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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brain source localization using SEEG recordings / Localisation de sources cérébrales à partir de mesures SEEG

Caune, Vairis 18 July 2017 (has links)
L’EEG de surface permet l'étude spatio-temporelle de l’activité cérébrale avec une résolution temporelle élevée, cependant elle souffre de la forte atténuation du champ électrique propagée par l'os du crâne et de la présence de sources de bruits externes. De ce fait, nous souhaitons exploiter les mesures issues de la Stéréo-EEG (SEEG). Cette modalité consiste en l'introduction d'électrodes d'enregistrement au plus près des générateurs, bénéficiant ainsi d'un rapport signal à bruit bien supérieur à celui observé en EEG. Nous proposons ainsi dans cette thèse une étude de faisabilité de l'imagerie de sources à partir de ces mesures, basée sur une méthode d'inversion de type dipôle équivalent associée à un modèle de propagation à une sphère, capable d'amener à une précision de localisation de l'ordre de quelques millimètres. A partir d'une implantation clinique usuelle de la SEEG, nous évaluons les performances de localisation lorsque différents sous-ensembles de capteurs sont considérés. En présence de bruit réaliste, nous constatons que l'ajout de capteurs lointains peut amener à une dégradation de la précision de localisation. Ces conclusions nous amènent à proposer une approche de sélection des capteurs locaux dans le but d'optimiser la fiabilité des résultats. Les atouts et faiblesses de cette approche sont analysés dans un cadre de simulation réaliste afin d'explorer de façon pertinente les différents paramètres pouvant influer sur la qualité de résolution du problème inverse. Les approches sont appliquées sur des enregistrements SEEG récoltés au CHRU de Nancy afin de confronter les méthodes de localisation proposées à des mesures réelles / The surface EEG makes it possible to study the brain activity with a high temporal resolution, however it suffers from the severe attenuation of the electrical propagation through the skull bone as well as the addition of external artifacts. As an alternative, we would like to exploit the Stereo-EEG (SEEG) recordings, consisting in shaft electrodes implanted in the brain volume in the direct vicinity of the brain generators. These data benefit from a high signal to noise ratio compared to this observed in surface EEG. We propose in this thesis a feasibility study of source imaging from the SEEG, based on an equivalent current dipole inversion method associated with an analytical One-Sphere propagation model, able to bring localization precision of the order of a few millimeters. Using a typical clinical electrode implantation, we evaluate the localization performance when different subsets of sensors are considered. In the presence of realistic noise, we observe that the addition of distant sensors with respect to the source can lead to a degradation of the localization accuracy. These conclusions lead us to propose a local sensor selection approach in order to optimize the reliability of the results. The strengths and weaknesses of this approach are analyzed on a realistic simulation framework, for a relevant exploration of the different parameters impacting on the quality of the SEEG source imaging. The approaches are applied on SEEG recordings collected at the CHRU of Nancy to evaluate their performance when facing real measurements

Contributions à la théorie des espaces de fonctions : singularités et relèvements / Contributions to the theory of functional spaces : singularities and liftings

