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Terapia de ressincronização cardíaca nas cardiomiopatias chagásica e não chagásicas / Cardiac resynchronization therapy in chagasic and nonchagasic cardiomyopathiesAdilson Scorzoni Filho 11 May 2018 (has links)
Os efeitos da utilização da terapia de ressincronização cardíaca (TRC) em pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica (CCC) são pouco conhecidos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi comparar o efeito dessa terapia em pacientes com CCC e não-chagásica. Foram estudados, retrospectivamente, todos os pacientes submetidos à ressincronização cardíaca, associados ou não ao cardioversor-desfibrilador implantável (CDI) no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo no período de julho de 2007 a dezembro de 2017. Para comparar a mesma variável em dois momentos diferentes foi utilizado Teste de Wilcoxon. Para a comparação de proporções foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher. A análise de sobrevida foi feita utilizando-se o método de Kaplan-Meier com o \"Long rank test\" para comparar a sobrevida entre os grupos. Para a análise das variáveis associadas à mortalidade pós-implante utilizou-se a análise de regressão de Cox. Noventa e oito pacientes foram incluídos e divididos em três grupos de cardiopatia: chagásica (CCC) com 42 pacientes (42,9%); isquêmicos (ISQ) com 13 (13,3%) e nãoisquêmico não-chagásico (NINC) com 43 (43,9%). Os pacientes que receberam implante de TRC foram 71,4% e TRC associado ao CDI foram 28,5%. Não havia diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos na avaliação das características clínicas, exceto pela predominância de pacientes do gênero masculino no grupo ISQ. Em relação aos bloqueios de condução intraventriculares, havia menor quantidade de bloqueio de ramo esquerdo (BRE) espontâneo e maior quantidade de BRE induzido no grupo CCC. As demais características eletrocardiográficas e ecocardiográficas eram semelhantes entre os grupos. A sobrevida de pacientes que recebem a TRC foi baixa após 48 meses de implante, independentemente do tipo de miocardiopatia e a despeito da melhora significativa da classe funcional e estreitamento do QRS dos pacientes. Todavia, a sobrevida em pacientes chagásicos foi significativamente menor quando comparada as demais miocardiopatias. Ademais, a melhora da fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) e a redução do diâmetro diastólico final do ventrículo esquerdo (DDFVE) ocorreram significativamente apenas no grupo NINC. O aumento da idade, FEVEreduzida, presença de atraso da condução intraventricular não especificada (ACINE) e de bloqueio de ramo direito (BRD) e baixa classe funcional estão associadas a maior risco de morte após implante. As taxas de complicações cirúrgicas foram baixas em todos os grupos. A taxa de óbito cirúrgico é compatível com a gravidade desses pacientes. Conclui-se que a CCC apresenta resposta clínica à TRC, mas a mortalidade após 48 meses é maior que em outras cardiopatias. / The effects of using cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with Chagas\' heart disease (CCC) are poorly understood. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of this therapy in patients with CCC and non-Chagas\' disease. We retrospectively studied all patients submitted to cardiac resynchronization associated or not with the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) at the Clinical Hospital of Ribeirão Preto Medical School at the São Paulo University from July 2007 to December 2017. We use Wilcoxon\'s test to compare the same variable in two different times. Fisher\'s exact test was used to compare proportions. Survival analysis was done using the Kaplan-Meier method with the Long rank test to compare survival between groups. Cox regression analysis was used to analyze the variables associated with post-implantation mortality. Ninety-eight patients were included and divided into three groups: cardiopathy: chagasic (CCC) with 42 patients (42.9%); ischemic (ISQ) with 13 patients (13.3%) and non-ischemic non-chagasic (NINC) with 43 (43.9%). The patients who received CRT implantation were 71.4% and CRI associated CRT were 28.5%. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the assessment of clinical characteristics, except for the predominance of male patients in the ISQ group. In relation to intraventricular conduction blockades, there was a lower amount of spontaneous left bundle branch block (LBBB) and greater amount of LBBB induced in the CCC group. The other electrocardiographic and echocardiographic characteristics were similar between groups. The survival of patients receiving CRT was low after 48 months of implantation, regardless of the type of cardiomyopathy and despite significant improvement in functional class and QRS narrowing of patients. However, survival in chagasic patients was significantly lower when compared to other cardiomyopathies. In addition, the improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and the reduction of the left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (LVEDF) occurred significantly only in the NINC group. Increased age, reduced LVEF, presence of unspecified intraventricular conduction delay and left bundle branch block, and low functional class are associated with a higher risk of death after implantation. Therates of surgical complications were low in all groups. The surgical death rate is compatible with the severity of these patients. It is concluded that CCC presents a clinical response to CRT, but mortality after 48 months is higher than in the other cardiopathies.
