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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biological citizenship in Blikkiesdorp : the case of the disability grant

Kelly, Gabrielle Gita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis examines local understandings and use of the Disability Grant in The Symphony Way Temporary Relocation Area, locally referred to as Blikkiesdorp (tin can town). The study takes an ethnographic approach and focuses particularly on a group of people accessing or seeking to access Disability Grants who formed a support group as a result of the study. Findings reveal that in a context of social and economic marginalisation, there is a high reliance on government grants for survival and a particularly high demand for Disability Grants by the unemployed in Blikkiesdorp. As social assistance in South Africa is categorically targeted at particular vulnerable groups, the majority of the unemployed of working age are not eligible for social assistance. As a result, Disability Grant recipients face significant pressure from their households and the community at large to share their grants with those who cannot find unemployment but are not catered to by the social security system. It also means that disability or illness is often valued over health. Given the use of the Disability Grant as a livelihood strategy within households and the related importance of Disability Grants to individuals and families, those who receive their grants on a temporary basis engage in a struggle to reapply for grants through performances of disability and humanitarian appeals to medical doctors who, as a result, are not only burdened by high numbers of grant applications, but also pressured to make decisions that go beyond their role as medical professionals. The analysis draws on the concept of biological citizenship to explore the relationship created between illness or disability of the bodies of marginalised citizens and the potential to access to social citizenship rights, enabled through the receipt of the Disability Grant. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek aan die hand van ʼn etnografiese benadering plaaslike begrippe en gebruike van die Ongeskiktheidstoelaag in Die Simfonieweg Tydelike Hervestigingsgebied, plaaslik bekend as Blikkiesdorp. Die studie fokus op ʼn groep mense wat die Ongeskiktheidstoelaag ontvang of probeer om daartoe toegang te verkry en wat as gevolg van hul deelname aan die studie, ʼn ondersteuningsgroep gevorm het. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat in ʼn konteks van maatskaplike en ekonomiese marginalisering, daar vir oorlewing tot ʼn groot mate op staatstoelaes staatgemaak word en dat daar spesifiek onder werkloses in Blikkiesdorp ʼn groot aanvraag vir die Ongeskiktheidstoelaag is. Maatskaplike ondersteuning in Suid-Afrika word op spesifieke kategorieë kwesbare groepe gerig en die meerderheid werkloses kwalifiseer nie vir maatskaplike ondersteuning nie. Om die rede verkeer die ontvangers van die Ongeskiktheidstoelaag onder besondere druk van lede van hul huishouding en ook van ander gemeenskapslede om hul toelae te deel met werkloses wat nie deur die maatskaplike sekuriteitsisteem gedek word nie. In dié konteks gebeur dit dikwels dat ongeskiktheid of siekte bo gesondheid van waarde geag word. As gevolg van die belangrikheid van die Ongeskiktheidstoelaag vir individue en hul gesinne is diegene wat hierdie toelaag op ʼn tydelike basis ontvang, betrokke in ʼn stryd om heraansoek deur die voorstelling van ongeskiktheid teenoor en humanitêre beroepe op mediese beroepslui. Hierdie beroepslui word derhalwe nie slegs belas met ʼn groot aantal aansoeke nie, maar verkeer ook onder druk om besluite te neem wat verder as hul rol as medici strek. Die konsep biologiese burgerskap word gebruik om die verband wat geskep word tussen siekte of ongeskiktheid van die liggame van gemarginaliseerde burgers en die potensiaal vir toegang tot maatskaplike burgerskapsregte deur die ontvangs van die Ongeskiktheidstoelaag, te ontleed.

Treatment through empowerment? : exploring the dynamics of ‘responsibility’ in antiretroviral therapy (ART) in two clinics in the Cape Winelands

Myburgh, Hanlie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates how the new technology of treatment, i.e. antiretroviral therapy (ART), is incorporated into public health care institutions. The success of this technology ideally relies on the notion of the ‘responsibilised’ patient as one who, simply put, consistently maintains the level of ARV-adherence necessary to suppress the viral load and to avoid drug resistance. The stringent management and continual monitoring of treatment adherence necessary to achieve these outcomes lie beyond the direct control of the health care institution. Given that the institution sees its patients irregularly, a patient’s divergence from treatment guidelines is established only after the fact. The institution takes on a supporting role while it is the patient who, on a day-to-day, dose-by-dose basis manages and monitors themselves, making ART a seemingly individual endeavour and responsibility. This shift in responsibility is compatible with the ‘new contract’ between provider and client, necessitated by ART. Even so, the institution attempts to manipulate the day-to-day behaviours of the patient to conform to those required in order to achieve treatment outcomes. This thesis examines how these different aspects of ART play out within two clinics in the Cape Winelands, and more specifically, the institutional intricacies of managing a disease which requires treatment that is not directly observed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek hoe die nuwe tegnologie van behandeling, antiretrovirale behandeling (ARB), in publieke gesondheidsorgklinieke geïntegreer word. Die sukses van hierdie tegnologie hang af van die nosie van die ‘verantwoordelike’ pasiënt wat, eenvoudig gestel, die nodige vlak ARV-gebruik handhaaf om die virale lading te onderdruk en weerstand te voorkom. Die streng kontrole oor die toewyding tot behandeling wat nodig is om hierdie uitkomstes te bereik, lê buite die direkte beheer van die gesondheidsorgkliniek. Aangesien die kliniek sy pasiënte slegs periodiek sien, word ʼn pasiënt se afwyking van behandelingsriglyne eers later gemeet. In hierdie opsig neem die kliniek 'n ondersteunende rol in, terwyl dit die pasiënte is wat op 'n daaglikse, dosis-tot-dosis basis hulself moet handhaaf en monitor. Dit maak ARB 'n oënskynlike individuele onderneming en verantwoordelikheid. Hierdie skuif in verantwoordelikheid is in lyn met die nuwe kontrak tussen die gesondheidsorgdiens en die kliënt, wat deur ARB genoodsaak word. In ieder geval probeer die institusie om die daaglikse gedrag van die pasiënt te manipuleer om te pas by die riglyne wat deur die uitkomstes genoodsaak word. Hierdie tesis ondersoek hoe hierdie verskillende aspekte van ARB binne twee klinieke in die Kaapse Wynland uitspeel, en meer spesifiek, die institusionele bestuur van 'n siekte waarvoor behandeling nie direk geobserveer kan word nie.

