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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le développement régional face aux disparités socio-économiques au Maroc / The regional development in front of socioeconomic disparities in Morocco

El Ansari, Rachid 27 November 2008 (has links)
Si les travaux sur l’organisation territoriale et les découpages régionaux sont nombreux au Maroc, les études sur la mesure du degré des disparités socio-spatiales et les processus en cause dans la formation de ces disparités sont plus rares. Cette thèse serait une contribution à ces deux problématiques. Elle procède d’une part de la volonté d’expliciter et de mesurer la contribution des facteurs spatiaux et a-spatiaux à la dynamique des disparités inter-régionales au Maroc, et d’autre part, de tester l’hypothèse de convergence et de développement régional dans les régions périphériques. En tant que pays en développement, le Maroc connaît d’importantes disparités entre les seize régions qui composent son territoire. Ces disparités concernent à la fois la croissance démographique, les secteurs sociaux et la dynamique économique, et leur évolution est déterminée principalement par trois facteurs : l’urbanisation, les migrations et la localisation des activités. En effet, nos analyses montrent une concentration démographique et économique le long du littoral atlantique et des clivages entre la région centre et les régions périphériques d’une part et d’autre part entre les régions fortement urbanisées et les régions agricoles. Par ailleurs, cette recherche a fait apparaître qu’on ne pourrait freiner l’expansion de la métropole casablancaise, en étant le noyau dur de l’économie marocaine, qu’en offrant une alternative réelle pour la localisation des activités et des emplois dans les autres régions, et que celles-ci, ne pourraient le faire en comptant sur la seule aide de l’Etat. Elles devaient d’abord compter sur leurs propres forces, se mobiliser autour d’un projet. Et qu’il ne faudrait pas reproduire la tendance à la métropolisation du territoire marocain vers une poignée de métropole d’équilibre, au tour des capitales régionales comme le souhaitent certains responsables et spécialistes de l’aménagement du territoire. Mais, il fallait un développement socialement harmonieux et écologiquement durable, à chaque échelle du territoire. D’où la priorité urgente de développer le milieu rural, très longtemps marginalisé et en décalage avec la dynamique des villes. C’est un grand travail de rattrapage à faire. / If the works on the territorial organization and the regional divisions are many in Morocco, the studies on the measure of the degree of the socio-spatial disparities and the processes in cause in the formation of these disparities are rarer. This thesis would be a contribution to these two problems. She proceeds on one hand of the will to clarify and to measure the contribution of the spatial factors and has spatial in the dynamics of the inter-regional disparities in Morocco, and on the other hand, to test the hypothesis of convergence and regional development in the peripheral regions. As developing country, Morocco knows important disparities between sixteen regions which compose his territory. These disparities concern at the same moment the population growth, the social sectors and the economic dynamics, and their evolution is mainly determined by three factors : the urbanization, the migrations and the location of the activities. Indeed, our analyses show a demographic and economic concentration along the Atlantic coast and the splits enter the region centre and the peripheral regions on one hand and on the other hand between the strongly urbanized regions and the agricultural regions. Besides, this search created that we could not slow down the expansion of the Casablanca metropolis, by being the hard core of the Moroccan economy, that by offering a real alternative for the location of the activities and the jobs in the other regions, and that these, could not make him by counting on the only help of the State. They had to count at first on their own strengths, mobilize around a project. And that you would not should reproduce the tendency to the métropolisation of the Moroccan territory towards a handle of metropolis of balance, in the tour of capitals regional as wish it certain people in charge and specialists of the land settlement. But, was needed a socially harmonious and ecologically durable development, in every scale of the territory. Where from the urgent priority to develop the rural environment, very for a long time marginalized and in gap with the dynamics of cities. It is a big work of catching up to be made.

Qualité de l’alimentation au sein d'une cohorte de nouveaux demandeurs d'aide alimentaire en fonction du statut de sécurité alimentaire

