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Cost and value in the peer-reviewed scholarly digital journal information chainHalliday, Leah January 2002 (has links)
The thesis reports research on digital publishing of peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. The aim was: (1) to first describe the activities undertaken by the stakeholders involved in scholarly Journal publishing, a process that is largely uncharted; (2) then to relate those activities to the structure of the scholarly journal publishing chain with reference to various economic or business models that have been tested or proposed; (3) and finally to explain in strategic terms some of the developments observed. Between four and six subjects were interview from each of the following groups of stakeholders in the scholarly journal information chain: authors, editors/referees (one group), publishers and librarians.
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No longer on the shelf : the case for self-publicationDillon-Lee, Faith January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the persuasive effects of literature both personally and socially, via the codification of character archetypes in fiction (exemplified here in high fantasy fiction). This thesis firstly explores the manner in which literature can affect individuals' beliefs, and how certain representations of groups (in this case, women) can be inherited and maintained through genre norms, themselves maintained through traditional publishing models and financial concerns. Next, this thesis offers an analysis of self-published novels' responses to the archetypal representations of women within high fantasy, as exemplified in two popular high fantasy works, The Lord of the Rings and A Game of Thrones, and four self-published novels (including the author's own). It then focuses on whether self-publishing allows for the highlighted genre norms to be more easily subverted due to the nature of the new publishing model. It concludes with a discussion on the possibility of a new form of literary understanding, termed by the author 'multiliteraryism'. Building on debates in the field of world literature and multilingualism, multiliteraryism, it is suggested, can offer a new method of understanding multiple voices and representations, absent any denigration in terms of the means of publication.
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Texts and reading in virtual environments : history and prospectsHerr, Timothy Paul 23 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the activity of pleasure reading as conducted within three kinds of virtual environments: role-playing and adventure video games, Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) such as World of Warcraft, and graphical online social worlds such as Second Life. I ask how and to what extent different types of virtual environments are able to provide immersive reading experiences. This analysis relies upon the concepts of telic (purpose-driven) and paratelic (pleasure-driven) modes of reading, and I examine how virtual environments provide affordances for one or the other mode. How they do so usually has to do with how their situate reading materials in relation to the environment’s diegetic world, as well as whether the diegetic world is coherent and bounded. I conclude that while paratelic reading is encouraged in all virtual environments, role-playing and adventure video games are conducive to partially telic reading experiences, with players reading in order to better understand the diegetic world in which they act. MMOGs feature largely immutable diegetic worlds lacking normal relations of causality, but they still manage to some degree to encourage telic reading by circumscribing and enriching the world with lore. Virtual social worlds are generally unable to provide this sort of telic reading experience due to their lack of coherent diegetic worlds, and their effectiveness for paratelic reading is currently hampered by unwieldy interfaces and lack of innovation in the format of virtual books. Although MMOGs and social virtual worlds both feature synchronous collaboration between players with the potential for emergent narratives, neither has been able to leverage this advantage for the creation of immersive reading experiences. Finally, all three forms of virtual environment have inspired innovative user-created narratives and interfaces, but they have done so outside the contexts of their diegetic game worlds, in the sphere of participant culture. / text
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Digital publishing in Ghana : a focus on children's e-booksRy-Kottoh, Lucy Afeafa January 2017 (has links)
Adopting a mixed methods approach consisting of interviews, focus group discussions and surveys, this thesis investigates the state of digital publishing in Ghana within the context of Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory. With a focus on children’s ebooks, it examines publishers’, authors’ and readers’ levels of adoption of ebooks, and their motivations for, perceptions of, and challenges or barriers to, going digital or otherwise. It also assesses the state of digital infrastructure and human resource capacity in Ghana to support the growing ebook sector, and identifies the knowledge and skills deficit in the industry in order to inform the development of courses that will be incorporated into the BA Publishing Studies programme at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). This thesis reveals that the level of adoption of ebook publishing among publishers and authors was relatively low given the interest demonstrated by young readers. The latter were very interested in ebooks and read mainly foreign content because it was freely available and accessible online. Publishers’ and authors’ motivations for publishing ebooks include visibility, the opportunity to reach a much wider audience, and the novelty of publishing digitally to keep abreast of current trends so as to transform the local industry. Some barriers to adoption identified were the cost associated with acquiring infrastructure, the security of online content, inadequate information about ebooks, non-use of ebooks, and infrastructural challenges such as inconsistent electricity supply and poor Internet penetration. The thesis also identified an awareness disconnect between publishers and their local readers: publishers perceive ebooks to be for the international market and, as such, do not focus on promoting them in the local market; thus, local readers are not aware of the existence of ebooks. Expanding on Rogers’ adoption categories, two new categories were created, incidental adopters and perceptual late adopters, to accommodate individuals who do not fall within Rogers’ established adopter categories. To increase the spread of digital publishing and the uptake of ebooks in the Ghanaian book market, the thesis recommends the elimination of the barriers to adoption and, most importantly, advocates training and skills development to reduce the knowledge and skills deficit gap among publishers and authors.