Molnar, Ioana 24 June 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions quelques aspects des certains espaces de fonctions. D’une part nous nous intéressons aux singularités des applications W^{1,n} à valeurs dans la sphère unité S^n, et d’autre part, aux relèvements des applications W^{s,p} à valeurs dans le cercle S^1.La première partie concerne le problème de minimisation d’une énergie de type Dirichlet à poids. Les fonctions admissibles sont les fonctions continues hors d’un ensemble singulier donné prescrit par le bord d’un courant rectifiable. Nous obtenons la formule exacte, résultat qui améliore celui d’Alberto, Baldi et Orlando (2003). Il s’agit aussi d’une généralisation des résultats obtenus précédemment par Brezis, Coron, Lieb (1986), Almgren, Browder, Lieb (1988).La deuxième partie porte sur le meilleur contrôle des phases des applications uni-modulaires et elle se repose sur les travaux de Bourgain, Brezis, Mironescu (2000, 2002). A l’aide de quelques méthodes connues et des méthodes nouvelles, nous étudions des estimations optimales des semi-normes W^{s,p} des relèvements selon les différentes valeurs de s et de p. Nous obtenons aussi une nouvelle caractérisation de W^{s,p} pour s<1 en termes de semi-norme dyadique / In this thesis we study some aspects of certain functional spaces. On the one hand we focus on the singularities of maps W^{1, n} with values in the unit sphere S^n, and secondly, on liftings of maps W^{s, p} with values in the circle S^1.The first part concerns the minimization problem of a weighted Dirichlet energy. Admissible maps are functions which are continuous functions outside a given singular set prescribed by the boundary of a rectifiable current. We obtain the exact formula, which improves the result of Alberto, Baldi and Orlando (2003). In the same time, we generalize some results previously obtained by Brezis, Coron, Lieb (1986), Almgren, Browder, Lieb (1988).The second part focuses on the best control of unimodular maps and it is based on the work of Bourgain, Brezis, Mironescu (2000, 2002). Using some known methods and some new ones, we study optimal estimates of seminorms W^{s, p} of liftings, for different values of s and p. We also obtain a new characterization of the space W^{s, p} for s<1 in terms of dyadic seminorm

Análise de fluxo de carga eletrônica em modos vibracionais / Analysis of electronic charge flux in vibrational modes

