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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optically Active Chiral Mediums Fabricated with Glancing Angle Deposition

Yang, Jian 06 July 2012 (has links)
Optically active helical microparticles are studied in the forms of thin films, suspensions and powders. From fabricated helical porous thin films, microparticle suspensions are obtained by removing the microparticles (film columns) from their substrates and dispersing them into water. For removing microparticles, four methods are explored and compared: sacrificial NaCl layer, gold (Au) layer, buffered oxide etching, and direct ultrasonic agitation. The primary film material studied in this work is amorphous silicon (Si). Physical morphology of the microparticles is examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methods employed to characterize optical activity of the microparticles include: polarimetry, spectrophotometry, and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The produced chiral microparticles exhibit optical activity: optical rotation (OR) and circular dichroism (CD - in the form of differential circular transmission (DCT)). Significant findings include: (a) we observe the largest optical rotatory power ever reported in scientific literature, 11◦/μm at 610 nm wavelength for a Si film; (b) for the helical thin films, there is one dominant DCT band in the measured wavelength range; however for microparticle suspensions and powders, there exist two DCT bands: one broad band at long wavelengths, and one narrow band in the short wavelength range; compared to their thin film forms, microparticle suspensions and powders have inverted sign for the broad DCT band. A discrete dipole approximation (DDA) model is employed to calculate optical response (e.g. extinction, scattering, and absorption cross-sections) of the microparticles, so as to enable us to understand the effects of different structural parameters of the microparticles on their optical response. Calculation confirms that optical activity of chiral microparticles is due to coherent light scatterings with the chiral structures of the particles. The inversion in sign of the broad DCT bands of microparticle suspensions and powders is likely due to the averaging effect from random orientation of the helical microparticles, as is indicated both from experimental results and from calculation. / Thesis (Ph.D, Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy) -- Queen's University, 2012-07-06 09:59:20.751

The Electronic Structure of Biomolecular Self-Assembled Monolayers

Wolak, Matthaeus Anton 01 January 2012 (has links)
The studies presented here address the characterization of the electronic structure of various self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) and tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) SAMs and arrays, formed on gold substrates. PNA is a promising alternative to DNA for bio-sensing applications, as well as for strategies for self-assembly based on nucleic acid hybridization. In recent years charge transfer through PNA molecules was a focus of research due to possible applications in self-assembled molecular circuits and molecular tools. In light of this research it is interesting to investigate the electronic structure of PNA interfaces to gold, a potential electrode material. TPP is, due to its electronic structure, an organic p-type molecular semiconductor. Such a material can provide an alternative to standard micro- and optoelectronic devices and in recent years more attention was paid to semiconducting polymers and organic compounds offering these low-cost and flexible alternatives. Therefore, it is of high importance to investigate the prospect of using modified TPP molecules for the formation of interconnected molecular networks on metallic surfaces. All investigated monolayers were formed from solution in a nitrogen atmosphere inside a homemade glove box. This process allowed for PNA SAM and TPP SAM and array formation on clean Au substrates without the exposure to the ambient atmosphere. Ultraviolet and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (UPS and XPS) measurements on the resulting PNA SAMs and TPP SAMs and arrays, which were performed in a to the glove box attached vacuum chamber containing a photoemission spectrometer, revealed the hole injection barriers at the interfaces and the interface dipoles. In addition to the UPS and XPS measurements on PNA, electronic structure calculations based on molecular dynamics sampling of the PNA structure were obtained, yielding the HOMO-LUMO gap and the electronic density of states for PNA. Combined with the UPS data, the theoretical calculations enabled estimation of the charge injection barriers for the PNA SAMs at the interface, as well as the assignment of individual UP-spectral features to specific molecular orbitals. The orbital line-up at the interface between the Au substrate and the PNA indicated a significant interface dipole resulting in the alignment of the Au Fermi level near the center of the PNA HOMO-LUMO gap. This alignment causes large charge injection barriers for both holes and electrons, and thus impedes charge transfer from Au into the PNA SAM. The study of PNA molecules with ferrocene termini showed that this hole injection barrier is shifted to lower energies at the PNA/ferrocene interface. This shift was explained with a molecular orbital reconfiguration through the presence of the ferrocene terminus. The further investigation of the dependence of the electronic structure of PNA SAMs, based on their orientation, showed that incomplete films containing flat lying molecules can have a significant impact on the charge injection barriers. The close proximity of the nucleobases to the Au surface offers new ways for charge transfer between the substrate and the PNA molecule through its nitrogen sites, leading to a lowering of the hole injection barrier at the interface. The TPP arrays were formed by depositing AgNO3 on the Au substrate prior to TPP incubation using the electrospray technique. The interaction of AgNO3 with the TPP promoted the formation of an interconnected thin film forming a network on the Au substrate. The line-up at the Au/TPP interface without AgNO3 exposure showed an interface dipole formation with injection barriers that would potentially obstruct charge injection into the molecule. However, the addition of AgNO3 to the process resulted in the formation of fine structures, and lead to a lower hole injection barrier due to an induced dipole, which would ultimately improve charge transfer between the substrate and the thin film. A separate thiolated TPP derivative was used to form SAMs on a gold substrate. The SAM exhibited an even lower injection barrier than the mentioned TPP thin film with AgNO3 exposure, leading to the conclusion that a mix of both TPP derivatives could potentially lead to a SAM with long range interconnectivity and a low hole injection barrier towards the substrate.

