Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dominância"" "subject:"dominance""
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Importancia cultural de especies arbóreas empleadas por la comunidad nativa Shampuyacu (San Martín, Perú)Huamán Turpo, Lizeth Karem January 2015 (has links)
El estudio se realizó en la comunidad nativa de Shampuyacu, el cual pertenece al distrito de Awajún, provincia de Rioja, departamento de San Martin. Se tuvo como finalidad cuantificar el conocimiento tradicional de las especies arbóreas y analizar su relación con la abundancia y dominancia en el bosque Comunal, clasificado como bosque húmedo premontano. La metodología se basó en realizar el inventario de árboles de más de 3 cm de diámetro a la altura del pecho registradas en ocho parcelas de 0.1 ha en el bosque, con el fin de obtener la abundancia y dominancia de cada especie. Luego, se realizaron las entrevistas semiestructuradas a 71 informantes nativos y mayores de edad, a quienes se les mostró los herbarios portátiles e imágenes digitales de las especies colectadas en el inventario para reportar sus usos. Basado en los datos de las encuestas, se empleó el índice de Importancia Cultural para cuantificar la importancia del uso de cada especie y se procedió al análisis de correlación con la abundancia y dominancia. En los resultados se registraron 84 especies arbóreas distribuidas en 61 géneros y 31 familias, de los cuales 13 especies contaban con nombres vernaculares y 71 especies presentaban por lo menos un uso. Estas especies fueron agrupadas en seis categorías de uso, siendo la categoría material la que presentó el mayor número de especies y reportes de uso, seguida de alimento para humanos. Por otro lado, se obtuvo una considerable correlación positiva entre la dominancia de especies arbóreas del bosque y el conocimiento de uso, en comparación de la correlación con la abundancia que fue débil; debido a que hay algunas especies que podrían estar recibiendo presión de tala selectiva por parte de las poblaciones cercanas o taladores inmigrantes. Se recomiendan estudios relacionados a la población de esas especies para conocer su estado actual. / --- This study was conducted in Shampuyacu’s native community, Awajún district, Rioja province, San Martin town. This study quantifies the tradicional knowledge about tree species’ use and it analyzes the relationship of knowledge about a species´use to its dominance and abundance in premontane humid forest. The methodology was based in an inventory of trees greater than 3 cm in diameter at breast height in eight plots of 1.1 ha to assess the abundance and dominance for each plant. After that, seventy-one natives were interviewed with collected plants through semi-estructured interviews, portables herbal, digital images. Consequently, the Cultural Importance index (IC) was employed to quantify the importance of each plant, then to relate its with abundance and dominance.
The results showed that aguaruna community has eighty-four tree species distributed in sixty-one genera and thirty-one families, wich thirteen had only native names and seventy-one were had some uses; they were defined into six categories of use, the material category is the more popular than other categories, followed by human food. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between the dominance and knowledge about a specie´use, but its relationship with the abundance was weak because there are some species might be getting pressure from selective logging by local people or inmigrants. / Tesis
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Origen y trayecto anómalo de las arterias coronarias evaluadas por tomografia computarizada multidetector, Clínica Internacional, 2012-2014Pimentel Vidal, Ricardo January 2015 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la prevalencia del origen y trayecto anómalo de las arterias coronarias mediante la angiotomografía multidetector. Se aplicó una hoja de recolección de datos. El estudio fue descriptivo de corte transversal. Se tomó una muestra de 260, se encontró quela 75.4% de pacientes atendidos fueron de sexo masculino mientras que 24.6% de sexo femenino, asimismo la mayor frecuencia se registró en el rango de edad de 40-60 años 65%. Se encontró que 2.7% presentaron anomalías de origen, de estos el 1,5% y 1,2% provienen del seno coronario izquierdo y derecho respectivamente. El 15.4% presentan anomalías de trayecto distribuyéndose en anomalías de trayecto retroaórtico 1,2% y puentes intramiocárdicos 14.2%. De los 40 pacientes que presentan puentes intramiocárdicos, 34 están en la arteria DA de ellos 2 (0,8%) están ubicados en el segmento proximal, 28 (10.8%) en el segmento medio y 4(1,5%) en el segmento distal. Además se observó presencia de puentes intramiocárdicos en la arteria Circunfleja 0,8% y 3,5% en la arteria coronaria derecha. La dominancia derecha es de mayor incidencia 95.8% frente al 4.2% correspondiendo a la dominancia izquierda.