Tiago Quevedo Teodoro 19 February 2013 (has links)
Diversas metodologias foram desenvolvidas nas últimas décadas para cálculo de propriedades que representassem quantitativamente a distribuição de carga eletrônica de forma mais simplista. A mais básica destas propriedades é chamada de carga atômica. Contudo, não havendo unanimidade quanto à utilização de um formalismo de cálculo de carga para situações abrangentes de estudo, há a necessidade de trabalhos voltados para uma análise comparativa entre as respostas destes formalismos em termos de carga atômica e parâmetros derivados. Assim, fez-se nesta dissertação uma investigação sobre valores de carga atômica e propriedades dinâmicas relacionadas, com importância em estudos sobre movimentos vibracionais em moléculas, como fluxo de carga e fluxo de dipolo, obtidos com os formalismos de cálculo de carga de Mulliken, NPA, CHELPG e QTAIM. Neste trabalho também se avaliou o efeito da escolha do método de cálculo, como Hartree-Fock e métodos que incluem correlação eletrônica (MP2, MP4(SDQ) e CCSD), e do conjunto de funções de base, através de funções como cc-pVDZ, cc-pVTZ e cc-pVQZ, sobre estas propriedades dinâmicas. Os sistemas analisados incluíram moléculas diatômicas e triatômicas lineares (HF, HCl, LiH, NaH, NaCl, LiF, NaF, LiCl, BF, AlF, BeO, MgO, CO, ClF, CO2, CS2, OCS, HCN e HNC) formadas por ligações de caráter variado, desde altamente iônicas até covalentes e incluindo ligações múltiplas. Também foram estudadas moléculas de clorofluorometanos (CH4, CH3Cl, CH3F, CH2Cl2, CH2F2, CH2ClF, CHCl3, CHF3, CHCl2F, CHClF2, CCl2F2, CClF3, CFCl3, CCl4, e CF4) para observação do efeito da troca de substituintes nas propriedades citadas. Pelos resultados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que apenas os formalismos NPA e QTAIM apresentam bom comportamento quanto à convergência em relação ao método de cálculo e/ou tamanho do conjunto de funções de base utilizados no estudo do fluxo de carga. Entretanto, apenas os valores QTAIM são consistentes com certas considerações químicas fundamentais, como fluxos de carga tendendo a zero durante o estiramento de ligações de predominante caráter iônico, em moléculas com estruturas próximas à geometria de equilíbrio. As cargas e seus fluxos obtidos com Mulliken apresentaram alta dependência e problemas de convergência com a escolha da função de base, além de valores incoerentes em alguns sistemas. Por sua vez, CHELPG não se mostrou adequado à aplicação da aproximação finita de dois pontos na obtenção dos valores numéricos de fluxos de carga. A análise da resposta destas propriedades à troca de substituintes em moléculas de clorofluorometanos seguiu destacando positivamente QTAIM em relação aos outros formalismos. Enquanto CHELPG demonstrou oscilações inconsistentes em gráficos destes valores em função do número de átomos de cloro e/ou flúor, NPA e Mulliken se mostraram sensíveis à troca de substituintes, entretanto, os valores de fluxo de carga observados em alguns casos estão em desacordo com a tendência esperada na troca de átomos de hidrogênio por átomos de cloro ou flúor. / Several methodologies were developed in the last few decades in order to obtain a property which could represent quantitatively electronic charge distributions in a simple way. The fundamental quantity in this treatment is called atomic charge. However, as long as there is not an agreement about the most indicated method to determine atomic charges for general systems or responses under study, it is necessary to analyze, comparatively, how these methods behave in given situations and how the values derived from them respond in each case. Hence, an investigation including charges and related quantities as charge flux and atomic dipole flux, which are of interest to vibrational analysis, was done by means of values resulting from four formalisms, that are, Mulliken, NPA, CHELPG and QTAIM. In this study were also evaluated the changes in such dynamic properties when the calculations are done by means of different methods, as Hartree-Fock and methods that include electron correlation (MP2, MP4(SDQ) and CCSD) and, with different basis sets as cc-pVDZ, cc-pVTZ and cc-pVQZ. The systems analyzed were diatomic and linear triatomic molecules (HF, HCl, LiH, NaH, NaCl, LiF, NaF, LiCl, BF, AlF, BeO, MgO, CO, FCl, CO2, CS2, OCS, HCN and HNC) including diverse bonding character, such as highly ionic or covalent bonds along with multiple bonds. Also, charge and charge flux parameters in chlorofluoromethane molecules (CH4, CH3Cl, CH3F, CH2Cl2, CH2F2, CH2ClF, CHCl3, CHF3, CHCl2F, CHClF2, CCl2F2, CClF3, CFCl3, CCl4 and CF4) were studied to analyze the effects in these properties during the exchange of substituent atoms. Considering the data obtained, one can infer that only NPA and QTAIM formalisms result in satisfactory convergence patterns with chosen methods and/or basis set sizes during the determination of charge and charge flux values. However, only QTAIM charge fluxes seem to follow certain chemical considerations, as low values for charge flux in a bond enlargement in systems with a predominant ionic character close to their equilibrium geometry. The Mulliken formalism shows high dependence and convergence issues in basis set size increments, as well as some inconsistent values. On other hand, CHELPG formalism is not suited to the finite approach for numerical derivatives in its two-point version. The study of substituent effects in chlorofluoromethanes reinforces the performance of QTAIM when compared to other formalisms. While CHELPG returned inconsistent oscillations in plots against the number of chlorine/fluorine atoms, NPA and Mulliken exhibited some sensibility with the change of substituent, though the flux values observed in a few cases are in disagreement with the tendencies expected when the hydrogen atoms are switched by chlorine or fluorine atoms.

Etude et réalisation d’une source de rayonnement large bande de forte puissance basée sur un concept innovant de transformateur résonant impulsionnel / Study and realization of a high-power and wideband electromagnetic source based on an innovative resonant pulse transformer