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Análise proteômica no miocárdio de pacientes com cardiomiopatia chagásica crônica: alterações no metabolismo energético cardíaco / Proteomic Analysis in the myocardium from patients with chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy: alterations in the cardiac energy metabolismTeixeira, Priscila Camillo 22 January 2010 (has links)
A patogênese da Cardiomiopatia Chagásica Crônica (CCC) ainda é assunto de intenso debate. A CCC apresenta intenso infiltrado inflamatório no tecido cardíaco, onde os linfócitos T infiltrantes produzem citocinas inflamatórias, como IFN-gama e TNF-alfa. Adicionalmente, pacientes com CCC apresentam um pior prognóstico quando comparados aos portadores de outras cardiomiopatias de etiologia não inflamatória, como a cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CDI) e a cardiomiopatia isquêmica (CI), sugerindo que mecanismos inflamatórios participam da patogênese e evolução da doença. Além disso, evidências anteriores de nosso grupo indicaram alterações do metabolismo energético na CCC. Neste trabalho, comparamos a expressão protéicado miocárdio de pacientes com CCC, CDI e CI e indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias, com foco em proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo energético celular. Para a identificação do perfil de expressão protéica no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC, utilizamos a técnica de separação por eletroforese bidimensional, e a identificação das proteínas foi feita por espectrometria de massa. A maioria dos spots identificados corresponde a proteínas estruturais ou proteínas do metabolismo, principalmente do metabolismo energético. Foram identificadas também proteínas envolvidas na apoptose, em processos imunes e de resposta ao estresse. A análise da expressão protéica diferencial, utilizando marcação fluorescente, nos permitiu analisar o padrão de expressão das proteínas diferencialmente expressas no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC, CDI e CI e de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias, dentro de um total de 683 spots e 230 proteínas distintas identificadas. Observamos que o padrão de expressão protéica do miocárdio de pacientes com CCC é o mais distinto em relação ao padrão de expressão protéica presente no miocárdio de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias; e que o padrão de expressão das proteínas presentes no miocárdio de pacientes com CI é o que mais se assemelha ao padrão de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias. Encontramos várias proteínas com expressão alterada em amostras de pacientes com CCC, CDI e CI em comparação com amostras de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias, as quais desempenham papéis fundamentais em processos envolvidos na patologia de doenças cardiovasculares como apoptose (ex. catepsina D e Akt2), estresse oxidativo (ex. catalase), estresse do retículo endoplasmático (ex: proteína dissulfito isomerase), remodelamento cardíaco (ex: gelsolina) e outros. A análise individual das proteínas diferencialmente expressas entre os grupos de cardiomiopatia também mostrou que o miocárdio de pacientes com CCC apresenta expressão reduzida de várias proteínas mitocondriais associadas ao metabolismo energético nas vias da glicólise, ciclo de Krebs, beta-oxidação, na fosforilação oxidativa, e do complexo creatina-quinase - em comparação com miocárdio de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias. Embora algumas dessas alterações tenham sido compartilhadas com a CDI, e em menor grau com a CI, observamos que os pacientes CCC apresentam o maior comprometimento do sistema creatina quinase, incluindo sua atividade enzimática. Também observamos que componentes do complexo enzimático da ATP sintase encontram-se reduzidos em amostras de pacientes com CCC em comparação aos indivíduos sem cardiomiopatia. Observamos também aumento de expressão de proteínas de stress incluindo estresse oxidativo, associadas à apoptose, e ao sistema imune no miocárdio de pacientes CCC, além da subunidade do imunoproteasomo e de proteínas associadas à degradação protéica. Em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem que a diminuição de expressão das proteínas essenciais à geração de ATP, o aumento da expressão de proteínas associadas à apoptose e de proteínas do sistema imune no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC em comparação aos pacientes CI e CDI podem estar relacionados à pior evolução da CCC. Nossa análise de padrões de expressão protéica identificou conjuntos de proteínas capazes de discriminar as amostras de miocárdio por etiologia. Isto poderá auxiliar no diagnóstico e na descoberta de biomarcadores periféricos de cardiomiopatias, bem como ajudar na elucidação dos mecanismos de desenvolvimento da doença e de alterações estruturais / moleculares do miocárdio em resposta à inflamação crônica. / The pathogenesis of Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (CCC) is still controversial. CCC is characterized by an intense cardiac inflammatory infiltrate; infiltrating T lymphocytes produce inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. Patients afflicted by CCC display a worse prognosis when compared to patients afflicted by non-inflammatory cardiomyopathies such as idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC) and ischemic cardiomyopathy (IC), suggesting that inflammatory mechanisms play a role in the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. In addition, previous evidence from our group suggested the presence of energy metabolism changes in CCC. In the present work, we compared the protein expression profile of the myocardium of patients with CCC, IDC, IC, and noncardiomyopathic subjects, with focus on energetic metabolism-related proteins. We used bidimensional electrophoresis to analyze the protein