Who will I be now? : the lived experience of adolescent sibling bereavement within the school context

Schroeder, Lesley Ann 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the needs of sibling-bereaved adolescents in high schools in the Western Cape, South Africa. A grounded theory approach was used to examine unexpected sibling bereavement with specific focus on participant perceptions and experiences regarding support provided by their high school. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with siblings who were in high school when their brother or sister died suddenly. An argument is developed for why high schools need insight into effective ways of supporting sibling-bereaved adolescents as they attempt to fit in and function at school. As this study was conducted in a multi-language environment, attention is given to the differing abilities of adolescents to articulate their bereavement experience. The effectiveness of focus groups with this population and the importance of providing psycho-education support during the interviewing process are emphasised. The scarcity of studies on adolescent bereavement in South Africa can be attributed to a combination of the emotional painfulness of the subject for adolescents and gatekeeping by school personnel and parents. Understandably, concerns about disclosure and fresh trauma/grief triggering may be given precedence over research. Themes grounded in the data uncovered a psychosocial journey involving disruption, transition and changed self. Bereaved siblings felt singled out as different from their peers when they return to school. Hence discreet acknowledgement and disclosure of the death is important to them. A key finding is that accomplishment plays a significant role in boosting the flagging morale of bereaved adolescents. Accomplishment aids their inviduation and stimulates them to regain interest in their own life goals. While individual teachers and other school personnel were considered helpful, there was an absence of a structured plan of support for bereaved adolescents in the schools examined. Attachment theory foregrounded an explanation of why the loss of a sibling during adolescence can have a lasting influence on the future of those left behind. Most adolescents in the study evidenced a desire for an on-going connection with their sibling who died while they simultaneously took on new roles to try and fill the void created by their death. Findings from this study are intended to provide richer insight into the complexity of adolescent sibling bereavement and may also serve to inform educational and health care interventions for bereaved learners in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verken die behoeftes van adolessente in hoërskole in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, ná die verlies van ’n broer of suster. ’n Gegronde-teorie-benadering is gebruik om ondersoek in te stel na adolessente wat onverwags ’n broer of suster verloor het, met bepaalde klem op deelnemers se opvattings oor, en ervarings van, die steun wat hulle van hul onderskeie hoërskole ontvang het. Onderhoude en fokusgroepe is dus gehou met adolessente wat op hoërskool was toe hul broer of suster skielik gesterf het. Die studie beredeneer waarom hoërskole insig moet hê in die doeltreffende ondersteuning van adolessente wat ’n broer of suster aan die dood moes afstaan, namate hulle weer op skool probeer inpas en funksioneer. Aangesien hierdie studie in ’n meertalige omgewing uitgevoer is, word adolessente se wisselende vermoëns om hul ervaring van verlies te verwoord, in ag geneem. Die doeltreffendheid van fokusgroepe met hierdie populasie, sowel as die belang van psigo-opvoedkundige steun gedurende die onderhoudproses, word beklemtoon. Die seldsaamheid van Suid-Afrikaanse studies oor adolessente wat broers of susters verloor, kan toegeskryf word aan ’n kombinasie van die emosionele pyn wat die onderwerp by adolessente oproep, en skoolpersoneel en ouers wat adolessente teen sodanige navorsing beskerm. Uiteraard is dit te verstane dat kommer oor openbaarmaking en die vars trauma/hartseer wat dit kan ontlok, dikwels voorrang kry bo navorsing. Die temas wat in die data vasgelê was, bring ’n psigososiale reis van ontwrigting, oorgang en verandering van die self aan die lig. Adolessente wat broers of susters aan die dood moes afstaan, het met hul terugkeer skool toe uitgesonder en anders as hul portuur gevoel. Dus is oordeelkundige erkenning en openbaarmaking van die sterfgeval vir hulle belangrik. Een van die belangrikste bevindinge is dat prestasie ’n beduidende rol speel om die verswakte moreel van sodanige adolessente ’n hupstoot te gee. Prestasie help met hulle individuasie, en stimuleer hulle om opnuut in hul eie lewensdoelwitte belang te stel. Hoewel individuele onderwysers en ander skoolpersoneel as tegemoetkomend beskou is, was daar geen gestruktureerde ondersteuningsplan vir die adolessente in die betrokke skole nie. Die gehegtheidsteorie doen ’n verklaring aan die hand van waarom die verlies van ’n broer of suster gedurende adolessensie ’n blywende invloed kan hê op die toekoms van die kinders wat agterbly. Die meeste adolessente in die studie het ’n begeerte getoon na ’n voortgesette band met hul oorlede broer of suster, terwyl hu lle terselfdertyd nuwe rolle aanvaar het om die leemte van die oorledene te probeer vul. Bevindinge uit hierdie studie is bedoel om dieper insig te bied in die kompleksiteit van adolessente wat broers of susters verloor, en kan ook opvoedkundige en gesondheidsorgintervensies vir sodanige leerders in Suid-Afrika rig.