From single to many atoms in a microscopic optical dipole trap

Fuhrmanek, Andreas 23 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the manipulation of rubidium 87 atoms in a microscopic optical dipole trap. The experiments are performed in various regimes where the number of atoms in the microscopic trap ranges from exactly one atom to several thousands on average.The single atom regime allows us to calibrate the experimental setup. We use it a quantum bit, which state we can prepare and read out with efficiencies of 99.97% and 98.6%, respectively. When several atoms are loaded in the microscopic trap we observe a sub-Poissonian distribution of the number of atoms due to light-assisted collisions in the presence of near-resonant light. A study of these collisions in our particular case (microscopic trap) reveals extremely high loss rates approaching the theoretical Langevin limit. Finally, we demonstrate that the loading of the microscopic trap is more efficient when we superimpose on this trap a second macroscopic trap, which we use as an atom reservoir. This reservoir allows us to load the micro trap from the macro trap in the absence of any near-resonant light, thus avoiding light-assisted collisions.The loading of the micro trap from the macro trap leads to optimal initial conditions for forced evaporation towards Bose-Einstein condensation with about ten atoms only. After evaporation we reach phase-space densities approaching the degenerate regime.

Matter and antimatter asymmetry in the early universe: new hypothesis of hydrogen formation based on wave-particle duality or electric dipole asymmetry

Koch, Horst Josef 08 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A new hypothesis of matter formation after the big bang based on either particle-wave duality or electric dipole asymmetry. Both assumptions allow to postulate that the probability of matter formation is slightly higher than that of antimatter formation. As a consequence, this difference of probabilities ∆Pp for protons and ∆Pe with regard to electrons avoided complete annihilation in the beginning.

Lorentz violation in quantum field theory

Bolokhov, Pavel Anatolievich 25 September 2007 (has links)
There are hints coming from some scenarios of modern String and Quantum Gravity theories that Lorentz invariance may not be an exact symmetry of Nature. The study of Lorentz violating theories therefore provides an insight into ultraviolet physics. We employ the Effective Field Theory technique to study the most general extension of the Standard Model and its Supersymmetric modifications with Lorentz-violating interactions of mass dimension five. We provide a complete classification of the interactions in these theories and determine a typical experimental sensitivity to the size of Lorentz violation. A detailed study of the operators that induce CPT-odd Electric Dipole Moments is performed and it is shown that they yield an independent constraint on Lorentz violating physics. We provide an application of Lorentz violating physics to the problem of generation of baryon asymmetry of the universe. A scenario of Leptogenesis driven by CPT-odd interactions is considered and confronted with experimental constraints on Lorentz-violating physics.

Hole Burning Imaging Studies of Cancerous and Analogous Normal Ovarian Tissues Utilizing Organelle Specific Dyes

Satoshi Matsuzaki January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (US); 19 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 2692" Satoshi Matsuzaki. US Department of Energy 12/19/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Full scale low-cost ultra wide band antenna for SKA low frequency array

