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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital Readiness of Swedish Organizations / Digital Mognad hos Svenska Organisationer

Ertan, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
This paper tries to measure the level of digital transformation among Swedish organizations. This is done through utilizing a maturity model and collecting data through an online questionnaire from 21 different organizations and measuring their digital readiness. The result seem to indicate that Swedish organizations have a been affected by digital transformation and have a slightly lower level of digitalization than foreign organizations. / I denna uppsats försöks den digitala transformationen mätas bland svenska organisationer. Detta gjordes genom att använda sig av en maturity/mongnadsmodell och samla data om 21 olika organisationer genom ett frågeformulär som publicerades online. Denna data användes sedan för att mäta organisationernas digitala mognad. Resultat indikerar att Svenska organisationer har blivit påverkade av den digitala transformerinen, dock är nivån av digital mognad något lägre än hos utländska organisationer.

How Mature are You? : An Exploratory Investigation on Digital Maturity and the Effects Management Teams Have on Digital Transformation.

Gustin, Oscar, Hellholm, Victor January 2022 (has links)
With the rapid growth of industry 4.0 and the digital age, we can see that the use of digital tools, systems and solutions are becoming more standardized in all sectors. We are currently witnessing these tools becoming a much more integral part of future industry and therefore putting pressure on current organizations to adapt. Digital maturity is a phenomenon that has gained an abundance of exposure in recent years, and the importance of this phenomenon grows in relation to the growth of the digital environment. According to academia, questions about companies’ digital status have recently become topical. Digital maturity can act as a portal for possibilities and change. For example, exploiting opportunities, implementing technological processes and averting business risks that stem from advanced technologies. Academic research in this field mainly concentrates on the quantitative aspects and therefore we have engaged in a qualitative approach in order to fill the gap within this field of research. Moreover, we have identified that studies and contemporary assessment models do not consider the importance of management and aspect of change to the necessary extent. Academia mentions the importance of converting digital maturity assessments to company actions through a systematic engagement from managers. However, most studies in the field have focused on either giving overviews on different perspectives of assessments or answered questions regarding the success rate of digital transformations, we believe that management and change management are key components to digital maturity and transformational success. A qualitative approach is therefore suitable because of the exploratory nature of our interests. To gather data, we conducted interviews with participants chosen through a purposive sampling technique. The purposive sampling method was chosen to achieve a better and more qualitative result since the participants all had expertise within the field of digital development, digital maturity measurements and management. The interview questions were based on theories in our conceptual framework and served as a foundation for the interview guide. The intention was to see if our initial theories on digital maturity transformation would match the views of the participants. By using a thematic analysis method, we connected the participants answers to our identified framework themes, potentially altering our conceptual framework. The original components of our conceptual framework were: Importance of management and change management, which included theories of organizations, people, change kaleidoscope, the theory of constraints, PDSA-cycle and RACI-model. The result of the study showed that our predicted components of importance of management and change management were essential for the success of digital maturity. Our underlying theories also matched the participants views. However, new theories and components were added based on the empirical findings. These were: long term solutions and strategies, strong and motivating leadership, project triangle and communication plans. Our study indicates that management and change management can be success factors in the process of becoming more digitally mature.