Imagining "whiteness" : an ethnographic exploration into fantasy and experience of young women (and men) seeking bazungu partners in Kampala, Uganda

Hugo, Nicola Mercia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In one of Uganda’s main national newspapers, the New Vision, women and men advertise that they seek ‘white’ partners. Using emergent design, this study set out to explore this yearning for local - ‘white’ relationships. I conducted exploratory and semi-structured interviews with 20 of these women and men. As I started conducting the interviews, it became clear that this was a topic which provoked emotionally charged responses and a great deal of ‘identity work’, with participants identifying with, or disidentifying from, particular groups and categories, notably ‘prostitutes’ and ‘traditional’, ‘cultural’ or ‘modern’ women and men. Engaging critically with post-colonial writings and contemporary feminist research, I argue that my respondents provided important insights into the broader dynamics of gender, sexuality, race and power, as well as processes of identity construction in post-colonial Uganda. I explore the fantasy constructions and stereotypes perpetuating beliefs in ‘white’ superiority and address the various influences upon which respondents draw to bolster constructions of ‘whites’ as superior. These are marked by explicit beliefs in racial hierarchy, as well as ‘modernisation’ and ‘developmental’ discourses which positively associate ‘modernisation’ with ‘Westernisation.’ I discuss respondents’ negative constructions of local, ‘black’ men and women born out of past experiences with local partners. Male respondents expressed frustration with Ugandan women, whom they constructed as ‘money minded’, whom they believe forfeit dignity, for love of money, in their search for modernity. ‘Tradition’ and ‘culture’ were often invoked by men against women, who were seen as failing to live up to presumed cultural standards of femininity. I also explore female respondents’ appeals to ‘tradition’ and ‘culture’ which they feel benefit Ugandan men to the detriment of women and romantic relationships. I show that female respondents draw on discourses of Western ‘modernity’ and human rights, to illustrate the extent of gendered inequalities in Uganda, and find that Western humanism, embodied in the ‘white’ male, is constructed as a solution to their relationship dilemmas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In New Vision, een van Uganda se vernaamste nasionale nuusblaaie, plaas vroue, sowel as mans, advertensies waarin hulle aandui dat hulle op soek is na ‘wit’ metgeselle. Hierdie etnografiese studie steek voelers uit en probeer vasstel wat die motivering is om in verhoudings met ‘wit’ metgeselle betrokke te raak. Semigestruktuele onderhoude was met respondente (wat advertensies geplaas het) gevoer. Die studie vind dat respondente hul geslags- sowel as rasse-identiteit konstrueer. In sommige gevalle word dit gedoen deur identiteite te konstrueer waarmee hulle hulself nie wil assosieer nie. Deur bogenoemde in diepte te ondersoek, kry ons insig in die wyse waarop, in die kontemporêre Ugandese konteks, identiteitsvorming plaasvind. Ek ondersoek ook respondente se verbeeldingryke konstruksies en stereotipes wat die opvatting wil vestig dat ‘wit’ gelyk aan ‘superieur’ is. Ek spreek dan ook die verskeie beïnvloedingsvelde aan wat respondente gebruik en waarop hulle hul ‘wit is superieur’ opvatting bou. Ek dui aan dat die beïnvloedingsvelde dikwels gekenmerk word deur ‘n eksplisiete geloof in die bestaan van ‘n bepaalde hiërargie van ras. Diskoerse oor modernisering en ontwikkeling waarin ‘modernisering’ en ‘vooruitgang’ sterk geassosieer of gelykgestel word met verwestering is ook aan die orde van die dag. Voorts bespreek ek respondente se negatiewe konstruksie van plaaslike mans en vroue en die feit dat dit dikwels gebore is uit hul vorige (negatiewe) blootstelling aan plaaslike metgeselle. Manlike respondente spreek dikwels hul frustrasie uit met ‘geldgierige’ Ugandese vroue wat, volgens hulle, van hul eertydse waardigheid afstand doen in hul koorsagtige soek na modernisasie. Mans assosieer sterk met eie ‘tradisie’ en ‘kultuur’ en hulle voel dikwels dat vroue nie voldoen aan die mans se selfopgelegde kulturele standaarde van vroulikheid nie. Voorts ondersoek ek die pleidooie van vroue waarin hulle aanvoer dat sekere ‘tradisionele’ en ‘kulturele’ gebruike Ugandese mans onbillik bevoordeel. Ek dui aan dat vroulike respondente gebruik maak van redenasies oor Westerse modernisasie asook menseregte, in hul pogings om die mate van geslagsongelykheid wat in Uganda bestaan, uit te lig. Laastens vind ek dat Ugandese vroue Westerse humanisme (wat verpersoonlik word deur ‘wit’ mans) beskou as die oplossing vir hul verhoudingsprobleme.

