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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de la salinité sur la compétition entre le roseau (Phragmites australis) et les quenouilles (Typha spp.)

Paradis, Étienne January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La céramique fontbuxienne des plaines du Languedoc oriental / The fontbuxian ceramic plains in the eastern Languedoc

Orgeval, Maxime 13 December 2013 (has links)
En Languedoc oriental, durant la fin du Néolithique final, on assiste à un accroissement important des occupations préhistoriques, en particulier au Néolithique final 3 (culture de Fontbouisse). Ce territoire a fait l’objet d’un découpage en faciès culturels, essentiellement sur la base des productions céramiques (Gutherz, 1975 ; 1990). La recherche s’est majoritairement concentrée sur les villages en pierre sèche des garrigues depuis les années 1950 jusqu’au début des années 1990. En effet, à partir de ces années-là, les investigations archéologiques se concentrèrent en plaine, sur des occupations à systèmes de fossés s’étendant sur plusieurs hectares. Le mobilier céramique, abondant, méritait une analyse plus poussée. Le travail présenté se penchera sur plusieurs séries céramiques des plaines datées du Néolithique final 3. La quantité massive de mobilier servira à vérifier si des régularités dans les productions céramiques peuvent être observées ou non. L’intérêt de ce travail est double : préciser les tendances stylistiques se dégageant des ensembles étudiés ; utiliser le contexte des successions de comblements stratigraphiques en vue d’affiner la chronologie de la production céramique et son évolution durant le Néolithique final 3. / In eastern Languedoc, during the late Neolithic, there has been a significant increase in prehistoric settlements, especially in the late Neolithic 3 (Fontbouisse culture). This area has been divided in cultural facies, mainly on the basis of ceramic production (Gutherz, 1975; 1990). Research has mostly focused on the garrigue’s dry stone villages from the 1950s to the early 1990s. Indeed, from those years, archaeological surveys have focused in plain, on ditch system settlements over several hectares. The abundant ceramicware deserved further analysis. This work will focus on several plain ceramic series dated to late Neolithic 3. The massive amount of ceramicware will make it possible to assess whether patterns in ceramic production can be observed. The value of this work is twofold: outline stylistic trends emerging from the sets studied, use the context of stratigraphic successions of fillings to refine the chronology of ceramic production and its evolution during late Neolithic 3.


Jennifer L Troy (7042787) 16 October 2019 (has links)
<div>Agricultural headwater streams in the Midwestern United States are subject to contaminants from fields, increased sedimentation, and degradation of natural habitat. Previous research has shown that physical instream habitat degradation better explained variation in fish community structure than water chemistry. However, these studies did not include total suspended solids (TSS), which are considered a major freshwater contaminant. The objective of this study is to determine whether total suspended solids better explains fish community structure than other variables in agricultural headwater streams. Mixed linear effects modeling was used to determine the set of independent variables that best predicts each of the fish response variables of species richness, Shannon diversity index, fish density, and index of biotic integrity. Standardized coefficients were used to determine which independent variable in each of the models had the largest influence on fish response metrics. The set of independent variables that best explained species richness were mean total suspended solids, imidacloprid, discharge, and substrate richness. Shannon diversity index was explained best by the combination of maximum total suspended solids, mean total suspended solids, atrazine, total nitrogen, and discharge. Fish density was explained best by the percentage of silt and clay, dissolved oxygen, the percentage of canopy cover, cover type richness, and discharge. IBI was explained best by the combination of the percentage of silt and clay, total phosphorus, mean total suspended solids, and dissolved oxygen. Total suspended solids was the most influential independent variable for fish species richness and Shannon diversity, however the percentage of silt and clay in benthic sediments was the most influential independent variable for fish density and IBI. Results also indicate discharge and total phosphorus as being influential to fish community metrics. The results from this study suggest that models containing a combination of different types of independent variables best explain fish community structure. This study supports the use of conservation and restoration practices that reduce total suspended solids and the amount of silt and clay present in bed sediments to increase fish community integrity of agricultural headwater streams of the Midwestern United States.</div>

Undersökning av mängden organiskt kol i ett område med sura sulfatjordar i Kristianstads kommun

