap) is one of the most severe diseases of the crop, causing great losses to producers. Currently, we understand very little about the yellow passion fruit-Xap interaction. Therefore, the identification and characterization of genes involved in the defense process are important steps to support the development of resistant varieties. Thus, the objective of this study was identify and characterize differentially expressed genes during the defense response to Xap, as well as to measure their expression. For that, we constructed two subtractive cDNA libraries (the forward and the reverse) by performing the SSH method from leaf transcripts, which were inoculated with the pathogen or saline solution (control). After sequencing the clones and sequence data processing, sequences were assembled into unique sequences, which were annotated using the PLAZA Platform and the computational program Blast2GO. Genes involved in several biological processes were selected to validate the libraries by quantitative PCR. When PLAZA was used for sequence similarity searches, 78 % (764) of the yellow passion fruit unique sequences showed similarity to proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana; when Blast2GO was used, 87 % (866) of the unique sequences showed similarities to putative proteins of several plant species. For the forward library, 73 proteins related to defense response were identified, such as those involved in intracellular signaling, transcription activation and regulation of defense gene expression, as well as defense and resistance proteins, and pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs). Of the 22 validated transcripts, 95 % were differentially expressed during at least one of the three periods evaluated; the genes up-regulated in response to the pathogen infection were those that code for the enzymes lipoxygenase, (+)-neomenthol dehydrogenase and chitinase, which participate directly in plant-defense responses. Out of down-regulated genes, two code for photosynthesis-related proteins, and two for ammonia and H2O2 detoxification. Our results suggest the plant uses an arsenal of transcripts to respond to infection; however, this arsenal is not effective to prevent pathogen action and consequently the occurrence of bacterial leaf spot under the evaluated conditions. The present study is the first to produce information on the transcriptional reprogramming during the passion fruit-Xap interaction, which represents an important step for a better understanding of this pathosystem.

Differentielle Expression von HLA-DRB-Genen

Heldt, Christian 31 July 2002 (has links)