Conclusión: La prevalencia de anomalías de origen es de 2,7% y 15,4% para las anomalías de trayecto, la dominancia derecha es de 95,8% mientras que la dominancia izquierda 4,2%. / The aim of this investigation was to determine the prevalence of origin and anomalous course of the coronary arteries by multidetector CT angiography. A sheet of data collection was applied. The study was descriptive of cross section. A sample of 260 was taken, it was found that 75.4% of patients treated were male while 24.6% female, also the highest rate was recorded in the age range of 40-60 years 65%. It was found that 2.7% had anomalies of origin of these 1.5% and 1.2% come from the left and right coronary sinus respectively. 15.4% have anormalities path anomalies distributed in retroaortic 1.2% and 14.2% intramyocardial bridges. Of the 40 patients with intramyocardial bridges 34 are in them LAD 2 (0.8%) are located in the proximal segment 28 (10.8%) in the middle segment and 4 (1.5%) in the distal segment. Besides the presence of intramyocardial bridges was observed in the circumflex artery 0.8% and 3.5% in the right coronary artery. Right dominance is most prevalent 95.8% versus 4.2% corresponding to the left dominance.
Conclusion: The prevalence of anomalies of origin is 2.7% and 15.4% for abnormal way, right dominance is 95.8%, while 4.2% left dominance.
Keywords: anomalies of origin, anomalies way, intramyocardial bridge dominance.
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Organización social y señalización del estatus de dominancia: el lúgano como especie modeloCamerino i Llull, Montserrat 19 March 2010 (has links)
La tesis describe la organización social del lúgano (Carduelis spinus), especie nómada y social, mediante estudios en libertad y en cautividad mostrando que el tamaño medio de los grupos estables de lúganos es de 5,2 individuos y que el tiempo necesario para alcanzar la estabilidad social es de 15 - 20 dias.
El lúgano macho presenta una mancha de color negro de melanina en forma de babero, visible sobre el amarillo verdoso del pecho, esta mancha presenta una gran variabilidad en el tamaño (0 – 66 mm2) y es utilizada como señal de estatus social. Existe una correlación significativa entre el tamaño del babero y la dominancia, de manera que los lúganos de babero negro grande son dominantes sobre los de babero pequeño, esta correlación es independiente de la edad. La distribución de frecuencias de tamaño de babero es bimodal, esto indica que sobre este carácter actúa una selección diversificadota o disruptiva, en la que los fenotipos extremos de la distribución tienen más ventajas que los intermedios.
Mediante un diseño experimental de elección entre individuos de babero grande y pequeño, con manipulación del tamaño del babero, se demuestra que el babero negro en el lúgano no solo esta correlacionado con la dominancia, sino que funciona como una verdadera señal estatus social, porque los lúganos evitan comer junto a individuos de babero grande (dominantes), tanto si estos son naturales o si son agrandados artificialmente, pero no los evitan cuando se les reduce el tamaño del babero a pesar de mostrar comportamiento de dominante. Esto demuestra que los lúganos prestan mas atención al color del plumaje (señal) que al comportamiento, y que son capaces de reconocer la dominancia relativa de los otros individuos cuando se encuentran por primera vez sin necesidad de realizar ningún comportamiento agonístico, y así pueden evitar estar al lado de los dominantes. Pero muestran una preferencia por comer junto a los compañeros subordinados del grupo, esta preferencia puede ser debida a la mayor eficiencia de los grupos en buscar y encontrar alimento.
Tanto los animales dominantes como los subordinados obtienen ventajas de la señalización de estatus social: los dominantes porque al anunciar su estatus, no necesitan recurrir a enfrentamientos agonísticos para mantener su estatus y la preferencia de acceso a los recursos, para ellos es importante tener subordinados cerca, ya que así aumenta la tasa de vigilancia del grupo, y esto les permite tener una tasa metabólica baja (menor coste energético). Pero reciben mas agresiones.
Los subordinados, por su parte están pendientes de la presencia de los dominantes, no tienen acceso preferencial a los recursos y esto se traduce en una mayor coste energético (tasa metabólica mayor), pero al señalizar su bajo estatus social, reciben menos agresiones de los dominantes (la mayoría de las interacciones agonísticas se producen entre dominantes), y esto les permite beneficiarse de la vida en grupo (mayor tasa de alimentación, protección frente a los depredadores).
