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Inpainting de modèles 3D pour la réalité diminuée : "couper/coller" réaliste pour l'aménagement d'intérieur / Inpainting of 3D models applied to the Diminished Reality : realistic "Cut/Paste" for indoor arrangementFayer, Julien 19 April 2019 (has links)
Par opposition à la Réalité Augmentée qui consiste à ajouter des éléments virtuels à un environnement réel, la Réalité Diminuée consiste à supprimer des éléments réels d'un environnement. Le but est d'effectuer un rendu visuel d'une scène 3D où les éléments "effacés" ne sont plus présents : la difficulté consiste à créer une image de sorte que la diminution ne soit pas perceptible par l'utilisateur. Il faut donc venir compléter la scène initialement cachée par ces éléments, en effectuant une opération d'inpainting qui prenne en compte la géométrie de la pièce, sa texture (structurée ou non), et la luminosité ambiante de l'environnement. Par exemple, l’œil humain est sensible à la régularité d'une texture. L'un des objectifs d'Innersense, entreprise spécialisée dans l'aménagement virtuel d’intérieurs, est de développer un produit capable d'enlever des éléments présents dans une pièce d'intérieur. Une fois la suppression virtuelle des meubles existants effectuée , il sera alors possible d'ajouter des meubles virtuels dans l'espace laissé vacant. L'objectif de cette thèse CIFRE est donc de mettre en place un scénario de réalité diminuée pouvant être exécuté sur un système mobile (tablette IOS ou Android) qui génère des images photo-réalistes de la scène diminuée. Pour cela, à partir d’un modèle géométrique de la pièce d'intérieur que l'on veut altérer, nous adaptons et améliorons des procédures d'effacement d'éléments d'une image appelées inpainting dans une image 2D. Ensuite, nous appliquons ces techniques dans le contexte 3D intérieur pour tenir compte de la géométrie de la scène. Enfin, nous analysons la luminosité pour augmenter le réalisme des zones complétées.Dans cette thèse, nous rappelons d'abord les différents travaux académiques et les solutions industrielles existantes. Nous évoquons leurs avantages et leurs limites. Nous abordons ensuite les différentes techniques d'inpainting existantes pour introduire notre première contribution qui propose d'adapter une des méthodes de l’état de l’art pour prendre en compte de la structure du motif de la texture. La problématique de la luminosité est ensuite abordée en proposant un processus qui traite séparément la texture et la variation de la luminosité. Nous présentons ensuite une troisième contribution qui propose un critère de confiance basé sur des considérations radiométriques pour sélectionner une information selon sa qualité dans le processus d'inpainting. Nous proposons une dernière contribution basée sur la complétion de texture de modèles 3D non planaires reconstruits à partir de peu d’images et donc présentant une texture incomplète. Enfin, nous montrons les applications développées grâce à ces travaux dans le contexte des scènes d'intérieur considérées par Innersense / In contrast to Augmented Reality, which consists in adding virtual elements to a real environment,Diminished Reality consists in removing real elements from an environment. The goal is to visuallyrender a 3D scene where the "deleted" elements are no longer present: the difficulty is to createan image so that the processing is not perceptible to the user. It is therefore necessary tocomplete the scene initially hidden by these elements, by performing an inpainting operation thattakes into account the geometry of the part, its texture (structured or not), and the ambientbrightness of the environment. For example, the human eye is sensitive to the regularity of atexture. One of the objectives of Innersense, a company specializing in virtual interior design, is todevelop a product that can remove elements from an interior room. Once the virtual removal ofexisting furniture has been completed, it will then be possible to add virtual furniture in the vacantspace. The objective of this CIFRE thesis is therefore to set up a scenario of diminished realitythat can be executed on a mobile system (IOS or Android tablet) that generates photorealisticimages of the diminished scene. To do this, based on a geometric model of the interior part thatwe want to alter, we adapt and improve procedures for erasing elements of an image calledinpainting in a 2D image. Then, we apply these techniques in the 3D indoor context to take intoaccount the geometry of the scene. Finally, we analyze the brightness to increase the realism ofthe completed areas. In this thesis, we first review the various academic works and existingindustrial solutions. We discuss their advantages and limitations. We then discuss the differentexisting inpainting techniques to introduce our first contribution which proposes to adapt one of thestate of the art methods to take into account the structure of the texture pattern. The problem ofbrightness is then discussed by proposing a process that deals separately with texture andvariation of brightness. We then present a third contribution that proposes a confidence criterionbased on radiometric considerations to select information according to its quality in the inpaintingprocess. We propose a last contribution based on the texture completion of non-planar 3D modelsreconstructed from few images and therefore presenting an incomplete texture. Finally, we showthe applications developed through this work in the context of the interior scenes considered byInnersense.