In den humanen Leukozyten-Antigenen (HLA) wird die wichtigste genetische Ursache von rheumatoider Arthritis gesehen. Es wurden bisher mehrere Mechanismen beschrieben, wie diese HLA-Moleküle die Entstehung und den Verlauf der Erkrankung beeinflussen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die differentielle Expression von HLA-DRB-Genen in unterschiedlichen Antigen-präsentierenden Zellen als möglicher Mechanismus untersucht. Dabei wurden strukturelle Unterschiede zwischen den Promotoren des krankheitsassoziierten HLA-DR4-Haplotyps und den neutralen Haplotypen DR7 und DR9 eingehender betrachtet. Allen drei Haplotypen ist gemein, daß sie das DRB4-Gen als zweites funktionelles DRB-Gen tragen, wobei das DRB4-Gen entweder den DRB4A oder den -B-Promotor besitzt. Um den Einfluß einzelner Promotorelemente auf die mit dem Luziferase-Assay bestimmten Transkriptionsaktivitäten näher zu untersuchen, wurde mit Hilfe der surface plasmon resonance die Bindung der Transkriptionsfaktoren aus den Zellkernlysaten von der humanen Monozytenzellinie THP-1 und von der humanen B-Lymphom-Zellinie BJAB an die unterschiedlichen S-, X-, Y-, CCAAT- und TATA-Boxen analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die unterschiedliche Expression von DRB4A und DRB4B durch die ubiquitäre TATA-Box vermittelt wird. Dagegen wurde die INF-gamma-Stimulation der HLA-DR-Expression von THP-1- aber auch von BJAB-Zellen durch die für die HLA-DR-Promotoren spezifische X-Box vermittelt. Bei der Analyse von DR4-, DR7- und DR9-positiven Patienten einer bereits gut charakterisierten RA-Kohorte stellte sich heraus, daß der DRB4B-Promotor, welcher im Vergleich zu DRB4A eine höhere transkriptionelle Aktivität besitzt, mit einem schweren Krankheitsverlauf assoziiert ist, so daß eine erhöhte HLA-DR-Expression den Krankheitsverlauf negativ zu beeinflussen scheint. / Disease associated human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes have been identified in humans where they are assumed to promote the susceptibility and/or progression of rheumatoid arthritis. Several mechanisms have been described how these HLA haplotypes impact on the disease. Among them the differential expression of HLA-DRB molecules in different types of antigen-presenting cells, which was investigated here in detail. The promoters of the disease associated HLA-DR4 to the neutral DR7 and DR9 haplotypes were analyzed for sequence polymorphisms resulting in functional differences. All three haplotypes carry as a second functional DRB gene the DRB4 gene, which is regulated by the DRB4A or -B promoter. To determine the impact of the promoter elements on the transcriptional activities measured by luciferase assay the surface plasmon resonance technology was employed. To this end, nuclear extracts from the monocytic cell line THP-1 and from the B lymphoma cell line BJAB were used to analyze their binding to the various S-, X-, Y-, CCAAT-, and TATA boxes. It could be demonstrated that the differential expression of DRB4A and -B was regulated via the ubiquitous TATA box. By contrast, the INF-gamma stimulation of HLA expression in THP-1 and BJAB was mediated via the unique X box. Analyzing the DR4, DR7 and DR9 positive patients of an RA cohort, the DRB4B promoter, which has a higher transcriptional activity than the DRB4A promoter, is associated with radiographic progression of RA. This data is thus indicative of an impact of elevated HLA-DR expression on the progression of the disease.

