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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementation of a Report Template Editing Tool in Java and JSP

Matiasson, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
Test management software is used to evaluate the permanence and functionality of technical systems. These systems also support documenting tests and evaluations. This thesis describes the implementation of a report template editing tool within an existing testing suite. The tool – TDR Template Editor (TDRTE) - was developed using SpringMVC, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL in Java, Javascript, JSP and JSTL. TDRTE provides a step-by-step editor for editing and creating complete report templates. A separate editor for calculating derived test values from measurement data was also developed.

Universalism as Utopia: A Historical Study of the Schemes and Schemas of Paul Otlet (1868-1944)

Van Acker, Wouter 07 November 2011 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is an intellectual biography which discusses the projects and utopian visions of Paul Otlet (1868-1944). Paul Otlet formulated the concept of ‘documentation’, a field incorporating both study and practice that evolved out of bibliography before developing into information science. He was also a sociologist, an internationalist and indefatigable promoter of his conception of ‘universalism’ or ‘mondialism’, and of the Mundaneum and the Cité Mondiale. The major source that is used to throw new light on Otlet as a utopian thinker is an impressive collection of thousands of unpublished schemas. By means of an historical analysis of his schemas and writings, this thesis aims to identify the fundamental universalistic character of his utopian vision of knowledge organization and international organization. Universalism was a phenomenon incorporating complex personal ideals and social objectives, assuming different meanings in the fields of science, culture and politics, and reflecting the historical circumstances and undertakings of the time. By exploring how Paul Otlet and others dealt with the issue, this dissertation aims to contribute to the history of the idea of ‘universalism’. / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A Elaboração de um Sistema Documental para Acervos Arqueológicos e sua aplicação no Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas Arqueológicas/UFSM / The Development of a System for Document Collections Archaeological and its application in the Laboratory of Archaeological Studies and Research / UFSM

Ballardo, Luciana Oliveira Messeder 16 July 2013 (has links)
This text deals with the process of developing a documentation system for museum collections and archaeological implantation performed at the Laboratory of Archaeological Studies and Research of the Federal University of Santa Maria (LEPA-UFSM). At first, I discuss the characterization of archaeological collections as patrimony and culture and how the museum management contributes to its preservation. Next, I examine the bibliography about documentation museology in archaeological collections and about the specification of this kind of collection. Subsequently, I present the steps and methods used during the implementation of the system at the Laboratory for Archaeological Studies and Research UFSM. It also demonstrates the functioning of the system in one of the collections of the Laboratory. And finally, it shows the achievements and prospects of the work. / Este texto trata do processo de elaboração de um sistema de documentação museológica para acervos arqueológicos e da implantação realizada no Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas Arqueológicas da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LEPA-UFSM). Inicialmente, discute a caracterização dos acervos arqueológicos como patrimônio e cultura e como o gerenciamento museológico contribui para sua preservação. A seguir, uma análise bibliográfica sobre os sistemas de documentação museológica em coleções arqueológicas e sobre as especificidades inerentes a este tipo de acervo. Posteriormente, apresenta as etapas e métodos empregados durante a implantação do sistema no LEPA-UFSM. Também demonstra o funcionamento do sistema em uma das coleções do Laboratório. E por fim, apresenta os resultados alcançados e as perspectivas do trabalho.

