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Hämodynamische Effekte einerImmunadsorption mit nachfolgender Immunglobulin-G-Substitution bei Patienten mit dilatativer Kardiomyopathie / Ergebnisse einer prospektiven und randomisierten StudieDörr, Marcus 29 January 2002 (has links)
Für die dilatative Kardiomyopathie gibt es bisher keine kausalen Therapiemöglichkeiten. Verschiedene kardiale Autoantikörper sind an der Pathogenese der Erkrankung beteiligt. Diese können durch eine Immunadsorptionsbehandlung entfernt werden. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die hämodynamischen Effekte einer Immunadsorption mit nachfolgender Immunglobulin-G-Substitution zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden 18 Patienten (NYHA III-IV, linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion < 30 %) eingeschlossen und zufällig der Behandlungs- oder Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. An drei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen erfolgte eine Immunadsorptionsbehandlung. Abschließend wurde polyklonales Immunglobulin-G substituiert. Die Behandlung wurde insgesamt viermal in monatlichen Abständen durchgeführt. Die hämodynamischen Messungen erfolgten mit Hilfe eines Swan-Ganz Thermodilutionskatheters. Nach drei Monaten waren der Herzindex und der Schlagvolumenindex in der Behandlungsgruppe signifikant angestiegen. Der systemvaskuläre Widerstand wurde signifikant gesenkt. Außerdem wurde ein Anstieg der echokardiographischen linksventrikulären Ejektionsfraktion sowie eine Reduktion des linksventrikulären endsystolischen und enddiastolischen Durchmesser Index beobachtet. Die echokardiographischen Veränderungen waren auch im Verlauf nach einem halben Jahr stabil nachweisbar. Die günstige Beeinflussung der hämodynamischen Parameter wurde zudem von einer Verbesserung der klinischen Beschwerdesymptomatik - repräsentiert durch die Einteilung nach der NYHA-Klassifikation - begleitet. Hingegen wurden in der Kontrollgruppe für alle genannten Parameter keine signifikanten Veränderungen beobachtet. Die Effekte der Immunadsorption werden hauptsächlich auf die Elimination der Autoantikörpern zurückgeführt, wenngleich andere Einflüsse - wie ein Einfluss der Immunglobulinsubstitution oder anderer immunmodulatorischer Komponenten - nicht ganz ausgeschlossen werden können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass Immunadsorptionsbehandlungen bei dilatativer Kardiomyopathie als Ergänzung zur medikamentösen Basistherapie zur Verbesserung der Herzfunktion und zur Linderung der Beschwerdesymptomatik beitragen. / There is no causal therapy for the treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy. Various cardiac antibodies have been detected. These antibodies are extractable by immunoadsorption. The aim of the study was to assess the hemodynamic effects of immunoadsorption and subsequent immunoglobulin G substitution. 18 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (New York Heart Association III-IV, left ventricular ejection fraction < 30%) were randomly assigned either to the treatment group or to the control group. The patients were treated by immunoadsorption on three consecutive days. After the final session polyclonal immunoglobulin G was substituted. The procedure was repeated four times at one-month intervals. Hemodynamic mesurements were made by Swan-Ganz-catheterization. After three months cardiac index and stroke volume index increased significantly. Systemic vascular resistence decreased. Although, the echocardiographic ejection fraction increased, while there was a reduction of the left ventricular endsystolic and enddiastolic diameter index. The echocardiographic changes persisted after six months. The hemodynamic changes were accompanied by an improvement regarding the New York Heart Association classes in the treatment group. In contrast, all parameters did not change throughout the six months in the control group. Presumably the hemodynamic effects result from elimimation of cardiac antibodies. Although there may be an influence of different immunmodulatory components or of the immunoglobulin G substitution, too. In conclusion, Immunoadsorption and subsequent immunoglobulin G substitution improves cardiovascular function in addition to conventional drug therapy.
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Identification d’échanges génétiques modulaires entre des populations d’ARN complets ou tronqués en région 5’non codante d’Entérovirus du groupe B dans des cardiomyocytes humains primaires : impact sur la pathogénèse des cardiomyopathies dilatées inexpliquées chez l’Homme / Identification of modular genetic exchanges in the 5’untranslated region between deleted and complete group-B Enterovirus RNA populations in primary human cardiomyocytes : impact onto the pathogenesis of unexplained human dilated cardiomyopathy casesGretteau, Paul-Antoine 13 December 2018 (has links)
Les entérovirus du groupe B (EV-B) sont une cause majeure de myocardite aiguë, précurseur de la myocardite chronique et de la cardiomyopathie dilatée (CMD) chez l’homme. Les mécanismes moléculaires viraux impliqués dans la progression de la myocardite aiguë vers la phase chronique et la CMD restent inconnus. En utilisant une approche NGS, nous avons détecté des populations persistantes majoritaires d’EV-B tronquées en extrémité 5’, associées à des formes complètes mineures dans des cas de CMD. Afin évaluer leur impact sur la fonctionnalité des cardiomyocytes, nous avons transfecté dans des cardiomyocytes primaires (HCM) des ARN viraux clonés et identiques à ceux détectés dans les cas de CMD. Les formes EV-B majoritaires tronquées en extrémité 5’, seules ou associées à des populations complètes « auxiliaires » pourraient altérer les fonctions des HCM par des activités de la P2A virale. L'existence de mécanismes de recombinaison génomique entre les populations virales persistantes tronquées et complètes a été étudiée par un test de recombinaison d’ARN EV-B défectifs transfectés dans des HCM. Cette approche in vitro a produit majoritairement des recombinants non-homologues caractérisés par des échanges génétiques dans la région 5’NC (spacer1/2). Nos résultats indiquent l’existence d’événements de recombinaison génomique en région 5’ entre les populations d’EV-B tronquées et complètes qui pourraient contribuer au développement de la CMD. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de persistance virale permettra le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour lutter contre les infections chroniques par les EV-B. / Group-B Enteroviruses (EV-B) are a common cause of human acute myocarditis, a disease that is a precursor of chronic myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). However, the viral molecular mechanisms involved in the progression of acute to chronic myocarditis and subsequently to DCM remain unknown. Using NGS approach, we detected persistent major EV-B populations characterized by 5’ terminal genomic deletions ranging from 17 to 50 nucleotides associated with minor complete viral forms in explanted hearts of DCM cases. To assess their impact on cardiomyocyte functions, we transfected viral RNA clones mimicking the viral genomes found in patients’ tissues into primary human cardiomyocytes (HCM). Our findings demonstrated that the major persistent 5’ deleted viral forms alone or associated with full-length populations of helper RNAs could impair cardiomyocyte functions by viral 2Apro activities in EV-DCM cases. To assess the existence of genomic recombination mechanisms between persistent deleted and full-length viral helper populations, we used a recombination assay based on the rescue of non-replicative EV-B RNAs transfected in HCM. This in vitro approach produced major (75%) non-homologous recombinants that nucleotides sequencing characterized modular exchanges into the spacers 1 & 2 of the 5’NC region. Our findings indicate the existence of genomic recombination events through which, 5’ deleted and complete collaborative EV-B populations could significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of unexplained DCM cases. A better understanding of these viral persistence mechanisms will stimulate new therapeutic strategies research for chronic infections caused by EV-B.