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Digitala publikationer : Nästa steg i tidningens utveckling / Digital publications : The next step in the magazine's developmentLange, Josefin January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver hur dagens tekniska processer ser ut vid tillverkning av applikationer för interaktiva publikationer. En interaktiv publikation är en digitalt skapad tidning med ett extra lager av information som man kan interagera med. Exempel på interaktivitet är bildspel, video och informationsflöden i realtid som visas direkt i tidningen. Rapporten fokuserar på vad det är som ger ett mervärde till en digital interaktiv publikation och vilka funktioner det är som kan ge upphov till detta. Genom en jämförande analys mellan digitala publikationer och papperstidningar tas fyra designaspekter fram för att användas som grund för hur interaktiva element bör hanteras i framställningen av digitala publikationer. En prototyp av en interaktiv publikation har tagits fram för att visa hur designaspekterna kan tillämpas och för att visa hur information kan presenteras på ett mer interaktivt sätt. / This report describes how today's technological processes look like in the production of applications for interactive publications. An interactive publication is a digitally created magazine with an extra layer of information that you can interact with. Examples of interactivity is slideshows and video and data streams in real time that are displayed directly in the magazine. The report focuses on what it is that adds value to a digital interactive publication, and what functions which may provide cause to this. Through a comparative analysis of digital publications and the newspapers, four designaspects have been developed as an basis for how the interactive elements should be handled in the production of digital publications. A prototype of an interactive publication was developed to show how the designaspects can be applied and to show how information can be presented in a more interactive way.
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Les pratiques de la recherche en archéologie à l'heure du numérique : l'évolution de la recherche d'information et de la publication de 1955 à nos jours / Archaeology research in the digital age : the history and evolution of information retrieval and publication (1955 to present)Fromageot-Laniepce, Virginie 29 November 2018 (has links)
Avec les progrès des technologies numériques et des réseaux, les archéologues sont appelés à réfléchir à la grande diversité des supports pour la consultation des connaissances archéologiques. L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre les caractéristiques de la publication scientifique en ligne et les solutions qu’elle apporte au travail de l’archéologue.La première partie de cette étude, dédiée à l’histoire de la recherche d’information et de la publication en archéologie, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle en France, examine les expériences des précurseurs des bases de données, puis des pionniers du traitement des textes des publications, dans la mesure où ils furent des observateurs avisés des problèmes de lecture des publications archéologiques et de l’utilisation des informations contenues. Dans la seconde partie, l’étude aborde les questions de l’élaboration de la publication scientifique en ligne, de l’apparition de l’internet à aujourd’hui, dans le contexte d’une diffusion qui tend à mettre à la disposition de chacun une large partie de l'information (Libre accès). Elle définit le processus de l’édition scientifique en ligne pour l’archéologie, à partir d’une enquête sur les fréquents supports de diffusion en ligne des ouvrages et des revues scientifiques imprimés et sur la formation de publications numériques natives, suivie d’une analyse de conceptions au sein de l’UMR 7041 Archéologies et Sciences de l’Antiquité avec différents partenaires. Les résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les besoins fondamentaux de la communauté archéologique et de l’aider à organiser ces entreprises éditoriales. / The nature of publishing in archaeology is changing with the advancement of digital media, and archaeologists are deeply involved in the evolution of print and digital publication. This research aims to understanding the characteristics of digital publication and the solutions it offers to archaeological research.The first part of this study concerns the history of information retrieval and publication in the second half of the twentieth century in France. It examines the foundations of archaeological computing and the start of automatic documentation in the discipline (later becoming database applications and data processing), and how other past experiences have contributed to formalizing archaeological reflection and writing.The second part of the study surveys the development of digital publishing in archaeology through time and within the context of Open Access. Through an evaluation of websites that disseminate printed books and journals as well as those publishing only in digital form, the process of online dissemination is defined (and with reference to experiences from the Unit of “Archéologies et Sciences de l’Antiquité” with key publishing stakeholders). The results provide a key to better understand the needs of the archaeological community and assist in developing current approaches to archaeological publishing.