Good in theory but not in practice : exploring perspectives on inclusive education

De Winnaar, Mariska 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The introduction of inclusive education in the South African educational system may be seen as one of the first steps to promote equality and human rights in post-apartheid South Africa. With the implementation of inclusive education, education became less segregated and fragmented, with the aim of ensuring equal learning opportunities for all children, including those with disabilities. The main driving force of inclusive education in South Africa is the Education White Paper 6 on Special Needs Education: Building an inclusive education and training system published in 2001. The aim of this study was to understand inclusive education from the perspectives of those who are charged with the implementation thereof. Classroom educators (teachers) together with district-based support teams are seen as the primary resource for achieving the goal of an inclusive education and training system. This study focused on the perspectives of teachers from one primary and one secondary school in one education district (Education District A) and District-based support team members from another education district (Education District B) in the Western Cape. The study takes on a social constructionist paradigm and illustrates how our understanding and conceptualisation of disability have changed overtime. A social constructionist paradigm highlights the way in which disability is a socially constructed and how it changes according to our understanding thereof. The different models of disability and the role of education was also a main focus of this study. A qualitative research design was used, with purposive and opportunity sampling being applied. Data was gathered using focus groups and in-depth semi-structured interviews and was analysed using thematic analysis. The key findings of this study showed that the teachers and district-based support team members believe that inclusive education can be successful in South Africa provided that changes are made in how it is currently conceptualised and implemented. The teachers have a very different perspective on inclusive education from the support team members. The teachers believe that the success of inclusive education can only be ensured if barriers to teaching are prevented or eradicated, while the support team members believe the success of inclusive education depends on the identification and prevention of barriers to learning. Both groups do however believe that inclusive education is a very good ideal to strive towards but that it has not yet been achieved and that the inclusion and education of all learners are of great importance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bekendstelling van inklusiewe onderwys in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel kan gesien word as een van die eerste stappe om gelykheid en menseregte in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika te bevorder. Met die implementering van inklusiewe onderwys het die onderwysstelsel meer toeganklik en minder gefragmenteerd geword. Die doel van inklusiewe onderwys is om te verseker dat alle kinders, ook dié met gestremdhede, gelyke leergeleenthede kry. Die belangrikste dryfkrag agter inklusiewe onderwys in Suid-Afrika is die Onderwys Witskrif 6 oor Spesiale Onderwys: Die bou van 'n inklusiewe onderwys-en opleidingstelsel wat in 2001 gepubliseer is. Die doel van hierdie studie was om inklusiewe onderwys vanuit die perspektiewe van diegene wat dit moet implementeer te verstaan. Klaskamer opvoeders (onderwysers) asook distrikgebaseerde kringondersteuningspanne word gesien as die primêre bronne vir die bereiking van 'n inklusiewe onderwys-en opleidingstelsel. Hierdie studie het op die perspektiewe van onderwysers, van een primêre en een sekondêre skool in een onderwysdistrik (Onderwysdistrik A), en kringondersteuningspanlede, van ʼn tweede onderwysdistrik (Onderwysdistrik B), in die Wes-Kaap gefokus. Die studie neem 'n sosiale konstruktivistiese paradigma aan en illustreer hoe ons begrip en definiëring van gestremdheid oor tyd verander het. 'n Sosiale konstruktivistiese paradigma beklemtoon die manier waarop gestremdheid sosiaal gekonstrueer is en hoe dit verander volgens hoe ons begrip daarvan verander. Die verskillende modelle van gestremdheid en die rol van onderwys was ook 'n hooffokus van hierdie studie. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik, doelgerigte steekproefneming en geleentheid-steekproefneming was toegepas om die deelnemers te kies. Data is ingesamel deur middel van fokusgroepe en in-diepte semigestruktureerde onderhoude en is ontleed deur gebruik te maak van tematiese analise. Die belangrikste bevindings van hierdie studie was dat die onderwysers en distrikgebaseerde kringondersteuningspanlede van mening is dat inklusiewe onderwys slegs in Suid-Afrika suksesvol kan wees mits daar veranderinge gemaak word in hoe ons dit tans konseptualiseer en implementeer. Die onderwysers se perspektief van inklusiewe onderwys verskil heelwat van die perspektiewe van die kringondersteuningspanlede. Die onderwysers is van mening dat van inklusiewe onderwys slegs verseker sal wees indien hindernisse wat onderrig verhoed, voorkom of uitgewis word. Kringondersteuningspanlede is weer van mening die sukses van inklusiewe onderwys afhang van die identifisering en voorkoming van hindernisse van leer. Beide groepe is egter van mening dat inklusiewe onderwys 'n baie goeie ideaal is om na te streef, maar dat dit nog nie bereik is nie, ook dat die insluiting en opvoeding van alle leerders van groot belang is.