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Gottfried Heinrich Stölzels Fux-Rezeption: Zur Rolle des »alten« Kontrapunkts und der »trias harmonica« in der Kompositionsausbildung zu Beginn des 18. JahrhundertsVogt, Florian 22 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Σχεδίαση κυκλωμάτων με πλεονάζουσες και μη αναπαραστάσεις για το αριθμητικό σύστημα υπολοίπων / Design of arithmetic circuits for residue number system using redundant and not redundant encodingsΒασσάλος, Ευάγγελος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Η υλοποίηση αποδοτικών αριθμητικών κυκλωμάτων αποτελεί ένα ανοικτό πεδίο έρευνας καθώς η συνεχής εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας απαιτεί την επανεκτίμηση των μεθόδων σχεδίασής τους, ενώ παράλληλα δημιουργεί νέους τομείς εφαρμογής τους. Ο τεράστιος όγκος πληροφορίας και η ανάγκη γρήγορης επεξεργασίας της έχει οδηγήσει στην ανάγκη αύξησης της συχνότητας λειτουργίας των αντίστοιχων κυκλωμάτων. Μεγάλης σημασίας παραμένει επίσης η ανάγκη για τη μείωση της κατανάλωσης ισχύος των συστημάτων αυτών, αλλά και του κόστους τους, που συνδέονται άμεσα με την επιφάνεια ολοκλήρωσής τους. Η ικανοποίηση των παραμέτρων αυτών επιτάσσει σε διάφορες περιπτώσεις την υιοθέτηση αριθμητικών συστημάτων, πέραν του συμβατικού δυαδικού συστήματος. Χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα αποτελούν το Αριθμητικό Σύστημα Υπολοίπων (Residue Number System – RNS) όπως επίσης και τα αριθμητικά συστήματα πλεοναζουσών αναπαραστάσεων (redundant number systems).
Η διδακτορική αυτή διατριβή ασχολείται με την υλοποίηση αποδοτικών κυκλωμάτων για το Αριθμητικό Σύστημα Υπολοίπων, με την έρευνα να επικεντρώνεται στην υιοθέτηση τόσο πλεοναζουσών όσο και μη-πλεοναζουσών αναπαραστάσεων στα διάφορα κανάλια επεξεργασίας του.
Το πρώτο μέρος της διατριβής έχει ως στόχο τη σχεδίαση αποδοτικών κυκλωμάτων υπολοίπων με χρήση μη-πλεοναζουσών αναπαραστάσεων τόσο για τις κύριες-βασικές αριθμητικές πράξεις (πρόσθεση, πολλαπλασιασμός) όσο και για τις δευτερεύουσες-βοηθητικές (αφαίρεση, ύψωση σε δύναμη) πράξεις. Συγκεκριμένα, παρουσιάζονται κυκλώματα αφαίρεσης και πρόσθεσης/αφαίρεσης για κανάλια υπολοίπου της μορφής 2^n+-1, κυκλώματα πολλαπλασιασμού με σταθερά για το σύνολο διαιρετών {2^n-1, 2^n, 2^n+1} καθώς και κυκλώματα Booth πολλαπλασιασμού προγραμματιζόμενης λογικής για τα κανάλια υπολοίπου 2^n+-1. Επιπλέον, παρουσιάζονται κυκλώματα ύψωσης στον κύβο για το κανάλι υπολοίπου 2^n-1. Προτείνεται επίσης μια οικογένεια αριθμητικών κυκλωμάτων (αθροιστές, αφαιρέτες, πολλαπλασιαστές, κυκλώματα ύψωσης στο τετράγωνο) υπολοίπου 2^n+1 για την αναπαράσταση ελάττωσης κατά 1, που ενσωματώνουν τη μετατροπή του αποτελέσματος στην κανονική αναπαράσταση μέσα στην αρχιτεκτονική τους, ενώ παρουσιάζεται και μία ενιαία μεθοδολογία σχεδίασης κυκλωμάτων ανάστροφης μετατροπής για σύνολα διαιρετών με κανάλια της μορφής 2^n+1 που υιοθετούν την αναπαράσταση ελάττωσης κατά 1. Τέλος, διερευνούνται και οι διαιρέτες της μορφής 2^n-2 και προτείνονται για αυτούς αποδοτικές αρχιτεκτονικές κυκλωμάτων πρόσθεσης, πολλαπλασιασμού, ύψωσης στο τετράγωνο και ευθείας μετατροπής.