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Feeling Digital ComposingShivener, Richard 30 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing InstituteGuérin, Delphine 08 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Internationalen Open Access Week 2016 fand am 26.10.2016 die Veranstaltung "Open in Action at TU Chemnitz" statt.
Der Vortrag des MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - berichtet über die Aktivitäten des Open-Access-Verlages und die Vorteile für Autoren.
Die Präsentation zeigt das Leistungsspektrum und gibt Auskunft über den Peer Review-Prozess.
Seit 2015 hat die Universitätsbibliothek eine Institutionelle Vereinbarung mit dem MDPI geschlossen. Der Publikationsworkflow ist für Wissenschaffende einfach und transparent. / In the context of the International Open Access Week 2016, the event "Open in Action at TU Chemnitz" was held on 26 October 2016.
The lecture of the MDPI – the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute – presents the past and current activities of the open access publisher and the author benefits. The presentation shows the procedures and the range of inhouse services in the editorial and the peer review process.
The University Library of the Technische Universität Chemnitz has held an institutional membership with the MDPI AG since 2015. Thus, the publication and invoicing workflow is made simple and transparent for academics.
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數位出版產業產品創新之研究 / A Study of Product Innovation in Digital Publishing Industry陳若瑋, Chen, Jo Wei Unknown Date (has links)
一、 數位出版業者在創新的關鍵要素上作法各為何?有何相同處?
二、 數位出版業者在從事創新活動時的組織特性為何?
研究發現如下:一、數位出版業者不論位於什麼位置,皆有來自內部與外部的創意來源,其中,外部來源在現階段較為重要;二、數位出版業者皆重視市場之意見回饋,但在實際執行過程中,因”市場競爭、技術問題、使用者習慣” 等因素,因而面臨市場分析數據不足之情況;三、目前數位出版市場面臨之共同問題為需求、設備、軟體以及內容的不協調;四、資金方面,集團本身內部資源的流通與共享是相對於小型出版業者較有優勢之處;五、人才方面,其人才組成分為技術專業與編輯專業兩大類,而目前數位出版產業最缺乏兩種專業兼具之人才;六、在數位出版產業中,其創新關鍵要素之發展順序有一定之脈絡。目前之發展模式為先模擬市場並做小型嘗試,再依據顧客反應修改產品。等到被市場認同,市場擴大後需要新的創意,新的創意產生後,資金就湧入,人才既之被吸引而來。七、數位出版業者在從事創新時,組織以功能型->輕量級->重量級->自治型的順序轉變,當組織發覺有近似市場的機會時,會積極以輕量級或重量級團隊進行創新。
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數位出版產業競合分析之研究 / Co-opetition analysis in digital publishing industry鄧雅文, Teng, Ya-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路與數位化的衝擊下,出版產業價值鏈由於數位內容的大量湧現,使得整個產業需要進行架構性的轉型。除了出版業者遭遇數位化轉型壓力,數位出版產業亦加入不少新成員:如網路作家、行動通訊業者、資訊硬體廠商等…臺灣具有生機勃發的出版產業與厚實的科技研發技術,在數位出版領域之發展可謂兼備軟硬實力。但在公私部門陸續投入之下,目前仍未出現成熟之商業模式,亦不見殺手級產品之應用。在此情勢中,同異業之間的合縱連橫,以及對上下游的策略布局,成為未來數位出版產業發展之重要因素。因此本研究之核心問題為數位出版產業中關鍵參與者之間的互動關係,以及個別對於現況之回應程度。在研究架構方面,則以競合理論(Brandenburgeran & Nalebuff, 1996)為主體,從核心企業、顧客、供應商、互補者、競爭者五大角色切入,探究個別業者的策略佈局與動態互動關係。輔以體驗經濟(Pine & Gilmore,1998)中經濟價值遞進的階段性模型,以文獻分析與個案訪談之方法推論出數位出版產業衍變趨勢。本研究結論可歸納為四:
1. 數位出版價值鏈縮短,廠商組成與分工發生質變。如終端閱讀載體業者與電信業者新加入數位出版產業競局;數位內容營運業者成為重要中間商,通路影響力逐漸展現。遭受轉型壓力之上游內容供應業者現階段應採取「雙軌並行」策略。
2. 就產業現況而言,以互補性資源為基礎的小眾異業結盟現象為發展主軸。「創造價值的本質是合作,爭取價值的本質是競爭」則可總結數位出版產業存在之複雜互動關係。
3. 數位出版產業技術融合的結果擴大產業「範圍」,而「參賽者」與「附加價值」為業界普遍使用於改變產業競局之元素。