Teasdale, Emma 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte : L’insécurité alimentaire des ménages, c’est-à-dire un accès insuffisant aux aliments découlant de contraintes financières, peut affecter la qualité de l’alimentation. Toutefois, cette association est peu étudiée chez les nouveaux demandeurs d’aide alimentaire. Objectifs : Quantifier les associations entre la sécurité alimentaire et la qualité de l’alimentation des nouveaux demandeurs d’aide alimentaire au Québec. Méthodes : Il s’agit d’une analyse de données transversales de l’étude Parcours, demander de l’aide alimentaire et après? auprès de 1001 participants interviewés entre 2018 et 2020. Le statut de sécurité alimentaire a été évalué via le Module d’enquête sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages. La qualité de l’alimentation, estimée à partir d’un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire, a été déclinée en cinq variables : trois patrons alimentaires reflétant une alimentation de meilleure qualité (désignée prudent) et de moindre qualité (respectivement western et snack foods), un score de variété alimentaire et la fréquence de consommation de repas. Des régressions multivariées et logistiques ont été effectuées sur 987 participants avec des données complètes. Résultats : L’étude montre une association négative entre la gravité de l’insécurité alimentaire et le patron prudent, une association positive entre la gravité de l’insécurité alimentaire et le patron snack foods, un risque plus élevé de sauter des repas et d’avoir un faible score de variété. Conclusion : Il existe un gradient de qualité de l’alimentation selon le statut de sécurité alimentaire des nouveaux demandeurs d’aide alimentaire. Des inégalités sociales en alimentation existent, même au sein d’une population très vulnérable à l’insécurité alimentaire. / Context: Household food insecurity, i.e an insufficient or uncertain access to foods because of financial difficulties, can affect dietary quality. However, little is known about this association among new food aid users. Objectives: To quantify the associations between food security status and dietary quality of new food aid users. Methods: This is a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Pathways, asking for food aid and then? study, including 1001 participants interviewed between 2018 and 2020. Household food security status was assessed through the Household Food Security Survey Module. Dietary quality, assessed through a food frequency questionnaire, was broken down into five variables: three dietary patterns reflecting a diet of better quality (named prudent) and poorer quality (named western and snack foods, respectively), a dietary variety score and meal consumption frequency. Multivariable regression and logistic regression analyses were performed on 987 participants with complete data. Results: This study shows a negative association between gravity of food insecurity and prudent dietary pattern, a positive association between gravity of food insecurity and snack foods dietary pattern and higher odds of skipping meals and having a lower dietary variety among individuals in food insecure households. Conclusion: There is a gradient of dietary quality according to food security status among new food aid users in Quebec. Social inequalities in diet exist even among a subgroup of very vulnerable individuals living in food insecurity.

L'intégration du Vietnam au marché mondial : inégalités et transformations rurales dans les provinces méridionales. Le cas des provinces de Tây Ninh et de Tiên Giang, 1995-2020

Beaulieu, Antoine 09 September 2024 (has links)
Au cours du processus d'intégration du Vietnam au système économique mondial depuis le milieu des années 1990, l'État vietnamien a orchestré d'importantes transformations d'ordre néolibérales dans tout le pays, favorisant la croissance des villes et des industries. Il en a résulté des améliorations des conditions de vie et une réduction globale de la pauvreté. Cela dit, les paysans vietnamiens subissent les effets de cette intégration au marché mondial. Dans certains cas, il est de plus en plus difficile pour les agriculteurs d'assurer la continuité de leurs activités agricoles, ce qui menace la pérennité de leur foncier familial. Compte tenu du contexte des