Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digitales""
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Representing uncertainty in spatial and spatiotemporal databasesTøssebro, Erlend January 2002 (has links)
<p>The theme of this thesis is uncertainty in spatial and spatiotemporal databases. Due to lack of accurate measurements, or rapid changes in time, spatial and spatiotemporal data are often uncertain. This thesis presents new abstract and discrete models for uncertain spatial and spatiotemporal information. The models are based on the principle that one knows that the uncertain object, regardless of type, must be within a certain area.</p><p>The first part of this thesis concerns an abstract model. To this author’sknowledge, this is the first attempt to create a general type system for uncertainty with spatial data. Individual uncertain types have been modelled before, but no work has studied points, lines and regions and used the same principles to model all three. It also seems to be the first model to handle temporal as well as spatial uncertainty. This thesis contains mathematical definitions of uncertain points, lines, regions and temporal versions of these. The thesis also contains definitions of relevant operations on these types. These operations are also evaluated for their usefulness with regard to uncertain data.</p><p>The second part of this thesis concerns three discrete models which are all based on the abstract model mentioned earlier. One of these is an advanced model that manages to model almost all of the aspects of the abstract model, but at the cost of increased need for storage space. It is also difficult to compute probabilities in a consistent manner for this model.The second model is of medium complexity, and balances storage use and modelling power. It also has the advantage that computing probabilities in a consistent manner is much easier than for the advanced model. The third model is an attempt to bring the storage space needed as low as possible. It therefore has somewhat limited modelling power. Unlike the two other discrete models, it cannot be extended to handle spatiotemporal data.</p><p>The handling of uncertain spatiotemporal data is based on how crisp spatiotemporal data are handled in [GBE+00] and [FGNS00]. This thesis makes two important additions to these models so that they can handle uncertain data. First, it presents ways of generating a sliced representation when the times the snapshots were taken are uncertain. Second, it details how operations change as a result of uncertainty. The <i>Initial </i>and <i>Final </i>operations exemplify this as in the crisp case they return the initial and final shapes of an object, but they cannot be defined in the uncertain case. This thesis discusses how these operations can be replaced in the uncertain case.</p>
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eTEACHiNG kompass : Anregungen für online-unterstützte LehreMatthé, Frederic, Kitschke, Dorothea, Schumann, Marlen, Markert, Doreen January 2009 (has links)
Der "eTEACHiNG-kompass" beinhaltet Informationen zu verschiedenen Funktionen der E-Learning-Plattform "Moodle" und weiteren digitalen Lehr-Lern-Medien. Durch Anregungen sowie konkrete Nutzungs- und Handlungsvorschläge will er deren methodisch reflektierten Einsatz in der Lehre unterstützen.
Nr. 1 Lernräume einrichten. Kursgestaltung in Moodle
Nr. 2 Materialien online bereitstellen. Die Moodle-Funktion "Arbeitsmaterialien" kreativ nutzen
Nr. 3 Kommunizieren, organisieren und kooperieren. Foren in Moodle verwenden
Nr. 4 Lernende begleiten, Veranstaltungen evaluieren. Die Feedback-Funktion in Moodle
Nr. 5 Inhalte online-unterstützt vermitteln. Mit der Moodle-Funktion "Lektion" arbeiten
Nr. 6 Unterstützen und überprüfen. Mit der Moodle-Funktion "Test" arbeiten
Nr. 7 Online-Glossare. Wissensspeicher im Internet
Nr. 8 Kooperatives und kollaboratives Lernen im Netz Arbeiten mit Wikis.
Nr. 9 Der Lernbegleiter. Lernen in Worte fassen
Nr. 10 Web Based Training. Aufbereiten von Lehrinhalten für die Online-Vermittlung
Nr. 11 Podcasting. Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Hochschullehre
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eTEACHiNG kompass : Anregungen für online-unterstützte Lehre. - [2. Aufl.]Matthé, Frederic, Kitschke, Dorothea, Schumann, Marlen, Markert, Doreen, Brunner, Beatrice January 2010 (has links)
Der "eTEACHiNG-kompass" beinhaltet Informationen zu verschiedenen Funktionen der E-Learning-Plattform "Moodle" und weiteren digitalen Lehr-Lern-Medien. Durch Anregungen sowie konkrete Nutzungs- und Handlungsvorschläge will er deren methodisch reflektierten Einsatz in der Lehre unterstützen.