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Estudo do remodelamento ventricular e dos anéis valvares na cardiomiopatia dilatada: avaliação anátomo-histopatológica / Study of ventricular remodeling and valve rings in dilated cardiomyopathy: anatomical and histological evaluationDalva, Moíse 18 January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) ocasionada pela cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CMDId) constitui-se em quadro causador de grande impacto na saúde pública, apresentando morbidade e mortalidade significativas, porém muitos aspectos referentes à sua fisiopatologia ainda permanecem desconhecidos, de modo que trabalhos que estudem tais aspectos poderão contribuir para melhor entendimento desta entidade. Objetivos: Avaliar aspectos anatômicos e histológicos de corações com CMDId e compará-los a um grupo controle de corações normais, obtendo-se as medidas dos perímetros dos anéis atrioventriculares direito (AVD) e esquerdo (AVE) e dos ventrículos direito (VD) e esquerdo (VE) bem como a porcentagem por área de fibras colágenas e elásticas dos anéis atrioventriculares direito e esquerdo. Métodos: Foram analisados 13 corações de pacientes que faleceram vítimas de CMDId e 13 corações normais de pacientes que faleceram por causas não relacionadas à doenças cardiovasculares. Os corações foram fixados em formol, dissecados de forma a manter-se apenas os anéis atrioventriculares e a massa ventricular, com posterior laminação desta em segmentos transversais correspondentes a 20%, 50% e 80% da distância compreendida entre o sulco atrioventricular e o ápice ventricular esquerdo. Os cortes assim obtidos foram submetidos à digitalização fotográfica, que permitiu a aferição de ambos os perímetros ventriculares por meio de software específico, tornando possível a comparação de tais medidas entre os grupos e os segmentos. Os anéis atrioventriculares foram posteriormente dissecados, fotografados e medidos digitalmente para aferição das medidas perimetrais a direita e a esquerda, sendo posteriormente enviados ao laboratório de anatomia patológica, sendo realizadas colorações por meio de hematoxilinaeosina, picrossírius e resorcina fuccina oxidada, permitindo estudo das fibras colágenas e elásticas. Resultados: Com relação aos segmentos ventriculares, notou-se que no grupo CMDId ocorre dilatação nos segmentos apical, equatorial e basal, tanto a direita quanto a esquerda A medida do AVD foi maior no grupo CMDId , não havendo diferença estatisticamente significante com relação ao AVE entre os dois grupos. Com relação ao percentual por área de fibras colágenas, tanto o AVE quanto o AVD apresentaram percentagem de fibras menor no grupo CMDId em relação ao grupo normal. Com relação ao percentual por área de fibras elásticas, não houve diferença entre os grupos. Conclusões: Ocorre alteração da geometria ventricular com dilatação tanto a direita quanto a esquerda no grupo CMDId, porém com comportamento distinto entre o VE e o VD. O anel atrioventricular esquerdo não se dilata, ao contrário do direito, a despeito do fato de em ambos ocorrer diminuição da área total de colágeno, sugerindo que o mecanismo de dilatação possa apresentar particularidades oriundas de diferenças estruturais e pressóricas em ambos os ventrículos / Introduction: Congestive heart failure caused by idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy causes great impact on public health, with significant morbidity and mortality, but many aspects related to its pathophysiology remain unknown, so further studies can contribute to better understanding of this entity. Objectives: To evaluate anatomical and histological aspects of hearts from patients who died victims of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and compare them to a control group, to evaluate the behavior of the perimeters of the right and left atrioventricular rings and left and right ventricles and to compare the percentage area of collagen and elastic fibers of the right and left atrioventricular rings in both groups. Methods: We analyzed 13 hearts of patients who died from idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and 13 normal hearts from patients who died of causes not related to cardiovascular disease. The hearts were fixed in formalin, dissected in order to keep only the ventricular mass and atrioventricular rings, with subsequent lamination of segments corresponding to 20%, 50% and 80% of the distance between the atrioventricular groove and the left ventricular apex . The sections obtained were subjected to photo scanning, which allowed the measurement of ventricular perimeters by means of specific software, making it possible to compare these measures between groups and segments. The atrioventricular rings were then dissected, photographed and measured digitally to evaluate the right and left perimeters, later being sent to the pathology laboratory, and stained by hematoxylin-eosin, picrosirius and oxidized resorcin fuccin, enabling study of collagen and elastic fibers. Results: Regarding to ventricular segments, it was noted that in the idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group dilation occurs in the apical, equatorial and basal segments, at both sides, and the right atrioventricular ring measurement was higher in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group, with no statistically significant difference in the left side between the two groups. With respect to the percentage by area of collagen fibers, both the left and the right sides had lower percentage of fibers in the idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group compared to the normal group. With respect to the percentage by area of elastic fibers, there was no difference between the groups. Conclusions: There is a change in ventricular geometry in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group, but with different behavior between the left and right ventricles. The left atrioventricular ring does not dilate, in spite of the fact that in both ventricles there is lowering of the total area of collagen, suggesting that the mechanism of dilation may present peculiarities arising from structural differences and pressure load in both ventricles