Los costes y beneficios tanto para dominantes como para subordinados explican la distribución bimodal de les frecuencias en el tamaño del babero, demostrando que ser dominante o subordinado son dos estrategias igualmente exitosas. Los lúganos de babero medio son los que tienen más costes sociales, tienen los mismos costes que los dominantes, reciben muchas agresiones, pero no tienen ninguna ventaja, ya que difícilmente pueden vencer a los subordinados.
El babero negro del lúgano no funciona como ornamento sexual; las hembras escogen como pareja a los machos con una mayor franja amarilla del ala, no escogen a los machos en función de su estatus de dominancia. El tamaño de la franja amarilla alar no esta correlacionada con el tamaño del babero negro en el lúgano. Ambos caracteres son señales y las señales múltiples dentro de un mismo individuo pueden coexistir cuando cada una es seleccionada por un receptor distinto, parece que se han desarrollado por presiones selectivas diferentes: la franja amarilla del ala por selección sexual y el tamaño del babero negro pos selección social.
El lúgano es una especie modelo para realizar estudios sobre señalización de estatus social porque: es un pájaro social, en el que sus hábitos nómadas hacen que interaccione con muchos individuos desconocidos (este hecho da sentido a la señalización de estatus), presenta variabilidad en el tamaño del babero negro, dimorfismo sexual (solo los machos tienen babero negro), la dominancia no esta correlacionada con la edad y es una especie que se adapta bien a la vida en cautividad. / Rohwer proposed in 1975 that the variation and extent of color patches in the plumage of wintering birds could work as badges of social status. The major advantage of these signals would be that individuals of unequal status competing for limited resources would not need to risk accidental injury or waste energy assessing the relative fighting ability of potential opponents. The status-signalling hypothesis has been tested in several species with variable plumage. These studies have, however, produced contradictory results.
The Eurasian Siskin (Carduelis spinus) shows great variability in the extent of blackish plumage in the bib. This chin patch, is present only in males, which are dominant over females. Dominance, however, is unaffected by age. This lack of a relationship between age and dominance, and the absence of the badge in females simplifies analysis of the significance of the chin patch in status signalling. The aim of this Thesis is to describe variation in the size of the chin patch in male Eurasian Siskins and test (both in captivity and in the field) whether this variation is related to dominance status, and which may be the costs and benefits of this signalling system.
The first chapter of the Thesis analyses the social organization of the Siskin. It is shown that the average group size for the species is 5.2 individuals. Behavioural integration associated with the fusion of two flocks is analyzed in captive siskins (Curduelrs sptncts) by quantifying changes in social behaviour with time since joining. In general there was an increase in the incidence of tolerant behaviour, supplanting attacks and hopping withdrawals with time since fusion of the flocks. However, the number of displays and flights showed the opposite, negative, trend. Taking dominance status into account, the greatest change in behaviour with time since joining is an increase in tolerance by dominants of new flock companions. Factorial analysis of correspondences (CA) was used to study how different birds changed their behaviour with time since joining a flock. This analysis showed that the introduction of new birds did not disrupt relationships with familiar birds, and that residents are dominant in interactions with the incoming new flock companions. The analysis also demonstrated that relationships within the new flock had stabilized 20 days after the flocks had joined.
In the second chapter I analysed the variation and function of the black bib of the Siskin. Badge size in male siskins ranged between 0.0 and 66.4 mm2, with a mean of 20.04 ± SE of 0.43 mm
2 (n = 949). Adults had on average larger badges than yearlings (adult X = 23.43 ± 0.76 mm2, n = 311; yearling X = 18.39 ± 0.50 mm2, n = 638; Mann-Whitney test, U = 78,449.5, P < 0.001). We recorded 39 agonistic interactions in the field in which both contestants were males and one of the individuals clearly had a larger badge than the other. Larger badged birds won 77% of these interactions, significantly more than expected by chance (binomial test, two-tailed Z =0.0014), and so were appreciably dominant over smaller-badged birds. The large-badged individuals also initiated most of the interactions (79%), a trait typical of dominant siskins (Senar 1985). The correlation in a captive flock between badge size and social status (i.e. dominance score from CA) was 0.71 (F =10.0, df =1,10, P < 0.01; Fig. 2). Multiple regression analysis of social status on badge size, age, mass, wing and third-primary length showed that the badge size was the only variable that explained the observed variation in social status when all the other variables were held constant.