Schoeman, Dewald Hermanus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is about the design, simulation and measuring of ultra wide band antennas for use in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The SKA is a radio astronomy project with one of the aims of detecting hydrogen particles in deep space. Several thousand antennas over a wide band of frequencies are needed to receive the radiation from these particles. This motivates the need for a low-cost ultra wide band antenna with the focus on the low frequency part of the SKA. In this thesis we present two design strategies: The first design strategy is for a printed LPDA on a substrate and design curves are generated. A scale model was built and measurements did not correlate with simulation results. This is due to manufacturing tolerances and assembly of the pyramidal structure. The second design strategy is for a full scale zig-zag antenna and design curves were also generated. The aim here is to produce a low-cost prototype by using brazing rods for the wire structure and mount it on a wooden frame. A full scale model was built and measurements on the roof produced much interference for the radiation pattern, but the reflection coefficient was good. We suggest doing measurements in an interference free environment in order to achieve the needed results. To conclude we suggest using the zig-zag antenna for the SKA. Some issues do however need more attention as the transformer has some losses, the cross polarisation is probably not good enough and the beamwidth does not reach the specification. We demonstrated a low cost prototype and there is the possibility of low-cost large scale manufacturing but this needs to be addressed. This has however not been analysed as many factors for large scale manufacturing are very difficult to predict beforehand and lies outside the scope of this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis gaan oor die ontwerp, simulasie en opmeting van ultrawyebandantennas vir gebruik in die SKA ("Square Kilometre Array"). Die SKA is ’n radioastronomie projek met die doel om waterstof partikels op te spoor in die ruimte. Duisende antennas wat oor ’n wye band van frekwensies strek is nodig om die energie van die partikels op te vang. Hieruit is daar ’n aanvraag vir lae-koste ultrawyebandantennas met die fokus op die lae frekwensie deel van die SKA. In hierdie tesis word twee ontwerpstrategieë voorgestel: Die eerste ontwerpstrategie is vir ’n gedrukte logaritmies periodiese dipool reeks (LPDR) op ’n substraat tesame met ontwerpskurwes wat gegenereer word. ’n Skaal model is gebou en die gemete resultate stem nie ooreen met die simulasie nie. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan vervaardigingstoleransies en die aanmekaar sit van die piramide struktuur. Die tweede ontwerpstrategie is vir ’n vol skaal sigsag ("zig-zag") antenna met ontwerpskurwes wat ook gegenereer word. Die doel is om ’n lae-koste prototipe te bou deur sweissoldeerdraad te gebruik vir die draadstruktuur en dan op ’n hout raam te plaas. ’n Vol skaal model is gebou en metings op die dak het baie interferensie veroorsaak vir die stralingsveld, maar tog was die weerkaatskoëffisient goed. Ons stel voor om die metings te herhaal in ’n steuringvrye omgewing om sodoende die korrekte resultate te verkry. Om af te sluit stel ons voor om die sigsag antenna vir die SKA te gebruik. Sekere kwessies soos die transformator wat verlieserig is, die kruispolarisasie wat moontlik nie goed genoeg is nie en die bundelwydte wat nie die spesifikasie haal nie moet nog aandag geniet. Ons het ’n lae-koste prototipe gedemonstreer en daar is die moontlikheid om dit op grootskaalse vervaardiging ook goedkoop te doen, maar dit moet nog uigesorteer word. Dit was wel nie geanaliseer nie, siende dat vele faktore ’n rol speel by grootskaalse vervaardiging wat uiters moeilik is om voor die tyd te voorspel en buite die omvang van die tesis lê.

Physique mésoscopique d'un gaz de Bose unidimensionnel : courants permanents et excitations dipolaires collectives / Mesoscopic physics of a one-dimensional Bose gas : persistent currents and collective dipole excitations

Cominotti, Marco 09 October 2015 (has links)
Ces dernières années d'importantes avancées techniques dans la manipulation des gaz atomiques ultrafroids ont ouvert la voie à la réalisation de fluides quantiques mésoscopiques de basse dimension. L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude théorique de certains systèmes mésoscopiques réalisables avec un gaz de Bose unidimensionel. Ces systèmes présentent des phénomènes quantiques intéressants, et sont potentiellement utiles en vue d'applications technologiques. Nous étudions le phénomène des courants permanents induits dans un gaz confiné sur un anneau par la rotation d'une barrière de potentiel, nous examinons la faisabilité d'un qubit fondé sur la superposition d'états de courant dans un réseau en forme d'anneau traversé par un champ de jauge et contenant un 'weak-link', ainsi que l'excitation dipolaire du gaz dans un 'split-trap' induit par le déplacement hors équilibre du potentiel externe. Dans tous ces cas, nous combinons diverses approches analytiques et numériques, qui permettent de couvrir l'ensemble des régimes d'interactions. Nous mettons en lumière un régime jusque-là inconnu, d'écrantage maximal des barrières de potentiel par le fluide, dû à une competition entre les effets des interactions et des fluctuations quantiques. Ces résultats ont des conséquences significatives sur le comportement de tels systèmes et, de ce fait, sont importants pour les réalisations en cours et à venir de dispositifs à gaz d'atomes ultrafroids. / Thanks to the experimental breakthrough of the last years in the manipulation of ultra cold atomic gases, it has become possible to realize low-dimensional and mesoscopic quantum fluids. The object of this thesis is the theoretical investigation of a few mesoscopic systems that can be realized with a one-dimensional Bose gas. These systems exhibit interesting quantum phenomena, and are potentially relevant for technological applications. We study the phenomenon of persistent currents induced by stirring the gas confined on a ring with a potential barrier, we examine the feasibility of a qubit based on the superposition of current states in a ring lattice threaded by a gauge field in the presence of a weak-link, and we investigate the dipole excitation of the gas in a split trap induced by an out-of-equilibrium displacement of the external potential. In all these cases, we apply a combination of analytical and numerical approaches that allow to cover all the interaction regimes. As a recurring theme, we disclose a so-far unknown regime of maximal screening of the barrier potential by the fluid, arising from the interplay of effects due to interactions and quantum fluctuations. These results have significant consequences for the behaviour of such systems and are important for the ongoing and future realization of ultracold atomic gases devices.