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Avaliação da reserva de fluxo miocárdico pela ecocardiografia com perfusão miocárdica em tempo real em pacientes com disfunção ventricular esquerda, antes e após reabilitação cardiovascular por exercício físico supervisionado / Assessment of myocardial flow reserve by echocardiography with real time myocardial perfusion in patients with left ventricular dysfunction, before and after cardiovascular rehabilitation by supervised exercise trainingSantos, João Manoel Theotonio dos 11 March 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A insuficiência cardíaca é uma síndrome clínica, complexa e progressiva, que pode resultar de qualquer distúrbio funcional ou estrutural do coração que altere sua capacidade de enchimento e/ou ejeção, sendo que a maior parte dos pacientes evolui com disfunção ventricular esquerda (DVE). O exercício físico é aceito como um importante coadjuvante no tratamento desta condição clínica por promover significativa melhora da capacidade funcional dos pacientes, entretanto os mecanismos pelos quais isto ocorre ainda não estão totalmente elucidados. Neste contexto, a Ecocardiografia com Perfusão Miocárdica em Tempo Real (EPMTR) pode ser um método bastante útil tanto na avaliação de parâmetros hemodinâmicos quanto de perfusão miocárdica, facilitando o melhor entendimento das alterações fisiopatológicas promovidas pela reabilitação cardiovascular por exercício físico supervisionado (RCVEFS) e conseqüentemente, seu impacto terapêutico no prognóstico deste grave grupo de pacientes. Objetivo: Avaliar se a RCVEFS pode melhorar a reserva de fluxo miocárdico, medida pela ecocardiografia com perfusão miocárdica em tempo real, em pacientes com DVE de etiologia não isquêmica. Métodos: Avaliamos prospectivamente 40 pacientes maiores de 18 anos, com disfunção ventricular esquerda definida por fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) calculada pelo método de Simpson <45% e sem limitações para a prática de exercício físico, que foram convidados para um programa de RCVES por um período de 4 meses. Os pacientes foram randomizados para Grupo Treinamento ou Grupo Controle. Foram realizados, na sua entrada no estudo e após 04 meses de acompanhamento dos grupos, ergoespirometria e EPMTR. A análise da perfusão foi realizada por um examinador independente (cego), que verificou o pico de intensidade miocárdica normalizado pela intensidade acústica da cavidade (An), velocidade de repreenchimento das microbolhas após sua destruição completa com um feixe de alta energia ultrassônica (ß) e o fluxo sanguíneo miocárdico (An x ß), utilizando o programa Q-Lab Philips Ultrasson. Resultados: Dos 40 pacientes inicialmente selecionados, 23 concluíram o estudo, sendo 13 no Grupo Treinamento (idade média 53 ± 13 anos, sendo 09 do sexo masculino, 15% tabagistas, 38% dislipidemia, 85% Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS), 15% Diabetes Melito (DM) e 31% Doença de Chagas) e 10 no Grupo Controle (idade média 59 ± 12 anos, sendo 04 do sexo masculino, 10% tabagistas, 50% dislipidemia, 90% HAS, 30% DM e 10% Doença de Chagas). Não houve melhora da FEVE no Grupo Treinamento (26+14 para 26+13) e no Grupo Controle (26+6 para 27+6). No Grupo Treinamento houve aumento do An de 1,21 para 1,43 (p=0,02), do ß de 1,51 para 2,20 (p= ,0001) e do An x ß de 1,81 para 3,05 (p= 0,001); também houve melhora do VO2 Pico de 21,75ml/Kg/min para 24,76 ml/Kg/min (p= 0,0005). No Grupo Controle houve aumento do An de 1,14 para 1,15 (p=0,91), diminuição do ß de 1,72 para 1,46 (p= 0,03) e diminuição do An x ß de 1,89 para 1,55 (p= 0,01); também houve piora do VO2 Pico de 21,14 ml/Kg/min para 20,7 ml/Kg/min (p= 0,58). Conclusão: O programa de reabilitação cardiovascular por treinamento físico supervisionado melhorou a reserva de fluxo miocárdico em pacientes com Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda de etiologia não isquêmica. / Introduction: Heart failure is a clinical, complex and progressive syndrome, which may result from any structural or functional heart disorder that changes its capacity of filling and/or ejection, and the majority of patients perform evolution with left ventricular dysfunction (DVE). The exercise training is accepted as an important adjuvant in the treatment of this clinical condition by promoting significant improvement in patients functional capacity; however the mechanisms by which this occurs are still not fully elucidated. In this context, Echocardiography with Real Time Myocardial Perfusion (EPMTR) can be a very useful method as much the evaluation of hemodynamic parameters as myocardial perfusion, facilitating a better understanding of the physiopathologic changes promoted by the cardiovascular rehabilitation by supervised exercise training (RCVEFS) and consequently, its therapeutic impact on the prognosis of this critical group of patients. Objective: Evaluate if the RCVEFS can improve the myocardial flow reserve, measured by echocardiography with real time myocardial perfusion, in patients with non-ischemic etiology DVE. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 40 patients over 18 years old with left ventricular dysfunction defined by ejection fraction of left ventricle (LVEF) calculated by Simpson Method <45% and without limitations of physical exercise practice, that were invited to a RCVES program in a period of 4 months. Patients were randomly assigned to a training group or control group. There were performed in their study beginning and after 04 months of group attendance, ergo spirometry and EPMTR. The perfusion analysis was performed by an independent examiner (blind), that verified the myocardial peak intensity regularized by the acoustic cavity intensity (An), micro bubbles refilling speed after their complete destruction with a high ultrasonic energy beam (ß) and myocardial blood flow (An x ß), using Q-Lab Philips Ultrasound Program. Results: From 40 patients initially selected, 23 concluded the study, being 13 in training group (average age 53 ± 13 years, 09 male, 15% smokers, 38% Dyslipedemia, 85% high blood pressure (HBP), 15 % mellitus diabetes (DM) and 31% Chagas disease) and 10 in the control group (mean age 59 ± 12 years, 04 male, 10% smokers, 50% dyslipidemia, hypertension 90%, 30% and 10% DM Chagas disease). There was no LVEF improvement in the group training (26 + 14 to 26 + 13) and the control group (26 + 6 to 27 + 6). In the training group there was An increase of 1.21 to 1.43 (p = 0.02) of ß from 1.51 to 2.20 (p = 0.0001) and An x ß of 1.81 to 3.05 (p = 0001), there was also VO2 peak improvement of 21.75 ml / kg / min to 24.76 ml / kg / min (p = 0, 0005). In the control group there was An increase of 1.14 to 1.15 (p = 0.91), ß decrease from 1.72 to 1.46 (p = 0.03) and reduction in An x ß of 1.89 to 1.55 (p = 0.01), there was also VO2 peak deterioration 21.14 ml/kg/min to 20.7 ml/kg/min (p =0.58). Conclusion: The Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program by Supervised Physical Training improved the myocardial flow reserve, in patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction of non-ischemic etiology.
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Cardiomiopatia dilatada em pediatria proposta de protocolo para diagnóstico e tratamento /Grizzo, Andréia January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Rossano César Bonatto / Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: Cardiomiopatia é uma alteração do miocárdio em que o músculo do coração é estruturalmente e/ou funcionalmente anormal, na ausência de doença de artérias coronárias, hipertensão arterial, doenças valvares e cardiopatias congênitas. A Cardiomiopatia dilatada é o tipo mais frequente na faixa etária pediátrica, caracterizando-se por apresentar dilatação do ventrículo esquerdo com disfunção sistólica na ausência de condições de carga anormais, com incidência de aproximadamente 0,57 casos/100.000 habitantes ao ano e maior prevalência no sexo masculino. Apresenta curso progressivo, elevado custo de tratamento e é a principal causa de transplante cardíaco em pediatria. Em cinco anos de acompanhamento, aproximadamente 2,5% evoluem com morte súbita e 29% tem indicação de transplante cardíaco. A etiologia ao diagnóstico é pouco conhecida, permanecendo a causa idiopática como a mais frequente, incluindo entre elas causas genéticas e familiares não identificadas, seguida das miocardites. O diagnóstico é baseado em sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) ou alterações em exames de imagem na ausência de sinais de ICC. O exame complementar mais importante é o ecocardiograma com doppler colorido que permite a avaliação da dilatação do VE, fração de ejeção do VE (FEVE) <55% e/ou hipocinesia de VE. O tratamento na fase aguda da doença deve ser baseado na classificação hemodinâmica, sendo utilizados inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina (IECA), betabloqueadore... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: INTRODUTION: Cardiomyopathy is a myocardial disorder in which the heart muscle is structurally and/or functionally abnormal, in the absence of coronary artery disease, arterial hypertension, valvular heart disease and congenital heart disease. Dilated Cardiomyopathy is the most common type in the pediatric age group, characterized by a dilation of the left ventricle with systolic dysfunction in the absence of abnormal loading conditions, with an incidence of approximately 0.57 cases/100,000 inhabitants per year and higher prevalence in the male gender. It is a progressive disease, with a high cost of treatment and is the major cause of heart transplantation in pediatrics. In five years of following up, nearly 2.5% evolve with sudden death and 29% have an indication for heart transplantation. The etiology to diagnosis is little known, and the idiopathic cause remains the most frequent one, including among them unidentified genetic and familial causes, followed by myocarditis. The diagnosis is based on symptoms of congestive heart failure (HF), or changes in imaging tests, in the absence of signs of HF. The most important complementary exam is the color Doppler echocardiography, which allows an assessment of the LV dilation, Left Ventricular ejection fraction (LVFE) < 55% and/or LV hypokinesis. Treatment in the acute phase of the disease should be based on hemodynamic classification, using angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics and positive ino... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Estudo do remodelamento ventricular e dos anéis valvares na cardiomiopatia dilatada: avaliação anátomo-histopatológica / Study of ventricular remodeling and valve rings in dilated cardiomyopathy: anatomical and histological evaluationMoíse Dalva 18 January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) ocasionada pela cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CMDId) constitui-se em quadro causador de grande impacto na saúde pública, apresentando morbidade e mortalidade significativas, porém muitos aspectos referentes à sua fisiopatologia ainda permanecem desconhecidos, de modo que trabalhos que estudem tais aspectos poderão contribuir para melhor entendimento desta entidade. Objetivos: Avaliar aspectos anatômicos e histológicos de corações com CMDId e compará-los a um grupo controle de corações normais, obtendo-se as medidas dos perímetros dos anéis atrioventriculares direito (AVD) e esquerdo (AVE) e dos ventrículos direito (VD) e esquerdo (VE) bem como a porcentagem por área de fibras colágenas e elásticas dos anéis atrioventriculares direito e esquerdo. Métodos: Foram analisados 13 corações de pacientes que faleceram vítimas de CMDId e 13 corações normais de pacientes que faleceram por causas não relacionadas à doenças cardiovasculares. Os corações foram