Den digitala kommunen : En studie om digital mognad i en kommunal verksamhet

Nordquist, Philip, Viklund, David January 2022 (has links)
Dagens samhälle blir alltmer digitaliserat och företag och offentlig sektor möter hela tiden nya utmaningar. Att förhålla sig aktuell med digitaliseringen och för att ta hänsyn till de behov och intresse som finns i samhället behövs en hög digital mognad. Digitala mognad är centralt för att upprätthålla verksamheter aktuella och effektiva. Studien lyfter upp vad digital mognad är och genom en fallstudie och semi-strukturerade intervjuer förklarar och undersöker den digitala mognaden av en kommun i Sverige. Studien använder definitionen av digital mognad i enlighet med Kane et al. (2015) som beskriver att det finns en tydlig digitaliseringsstrategi, ett ledarskap och en kultur som främjar förändring. Studien ämnar undersöka den digitala mognaden i en mellanstor svensk kommun. Resultatet av studien analyseras utifrån ett konceptuellt ramverk som är baserat på tidigare forskning och diskuteras gentemot forskning och teorier. Studiens resultat visar att det delvis finns en digital mognad i kommunen men att det inte finns en definierad strategi som förklarar vägen dit och är kommunicerad utöver hela organisationen. Studien visar även att den undersökta enheten har mycket pågående arbete när det kommer till digitalisering / Today's society is becoming increasingly digitalised and businesses and the public sector are constantly facing new challenges. To keep up with digitalisation and to take into account the needs and interests of society, a high level of digital maturity is needed. Digital maturity is central to keeping businesses current and efficient. The study highlights what digital maturity is and through a case study and semi-structured interviews explains and examines the digital maturity of a municipality in Sweden. The study uses the definition of digital maturity in line with Kane et al. (2015) who describe the existence of a clear digitalisation strategy, leadership and a culture that promotes change. The study aims to investigate the digital maturity of a medium-sized Swedish municipality. The results of the study are analysed using a conceptual framework based on previous research and discussed against research and theories. The results of the study show that there is partial digital maturity in the municipality but that there is no defined strategy that explains the way there and is communicated throughout the organization. The study also shows that the investigated unit has a lot of work in progress when it comes to digitisation.

Mesure de la maturité numérique des acteurs du secteur bancaire, dans une perspective de transformation digitale / Assessment of the digital maturity of the players in the banking area in a digital transformation perspective