Pecquois, Romain 21 December 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, un large éventail d’applications de défense nécessite des générateurs de puissances pulsées pour produire des rayonnements électromagnétiques de fortes puissances. Dans les systèmes conventionnels, le générateur est composé d’une source d’énergie primaire et d’une antenne, séparé par un système d’amplification de la puissance, généralement un générateur de Marx ou un transformateur Tesla, qui transmet l’énergie vers l’antenne. Le système présenté dans ce mémoire, utilise un concept innovant basée sur un transformateur résonant impulsionnel compact pour alimenter l’antenne. La source développée, appelée MOUNA (acronyme de « Module Oscillant Utilisant une Nouvelle Architecture ») est composé d’une batterie, d’un convertisseur DC/DC permettant de charger quatre condensateurs, de quatre éclateurs à gaz synchronisés, d’un transformateur résonant impulsionnel qui génère des impulsions de 600kV en 265ns, d’un éclateur de mise en forme à huile, et d’une antenne dipôle. / Nowadays, a broad range of modern defense applications requires compact pulsed power generators to produce high-power electromagnetic waves. In a conventional design, such generators consist of a primary energy source and an antenna, separated by a power-amplification system, such as a Marx generator or a Tesla transformer, which forwards the energy from the source to the antenna. The present system, however, uses a novel and very compact high-voltage resonant pulsed transformer to drive a dipole antenna. The complete pulsed power source, termed MOUNA (French acronym for “Module Oscillant Utilisant une Nouvelle Architecture”), is composed of a set of batteries, a dc/dc converter for charging four capacitors, four synchronized spark gap switches, a resonant pulsed transformer that can generate 600 kV in 265 ns pulses, an oil peaking switch and, a dipole antenna.

Apport des données spatiales pour la modélisation numérique de la couche de mélange du Golfe du Bengale / Remote sensing and numerical modeling of the oceanic mixed layer salinity in the Bay of Bengal

Valiya Parambil, Akhil 02 April 2015 (has links)
Le Golfe du Bengale (GdB), dans l'océan indien Nord, est sous l'influence d'intenses vents de mousson, qui se renversent saisonnièrement. Les fortes pluies et les apports fluviaux associés à la mousson de Sud-Ouest font du GdB l'une des régions les moins salées des océans tropicaux. La forte stratification haline proche de la surface qui en découle contribue à limiter le mélange vertical, ce qui maintient des températures de surface élevées et favorise la convection atmosphérique et les pluies. Cette stratification en sel a ainsi des implications profondes sur les échanges air-mer et sur le climat des pays riverains. L'objectif de ma thèse est d'améliorer la description de la variabilité de la salinité de surface (SSS) du GdB, et de comprendre ses mécanismes aux échelles de temps saisonnières à interannuelles. Les climatologies existantes ont permis de mettre en évidence un cycle saisonnier marqué de la SSS, avec un dessalement intense de la partie Nord du bassin pendant l'automne, suivi par une expansion de ces eaux dessalées le long du bord Ouest du bassin. Cette langue dessalée s'érode finalement pendant l'hiver, pour revenir à son extension minimale au printemps. Cependant, la rareté des observations in-situ de SSS ne permet d'observer les fluctuations interannuelles autour de ce cycle saisonnier que de manière parcellaire dans le GdB. Le développement récent de la télédétection spatiale de la SSS (missions SMOS et AQUARIUS) a ouvert de nouvelles opportunités à cet égard. Cette technologie reste toutefois délicate dans le cas d'un bassin de petite taille tel que le GdB, du fait des contaminations éventuelles du signal de SSS par les interférences radio et par les sources d'origine continentale. Une validation systématique des produits satellites par comparaison à un jeu de données in-situ exhaustif montre qu'Aquarius capture de façon réaliste les évolutions saisonnières et interannuelles de la SSS partout dans le GdB. A l'inverse, SMOS ne parvient pas à restituer une salinité meilleure que les climatologies existantes. / Located in the Northern Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal (BoB) is forced by intense seasonally reversing monsoon winds. Heavy rainfall and strong river runoffs associated with the southwest monsoon makes the bay one of the freshest regions in the tropical ocean. This surface fresh water flux induces strong near surface salinity stratification, which reduces vertical mixing and maintains high sea surface temperatures and deep atmospheric convection and rainfall. This intense near surface haline stratification has therefore profound implications on the air-sea exchanges, and on the climate of the neighboring countries. The goal of my thesis is to improve the description of the Sea surface salinity (SSS) variability in the BoB and to understand the oceanic and atmospheric processes driving this variability at seasonal and interannual timescales. Existing climatologies reveal a marked seasonal cycle of SSS with an intense freshening of the northern part of the basin during fall that subsequently spreads along the western boundary. This fresh pool finally erodes during winter, to reach its minimal extent in spring. The paucity of in-situ SSS observations however prevented to monitor the interannual fluctuations around this seasonal picture with a good spatial coverage. The recent development of SSS remote-sensing capabilities (with SMOS and AQUARIUS satellites) may help with that regard. However this is particularly challenging for a small semi-enclosed basin such as the Bay of Bengal, because of the potential contamination of the SSS signal by radio frequency interferences and land effects in the near coastal environment. A thorough validation of these satellite products to an exhaustive gridded in-situ dataset shows that Aquarius reasonably captures the large-scale observed seasonal and interannual SSS evolution everywhere in the BoB while SMOS does not perform better than existing climatologies, advocating for improvements of its SSS retrieval algorithm there.