fixados em formol, dissecados de forma a manter-se apenas os anéis atrioventriculares e a massa ventricular, com posterior laminação desta em segmentos transversais correspondentes a 20%, 50% e 80% da distância compreendida entre o sulco atrioventricular e o ápice ventricular esquerdo. Os cortes assim obtidos foram submetidos à digitalização fotográfica, que permitiu a aferição de ambos os perímetros ventriculares por meio de software específico, tornando possível a comparação de tais medidas entre os grupos e os segmentos. Os anéis atrioventriculares foram posteriormente dissecados, fotografados e medidos digitalmente para aferição das medidas perimetrais a direita e a esquerda, sendo posteriormente enviados ao laboratório de anatomia patológica, sendo realizadas colorações por meio de hematoxilinaeosina, picrossírius e resorcina fuccina oxidada, permitindo estudo das fibras colágenas e elásticas. Resultados: Com relação aos segmentos ventriculares, notou-se que no grupo CMDId ocorre dilatação nos segmentos apical, equatorial e basal, tanto a direita quanto a esquerda A medida do AVD foi maior no grupo CMDId , não havendo diferença estatisticamente significante com relação ao AVE entre os dois grupos. Com relação ao percentual por área de fibras colágenas, tanto o AVE quanto o AVD apresentaram percentagem de fibras menor no grupo CMDId em relação ao grupo normal. Com relação ao percentual por área de fibras elásticas, não houve diferença entre os grupos. Conclusões: Ocorre alteração da geometria ventricular com dilatação tanto a direita quanto a esquerda no grupo CMDId, porém com comportamento distinto entre o VE e o VD. O anel atrioventricular esquerdo não se dilata, ao contrário do direito, a despeito do fato de em ambos ocorrer diminuição da área total de colágeno, sugerindo que o mecanismo de dilatação possa apresentar particularidades oriundas de diferenças estruturais e pressóricas em ambos os ventrículos / Introduction: Congestive heart failure caused by idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy causes great impact on public health, with significant morbidity and mortality, but many aspects related to its pathophysiology remain unknown, so further studies can contribute to better understanding of this entity. Objectives: To evaluate anatomical and histological aspects of hearts from patients who died victims of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and compare them to a control group, to evaluate the behavior of the perimeters of the right and left atrioventricular rings and left and right ventricles and to compare the percentage area of collagen and elastic fibers of the right and left atrioventricular rings in both groups. Methods: We analyzed 13 hearts of patients who died from idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and 13 normal hearts from patients who died of causes not related to cardiovascular disease. The hearts were fixed in formalin, dissected in order to keep only the ventricular mass and atrioventricular rings, with subsequent lamination of segments corresponding to 20%, 50% and 80% of the distance between the atrioventricular groove and the left ventricular apex . The sections obtained were subjected to photo scanning, which allowed the measurement of ventricular perimeters by means of specific software, making it possible to compare these measures between groups and segments. The atrioventricular rings were then dissected, photographed and measured digitally to evaluate the right and left perimeters, later being sent to the pathology laboratory, and stained by hematoxylin-eosin, picrosirius and oxidized resorcin fuccin, enabling study of collagen and elastic fibers. Results: Regarding to ventricular segments, it was noted that in the idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group dilation occurs in the apical, equatorial and basal segments, at both sides, and the right atrioventricular ring measurement was higher in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group, with no statistically significant difference in the left side between the two groups. With respect to the percentage by area of collagen fibers, both the left and the right sides had lower percentage of fibers in the idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group compared to the normal group. With respect to the percentage by area of elastic fibers, there was no difference between the groups. Conclusions: There is a change in ventricular geometry in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy group, but with different behavior between the left and right ventricles. The left atrioventricular ring does not dilate, in spite of the fact that in both ventricles there is lowering of the total area of collagen, suggesting that the mechanism of dilation may present peculiarities arising from structural differences and pressure load in both ventricles
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Avaliação da reserva de fluxo miocárdico pela ecocardiografia com perfusão miocárdica em tempo real em pacientes com disfunção ventricular esquerda, antes e após reabilitação cardiovascular por exercício físico supervisionado / Assessment of myocardial flow reserve by echocardiography with real time myocardial perfusion in patients with left ventricular dysfunction, before and after cardiovascular rehabilitation by supervised exercise trainingJoão Manoel Theotonio dos Santos 11 March 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A insuficiência cardíaca é uma síndrome clínica, complexa e progressiva, que pode resultar de qualquer distúrbio funcional ou estrutural do coração que altere sua capacidade de enchimento e/ou ejeção, sendo que a maior parte dos pacientes evolui com disfunção ventricular esquerda (DVE). O exercício físico é aceito como um importante coadjuvante no tratamento desta condição clínica por promover significativa melhora da capacidade funcional dos pacientes, entretanto os mecanismos pelos quais isto ocorre ainda não estão totalmente elucidados. Neste