Women and the management of household food security in Paternoster

Swartz, Eleanor 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the gendered social relations that are attached to food, through an exploration of women’s management of food and food security in poor households in Paternoster, a small fishing community on the west coast of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. My study explores how women navigate the everyday provision, management and distribution of food within a context of limited resources, with food understood both in terms of sustenance and as implicated in processes whereby gender norms and larger concerns with ‘respectability’ (ordentlikheid) are established and maintained under difficult economic conditions. One of the important strategies employed to ensure food security within households in Paternoster is the establishment and maintenance by and among women of foodways in and between households. An exploration of foodways between households sheds light on the various social networks that exist in Paternoster and the important role of women within these networks. Paternoster is a space where the navigation of these issues is informed by the long history of subsistence fishing in the area and the symbolism attached to fish and fishing in the ways in which the local fishing community engages with the challenges of food security. Of particular interest is how women manage individual and/or household food security in Paternoster in the light of existing gender dynamics involved in the production, collection and consumption of food. The sharp division of labour historically has meant that women have traditionally been involved in the pre- and post-harvest sector, rather than in the actual catching of fish. This study is also driven by concerns around the impacts of the changing fishing environment on food security and social relations in this small village. One of the major consequences of these changes is the feeling of impending food insecurity experienced by many households. The increase in mechanization in marine resource use activities, drastic changes in fishing policies and the process of fisheries rights allocations as well as diminishing fish stocks are systematically impacting on the social systems and lived experiences of the people who were, and still are, heavily dependent on the fishing industry in Paternoster for their livelihoods.. Paternoster has seen the development of new sources of employment as a result of the growth of tourism, which has presented women in particular with new work opportunities, including working in guest houses and restaurants. However, this is on the low wage end. In this context the management of food security within the household and between households through maintaining foodways and established food networks is predominantly the responsibility of women. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op sosiale verhoudings van gender wat verband hou met voedsel, deur‘n verkenning van vroue se bestuur van voedsel en voedselsekerheid in arm huishoudings in Paternoster, ‘n klein vissersgemeenskap aan die weskus van die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika. My studie verken hoe vroue die daaglikse voorsiening, bestuur en verspreiding van voedsel navigeer in ‘n konteks van beperkte hulpbronne, met ‘n begrip van voedsel as lewensmiddele sowel as geïmpliseer in prosesse waarin gender-norme en ‘n gerigtheid op 'ordentlikheid' onder moeilike ekonomiese omstandighede gevestig en onderhou word. Een van die belangrike strategieë wat deur en tussen vroue in huishoudings in Paternoster onderneem word om voedselsekerheid te verseker is die vestiging en onderhouding van voedselnetwerke (foodways) in en tussen huishoudings. ‘n Verkenning van voedselnetwerke tussen huishoudings werp lig op die verskeidenheid sosiale netwerke wat in Paternoster bestaan en die belangrike rol van vroue in hierdie netwerke. Paternoster is ‘n plek waar die navigasie van hierdie kwessies ingelig word deur die lang geskiedenis van bestaansvissery in die gebied sowel as die simboliek wat aan vis en visvang geheg word in die wyses waarop die plaaslike gemeenskap met die uitdagings van voedselsekerheid handel. Wat van besondere belang is, is hoe vroue individuele en huishoudelike voedselsekerheid in Paternoster bestuur in die lig van die bestaande gender-dinamika met betrekking tot die produksie, versameling en gebruik van voedsel. Die skerp historiese geslagsverdeling van arbeid het beteken dat vroue tradisioneel betrokke was in die voor- en na-oes proses, eerder as in die werklike vang van vis. Hierdie studie word ook gemotiveer deur kommer oor die impak wat die veranderende vissery-omgewing op voedselsekerheid en sosiale verhoudings in hierdie dorpie het. Een van die belangrikste gevolge van hierdie veranderinge is die gevoel van dreigende voedselonsekerheid wat deur talle huishoudings ondervind word. Die toename in meganisering in die aktiwiteite rondom die gebruik van mariene hulpbronne, die drastiese veranderinge in visserybeleid en die toekenningsproses van visregte asook die afname in visbronne impakteer sistemies op die sosiale sisteme en ervaring van die mense wat sterk afhanklik was van die visindustrie in Paternoster vir hul leeftog afhanklik was en nog steeds is. Paternoster het die ontwikkeling van nuwe bronne van werk ervaar as gevolg van die groei van toerisme. Dit het aan vroue veral nuwe werksgeleenthede gebied, insluitend werk in gastehuise en restourante. Hierdie werk was egter op die lae loonvlak. In hierdie konteks is die bestuur van voedselsekerheid binne die huishouding en tussen huishoudings, deur die handhawing van foodways en gevestigde voedselnetwerke hoofsaaklik die verantwoordelikheid van vroue.

The size and composition of the South African middle class : implications for a consolidating democracy