expression profile in the myocardium of patients afflicted by CCC, and proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. The majority of spots were identified as structural proteins or metabolism proteins, especially of energy metabolism. We were also able to identify apoptosis-, immune system- and stress response-related proteins. Using fluorescent labeling, we analyzed the differential expression profile in the myocardium of CCC, IDC and IC patients, from a total of 683 spots and 230 distinct proteins identified. We observed that the protein expression profile of CCC patients is the most distinct when compared to non-cardiomyopathic subjects. On the other hand, the protein expression profile of IC patients is similar, at some extent, to the expression profile of non-cardiomyopathic patients. We also found altered expression of proteins related to apoptosis (e.g. cathepsin D and Akt2), oxidative stress (e.g. catalase), endoplasmic reticulum stress (e.g. disulfilte isomerase protein), cardiac remodeling (e.g. gelsolin) among CCC, IDC and IC patients when compared to noncardiomyopathic patients. Most of these proteins, if not all, play fundamental roles in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. We also showed that the myocardium of patients afflicted by CCC display altered expression of several mitochondrial proteins associated to energy metabolism in the glycolysis, Krebs cycle, betaoxidation, oxidative phosphorylation, and creatine kinase complex when compared to non-cardiomyopathic subjects. Although some of these changes were shared with IDC samples, and, to a lesser extent, with CI samples, Western blot analysis demonstrated that CCC samples showed the most extreme reduction in protein expression of the creatine kinase system, including its enzymatic activity. We also observed with Western blot analysis that proteins from the ATP synthase complex (subunits alpha and beta) showed decreased expression in myocardium of CCC patients when compared to non-cardiomyopathic subjects and when compared to IC patients. We also observed an increase in the protein expression of stress proteins, including those involved in the oxidative stress response, those associated to apoptosis, and immune system proteins in CCC myocardium, along with increased expression of the immunoproteasome subunit and proteins associated to protein degradation. Taken together, our results suggest that diminished expression of proteins fundamental for ATP generation, increased expression of apoptosisassociated proteins and immune system proteins in the myocardium of CCC patients when compared to IC and IDC patients may be associated to CCC progression. The analysis of the protein expression profile has identified groups of proteins whose expression pattern is able to discriminate the myocardium samples by etiology. This may help to find novel peripheral biomarkers of CCC and other cardiomyopathies, as well as in the understanding of mechanisms of disease progression and structural/molecular alterations of the inflamed myocardium.
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Avaliação ecocardiográfica dos índices de função sistólica e diastólica de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática submetidos ao tratamento com carvedilol / Echocardiographic evaluation of systolic and diastolic parameters of dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy treated with carvedilolElaine Cristina Soares 13 January 2006 (has links)
A cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CMD) é a segunda cardiopatia mais prevalente na espécie canina, acometendo principalmente raças grandes e gigantes, bem como o Cocker Spaniel. É uma doença que possui alta letalidade, além de comprometer substancialmente a qualidade de vida do animal. O diagnóstico definitivo é realizado por meio da ecocardiografia, onde se observam dilatação das cavidades cardíacas, mais freqüentemente do ventrículo e átrio esquerdos, e diminuição da função sistólica. Estudos realizados em seres humanos com CMD mostram que, além da sistólica, a função diastólica está comprometida, e que a análise do fluxo transmitral, importante para a detecção de alterações de relaxamento e/ou distensibilidade tem importante valor prognóstico para a sobrevida e evolução dos sintomas. O tratamento da CMD tradicionalmente baseia-se na utilização de digitálicos, diuréticos, e vasodilatadores. Contudo, nos últimos anos, visto a importância da ativação do sistema nervoso simpático sobre a fisiopatologia desta doença, os β-bloqueadores têm sido empregados. Muitos trabalhos mostram que estes fármacos melhoram a função sistólica e/ou diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo, e com isso aumentam a sobrevida e diminuindo a progressão dos sintomas. Estudaram-se 45 cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada, que foram divididos em dois grupos (A e B). O grupo A (n=25) recebeu o tratamento convencional, ou seja, digitálicos, diuréticos e vasodilatadores, e o grupo B (n=20) recebeu estes mesmos medicamentos acrescidos do carvedilol, um β-bloqueador de terceira geração. Os animais foram submetidos aos exames clínico e ecocardiográfico antes e após três, 13, 26 e 52 semanas do início do tratamento ou até o óbito. Não foram observadas diferenças nos valores dos índices de função sistólica e diastólica entre os grupos. Verificou-se que o grupo tratado com carvedilol apresentou maior tempo médio de sobrevida, porém esta diferença não foi estatisticamente significante. Quanto aos sintomas (classe funcional), observou-se que o grupo tratado com carvedilol apresentou evolução mais favorável, com maior número de animais classificados como "sintomas leves" após três meses de tratamento. Assim, embora o carvedilol tenha se mostrado benéfico, principalmente com relação aos sintomas, não se pode correlacionar esta melhora à ação do fármaco sobre as funções sistólica e