Lindquist, Thérese January 2019 (has links)
I Fredriksdalsvikens naturreservat i Kristianstads kommun skedde omfattande metalläckage efter en översvämning sommaren 2007 som orsakade skador på djur- och växtliv. De kraftiga metalläckagen misstänks härledas till sura sulfatjordar. Sura sulfatjordar tillhör de miljöskadligaste jordarna i världen på grund av de kraftiga metalläckagen och försurningen som jordarna orsakar till omgivningen. Mot bakgrund till humusämnens centrala roll för metalltransport i naturliga miljöer, syftade denna studie till att kartlägga hur organiskt kol är fördelat, sprids samt hur det kan förklaras i ett område nära det drabbade naturreservatet. Studien är en del av ett pågående forskningsprojekt i området som bedrivs på Linnéuniversitetet. I studiens undersökningsområde dominerar jordbruksmark som dräneras av ett dikessystem från norr till söder. Vattnet som avleds i dikessystemet pumpas slutligen till en våtmark i Fredriksdalsvikens naturreservat. I studien analyserades jord från åkermark, dikessediment, porvatten och dikesvatten från området på totalt organiskt kol med metoderna glödförlust och kyvett-test. Totalhalterna jämfördes med pH och grundvattennivå i åkermark. Resultat och slutsatser av studien är att högst halter löst organiskt kol uppmättes i dikesvattnet uppströms i dikessystemet och beror troligtvis på bottenfauna som inte växer i andra delar av systemet. I dikessediment ökar den organiska halten nedströms i dikessystemet och kan förklaras genom tillförsel av organiskt kol från två diken som dränerar åkermark rik på organiskt kol. De högsta halterna organiskt kol i jord beror på ett tunt torvlager. I åkermark visar inte resultaten någon tydlig statistisk korrelation mellan pH och totalt organiskt kol, men kraftig pH-sänkning tillsammans med höga totalhalter organiskt kol i torvjord beror troligtvis snarare på humusämnen än på sur sulfatjord. I åkermark väster om dikessystemet ökar den organiska halten med djupet under grundvattenytan. I samma åkermark ökar halterna av totalt organiskt kol lateralt mot dikessystemet, parallellt med att pH sjunker som troligen påverkas av starkare bindningsmekanismer till mineral, lägre mikrobiell aktivitet och minskad urlakning av löst organiskt kol. Men fler undersökningar i området krävs då markanvändning, erosion, jordarternas textur och sammansättning samt vattnets spridningsvägar också är avgörande faktorer för fördelning och spridning av organiskt kol i naturliga miljöer. / In the nature reserve Fredriksdalsviken in Kristianstad municipality, extensive metal leakage occurred after a flood in the summer of 2007 that caused damage to wildlife and plant life. The heavy metal leaks are suspected to be derived from acid sulphate soils in the area. Acid sulphate soils are among the most environmentally harmful soils in the world due to its extensive acidification and leaching of metals to the environment. In the light of humic substances key role for metal transport in natural environments, this study aimed to investigate how organic carbon is distributed, spread and how it can be explained in an area near the affected nature reserve. The study is part of an ongoing research project in the area conducted at Linnaeus University. The study area is dominated by agriculture land which is drained by a ditch system from north to south. The drained water in the ditch system is finally pumped to a wetland in the Fredriksdalsviken nature reserve. In the area, total organic carbon was analysed on soil from arable land, ditch sediment, pore water and ditch water with the methods loss of ignition and cuvette-test. Total levels were compared with pH and the groundwater level in arable land. The results and conclusions of the study are that the highest content of dissolved organic carbon in the ditch water upstream the ditch system is probably due to benthic fauna that doesn’t grow in other parts of the system. In the ditch sediment, the organic content increases downstream in the ditch system and can be explained by the supply of organic carbon from two ditches that drain arable land rich in organic carbon. In arable land are the highest levels of organic carbon due to a thin peat layer. The results does not show a clear statistical correlation between pH and total organic carbon in soil, but a sharp decrease in pH together with high total levels of organic carbon in peat soil is probably due to humic substances rather than to acid sulphate soil. In the western arable land of the ditch system, levels of total organic carbon increase laterally towards the ditch system at the same time as the pH decreases, which is probably affected by stronger binding mechanisms to minerals, lower microbial activity and reduced leaching of dissolved organic carbon. However, more research is required in the study area, since land use, erosion, soil texture and constitution together with the flow paths of water also are crucial factors for the distribution and pathways of organic carbon in natural environments.

Effet de la salinité sur la compétition entre le roseau (Phragmites australis) et les quenouilles (Typha spp.)

Paradis, Étienne January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Návrh projektové dokumentace polní cesty konkrétně zohledňující retenci a akumulaci vody v rámci pozemkové úpravy / Draft of the project documentation of field road particulary reflecting water retention and accumulation in the land consolidation

MARKOVÁ, Dana January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to draft a project documentation of the new field road reflecting water retention and accumulation within the complex land consolidation. Territory, suitable for the construction of this new field road, is located in the foothills of the Novohradské hory, about 12 km southeast of the village Trhové Sviny. The chosen location with local names "U hrušky" and "Na 22 hektarech" is located in the eastern part of the cadastral area Dlouhá Stropnice. Proposed practical solution of project documentation of side field road design category P4,0/30 completed with a suitable alternative drainage is based on the theoretical summary of the literature review in this thesis. Other objects - fall culverts and landscaping the surrounding areas are included in the conception of project proposal. An integral part and basis for making the draft was field survey and subsequent analysis of the current status of the affected area.