Pitkäaikaissairaiden aikuisten ohjauksen laatu sairaalassa

Kaakinen, P. (Pirjo) 05 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe and predict the quality of counseling of chronically ill adults in hospital. The aim of the first study was to describe the elements of the counseling of chronically ill adults using an integrated literature review (n=31). The aim of the second and third study was to describe and determine the factors predicting the quality of patient counseling. The data was collected with the CQI measurement from chronically ill adults (n=106) and analyzed using statistical methods. The aim of the fourth study was to describe the implementation of the quality of counseling based on documentation. The data were collected from patient records (n=150) and analyzed with deductive-inductive content analysis. There were three typical elements of counseling in the literature review: the counseling needs of chronically ill adults, the implementation of counseling and the impact of counseling. The counseling needs of the chronically ill included knowledge of the disease, emotions and social support. The implementation of counseling concerned need-based counseling interaction and counseling atmosphere. The impact of counseling included compliance with disease treatment and emotional well-being. Based on the survey, the content of counseling was sufficient, but there was lack of counseling about social support and disease prediction. Social support was the strongest predictor of the content of counseling. Half of the respondents received planned counseling and the interaction was good. There was lack of patient-centered counseling and counseling about disease prediction. Preplanned counseling was the strongest predictor for the implementation of counseling. The impact of counseling was the effect of attitudes and treatment, and the effects of disease treatment predicted the impact of counseling. There was little documentation of counseling in the patient records. In particular, there was a lack of counseling on chronically ill adults’ feelings during their hospital visit. They showed that counseling focused on the disease and its treatment and everyday life support. The implementation of counseling was related to the activity of the patient and evaluation of counseling as well as disease treatment and needs of emotional support. According to documentation, the benefits of counseling were seen as competence in self-care and handling symptoms. The information generated by the study may be utilized in counseling of chronically ill adults as well as in basic and continued nursing education. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla ja ennustaa pitkäaikaissairaiden aikuispotilaiden ohjauksen laatua sairaalassa. Ensimmäinen osatutkimus kuvaili pitkäaikaissairaiden aikuisten ohjauksen tunnuspiirteitä integroidulla kirjallisuuskatsauksella (n=31). Toinen ja kolmas osatutkimus kuvaili ja ennusti ohjauksen laatua pitkäaikaissairaiden aikuisten arvioimana. Aineisto kerättiin Ohjauksen laatu -kyselylomakkeella pitkäaikaissairailta (n=106) ja analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin. Neljäs osatutkimus kuvaili pitkäaikaissairaiden aikuisten ohjauksen laatua kirjaamisen perusteella. Aineisto kerättiin potilasasiakirjoista (n=150) ja analysoitiin deduktiivis-induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan ohjauksen tunnuspiirteitä olivat ohjaustarpeet, ohjauksen toteutus ja hyödyt. Pitkäaikaissairaiden ohjaustarve liittyi tietoon sairaudesta, tunteisiin ja sosiaaliseen tukeen. Ohjauksen toteutus ilmeni yksilöllisten ohjaustarpeiden, vuorovaikutuksen ja ilmapiirin huomioimisena. Ohjauksen hyödyt olivat hoitoon sitoutuminen ja emotionaalinen hyvinvointi. Kyselyaineiston perusteella ohjaus oli sisällöllisesti riittävää, mutta sosiaalinen tuki ja tutkimustulosten ohjaus oli heikkoa. Ohjauksen sisällön laatua voimakkaimmin ennusti saatu ohjaus sosiaalisesta tuesta. Vastaajista puolet piti ohjauksen toteutusta suunnitelmallisena ja vuorovaikutusta hyvänä. Potilaslähtöisyydessä ja sairauden ennusteen ohjauksessa oli parannettavaa. Ohjauksen toteutuksen laatua voimakkaimmin ennusti ohjauksen suunnitelmallisuus. Ohjauksen hyötyjä olivat vaikutus asenteisiin ja sairauden hoitoon, ja ohjauksen hyötyä ennusti vaikutus sairauden hoitoon. Ohjausmenetelmiä ja -materiaaleja pidettiin hyvinä. Potilasasiakirjoihin ohjausta kirjattiin niukasti. Erityisesti ohjaus sairauden aiheuttamista tunteista oli vähäistä. Ohjaus oli sairauden ja sen hoidon sekä arkielämän tukea. Ohjauksen toteutus muodostui pitkäaikaissairaiden aktiivisuudesta ohjaustilanteissa ja ohjauksen arvioinnista sekä sairauteen ja emotionaaliseen tukeen liittyvistä ohjaustarpeista. Ohjauksen hyötyjä kuvattiin itsehoidon osaamisena ja sairauden oireiden hallintana. Tutkimuksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää pitkäaikaissairaiden ohjauksen kehittämisessä sekä hoitotyön perus- ja täydennyskoulutuksessa.


[pt] Este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta de suporte à programação literária. Para seu desenvolvimento foi criado um framework de prestação dos serviços básicos requeridos por este tipo de ferramenta. Desenvolvido segundo uma arquitetura que o tornou flexível, via uma linguagem de extensão para definição de macros; eficiente, via um núcleo em C++ otimizado para realizar as operações a nível de caracter; e portável, graças a uma implementação em C/C++ padrão, o framework se mostrou adequado aos objetivos propostos. O desenvolvimento sobre este framework validou as soluções adotadas, resultando em uma ferramenta de ótimo desempenho. / [en] This thesis presents a support tool for literate programming.Its development was preceded by a research of the basic facilites usually required for programs of this class. After that, a framework has been developed to offer those facilites. The framework was developed in standard C++, in such away that would guarantee its portability. Its effciency is due to an optimzed kernel which performs all character-level operations, and a well defined application program interface(API)assures its fexibility.On top of this framework an access layer has been created using a confi- guration language. This layer allows that, through small programs written in the configuration language, a user can adapt the tool for diferent literate programming styles like modular or WWW-enabled documentation.