Στο δεύτερο μέρος της διατριβής το ενδιαφέρον εστιάζεται σε μία διαφορετική κατηγορία αναπαραστάσεων, οι οποίες παρέχουν περισσότερους από ένα δυνατούς τρόπους κωδικοποίησης των εντέλων τους. Οι πλεονάζουσες αυτές αναπαραστάσεις παρουσιάζουν συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά, όπως η δυνατότητα εξισορρόπησης ταχύτητας και επιφάνειας υλοποίησης. Στη διατριβή εξετάζονται τρεις πλεονάζουσες αναπαραστάσεις για το Αριθμητικό Σύστημα Υπολοίπων με κανάλια διαιρετών της μορφής 2^n+-1 και παρουσιάζεται μία γενικευμένη μεθοδολογία διαχείρισης των ψηφίων τους, η οποία εφαρμόζεται στη σχεδίαση κυκλωμάτων μετατροπής.
Στο τελευταίο μέρος περιγράφονται δύο εφαρμογές συστημάτων που βασίζονται στο Αριθμητικό Σύστημα Υπολοίπων. Αναλυτικότερα, σχεδιάζεται και υλοποιείται ένα σύστημα ανίχνευσης ακμών σε εικόνα με ένα στάδιο προ-επεξεργασίας για μείωση του θορύβου καθώς και τρία φίλτρα πεπερασμένης κρουστικής απόκρισης. / The implementation of efficient arithmetic circuits has always been an open field for research, since the technology evolves rapidly, demanding the reevaluation of their design methods. At the same time this continuous evolution opens new research areas for these circuits. The need for fast processing of a vast amount of information demands an increase of the operational frequency of the corresponding circuits, while at the same time low power consumption, low cost and therefore low area remain of crucial importance. Meeting these needs in arithmetic circuits usually implies the employment of alternative, non-binary number systems. Such examples are the Residue Number System (RNS) and number systems with redundant representations.
The subject of this PhD dissertation is the implementation of efficient arithmetic circuits for the RNS emphasizing both in redundant and not redundant representations.
The first part of the dissertation deals with the design of efficient non-redundant arithmetic circuits for main arithmetic operations such as addition and multiplication that are met in every processing system, as well as for auxiliary operations like subtraction, squaring and cubing. Specifically, the circuits presented include subtractors and adders/subtractors for the moduli channels of the 2^n+-1 form, single-constant multipliers for the {2^n-1, 2^n, 2^n+1} moduli set, configurable modulo 2^n +-1 Booth-encoded multipliers as well as modulo 2^n-1 cubing units. Furthermore, a family of diminished-1 modulo 2^n+1 arithmetic circuits (adders, subtractors, multipliers and squarers) is also presented, that produces the respective result directly to weighted (normal) representation, embedding that way the conversion process between these two representations. The design of efficient Residue-to-Binary converters is also considered and a novel generic methodology is proposed for the systematic design of those circuits. The modulo 2^n-2 channel is also investigated and an arithmetic processing framework is proposed including adders, multipliers, squarers and Binary-to-Residue converters.
In the second part, we focus on a different category of representations, where operands can be encoded in more than one ways. Such representations offer certain characteristics such as a tradeoff between area and speed. In particular, we consider three redundant representations for the RNS processing channels of the 2^n+-1 form, which are the most common choice. A generic methodology is presented for treating their digits in order to design efficient converters for them.
The last part of the dissertation presents two applications that are implemented entirely in the RNS domain. Their architectures rely on the proposed arithmetic circuits. The first application is an image edge detector with a pre-processing noise filtering stage. The second application involves the design of three Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters.