Enceintes urbaines en moyenne Alsace (1200-1850) / Cities' walls of central Alsace (1200-1850)

Vuillemin, Adrien 10 January 2015 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les systèmes défensifs d'une quarantaine de villes petites et moyennes, édifiés en Alsace centrale entre les XIIIe et XVe siècles, jusqu'à leur déclassement ou démantèlement définitif au XIXe siècle. Les ressources sollicitées sont de natures diverses : prospections des vestiges conservés, sondages archéologiques, documentation iconographique (plans, gravures, photographies anciennes), archives médiévales et modernes. Parmi ces dernières, une grande enquête sur l’état de conservation des enceintes des petites villes, bourgs et villages d’Alsace, initiée par le directeur des fortifications d’Alsace en 1779, livre un tableau exhaustif des systèmes fortifiés avant leur abandon. Les questions abordées portent sur les matériaux de construction, les diverses composantes de la défense (portes, murs, fossés, remparts...), les données topographiques et la chronologie des aménagements. Les enseignements majeurs, dans un domaine où seules les enceintes des grandes villes ont jusqu'à présent attiré l'attention, sont la diversité des réponses apportées au besoin de défense mais également des chronologies et types de structures qui n'ont rien à envier à ces grandes villes. Tout au moins jusqu'au XVIe siècle ; car sauf exception, ces villes petites et moyennes n'ont en effet pas pu prendre le virage du bastionnement des fortifications. Elles ont en revanche assez bien entretenu les structures héritées du Moyen Âge pour encore pouvoir être considérées comme des points d’appui dans la défense de la région par l'administration royale peu avant la Révolution. / This study deals with the defensive systems of three dozen small and middle-sized towns of central Alsace, from their building between the 13th and 15th Centuries, to their definitive dismantling during the 19th Century. Various resources were exploited : examination of existing remains, archaeological surveys, visual sources (maps, prints, old photographs), Middle Age and Modern period archives. The latter source included a major condition report on Alsace’s small cities, towns and villages, initiated by the province’s head of fortifications in 1779, which offers a complete overview of fortification systems before they were abandoned.The study addresses the questions of the construction materials used, the variety of defensive elements (doors, walls, moats, ramparts, etc.), topographical data and a chronology of their construction.The major teachings, in a field so far focused on large cities’ walls, are the broad range of solutions to the protective needs and the diversity of their chronology and layout models that are just as interesting as those of larger cities. This is noted until the 16th Century, when, with few exceptions, these small and middle-sized towns were not able toupgrade their defense to the level of bulwarks. Well maintained though, they were still seen as a major defensive support for the region by the royal administration, soon before the French revolution.

Studie rekonstrukce železničních stanic Jindřichov na Moravě a Branná / Upgrading of Jindřichov na Moravě and Branná Railway Stations

Kubina, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis "Upgrading of Jindřichov na Moravě and Branná Railway Stations" deals with designing new platforms that are suitable for people with reduced mobility in accordance with applicable laws and standards. Platforms with the platform edge height of 550 millimetres above the top of rail were designed. The speed limit was increased from the original 40 km/h up to 50 km/h. Moreover, the thesis design reconstruction of railway superstructure and railway substructure and deal with the drainage system.

Rekonstrukce železniční stanice Jeseník / Upgrading of Jeseník Railway Station

Francová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis "Upgrading of Jeseník Railway Stations" deals with designing new platform that is suitable for people with reduced mobility in accordance with applicable laws and standards. Platform with the platform edge height of 550 millimetres above the top of rail were designed. The speed limit was increased. Moreover, the thesis design reconstruction of railway superstructure and railway substructure and deal with the drainage system.

Odpad v kruhu: výpovědní potenciál artefaktů z rondelu v Praze-Ruzyni / A Garbage in a Circle: Potential of the Artefacts from the Rondel in Prague-Ruzyně

Blažková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on research of the rondel (circular ditch) located in the Prague- -Ruzyně area, dated to Late Neolithic Era with the Stroked Pottery culture. Quantitative, qualitative and spatial analysis of rondel's object fillings were carried out and the results and interpretation are presented in this thesis. Particularly thanks to Stroke-ornamented pottery analysis, it was possible to determine the relative chronology of the ditches filling. The interpretation of the material analysis and material spatial distribution tried to describe the trends associated with the formative processes and the development of origin of the ditches fillings. This work brings the results of processing of archeological findings and field documentation of a fully explored rondel, situated in the settlement of the Stroked Pottery culture. This work contributes to the understanding of Late Neolithic settlement structure and the rondels in general. Catalogue of findings is included. KEY WORDS: Late Neolithic - Stroked Pottery culture - Circular ditch - spatial analysis - formation processes - pottery - lithics - daub - animal skeletal remains

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