diastólica / Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the second more common heart disease in dogs, wherein large and giant breeds, as well as Cockers Spaniels, are predisposed. Such disease has a high mortality rate besides reducing the quality of life of the affected animals. The definitive diagnosis is based upon echocardiography which is characterized by dilation of cardiac chambers, mainly the left ones, and by reduced systolic function. Human medicine studies have reported that the diastolic dysfunction also plays an important role; so, an abnormal transmitral flow pattern, which represents the ventricular diastolic filling, has a great prognostic value in terms of survival and symptoms status (heart failure functional class) The management of DCM traditionally consists of digitalis, diuretics and vasodilators, however, in the late years, some attention has being paid to the importance of the sympathetic nervous system on the pathophysiology of this disorder; being so, β-blockers have been included in the therapy. Many authors have reported that these drugs improve the left ventricle systolic and diastolic function, and so they increase the survival rate and reduce the symptoms progression. Forty-five dogs with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, divided into two groups (A and B), were studied. The group A (n=25) consisted of dogs that were put on the traditional therapy (digitalis, diuretics and vasodilators) and the group B (n=20) included those who were treated with all these drugs plus carvedilol, a third generation β-blocker. The animals went through clinical and echocardiographic assesment before and 3, 13, 26 and 52 weeks after starting the treatment or until death. The variables of systolic and diastolic function were not statistically different between the two groups. The median survival time of the dogs treated with carvedilol was higher, but the difference was not statistically significant. Concerning to the symptoms (heart failure funcional class), dogs who were put on carvedilol had a better progression, as more of them were classified as "mild symptoms" after three months of therapy. In conclusion, despite the beneficial effects of carvedilol on the symptoms, these can not be correlate with the systolic and diastolic functions
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Avaliação ecocardiográfica da função miocárdica ventricular, por meio de Doppler tecidual, em cães da raça Cocker Spaniel Inglês com cardiomiopatia dilatada / Echocardiographic evaluation of ventricular myocardial function using tissue Doppler imaging in English Cocker Spaniels with dilated cardiomyopathy<b/>Guilherme Gonçalves Pereira 15 December 2010 (has links)
A cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) é uma das cardiopatias mais frequentes em cães, sendo a redução da contratilidade miocárdica uma de suas principais características. Dentre as raças predispostas, destaca-se o Cocker Spaniel Inglês. O diagnóstico baseia-se nos achados da ecocardiografia convencional. Todavia, as recentes técnicas ecocardiográficas de Doppler tecidual, como a determinação das velocidades miocárdicas, o registro da deformação (Df) e da taxa de deformação (TDf) miocárdicas, podem identificar padrões característicos de disfunção, antes mesmo do surgimento de anormalidades na ecocardiografia convencional. Com o objetivo de investigar os padrões de disfunção miocárdica ventricular, por meio das técnicas retro-mencionadas, foram incluídos 32 cães da raça Cocker Spaniel Inglês, sendo 16 com diagnóstico de cardiomiopatia dilatada e 16 considerados hígidos, para fins de grupo controle. O estudo Doppler tecidual possibilitou a identificação de disfunção miocárdica ventricular sistólica e diastólica, em ambos os ventrículos dos cães com CMD. No ventrículo esquerdo encontrou-se disfunção miocárdica longitudinal e transversal, caracterizada por menor velocidade miocárdica sistólica, retardo eletromecânico, contrações pós-sistólicas longitudinais, redução na Df e TDf sistólicas, além de distúrbio no relaxamento miocárdico. Por sua vez, diminuição da Df miocárdica sistólica longitudinal e retardo no relaxamento miocárdico caracterizaram a disfunção ventricular direita. O presente estudo identificou, de maneira inédita, padrões de disfunção miocárdica, obtidos por meio de Doppler tecidual, em uma população de cães da raça Cocker Spaniel Inglês com CMD. / Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is one of the most common heart diseases in dogs and its main feature is reduced contractility. English Cocker Spaniel is among predisposed breeds. Diagnosis is based on conventional echocardiographic findings. However, recent tissue Doppler echocardiographic techniques, such as myocardial velocities determination and recordings of myocardial strain (St) and strain rate (SR), can identify characteristic patterns of dysfunction, even before the onset of abnormalities in conventional echocardiography. In order to investigate the patterns of ventricular myocardial dysfunction by means of retro-mentioned techniques, 32 English Cocker Spaniels were studied, being 16 diagnosed with DCM and 16 considered healthy for control purpose. Tissue Doppler study allowed identification of systolic and diastolic ventricular myocardial dysfunction in both ventricles of dogs with DCM. Left ventricular findings included longitudinal and transversal myocardial dysfunction, characterized by lower systolic myocardial velocity, electromechanical delay, longitudinal post systolic contractions, reduced systolic St and SR, and myocardial relaxation disturbance. In turn, reduced longitudinal systolic myocardial St and delayed myocardial relaxation characterized right ventricular dysfunction. The present study identified, in an unprecedented way, patterns of dysfunction, obtained by tissue Doppler, in a dog population of English Cocker Spaniels with DCM.