Fayon, David 27 November 2018 (has links)
La banque est un secteur en première ligne de la transformation digitale et se classe en 4e position des secteurs les plus transformés numériquement derrière les technologies de l’information et de la communication, les médias et les services professionnels (Gandhi & al, 2016). En outre, l’explosion des données et le besoin de traitement en temps réel est un défi pour les acteurs pour répondre ou anticiper les besoins des clients. En ce sens, la transformation digitale des banques est emblématique des opportunités et des risques de notre société numérique.Les études tendent à prouver que la performance digitale reflète la performance économique de l’entreprise (Accenture, 2016b). Il devient dès lors d’autant plus important d’effectuer sa transformation digitale pour rester ou devenir une banque performante d’autant plus que la mortalité moyenne des multinationales n’est que de 40 ans (Schatt, 2014).Le préalable à l’analyse peut résider dans la connaissance, par les banques, de leur maturité numérique actuelle.Le modèle développé dans cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette perspective et vise à souligner les forces d’un acteur bancaire et ses points perfectibles pour, dans une perspective opératoire, alimenter la stratégie de transformation des entreprises du secteur. Le point de départ en est une méthode de mesure de maturité numérique de toute organisation (Fayon, Tartar, 2014) qui a été approfondie dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse. La réflexion a été conduite relativement aux tendances structurantes de la transformation digitale, et à un centrage sur le cas du secteur bancaire. Elle s’est nourrie des travaux académiques relatifs au changement de paradigme porté par les technologies numériques et à ceux relatifs au design organisationnel entre autres. Deux enquêtes (l’une sur la banque du futur ; l’autre sur les attentes des générations en matière de service bancaire) et un PoC réalisé dans le cadre du paiement sans contact sur smartphone à La Poste, ont nourri la réflexion pour enrichir notre modèle initial de mesure de la maturité numérique.Pour bâtir le modèle, nous avons fait le choix de nous baser principalement sur les travaux existants dans les deux domaines au cœur de la transformation digitale, d’une part les systèmes d’information où de nombreux outils méthodologiques ont été développés (CMMI, ITIL, CobiT, etc.) et d’autre part le marketing. Chacun des indicateurs du modèle initial a été challengé en s’appuyant sur la littérature dans le domaine ainsi que sur un corpus de données élaboré pour ce travail de thèse.La portée de cette mesure est de deux ordres. Le résultat peut permettre, pour les décideurs qui s’en saisissent – typiquement les acteurs de la transformation digitale (Comex, CDO, Directeur du SI, Directeur marketing) –, d’alimenter la stratégie de transformation digitale de l’acteur considéré (grâce au calcul de la maturité des leviers identifiés et globalement de la banque pour mettre en exergue ses forces et ses faiblesses). Mais cette mesure peut avoir également une portée performative. Elle peut permettre en effet, comme pour tous dispositifs de mesure, de donner un état « objectivé » mais également « objectivant » du niveau atteint par chacun des indicateurs et accompagner dès lors un processus réflexif de transformation digitale.Un certain nombre de limites sont inhérentes à ce travail de thèse, dans sa dimension instrumentale notamment. La cohérence interne du modèle, bien que mise à l’épreuve de différentes démarches analytiques et tests, n’est pas exempte, par construction, d’une part d’arbitraire. La pertinence du modèle, si elle a pu être testée partiellement à l’aune de cas d’entreprise, reste soumise à l’épreuve de la généralisation. Par ailleurs, le caractère évolutif des technologies numériques et des changements sociétaux associés, pourront faire perdre de l’acuité à certains indicateurs. Mais la dimension intrinsèquement performative du modèle pourrait demeurer. / The bank is a front-line sector of digital transformation and ranks 4th in the most digitally-transformed sectors behind IT, media and professional services (Gandhi & al, 2016). In addition, the burst of data and the need for real-time processing is a challenge for the players to meet or anticipate the needs of customers. In this way, the digital transformation of banks is emblematic of the opportunities and risks of our digital society.Studies tend to demonstrate that digital performance reflects the company's economic performance (Accenture, 2016b). It is therefore all the more important to carry out its digital transformation in order to remain or become a performing bank, especially since the average mortality of multinationals is only 40 years (Schatt, 2014).The question is where are the banks going to be in the value chain: continuing vertical integration or horizontal integration to diversify, buy or make partnerships with technological players or fintech?The prerequisite may lie in the knowledge of their current digital maturity. The model developed in this thesis makes it possible to highlight the strengths of a banking player and its perfectible points likely to feed the transformation strategy for its leaders and the related priorities. The starting point is the methodology of measuring digital maturity of any kind of organization (Fayon, Tartar, 2014) that has been challenged as part of this thesis work. Its axes, which define digital maturity, have evolved and are there to number six: Organization, Technology and Innovation, People, Offer, Environment, Strategy.The reflection has been focused on the structuring trends of digital transformation, and a focus on the case of the banking sector. She has been nourished by academic work related to the paradigm shift brought by digital technologies and those related to organizational design among others. Two surveys (one on the bank of the future, the other on the expectations of the generations in terms of banking service) and a PoC realized as part of the contactless payment on smartphone at La Poste french company have fueled the reflection to enrich our initial model of measuring digital maturity.To build the model, we have chosen to rely primarily on existing work in both areas at the heart of digital transformation, on the one hand information systems where many methodological tools have been developed (CMMI, ITIL, CobiT, etc.) and secondly marketing. Each of the indicators of the initial model was challenged by relying on the literature in the field as well as on a body of data developed for this thesis work.The scope of this measure is of two kinds. The result can make it possible for the decision makers who seize it - typically the actors of the digital transformation (Executive Committee, CDO, CTO, CMO) – feed the digital transformation strategy of the considered actor (thanks to the calculation of the maturity of the 6 levers and globally of the bank to highlight its strengths and its weaknesses, it is then necessary to exploit them in the service of its strategy). But this measure can also have a performative scope. It allows, as for all devices measuring tools, to give an "objectivized" but also "objectifying" level reached by each of the indicators and therefore accompany a reflexive process of digital transformation.A number of limitations are inherent to this thesis work in its instrumental dimension in particular. The internal coherence of the model, although tested by different analytical approaches and tests, is not exempt, by construction, from an arbitrary part. The relevance of the model, even if it has been tested partly with some business cases, remains subject to the test of generalization. In addition, the evolving nature of digital technologies and associated societal changes may make some indicators less relevant. But the performative dimension of the model could then remain.