Estresses abióticos em arroz: respostas moleculares, bioquímicas e fisiológicas

Vighi, Isabel Lopes 10 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2017-06-23T12:49:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) tese_isabel_lopes_vighi.pdf: 2167536 bytes, checksum: ac573c14d5ef3a4795a4bf594d60bd85 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-06-23T22:08:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) tese_isabel_lopes_vighi.pdf: 2167536 bytes, checksum: ac573c14d5ef3a4795a4bf594d60bd85 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-23T22:08:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) tese_isabel_lopes_vighi.pdf: 2167536 bytes, checksum: ac573c14d5ef3a4795a4bf594d60bd85 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) é o segundo cereal mais cultivado no mundo, sendo o Brasil o 9º maior produtor. No entanto sua produção é severamente influenciada por condições ambientais adversas, dentre as quais se destaca a salinidade e baixas temperaturas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar respostas, bioquímicas e moleculares desencadeadas pela salinidade e por baixas temperaturas em plantas de arroz, com respostas contrastantes. Para atingir este objetivo foram realizados três estudos: No primeiro, foram quantificados os teores do ânion Superóxido (O2•−), Peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2), Peroxidação lipídica (MDA), atividade enzimática e expressão gênica diferencial das isoformas das enzimas Superóxido dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), Ascorbato peroxidase APX e Glutationa reduzida (GR) em genótipos com tolerância contrastante ao sal. Para o genótipo sensível (BRS Pampa), ocorreu aumento na atividade enzimática da SOD, CAT, APX e diminuição nos níveis de MDA. No genótipo tolerante (BRS Bojuru), também foi observado aumento da atividade das enzimas SOD e CAT, porém diminuição nos níveis de MDA. A regulação positiva das diferentes isoformas da SOD, CAT e APX demonstrou a sua contribuição para o aumento na atividade da enzima. No segundo estudo, foram quantificados os teores de H2O2, MDA, atividade enzimática e expressão gênica da CAT, bem como análise do promotor e cis elementos, nos mesmos dois genótipos contrastantes frente ao estresse por salinidade e baixa temperatura. O genótipo BRS Pampa (sensível) foi o que mostrou maior proteção contra danos oxidativos frente ao estresse por frio, bem como aumento na atividade da CAT e do número de transcritos das isoformas OSCATA e OSCATB. No terceiro estudo, avaliou-se o metabolismo da prolina em plantas de arroz, através do padrão de expressão dos genes envolvidos na biossíntese e catabolismo desse aminoácido e verificou-se a correlação com o conteúdo de prolina produzido em condições de estresse por salinidade e baixa temperatura. O conteúdo de prolina foi maior no genótipo BRS Bojuru (tolerante) frente às duas condições de estresse testadas. Sob estresse salino, os níveis de transcritos dos genes de biossíntese estão mais correlacionados com o conteúdo de prolina no genótipo tolerante, enquanto que em condições de baixa temperatura a correlação é maior no genótipo sensível. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que, sob estresse salino e por baixa temperatura, as plantas de arroz apresentam respostas diferenciais a nível bioquímico e molecular, sendo estas respostas dependentes do tempo, intensidade do estresse e composição genética dos genótipos. / Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the second most cultivated cereal in the world, and Brazil is the 9th largest producer. However production is severely affected by adverse environmental conditions, among which the mains ones are the salinity and low temperatures. The aim of this study was to evaluate responses, biochemical and molecular triggered by salinity and low temperatures in rice plants with contrasting response. To achieve this goal there were three studies: In the first one, the anion content superoxide (O2•-) were quantified, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), lipid peroxidation (MDA), enzyme activity and differential gene expression of isoforms of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase APX and reduced glutathione (GR) in genotypes with contrasting tolerance to salt. For the sensitive genotype (BRS Pampa), there was an increase in the enzymatic activity of SOD, CAT, APX and a decrease in MDA levels. In tolerant genotype (BRS Bojuru) was also observed an increased activity of enzymes SOD and CAT, but a decrease in MDA levels. The upregulation of the different isoforms of SOD, CAT and APX has demonstrated its contribution to the increase in the enzyme activity. In the second study, H2O2 levels were quantified, MDA, enzyme activity and gene expression of CAT, and promoter analysis and cis-elements, the same two contrasting genotypes against salinity stress and low temperature. The BRS Pampa genotype (sensitive) was the one that showed greater protection against oxidative damage compared to the stress by cold, as well as an increase in CAT activity and the number of transcripts OSCATA and OSCATB isoforms. In the third study evaluated the metabolism of proline in rice plants through the expression pattern of genes involved in biosynthesis and catabolism of amino-acid and was found to correlate with the proline content produced under stress by salinity and low temperature. The proline content was higher in BRS Bojuru genotype (tolerant) against the two tested stress conditions. Under salt stress, the biosynthesis gene transcript levels are more correlated with the proline content in tolerant genotype, whereas in low temperature conditions the correlation is highest in sensitive genotype. The results showed that under salt stress and low temperature, the rice plants have differential responses to biochemical and molecular level, which are dependent responses of time, stress intensity and genetic makeup of the genotypes.