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Functional and Mutational Analysis of Kinase Domain of the Giant Protein Titin / Funktionale und Mutationale Analyse von der Kinase Domäne des Gigantischen Protein TitinKirova, Aleksandra 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantification of 4D Left Ventricular Blood Flow in Health and DiseaseEriksson, Jonatan January 2013 (has links)
The main function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the cardiovascular system by generating pressure differences created through volume changes. Although the main purpose of the heart and vessels is to lead the flowing blood throughout the body, clinical assessments of cardiac function are usually based on morphology, approximating the flow features by viewing the motion of the myocardium and vessels. Measurement of three-directional, three-dimensional and time-resolved velocity (4D Flow) data is feasible using magnetic resonance (MR). The focus of this thesis is the development and application of methods that facilitate the analysis of larger groups of data in order to increase our understanding of intracardiac flow patterns and take the 4D flow technique closer to the clinical setting. In the first studies underlying this thesis, a pathline based method for analysis of intra ventricular blood flow patterns has been implemented and applied. A pathline is integrated from the velocity data and shows the path an imaginary massless particle would take through the data volume. This method separates the end-diastolic volume (EDV) into four functional components, based on the position for each individual pathline at end-diastole (ED) and end-systole (ES). This approach enables tracking of the full EDV over one cardiac cycle and facilitates calculation of parameters such as e.g. volumes and kinetic energy (KE). Besides blood flow, pressure plays an important role in the cardiac dynamics. In order to study this parameter in the left ventricle, the relative pressure field was computed using the pressure Poisson equation. A comprehensive presentation of the pressure data was obtained dividing the LV blood pool into 17 pie-shaped segments based on a modification of the standard seventeen segment model. Further insight into intracardiac blood flow dynamics was obtained by studying the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the LV. The methods were applied to data from a group of healthy subjects and patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). DCM is a pathological state where the cardiac function is impaired and the left ventricle or both ventricles are dilated. The validation study of the flow analysis method showed that a reliable user friendly tool for intra ventricular blood flow analysis was obtained. The application of this tool also showed that roughly one third of the blood that enters the LV, directly leaves the LV again in the same heart beat. The distribution of the four LV EDV components was altered in the DCM group as compared to the healthy group; the component that enters and leaves the LV during one cardiac cycle (Direct Flow) was significantly larger in the healthy subjects. Furthermore, when the kinetic energy was normalized by the volume for each component, at time of ED, the Direct Flow had the highest values in the healthy subjects. In the DCM group, however, the Retained Inflow and Delayed Ejection Flow had higher values. The relative pressure field showed to be highly heterogeneous, in the healthy heart. During diastole the predominate pressure differences in the LV occur along the long axis from base to apex. The distribution and variability of 3D pressure fields differ between early and late diastolic filling phases, but common to both phases is a relatively lower pressure in the outflow segment. In the normal LV, TKE values are low. The highest TKE values can be seen during early diastole and are regionally distributed near the basal LV regions. In contrast, in a heterogeneous group of DCM patients, total diastolic and late diastolic TKE values are higher than in normals, and increase with the LV volume. In conclusion, in this thesis, methods for analysis of multidirectional intra cardiac velocity data have been obtained. These methods allow assessment of data quality, intra cardiac blood flow patterns, relative pressure fields, and TKE. Using these methods, new insights have been obtained in intra cardiac blood flow dynamics in health and disease. The work underlying this thesis facilitates assessment of data from a larger population of healthy subjects and patients, thus bringing the 4D Flow MRI technique closer to the clinical setting.
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Ventriculectomia parcial mediante inflow occlusion em cães / Partial ventriculectomiy by inflow occlusion in dogsMartins, Liege Georgia Andrioli 29 August 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The reduction of the systolic function of the left ventricle in patients
with congestive heart failure is related with increased ventricular volume.