Garcia Rivero, Carlos January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to reach some conclusions about the possibility of the South African democracy to endure. It does so through entering into the so-called preconditions for democracy field, concretely, by the observation of the changes in and the composition of the South African middle class as a feature of democratic consolidation. Middle classes are regarded as an important political actor in democratisation and it is difficult to fmd a stable democracy without a well-developed and large middle class. Actually, the democratisation movements have mostly been led by middle classes. Moreover, the size of the middle class in a particular society is also indicative of the level of income inequality, which is another important indicator for the success of democratisation. From a theoretical perspective, the study presents the different existing approaches to democratisation in general, and to middle class democracy in particular. Then, it focuses on a case study: South Africa. The variables for the research then are, "middle class" as an independent variable; and "democratic consolidation" as a dependent variable. The hypothesis that links them therefore is as follows: The larger the middle class, the greater the chance for the consolidation of democracy. From an empirical perspective the research tests the above hypothesis by making use of extensive quantitative data. Both variables are then operationalised and their tendencies of growth are measured, presented and explained. Middle class is operationalised in terms of occupation. Consolidated democracy is operationalised in terms of political tolerance and trust in the institutions. Political tolerance refers to the procedural part of democracy, whereas trust relates to the substantive dimension of democracy. The major fin<iings arrived at are that, on one hand the middle class in South Africa is increasing in size and incorporating previously excluded sectors - mainly Blacks - but, on the other hand, democracy seems to be consolidating from a procedural point of view - increase in political tolerance -, but not from a substantive one - decrease in trust in the institutions. Consequently, the original hypothesis is reformulated as follows: An increase in the middle class in the first years of democracy indicates that democracy is consolidating "procedlfrally ". Against the background of these fmdings, room is left for further research that will provide information about whether a democracy can consolidate only procedurally or whether the substantive dimension of democracy is essential for successful consolidation. Further research will also confirm whether or not the recent increase in trust during 1999 signifies a real turning-point or whether it is due to other reasons. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om tot 'n aantal gevolgtrekkings te kom oor die waarskynlikheid dat die Suid-Afrikaanse demokrasie in stand sal bly. Dit is benader deur 'n ondersoek na die voorvereistes vir demokrasie en, konkreet, deur die waarneming van veranderings in die samestelling van die Suid-Afrikaanse middelstand as 'n verskynsel van demokratiese konsolidasie. Die middelstand word as 'n belangrike politieke rolspeler in demokratisering beskou en dit is moeilik om 'n voorbeeld van 'n stabiele demokrasie waar daar nie 'n groot middel~tand is nie, te vind. In werklikheid is demokratiese bewegings meestal deur die middelstand gelei. Verder is die omvang van die middelstand binne 'n besondere gemeenskap ook aanduidend van die vlak van inkomste-ongelykheid, wat 'n verdere belangrike aanduider vir die sukses van demokratisering is. Vanuit 'n teoretiese perspektief hied die studie die verskillende bestaande benaderings tot demokratisering in die algemeen, en tot middelstand-demokrasie in besonder, aan. Dan verskuif die aandag na 'n gevallestudie van Suid-Afrika. Die veranderlikes vir die navorsing is "middelstand" as onafhanklike veranderlike en "demokratiese konsolidering" as afhanklike veranderlike. Die hipotese waardeur hulle in verband gestel word, is as volg: Hoe grater die middelstand, hoe grater die waarskynlikheid vir die konsolidasie van demokrasie. Vanuit 'n empiriese perspektief toets die navorsing die bogenoemde hipotese deur gebruik te maak van uitgebreide kwantitatiewe data. Albei veranderlikes word ge-operasionaliseer en hul groeitendense word gemeet, aangebied en verduidelik. Middelstand word in terme van beroep ge-operasionaliseer. Gekonsolideerde demokrasie word in terme van politieke verdraagsaamheid en vertroue in instellings ge-operasionaliseer. Politieke verdraagsaamheid bon verband met die prosedurele aspek van demokrasie, terwyl vertroue verband bon met die substantiewe dimensie van demokrasie. Die vemaamste bevindings waartoe gekom is, is, aan die een kant, dat die middelstand in Suid-Afrika besig is om uit te brei en voorheen uitgeslote sektore - veral Swartes - te inkorporeer en, aan die ander kant, dat demokrasie besig is om vanuit 'n prosedurele oogpunt - toename in politieke verdraagsaamheid - te konsolideer, maar nie vanuit 'n substantiewe oogpunt - afname van vertroue in die instellings - nie. Gevolglik word die oorspronklike hipotese soos volg herformuleer: 'n Toename in die middelstand gedurende die eerste }are van demokrasie dui aan dat die demokrasie besig is om ''prosedureel" te konsolideer. Teen die agtergrond van die bevindings is daar ruimte vir verdere navorsing wat inligting sal verskaf aangaande die moontlikheid daarvan dat 'n demokrasie net maar prosedureel kan konsolideer, en of die substantiewe dimensie essensieel is vir suksesvolle konsolidasie. Verdere navorsing sou ook kon bepaal of die voorafgaande toename in vertroue gedurende 1999 'n werklike ommekeer aandui, en of dit aan ander redes toegeskryf moet word.

A responsive evaluation approach in evaluating the safe schools and the child-friendly schools programmes in the Limpopo province