Manipulation of a Large Magneto-Optical Trap:<br />application to Four-Wave Mixing

Gattobigio, Giovanni Luca 29 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une recherche expérimentale détaillée des lois caract érisant la taille et la densité atomique de grands pièges magnéto-optiques contenant typiquement 10^10 atomes. Il est bien connu que les interactions induites par laser, produites par la diffusion multiple, y constituent la limitation principale à l'obtention de densités atomiques élevées. Pour contourner cette limite, nous avons réalisé un piège magnéto-optique 'noir' combiné un piège dipolaire. Les forces de répulsion assistées par la lumière ont ainsi pu être considérablement réduites et une augmentation de près de deux ordres des grandeur sur le densité (jusqu'à 10^12 atm/cm^3) a été corrélativement observée. Nous avons proposé également un modèle qualitatif pour rendre compte de la densité atomique (et également pour la taille) o`u nous avons introduit les interactions mécaniques induites par les photons du laser repompeur quand son épaisseur optique devient importante. Ce travail fait partie d'un projet de recherche qui vise à terme à observer la localisation d'Anderson de la lumière dans des nuages d'atomes froids, mais pour laquelle des densités de l'ordre (10^13-10^14 atm/cm^3) sont requises. Pour des densités inférieures, des mécanismes de gain peuvent toutefois être mis à profit pour amplifier des modes pre-localisés. Nous avons, ainsi, mis en place une technique pompe-sonde pour la création d'un gain dans l'échantillon atomique. La configuration des pompes a autorisé l'observation du signal de mélange a quatre ondes. Une analyse détaillée de ses propriétés et de ses caractéristiques a été présentée. En particulier, une asymétrie rouge-bleu dans le spectre, pour des intensités élevées des faisceaux pompes, a été mise en évidence. Cette asymétrie a pu tre expliquée en tenant compte du regroupement des atomes dans les noeuds ou dans les ventres de l'onde stationnaire des faisceaux de pompe.

QCD corrections to $e^+e^-\rightarrow 4$ jets

Weinzierl, Stefan 08 September 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet les corrections perturbatives de CDQ pour la production de quatre jets dans l'annihilation des électrons et positrons. Les corrections à une boucle pour le sous-processus $e^+ e^- \rightarrow q \bar{q} Q \bar{Q}$ sont calculées avec de nouvelles méthodes qui comprennent la décomposition de couleur, la méthode des spineur d'hélicité, et une décomposition inspirée par la supersymmétrie. Nous avons également profité des contraintes découlants de l'unitarité et des limites colinéaires pour restreindre la forme analytique des amplitudes. Dans une deuxième phase, j'ai écrit un programme numérique qui combine des contributions dues aux corrections radiatives des sous-processus $e^+ e^- \rightarrow q \bar{q} Q \bar{Q}$ et $e^+ e^- \rightarrow q g g \bar{q}$ et dues aux corrections d'émission réelle. Le programme utilise le formalisme des dipoles pour annuler les divergences infra-rouge. L'analyse numérique contient des résultats sur la section efficace totale, le paramètre $D$ et la variable d'élargissement d'un jet.