permutations rurales majeures survenues au Vietnam à partir du milieu des années 1990 et de l'ampleur de leurs effets sur le secteur agroalimentaire en particulier, il est important de mieux comprendre comment les paysans vietnamiens ont fait face à ces bouleversements depuis lors. Reposant sur des études de cas dans les provinces méridionales de Tây Ninh (région du Sud-Est) et de Tiên Giang (région du Delta du Mékong), cette thèse contribue à la vérification de l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'intégration du Vietnam au marché mondial entre 1995 et 2020 a contribué à creuser les inégalités socioéconomiques, en particulier entre les zones rurales et urbaines. À partir des interprétations de la littérature grise et scientifique, des données cartographiques et statistiques et des observations paysagères réalisées lors de visites de terrain au Vietnam en 2019 et 2022, les analyses de la thèse mettent en évidence, dans une perspective multiscalaire et comparative, deux constats principaux. Premièrement, le creusement des inégalités socioéconomiques est observable à différents niveaux géographiques, notamment en termes de revenus et de pauvreté entre les zones urbaines et rurales. Deuxièmement, on observe aussi le développement de nouveaux moyens d'existence en milieu rural qui permettent aux populations locales de s'adapter aux transformations rurales liées à l'intégration du Vietnam au marché mondial. Les stratégies reposent sur une pluriactivité croissante, comprenant des activités agricoles plus diversifiées et des activités non agricoles dans les secteurs des services et de l'industrie. D'autres paysans démontrent toutefois une résilience qui s'explique en partie par des stratégies de retrait du marché mondial et de ses effets déterritorialisants : ils s'appuient sur leurs savoir-faire traditionnels et leurs atouts culturels leur permettant de solidifier leur ancrage territorial local. / During the process of Vietnam's integration into the global economic system since the mid-1990s, the Vietnamese State has orchestrated significant neoliberal transformations across the country, promoting the growth of cities and industries. The result is an improvement in living conditions and an overall reduction in poverty. That being said, Vietnamese peasants have endured the effects of this integration into the global market. In some cases, it is increasingly difficult for smallholder farmers to ensure the continuity of their agricultural activities, which threatens the continuity of their family land. Given the context of the major rural changes that occurred in Vietnam from the mid-1990s and the extent of their effects on the agri-food sector in particular, it is important to better understand how Vietnamese peasants have since coped with these upheavals. Based on case studies in the southern provinces of Tây Ninh (Southeast region) and Tiền Giang (Mekong Delta region), this thesis contributes to verifying the hypothesis according to which Vietnam's integration into the global market between 1995 and 2020 contributed to the widening of socio-economic inequalities, particularly between rural and urban areas. Based on interpretations of gray and scientific literature, cartographic and statistical data and landscape observations carried out during field visits to Vietnam in 2019 and 2022, the analyzes of the thesis highlight, from a multiscalar and comparative perspective, two main findings. First, the widening of socio-economic inequalities is observable at different geographical levels, particularly in terms of income and poverty between urban and rural areas. Secondly, we also observe the development of rural livelihood strategies which allow local populations to adapt as best as possible to rural transformations linked to Vietnam's integration into the global economy. These strategies are based on an increased pluriactivity, including more diversified agricultural activities, as well as non-agricultural activities in the service and industrial sectors. Other peasants, though, demonstrate resilience that is partly explained by strategies of retreat from the global market and its deterritorializing effects : instead, they rely on their traditional know-how and their cultural assets allowing them to solidify their local territorial anchorage.