Nr. 1 Lernräume einrichten. Kursgestaltung in Moodle
Nr. 2 Materialien online bereitstellen. Die Moodle-Funktion "Arbeitsmaterialien" kreativ nutzen
Nr. 3 Kommunizieren, organisieren und kooperieren. Foren in Moodle verwenden
Nr. 4 Lernende begleiten, Veranstaltungen evaluieren. Die Feedback-Funktion in Moodle
Nr. 5 Inhalte online-unterstützt vermitteln. Mit der Moodle-Funktion "Lektion" arbeiten
Nr. 6 Unterstützen und überprüfen. Mit der Moodle-Funktion "Test" arbeiten
Nr. 7 Online-Glossare. Wissensspeicher im Internet
Nr. 8 Kooperatives und kollaboratives Lernen im Netz Arbeiten mit Wikis.
Nr. 9 Der Lernbegleiter. Lernen in Worte fassen
Nr. 10 Web Based Training. Aufbereiten von Lehrinhalten für die Online-Vermittlung
Nr. 11 Podcasting. Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Hochschullehre
Nr. 12 E-Learning und Urheberrecht. Verwendung geschützter Werke in Forschung und Lehre
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Matematiske uttrykk i digitale bibliotekssystemerBjørnebekk, Sondre Skaug January 2003 (has links)
Denne oppgaven ser på representasjonsbehov for matematiske uttrykk når disse skal lagres for bruk i digitale bibliotek eller på web. Både matematisk mening og den symbolske visningen av uttrykkene er viktig i slike systemer. I tillegg kan det være aktuelt med visualiseringer, for eksempel i form av grafer. I oppgaven gjøres et valg av et format for å støtte begge behovene nevnt over (semantikk og presentasjon) og en arkitektur for bruk av dette formatet til symbolsk visning og tegning av grafer blir utformet og presentert. Det presenteres videre en prototype som bruker det valgte formatet og viser hvordan dette kan brukes både til å utnytte semantikken i det lagrede uttrykket for å tegne opp en graf og bruke presentasjonsinformasjonen til å vise uttrykket symbolsk. I tillegg vises en fullverdig implementasjon av krysspublisering fra samme lagrede matematikk-kilde til ulike sluttformater. Krysspublisering støttes også for grafer, samt at interaksjon og dynamiske muligheter med animasjon, zoom og visning av bestemte punkter er mulig. En analyse av fordeler og ulemper med en distribuert modell for tegning av grafer blir gjort. Konklusjonen her er at det finnes gode argumenter for en distribuert modell, både med tanke på funksjonelle krav og mulighet til skalerbarhet. Skalerbarhet og ytelse blir vurdert i et separat kapittel, herunder med en praktisk simulering av mange sluttbrukere mot en tjenermaskin med prototypen kjørende. På bakgrunn av dette konkluderes det at evnen til å støtte svært mange samtidige brukere er omtrent hundre ganger større i den distribuerte modellen. Implementasjonen i prototypen er dokumentert både i form av diagrammer, oversikt over klasser og deres struktur (i hovedsak i form av et appendiks) og ved at all kildekoden befinner seg på en CD-ROM vedlagt denne rapporten. Prototypen er fullt fungerende og alle mål som var satt til denne ved prosjektstart er nådd. Enkelte eksempler fra prototypen kan sees i praksis direkte fra vedlagte CD-ROM, uten noen serverplattform installert. Med tanke på valg av format konkluderes det med at matematikk på web er et område hvor det ikke er definitivt etablerte såkalte ”best practices” for hva man bør støtte av standarder for å muliggjøre utveksling og sikre fremtidig nytte av dataene. Ved å velge et format som både ivaretar semantikk og presentasjon og lett kan oversettes til andre formater vil man være godt sikret mot fremtidige endringer i trender.
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Representing uncertainty in spatial and spatiotemporal databasesTøssebro, Erlend January 2002 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is uncertainty in spatial and spatiotemporal databases. Due to lack of accurate measurements, or rapid changes in time, spatial and spatiotemporal data are often uncertain. This thesis presents new abstract and discrete models for uncertain spatial and spatiotemporal information. The models are based on the principle that one knows that the uncertain object, regardless of type, must be within a certain area. The first part of this thesis concerns an abstract model. To this author’sknowledge, this is the first attempt to create a general type system for uncertainty with spatial data. Individual uncertain types have been modelled before, but no work has studied points, lines and regions and used the same principles to model all three. It also seems to be the first model to handle temporal as well as spatial uncertainty. This thesis contains mathematical definitions of uncertain points, lines, regions and temporal versions of these. The thesis also contains definitions of relevant operations on these types. These operations are also evaluated for their usefulness with regard to uncertain data. The second part of this thesis concerns three discrete models which are all based on the abstract model mentioned earlier. One of these is an advanced model that manages to model almost all of the aspects of the abstract model, but at the cost of increased need for storage space. It is also difficult to compute probabilities in a consistent manner for this model.The second model is of medium complexity, and balances storage use and modelling power. It also has the advantage that computing probabilities in a consistent manner is much easier than for the advanced model. The third model is an attempt to bring the storage space needed as low as possible. It therefore has somewhat limited modelling power. Unlike the two other discrete models, it cannot be extended to handle spatiotemporal data. The handling of uncertain spatiotemporal data is based on how crisp spatiotemporal data are handled in [GBE+00] and [FGNS00]. This thesis makes two important additions to these models so that they can handle uncertain data. First, it presents ways of generating a sliced representation when the times the snapshots were taken are uncertain. Second, it details how operations change as a result of uncertainty. The Initial and Final operations exemplify this as in the crisp case they return the initial and final shapes of an object, but they cannot be defined in the uncertain case. This thesis discusses how these operations can be replaced in the uncertain case.
