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3D Visualization as a Communicative Aid in Pharmaceutical Advice-Giving over DistanceÖstlund, Martin, Dahlbäck, Nils, Petersson, Göran Ingemar January 2011 (has links)
Background: Medication misuse results in considerable problems for both patient and society. It is a complex problem with many contributing factors, including timely access to product information. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanObjective: To investigate the value of 3-dimensional (3D) visualization paired with video conferencing as a tool for pharmaceutical advice over distance in terms of accessibility and ease of use for the advice seeker. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanMethods: We created a Web-based communication service called AssistancePlus that allows an advisor to demonstrate the physical handling of a complex pharmaceutical product to an advice seeker with the aid of 3D visualization and audio/video conferencing. AssistancePlus was tested in 2 separate user studies performed in a usability lab, under realistic settings and emulating a real usage situation. In the first study, 10 pharmacy students were assisted by 2 advisors from the Swedish National Co-operation of Pharmacies call centre on the use of an asthma inhaler. The student-advisor interview sessions were filmed on video to qualitatively explore their experience of giving and receiving advice with the aid of 3D visualization. In the second study, 3 advisors from the same call centre instructed 23 participants recruited from the general public on the use of 2 products: (1) an insulin injection pen, and (2) a growth hormone injection syringe. First, participants received advice on one product in an audio-recorded telephone call and for the other product in a video-recorded AssistancePlus session (product order balanced). In conjunction with the AssistancePlus session, participants answered a questionnaire regarding accessibility, perceived expressiveness, and general usefulness of 3D visualization for advice-giving over distance compared with the telephone and were given a short interview focusing on their experience of the 3D features. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanResults: In both studies, participants found the AssistancePlus service helpful in providing clear and exact instructions. In the second study, directly comparing AssistancePlus and the telephone, AssistancePlus was judged positively for ease of communication (P = .001), personal contact (P = .001), explanatory power (P andlt;.001), and efficiency (P andlt;.001). Participants in both studies said that they would welcome this type of service as an alternative to the telephone and to face-to-face interaction when a physical meeting is not possible or not convenient. However, although AssistancePlus was considered as easy to use as the telephone, they would choose AssistancePlus over the telephone only when the complexity of the question demanded the higher level of expressiveness it offers. For simpler questions, a simpler service was preferred. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanConclusions: 3D visualization paired with video conferencing can be useful for advice-giving over distance, specifically for issues that require a higher level of communicative expressiveness than the telephone can offer. 3D-supported advice-giving can increase the range of issues that can be handled over distance and thus improve access to product information. / <p>Funding Agencies|eHealth Institute by the National Cooperation of Swedish Pharmacies-Apoteket AB, Linnaeus University (previously University of Kalmar)||Regional Council in Kalmar County||Kalmar County Council||Municipality of Kalmar||</p>
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eHälsa och distanskommunikation : Nuvarande och framtida utmaningar för vårdpersonal i arbetet med vård på distans. / eHealth and communication over distance : Current and future challenges for health professionals in the process of care at a distance.Gavelin, Daniel, Svensson, Robert January 2015 (has links)
Introduction. The current age structure in Sweden is changing. At the same time, life expectancy is increasing in many parts of the world. This will lead to greater demands of accessible care resources and its application. Well implemented communication is paramount when the healthcare system is as information-intensive as it is. For maintenance of good healthcare, demands will be set on new kinds of services. With eHealth, information and healthpromotion through communication-based technology, healthcare can be performed efficiently with secure output within the healthcare sector. Aim. The aim of this study was to examine challanges for health professionals in the process of patient care through care at a distance. Method. An empirical study of six (6) people was conducted by semistructured interviews. Result. Indicated result show a result of the need of eHealth within the current use of healthcare, and that the technology can be of comparable quality to physical meetings. However, technical solutions should be seen as a complement within healthcare, and not as a substitute of physical interaction. Conclusion. eHealth services is not something that will become relevant within a timeperiod of ten to fifteen years. It is a currently usable service that can be established to be of comparable quality to the person-centered care the nursing profession is striving for. / Indroduktion. Den nuvarande Svenska åldersstrukturen håller på att förändras samtidigt som den förväntade livslängden ökar i många delar av världen. Detta kommer att ställa större krav på tillgängliga vårdresurser och dess tillämpning. God kommunikation mellan olika aktörer är av största vikt då vården är informationsintensiv. För att upprätthålla god vård kommer krav att ställas på nya tjänster. Med eHälsa, informations och hälsofrämjande insatser genom kommunikationsbaserad teknik, kan vården utföras effektivt med säkerställda insatser inom vård- och omsorgssektorn. Syfte. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka utmaningar för vårdpersonal i arbetet med patientmöten via vård på distans. Metod. En empirisk studie utfördes och sex (6) personer intervjuades med en semistrukturerad intervjuform. Resultat. Resultat visar på ett behov inom vården av eHälsa och att tekniska lösningar kan ha en jämförbar kvalité med fysiska möten. Tekniska lösningar borde dock ses som ett komplement inom vården, och inte som en ersättning till fysiska möten. Konklusion. eHälsotjänster är inte någonting som kommer att bli aktuellt om först tio eller femton år, utan det är idag en brukbar tjänst som kan konstateras vara jämförbar med den personcentrerade vård sjuksköterskor arbetar efter.
