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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jämförelseanalys av höjdmodeller skapade med LiDAR-data från UAV och flygplan för projektering av kraftledningsgator / A comparative analysis of Digital Elevation Models created with LiDAR data from UAV and airplane

Edlund, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
I dagsläget står det svenska kraftnätet inför en stor utmaning om det ska kunna klara av att tillgodose Sveriges växande elbehov. Stora delar av kraftnätet måste förnyas samtidigt som det byggs ut. Vid projektering av nya kraftledningsgator måste geografisk information samlas in för att kunna planera arbetet och representera de möjliga kraftledningsgatorna som höjdmodeller. Det är då viktigt att denna data är korrekt. LiDAR-data är ett bra alternativ då det kan ge en bra bild av marken trots vegetation som kan befinna sig i en eventuell kraftledningsgata. I dagsläget används antingen Lantmäteriets Nationella Höjdmodellen (NH-modellen), eller så genomförs en luftburen laserskanning med hjälp av flygplan. Då NH-modellen ibland kan upplevas som otillräcklig på grund av sin låga upplösning, samtidigt som luftburen laserskanning kan vara kostsamt både ekonomiskt och ur en miljösynpunkt är det intressant att utforska alternativa metoder.    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att genomföra en jämförelseanalys av höjdmodeller genererade med LiDAR-data insamlade med UAV och flygplan för att få svar på vad som väsentligt skiljer dem åt och ifall LiDAR-data insamlat med UAV kan vara ett alternativ till LiDAR-data insamlat med flygplan. Detta görs tillsammans med företagen Nektab och Swescan för att undersöka möjligheterna att kunna erbjuda en ny produkt till sina kunder och uppdragsgivare. Ett tidigare projekterat område utanför Horndal i Dalarna, undersöktes då det fanns tillgängliga LiDAR-data från en tidigare luftburen laserskanning gjord med flygplan. LiDAR-data samlades in med drönare med två olika skanningsmetoder, repetitive och non-repetitive, den 3:e maj 2023. Bearbetning av punktmolnet genomfördes i DJI Terra och Terrasolids programvaror Terrascan och Terramatch. Kvalitetsberäkningar genomfördes i Excel. Höjdmodeller skapades i Esris Arcmap 10.8 och analyser gjordes för att jämföra de olika höjdmodellernas höjdvärden, lutning samt profiler.     Punktmolnen genererade med UAV-LiDAR hade en lägesnoggrannhet i höjd som uppfyllde kraven för HMK-standardnivå 3, och punktmolnet genererat med skanningsmetoden non-repetitive hade en bättre lägesnoggrannhet i höjd än punktmolnet genererat med flygplans-LiDAR. Skillnaderna som kunde upptäckas mellan de olika höjdmodellerna var små och påverkades både av skillnader i klassning och insamlingsmetod. Slutsatsen som drogs är att insamling av LiDAR-data med UAV och generering av kvalitativa höjdmodeller med dessa data är fullt möjligt för mindre områden så som det i det här arbetet. / The Swedish power grid is currently facing a big challenge if it’s going to be able to meet Sweden’s growing demand for electricity. While large parts of the power grid must be updated, there also needs to be a big expansion. When planning new corridors for the powerlines, geographical information must be collected to be able to visualize said corridors as Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and it is thus important that the data is correct. LiDAR-data is a suitable alternative for this as it can represent the ground well despite any vegetation that might be present in the planned corridor. Currently open-source data from the Swedish National Land Survey, the National Elevation Model (the NH-model), is often used, or the area is mapped with airborne laser-scanning from a plane. However, the NH-model is sometimes not a suitable alternative due to its low resolution, while airborne laser-scanning can be both environmentally and economically costly. It is therefore interesting to explore alternative methods.    The aim of this bachelor thesis is to conduct a comparative analysis between DEMs generated by LiDAR-data collected by UAV and by plane to see where they differ, and if LiDAR-data collected by UAV is a potential alternative to LiDAR-data collected by plane. This will be done in collaboration with Nektab and Swescan to explore the possibility of being able to offer a new product to their customers and clients. A previously planned area outside the Swedish town of Horndal in the county of Dalarna, was used due to already existing plane-collected LiDAR-data. LiDAR-data was collected with an UAV through two different scanner-methods, repetitive and non-repetitive, on the 3rd of May 2023. The processing of the pointclouds were performed in DJI Terra and Terrasolids software Terrascan and Terramatch. Quality calculations and control was done in Excel. DEMs were created in Esris software Arcmap 10.8 and different analyses were performed to compare the DEMs elevation, slope, and profiles.    The point clouds generated from the UAV-LiDAR had a positional accuracy equivalent to the Swedish HMK-standard level 3, and the pointcloud generated from the non-repetitive­ scanner-method had a better positional accuracy for the z-value than the pointcloud generated from the plane-LiDAR. The differences between the DEMs were small and were caused both by difference in classification of the point clouds and collection method. The conclusion is that collection of LiDAR-data through UAV and the generation of high quality DEMs from this data is fully possible for smaller areas such as the one in this thesis.