Despite of the advances in conservative treatments the prognosis is
guarded with a high mortality rate. This work proposed the development
of a surgical protocol of cardiac chamber reduction through partial
ventriculectomy in dogs with dilated cardiomiopathy. The post operative
control was made by cardiac biopsy by videothoracoscopy. A post
operative control was performed and a short term evaluation was made
by electrocardiogram and simple thorax radiography. The latter exams,
serum biochemistry and physiological evaluation during sixty days
allowed the approval of the technique for the animals survived while
evaluated and the histological examination of the biopsies revealed that
the procedures were conservative since the only change observed was
subepicardiac fibrosis. / A redução na função sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo em pacientes com
insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, está relacionada ao aumento de volume do
ventrículo. A despeito dos avanços no tratamento conservador, o prognóstico é mau
com alta taxa de mortalidade. Este trabalho propôs o estabelecimento de um
protocolo cirúrgico de redução cardíaca, através de ventriculectomia parcial, para
tratamento de cães com a referida patologia e, através de biópsias cardíacas por
videotoracoscopia, fez o controle pós-operatório destes animais. Também avaliou a
curto prazo, através de eletrocardiograma e radiografia simples de tórax, sua
evolução em função do procedimento. Tanto estes exames, como a bioquímica
sérica e avaliação de parâmetros fisiológicos destes pacientes, observados durante
sessenta dias, revelaram bons resultados da técnica uma vez que os animais
sobreviveram ao período de observações e, pela análise histológica dos fragmentos
de miocárdio obtidos nas biópsias, concluiu-se que o procedimento é conservador
do tecido cardíaco sendo a única alteração observada a fibrose subepicárdica.
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Análise proteômica no miocárdio de pacientes com cardiomiopatia chagásica crônica: alterações no metabolismo energético cardíaco / Proteomic Analysis in the myocardium from patients with chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy: alterations in the cardiac energy metabolismPriscila Camillo Teixeira 22 January 2010 (has links)
A patogênese da Cardiomiopatia Chagásica Crônica (CCC) ainda é assunto de intenso debate. A CCC apresenta intenso infiltrado inflamatório no tecido cardíaco, onde os linfócitos T infiltrantes produzem citocinas inflamatórias, como IFN-gama e TNF-alfa. Adicionalmente, pacientes com CCC apresentam um pior prognóstico quando comparados aos portadores de outras cardiomiopatias de etiologia não inflamatória, como a cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CDI) e a cardiomiopatia isquêmica (CI), sugerindo que mecanismos inflamatórios participam da patogênese e evolução da doença. Além disso, evidências anteriores de nosso grupo indicaram alterações do metabolismo energético na CCC. Neste trabalho, comparamos a expressão protéicado miocárdio de pacientes com CCC, CDI e CI e indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias, com foco em proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo energético celular. Para a identificação do perfil de expressão protéica no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC, utilizamos a técnica de separação por eletroforese bidimensional, e a identificação das proteínas foi feita por espectrometria de massa. A maioria dos spots identificados corresponde a proteínas estruturais ou proteínas do metabolismo, principalmente do metabolismo energético. Foram identificadas também proteínas envolvidas na apoptose, em processos imunes e de resposta ao estresse. A análise da expressão protéica diferencial, utilizando marcação fluorescente, nos permitiu analisar o padrão de expressão das proteínas diferencialmente expressas no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC, CDI e CI e de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias, dentro de um total de 683 spots e 230 proteínas distintas identificadas. Observamos que o padrão de expressão protéica do miocárdio de pacientes com CCC é o mais distinto em relação ao padrão de expressão protéica presente no miocárdio de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias; e que o padrão de expressão das proteínas presentes no miocárdio de pacientes com CI é o que mais se assemelha ao padrão de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias. Encontramos várias proteínas com expressão alterada em amostras de pacientes com CCC, CDI e CI em comparação com amostras de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias, as quais desempenham papéis fundamentais em processos envolvidos na patologia de doenças cardiovasculares como apoptose (ex. catepsina D e Akt2), estresse oxidativo (ex. catalase), estresse do retículo endoplasmático (ex: proteína dissulfito isomerase), remodelamento cardíaco (ex: gelsolina) e outros. A análise individual das proteínas diferencialmente expressas entre os grupos de cardiomiopatia também mostrou que o miocárdio de pacientes com CCC apresenta expressão reduzida de várias proteínas mitocondriais associadas ao metabolismo energético nas vias da glicólise, ciclo de Krebs, beta-oxidação, na fosforilação oxidativa, e do complexo creatina-quinase - em comparação com miocárdio de indivíduos sem cardiomiopatias. Embora algumas