Plant-virus interactions : role of virus- and host-derived small non-coding RNAs during infection and disease / Interactions plantes-virus : rôle des petits ARN non-codants dérivés du virus et de l’hôte au cours d’une infection et d’une maladie

Pitzalis, Nicolas 09 November 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle des sRNAs dérivés de l'hôte et du virus lors de l'infection du colza (Brassica napus, Canola) par la souche UK1 du virus de la mosaïque du navet (TuMV-UK1). En utilisant un dérivé de TuMV fusionné avec un gène codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte (TuMV-GFP), deux cultivars de colza (‘Drakkar’ et ‘Tanto’) qui diffèrent par leur susceptibilité à ce virus ont été identifiés. Le profil transcriptionnel des foyers d'infection locale, dans les feuilles de Drakkar et de Tanto, par séquençage nouvelle génération (NGS) a révélé de nombreux gènes exprimés de manière différentielle. Les mêmes échantillons d'ARN provenant de feuilles de Drakkar et de Tanto, traitées par des virus ou utilisées en contrôle, ont également servi à établir le profil NGS des sRNAs (sRNAseq) et de leurs cibles potentielles d'ARN (PAREseq). Les analyses bioinformatiques et leur validation in vivo, ont permis d’identifier les événements de clivage de transcrits impliquant des micro ARN (miRNA) connus et encore inconnus. Fait important, les résultats indiquent que TuMV détourne la voie du RNA silencing de l’hôte avec des siRNAs issus de son propre génome (vsiRNA) pour cibler les gènes de l’hôtes. Le virus déclenche également le ciblage à grande échelle des ARN messagers (ARNm) de l’hôte par l’activation de la production de siRNAs secondaires en phase, à partir de locus PHAS. À leur tour, les vsiRNAs et les siRNAs dérivés de l'hôte (hsRNAs) ciblent et clivent l'ARN viral par le complexe RISC. Ces observations éclairent le rôle des siRNAs dérivés de l'hôte et du virus dans la coordination de l'infection virale. Un autre chapitre de cette thèse est consacré à l'analyse des maladies induites par des virus en utilisant comme modèle de plante Arabidopsis, infectée par un tobamovirus, le virus de la mosaïque du colza (ORMV). De plus, ces observations ont permis de proposer un modèle dans lequel cette guérison dépend d’un adressage important de vsiRNAs secondaires antiviraux depuis leur source de production jusqu’à leurs tissus de destination, et l'établissement d'un apport en vsiRNAs capable de bloquer l'activité VSR impliquée dans la formation des feuilles symptomatiques. / In this thesis, I investigated the role of host- and virus-derived sRNAs during infection of Rapeseed (Brassica napus, Canola) by the UK1 strain of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV-UK1). By using a TuMV derivative tagged with a gene encoding green fluorescent protein (TuMV-GFP), two rapeseed cultivars (‘Drakkar’ and ‘Tanto’) that differ in susceptibility to this virus were identified. Transcriptional profiling of local infection foci in Drakkar and Tanto leaves by next generation sequencing (NGS) revealed numerous differentially expressed genes. The same RNA samples from mock- and virus- treated Drakkar and Tanto leaves were also used for the global NGS profiling of sRNAs (sRNAseq) and their potential RNA targets (PAREseq). The bioinformatic analysis and their in vivo validation led to the identification of transcript cleavage events involving known and yet unknown miRNAs. Importantly, the results indicate that TuMV hijacks the host RNA silencing pathway with siRNAs derived from its own genome (vsiRNAs) to target host genes. The virus also triggers the widespread targeting of host messenger RNAs (mRNAs) through activation of phased, secondary siRNA production from PHAS loci. In turn, both vsiRNAs and host-derived siRNAs (hsRNAs) target and cleave the viral RNA by the RISC-mediated pathway. These observations illuminate the role of host and virus-derived sRNAs in the coordination of virus infection. Another chapter of this thesis is dedicated to the analysis of virus-induced diseases by using Arabidopsis plants infected with the Oilseed rape mosaic tobamovirus (ORMV) as a model. Initially, the infected plants develop leaves with strong disease symptoms. However, at a later stage, disease-free, “recovered” leaves start to appear. Analysis of symptoms recovery led to the identification of a mechanism in which the VSR and virus derived-siRNAs play a central role. I used Arabidopsis mutants impaired in transcriptional and post-transcriptional silencing pathways (TGS and PTGS respectively) and a plant line carrying a promoter-driven GFP transgene silenced by PTGS (Arabidopsis line 8z2). Using various techniques able to monitor virus infection, small and long viral RNA molecules, VSR activity, as well as phloem-mediated transport with in these lines, this study led to the identification of genes required for disease symptoms and disease symptom recovery. Moreover, the observations allowed to propose a model in which symptoms recovery occurs upon robust delivery of antiviral secondary vsiRNAs from source to sink tissues, and establishment of a vsiRNA dosage able to block the VSR activity involved in the formation of disease symptoms.

Caractérisation de la SERPINA1, une antiprotéase différentiellement exprimée dans le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire

Normandin, Karine 12 1900 (has links)
Le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal. La survie à 5 ans est de 30-40% chez les patientes atteintes d’une tumeur invasive (TOV), comparativement à 95% chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour une tumeur à faible potentiel de malignité ou borderline (LMP). Au laboratoire, l’analyse de l’expression des gènes de la micropuce à ADN U133 d’Affymetrix a révélé que la SERPINA1 est un gène dont l’expression varie entre les tumeurs LMP et TOV. La validation par Q-PCR nous a confirmé que cette antiprotéase est majoritairement surexprimée dans les tumeurs LMP, par rapport aux tumeurs bénignes (BOV) et aux tumeurs TOV. Nous avons donc surexprimé la SERPINA1 dans les lignées cellulaires invasives TOV 112D et TOV 1946 du cancer de l’ovaire et dérivé des clones stables. Les résultats obtenus nous indiquent que la surexpression de la SERPINA1 a un effet sur la capacité d’invasion et de migration cellulaire et non au niveau de la croissance cellulaire et la formation de structures tridimensionnelles. Les résultats issus de l’étude in vivo dans les souris SCID nous permettront de déterminer si la surexpression de la SERPINA1 a un effet sur la tumorigénèse ovarienne. Ainsi, la SERPINA1 demeure à notre avis un candidat d’intérêt pour tenter de mieux comprendre les différences biologiques entre les tumeurs LMP et TOV, ainsi que le rôle des protéases et de leurs inhibiteurs dans la progression tumorale du cancer de l’ovaire. / Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic cancer with a five-year survival rate of 30-40% in patients diagnosed with high-grade invasive disease (TOV). This is in stark contrast to the 95% five-year survival in patients diagnosed with low malignant potential (LMP) disease. It is therefore important to understand the biological differences between LMP and TOV. We have previously identified differential expression of SERPINA1 between serous LMP and TOV tumors through gene expression analysis using Affymetrix U133 DNA microarrays. Expression of this protease inhibitor in the majority of LMP tumors was confirmed and validated by Q-PCR. To study the effects of its overexpression on the invasive potential of ovarian cancer cell lines, SERPINA1 was cloned in the pcDNA3.1+ plasmid and stable clones were derived from two invasive ovarian cancer cell lines, TOV 112D and TOV 1946. Comparisons between clones and controls have shown no SERPINA1-dependent difference in cellular growth or spheroid formation. However, effects on cellular migration and invasion are observed in cells overexpressing SERPINA1. Results from an in vivo xenograft study in SCID mice will allow us to determine if SERPINA1 overexpression affects ovarian tumorigenesis. SERPINA1 remains an interesting candidate gene whose further characterization may lead to insights into its role, and the role of proteases and their inhibitors, in ovarian cancer disease progression.

Caractérisation de Cks1, régulateur du cycle cellulaire, dans le cancer épithélial de l'ovaire

Desgagnés, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal. La survie à 5 ans est de 30-40% chez les patientes atteintes d’une tumeur invasive(TOV), comparativement à 95% chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour une tumeur à faible potentiel de malignité (LMP). Au laboratoire, l’analyse de l’expression des gènes de la micropuce à ADN HuFL d’Affymetrix a révélé que Cks1 est un gène dont l’expression varie entre les tumeurs LMP et TOV. En effet, ce régulateur du cycle cellulaire est surexprimé dans les tumeurs TOV par rapport aux tumeurs LMP. Nous avons donc déplété Cks1 dans des lignées cellulaires tumorales invasives du cancer de l’ovaire dérivées au laboratoire, soit la TOV112D et la TOV1946, en utilisant des shRNAs sous le contrôle d’un répresseur inductible à la tétracycline. Puis, nous avons dérivé des clones stables inductibles à la tétracycline. Les résultats obtenus nous indiquent que la déplétion de Cks1 n’a pas d’effet sur la prolifération et la migration cellulaires, ni sur la formation de structures tridimensionnelles in vitro. Ainsi, nous pouvons conclure que Cks1 ne joue pas un rôle clé dans la progression tumorale par rapport aux paramètres testés. Or, des études supplémentaires seraient nécessaires pour expliquer les différences biologiques observées entre les deux types de tumeurs étudiées, et justifier cette variation observée de l’expression de Cks1. / Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic cancer with a five-year survival rate of only 30-40% in patients diagnosed with high-grade invasive disease (TOV). This contrasts with the 95% five-year survival in patients diagnosed with the low malignant potential (LMP)disease. Previously, we have identified differential expression of Cks1 between serous LMP and TOV tumors through gene expression analysis using Affymetrix HuFL DNA microarrays. Overexpression of this cell cycle regulator was observed in the TOV tumors, but not in the LMP samples. To study its role on the invasive potential of ovarian cancer cell lines, Cks1 was depleted in two tumoral invasive ovarian cancer cell lines established in our laboratory, TOV112D and TOV1946, using an inducible shRNA strategy. Then, tetracycline-inducible stable clones were derived and studied further. Comparisons between clones and controls have shown no Cks1-dependent effect on cellular growth, neither in migration capacity nor spheroid formation. Thus, we can conclude that Cks1 does not play a crucial role in the tested parameters for cancer progression, but further experiments could elucidate the biological differences observed between the two kinds of tumors studied.