Anestesisjuksköterskors uppfattningar om sedering : en enkätstudie / Nurse anaesthetists perceptions of sedation : a questionnaire study

Heder, Pia, Sparreskog Gaynor, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: Anestesiologisk omvårdnad utförs av anestesisjuksköterskan perioperativt. Anestesisjuksköterskan ansvarar för att i samråd med patient och närstående identifiera perioperativa vårdbehov, upprätta en omvårdnadsplan, leda och utvärdera omvårdnadsåtgärder. Vid all vård av patienter ska patientjournal föras. Anestesisjuksköterskan ska både muntligen och skriftligen rapportera, dokumentera och utvärdera den perioperativa vården. Sedering har lugnande effekt, ökar acceptansen av obehag och ger viss amnesi. Sedering är ett utmärkt komplement till regionalanestesi och lokalanestesi. Människor reagerar inte likadant på samma mängd läkemedel. Därför måste både dosen som ges och effekten av denna observeras och utvärderas. Vid administrering av sedativa läkemedel är övervakning av patientens mycket viktig. Pilotstudiens syfte var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskans uppfattningar om och tillvägagångssätt vid sedering. Metod: En kvantitativ empirisk studie genomfördes med en enkät konstruerad för studiens syfte, 63 anestesisjuksköterskor tilldelades enkäten. Resultat: Sederingspraxis beskrevs på olika sätt. Det fanns även en uppfattning om att någon sederingspraxis eller riktlinjer inte existerade på avdelningen. Vid övervägande lokal och regional anestesi ordinerades och användes sedering på avdelningen. Övervägande delen av anestesisjuksköterskorna kontrollerade nivån via vitalparametrar då det ansågs att ingen sederingsskala fanns tillgänglig. Vitalparametrar ansågs också vara det viktigaste att dokumentera. Anestesisjuksköterskorna hade mål med sederingen, tog hänsyn till patientens önkemål och ansåg sig kunna styra sederingsnivån. Det uppfattades av de allra flesta som om det skulle vara bra med ett instrument eller skala för gradering och dokumentering av sedering och det skulle vara bra för nya kollegor och även kunna bidra till ett gemensamt språk vid överrapportering. De vanligast upplevda komplikationerna var ofri luftväg och motorisk oro och förvirring. Slutsatser: Ett gemensamt instrument för gradering och dokumentation av sedering kan ge ökad medvetenhet och beredskap vid komplikationer då riskerna med sedering kvarstår. / Background and purpose: Anaesthetic nursing care is performed by a nurse anaesthesia perioperative. The nurse anaesthesia is responsible in consultation with patients to identify needs for perioperative care, prepare a care plan, direct and evaluate nursing actions. Journals should be kept regarding all care of patients. Sedation has a calming effect, it increases the acceptance of discomfort and provides some amnesia. Sedation is an excellent complement to regional anaesthesia and local anaesthesia. Each individual responds differently to drugs. Reactions to drugs differ between each individual. Therefore, both the given dose and the effect of this dose need to be observed and evaluated. When administrating sedative drugs monitoring the patient is very important. The aim of this pilot study was to describe nurse anaesthetists perceptions of and approach to sedation. Method: A quantitative empiric research was conducted. A questionnaire, constructed to answer the aim of the study was distributed to 63 nurse anaesthetists. Results: Sedation practices were described in different ways. But there was also a perception that no sedation practices or guidelines existed in the department. Predominantly local and regional anaesthesia was sedation prescribed and used in the department. No scale for sedation was used. The majority of nurses’ anaesthesias considered to be able to control the level and had a goal of with the sedation, taking the patients wishes into account. The majority felt that no sedation scale was available and instead looked to vital parameters, that was also believed to be important to document. A predominant part of nurse anaesthetists felt it would be good with an instrument or scale for grading and documenting sedation. It would be especially good for newer colleagues and could contribute to a common language in reporting. The most commonly experienced complications were obstructed airway, restlessness and confusion. Conclusions: A common instrument for grading and documenting can increase the awareness and preparedness for complications although the risks of sedation remain.