L'écart salarial entre les hommes et les femmes immigrants qualifiés au Québec

Longpré Verret, Léamaude 23 April 2018 (has links)
Ce texte cherche à déterminer si à un niveau de productivité identique un écart salarial entre les hommes et les femmes immigrants québécois fortement scolarisés s’observe. À cette fin, un modèle de discrimination statistique est utilisé qui postule qu’il est plus coûteux pour un employeur d’évaluer la productivité d’une femme et que le signal de productivité se précise plus rapidement chez les hommes. Ces deux hypothèses permettent de formuler plusieurs prédictions théoriques portant sur l’écart salarial entre les sexes. Celles-ci sont vérifiées à l’aide de données obtenues par l’Enquête sur les immigrants de la catégorie des travailleurs qualifiés. Les résultats suggèrent que la situation des immigrants occidentaux corrobore partiellement les prédictions théoriques, tandis que celle des immigrants provenant des pays en développement les rejette.

Étude communicationnelle des pratiques culturelles au Québec : analyses des enquêtes ministérielles (1979-2009) : facteurs et prédicteurs, générations et cycles de vie, et découpages territoriaux

Lapointe, Marie-Claude 24 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les pratiques culturelles des Québécois et des Québécoises et, plus spécifiquement dans un premier temps, sur les facteurs qui les influencent. Elle traite ensuite des comparaisons entre les individus selon les générations et les cycles de vie. Finalement, elle porte sur les découpages territoriaux régionaux sur le plan des pratiques culturelles et sur les questions liées au territoire. Tous les résultats sont tirés des enquêtes sur les pratiques culturelles au Québec menées à tous les cinq ans depuis 1979 par les ministères en charge de la culture. Les deux principaux référents théoriques sont la théorie de la légitimité de Bourdieu et la figure de l’omnivore de Peterson. Dans la première partie, cette thèse a cherché à savoir si les usages d’Internet sont associés à une ouverture culturelle ou à un confinement. Les résultats montrent que l’âge, la scolarité et les usages culturels que l’on fait d’Internet sont des prédicteurs importants des visites des lieux culturels et des sorties au spectacle. Les modèles qui incluent les usages d’Internet et des variables sociodémographiques sont plus performants que ceux ne considérant que ces dernières. Dans la deuxième partie, les quasi-cohortes à l’étude ont été comparées afin de voir si leurs comportements culturels diffèrent selon les cycles de vie et si leur parcours culturel a varié dans le temps. Finalement, la diversification des pratiques des quasi-cohortes a été étudiée afin d’estimer si elles deviennent plus omnivores avec le temps et d’une quasi-cohorte à l’autre. Le modèle explicatif créé affiche des différences dans le parcours culturel selon les cycles de vie, de même qu’au fil du temps. Il met également en lumière des différences d’une génération à l’autre, de même que des différences entre les générations lorsqu’elles traversent un même cycle de vie. À la différence de ceux de Peterson (2004), les résultats ne permettent pas de conclure que les quasi-cohortes plus âgées sont plus omnivores qu’avant ni que les jeunes sont plus omnivores que leurs aînés. La troisième partie de ce travail avait un objectif comparatif : il s’agissait de voir si les régions administratives du Québec, lorsqu’elles sont étudiées sous l’angle des pratiques culturelles, se regroupent conformément à la typologie des espaces culturels régionaux développée par Harvey et Fortin (1995) sur la base de l’offre culturelle. Les résultats montrent que les regroupements ne sont pas toujours conformes à la typologie et que les pratiques sont très hétérogènes, ce qui permet difficilement d’établir une constance dans les regroupements. Aussi semble-t-il indiqué de fonder la comparaison des territoires sur la prise en compte de l’objet (p. ex. offre ou pratique culturelle), de l’échelle territoriale (p. ex. bibliothèque municipale ou musée national) et de la nature du produit ou de la pratique (p. ex. mobile ou immobile). En conclusion, la pertinence d’élargir l’horizon des pratiques culturelles mesurées dans les enquêtes et d’y inclure des phénomènes transcendants, comme les valeurs, les contraintes et la motivation a été remise en question. À titre d’exemple, l’étude de la motivation pourrait permettre de préciser la figure de l’omnivore au Québec. Il est également apparu pertinent de poursuivre la réflexion en étudiant la manière dont les pratiques culturelles sont consommées afin de voir si, et comment, le cas échéant, s’opère la distinction. / This thesis focuses on the cultural practices of the Québécois, more specifically, to begin with, on its influencing factors. It then looks at comparisons between individuals based on generations and life history. To conclude, it examines territorial and regional division in terms of cultural practices and issues related to territory. All the findings come from surveys on cultural practices in Quebec conducted every five years since 1979 by departments of cultural affairs. The two main theoretical references are Bourdieu's theory of legitimacy and Peterson's omnivore thesis. In the opening section, the thesis explores whether Internet use is connected to cultural openness or isolation. The findings demonstrate that age, education and the use of the Internet for cultural purposes are strong predictors of visits to cultural venues and outings to shows. The models that include Internet use and sociodemographic variables are more efficient than those focusing solely on the latter. In the second part, the study's quasi-cohorts were compared to see if their cultural behaviours changed according to life history and whether their cultural path varied over time. In conclusion, the diversification of the quasi-cohorts' practices was examined to estimate whether or not they became more omnivorous with time and from one quasi-cohort to another. The explanatory model displays the differences in cultural paths based on life history, and over time. It also brings to light the differences from one generation to another, as well as the differences between generations sharing the same life history. These results, unlike Peterson's (2004), do not conclusively show that older quasi-cohorts are more omnivorous than before nor that young people are more omnivorous than their elders. The objective of the third section of this work was to see whether Quebec's administrative regions, when studied from the angle of cultural practices, are divided according to the classification of regional cultural spaces developed by Harvey and Fortin (1995) based on cultural offering. The findings show that groupings do not always fall within the classification and that practices are very heterogeneous, which makes establishing consistency within the groupings difficult. Therefore, when comparing the territories, it seems appropriate to account for the object (e.g., cultural offering or practice), the territorial scale (e.g., municipal library or national museum) and the nature of the product or practice (e.g., mobile or stationary). In conclusion, the relevance of expanding the cultural practices measured in the survey and including overriding phenomena such as values, constraints and motivation was called into question. For example, a study of motivation could clarify the omnivore pattern in Quebec. It also seems relevant to continue the reflection by studying how cultural practices are consumed, in order to see if, and how, the distinction is made.