Mesure du moment dipolaire électrique du neutron : analyse de données et développement autour du ¹⁹⁹Hg / Neutron electric dipole moment search : data analysis and development around the ¹⁹⁹Hg

Kermaidic, Yoann 07 October 2016 (has links)
Un moment dipolaire électrique permanent (EDM) est une propriété fondamentale des systèmes simples comme par exemple l'électron, les atomes/molécules ou le neutron dont l'existence est prédite par le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules (MS) mais qui n'a pas pour l'heure jamais été observée. Cette observable violant la symétrie CP offre la possibilité de relier la physique des particules à l'énigme cosmologique fondamentale de l'asymétrie baryonique de l'Univers observée de nos jours. Produire une telle asymétrie requiert de nouvelles sources/de nouveaux mécanismes de violation de CP, hors MS, qui peuvent être sondés de façon privilégiée par les recherches d'EDM. La sensibilité des expériences EDM actuelles se trouve des ordres de grandeurs au-dessus des prédictions du secteur faible du MS. L'absence de signal, après 60 ans de quête, détermine la limite supérieure la plus forte sur la violation de CP dans le secteur fort du MS et contraint l'espace des phases des modèles de nouvelle physique. A contrario, la mesure d'un EDM non nul dans les années à venir pourra s'interpréter comme le signal d'une physique au-delà du MS évoluant à l'échelle multi-TeV. Dans cette perspective envoûtante, de nombreux nouveaux projets de mesures des EDM ont vu le jour ces dernières années et d'importants efforts sont poursuivis auprès du neutron notamment. Ce manuscrit présente la recherche de l'EDM du neutron menée auprès de l'expérience la plus sensible à ce jour basée à l'Institut Paul Scherrer en Suisse. / A permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) is a fundamental property of simple systems such as the electron, atoms/molecules or the neutron whose amplitude is expected to be non-zero within the Standard Model of particles physics (SM) but which has never been observed so far. This observable violating the CP symmetry offers the opportunity to link particle physics to the fundamental cosmological enigma of the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Such an asymmetry requires new CP violation sources/mechanism beyond the SM, which can be best probed by EDM searches. The current EDM experiments sensitivity is order of magnitude above the weak SM sector predictions. Measuring a null EDM, after a 60 years quest, set the strongest upper limit on the CP violation in the strong SM sector and constrains the new physics models phase space. On the contrary, measuring a non-zero EDM in the coming years can be understood as a signal from physics beyond the SM evolving at a multi-TeV scale. In this haunting perspective, many new EDM projects raised in the last years and important efforts are pursued near the neutron in particular. This manuscript present the neutron EDM search near the most sensitive experiment running at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.

Modely hmoty v obecné relativitě s klesajícím počtem symetrií / Matter Models in General Relativity with a Decreasing Number of Symmetries

Gürlebeck, Norman January 2011 (has links)
Title: Matter Models in General Relativity with a Decreasing Number of Sym- metries Author: Norman Gürlebeck Institute: Institute of theoretical physics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Bičák, DrSc., dr.h.c. Abstract: We investigate matter models with different symmetries in general relativity. Among these are thin (massive and massless) shells endowed with charge or dipole densities, dust distributions and rotating perfect fluid solutions. The electromagnetic sources we study are gravitating spherical symmetric condensers (including the implications of the energy conditions) and arbitrary gravitating shells endowed with a general test dipole distribution. For the latter the Israel formalism is extended to cover also general discontinuous tangential components of the electromagnetic test field, i.e., surface dipole densities. The formalism is applied to two examples and used to prove some general properties of dipole distributions. This is followed by a discussion of axially symmetric, stationary rigidly rotating dust with non-vanishing proper volume. The metric in the interior of such a configuration can be determined completely in terms of the mass density along the axis of rotation. The last matter models we consider are non-axially symmetric, stationary and rotating perfect fluid solutions. This is done with a...

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