Zavedení systému managementu kvality ve vybrané organizaci / Implementation of the management quality system in a selected organization

Komjatiová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The goal of my Master's thesis is to evaluate which requirements of the certification standard ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008 and of the quality legislation the organization Alois Hynek meets. The other goal is to create a documentation which is required by the standard ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008 and to suggest which steps need to be taken to meet all of ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008 and legislation requirements. The Master's thesis is divided into two parts -- the theoretical one and the practical one. In the theoretical part I define the term quality and I list approaches of management of quality and laws applicable in quality. In the practical part I mention basic information about the organization Alois Hynek -- its history, products and organizational structure -- and I analyze which requirements of the standard ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008 and of legislation the organization meets and which areas have to be improved. In cases where the organization doesn't meet the requirements I suggest a solution. Documentation required by ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008 is in the attachment of my Master's thesis.

A study of space in Caac, an Oceanic language spoken in the north of New Caledonia

Cauchard, Aurelie Daniele January 2015 (has links)
In the present study, I describe the linguistic expression of space in Caac, an Oceanic language spoken in New Caledonia, from both a descriptive and theoretical perspective. Caac is a minority language whose transmission process is not ensured anymore; it is also an under-documented language. Part I provides a concise description of Caac grammar, presenting thereby a first formal portrait of this language to the reader. Part II describes the formal and semantic features of the linguistic resources available in Caac to encode spatial relationships. Part III presents the theoretical framework based on and exploring further the vector analysis developed by Bohnemeyer (2012) and Bohnemeyer & O’Meara (2012). In particular, I propose an additional sub-category of vectors (Head-unspecified Vectors) which account for the uses of centrifugal forms in Caac. The resulting theoretical framework enables me to provide a systematic account of expressions of orientation as well as location and motion, and to combine the Frames of Reference typology (Pederson et al. 1998; Levinson, 1996, 2003; Bohnemeyer & Levinson, not dated) with an analysis of deictic expressions within a single framework. It also allows us to give a detailed analysis of the uses and combinations of Caac absolute and deictic directionals, which are spatial terms of primary importance for spatial reference in Caac. Special attention, moreover, is given to the use of directionals in spatial constructions involving Fictive Motion. The analysis of Caac data leads us to introduce an additional category of Fictive Motion beyond those previously recognised in the literature, labelled here ‘Anticipated Paths’. In the conclusion, I propose a functional and cultural-specific explanation for the emergence of this construction. Anticipated Path expressions in turn shed new light on the nature of vectors and the relationship between location, motion and orientation.

Integrace ISMS/ISO 27001/ISO 27002 do společnosti RWE / Integration of ISMS/ISO 27001/ISO 27002 to RWE company

Peroutka, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The main theme of this diploma thesis is Information Security Management System (ISMS) which is based on security standard ISO 27001 and ISO 27002. This thesis is one part of the project of integration ISMS to company RWE. First goal is analysis of actual documentation of RWE. Second goal is proposal of ideal structure of ISMS documentation. Third goal is assignment the parts of RWE documentation to ideal structure of ISMS documentation. Analysis of actual documentation used knowledge about RWE documentation to create overview table with all documents and their relations. Ideal structure of ISMS documentation was based on selected parts of ISO 27001 and multicriterial analysis. Third goal of this thesis was reached by assignment parts of RWE documentation to selected parts of ISO 27001 from the second goal. Contribution of this diploma thesis is the ideal structure of ISMS documentation and form of old RWE documentation assignment, because these goals are usual steps of PDCA cycle of ISMS but they are described briefly and sparsely in security standards and works related to ISMS.

Web jako marketingový nástroj v sektoru B2B / Web as a marketing tool in the B2B sector

Mikula, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the subject of project management of a web presentation in a B2B sector. Main emphasis is given on a definition of a theoretical framework - description and determination of the different stages of the project preparation. In addition to the design process, the discussed topics are - factors affecting business success and effectiveness of the proposed solution, especially usability, credibility and conviction. The theoretical part also focuses on a testing scheme of information architecture, wire-frames as well as testing the final design. The theoretical framework is subsequently used in the second part, which deals with designing a website for a company operating within the B2B market.

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