dessas alterações tenham sido compartilhadas com a CDI, e em menor grau com a CI, observamos que os pacientes CCC apresentam o maior comprometimento do sistema creatina quinase, incluindo sua atividade enzimática. Também observamos que componentes do complexo enzimático da ATP sintase encontram-se reduzidos em amostras de pacientes com CCC em comparação aos indivíduos sem cardiomiopatia. Observamos também aumento de expressão de proteínas de stress incluindo estresse oxidativo, associadas à apoptose, e ao sistema imune no miocárdio de pacientes CCC, além da subunidade do imunoproteasomo e de proteínas associadas à degradação protéica. Em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem que a diminuição de expressão das proteínas essenciais à geração de ATP, o aumento da expressão de proteínas associadas à apoptose e de proteínas do sistema imune no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC em comparação aos pacientes CI e CDI podem estar relacionados à pior evolução da CCC. Nossa análise de padrões de expressão protéica identificou conjuntos de proteínas capazes de discriminar as amostras de miocárdio por etiologia. Isto poderá auxiliar no diagnóstico e na descoberta de biomarcadores periféricos de cardiomiopatias, bem como ajudar na elucidação dos mecanismos de desenvolvimento da doença e de alterações estruturais / moleculares do miocárdio em resposta à inflamação crônica. / The pathogenesis of Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (CCC) is still controversial. CCC is characterized by an intense cardiac inflammatory infiltrate; infiltrating T lymphocytes produce inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. Patients afflicted by CCC display a worse prognosis when compared to patients afflicted by non-inflammatory cardiomyopathies such as idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC) and ischemic cardiomyopathy (IC), suggesting that inflammatory mechanisms play a role in the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. In addition, previous evidence from our group suggested the presence of energy metabolism changes in CCC. In the present work, we compared the protein expression profile of the myocardium of patients with CCC, IDC, IC, and noncardiomyopathic subjects, with focus on energetic metabolism-related proteins. We used bidimensional electrophoresis to analyze the protein expression profile in the myocardium of patients afflicted by CCC, and proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. The majority of spots were identified as structural proteins or metabolism proteins, especially of energy metabolism. We were also able to identify apoptosis-, immune system- and stress response-related proteins. Using fluorescent labeling, we analyzed the differential expression profile in the myocardium of CCC, IDC and IC patients, from a total of 683 spots and 230 distinct proteins identified. We observed that the protein expression profile of CCC patients is the most distinct when compared to non-cardiomyopathic subjects. On the other hand, the protein expression profile of IC patients is similar, at some extent, to the expression profile of non-cardiomyopathic patients. We also found altered expression of proteins related to apoptosis (e.g. cathepsin D and Akt2), oxidative stress (e.g. catalase), endoplasmic reticulum stress (e.g. disulfilte isomerase protein), cardiac remodeling (e.g. gelsolin) among CCC, IDC and IC patients when compared to noncardiomyopathic patients. Most of these proteins, if not all, play fundamental roles in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. We also showed that the myocardium of patients afflicted by CCC display altered expression of several mitochondrial proteins associated to energy metabolism in the glycolysis, Krebs cycle, betaoxidation, oxidative phosphorylation, and creatine kinase complex when compared to non-cardiomyopathic subjects. Although some of these changes were shared with IDC samples, and, to a lesser extent, with CI samples, Western blot analysis demonstrated that CCC samples showed the most extreme reduction in protein expression of the creatine kinase system, including its enzymatic activity. We also observed with Western blot analysis that proteins from the ATP synthase complex (subunits alpha and beta) showed decreased expression in myocardium of CCC patients when compared to non-cardiomyopathic subjects and when compared to IC patients. We also observed an increase in the protein expression of stress proteins, including those involved in the oxidative stress response, those associated to apoptosis, and immune system proteins in CCC myocardium, along with increased expression of the immunoproteasome subunit and proteins associated to protein degradation. Taken together, our results suggest that diminished expression of proteins fundamental for ATP generation, increased expression of apoptosisassociated proteins and immune system proteins in the myocardium of CCC patients when compared to IC and IDC patients may be associated to CCC progression. The analysis of the protein expression profile has identified groups of proteins whose expression pattern is able to discriminate the myocardium samples by etiology. This may help to find novel peripheral biomarkers of CCC and other cardiomyopathies, as well as in the understanding of mechanisms of disease progression and structural/molecular alterations of the inflamed myocardium.