Etude des déterminants géographiques et spatiaux de la qualité de vie liée à la santé en France / Geographic and spatial determinants of health-related quality of life in France

Audureau, Etienne 19 December 2012 (has links)
CONTEXTE : La France est caractérisée par l’existence de fortes disparités socioéconomiques et géographiquesde l’état de santé, le plus souvent objectivées par des indicateurs objectifs de morbidité et de mortalité. Ladistribution territoriale des mesures de santé perçue comme la qualité de vie liée à la santé (QdVLS) reste malconnue en population générale. Une meilleure connaissance de la répartition et des déterminants – en particuliercontextuels - de ces indicateurs subjectifs permettrait de mieux comprendre leur signification par rapport auxindicateurs objectifs et d’apprécier l’intérêt spécifique de leur suivi en population générale.OBJECTIFS : Les objectifs de cette recherche étaient [1] d’étudier l’existence de disparités spatiales de QdVLSdans la population française et d’analyser leur évolution dans le temps, [2] d’étudier les déterminants de laQdVLS à la fois individuels et contextuels dans le cadre d’une analyse multiniveau, et [3] d’évaluer lesassociations écologiques entre QdVLS et mortalité ultérieure à cinq ans d’intervalle.MATERIEL ET METHODES : Les données issues de deux enquêtes transversales nationales représentatives ont étéexploitées : l’enquête Décennale 2003 de l’Insee pour l’ensemble des travaux menés (N=22 743 [1 et 3] ; N=16 732 [2]) et l’enquête Sofres 1995 pour l’analyse de l’évolution temporelle de la QdVLS (N=3 243 [1]). Lequestionnaire utilisé dans les deux enquêtes était le SF-36. [1] Des modèles de régression linéaire multiple àeffets fixes avec recherche d’interactions ont été réalisés pour l’analyse de l’évolution temporelle. [2] L’analysemultiniveau des déterminants contextuels de la QdVLS s’appuyait sur des modèles à effets mixtes, afind’explorer une chaine causale incluant des déterminants aux niveaux individuel, du ménage, de l’unité urbaine etrégional, d’ordre démographique, socioéconomique ou intégrant la notion contextuelle plus complexed’attractivité (taux migratoire, désindustrialisation). [3] Les données de mortalité étaient issues de la statistiquenationale des décès élaborée annuellement par le CépiDc. Des modèles de régression binomiale négative ont étéréalisés pour l’analyse des associations écologiques au niveau régional entre QdVLS en 2003 et mortalitéultérieure (court terme [2003-2005] ; à 5 ans [2007-2009]) et en stratifiant sur le sexe, l’âge et les causesspécifiques de décès.RESULTATS PRINCIPAUX : [1] Une diminution significative de la QdVLS était observée entre 1995 et 2003affectant tous les groupes sociodémographiques et suggérant la possibilité d’un accroissement des disparités pourles catégories les plus fragiles de la population. [2] De fortes disparités régionales de QdVLS étaient retrouvées,persistant après ajustement sur les caractéristiques socioéconomiques individuelles. L’analyse multiniveaupermettait d’identifier des processus de médiation impliquant les variables contextuelles de désindustrialisation,le taux d’accroissement migratoire, le taux d’abstention aux élections, et les comportements liés à la santé. Desinteractions inter-niveaux et intra-régionales étaient identifiées. [3] Des associations écologiques significativesétaient retrouvées au niveau régional entre QdVLS et mortalité à cinq ans d’intervalle, persistant aprèsajustement sur le niveau socioéconomique. Des relations spécifiques étaient observées après stratification surl’âge, le genre, les causes spécifiques de décès ; le caractère prédictif de la QdVLS variait selon le délai plus oumoins court entre mesure de la QdVLS et mortalité. / BACKGROUND: Wide social and geographical disparities are reported in France for morbidity and mortalityindicators. Less is known regarding the spatial distribution in general population of self-rated health (SRH) andhealth-related quality of life (HRQoL). Improving the knowledge of the contextual determinants of HRQoLwould help towards a better understanding of their meaning and interest in general population when it comes tocompare with classical objective indicators.OBJECTIVES: The objectives were [1] to assess existing spatial disparities of HRQoL in French generalpopulation and to investigate their evolution in time, [2] to determine individual and contextual determinants ofHRQoL and [3] to explore the ecological associations between HRQoL and subsequent mortality five years later.METHODS: Data were drawn from two large representative cross sectional surveys: the Insee Decennial HealthSurvey led in 2003 (N=22 743 [study 1 and 3] ; N= 16 732 [2]) and the Sofres health survey led in 1995(N=3243 [1]).The MOS SF-36 questionnaire was used in both surveys. [1] Fixed effects linear models combinedwith interaction tests were used for assessing time trends. [2] Mixed effects linear models were used for themultilevel analysis, exploring a causal pathway including individual and macrolevel factors (household, urbanunit and region) assessing demographics, socioeconomics, and features related to the notion of areaattractiveness (deindustrialization, net migration rates). [3] Mortality data were drawn from the French nationalstatistics of mortality (CepiDc-Inserm). Negative binomial regression models were performed to identifyecological associations at the region level between HRQoL recorded in 2003 and subsequent mortality (shortterm [2003-2005]; 5-years later [2007-2009]), stratifying on age, gender and specific causes of death.MAIN RESULTS: [1] A significant decrease in HRQoL was observed between 1995 and 2003, affecting allsociodemographic categories and suggesting likely widening disparities in the most fragile categories. [2]Regional HRQoL disparities were found, persisting after adjusting on socioeconomic individual characteristics.Multilevel analysis showed some evidence for mediation involving contextual factors like deindustrialization,net migration rates, voter abstention rate and health-related behaviors. Cross-level interactions were found aswell. [3] Significant ecological associations were identified at the region level between HRQoL and mortalityfive years later, persisting after adjusting on deprivation. Specific relationships were observed after stratifying onage, gender, specific causes of death; the predictive ability of HRQoL for mortality was varying depending onthe mortality period considered for analysis.CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the interest in assessing HRQoL at the population level and in exploringthe contextual determinants at play. Systematic inclusion of validated and multidimensional HRQoLquestionnaires should be supported in national surveys, so as to improve our knowledge of long term temporaltrends in HRQoL, to promote an increased use of contextual multilevel analyses using such data, and eventuallyto help better identifying sub-groups at risk and optimizing public health interventions.

Etude et conception d'algorithmes de correction d'erreurs dans des structures de conversion analogique-numérique entrelacées pour applications radar et guerre électronique / Study and Design of Mismatch Correction Algorithms in Time-Interleaved Analog to Digital Converters for Radar and Electronic Warfare Applications