Armour, Mary-Helen January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Impact cratering is a fundamental geomorphic process on planetary surfaces. More than 60% of known hypervelocity impact craters on Earth are either partially or completely buried beneath post-impact sediments and one-third have been discovered with geophysical methods. In this thesis, geophysical surveys (gravity, magnetics, seismic, bathymetric mapping) were conducted at the deeply buried (>400 m) Holleford impact crater (~2.35 km) and two probable impact structures (Charity Shoal, Skeleton Lake) in southern Ontario, Canada. 3-D potential field models were constructed to determine the subsurface geology and buried crater morphology, and to evaluate evidence for possible impact versus endogenic origins. Holleford Crater is a deeply buried, Late Proterozoic-Early Cambrian (ca. 550 ±100 Ma) simple impact crater (~2.4 km) in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Land-based magnetic and gravity surveys and modelling were conducted in this study, recorded a ~ -3 mGal Bouguer anomaly and small (~30 nT) magnetic anomaly over the crater basin. 3-D gravity modelling revealed a deeply buried simple impact basin in Mesoproterozoic basement with an estimated rim-to-rim diameter (D) of 1.8-2 km, a residual rim height of ~20-30 m and true depth (dt) >400 m. The southeast crater rim is dissected by a 150 m deep, 400 m wide erosional channel produced by fluvial rim dissection. The outflow is infilled by >50 m of Late Cambrian clastic sediments, indicating a probable Late Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic impact event. Charity Shoal is a 1.2-km-diameter, 20 m deep, circular bedrock shoal in eastern Lake Ontario. Marine seismic profiling and total field magnetic surveys (140-line km) were conducted over a 9-km2 area and combined with available multi-beam bathymetric data to evaluate the subsurface geology and structure origin. Seismic surveys revealed ~30 m of Quaternary sediments overlying Middle Ordovician (Trenton Group) carbonates in the central basin and evidence for folding and faulting of the structure rim. Magnetic surveys recorded an annular magnetic high (> 600 nT) and a central magnetic low (~500-600 nT) coincident with a ~-1.7 mGal Bouguer gravity anomaly. The continuity of Middle Ordovician bedrock below the structure rules out a post-Paleozoic intrusion and a pre-Paleozoic intrusion is ruled out with the gravity anomaly. A deeply-buried (> 450 m) impact crater is the only scenario consistent with geophysical evidence. The crater has a rim-to-rim diameter of ~1.2 km, and rim height of ~15-20 m. A 100-m wide breach in the southwestern rim records a possible outflow channel. Skeleton Lake is a suspected (~4.0 km) Paleozoic-age impact structure in Muskoka, Ontario. The lakebed morphology, subsurface structure and possible impact origin were investigated with high-resolution geophysical surveys (magnetics, bathymetry; ~140 line-km) and 3-D magnetic modelling. Bathymetric data reveal a deep (>65 m) central basin with arcuate (Paleozoic?) bedrock ridges that rise >30 m above the southwestern lakebed. Magnetic surveys recorded a >700 nT magnetic low, which truncates northwest-southeast regional magnetic trends. Low-amplitude, northwest-trending magnetic lineaments delineate basement shear zones below the basin centre. Through-going magnetic lineaments and lack of thermal alteration (e.g., dikes, fenitization) in Mesoproterozoic rocks indicate a volcanic origin is unlikely. A 1.2 km diameter volcanic plug with an Early Cambrian remanence (D = 82.2°, I = 82.7°) can reproduce some aspects of the magnetic anomaly but is at odds with the Bouguer gravity anomaly (~ -3 mGal). Forward modelling of a crater-form basin with induction and remanence magnetization yielded an estimated structure depth of ~1200 m. The basement surface model shows a complex basement topography with no apparent rim structure and elevated ‘pinnacles’ that may represent eroded remnants of a central uplift or a highly-dissected basement topography. The structure apparent diameter (> 4.2 km) and complex basement topography suggest a heavily-modified transitional crater, similar with the Gow (Saskatchewan, Canada) and Kärdla (Estonia) impact structures. This thesis demonstrates the subsurface exploration of confirmed and suspected impact structures, integrating seismic, potential field (magnetics, gravity) and digital elevation data within a 3-D geophysical modelling workflow. The approach provides important new insights into the surface and subsurface geology, morphology, and post-emplacement modification of the Holleford impact crater, and new geophysical constraints for evaluating two suspected impact structures. Geophysical data confirm that Charity Shoal and Skeleton Lake are deep-seated, crater-form depressions in Mesoproterozoic basement rocks. The weight of geophysical and geological evidence points to impact cratering processes as opposed to an endogenic (volcanic) origin for both structures. / Thesis / Doctor of Science (PhD)