Digital maturity among Swedish manufacturing SMEs : Recommendations on how to utilizedigitalization when internationalizing

Järncrantz, Amanda, Fritz, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
The emergence of digitalization and its prevalence is constantly changing the environment inwhich business operates, and consequently the firm’s way of conducting business. Having theability to work with digital maturity is thus a prerequisite for a firm that wants to survive thecompetitive market that prevails today. Despite Sweden's strong infrastructure and greataccess to digitalization skills, Swedish manufacturing SMEs demonstrate an alarmingly lowdegree of digital maturity in their international work. Through a qualitative interview studywith an abductive research approach, this research has explored and unpacked existingtheories on digital maturity, to recommend a proposal for further development of existingframeworks and how Swedish SMEs can work with digital maturity to utilize digitalization intheir internationalization process through export. Furthermore, this study has throughsemi-structured interviews from eight companies, explored Swedish manufacturing SMEs’digital maturity to understand how they use digitalization in their export process.The findings of this study indicates that Swedish SMEs need to stay up to date with the latestdigitalization strategies for internationalizing through export and that the most critical keyfactor is to have human resources with the right competence and capabilities to managedigital change management and work with digital maturity. Hence, to enable Swedishmanufacturing SMEs to utilize digitalization in its export processes and consequently, gaincompetitive advantages necessary to survive in the fast-changing digitalized internationalenvironment.

Att styra i en digital värld : En flerfallsstudie om digitaliseringens påverkan på verksamhetsstyrning / To control in a digital world : A multiple case study on the impact of digitalization on operating control

Ahlmark, Stina, Karlsson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Samhället genomgår just nu en övergång till mer datadrivna verksamheter och dåblir kopplingen mellan IT och verksamhetsstyrning högst relevant att undersöka. Den ökade digitaliseringen verkar påverka företags sätt att bedriva verksamhet och den skapar både möjligheter och utmaningar. Digitaliseringen är inte längre en fråga för endast IT- avdelningen utan för hela organisationen. Det handlar inte om att digitaliseringen påverkar företag, utan hur den gör det. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förklara på vilka sätt digitaliseringen kan förändra och påverka verksamhetsstyrningen. Genomförande: Denna studie har en kvalitativ karaktär med utgångspunkt i ett realistiskt perspektiv. De empiriska data är insamlade genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från sex olika företag som befinner sig i olika branscher. Slutsats: Det går att konstatera att digitaliseringen har påverkat fallföretagens verksamhetsstyrning i en mängd olika avseenden. För att lyckas i det nya och mer föränderliga företagsklimatet som digitaliseringen bidrar till krävs det omstrukturering av organisationen och nya roller i företagen samt nya typer av kompetenser. Den digitala transformationen underlättar bland annat informationsflöde, transparens och skapandet av mer effektiva kedjor samt bidrar till ökad kundorientering tack vare möjligheterna att analysera kundmönster genom data. Det leder i sin tur till att företag kan bredda och förändra sina erbjudanden och det finns en strävan efter att utgå från kärnprodukten. En viktig aspekt kopplat till detta är att understryka att digitalisering av aktiviteter inte nödvändigtvis leder till positiva resultat för företagen och det gäller därför att företagen vet vad de vill få ut av den digitala transformationen innan investeringar görs. Slutligen verkar det som att företagens digitala mognadsgrad får påverkan för i vilken grad verksamhetsstyrningen förändras. / Background: The society is currently going through a change to more data-driven companies which makes the connection between IT and control most relevant. The increased digitalization affects companies’ ways of managing and creates both possibilities and challenges. Digitalization is no longer a question for the IT-department alone, but for the entire organization. It is not a question if digitalization affects companies, but how. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine in which ways digitalization can change and affect operating control. Completion: This study is characterized by a qualitative methodology and has a realistic perspective. The empirical data has been collected through six semi-structured interviews with respondents from six different companies within different industries. Conclusion: The digitalization has affected the studied cases’ operating control in many ways. To be able to succeed in the new and constantly changing environment, companies need to restructure their business and create new roles within the organization. Companies are also searching for new competencies. The digital transformation facilitates the flow of information, transparency and the creation of more effective value chains and contributes to increased customer orientation thanks to the possibilities of analyzing customer behavior through data. This in turn leads to companies being able to broaden and change their offerings, and here there seems to be an endeavor to start from the core product. An important aspect connected to this, is that the digitalization of activities does not necessarily lead to positive results for companies and therefore they need to know what they want to achieve with a digital transformation before making investments. Finally, it seems like companies’ degree of digital maturity has an impact on the extent to which operating control change.