Bonnetat, Antoine 14 December 2015 (has links)
L’ évolution des systèmes radar et de guerre électronique tend à concevoir desrécepteurs numériques possédant des bandes instantanées de plus en plus larges. Cette contraintese reporte sur les Convertisseurs Analogique-Numérique (CAN) qui doivent fournir une fréquenced’échantillonnage de plus en plus élevée tout en conservant une puissance dissipée réduite. Unesolution pour répondre à cette demande est le CAN à Temps Entrelacés (ET-CAN) qui paralléliseM CANs pour augmenter la fréquence d’échantillonnage d’un facteur M tout en restant dansun rapport proportionné avec la puissance dissipée. Cependant, les performances dynamiquesdes ET-CANs sont réduites par des défauts d’entrelacements liés à des différences de processusde fabrication, de leur tension d’alimentation et des variations de température. Ces défautspeuvent être modélisés comme issus des disparités d’offsets, de gains ou décalages temporels etglobalement comme issus des disparités de réponses fréquentielles. Ce sont sur ces dernièresdisparités, moins traitées dans la littérature, que portent nos travaux. L’objectif est d’étudierces disparités pour en déduire un modèle et une méthode d’estimation puis, de proposer desméthodes de compensation numérique qui peuvent être implémentées sur une cible FPGA.Pour cela, nous proposons un modèle général des disparités de réponses fréquentielles desET-CANs pour un nombre de voies M quelconques. Celui-ci mélange une description continuedes disparités et une description discrète de l’entrelacement, résultant sur une expression desdéfauts des ET-CANs comme un filtrage à temps variant périodique (LPTV) du signal analogiqueéchantillonné uniformément. Puis, nous proposons une méthode d’estimation des disparitésdes ET-CANs basée sur les propriétés de corrélation du signal en sortie du modèle, pour Mvoies quelconques. Ensuite, nous définissions une architecture de compensation des disparitésde réponses fréquentielles des ET-CANs et nous étudions ses performances en fonction de sesconfigurations et du signal en entrée. Nous décrivons une implémentation de cette architecturepour M=4 voies entrelacées sur cible FPGA et nous étudions les ressources consommées afin deproposer des pistes d’optimisation. Enfin, nous proposons une seconde méthode de compensationspécifique au cas M=2 voies entrelacées, dérivée de la première mais travaillant sur le signalanalytique en sortie d’un ET-CAN et nous la comparons à une méthode similaire de l’état del’art. / The evolution of radar and electronic warfare systems tends to develop digitalreceivers with wider bandwidths. This constraint reaches the Analog to Digital Converters(ADC) which must provide a sample rate higher and higher while maintaining a reducedpower dissipation. A solution to meet this demand is the Time-Interleaved ADC (TIADC)which parallelizes M ADCs, increasing the sampling frequency of an M factor while still ina proportionate relation to the power loss. However, the dynamic performance of TIADCsare reduced by errors related to the mismatches between the sampling channels, due to themanufacturing processes, the supply voltage and the temperature variations. These errors canbe modeled as the result of offset, gain and clock-skew mismatches and globally as from thefrequency response mismatches. It is these last mismatches, unless addressed in the literaturethat carry our work. The objective is to study these errors to derive a model and an estimationmethod then, to propose digital compensation methods that can be implemented on a FPGAtarget.First, we propose a general TIADC model using frequency response mismatches for any Mchannel number. Our model merge a continuous-time description of mismatches and a discretetimeone of the interleaving process, resulting in an expression of the TIADC errors as a linearperiodic time-varying (LPTV) system applied to the uniformly sampled analog signal. Then,we propose a method to estimate TIADC errors based on the correlation properties of theoutput signal for any M channel. Next, we define a frequency response mismatch compensationarchitecture for TIADC errors and we study its performance related to its configuration and theinput signal. We describe an FPGA implementation of this architecture for M=4 interleavedchannels and we study the resources consumption to propose optimisations. Finally, we proposea second compensation method, specific to M=2 interleaved channels and derived from the firstone, but working on the analytical signal from the TIADC output and we compare it to a similarstate-of-the-art method.

Essays on population ageing, dependency and overeducation

Karakaya, Gungor 15 December 2008 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the problem of population ageing in terms of the cessation of professional activity (and especially premature labour market withdrawals) and non-medical care needs of persons who are dependent or have lost their autonomy, in order to provide the various public and private administrations active in these fields with some food for thought. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Industry wage differentials, rent sharing and gender: three empirical essays