Étude de l'expression différentielle du génome en relation avec la détermination du sexe chez le palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera L.) / Study of genome differential expression related to sex determination in the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

Castillo-Pérez, Karina 14 December 2015 (has links)
La compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la détermination du sexe chez les plantes à fleurs est primordiale d’un point de vue fondamental et appliqué. Des processus liés à la biosynthèse des hormones, tel que l’éthylène, ou la régulation de l’expression génique via des petits ARN et des facteurs de transcription ont été associés à l’unisexualisation des fleurs chez des espèces dioïques. Cependant, les déterminants contrôlant le sexe chez les plantes sont encore largement méconnus. Le palmier dattier, Phoenix dactylifera L, est une espèce dioïque dont le dimorphisme sexuel est observé très tôt au cours du développement des fleurs. Des gènes différentiellement exprimés (DEGs) ont été identifiés pendant les stades précoces du développement floral mâle et femelle. Pour cela, un transcriptome de référence rassemblant des données d’expression relatives aux deux sexes a été généré. L’analyse d'enrichissement GO des DEGs, a révélé des processus biologiques communs aux mâles et aux femelles, associés au développement reproducteur et à la réponse aux stimuli. Ce résultat indique que des mêmes processus peuvent solliciter des gènes différents au cours du développement floral précoce en fonction du sexe. Cette analyse a également mis en évidence que le développement des fleurs mâles requiert des processus biologiques spécifiques impliqués dans la régulation cellulaire et l'expression des gènes. En outre, deux DEGs femelles, une S-adenosylmethionine synthase et une Flap endonuclease et un DEG mâle, un élément transposable, ont été identifiés dans les régions non-recombinantes du génome du palmier dattier.Cette étude est la première analyse globale des processus biologiques associés à l’acquisition du dimorphisme sexuel. Elle contribue également à la compréhension de la détermination du sexe chez le palmier dattier, et plus largement à la connaissance de ces processus chez les espèces dioïques. / Unraveling molecular mechanisms involved in sex determination in flowering plants is of outstanding basic and applied interest. Several studies on dioecious species have highlighted the molecular basis of sex determination, such as cell death and ethylene biosynthesis pathway. Sex determination mechanisms in plants are, however, still largely unknown. The date palm, Phoenix dactylifera L, is a dioecious species where sexual dimorphism is observed very early in development of flowers. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified during the early stages of the male and female flower development. A reference transcriptome including male and female data was constructed to gain insight into this process in the dioecious palm Phoenix dactylifera L. Differentially expressed genes (DEG) were subsequently identified between males and females in the early flower development stages in which the first morphological gender difference occurs in date palms.Gene ontology enrichment analysis of DEG revealed biological processes shared between males and females involved in reproductive development and response to stimulus, indicating that same processes could require different genes during early flower development in date palm. This analysis also suggested that date palm triggers biological processes specifically involved in cellular regulation and gene expression to develop male flowers. Furthermore, two female DEGs related to DNA methylation S-adenosylmethionine synthase and DNA metabolism Flap endonuclease, and one male DEGs, a transposable element were found in non-recombinant date palm regions. This study provided the first insight into biological processes involved in sex determination in date palms and more widely to knowledge of this process in dioecious species.

Identificação de genes de maracujá azedo diferencialmente expressos durante a interação com Xanthomonas axonopodis / Identification of differentially expressed genes during the yellow passion fruit- Xanthomonas axonopodis interaction