contexto, a Ecocardiografia com Perfusão Miocárdica em Tempo Real (EPMTR) pode ser um método bastante útil tanto na avaliação de parâmetros hemodinâmicos quanto de perfusão miocárdica, facilitando o melhor entendimento das alterações fisiopatológicas promovidas pela reabilitação cardiovascular por exercício físico supervisionado (RCVEFS) e conseqüentemente, seu impacto terapêutico no prognóstico deste grave grupo de pacientes. Objetivo: Avaliar se a RCVEFS pode melhorar a reserva de fluxo miocárdico, medida pela ecocardiografia com perfusão miocárdica em tempo real, em pacientes com DVE de etiologia não isquêmica. Métodos: Avaliamos prospectivamente 40 pacientes maiores de 18 anos, com disfunção ventricular esquerda definida por fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) calculada pelo método de Simpson <45% e sem limitações para a prática de exercício físico, que foram convidados para um programa de RCVES por um período de 4 meses. Os pacientes foram randomizados para Grupo Treinamento ou Grupo Controle. Foram realizados, na sua entrada no estudo e após 04 meses de acompanhamento dos grupos, ergoespirometria e EPMTR. A análise da perfusão foi realizada por um examinador independente (cego), que verificou o pico de intensidade miocárdica normalizado pela intensidade acústica da cavidade (An), velocidade de repreenchimento das microbolhas após sua destruição completa com um feixe de alta energia ultrassônica (ß) e o fluxo sanguíneo miocárdico (An x ß), utilizando o programa Q-Lab Philips Ultrasson. Resultados: Dos 40 pacientes inicialmente selecionados, 23 concluíram o estudo, sendo 13 no Grupo Treinamento (idade média 53 ± 13 anos, sendo 09 do sexo masculino, 15% tabagistas, 38% dislipidemia, 85% Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS), 15% Diabetes Melito (DM) e 31% Doença de Chagas) e 10 no Grupo Controle (idade média 59 ± 12 anos, sendo 04 do sexo masculino, 10% tabagistas, 50% dislipidemia, 90% HAS, 30% DM e 10% Doença de Chagas). Não houve melhora da FEVE no Grupo Treinamento (26+14 para 26+13) e no Grupo Controle (26+6 para 27+6). No Grupo Treinamento houve aumento do An de 1,21 para 1,43 (p=0,02), do ß de 1,51 para 2,20 (p= ,0001) e do An x ß de 1,81 para 3,05 (p= 0,001); também houve melhora do VO2 Pico de 21,75ml/Kg/min para 24,76 ml/Kg/min (p= 0,0005). No Grupo Controle houve aumento do An de 1,14 para 1,15 (p=0,91), diminuição do ß de 1,72 para 1,46 (p= 0,03) e diminuição do An x ß de 1,89 para 1,55 (p= 0,01); também houve piora do VO2 Pico de 21,14 ml/Kg/min para 20,7 ml/Kg/min (p= 0,58). Conclusão: O programa de reabilitação cardiovascular por treinamento físico supervisionado melhorou a reserva de fluxo miocárdico em pacientes com Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda de etiologia não isquêmica. / Introduction: Heart failure is a clinical, complex and progressive syndrome, which may result from any structural or functional heart disorder that changes its capacity of filling and/or ejection, and the majority of patients perform evolution with left ventricular dysfunction (DVE). The exercise training is accepted as an important adjuvant in the treatment of this clinical condition by promoting significant improvement in patients functional capacity; however the mechanisms by which this occurs are still not fully elucidated. In this context, Echocardiography with Real Time Myocardial Perfusion (EPMTR) can be a very useful method as much the evaluation of hemodynamic parameters as myocardial perfusion, facilitating a better understanding of the physiopathologic changes promoted by the cardiovascular rehabilitation by supervised exercise training (RCVEFS) and consequently, its therapeutic impact on the prognosis of this critical group of patients. Objective: Evaluate if the RCVEFS can improve the myocardial flow reserve, measured by echocardiography with real time myocardial perfusion, in patients with non-ischemic etiology DVE. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 40 patients over 18 years old with left ventricular dysfunction defined by ejection fraction of left ventricle (LVEF) calculated by Simpson Method <45% and without limitations of physical exercise practice, that were invited to a RCVES program in a period of 4 months. Patients were randomly assigned to a training group or control group. There were performed in their study beginning and after 04 months of group attendance, ergo spirometry and EPMTR. The perfusion analysis was performed by an independent examiner (blind), that verified the myocardial peak intensity regularized by the acoustic cavity intensity (An), micro bubbles refilling speed after their complete destruction with a high ultrasonic energy beam (ß) and myocardial blood flow (An x ß), using Q-Lab Philips Ultrasound Program. Results: From 40 patients initially selected, 23 concluded the study, being 13 in training group (average age 53 ± 13 years, 09 male, 15% smokers, 38% Dyslipedemia, 85% high blood pressure (HBP), 15 % mellitus diabetes (DM) and 31% Chagas disease) and 10 in the control group (mean age 59 ± 12 years, 04 male, 10% smokers, 50% dyslipidemia, hypertension 90%, 30% and 10% DM Chagas disease). There was no LVEF improvement in the group training (26 + 14 to 26 + 13) and the control group (26 + 6 to 27 + 6). In the training group there was An increase of 1.21 to 1.43 (p = 0.02) of ß from 1.51 to 2.20 (p = 0.0001) and An x ß of 1.81 to 3.05 (p = 0001), there was also VO2 peak improvement of 21.75 ml / kg / min to 24.76 ml / kg / min (p = 0, 0005). In the control group there was An increase of 1.14 to 1.15 (p = 0.91), ß decrease from 1.72 to 1.46 (p = 0.03) and reduction in An x ß of 1.89 to 1.55 (p = 0.01), there was also VO2 peak deterioration 21.14 ml/kg/min to 20.7 ml/kg/min (p =0.58). Conclusion: The Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program by Supervised Physical Training improved the myocardial flow reserve, in patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction of non-ischemic etiology.