The third chapter explores the functionality of the black bib as a signal of dominance. Experimental enlargement or removal of the siskin black bib, which has been shown in the previous chapter to be a reliable predictor of dominance, strongly suggests that dominance discrimination is based on the use of badges of status. Results show that siskins discriminate between dominant and subordinate individuals on the first encounter without requiring cues such as overt aggression, and prefer to join subordinate individuals.
In the fourth chapter I explore the possibility of status signalling reducing the metabolic rate of dominant individuals. The higher metabolic rate of dominant individuals, found in different species, has been interpreted as the cost that prevents subordinates from cheating by adopting large badges of status. However, an alternative prediction for status-signalling species, in which subordinates may recognize dominants, is that subordinates have the higher metabolic rate because of the greater stress of locating and actively avoiding aggressive interactions with them. In this chapter, the size of the black bib of the siskin was negatively correlated with metabolic rate in daylight, even when controlling for the bird’s activity level in the respirometer chamber and its body mass. The size of the black bib, however, was not correlated with metabolic rate in darkness. This suggests that the difference between dominance classes is not related to intrinsic physiological differences, but that subordinates are more susceptible to stressful conditions. When controlling for metabolic rate, a positive correlation appeared between dominance status and body mass. This stresses the importance of knowing the effects of social status on energy requirements for understanding the relationship between body mass and dominance. It is concluded that an advantage of status signalling to dominant birds is to help them to reduce their metabolic expenditure.
In chapter five, the advantage of status signalling was explored from the point of view of subodinate birds. Analyses of interaction rates between birds of different bib size classes showed that dominant individuals mostly attacked to other individuals with large badges of status, in a like-vs-like aggression. This allowed subordinate (small badged) individuals to receive few agonistic attacks. This is suggested as the advantage to subordinates of the status signalling system.
In chapter six it is provided evidence that in siskins, wing patches rather than the size of the black bib, function in mate choice. Mate-choice experiments showed that females were attracted by the size of the yellow wing stripe of the male, but not by the size of its black bib, body size, general plumage brightness or age. Experiments on birds with manipulated yellow wing stripes showed that females were sensitive to the size of this colour patch, irrespective of other male qualities. The preference of female siskins for males with larger wing patches when searching for a mate may be explained by the relationship of this trait to foraging ability, which would ensure females good parental investment from the chosen male. This stresses that the black bib is not selected by sexual selection but by processes related to social selection.
Overall, the Thesis shows that the Siskin is a very good model species for the study of status signalling. The nomadic habits of the species causes many different unfamiliar individuals to interact to each other along a winter. Under this circunstance, status signalling may be highly advantegeous. The work shows that advantages appear both for dominant and subordinate birds, which ensures the stability of the system. This system is maintained by social selection processes.
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[pt] Um problema de programação ou escalonamento de produção tem como
finalidade determinar uma seqüência factível de processamento de um conjunto de
operações e de um conjunto de recursos ao longo de um intervalo de tempo,
visando otimizar uma ou mais medidas de desempenho, geralmente associadas ao
fator tempo ou ao balanceamento de uso dos recursos. Nesse problema, podem
existir ainda restrições de precedência entre as operações e de disponibilidade de
recursos por operação. Tais operações formam parte das tarefas ou pedidos de
clientes por bens ou serviços. Problemas de escalonamento podem ser difíceis,
particularmente, porque o tempo é um limitante para se buscar a melhor seqüência
entre as seqüências factíveis possíveis. Porém, encontrar boas soluções para
problemas complexos de otimização em um intervalo de tempo aceitável é crucial
em sistemas produtivos competitivos, onde os problemas de escalonamento são
comumente encontrados. A dissertação tem como foco o desenvolvimento de um
novo método computacional para resolver problemas de escalonamento nos
ambientes de operações: flow shop, flexible job shop, integrated resource
selection and operation sequences e advanced planning and scheduling. Inspirado
no método de Newton para problemas de otimização contínua multiobjetivo de
Fliege et al. (2008), o método proposto é adaptado a cada ambiente de operação.