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FPGA Implementation of a Video ScalerSkarbø, Roger January 2010 (has links)
Three algorithms for video scaling were developed and tested in software, for implementation on an FPGA. Two of the algorithms were implemented in a video scaler system. These two algorithms scale up with factors 1.25 and 1.875, which is used for scaling SD WIDE to HD resolution and SD WIDE to FullHD resolution, respectively. An algorithm with scaling factor 1.5, scaling HD to FullHD, was also discussed, but not implemented. The video scaler was tested with a verilog testbench provided by ARM. When passing the testbench, the video scaler system was loaded on an FPGA. Results from the FPGA were compared with the software algorithms and the simulation results from the testbench. The video scaler implemented on the FPGA produced predictable results. Even though a fully functional video scaler was made, there were not time left to create the necessary software drivers and application software that would be needed to run the video scaler in real time with live video output. So a comparison of the output from the implemented algorithms is performed with common scaling algorithms used in video scalers, such as bilinear interpolation and bicubic interpolation. This thesis also deal with graphics scaling. Some well-known algorithms for graphic scaling were written in software, including a self-made algorithm to suit hardware. These algorithms were not implemented in hardware, but comparison of the results are performed.
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Digitale Vermessung und Auswertung von All-Sky-MeteorfotografienMolau, Sirko 07 January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen des ¨European Fireball Networks¨ fallen jährlich
etwa 100 Aufnahmen von hellen Feuerkugeln an. Zur Zeit kann
jedoch nur ein Bruchteil des Datenmaterials umfassend ausgewertet
werden, da die manuelle Vermessung der Aufnahmen an einem Meßtisch
sehr aufwendig ist. Im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit wurde das Programm
¨Fireball¨ zur automatischen Vermessung von Feuerkugelfotografien
Die Arbeit beginnt mit einer umfassenden Einführung in die
Thematik der Meteorbeobachtung.
Die Algorithmen der digitalen Bildverarbeitung bilden den Schwerpunkt
der Diplomarbeit. Sie umfassen
* die Digitalisierung der Negative
* die automatische Segmentierung, Identifizierung und Vermessung
von Sternspuren (ohne Zusatzinformationen)
* die manuelle Vermessung der Meteorspur im digitalisierten Bild
Im Anschluß wird die Schnittstelle zu weiterführender Software
Der zweite Schwerpunkt ist der Entwurf einer komfortablen grafischen
Benutzerschnittstelle. Deren Implementation erfolgt in C bei
Verwendung des Motif-Toolkits unter UNIX.
Die Arbeit endet mit dem Ausblick auf zukünftige Entwicklungen
sowie einem Glossar und dem Literaturverzeichnis.
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Der Mailbox-Server in ProduktionRichter, Frank 26 April 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und
Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer
Informatik) der TU Chemnitz.
Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨
Der Vortrag stellt Konzept und Eigenschaften
des seit Dezember 1999 im Einsatz befindlichen
Mailboxservers der TU Chemnitz vor.
Es werden Erfahrungen und Pläne vorgestellt.
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Qt - Programmieren in der Sprache des KDEAnders, Jörg 26 April 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und
Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer
Informatik) der TU Chemnitz.
Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨
Der Vortrag stellt einen kleinen Ausschnitt
aus dem Qt-Programmierkonzept vor: den Signal-Slot-Mechanismus.
Als Beispielanwendung wird auf einen Noteneditor
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Was leisten Port-Scanner?Müller, Thomas 26 April 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und
Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer
Informatik) der TU Chemnitz.
Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨
Port-Scanner sind Software-Werkzeuge, die benutzt werden,
um Informationen über Rechnersysteme im Internet zu ermitteln.
Häufig werden solche Werkzeuge von Angreifern benutzt, um verwundbare Rechnersysteme zu finden.
Der Vortrag stellt die Leistungsfähigkeit und die verwendeten Techniken von frei verfügbaren Port-Scannern dar.
Weiterhin werden Werkzeuge vorgestellt, mit denen Port-Scan-Vorgänge erkannt werden können.
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