Kvalitetsundersökning av digital terrängmodellering med handhållen laserskanner i tätbevuxen skog : Granskning av instrumentet ZEB-REVO

Gottfridsson, Tom, Hedström, Jonatan January 2020 (has links)
Digitala terrängmodeller (DTM:er) används i samhället för många viktigafunktioner och behöver därför hållas uppdaterade när förändringar sker.Sverige har en nationell höjdmodell (NH) som innehåller höjddata över helalandet. Uppdateringen av NH förlitar sig mestadels på flygburen laserskanning(FLS). Den flygburna laserskanningsmetoden har generellt en högremätosäkerhet i tätbevuxen skog. Vid exploateringar eller framtida planeradeförändringar i skogsområden kan en mer exakt modell behövas. En utvärdering har genomförts av den handhållna laserskannern ZEB-REVO med syfte att bestämma vilken mätosäkerhet som kan uppnås i tätbevuxenskog, undersöka hur mätosäkerheten förändras med punktavståndet i denproducerade DTM:en samt vilken mätosäkerhet ZEB-REVO har i jämförelsemed NH i samma område. I studien har två skogstyper inkluderats bestående av granskog och tallskog.Mätosäkerheten har bestämts genom att mäta in terrestra kontrollprofiler medtotalstation. För att kunna genomföra en inmätning av kontrollprofiler har ettbruksnät etablerats genom ett fullständigt anslutet polygontåg viahelsatsmätning. De kända punkterna som polygontåget anslutits mot har mättsin med fri stationsetablering via SmartWorx. Resultatet visar att mätosäkerheten förbättras när punktavståndet reduceras.Mätningarna med ZEB-REVO har potential att uppnå en lägre mätosäkerhetän NH i båda skogstyperna. Resultatet för tallskogen visar att ZEB-REVO kanuppnå en lägesosäkerhet på 4-centimetersnivå och en medelavvikelse i höjd på0,018 m mot inmätta kontrollprofiler. Jämförelsen mot kontrollprofiler förområdet i granskogen visar att en medelavvikelse i höjd på 0,058 m gick attuppnå där. ZEB-REVO har potential att förbättra data i NH och data insamlad med ZEBREVOkan ligga till grund för terrängmodellering för projektering.Instrumentet kan även uppnå den bästa noggrannhetsklassningen, klass 1 i SISTS21144:2016 där en maximal medelavvikelse i höjd inte får överstiga 0,02m. / Digital terrain models (DTMs) are used in society for many importantfunctions and therefore need to be kept up to date when changes occur.Sweden has a national height model (NH) that provides height data across thewhole country. The update of NH mostly relies on airborne laser scanning(ALS). The airborne laser scanning method generally has a highermeasurement uncertainty in dense forests. When exploitation or futureplanned changes in forest areas occur, a more accurate model may need to beproduced. An evaluation has been carried out of the handheld laser scanner ZEB-REVO with the aim of determining the instrument's measurement uncertainty indense forests, evaluating how the measurement uncertainty changes with thepoint distance in the produced DTM and the measurement uncertainty ZEBREVOmay achieve in comparison with NH in the same area. The study included two different types of forest consisting of spruce and pineforest trees, respectively. Measurement uncertainty has been determined bymeasuring terrestrial control profiles with a total station. In order to be ableto carry out the measurement of control profiles, a working control networkhas been established through a fully connected traverse using full rounds ofmeasurement. The known points to which the traverse is connected have beenmeasured as free stations using SmartWorx. The results show that the measurement uncertainty improves when the pointdistance is reduced. The measurements with ZEB-REVO have the potential toachieve a lower measurement uncertainty than NH in both forest