Exemplos e experimentos numéricos com o método proposto são apresentados
para cada ambiente de operações, assim como são realizadas comparações com
algoritmos existentes. / [en] The production scheduling problem aims to determine a feasible sequence
operation processes and resources over a period of time to optimize one or more
measures of performance, usually associated with the time factor or balancing the
use of resources. In this problem, precedence constraints between operations and
availability of resources per operation may exist. Such operations are part of the
tasks or customer orders for products or services. Scheduling problems can be
difficult, particularly because time is a limiting factor to get the best sequence
among possible feasible sequences. However, finding good solutions for complex
optimization problems in an acceptable amount time is crucial in competitive
production systems, where the scheduling problems are usually found. The
dissertation is focused on the development of a new computational method for
solving scheduling problems in the operations environments: flow shop, flexible
job shop, integrated resource selection and operation sequences and advanced
planning and scheduling. Inspired by Newton s method for continuous
multiobjective optimization problems of Fliege et al. (2008), the proposed method
is adapted to each operating environment. Examples and numerical experiments
with the proposed method are presented for each operating environment, showing
some comparisons with existing algorithms, as well.
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo comparar os índices de
desempenho de média-variância com os critérios de
dominância estocástica de primeira, segunda e terceira
ordens para fundos de gerenciamento ativo presentes no
mercado brasileiro. Foram analisados 84 fundos de ações
entre maio de 1999 e abril de 2001. Para o cálculo da
dominância estocástica foi criada uma função em Matlab que,
a partir dos retornos dos fundos, compara-os entre si e
retorna quais os fundos mais dominantes em relação aos
outros. O que se concluiu é que os indivíduos que
selecionam seus investimentos com base somente nos
índices de média-variância podem tomar decisões que
contrariam seus critérios de aversão ao risco e de aversão
crescente ao risco. Igualmente, o desempenho
de fundos de investimento medido apenas através dos
critérios de dominância estocástica não significará
necessariamente um maior excesso de retorno com
relação ao risco corrido. Para se tomar uma decisão de
investimento bem estruturada, o investidor deve considerar
todos os momentos da distribuição dos retornos e realizar
uma análise tanto por média-variância quanto por dominância
estocástica. / [en] The scope of this dissertation is the comparison between
the meanvariance based performance measurers of active
management Brazilian-based stock funds and stochastic
dominance of first, second and third orders criteria. 84
funds were considered and the period studied goes from May
1999 to April 2001. For the stochastic dominance calculus a
Matlab function was created so that, with the funds returns
as inputs, it gives the most dominating funds in relation to
the others. The conclusion of this study is that
individuals that chose investments taking account solely
mean-variance measurers can make decisions that goes
against their criteria of risk aversion and absolute
decreasing risk aversion. In the same way, investments
funds performance measured only by stochastic dominance
criteria will not lead necessarily to a highest reward-to-
risk ratio. Regarding a well structured investment
decision, investors should consider all moments of the
distribution of returns and perform not only a mean-
variance but also a stochastic dominance analysis.
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Ambivalent sexism, stereotypes and values in military population / Sexismo ambivalente, estereotipos y valores en el ámbito militarZubieta, Elena, Sosa, Fernanda, Torres, Alejandro 25 September 2017 (has links)
The increasing presence of women in the public sphere has provoked cultural changes that affect social cognition. These changes implicate social organizations such as the Military. Focusing the interest in approaching modern forms of prejudice in terms of gender inequalities, we studied ambivalent sexism attitudes, values and social dominance orientation in a sample of 238 males and females from the National Military School training to become officials. Results show the presence of sexist attitudes. In sex roles and gender typing, female participants show an androgynous stereotype probably related to the need to present themselves closer to men in order to assume leadership. / El incremento de la presencia femenina en la esfera pública ha provocado cambios culturales que repercuten en la cognición social en términos de expectativas en función del género. Estos cambios interpelan a las organizaciones sociales entre las que se encuentran las Fuerzas Armadas. Desde las formas modernas del prejuicio, se desarrolló un estudio orientado a indagar actitudes de sexismo ambivalente, valores y dominancia social en un grupo de 238 cadetes de ambos sexos del Colegio Militar de la Nación. Los resultados muestran la presencia de actitudes sexistas. En roles sexuales y tipicidad de género las participantes mujeres muestran un estereotipo andrógino, asociado probablemente a la necesidad de presentarse de manera contra estereotípica para funcionar como líderes.