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A comparative study of burnout among teachers in a Youth Juvenile Rehabilitation center, an Ex model C school, and Public schoolsClayford, Mario January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study examined three schools / namely a Public, Ex model C, and a Youth juvenile rehabilitation school. A non-experimental survey design was used for this study. The sample consisted of 47 educators across the three types of schools. Data was collected by means of two instruments: a demographic questionnaire, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) consisting of three subscales namely / Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Diminished Personal Accomplishment. It was hypothesised that due to the stressful nature of work in disadvantaged and resource lacking schools, as well as the unstable and unsafe environment in certain schools, burnout among educators in Public and Youth juvenile rehabilitation schools will have a higher prevalence rate than educators in Ex model C schools. The study also aimed to identify which various educator demographic variables correlate with high burnout levels. Correlational results of the study found no significant relationships between the three subscales of the MBI and certain educator demographic variables across the three types of schools. The results of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test revealed a borderline non-significant difference in the Emotional Exhaustion subscale between the Youth juvenile rehabilitation school and Public schools. Post Hoc comparison tests suggested Public school educators in the sample had the highest levels of burnout in terms of Emotional Exhaustion across the three types of schools, while educators in the Youth juvenile rehabilitation schools showed the lowest levels of burnout in terms of Emotional exhaustion. The results of the present study were discussed from the perspective of the Conservation of Resources theory, suggesting resource depletion as a central facet to burnout and how prolonged stress leads to burnout. Future qualitative studies exploring the etiology of burnout was thus recommended.</p>
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A comparative study of burnout among teachers in a Youth Juvenile Rehabilitation center, an Ex model C school, and Public schoolsClayford, Mario January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study examined three schools / namely a Public, Ex model C, and a Youth juvenile rehabilitation school. A non-experimental survey design was used for this study. The sample consisted of 47 educators across the three types of schools. Data was collected by means of two instruments: a demographic questionnaire, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) consisting of three subscales namely / Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Diminished Personal Accomplishment. It was hypothesised that due to the stressful nature of work in disadvantaged and resource lacking schools, as well as the unstable and unsafe environment in certain schools, burnout among educators in Public and Youth juvenile rehabilitation schools will have a higher prevalence rate than educators in Ex model C schools. The study also aimed to identify which various educator demographic variables correlate with high burnout levels. Correlational results of the study found no significant relationships between the three subscales of the MBI and certain educator demographic variables across the three types of schools. The results of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test revealed a borderline non-significant difference in the Emotional Exhaustion subscale between the Youth juvenile rehabilitation school and Public schools. Post Hoc comparison tests suggested Public school educators in the sample had the highest levels of burnout in terms of Emotional Exhaustion across the three types of schools, while educators in the Youth juvenile rehabilitation schools showed the lowest levels of burnout in terms of Emotional exhaustion. The results of the present study were discussed from the perspective of the Conservation of Resources theory, suggesting resource depletion as a central facet to burnout and how prolonged stress leads to burnout. Future qualitative studies exploring the etiology of burnout was thus recommended.</p>
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A comparative study of burnout among teachers in a Youth Juvenile Rehabilitation center, an Ex model C school, and Public schoolsClayford, Mario January 2010 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / This study examined three schools; namely a Public, Ex model C, and a Youth juvenile rehabilitation school. A non-experimental survey design was used for this study. The sample consisted of 47 educators across the three types of schools. Data was collected by means of two instruments: a demographic questionnaire, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) consisting of three subscales namely; Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Diminished Personal Accomplishment. It was hypothesised that due to the stressful nature of work in disadvantaged and resource lacking schools, as well as the unstable and unsafe environment in certain schools, burnout among educators in Public and Youth juvenile rehabilitation schools will have a higher prevalence rate than educators in Ex model C schools. The study also aimed to identify which various educator demographic variables correlate with high burnout levels. Correlational results of the study found no significant relationships between the three subscales of the MBI and certain educator demographic variables across the three types of schools. The results of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test revealed a borderline non-significant difference in the Emotional Exhaustion subscale between the Youth juvenile rehabilitation school and Public schools. Post Hoc comparison tests suggested Public school educators in the sample had the highest levels of burnout in terms of Emotional Exhaustion across the three types of schools, while educators in the Youth juvenile rehabilitation schools showed the lowest levels of burnout in terms of Emotional exhaustion. The results of the present study were discussed from the perspective of the Conservation of Resources theory, suggesting resource depletion as a central facet to burnout and how prolonged stress leads to burnout. Future qualitative studies exploring the etiology of burnout was thus recommended. / South Africa