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Enhancement-basedSmall TargetDetection for InfraredImagesHanqi, Yang January 2023 (has links)
Infrared small target detection is widely used in fields such as military and security. UNet, which is a classical semantic segmentation method proposed in 2015, has shown excellent performance and robustness. However, U-Net suffers from the problem of losing small targets in deep layers after multiple down-sampling operations. Dilated convolution, as a special convolution that can increase the receptive field without increasing the number of parameters, is considered to be able to optimize the problems caused by down-sampling. Dense Nested Attention Network (DNANet), due to its superior performance, was chosen as the baseline, but it still has the issue of target loss. This study proposes three optimization directions: deep down-sampling replaced by cascaded dilated convolution, dilated spatial attention, and dilated residual block. In these three directions, this study proposes four methods, respectively DNANet-DS-1, DNANet-DS-2, DNANet-Att, and DNANet-RB. Two open-source infrared small target datasets, NUDT-SIRST and NUAA-SIRST, were used in this study. The four proposed methods were trained and tested on these two datasets. Among them, DNANetRB significantly outperforms other methods on the NUAA-SIRST dataset, so further experiments were conducted to observe the influence of different network depths on DNANet-RB. The experimental result indicates that when the network depth exceeds a certain threshold, the network can only achieve marginal improvements, but the number of parameters will increase significantly. / Infraröd detektering av små mål används ofta inom områden som militär och säkerhet. U-Net, som är en klassisk semantisk segmenteringsmetod som föreslogs 2015, har visat utmärkt prestanda och robusthet. U-Net lider dock av problemet med att förlora små mål i djupa lager efter flera nedprovningsoperationer. Dilaterad konvolution, som är en speciell konvolution som kan öka det receptiva fältet utan att öka antalet parametrar, anses kunna optimera de problem som orsakas av downsampling. DNANet (Dense Nested Attention Network) valdes som baslinje på grund av dess överlägsna prestanda, men det har fortfarande problemet med målförlust. Denna studie föreslår tre optimeringsriktningar: djup nedsampling ersatt av kaskad dilaterad konvolution, dilaterad rumslig uppmärksamhet och dilaterat restblock. I dessa tre riktningar föreslår denna studie fyra metoder, respektive DNANet-DS-1, DNANet-DS-2, DNANet-Att och DNANet-RB. Två dataset med små infraröda mål med öppen källkod, NUDT-SIRST och NUAA-SIRST, användes i denna studie. De fyra föreslagna metoderna tränades och testades på dessa två datamängder. Bland dem överträffar DNANet-RB betydligt andra metoder på NUAA-SIRST-datasetet, så ytterligare experiment genomfördes för att observera påverkan av olika nätverksdjup på DNANet-RB. Det experimentella resultatet visar att när nätverksdjupet överskrider ett visst tröskelvärde kan nätverket bara uppnå marginella förbättringar, men antalet parametrar kommer att öka avsevärt.
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The Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Ischemic and Dilated CardiomyopathySpänig, Sabine, Kellermann, Kristina, Dieterlen, Maja-Theresa, Noack, Thilo, Lehmann, Sven, Borger, Michael A., Garbade, Jens, Barac, Yaron D., Emrich, Fabian 31 January 2024 (has links)
Dilated (DCM) and ischemic cardiomyopathies (ICM) are associated with cardiac remodeling, where the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) holds a central role. Little is known about the UPS and its alterations in patients suffering from DCM or ICM. The aim of this study is to characterize the UPS activity in human heart tissue from cardiomyopathy patients. Myocardial tissue from ICM (n = 23), DCM (n = 28), and control (n = 14) patients were used to quantify ubiquitinylated proteins, E3-ubiquitin-ligases muscle-atrophy-F-box (MAFbx)/atrogin-1, muscle-RING-finger-1 (MuRF1), and eukaryotic-translation-initiation-factor-4E (eIF4E), by Western blot. Furthermore, the proteasomal chymotrypsin-like and trypsin-like peptidase activities were determined fluorometrically. Enzyme activity of NAD(P)H oxidase was assessed as an index of reactive oxygen species production. The chymotrypsin- (p = 0.71) and caspase-like proteasomal activity (p = 0.93) was similar between the groups. Trypsin-like proteasomal activity was lower in ICM (0.78 ± 0.11 µU/mg) compared to DCM (1.06 ± 0.08 µU/mg) and control (1.00 ± 0.06 µU/mg; p = 0.06) samples. Decreased ubiquitin expression in both cardiomyopathy groups (ICM vs. control: p < 0.001; DCM vs. control: p < 0.001), as well as less ubiquitin-positive deposits in ICM-damaged tissue (ICM: 4.19% ± 0.60%, control: 6.28% ± 0.40%, p = 0.022), were detected. E3-ligase MuRF1 protein expression (p = 0.62), NADPH-oxidase activity (p = 0.63), and AIF-positive cells (p = 0.50). Statistical trends were detected for reduced MAFbx protein expression in the DCM-group (p = 0.07). Different levels of UPS components, E3 ligases, and UPS activation markers were observed in myocardial tissue from patients affected by DCM and ICM, suggesting differential involvement of the UPS in the underlying pathologies.
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