Mabasa, Layane Thomas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the use of a responsive evaluation approach in evaluating programme implementation: Safe Schools and the Child Friendly Schools Programmes. A case study design was adopted for use in the study. That was done by using Robert Stake’s responsive approach but modified to include: Stakeholder audience identification, consultation and issues exploration; Stakeholder concerns and issues analysis; Identification of evaluative standards and criteria; Designing and implementation of evaluation methodology; Data analysis and validation and Reporting. The study was done in two phases. Phase 1 focused on the Safe Schools Programme involving seven schools in the Capricorn district, Limpopo province. Preliminary results from phase 1 revealed that there was no implementation of the Safe Schools Programme. In phase 2 of the study the focus was on the implementation of Child Friendly Schools Programme. It involved three schools in the Capricorn and Waterberg districts, Limpopo province. Data collection was done by using three methods which are Observation, Interview and Documents. The results indicate that there is no implementation of the safe schools programme but there is implementation of the CFS programme. Although there is no implementation of the SSP, schools have initiated strategies to deal with safety issues. On the implementation of CFS programme, schools differed greatly in their approach. The study also documents the strengths, limitations and lessons learnt from the use of responsive evaluation approach as outlined by Robert Stake. The major contribution of the study is that Responsive Evaluation approach has gone through major changes over a period of time to the extent that its latter position seems to be contradicting some of its earlier positions. Further, evaluators should be patient, flexible and have listening, writing and observation skills when using the approach. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie fokus op die gebruik van ‘n responsiewe evalueringsbenadering in die evaluering van die programimplementering van die Veilige-skole- en die Kindvriendelike skoleprogramme. ‘n Gevallestudie ontwerp, naamlik Robert Stake se responsiewe benadering, is in die studie gebruik. Die benadering is aangepas om die volgende in te sluit: Identifikasie van die belanghebbende gehoor; konsultasie en eksplorasie van aangeleenthede; Analise van belanghebbended bekommernisse en vrae; identifisering van evalueringstandaarde en –kriteria; Ontwerp en implementering van evalueringsmetodologie; Data-analise en –validering, en verslagdoening. Die studie het in twee fases plaasgevind. Fase 1 het gefokus op die Veiligeskoleprogram wat sewe skole in die Capricorndistrik, Limpopo provinsie, insluit. Voorlopige resultate van Fase 1 het gewys dat daar geen implementering van die Veilige- skoleprogram was nie. In Fase 2 van die studie was die fokus op die implementering van ‘n Kindvriendelike Skoleprogram. Dit het drie skole in die Capricorn- en Waterbergdistrikte, Limpopoprovinsie, betrek. Data-insameling is gedoen deur gebruik te maak van drie metodes, te wete: waarneming, onderhoudvoering en dokumentering. Die resultate dui daarop dat daar geen implimentering van die Veilige -skoleprogram is, maar wel implimentering van die Kindvriendelike-skole-program. Alhoewel daar geen geen implimentering van die Veilige-skoleprogram was nie, het skole strategiee inisieer om veiligheidkwessies te hanteer. Wat die implementering van die Kind-vriendelike program betref, verskil skole grootliks in hul benadering. Die studie dokumenteer ook die sterkpunte, beperkings en lesse geleer uit die gebruik van die responsiewe evalueringsbenadering soos uiteengesit deur Robert Stake. Die hoofbydrae van die studie is dat die Responsiewe Evalueringsbenadering groot veranderings oor ‘n tydperk ondergaan het tot die mate dat die mees onlangse standpunte blyk om sommige van die vorige standpunte te weerspreek. Verder behoort evalueerders geduldig en plooibaar te wees, en oor luister, skryf- en waarnemingvaardighede te beskik by die gebruik van die benadering.

The scope and functionality of the National Innovation Competition as an instrument to promote academic entrepreneurship in South Africa

Vutula, Noncedo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This study focuses on academic entrepreneurship. It commences with a literature review on international trends in academic entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on incentive schemes used by selected countries to encourage innovativeness in academic institutions. Linkages between these incentives schemes and the improvement in the level of innovations made are demonstrated. This study will also show that in some countries, such as Brazil and Finland, these innovation incentives have led to the formation of start-up companies and an increased number of patents. The international scenario in academic entrepreneurship is linked to the South African scenario, as presented in the chapter on the science and technology landscape in South Africa. The main focus of the South African scenario will be on the National Innovation Competition (NIC), which is an instrument of the Innovation Fund specifically aimed at encouraging and providing innovation incentives at the level of higher education institutions. This research report also provide findings of interviews with different people within the academic entrepreneurship fraternity as well as an assessment of the differences between the winning and the non-winning business plans, which are used as a basis of providing incentives to the winners of the NIC. Recommendations are made in an attempt to provide solutions to the challenges encountered in the NIC at both institutional levels, as participants, and at government level, as funders of the NIC. This will hopefully improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the NIC. Although the NIC was only started in 2004, it is envisaged that areas of improvement can be identified at this early stage. This, coupled with the lessons learnt from the international literature review, will provide a mechanism that will make the NIC a powerful instrument to encourage innovation at HEI (Higher Education Institution) level. The conclusions drawn from this report include lessons learnt from the international literature review.

Studying science and engineering at UCT : students' background, experience of science an reasons for studying science or engineering