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Leaders Perception of Virtual communication : -leadership and communication mediated through technology.Tsolias, Panagiotis, Zilkiqi, Adelina January 2020 (has links)
Technological developments have brought at the forefront the virtual communication in the business world. In our day and age it is difficult to find teams in organizations that do not rely in long distance communication even partially. Leaders bear the responsibility to secure quick and smooth transition of information among the members of their teams as well as to foster an environment that promotes trust and fuels motivation. We conducted this exploratory case study using the abductive approach and the qualitative method. Our aim was to gain a better understanding on how the leaders perceive trust and motivation in a virtual communication setting. Therefore, we send out questionnaires to leaders that volunteered to participate in our study and we adopted the pragmatist philosophy in an attempt to provide valuable insights and practical recommendations to leaders that are managing teams in an electronic environment. The results of our study suggest that leaders perceive the long distance communication mediated through technology to be something positive to the success of their teams as they consider it to actually increase efficiency, provide a more straightforward style of communication that enables their followers to take on more responsibility for the results of their work as well as an increase in productivity.
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Covid-19 effekt på revisionskvalitéten / The impact of covid-19 on audit qualityDagergren, Max, Eriksson, Fredrika January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisorers arbete går ut på att granska företag, detta sker delvis på plats hos företaget för att kunna samla in information för att sedan kunna genomföra en bra revision. Granskningen av företag i krissituation ställer högre krav på revisorn menar FAR. År 2020 drabbades världen av en pandemi vilket faller inom ramen för krissituation. Under pandemin rekommenderade folkhälsomyndigheten att alla företag som kan arbeta på distans bör göra det. Problemformulering: Hur har revisorers revisionskvalitet påverkats av distansarbete? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att få kunskap om hur kommunikationskanaler påverkar olika dimensioner av revisionskvaliteten när dessa kommunikationskanaler används. Studien önskar att bidra med kunskap om revisionskvaliteten ändras och i så fall hur den ändras när kommunikationen sker på distans. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod. Det är fem revisorer som har intervjuats genom varsitt Zoom-samtal. Intervjupersonerna har valts genom ett strategiskt urval. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att revisionskvaliteten har delvis påverkats under pandemin. Dels har revisionskvaliteten försämrats när revisorer valt att föra distanskommunikation med nya klienter. I de fall revisorer haft en längre relation med klienten påverkas inte användningen av distanskommunikation på samma sätt. Kompetensen på revisionsbyrån har även påverkats då kommunikationen mellan medarbetare har minskat på grund av distanskommunikation. Studien redovisar även hur dimensionerna möjligheten att kontrollera processer och storleken på revisionsbyrån har blivit påverkad av distanskommunikation. / Background: Auditor’s work involves auditing companies, this is partly done on site at the company in order to be able to collect information and then be able to do a good audit. The audit of companies in crisis situations places higher demands on the auditor, according to FAR. In 2020, the world was hit by a pandemic, which falls within the framework of a crisis situation. During the pandemic, the public health agency recommended that all companies that can work remotely should do so. Question: How has the auditors audit quality been affected by distance work? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about how communications channels affect different dimensions of audit quality when these communications channels are used. The study wish to contribute with knowledge about if the audit quality changes and if so how it changes when communication happens through distance. Method: The study was conducted using a qualitative method. There are five auditors who have been interviewed through Zoom. The interviewees were chosen through a strategic selection. Results and conclusions: The results of the study showed that the audit quality was partly affected during the pandemic. Partially the audit quality has deteriorated when the auditor has chosen to conduct distance communication with new customers. In cases where the auditor has had a longer relationship with the customer, the use of distance communication has not affected audit quality in the same way. The competence of the audit firm has also been affected as communication between employees has decreased due to distance communication. The study also reports how the ability to control processes and the size of the auditing firm has been affected by distance communication.