Tojerow, Ilan 21 April 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the industry wage differentials, rent-sharing and the gender wage gap. I empirically investigate: i) the interaction between inter-industry wage differentials and the gender wage gap in six European countries, ii) how rent sharing interacts with the gender wage gap in the Belgian private sector and iii) the existence of inter-industry wage differentials in Belgium, through the unobserved ability hypothesis.<p><p>The first chapter is devoted to the analysis of the interaction between inter-industry wage differentials and the gender wage gap in six European countries, i.e. Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and the U.K. To do so, we have relied on a unique harmonised matched employer-employee data set, the 1995 European Structure of Earnings Survey. As far as we know, this paper is the first to analyse with recent techniques, on a comparable basis, and from a European perspective: i) inter-industry wage differentials by gender, ii) gender wage gaps by industry, and iii) the contribution of industry effects to the overall gender wage gap. It is also one of the few, besides Kahn (1998), to analyse for both sexes the relationship between collective bargaining characteristics and the dispersion of industry wage differentials. <p>Empirical findings show that, in all countries and for both sexes, wage differentials exist between workers employed in different sectors, even when controlling for working conditions, individual and firm characteristics. We also find that the hierarchy of sectors in terms of wages is quite similar for male and female workers and across countries. Yet, the apparent similarity between male and female industry wage differentials is challenged by standard statistical tests. Indeed, simple t-tests show that between 43 and 71% of the industry wage disparities are significantly different for women and men. Moreover, Chow tests indicate that sectoral wage differentials are significantly different as a group for both sexes in all countries. Regarding the dispersion of the industry wage differentials, we find that results vary for men and women, although not systematically nor substantially. Yet, the dispersion of industry wage differentials fluctuates considerably across countries. It is quite large in Ireland, Italy and the U.K. and relatively moderate in Belgium, Denmark and Spain. For both sexes, results point to the existence of a negative and significant relationship between the degree of centralisation of collective bargaining and the dispersion of industry wage differentials.<p>Furthermore, independently of the country considered, results show that more than 80% of the gender wage gaps within industries are statistically significant. The average industry gender wage gap ranges between -.18 in the U.K. and -.11 in Belgium. This means that on average women have an inter-industry wage differential of between 18 and 11% below that for men. Yet, correlation coefficients between the industry gender wage gaps across countries are relatively small and often statistically insignificant. This finding suggests that industries with the highest and the lowest gender wage gaps vary substantially across Europe.<p>Finally, results indicate that the overall gender wage gap, measured as the difference between the mean log wages of male and female workers, fluctuates between .18 in Denmark and .39 in the U.K. In all countries a significant (at the .01 level) part of this gap can be explained by the segregation of women in lower paying industries. Yet, the relative contribution of this factor to the gender wage gap varies substantially among European countries. It is close to zero in Belgium and Denmark, between 7 and 8% in Ireland, Spain and the U.K. and around 16% in Italy. Differences in industry wage premia for male and female workers significantly (at the .05 level) affect the gender wage gap in Denmark and Ireland only. In these countries, gender differences in industry wage differentials account for respectively 14 and 20% of the gender wage gap. To sum up, findings show that combined industry effects explain around 29% of the gender wage gap in Ireland, respectively 14 and 16% in Denmark and Italy, around 7% in the U.K. and almost nothing in Belgium and Spain. <p>In conclusion, our results emphasize that the magnitude of the gender wage gap as well as its causes vary substantially among the European countries. This suggests that no single policy instrument will be sufficient to tackle gender pay inequalities in Europe. Our findings indicate that policies need to be tailored to the very specific context of the labour market in each country.<p><p>The second chapter examines investigates how rent sharing interacts with the gender wage gap in the Belgian private sector. Empirical findings show that individual gross hourly wages are significantly and positively related to firm profits-per-employee even when controlling for group effects in the residuals, individual and firm characteristics, industry wage differentials and endogeneity of profits. Our instrumented wage-profit elasticity is of the magnitude 0.06 and it is not significantly different for men and women. Of the overall gender wage gap (on average women earn 23.7% less than men), results show that around 14% can be explained by the fact that on average women are employed in firms where profits-per-employee are lower. Thus, findings suggest that a substantial part of the gender wage gap is attributable to the segregation of women is less profitable firms. <p><p>The third and final chapter contributes to the understanding of inter-industry wage differentials in Belgium, taking advantage of access to a unique matched employer-employee data set covering the period 1995-2002. Findings show the existence of large and persistent wage differentials among workers with the same observed characteristics and working conditions, employed in different sectors. The unobserved ability hypothesis may not be rejected on the basis of Martins’ (2004) methodology. However, its contribution to the observed industry wage differentials appears to be limited. Further results show that ceteris paribus workers earn significantly higher wages when employed in more profitable firms. The instrumented wage-profit elasticity stands at 0.063. This rent-sharing phenomenon accounts for a large fraction of the industry wage differentials. We find indeed that the magnitude, dispersion and significance of industry wage differentials decreases sharply when controlling for profits.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Wage inequalities in Europe: influence of gender and family status :a series of empirical essays / Inégalités salariales en Europe: influence du genre et du statut familial :une série d'essais empiriques