Carla de Freitas Munhoz 04 October 2013 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de maracujá azedo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) sendo esta a espécie de maior expressão comercial dentre as passifloras cultivadas. A bacteriose do maracujazeiro, causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae (Xap), é uma das doenças mais severas da cultura, acarretando grandes prejuízos aos produtores. Atualmente, é incipiente o conhecimento sobre a interação maracujá azedo-Xap. Diante disso, a identificação e a caracterização dos genes envolvidos no processo de defesa são passos importantes para dar suporte ao desenvolvimento de variedades resistentes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar genes de maracujá azedo diferencialmente expressos durante a resposta de defesa à Xap, bem como mensurar a sua expressão. Para isso, foram construídas duas bibliotecas subtrativas de cDNA (forward e reverse) usando o método SSH a partir de transcritos de folhas, que foram inoculadas com o patógeno ou solução salina (controle). Após o sequenciamento dos clones, o processamento e a montagem das sequências, as unisequências foram anotadas através da Plataforma PLAZA e do programa computacional Blast2GO. Genes envolvidos em diversos processos biológicos foram selecionados para a validação das bibliotecas por PCR quantitativo. Usando a Plataforma PLAZA, 78 % (764) das unisequências mostraram similaridade com proteínas de Arabidopsis thaliana, enquanto 87 % (866) delas apresentaram similaridade com proteínas putativas de diversas espécies vegetais, quando se utilizou Blast2GO. Na biblioteca forward, foram identificadas 73 proteínas relacionadas à resposta de defesa, dentre as quais estão proteínas envolvidas na sinalização intracelular, na ativação da transcrição e regulação da expressão de genes de defesa, bem como proteínas de defesa, de resistência e relacionadas à patogênese (PRs). Dentre os 22 transcritos validados, 95 % foram diferencialmente expressos em pelo menos um dos três períodos avaliados; os genes mais expressos em resposta à infecção pelo patógeno são os que codificam as enzimas lipoxigenase, (+)-neomentol desidrogenase e quitinase, as quais participam diretamente nas respostas de defesa vegetal. Dos genes cuja expressão foi mais reprimida, dois codificam proteínas relacionadas à fotossíntese e dois codificam proteínas envolvidas na detoxificação da amônia e do H2O2. Nossos resultados sugerem que a planta utiliza um arsenal de transcritos para responder à infecção; entretanto, este arsenal não é eficiente para impedir a ação do patógeno e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento da bacteriose nas condições estudadas. Nosso estudo é inédito e gerou informações sobre a reprogramação transcricional durante a interação maracujá azedo-Xap, o que constitui um importante passo para o melhor entendimento sobre este patossistema. / Brazil is the main producer of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) worldwide, which is the most widely commercialized crop among the cultivated passifloras. The bacterial leaf spot induced by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae (Xap) is one of the most severe diseases of the crop, causing great losses to producers. Currently, we understand very little about the yellow passion fruit-Xap interaction. Therefore, the identification and characterization of genes involved in the defense process are important steps to support the development of resistant varieties. Thus, the objective of this study was identify and characterize differentially expressed genes during the defense response to Xap, as well as to measure their expression. For that, we constructed two subtractive cDNA libraries (the forward and the reverse) by performing the SSH method from leaf transcripts, which were inoculated with the pathogen or saline solution (control). After sequencing the clones and sequence data processing, sequences were assembled into unique sequences, which were annotated using the PLAZA Platform and the computational program Blast2GO. Genes involved in several biological processes were selected to validate the libraries by quantitative PCR. When PLAZA was used for sequence similarity searches, 78 % (764) of the yellow passion fruit unique sequences showed similarity to proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana; when Blast2GO was used, 87 % (866) of the unique sequences showed similarities to putative proteins of several plant species. For the forward library, 73 proteins related to defense response were identified, such as those involved in intracellular signaling, transcription activation and regulation of defense gene expression, as well as defense and resistance proteins, and pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs). Of the 22 validated transcripts, 95 % were differentially expressed during at least one of the three periods evaluated; the genes up-regulated in response to the pathogen infection were those that code for the enzymes lipoxygenase, (+)-neomenthol dehydrogenase and chitinase, which participate directly in plant-defense responses. Out of down-regulated genes, two code for photosynthesis-related proteins, and two for ammonia and H2O2 detoxification. Our results suggest the plant uses an arsenal of transcripts to respond to infection; however, this arsenal is not effective to prevent pathogen action and consequently the occurrence of bacterial leaf spot under the evaluated conditions. The present study is the first to produce information on the transcriptional reprogramming during the passion fruit-Xap interaction, which represents an important step for a better understanding of this pathosystem.

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