Light Control using Organometallic Chromophores

Henriksson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The interaction between light and organometallic chromophores has been investigated theoretically in a strive for fast optical filters. The main emphasis is on two-photon absorption and excited state absorption as illustrated in the Jablonski diagram. We stress the need for relativistic calculations and have developed methods to address this issue. Furthermore, we present how quantum chemical calculations can be combined with Maxwell's equations in order to simulate propagation of laser pulses through a materials doped with chromophores with high two-photon absorption cross sections. Finally, we also discuss how fast agile filters using spin-transition materials can be modeled in order to accomplish theoretical material design.</p> / Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2006:55. On the day of the defence date the status on article III was Manuscript, article IV was Accepted and article V was Submitted.

Integrated Antennas : Monolithic and Hybrid Approaches

Öjefors, Erik January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis considers integration of antennas and active electronics manufactured on the same substrate. The main topic is on-chip antennas for commercial silicon processes, but hybrid integration using printed circuit board technology is also addressed.</p><p>The possible use of micromachining techniques as a means of reducing substrate losses of antennas manufactured on low resistivity silicon wafers is investigated. Compact dipole, loop, and inverted-F antennas for the 20-40 GHz frequency range are designed, implemented, and characterized. The results show significantly improved antenna efficiency when micromachining is used as a post-processing step for on-chip antennas manufactured in silicon technology.</p><p>High resistivity wafers are used in a commercial silicon germanium technology to improve the efficiency of dipole antennas realized using the available circuit metal layers in the process. Monolithically integrated 24 GHz receivers with on-chip antennas are designed and evaluated with regard to antenna and system performance. No noticeable degradation of the receiver performance caused by cross talk between the antenna and the integrated circuit is observed.</p><p>For low frequency antenna arrays, such as base station antennas, hybrid integration of active devices within the antenna aperture is treated. A compact varactor based phase shifter for traveling wave antenna applications is proposed and evaluated. Electrically steerable traveling wave patch antenna arrays, with the phase shifters implemented in the same conductor layer as the radiating elements, are designed and manufactured in microstrip technology. It is experimentally verified that the radiation from the feed network and phase shifters in the proposed antenna configuration is small.</p>

Wideband Active and Passive Antenna Solutions for Handheld Terminals

Lindberg, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents solutions and studies related to the design of wideband antennas for wireless handheld terminal applications. A method of electrically shortening the terminal chassis length to obtain resonance at high frequencies has been proposed and evaluated, thereby increasing the antennas impedance bandwidth. No significant effect on the lower frequency band in a dual-band antenna prototype has been observed, making the method suitable for multi-band applications. The chassis has further been utilized as a zero-thickness 0.9 - 2.7 GHz high efficiency antenna by inserting a notch in the chassis center, and a feasibility study for typical phones has been performed. Additionally, the effect of talk position on the chassis wave-mode has been investigated, where the standard equivalent circuit model for terminal antennas has been modified to include the presence of the users head. The model has been used to explain measured and simulated effects concerning frequency detuning, efficiency reduction and bandwidth enhancements when the terminal is placed in talk position.</p><p>The use of a hands-free earpiece cord is currently mandatory for FM radio reception as the cord is utilized as antenna. However, there is currently a market driven demand for removing the cord requirement since many modern phones are equipped with speakers and Bluetooth headsets. In this thesis, an active ferrite loop antenna is proposed as an internal replacement/complement with a performance of -23 dB (G/T degradation) compared to a full-size lossless dipole in urban environments. Also, a modification to the cord is suggested for DVB H reception.</p><p>Complex matching networks have been investigated to increase the bandwidth of dual band PIFA antennas, and a printed dual band dipole has been integrated with a modified Marchand balun for dual resonance at two separate frequency bands, thus covering the commercial cellular bands 824-960 and 1710-2170 MHz with a single antenna.</p>

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