Sissoko, Salimata 03 September 2007 (has links)
In the first chapter of this thesis, we investigate the impact of human capital and wage structure on the gender pay in a panel of European countries using a newly available and appropriate database for cross-country comparisons and a comparable methodology for each country. <p><p>Our first question is :What role do certain individual characteristics and choices of working men and women play in shaping the cross-country differences in the gender pay gap? What is the exact size of the gender pay gap using the “more appropriate” database available for our purpose? Giving that there are mainly only two harmonized data-sets for comparing gender pay gap throughout Europe: the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) and the European Structure of Earning Survey (ESES). Each database having its shortages: the main weakness of the ECHP is the lack of perfect reliability of the data in general and of wages in particular. However the main advantage of this database is the panel-data dimension and the information on both households and individuals. The data of the ESES is, on the contrary, of a very high standard but it only covers the private sector and has a cross-sectional dimension. Furthermore only few countries are currently available :Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Ireland and Italy. <p>We use the European Structure of Earning Survey (ESES) to analyse international differences in gender pay gaps in the private sector based on a sample of five European economies: Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy and Spain. Using different methods, we examine how wage structures, differences in the distribution of measured characteristics and occupational segregation contribute to and explain the pattern of international differences. Furthermore, we take account of the fact that indirect discrimination may influence female occupational distributions. We find these latter factors to have a significant impact on gender wage differentials. However, the magnitude of their effect varies across countries.<p><p>In the second chapter, we analyse the persistence of the gender pay differentials over time in Europe and better test the productivity hypothesis by taking into account unobserved heterogeneity. <p><p>Our second question is :What is the evolution of the pay differential between men and women over a period of time in Europe? And what is the impact of unobserved heterogeneity? <p>The researcher here provides evidence on the effects of unobserved individual heterogeneity on estimated gender pay differentials. Using the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), we present a cross-country comparison of the evolution of unadjusted and adjusted gender pay gaps using both cross-section and panel-data estimation techniques. The analysed countries differ greatly with respect to labour market legislation, bargaining practices structure of earnings and female employment rates. On adjusting for unobserved heterogeneity, we find a narrowed male-female pay differential, as well as significantly different rates of return on individual characteristics. In particularly, the adjusted wage differential decreases by 7 per cent in Belgium, 14 per cent in Ireland, between 20-30 per cent Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain and of 41 per cent and 54 per cent in the UK and in Denmark respectively. <p><p>In the third chapter, we investigate causes of the gender pay gap beyond the gender differences in observed and unobserved productive characteristics or simply the sex. Explanations of the gender pay gap may be the penalty women face for having children. Obviously, the motherhood wage penalty is relevant to larger issues of gender inequality given that most women are mothers and that childrearing remains a women’s affair. Thus, any penalty associated with motherhood but not with fatherhood affects many women and as such contributes to gender inequalities as the gender pay gap. Furthermore, the motherhood wage effect may be different along the wage distribution as women with different earnings may not be equal in recognising opportunities to reconcile their mother’s and earner’s role. This brings us to our third question. <p><p>Our third question is :What is the wage effect for mothers of young children in the household? And does it vary along the wage distribution of women?<p>This chapter provides more insight into the effect of the presence of young children on women’s wages. We use individual data from the ECHP (1996-2001) and both a generalised linear model (GLM) and quantile regression (QR) techniques to estimate the wage penalty/bonus associated with the presence of children under the age of sixteen for mothers in ten EU Member States. We also correct for potential selection bias using the Heckman (1979) correction term in the GLM (at the mean) and a selectivity correction term in the quantile regressions. To distinguish between mothers according to their age at the time of their first birth, wage estimations are carried out, separately, for mothers who had their first child before the age of 25 (‘young mothers’) and mothers who had their first child after the age of 25 (‘old mothers’). Our results suggest that on average young mothers earn less than non-mothers while old mothers obtain a gross wage bonus in all countries. These wage differentials are mainly due to differences in human capital, occupational segregation and, to a lesser extent, sectoral segregation between mothers and non-mothers. This overall impact of labour market segregation, suggests a “crowding” explanation of the family pay gap – pay differential between mothers and non-mothers. Nevertheless, the fact that we still find significant family pay gaps in some countries after we control for all variables of our model suggests that we cannot reject the “taste-based” explanation of the family gap in these countries. Our analysis of the impact of family policies on the family pay gap across countries has shown that parental leave and childcare policies tend to decrease the pay differential between non-mothers and mothers. Cash and tax benefits, on the contrary, tend to widen this pay differential. Sample selection also affects the level of the mother pay gap at the mean and throughout the wage distribution in most countries. Furthermore, we find that in most countries inter-quantile differences in pay between mothers and non-mothers are mainly due to differences in human-capital. Differences in their occupational and sectoral segregation further shape these wage differentials along the wage distribution in the UK, Germany and Portugal in our sample of young mothers and in Spain in the sample of old mothers.<p><p>In the fourth chapter, we analyse the combined effect of motherhood and the family status on women’s wage.<p> <p>Our fourth question is :Is there a lone motherhood pay gap in Europe? And does it vary along the wage distribution of mothers?<p>Substantial research has been devoted to the analysis of poverty and income gaps between households of different types. The effects of family status on wages have been studied to a lesser extent. In this chapter, we present a selectivity corrected quantile regression model for the lone motherhood pay gap – the differential in hourly wage between lone mothers and those with partners. We used harmonized data from the European Community Household Panel and present results for a panel of European countries. We found evidence of lone motherhood penalties and bonuses. In our analysis, most countries presented higher wage disparities at the top of the wage distribution rather than at the bottom or at the mean. Our results suggest that cross-country differences in the lone motherhood pay gap are mainly due to differences in observed and unobserved characteristics between partnered mothers and lone mothers, differences in sample selection and presence of young children in the household. We also investigated other explanations for these differences such as the availability and level of childcare arrangements, the provision of gender-balanced leave and the level of child benefits and tax incentives. As expected, we have found significant positive relationship between the pay gap between lone and partnered mothers and the childcare, take-up and cash and tax benefits policies. Therefore improving these family policies would reduce the raw pay gap observed. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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