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Mediating an experience: an approach to designing a compelling synchronous, distant, virtual communication environmentMurnieks, Andre Christopher 06 June 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Les institutions d'apprentissage à distance . stratégies (politique, pédagogique et communicationnelle) et processus d'autorégulation d'apprentissage : le cas de l'Université virtuelle de Tunis / E-learning institutions ; strategies and process of self-regulation learning : the case of the virtual university of TunisKhezami, Safa 02 December 2016 (has links)
Le passage de l’oralité à l’écrit et de l’indifférence à l’égard des outils de communication de savoir à leur intégration dans un projet éducatif a pris des siècles et il est passé par plusieurs épisodes. Malgré les différences qu’on peut constater quant aux rythmes et aux modalités de cette transformation pédagogique et communicationnelle entre l’Europe et le monde arabe, cette évolution de la réflexion sur les outils et médias éducatifs a fortement influencé la façon avec laquelle ces populations appréhendent aujourd’hui ces techniques de plus en plus numériques. En France, depuis des décennies, les plans numériques pour l’éducation se succèdent. En Tunisie, après la création en 2002 de l’université virtuelle de Tunis (UVT), on parle actuellement de l’intégration de tablettes numériques dans l’école publique. En dépit des différences que présentent ces deux pays quant aux contextes politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels, nous avons noté des similitudes stratégiques qui caractérisent leurs démarches respectives pour le numérique éducatif. Nous pouvons remarquer, entre autres, une similitude dans l’installation volontariste des techniques pour apprendre accompagnée de discours annonçant plus de facilités, plus de fiabilité et plus de réussite. Dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous nous intéressons à la question de l’enseignement-apprentissage à distance, et aux outils éducatifs mis en œuvre pour ce faire. Nous ne prétendons pas faire une comparaison binaire entre un modèle d’utilisation des technologies dans le cadre de l’apprentissage qui serait français et un autre qui serait tunisien. Nous mettons en revanche en perspectives les deux expériences tout en insistant sur la démarche tunisienne. L’enseignement/apprentissage à distance est une situation de communication particulièrement délicate, d’une part par son inscription dans cette logique de contextes sociaux et économiques, mais aussi par l’éclatement de la notion de l’espace qui renforce le sentiment de l’isolement chez l’apprenant. Pour surmonter ce sentiment d’isolement et réussir son apprentissage à distance, plusieurs chercheurs proposent un processus d’autorégulation de l’apprentissage. Bien qu’il soit centré sur l’activité de l’apprenant lui-même, ce processus insiste sur l’importance de l’intervention des autres usagers du système éducatif (institution et corps pédagogique). Par notre recherche, nous avons voulu interroger cette question d’autorégulation de l’apprentissage dans le contexte tunisien de l’université virtuelle de Tunis. Nous avons alors cherché à comprendre le comportement autorégulé des apprenants tunisiens à la lumière du dispositif (humain et technique) de l’institution. Pour soulever ces questions nous avons opté pour une méthodologie multiple qui réunit observation participante, observation cachée, questionnaire, protocole géode et analyse de contenu. Cette recherche a abouti à trois résultats majeurs : la création de l’UVT est un projet avant tout politique destiné à véhiculer une image moderne de la Tunisie. En effet, à part l’expérience de l’institut supérieur de la formation continue crée en 1984, aucune réflexion autour d’une pédagogie adaptée à l’enseignement-apprentissage à distance dans le terrain tunisien n’a été entamée surtout que le dispositif UVT est basé sur les technologies numériques. De ce fait, le comportement autorégulé des apprenants oscille, selon le degré de contrôle pédagogique qu’exerce le dispositif UVT sur leur apprentissage, entre adaptation aux conditions formelles et création de conditions informelles contournant ainsi le dispositif de l’institution. / The transition from spoken (unwritten, said, told) to written and from the meaninglessness towards the communication tools and then to their integration in an educational project has taken centuries and has gone through several chapters. Despite the differences that can be perceived on the rhythms and modalities of this educational and communicational transformation between Europe and the Arab world, this evolution of thinking about educational tools and media has greatly influenced the way people apprehend these techniques. Especially considering that these techniques are more and more digital today. In France, for decades, several digital plans for education have been implemented. In Tunisia, after the creation of the Virtual University of Tunis in 2002, a project about the integration of digital tablets in public schools had been announced. Despite the political, economic, social and cultural differences between these two countries, we noticed strategic similarities that characterize their respective digital educational approaches. We can note, among others, a similarity in the voluntary installation of educational techniques accompanied by speeches announcing easiness, more reliability and more success. In the framework of our research, we focus on the issue of e-learning and the tools implemented for it. We are not doing a binary comparison between the way that technology in education is used in France and the way that technology in education is used in Tunisia. We, however, prospect both experiences while emphasizing the Tunisian approach. E-learning is a particularly delicate communication situation, not only because it is influenced by social and economic factors, but also because of the bursting of the notion of space that exasperate the learners’ feeling of isolation. To overcome this feeling of isolation and for successful distance learning, several researchers propose a self-regulation process. While it is centered on the activity of the learner himself, this process insists on the importance of the intervention of all education system users. Through our research, we wanted to ask the question of self-regulated learning in the Tunisian context represented by the Virtual University of Tunis (VUT). We then sought to understand the self-regulated behavior of Tunisian students (learners) in the light of the institute system. To raise these issues we opted for a methodology that combines observation, questionnaire, geode protocol and content analysis. This research led to three major outcomes: the creation of the VUT is a political project intended to convey a modern image of Tunisia. Indeed, besides the experience of the Higher Institute of Continuing Education, established in 1984, no reflection on a pedagogy adapted to distance learning in Tunisia has been implemented especially that the VUT is based on digital technologies. Thus, the self-regulated learner behavior varies, according to the degree of control exerted by the VUT environment on their learning activities, between adaptation to the formal requirements and creating informal conditions.