Digitale Reife von KMU und Familienunternehmen

Döppler, Peter 06 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Online-Kommunikation ist ein allgegenwärtiges Phänomen unseres digitalen Zeitalters. Soziale Netzwerke, Messenger-Programme und ähnliche Dienstleistungen begleiten uns alle im Alltag und werden von jungen Generationen als selbstverständlich hin- und in Anspruch genommen. Der Einzug der Moderne in kommunikative Abläufe sollte auch vor inner- und außerbetrieblichen Abläufen in Unternehmen nicht haltmachen. 2006 entwickelte McAfee sein Konzept ‚Enterprise 2.0‘. Darin beschreibt er den Einsatz von Web 2.0-Technologien in Betrieben. Seitdem versuchen Firmen sich diesem Idealbild anzunähern. Zur menschlichen Kommunikation gesellt sich zwischenzeitlich, neben Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, auch der intermaschinelle Informationsaustausch. ‚Internet der Dinge‘ und ‚Industrie 4.0‘ dominieren in Deutschland den Sprachgebrauch, wenn es um wirtschaftliche Belange geht. Besonders die produzierende deutsche Unternehmenslandschaft setzt große Hoffnung in den Einsatz und die Integration modernster Web-Technologien in ihre Logistik- und Produktionsprozesse. Das um den Menschen zentrierte Konzept von ‚Enterprise 2.0‘ scheint in den Hintergrund zu treten. Etwa Mitte 2014 tauchte ein neuer Begriff in den Suchmaschinenanfragen im Internet auf: ‚Digitale Transformation‘. Er scheint als Klammer zwischen allen oder zumindest vielen Konzepten rund um Web 2.0-Technologien und Sozialen Medien und deren Einsatz im Wirtschaftsleben zu fungieren. Darin eingebunden ist neben der technologischen, auch die kulturelle Komponente, die mit dem Einsatz solcher Werkzeuge einhergeht: Generationenwandel, Führungskonzepte, Technologien, Geschäftsmodellveränderungen. Diese als ‚disruptive Veränderungen‘ wahrgenommenen Ereignisse scheinen in nicht unerheblichem Maße unsere Diskussionen, privat und beruflich, stark zu beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Fragestellungen wie sich die Kommunikation und das Informationsmanagement in Unternehmen verändert sowie mit den digitalen Kenntnissen von Mitarbeitern im Umgang mit Online-Medien. Erst in den letzten beiden Jahren (2015 und 2016) werden vermehrt Studien und Veröffentlichungen publiziert, die sich mit diesen Themen beschäftigen. Wenn man einen genaueren Blick darauf wirft, dann muss aber festgestellt werden, dass es sich oftmals um Großunternehmen und Konzerne handelt, die als Beispiele genannt werden, z. B. Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG, Axel Springer SE, Continental AG. Der für Deutschland wichtige Unter- und Mittelbau aus kleinen und mittelständischen (KMU) sowie Familienunternehmen scheint zu fehlen. Das ist der Grund, weshalb der Fokus dieser Dissertation auf der Beschäftigung mit den vorgenannten Veränderungen in Unternehmen aus diesen Bereichen liegt. Um ein schärferes Bild der Veränderungen hinsichtlich Kommunikation und Informationsmanagement in Unternehmen zu bekommen, wurde das Thema vom Autor mit einer explorativen Herangehensweise bearbeitet. Er führte eine quantitative Studie mit Auszubildenden und Studenten der Duale Hochschule (n = 438) durch, um deren Kommunikationsverhalten sowohl im privaten als auch im beruflichen Umfeld zu ermitteln. In einem zweiten Forschungsschritt fand eine ethnographische Feldbeobachtung in einem Familienunternehmen statt. Diese wurde mittels des Mixed-Methods-Ansatzes durchgeführt. Neben der Beobachtung erfolgte hier ebenfalls eine quantitative Studie mittels Fragebogenerhebung (n = 189). Die Dissertation liefert als Ergebnis einen Einblick in die ‚digitale Reife‘ von Unternehmen, die weder in ihrer Struktur, noch der Größe oder der Kapitalausstattung an oben genannte, medienpräsente Unternehmen heranreichen, aber zu denen gehören, die über 99 % der Unternehmen stellen und 60 % der Menschen in Deutschland beschäftigen. / Online communication is a ubiquitous phenomenon of our digital age. Often used by young generations as a matter of course, Social Networks, Messenger Programs and similar services accompany us all in everyday life. The advent of modernity in communicative processes should also not preclude the internal and external procedures in companies. In 2006, McAfee developed his concept ‘Enterprise 2.0’. He describes the use of Web 2.0 technologies within companies. Since then, many of them have been trying to approach this ideal. In addition to human communication, we see humanmachine communication and intermachine information exchange. When it comes to economic concerns, 'Internet of Things' and 'Industry 4.0’ dominate the language usage in Germany. The German business landscape in particular places great hopes on the usage and integration of state-of-the-art web technologies in their logistics and production processes. The concept of 'Enterprise 2.0', which is centered on the human being, seems to be set into the background. Around mid-2014, a new term emerged in the web search engines: 'digital transformation'. It seems to be a link between all or at least many concepts about Web 2.0 technologies and social media and their use in business life. In addition to the technological and cultural component involved in the use of such tools, this includes change of generations, management concepts, technologies, business model changes. These events, perceived as 'disruptive changes', seem to have a considerable influence on our discussions, both private and professional. This thesis deals with the questions on how communication and information management in companies are changing as well as with the digital knowledge of employees working with online media. It is only in the last two years (2015 and 2016) that more and more studies and publications regarding these topics have been published. If you take a closer look, these are often done with and about large companies and corporations, e.g. Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG, Axel Springer SE, Continental AG. The smaller and midsized companies, the so-called ‘German Mittelstand’, which are important for Germany, seems to be missing. Because of this, the focus of this dissertation is on the abovementioned changes in companies out of this spectrum. In order to get a clearer picture of the changes in communication and information management in enterprises, the author has dealt with an exploratory approach. He conducted a quantitative study with trainees and dual university students (n = 438) to determine their communication behavior both in their private and their professional environment. In a second research step, an ethnographic field observation took place in a family enterprise. He has done this using the mixed-method approach. In addition to the observation, a quantitative study was carried out using a questionnaire survey (n = 189). The result of the dissertation provides an insight into the 'digital maturity' of companies that do not reach the above-mentioned companies represented in the media, neither in their structure nor their size or capital but which belong to more than 99 % of all the German companies that employ approximately 60 % of all working people.