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Identification de marqueurs de susceptibilité dans les formes chroniques de la maladie de Chagas / Identification of genetic markers in chronic chagas cardiomyopathyLaugier, Laurie 02 October 2017 (has links)
La maladie de Chagas est une maladie parasitaire causée par le protozoaire Trypanosoma cruzi et transmise par des insectes hématophages . Elle est composée de 2 phases : la phase aiguë et la phase chronique. Parmi les individus infectés, 30 % développent la forme chronique de la maladie. Les patients présentent des atteintes cardiaques, digestives (œsophage, côlon) et cardiodigestives. Notre étude a été focalisée sur les patients atteints de cardiomyopathie chagasique (CCC). Notre objectif est d’identifier des gènes de susceptibilité pouvant être impliqués dans le développement des formes chroniques. Notre étude a permis de mettre en évidence une variation d’expression de certains gènes entre les CCC et les contrôles. Nous nous sommes également intéressés aux processus épigénétiques pouvant réguler l’expression des gènes. Une étude de la méthylation de l’ADN croisée avec l’étude du transcriptome nous ont permis d’identifier des gènes présentant à la fois des variations d’expression et de méthylation. Pour certains de ces gènes, nous avons démontré que la méthylation est responsable de la variation d’expression observée. Enfin, nous avons étudié un ARN long non-codant, MIAT. Nous avons démontré qu’il est surexprimé chez les CCC par rapport aux contrôles et dans un modèle murin infecté par T. cruzi. De plus, l’analyse de l’expression de micro-ARNs couplée à une analyse de transcriptome nous a permis d'identifier plusieurs micro-ARNs indispensables à la régulation de l’expression des gènes. Enfin, une étude protéomique nous a permis de mettre en évidence une augmentation de la production de protéine pour certains gènes, en lien avec l’augmentation de l’expression observée. / Chagas disease is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi and transmitted by the hematophagous insects. The disease is composed by acute and chronic phases. Among the infected individuals, 30 % develop chronic form. They suffer from heart, digestive (esophagus, colon) and cardiodigestives injury. Our study was focused on patients with dilated chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC). Our goal is to identify susceptibility genes that may be involved in the development of chronic forms. Our study revealed a variation in the expression of certain genes between CCC group and controls. We are also interested in epigenetic processes that can regulate the expression of genes. A study of the DNA methylation crossed with the transcriptome allowed us to identify genes presenting both variations in expression and methylation. For some of these genes we demonstrated that methylation is responsible for the expression variation observed. Finally, we studied a long non-coding RNA called MIAT. Our study demonstrated that it is overexpressed in CCC compared to controls and in a murine model infected by T. cruzi. Furthermore, the analysis of the expression of micro-RNAs crossed with transcriptome analysis allowed us to identify several micro-RNAs whose functions are essential in the regulation of gene expression. Finally, a proteomic study allowed us to demonstrate an increase in the production of protein for certain genes, correlated with the increase in expression levels observed.
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Genetic determinants of rare disorders and complex traits : insights into the genetics of dilated cardiomyopathy and blood cell traitsChami, Nathalie 04 1900 (has links)
Les facteurs génétiques peuvent apporter des réponses à plusieurs questions que nous nous posons sur les traits humains, les maladies et la réaction aux médicaments, entre autres. Avec le temps, le développement continu d'outils d'analyse génétique nous a permis d'examiner ces facteurs et de trouver des explications pertinentes. Cette thèse explore plusieurs méthodes et outils génétiques, tels que le séquençage pan-exomique et le génotypage sur puce, dans un contexte d'analyse familial et populationnel pour étudier ces facteurs génétiques qui jouent un rôle dans une maladie rare, la cardiomyopathie dilatée (DCM), et dans deux traits complexes soient les globules rouges et les plaquettes.
DCM est une maladie rare qui est définie par un ventricule gauche dilaté et une dysfonction systolique. Environ 30% des cas de DCM sont héréditaires, et plus de 50 gènes ont été associés à un rôle dans la pathogénicité de DCM. Le dépistage génétique est un outil de référence dans la gestion clinique de DCM familiale. Par contre, pour la majorité des patients, les tests génétiques ne parviennent pas à identifier une mutation causale dans un gène candidat.
Les cellules sanguines remplissent une variété de fonctions biologiques, incluant le transport de l'oxygène, les fonctions immunologiques, ainsi que la guérison de plaies. Les niveaux de ces cellules et leurs paramètres auxiliaires sont mesurés par un test sanguin, et une différence avec les valeurs optimales peut signifier certains troubles. De plus, ces traits sont étudiés méticuleusement dans le contexte des maladies cardiovasculaires (CVD) où différents niveaux sont associés avec un risque variable de CVD ou sont des prédicteurs de complications de CVD.
J'ai examiné la DCM et les traits sanguins avec comme objectif de découvrir des nouvelles associations de mutations génétiques. Pour la DCM, j'ai évalué la pertinence d'un séquençage pan-exomique dans un environnement clinique. Je rapporte plusieurs nouvelles mutations dans des gènes candidats (DSP, LMNA, MYH7, MYPN, RBM20, TNNT2) et des mutations nonsenses dans deux gènes nouvellement associés (TTN et BAG3), et je démontre que les mutations nonsenses influencent la maladie d'une manière différente des autres mutations causales. Je rapporte aussi une mutation dans un nouveau gène, FLNC, qui cause une forme rare et distincte de cardiomyopathie. Pour l'étude des traits complexes, dans le grand consortium Blood Cell Consortium (BCX), j'ai utilisé l’exomechip pour disséquer le rôle des variantes rares et communes dans les globules rouges et les plaquettes. J'ai identifié 16 nouvelles régions génomiques associées avec les globules rouges et 15 avec les plaquettes, parmi lesquelles se retrouvent plusieurs variantes de basses fréquences (MAP1A, HNF4A, ITGA2B, APOH), et j'ai démontré un chevauchement significatif de régions associées avec d'autres traits, incluant les lipides.