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Faktory verbální komunikace zaměřené na ekonomickou sféru / Factors of verbal communication focused on economic sphereKLOUDOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
My thesis Factors of the verbal communication aimed at the economic sphere deals with the current topic from the field of communication in the economic sphere. Verbal communication is one of the basic tools of economy and business companies power applying. The thesis implies four main chapters. The first chapter describes the theoretical starting points of the work and defines the primary terms related to the topic verbal communication. The second chapter is attended to the specifics of the company communication, the communication target in the economical sphere, the purpose of the communication events in the economical sphere and to the strategy of the company communication. The third chapter is focused on the communication within the AHOLD Czech Republic Inc. company and the SPAR Czech business company LLC. The primary characteristics of these companies and the types of recorded texts are mentioned here. The fourth chapter is devoted to the comprehensive description of the distance communication according to the principles of the verbal communication theory. The aim of my work is the effort to the language capturing and understanding in relation to the practical activity in the business branch of the companies. The thesis tries to analyse specific communication events and to describe and specify the company distance communication according to the principles of the verbal communication theory. The specifics of the Czech business verbal communication are set down in the final part of this work.
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Formy a metody spolupráce s rodiči se zaměřením na distanční výuku v 1. ročníku ZŠ / Forms and methods of cooperation with parents focusing on teaching the first grade pupilsTruhlářová, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled Forms and methods of cooperation with parents is focused on distance learning in the 1st year of elementary school. It represents a method of teaching that was established in March 2020 in connection with the covid-19 pandemics. During the new school year 2020/21, this form de facto became the main educational form. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the positives and difficulties of distance learning and its specifics in a broader context, especially in terms of methods and forms applied within the cooperation with the family. It is a dynamic material that monitors a longer period of time, and so in connection with the circumstances, the main topic has changed. The work was expanded in a sense of describing the progress in the way of education during the re-closing of schools, thus reflecting the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of parents with the teaching forms and, except for the first year, it also describes the major part of the second year. The theoretical part is focused on three key areas. First, it characterizes distance education, then focuses on the period of entry of the first-graders and, aims to establish suitable ways of communication between the school, family and pupils. The empirical part finds out in several ways whether the school was again...
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The role of materiality in transnational family relationships of Czech migrants in SwedenPeychlova, Kristyna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the transnational family relationships of Czech pre-1989 political émigrés and post-1989 love/ economic migrants in Sweden and their homeland-based relatives, by looking at the practices via which these relationships are initiated and maintained and the role of materiality in these practices. The theoretical framework builds on the notion of “transnationalism from below” as a perspective which intersects migration and family studies, and posits the focus on material culture as an effective analytical tool. After setting the research in the context of Czech and Czechoslovak migration in the 20th century, qualitative analysis of life history narratives and ethnographic interviews is used to investigate the topic in question. Considering the influence of historical and individual factors, the study identifies the parallels and divergences in the two migrant groups’ practices of long-distance communication and mutual visits and in their attitudes to the role of materiality in transnational family relationships. The thesis concludes by stating that in contrast to the pre-1989 émigrés, the post-1989 migrants’ transnational connections with the homeland-based kin are more frequent and intensive. While material aspects play a more significant role in the post-1989 migrants’ transnational family relationships, material differences are more pronounced in the pre-1989 émigrés’ relationships. The historical circumstances of migration, the individuals’ perceptions of their own acts of migration as voluntary or forced and the question of whether or not they were given a license to leave by their homeland-based kin are said to have a significant impact on relationship initiation, the practices of relationship maintenance and the inherent role of materiality. The importance of individual-level enquiry of the migration experience is thus emphasized.
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