Laugksch, Diane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is the contention of this study that competence in science and mathematics is a necessary condition for access to higher education, but that it is a general interest in science that will inspire learners to pursue careers in science and technology. The objective of this study was to develop a profile of the individual who chooses to study science and engineering. The three research questions were, firstly, what is the background profile of a group of learners who have decided to study science and engineering? Secondly, what are the characteristic features of the school-science experience of these learners? Lastly, what are the factors that learners think most influenced their decision to study science and engineering? This study was formulated as having a descriptive purpose and hence a survey research design was used. Self-reported retrospective data were collected using a questionnaire which was designed with reference to a number of sources (e.g., Woolnough, 1994). After piloting the questionnaire, it was administered to all firstyear students registered in the faculties of Science and Engineering at the University of Cape Town. A total of 204 first-year science and 247 first-year engineering students formed the final sample of this study. Quantitative analysis of the students’ responses showed that 66% of respondents were male. The majority of female students were registered in the science faculty. English was the home language of 55% of the sample, with 32% of students reported speaking one of the other nine official languages at home. Parents, career counselors and teachers most influenced students’ decision to study science or engineering. The vast majority of respondents took Physical Science at school. Students’ experiences of school science were diverse. Students’ responses generally reflected a poor commitment on the part of schools to expose students to noncurriculum activities generally thought to promote an interest in science. Overall, the majority of students reflected an enthusiasm for learning to do science through scientific experiments, albeit with preference for a teacher-driven approach to classroom activities. Personal motivation, receiving a bursary, and access to information were the main factors that students said influenced their decision to study science and engineering. While information received at a careers open day and participating in a school science competition was crucial for science students, engineering students showed a general curiosity for science, for knowing how things work, and for creating and designing things. For most African students information received at a careers open day was important, while a curiosity for science and receiving a bursary were equally important in influencing non-African students to pursue further study in science or engineering. The results of this study suggest that what parents say, and the information that learners have access to, is important to the decisions that learners make in regard to future careers in science and engineering. It is suggested that future strategies for promoting science in general must include parents, teachers and senior learners in the dissemination of general information about science, about people in science, about using science in everyday life, and about the possibilities for further study in science and engineering. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is die uitgangspunt van hierdie ondersoek dat vaardigheid in die wetenskap en wiskunde ‘n noodsaaklike voorwaarde is vir toegang to tersiêre onderwys, maar dat ‘n algemene belangstelling in die wetenskap leerders sal inspireer om loopbane in die natuurwetenskappe en tegnologie te volg. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om ‘n profiel te ontwikkel van die individu wat die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese kies as studierigting. Die drie navorsingsvrae was, eerstens, wat is die agtergrondsprofiel van leerders wat besluit om in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese te studeer? Tweedens, wat is die kenmerkende eienskappe van hierdie leerders se skoolervaring? Laastens, watter faktore dink hierdie leerders het hulle besluit om in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese te studeer, die meeste beïnvloed? Hierdie ondersoek is beskrywend van aard en dus is ‘n steekproef as navorsingsontwerp gebruik. Selfgerapporteerde retrospektiewe data is ingesamel deur middel van ‘n vraelys wat ontwerp is met verwysings na ‘n verskeidenheid bronne (bv., Woolnough, 1994). Die vraelys is versprei aan alle eerste-jaar geregistreerde studente in die Natuurwetenskappe en Ingenieurswese Fakulteite by die Universiteit van Kaapstad, nadat ‘n voortoetsing van die vraelys uitgevoer is. ‘n Totaal van 204 eerste-jaar natuurwetensakppe en 247 eerste-jaar ingenieurswese studente was deel van die finale steekproef van hierdie ondersoek. Die kwantitatiewe ontleding van die studenteterugvoer toon dat 66% van die respondente manlik is. Die meerderheid vroulike studente was geregistreer in die natuurwetenskappe fakulteit. Engels was die huistaal van 55% van die steekproef, en 32% van die studente het aangedui dat hulle een of meer van die ander nege amptelike landstale praat. Ouers, beroepsvoorligters en onderwysers het die meeste invloed gehad op die studente se besluit om in die natuurwetenskappe of ingenieurswese te studeer. Die oorgrote meerderheid respondente het Natuur- en Skeikunde op skool geneem. Studente se skoolervarings en ervaring van die wetenskap op skool was uiteenlopend. Studente se terugvoer het in die algemeen gedui op ‘n swak verbintenis van skole tot die blootstelling van studente aan niekurrikulêre aktiwiteite wat oor die algemeen belangstelling in die wetenskap kweek. Die meerderheid studente het in die geheel ‘n entoesiasme getoon om meer te leer van die wetenskap deur die uitvoer van wetenskaplike eksperimente, hoewel met ‘n voorkeur vir ‘n onderwyser-gedrewe benadering tot klaskamer aktiwiteite. Persoonlike motivering, om ‘n beurs te ontvang, en toegang tot inligting is deur studente aangedui as van die vernaamste faktore wat ‘n invloed op hulle keuse van die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese as studierigting gehad het. Die inligting wat die natuurwetenskappe studente ontvang het by beroepsgeoriënteerde opedae en deelname in ‘n skool wetenskapskompetisie was beslissend in hulle besluit. Die ingenieurswese studente daarteenoor het ‘n algemene nuurskierigheid vir die wetenskap en hoe dinge werk, hoe om dinge te skep en te ontwerp, getoon. Die inligting wat swart studente by beroepsgeoriënteerde opedae ontvang het, was belangrik, terwyl ‘n wetenskaplike nuuskierigheid en die toekenning van ‘n beurs ‘n ewe belangrike invloed gehad het op ander studente se keuse om verdere studie in die natuurwetenskappe of ingenieurswese voort te sit. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek dui daarop dat wat ouers sê, en die inligting waartoe leerders toegang het, belangrik is vir die besluite wat leerders neem met betrekking tot toekomstige loopbane in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese. Daar word voorgestel dat toekomstige strategieë vir die bevordering van die wetenskap in die algemeen ouers, onderwysers en senior leerders moet insluit in die verspreiding van algemene inligting oor die wetenskap, oor mense in die wetenskap, oor die gebruik van die wetenskap in die alledaagse lewe, en die moontlikhede van verdere studies in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese.

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