A consultant perspective on Digital transformation : Experiences of successful digitalization

Karlsson, Kristoffer, Spyrou, Nikolas Karl January 2020 (has links)
Progress in digital technologies has influenced organizations and individuals alike. The focus of organizations has been to adapt to the dynamic digital landscapes; ranging from expanding the boundaries of existing markets, to conquer unexplored and unclaimed opportunities. These include collaboration in novel partnerships with external actors, creating additional value through alternative use of existing technologies and services, provided to the customer in the growing digitally interconnected ecosystem. The purpose of this work is to explore contemporary consultant’s experiences related to the digitalization of their client organizations. Which major factors, in their experience, increase the success rate of digitalization or digital transformation projects, and which factors form the greatest risks? In order to answer the research questions and thereby fulfill the purpose, a case study was performed, where eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with consultants from two firms. A thematic analysis was conducted, and the results were presented in the more general topics Perspectives on change, Change management, User involvement, Digital maturity, and Cultural aspects. These adaptations made by organizations need to be aligned with the overarching goals and values they may hold. In order for such an investment to stand a chance of being successful, support is needed from all levels of the organization. Both through the willingness to adapt, and suitability of the proposed investment. In order to provide support is through proper change management, with a specific focus on the human side of the planned change. If the implemented system or process is not being used, or not utilized as intended, the generated improvement will be less than expected. The digital strategy was argued to be of less use to the organization the less connected it was to the general strategic perspectives. The digital aspects described in such a document must be incorporated in the identity and culture of the organization to remain useful, they need to become part of their DNA.