Mes résultats sur la DCM ont mis en évidence le rôle de plusieurs gènes candidats, et suggèrent un traitement différent au niveau de la gestion clinique des patients qui portent des mutations dans BAG3 et FLNC. En ce qui concerne les traits sanguins, mes résultats contribuent à enrichir le répertoire de régions associées avec ces traits, soulignant l'importance de l'utilisation de grands ensembles de données pour détecter les variantes rares ou de basses fréquences. La découverte de gènes dans les maladies rares et les traits complexes contribue à la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents qui ultimement favorisera de meilleurs diagnostics, gestions et traitements de maladies. / Genetic factors hold within them the answers to many questions we have on human traits, disease, and drug response among others. With time, the continuously advancing genetic tools have enabled us to examine those factors and provided and continue to provide astonishing answers. This thesis utilizes various methods of genetic tools such as exome sequencing and chip-based genotyping data in the context of both family and population-based analyses to interrogate the genetic factors that play a role in a rare disease, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), and in two complex traits, red blood cells and platelets.
DCM is a rare disease that is defined by a dilated left ventricle and systolic dysfunction. It is estimated that 30% of DCM cases are hereditary and more than 50 genes have been linked to play a role in the pathogenesis of DCM. Genetic screening of known genes is a gold standard tool in the clinical management of familial DCM. However, in the majority of probands, genetic testing fails to identify the causal mutation.
Blood cells play a variety of biological functions including oxygen transport, immunological functions, and wound healing. Levels of these cells and their associated indices are measured by a blood test, and deviation from optimal values may indicate certain disorders. Additionally, these traits are heavily studied in the context of cardiovascular disease (CVD) where different levels associate with a variable risk of CVD or are predictors of CVD complications or outcomes (for example, a higher level of white blood cells or lower level of hemoglobin).
I examined both DCM and blood cell traits and aimed to discover new mutations and variants that are associated with each. For DCM, I evaluated the value of whole exome
sequencing in a clinical setting, and I report a number of novel mutations in candidate genes (DSP, LMNA, MYH7, MYPN, RBM20, TNNT2) and truncating mutations in two newly established genes, TTN and BAG3, and I demonstrate that truncating mutations in the latter influence disease differently than other causal mutations. I also report a mutation in a novel gene, FLNC that causes a rare and distinct form of cardiomyopathy. In examining complex traits, I dissected the role of common and rare variants in red blood cells and platelets within a large consortium, the Blood Cell Consortium (BCX) using the ExomeChip, and identified 16 novel loci associated with red blood cell traits and 15 with platelet traits, some of which harbored low-frequency variants (MAP1A, HNF4A, ITGA2B, APOH), and demonstrated a substantial overlap with other phenotypes predominantly lipids.
My results on DCM establish the role of a number of candidate genes in this disorder and suggest a different course of clinical management for patients that carry mutations in BAG3 and FLNC. As for blood cell traits, my results contributed to expanding the repertoire of loci associated with red blood cell and platelet traits and illustrate the importance of using large datasets to discover low-frequency or rare variants. Gene discovery in rare disease and complex traits gives insight into the underlying mechanisms which ultimately contributes to a better diagnosis, management, and treatment of disease.
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Deep Learning-Driven EEG Classification in Human-Robot CollaborationWo, Yuan January 2023 (has links)
Human-robot collaboration (HRC) occurs when people and robots work together in a shared environment. Current robots often use rigid programs unsuitable for HRC. Multimodal robot programming offers an easier way to control robots using inputs like voice and gestures. In this scenario, human commands from different sensors trigger the robot’s actions. However, this data-driven approach has challenges: accurately understanding power dynamics, integrating inputs, and precisely controlling the robot. To address this, we introduce EEG signals to improve robot control, requiring reliable signal processing, feature extraction, and accurate classification using machine learning and deep learning. Existing deep learning models struggle to balance accuracy and efficiency. This thesis focuses on whether dilated convolutional neural networks can improve accuracy and reduce training and reaction times compared to the baseline. After using the Morlet wavelet for EEG feature extraction, in the thesis, an existing convolutional neural network as a benchmark is employed and uses the dilated convolution algorithm for comparison. Accuracy, precision, recall, and time are used to assess the comparison algorithm’s performance. The conclusion is that the dilated convolutional neural network performs better than the baseline in accuracy and time parameters. / Samarbete mellan människa och robot (HRC) inträffar när människor och robotar arbetar tillsammans i en delad miljö. Nuvarande robotar använder ofta rigida program som inte är lämpliga för HRC. Multimodal robotprogrammering erbjuder ett enklare sätt att styra robotar med hjälp av röst och gester. I detta scenario utlöser mänskliga kommandon från olika sensorer robotens handlingar. Dock har denna datadrivna ansats utmaningar: att noggrant förstå kraftdynamik, integrera inmatning och exakt styra roboten. För att hantera detta introducerar vi EEG-signaler för att förbättra robotstyrningen, vilket kräver pålitlig signalbehandling, funktionsextraktion och noggrann klassificering med maskininlärning och djupinlärning. Nuvarande djupinlärningsmodeller har svårt att balansera noggrannhet och effektivitet. Den här artikeln fokuserar på om dilaterade konvolutionella neurala nätverk kan förbättra noggrannheten och minska träningstider och reaktionstider jämfört med baslinjen. Efter att ha använt Morlet-våg för EEG-funktionsutvinning använder artikeln en befintlig konvolutionell neural modell som referens och jämför med dilaterad konvolution för att bedöma prestandan. Noggrannhet, precision, recall och tidsparametrar bedömer jämförelsealgoritmens prestanda. Slutsatsen är att det dilaterade konvolutionella neurala nätverket presterar bättre än baslinjen vad gäller noggrannhet och tidsparametrar.
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