types. Theresults for the pine forest show that ZEB-REVO can achieve a 4 centimetrelevel uncertainty and an average deviation of height of 0,018 m against themeasured control profiles. The comparison with control profiles for the areain the spruce forest shows that an average deviation in height of 0,058 m wasachievable. ZEB-REVO has the potential to improve data in NH and data collected withZEB-REVO can form the basis for terrain modelling for projectionwork. Theinstrument can also achieve the best accuracy rating 1, for which themaximum mean deviation in height must not exceed 0.02 m.


Feng Yu (5930453) 17 January 2019 (has links)
Topographic depressions are naturally occurring low land areas surrounded by areas of high elevations, also known as “pits” or “sinks”, on terrain surfaces. Traditional watershed modeling often neglects the potential effects of depressions by implementing removal (mostly filling) procedures on the digital elevation model (DEM) prior to the simulation of physical processes. The assumption is that all the depressions are either spurious in the DEM or of negligible importance for modeling results. However, studies suggested that naturally occurring depressions can change runoff response and connectivity in a watershed based on storage conditions and their spatial arrangement, e.g., shift active contributing areas and soil moisture distributions, and timing and magnitude of flow discharge at the watershed outlet. In addition, recent advances in remote sensing techniques, such as LiDAR, allow us to examine this modeling assumption because naturally occurring depressions can be represented using high-resolution DEM. This dissertation provides insights on the effects of depressions on overland flow processes at multiple spatial scales, from internal depression areas to the watershed scale, based on hydrologic connectivity metrics. Connectivity describes flow pathway connectedness and is assessed using geostatistical measures of heterogeneity in overland flow patterns, i.e., connectivity function and integral connectivity scale lengths. A new algorithm is introduced here to upscale connectivity metrics to large gridded patterns (i.e., with > 1,000,000 cells) using GPU-accelerated computing. This new algorithm is sensitive to changes of connectivity directions and magnitudes in spatial patterns and is robust for large DEM grids with depressions. Implementation of the connectivity metrics to overland flow patterns generated from original and depression filled DEMs for a study watershed indicates that depressions typically decrease overland flow connectivity. A series of macro connectivity stages based on spatial distances are identified, which represent changes in the interaction mechanisms between overland flow and depressions, i.e., the relative dominance of fill and spill, and the relative speed of fill and formation of connected pathways. In addition, to study the role of spatial resolutions on such interaction mechanisms at watershed scale, two revised functional connectivity metrics are also introduced, based on depressions that are hydraulically connected to the watershed outlet and runoff response to rainfall. These two functional connectivity metrics are sensitive to connectivity changes in overland flow patterns because of depression removal (filling) for DEMs at different grid resolutions. Results show that these two metrics indicate the spatial and statistical characteristics of depressions and their implications on overland flow connectivity, and may also relate to storage and infiltration conditions. In addition, grid resolutions have a more significant impact on overland flow connectivity than depression removal (filling).