Handelsorganisationers digitala mognad och vad de bör göra för att nå digital framgång

Amréus Hammargården, Fredrik, Rothe, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie beskriver vad handelsorganisationer med butiksförsäljning som primär försäljningskanal bör fokusera på för att öka sin lönsamhet. För att samla in information har vi gjort en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som skickades ut till primärt 96 stycken VD:ar i Svenska handelsorganisationer inom B2C. Denna studie visar att handels-organisationer har stora utmaningar när det gäller att hantera digitaliseringen och bli digitalt mogna, även om de aldrig tidigare investerat så mycket i digital teknik som under senare år. Det mest anmärkningsvärda i denna studie är dock att det inte finns något samband mellan deras lönsamhet och digitala mognad. Det indikerar på att deras investeringar de senaste åren inte bidragit till vare sig en ökad lönsamhet eller en ökad effektivitet. Slutsatsen belyser att handelsorganisationer bör se över synen på digital innovation och förbättra styrningen genom att ge anställda möjligheten att skapa bättre strategier med hjälp av digital teknik. Vidare bör de fortsatt värdesätta intuition men till mycket högre grad säkerställa att de har resurserna och möjligheterna att nyttja kund- och affärsdata, för att på så vis kunna använda sig av ett teknokratiskt beslutsfattande. Slutligen bör de behålla satsningar mot en mer organisk organisationsstruktur och säkerställa att de har mätbara målsättningar i deras digitaliseringsstrategier. / This research paper describes what brick-and-mortar organizations, in the new technological world, should focus on in order to increase their profitability. Information was collected primarily from 96 CEO:s at Swedish retail organizations working within B2C. This study shows that retail organizations have great challenges in managing digitalisation and becoming digitally mature, even though they never invested as much in digital technology as in the recent years. The most remarkable result in this study, however, is that there is no link between their profitability and digital maturity. This indicates that their investments in recent years have not contributed to either increased profitability or increased efficiency. The conclusion highlights that retail organizations should review the view of digital innovation and improve management by giving employees the opportunity to create better strategies using digital technology. They should also continue to value intuition but to a much greater degree ensure that they have the resources and opportunities to use customer and business data, in order to be able to use technocratic decision-making. Finally, they should maintain their efforts towards a more organic organizational structure and ensure that they have measurable objectives in their digitization strategies.

Framgångsrik affärsmodellinnovation : En digital affärsmodell i en digitalt omogen bransch

El Masry, Aina January 2020 (has links)
Affärsmodellinnovation innebär att en affärsmodell uppdateras och utvecklas för att vara relevant och samspelt med konkurrensen. Det finns flertal forskare som listar olika koncept som organisationer behöver ha med i sina ffärsmodellinnovation för att den ska bli framgångsrik. Men hur blir det när ett bolag försöker sig på affärsmodellinnovation och skapar ett digitalt verktyg för samverkan i en digital omogen bransch som byggbranschen?  Syftet med denna studie är därmed att utforska utmaningar kring affärsmodellsinnovation som fokuserar på utveckling av digitala verktyg för byggbranschen och metoden som används är litteraturstudie samt semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien resulterar i slutsatsen att det inte räcker med koncepten som forskarna har kommit fram till vad gäller affärsmodellinnovation utan att ett bolag som ska skapar ett digitala verktyg behöver även skapa sig en insikt om hela affärsmodellinnovationensekosystem för att nå fram till sina kunder och partners i en digitalt omogen bransch.

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