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Le discernement en droit pénal / Discernment in criminal lawPetipermon, Frédérick 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le discernement est traditionnellement rattaché à l’étude de l’élément moral de l’infraction.Sous l’empire du Code pénal de 1810, des fondements de droit naturel sont à l’oeuvre, si bien que le discernement fut défini par emprunt au droit canon comme une aptitude à distinguer le bien du mal. Mais cette acception ne révèle pas la teneur originelle du critère du libre-arbitre :il correspondait à la connaissance de la loi divine dont le droit séculier n’était que le reflet.L’analyse du droit positif laïcisé invite à découvrir l’existence d’une présomption de connaissance de la loi toujours aussi impérative que dans les systèmes de pénalité antiques.Le discernement peut alors être défini comme une conscience réflexive : la connaissance des droits et devoirs reconnus à chaque personne, au sein de statuts juridiques que la prolifération des normes contribue à préciser. Aussi, la culpabilité n’est pas une connaissance de l’illicéité d’un résultat ; elle procède de l’ignorance des prescriptions légales chez celui qui est présumé en connaître l’existence. En procédure pénale, cette présomption devient protectrice des droits du mis en cause. Aucun acte coercitif ne peut être exercé à son encontre s’il n’a été avisé du statut dont il relève. Cette information assure ainsi la finalité rétributive de la peine chez celui qui n’ignore pas les raisons de sa condamnation. En tout état de cause, la soumission des individus au droit pénal est le seul objectif poursuivi en la matière, ce qui nécessite parfois la présence de victimes au procès pénal, à la seule fin de préserver leur foi en son impérativité. / Discernment is traditionally attached to the study of the « moral element » of the offense. Under the influence of the Penal Code of 1810, the foundations of natural law are at work, so that the discernment was defined by canon law as the ability to distinguish good from evil. But this understanding does not reveal the content of the original criterion of free will: it used to correspond to the knowledge of the divine law which secular law was only the reflection. The analysis of positive law secularized invites you to discover the existence of a presumption of knowledge of the law as imperative as it was in the systems of ancient penalty. Discernment can then be defined as a reflexive consciousness: the awareness of rights and obligations identified to each person within legal statutes that the proliferation of standards helps to clarify. Also, guilt is not a knowledge of the wrongfulness of an outcome; it proceeds fromignorance of the legal requirements in the person who is presumed to know of its existence. In criminal proceedings, this presumption becomes protective of the rights of the suspect. No coercive act can be exercised against him if he has not been notified of the status to which he belongs. This information ensures the retributive purpose of punishment, for the one who can’t ignore the reasons for his conviction. In any event, the submission of individuals to the established rules is the only objective of the criminal law, which might imply that it accepts the presence of victims in criminal proceedings, for the sole purpose of preserving their faith in his imperativity.
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Trestný čin opilství podle § 360 zákona č. 40/2009 Sb., Trestní zákoník / The crime of drunkenness according to § 360 of Act No. 40/2009Coll., Criminal CodeChamrádová, Natalie January 2021 (has links)
This thesis, bearing the name "The crime of drunkenness according to § 360 of Act No. 40/2009Coll., Criminal Code" aims to analyse and understand deeper the crime of drunkenness in all its aspects. Initially, it deals with the historical kontext of this crime and the development of its conception through history to this day. The thesis also describes terms of diminished sanity and insanity as well as other terms related to the crime including the institute actio libera in causa in both of its forms. This crime is indeed an atypical one, whilst being one of the methods of dealing with illegal deeds committed by inflicted insanity. Such crime lies in the fact that the offender of an act otherwise criminal (one lacking an important sign of a crime) had, prior to such act, induced himself to a state of insanity by culpable consuming or applicating an addictive substance. Insanity as itself exclude criminal culpability of the offender, however not in cases hen offender self-inducing it by consuming or applicating an addictive substance, which makes the crime of drunkenness unique. No less interesting is that, in a way, the crime of drunkenness overcomes the principle nullum crimen sine culpa, or no crime without culpability, since it is composed of two separate actions, while culpability revers only to...