Modelling the Cross-Country Trafficability with Geographical Information Systems

Gumos, Aleksander Karol January 2005 (has links)
<p>The main objectives of this work were to investigate Geographical Information Systems techniques for modelling a cross-country trafficability. To accomplished stated tasks, reciprocal relationships between the soil deposits, local hydrology, geology and geomorphology were studied in relation to the study area in South-Eastern Sweden.</p><p>Growing awareness of nowadays users of GIS in general is being concentrated on understanding an importance of soil conditions changed after cross-country trafficability. Therefore, in this thesis, constructing of the Soil Knowledge Database introduced to the genuine geological soil textural classes a new, modified geotechnical division with desirable for off-road ground reasoning measurable factors, like soil permeability, capillarity or Atterberg’s consistency limits.</p><p>Digital Elevation Model, the driving force for landscape studies in the thesis, was carefully examined together with the complementary datasets of the investigated area. Testing of the elevation data was done in association to the hydrological modelling, which resulted with the Wetness Index map. The three distinguishable soil wetness conditions: dry, moist and wet, were obtained, and used consequently for creation of the static ground conditions map, a visible medium of soils susceptibility to for example machine compaction.</p><p>The work resulted with a conceptual scheme for cross-country trafficability modelling, which was put into effect while modeling in GIS. As a final outcome, by combining all processed data together, derivatives were incorporated and draped over the rendered 3D animating scene. A visually aided simulation enabled to concretized theoretical, hypothetical and experimental outcomes into one coherent model of apprised under Multicriterial Evaluation techniques standardized factor maps for ground vehicle maneuverability. Also further steps of research were proposed.</p>

Modelling the Cross-Country Trafficability with Geographical Information Systems

Gumos, Aleksander Karol January 2005 (has links)
The main objectives of this work were to investigate Geographical Information Systems techniques for modelling a cross-country trafficability. To accomplished stated tasks, reciprocal relationships between the soil deposits, local hydrology, geology and geomorphology were studied in relation to the study area in South-Eastern Sweden. Growing awareness of nowadays users of GIS in general is being concentrated on understanding an importance of soil conditions changed after cross-country trafficability. Therefore, in this thesis, constructing of the Soil Knowledge Database introduced to the genuine geological soil textural classes a new, modified geotechnical division with desirable for off-road ground reasoning measurable factors, like soil permeability, capillarity or Atterberg’s consistency limits. Digital Elevation Model, the driving force for landscape studies in the thesis, was carefully examined together with the complementary datasets of the investigated area. Testing of the elevation data was done in association to the hydrological modelling, which resulted with the Wetness Index map. The three distinguishable soil wetness conditions: dry, moist and wet, were obtained, and used consequently for creation of the static ground conditions map, a visible medium of soils susceptibility to for example machine compaction. The work resulted with a conceptual scheme for cross-country trafficability modelling, which was put into effect while modeling in GIS. As a final outcome, by combining all processed data together, derivatives were incorporated and draped over the rendered 3D animating scene. A visually aided simulation enabled to concretized theoretical, hypothetical and experimental outcomes into one coherent model of apprised under Multicriterial Evaluation techniques standardized factor maps for ground vehicle maneuverability. Also further steps of research were proposed.

Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Flugzeug-InSAR in der Gebirgskartographie

Damoiseaux, Thomas 06 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to determine to what extent aircraft-borne radar remote sensing can be used as the sole method for making recordings of the surface of the earth as a basis for compiling topographical and relief maps of mountainous areas. This is done using three test areas: the Edelsberg area in the Allgäu Alps and the Silvretta and Verwall Groups in the Central Alps. The basis for discussion is provided by examination of the interaction between the objects to be imaged and the radar signal, the sensor-specific characteristics thereby being taken into account. Following this some data processing and conditioning methods used for extracting information on the relief and surface coverage for preparation of cartographical products are presented. Analysis of the quality of the results shows that, measured against the requirements of mountain cartography, radar remote sensing is a practical and useful tool for making maps in Alpine regions. As the sole source of information, however, aircraft-borne radar remote sensing p roves to date to be inadequate for cartographical applications in high-mountain regions. / Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, festzustellen, inwieweit die flugzeuggetragene Radarfernerkundung als alleinige Erfassungsmethode der Erdoberfläche zur Erstellung von topographischen und reliefbeschreibenden Karten in Gebirgslandschaften dienen kann. Dies wird anhand von drei Testgebieten, dem Edelsberggebiet in den Allgäuer Alpen sowie der Silvretta- und Verwallgrupe in den Zentralalpen, untersucht. Die Betrachtung der Interaktion zwischen den abzubildenden Objekten und dem Radar-Signal unter Berücksichtigung der sensorspezifischen Charakteristika bildet dabei die Diskussionsgrundlage. Im weiteren werden Methoden zur Datenprozessierung und -aufbereitung vorgestellt, die eine Informa-tionsextraktion bezüglich des Reliefs und der Oberflächenbedeckung für die Erstellung kartographischer Produkte ermöglichen. Die Qualitätsanalyse der Ergebnisse zeigt, dass die Radarfernerkundung, gemessen an den Anforderungen der Gebirgskartographie, ein sinnvolles und nutzbringendes Werkzeug für die Kartenerstellung in alpinen Regionen ist. Für kartographische Anwendungen in Hochgebirgsregionen erweist sich die flugzeuggetragene Radarfernerkundung als einzige Informationsquelle bislang allerdings als nicht ausreichend.

Anwendung multiparametrischer Fernerkundungsdaten zur Ökosystem-Kartierung und Regionalisierung von Transpirations-Flussmessungen in Zentralsibirien / Application of Multiparametric Remote Sensing Data for Mapping of Ecosystems and Upscaling of Transpiration Fluxes in Central Siberia

Etzrodt, Norbert 18 June 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Geomorphologische Untersuchungen mittels GIS- und Fernerkundungsverfahren unter Berücksichtigung hydrogeologischer Fragestellungen - Fallbeispiele aus Nordwest Syrien / The application of GIS and remote sensing techniques for the solution of geomorphological and hydrogeological problems hydrogeological problems - Case studies from northwest Syria

Sahwan, Wahib 15 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Landslide Risk Assessment using Digital Elevation Models

McLean, Amanda 22 March 2011 (has links)
Regional landslide risk, as it is most commonly defined, is a product of the following: hazard, vulnerability and exposed population. The first objective of this research project is to estimate the regional landslide hazard level by calculating its probability of slope failure based on maximum slope angles, as estimated using data provided by digital elevation models (DEM). Furthermore, it addresses the impact of DEM resolution on perceived slope angles, using local averaging theory, by comparing the results predicted from DEM datasets of differing resolutions. Although the likelihood that a landslide will occur can be predicted with a hazard assessment model, the extent of the damage inflicted upon a region is a function of vulnerability. This introduces the second objective of this research project: vulnerability assessment. The third and final objective concerns the impact of urbanization and population growth on landslide risk levels.

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