4. 各類出版品將依其內容性質往核心持續演化出相異之數位表現型式,整體發展趨勢朝向實體紙本之互補品演進,預測數位出版產業將走向虛實整合的體驗經濟。 / Digital content, including digital publishing and archives, is one of the stars in "Two Trillion Twin Stars” industries. Development of digital content industry is in significance of knowledge-based economy. Although government has promoted for more than a decade, the market potential of digital content was unclear and industry players were cautious until the success of Amazon’s “Kindle”. In 2007, Amazon Bookstore launched the revolutionary eBook reader “Kindle” by creating a new business model that brings contents, services, and transmission together. The success of Kindle not only arouses attention from other market players but also proved the feasibility of e-reader products.
Under the impact of digitization, the value chain and structure of publishing industry has transformed due to the emergence of large amount of digital content. Content Providers, such as traditional publishers, have experienced much pressure from the digital transition. In addition, new players such as Information Technology & Communication and IT hardware manufacturers have become involved into the industry. The publishing industry in Taiwan has a growing vitality and solid scientific and technological strength, which makes it an ideal environment for the development of digital publishing industry. However, since the business model is not mature and no killer application has emerged yet, the alliances between different parties and interactions of upstream and downstream become key factors of future development of Taiwan’s digital content industry.
The core issue of the study is the interaction between key players in digital publishing industry and their evolution status. This study uses Co-Opetition Theory (Brandenburgeran & Nalebuff, 1996) as theoretical framework and analyzes five dimensions of Taiwan’s digital publishing industry. Additionally, Experience Economy Theory (Pine & Gilmore, 1998) is used as reference to forecast the trend of the industry. The purpose of this research is to analyze the layout strategy and dynamic inter-relationship of digital publishing firms by utilizing literature analysis, case study, and deeply interviews. Conclusions of this study can be summarized as following:
1. The value chain of digital publishing has been shortened and the role of market players and their business division have been redefined. For Instance, new players such as Ebook readers’ manufactures and ITC companies are emerging in digital publishing industry, and the influences of integrators and sales channel have been greatly arisen. Therefore, content providers are suggested to take “dual track” strategy to cope with incoming transition pressure.
2. In terms of current situation, the cross-industry alliances are mainly based on complementary resources. To best describe the complex interaction in the digital industry, The complex interaction of the digital industry can be generally described in one sentence, “Cooperation is to create value, while competition is to grasp the value.”
3. The results of technology integration have broadened the scope of digital publishing industry, and "Participants" and "added-value" are elements that can be used to change the competition posture.
4. Digital publication will keep evolving according to their content type, and the trend is toward to make it the complementary goods of paper publications. Moreover, by integrating digital and physical publication, digital publishing industry can be predicted to evolve toward experience economy.
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