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Doodvonnis in Suid-Afrika : dinamiek van nie-teregstelling en afskaffingVisser, Gerhardus 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Executions were discontinued during November 1989. In February 1990 the State
President announced a moratorium on executions. Since 27 July 1990 the
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1990 effected important changes to the substantive
law and procedure regarding the death sentence. The "new" death sentence
dispensation was applied by the courts and the moratorium would be lifted
as soon as the new dispensation became effective. That never materialised.
The death sentence issue was dealt with in a game of political compromise.
Criminal law and the esteem of the Government suffered as a result. Judicial
frustration and uncertainty developed regarding application of the death
sentence. The opportunity was seized by the abolitionists to attain their
ideal. The Constitutional Court declared the death sentence unconstitutional.
Presently a final Constitution is being drafted which will probably finally
do away with the death sentence. An effective process of denigration of the
death sentence thus resulted from the moratorium on executions. / Teregstellings is gedurende November 1989 gestaak. Op 2 Februarie 1990 het
die Staatspresident 'n moratorium op teregstellings afgekondig. Vanaf
27 Julie 1990 het die Strafregwysigingswet, 1990, belangrike verstellings aan
die materiele en prosessuele reg met betrekking tot die doodvonnis gemaak.
Die "nuwe" doodvonnisbedeling is deur die howe toegepas. Die moratorium sou
opgehef word sodra die "nuwe bedeling" op dreef was. Dit het nie gebeur nie.
'n Spel van kornprornie-politiek random die doodvonniskwessie het horn afgespeel.
Die strafregpleging en die Regering se aansien het daaronder gely. Regterlike
frustrasie het posgevat en regsonsekerheid oar die toepassing van die doodvonnis
het ontstaan. Die geleentheid is deur die afskaffers aangegryp om hul
ideaal te verwesenlik. Die Konstitusionele Hof het die doodvonnis ongrondwetlik
verklaar. Tans word 'n finale Grondwet geskryf wat waarskynlik die doodvonnis
gaan afskaf. 'n Effektiewe proses van aftakeling van die doodvonnis
het dus sedert die moratorium op teregstellings plaasgevind. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL. M.
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Doodvonnis in Suid-Afrika : dinamiek van nie-teregstelling en afskaffingVisser, Gerhardus 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Executions were discontinued during November 1989. In February 1990 the State
President announced a moratorium on executions. Since 27 July 1990 the
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1990 effected important changes to the substantive
law and procedure regarding the death sentence. The "new" death sentence
dispensation was applied by the courts and the moratorium would be lifted
as soon as the new dispensation became effective. That never materialised.
The death sentence issue was dealt with in a game of political compromise.
Criminal law and the esteem of the Government suffered as a result. Judicial
frustration and uncertainty developed regarding application of the death
sentence. The opportunity was seized by the abolitionists to attain their
ideal. The Constitutional Court declared the death sentence unconstitutional.
Presently a final Constitution is being drafted which will probably finally
do away with the death sentence. An effective process of denigration of the
death sentence thus resulted from the moratorium on executions. / Teregstellings is gedurende November 1989 gestaak. Op 2 Februarie 1990 het
die Staatspresident 'n moratorium op teregstellings afgekondig. Vanaf
27 Julie 1990 het die Strafregwysigingswet, 1990, belangrike verstellings aan
die materiele en prosessuele reg met betrekking tot die doodvonnis gemaak.
Die "nuwe" doodvonnisbedeling is deur die howe toegepas. Die moratorium sou
opgehef word sodra die "nuwe bedeling" op dreef was. Dit het nie gebeur nie.
'n Spel van kornprornie-politiek random die doodvonniskwessie het horn afgespeel.
Die strafregpleging en die Regering se aansien het daaronder gely. Regterlike
frustrasie het posgevat en regsonsekerheid oar die toepassing van die doodvonnis
het ontstaan. Die geleentheid is deur die afskaffers aangegryp om hul
ideaal te verwesenlik. Die Konstitusionele Hof het die doodvonnis ongrondwetlik
verklaar. Tans word 'n finale Grondwet geskryf wat waarskynlik die doodvonnis
gaan afskaf. 'n Effektiewe proses van aftakeling van die doodvonnis
het dus sedert die moratorium op teregstellings plaasgevind. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. M.
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