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[pt] O Sistema Financeiro brasileiro, após a estabilização
econômica de 1994,
passou por intensas modificações, com a necessidade de
implementação de vários
programas de saneamento. A primeira parte desta
dissertação oferece uma
explicação alternativa para esta fragilidade. Ao
considerarmos as atividades de
gestão de crédito e de obtenção de receitas inflacionárias
competitivas para as
decisões de investimento do banco, expectativas de maiores
taxas de inflação
futuras fazem com que as instituições fiquem mais expostas
a riscos de
insolvência, quando de um choque de taxa de juros reais.
Na segunda parte da
dissertação, abordamos as implicações de diferentes
desenhos institucionais para a
fiscalização bancária. Caso crises bancárias deteriorem os
trade-offs da política
monetária quando a regulação for realizada pelo Banco
Central, temos como
resultado excesso de fiscalização bancária. Ao contrário
do recomendado na
literatura, o modelo implica que países emergentes, onde
há maiores
probabilidades de crises bancárias e a política monetária
está mais sujeita a
deterioração de trade-offs, devem ter agência autônoma de
fiscalização bancária. / [en] After the end of high inflation in 1994, the Brazilian
financial system
experienced intense changes in its structure. Several
programs were designed to
recapitalize insolvent institutions. The first topic of
this thesis shows an
alternative explanation for the weakness of the financial
system in this period.
Since risk management of loans and inflationary floating
are competitive activities
in banks investments, higher inflation rate expectations
may lead to institutions
with higher risks of bankruptcy due to real interest rate
shocks. The second topic
of this thesis, we investigate the implications of
different institutional designs of
financial supervision. Considering that financial crisis
may worsen the monetary
policy trade-offs when supervision is provided by central
bank, one outcome of
the model is over-regulation of the financial system. In
contrast to standard
literature views, our model implies separation of the
supervision and monetary
policy activities in emerging markets countries, where
bank crisis are often and
monetary authority lack full credibility.
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A relação dinamica da linguagem oral com a escrita e gestos na afasiaFlosi, Luciana Claudia Leite 16 April 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Irma Hadler Coudry / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T16:00:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Flosi_LucianaClaudiaLeite_M.pdf: 3213492 bytes, checksum: 7cf8b782684621f5d732b3d253a30ee5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: Os dados produzidos por sujeitos afásicos durante uma avaliação lingüisticamente orientada mostram dificuldades lingüístico-cognitivas, bem como manifestações da força criadora da linguagem. A abordagem discursiva dos estudos da linguagem na afasia se interessa por compreender as dificuldades apresentadas pelo sujeito em diversos contextos verbais e não verbais, e não por classificar os possíveis desvios de linguagem que podem ocorrer em contextos patológicos. Tais dados foram produzidos por MG e NF, durante avaliação e acompanhamento terapêutico cujo objetivo foi auxiliar essas pessoas afásicas, promovendo a utilização da linguagem em diversas situações discursivas e configurações contextual. Trata-se de uma Jargonofasia e de uma Anomia, respectivamente, de acordo com o paradigma clássico de estudos da afasia. O tema central desta pesquisa - e que justifica seu nome - é a relação dinâmica entre sistemas (gestualidade, desenho, percepção, memória) não verbais e verbais na afasia, condição cognitiva que ajuda na (re) elaboração das dificuldades afásicas. Em atividades e práticas discursivas que envolvem o uso da leitura e da escrita, a função reflexiva da linguagem favoreceu as relações entre esses sistemas simbólicos.O trabalho terapêutico (fonoaudiológico) desenvolvido nesta pesquisa foi baseado em princípios teórico-metodológicos lingüisticamente informados e produziu efeitos favoráveis na recuperação dessas pessoas afásicas / Abstract: The data produced by aphasic people during a linguistically oriented evaluation show linguistic and cognitive difficulties such as manifestations of the language' s creative strength. The discursive broach of the language's studies in aphasia is interested in understanding the difficulties shown by the patient in different verbal and non-verbal contexts and it is not interested in classifying the possible language's deflection that may occur in pathological contexts. MG and NF produced such data during evaluation and therapeutical accompaniment in order to help these aphasic people by promoting the language's utilization in different discursive situations and contextual configurations. This is about Jargonaphasia and an Anomia, respectively, according to the classic paradigm of the aphasia studies. The main theme of this research -what justifies its name- is the dynamics relation between verbal and non-verbal systems (gesticulation, draw, perception, memory) in aphasia cognitive condition that helps with the (re) elaboration ofthe aphasic difficulties. In activities and discursive practices that involve the use of the reading and writing, the reflexive function of the language has favored the relations between these symbolic systems. The therapeutic job (speech therapist) developed in this present research was based on theoretical and methodological principIes linguistically informed and it has produced favorable results in the recuperation of these aphasic people / Mestrado / Mestre em Linguística
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Interação social : a dominancia em situação de aprendizagemTroncoso Guerrero, Patricia Virginia 26 August 1998 (has links)
Orientador: Fermino Fernandes Sisto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-24T05:34:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TroncosoGuerrero_PatriciaVirginia_M.pdf: 6603876 bytes, checksum: 5860f45f8c29aa72fd73d0b56e654c28 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 1998 / Resumo: Nos estudos publicados sobre a questão da dominância-complacência, autores como Doise e Mugny (1983) verificaram, em uma única situação de conflito, um efeito negativo da complacência em duplas. o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar como se manifesta o aspecto da dominância-complacência em duplas, quando submetidas a um processo de intervenção por conflito sócio-cognitivo em interações continuadas. Também, verificar relações entre aprendizagem e dominância-complacência. Participaram da intervenção quarenta e quatro sujeitos pré-escolares, não operatórios em conservação de comprimento. Realizaram-se uma média de três sessões experimentais de conservação de comprimento por dupla, cada uma delas contendo seis situações de conflito; um pós-teste imediato; um pós-teste retardado. Os dados sugeriram que o efeito de dominância-complacência , é bem menos freqüente em situações de interação continuada, do que foi encontrado na literatura. Analisando as condutas das duplas observou-se quatro tipos de comportamento: os sujeitos submissos puros (complacentes em todas as sessões), com tendência a submissão, com tendência a dominância, e dominantes puros (dominantes em todas as sessões). Foram encontradas diferenças quanto a movimentação cognitiva e aprendizagem entre os grupos. Os sujeitos dominantes puros aprendem mais que os complacentes puros, e movimentam-se cognitivamente produzindo ganhos cognitivos, o mesmo não ocorrendo com os complacentes puros / Abstract: In the studies about the subject dominance-submission Doise and Mugny (1983) checked, in a single conflict situation, a negative effect of submission in peers. The aim of this research was to study how the dominance-submission aspect happened in peers when they suffered a sócio-cognitive conflict intervention in continuous interactions, and to check relations between learning and dominance submission. Fourty four non-operational preschoolers in lenght conservation took part in a lenght conservation experimento Na avarage of three experimental sessions plus imediate and delayed post-test were realized. Each session had six conflict situations. The data suggested that the dominance-submission effect is less frequent in continous interaction situations than suggested in literature. Analysing the peer's procedure, four types of behaviour were observed: the submissive (the subject was submissive in all sessions), those with submission tendence, those with dominance tendence and the pure dominant (the subject was dominant in all sessions). Diferences were found among groups related with cognitive movement and learning. The pure dominant subject learn more than the pure submissive, and their submissive. cognitive moments produce cognitive increase, fact that doesn't happen for the pure / Mestrado / Psicologia Educacional / Mestre em Educação
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Caracterización de los factores clave para la adaptación de lentes de contacto hidrofílicas multifocalesPérez-Prados, Roque 03 July 2017 (has links)
La motivación principal de realizar nuestra tesis fue comprobar cómo las variables objetivas que se tenían en cuenta en una adaptación de lentes de contacto blandas multifocales (LCBMF) eran a todas luces insuficientes. Por lo tanto nuestra hipótesis se basa en que el éxito en la adaptación a las LCBMF depende de una serie de objetivos y subjetivos del paciente, junto con la combinación de diseños empleada en cada caso. Para verificar dicha hipótesis se analizaron las diferencias de comportamiento, en el impacto en la calidad de vida y la satisfacción de las distintas combinaciones de diseños, y se identificó cómo variaba el éxito en la adaptación en función de las dominancias oculares y motora, combinadas con la lateralidad del individuo.
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