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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction - the specific barriers related to `time' delays in the door to needle time at the Al Ain hospital

Pillay, Vathaniagee 31 March 2005 (has links)
This study addresses the specific barriers related to time delays in the treatment of patients who suffered acute myocardial infarction at the Al Ain Hospital accident and emergency unit in the United Arab Emirates. A comprehensive background of the UAE is given for the benefit of students who have limited access to the background and challenges facing medical and nursing personnel in providing thrombolythic therapy to patients who suffered from acute myocardial infarction. The study will contribute to the continuous quality management and improvement of overall nursing and medical care of the AMI patient who is eligible for thrombolysis. An extensive literature review addresses the clinical manifestations and treatment of the patient suffering from AMI as well as the adverse effects of time delays in treatment during the acute phase of the disease. The researcher selected a quantitative, non-experimental descriptive and retrospective study. Data was collected by a structured instrument to gather the desired responses from the files of 457 selected patients admitted to the Al Ain Hospital. This study emphasizes the need to improve patient care by all health care personnel in an accident and emergency unit to prevent the delays in treatment in life threatening conditions such as myocardial infarction ensuring optimal and prompt time to thrombolyse. The improvement of awareness and commitment by health care providers such as nurses, doctors and ambulance personnel, can be achieved through education and training, commitment and dedication, absolute cooperation, collaboration and constant update on performance. Regular audits are essential with regard to door-to-needle time and performance of all health care providers. This study ultimately show that time constrains in attending to patients presenting with myocardial infarction should be addressed in utmost urgency. / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction - the specific barriers related to `time' delays in the door to needle time at the Al Ain hospital

Pillay, Vathaniagee 31 March 2005 (has links)
This study addresses the specific barriers related to time delays in the treatment of patients who suffered acute myocardial infarction at the Al Ain Hospital accident and emergency unit in the United Arab Emirates. A comprehensive background of the UAE is given for the benefit of students who have limited access to the background and challenges facing medical and nursing personnel in providing thrombolythic therapy to patients who suffered from acute myocardial infarction. The study will contribute to the continuous quality management and improvement of overall nursing and medical care of the AMI patient who is eligible for thrombolysis. An extensive literature review addresses the clinical manifestations and treatment of the patient suffering from AMI as well as the adverse effects of time delays in treatment during the acute phase of the disease. The researcher selected a quantitative, non-experimental descriptive and retrospective study. Data was collected by a structured instrument to gather the desired responses from the files of 457 selected patients admitted to the Al Ain Hospital. This study emphasizes the need to improve patient care by all health care personnel in an accident and emergency unit to prevent the delays in treatment in life threatening conditions such as myocardial infarction ensuring optimal and prompt time to thrombolyse. The improvement of awareness and commitment by health care providers such as nurses, doctors and ambulance personnel, can be achieved through education and training, commitment and dedication, absolute cooperation, collaboration and constant update on performance. Regular audits are essential with regard to door-to-needle time and performance of all health care providers. This study ultimately show that time constrains in attending to patients presenting with myocardial infarction should be addressed in utmost urgency. / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

Contribution of small-scale food vending to rural livelihoods in Thulamela Municipality of Limpopo Province in South Africa

Mathaulula, Mushaisano Agnes 01 October 2013 (has links)
Institute for Rural Development / MRDV

IoT systém pro domácnost / IoT Home System

Kovařík, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to learn and summarize basic information about IoT systems, which protocols are used and introduction of Google Home system. The first part of the thesis describes the individual parts of the system --- microcontrollers, sensors, light elements and possible systems for backend. In the implementation part of the thesis was designed a solution for smart home controling using Google Home technology. Based on data from the weather station, the system controls and adjusts the intensity of outdoor lighting and controls the blinds. Furthermore, a control module for gate and garage door control is implemented. The system also takes care of vacuum cleaning in the house using iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaners with custom Wi-Fi module. The final part of the thesis summarizes the achieved results.

Víceúčelový dům / The Multifunctional House

Pánek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The main concern of this thesis is to design a five-storey multifunctional house. The house is divided into the main living area to which it belongs especially residential units accessible by stairs from the ground floor and also basement boxes and room for prams. On the ground floor are also located the individual garage, store room and technology. The house has four floors and a basement, the basement are located mass garages. The house has a sloping wooden roof trusses.

Návrh opatření pro snížení energetické náročnosti prodejny potravin / Proposal of measures for reducing energy demands of food stores

Julinová, Patricie January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals with measures to reduce energy performance of grocery store building. Model of the grocery store is evaluated according to a recommended energy values specified by Czech standards and according to the real values of the actual consumption. These values are compared. Final building analysis for a proposal measures to reduce energy consumption is based on the invoices of the real consumption and on the experimental assignments. Experimental measurements are the Blower door test of the tightness of the building envelope, the measures with the thermovision camera and the measuring of the illumination intensity. The most efficient proposal is extended to the whole model network of the food shops in the Czech Republic.

Entwicklung eines roboterbasierten Prüfstands für die Ermittlung der Langzeitbetriebsfestigkeit von beweglichen Karosserieteilen

Vogelpohl, Jens 22 January 2013 (has links)
Die Marktbedingungen in der Automobilindustrie sind durch kürzere Entwicklungszeiträume, eine zunehmende Anzahl an Komfortfunktionen und Fahrzeugderivaten sowie steigende Erwartungen an Qualität, Effizienz und Sicherheit geprägt. Die reale Erprobung ist ein kritischer Pfad im Entwicklungsprozess. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein neues Prüfsystemkonzept für die Komponentenerprobung, welches diesen Anforderungen Rechnung trägt. Das Herzstück ist eine softwarebasierte Systemarchitektur zur Automatisierung von Prototypentests. Schwerpunkte sind die Flexibilität in der Praxisanwendung, die Ausweitung der Messdatenerfassung mit zweckmäßiger Verwaltung zur Bauteilüberwachung und Fehlerrekonstruktion sowie eine aufgabenorientierte Schnittstelle zur Integration von Robotern. Diese übernehmen die mechanische Betätigung von beweglichen Fahrzeugkomponenten. Anhand von zwei konkreten Beispielen, einem Prüfstand zur Absicherung von Fahrzeugtüren sowie einem Prüfstand für Steifigkeitsmessungen wird die Praxistauglichkeit nachgewiesen.

Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation des écoulements d’air et transferts thermiques dans un meuble frigorifique fermé / Experimental characterization and modeling of airflow and heat transfer in a closed refrigerated display cabinet

Chaomuang, Nattawut 16 September 2019 (has links)
L'utilisation des meubles frigorifiques de vente fermés a augmenté régulièrement dans les supermarchés en raison des économies d'énergie réalisées par rapport aux meubles ouverts. D’où la nécessité d'élargir les connaissances scientifiques à ce type de meuble. Pour l’instant la plupart des études de la littérature ont porté sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique après l'installation de portes, tandis que les études sur les mécanismes de transfert de chaleur dans les meubles frigorifiques fermés sont rares. De plus, il convient d’étudier également les circulations d’air car ils influencent les échanges de chaleur entre l’air et les produits, donc leur température. Cette thèse a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les phénomènes d’écoulement d’air et de transfert de chaleur dans les meubles frigorifiques fermés par la mise en œuvre d'approches expérimentales et numériques.Des investigations expérimentales ont été menées sur un meuble frigorifique fermé placé dans une cellule d’essai à température contrôlée. Quatre-vingts thermocouples calibrés répartis dans le meuble ont permis d’observer les évolutions spatio-temporelles des températures de l’air et du produit dans différentes conditions de fonctionnement. Nous avons fait varier la température de l'air ambiant (15, 19, 24 et 29 ° C), le volume occupé par le produit (meuble vide ou plus ou moins chargé de blocs de méthylcellulose) et la fréquence d'ouverture des portes (0 : fermé en permanence, 10, 20, 40, 60 Ouvertures Par Heure - OPH). Des expériences ont également été réalisées dans une configuration ouverte du meuble frigorifique (portes complètement retirées) afin de déterminer les avantages des portes sur les performances thermiques.Les résultats ont montré que lorsque les portes étaient fermées en permanence, les champs de température étaient similaires quels que soient la température ambiante et le pourcentage de volume occupé : la température la plus élevée se situe à l’avant de l'étagère supérieure alors que la température la plus basse est observée à l’arrière de l'étagère inférieure. Cette répartition change lorsque les portes sont périodiquement ou définitivement ouvertes : la position où la température est la plus élevée migre vers l’avant de l'étagère du milieu. Même pour une fréquence très élevée d’ouverture des portes (60 OPH), les températures de l’air et des produits dans le meuble fermé sont restées plus basses d’au moins 1,0 ° C par rapport au meuble sans portes.Des mesures de vitesse d'air par anémométrie à fil chaud au niveau du rideau d’air ont permis d'observer son allure générale tandis que les mesures effectuées dans le conduit arrière ont permis de quantifier la répartition du flux d'air à travers le plaque arrière perforée. L’utilisation d’une technique de vélocimétrie par image de particules (PIV) a permis de caractériser le rideau d’air avec une résolution et une précision spatiale supérieures. Les résultats ont notamment montré l’existence d’une zone de recirculation de l'air dans la partie supérieure du meuble où l’on observe également une infiltration d'air ambiant chaud par les fentes présentes autour des portes. Ceci induit une augmentation de la température du rideau d'air. Des simulations numériques bidimensionnelles d’écoulement (CFD) avec le modèle de turbulence k-ε ont permis de reproduire les principaux phénomènes d'écoulement observés par PIV et de voir leur influence sur la distribution de température dans le meuble.Enfin, un modèle simplifié des transferts de chaleur a été développé par une approche zonale en régime permanent et en régime transitoire ce qui permet respectivement de prévoir les températures moyennes de l’air et du produit et les fluctuations de température en fonction des cycles marche / arrêt du compresseur. Le modèle transitoire a été résolu avec une approche spectrale. L'influence de différents paramètres sur les niveaux de température et l'amortissement des fluctuations peut ainsi être identifiée. / The use of closed refrigerated display cabinets in supermarkets has been increased steadily because of the potential energy savings compared to open ones. This growing trend has contributed to the necessity to expand research in the field of retail refrigeration. Most studies in literature, however, focused on the improvements of energy efficiency after door installation while studies on the mechanism of heat transfer and airflow within closed display cabinets are still limited. In fact, the airflow pattern influences the heat exchange between air and products, thus, product temperature. This PhD thesis aims to gain an insight into the mechanism of airflow and heat transfer in closed refrigerated display cabinets by the implementation of experimental and numerical approaches.Experimental investigations were conducted in a closed refrigerated display cabinet (an integral type with a single band air curtain and two double-glazing doors) located in a controlled-temperature test room. Air/product temperatures and air velocity are the main parameters taken into investigations. Eighty calibrated thermocouples distributed throughout the cabinet made it possible to observe the spatial and temporal evolutions of the air and product temperatures under different operating conditions. These conditions were ambient air temperature (15, 19, 24 and 29 °C), product-occupied volume (unloaded, half-loaded and full-loaded with test packages made of methylcellulose), door-opening frequency (0 - permanently closed, 10, 20, 40, 60 Openings Per Hour - OPH) and opening duration (15s and 30s). An automatic door opening system was developed and allowed to apply the opening regime as prescribed in the standard test (EN ISO 23953-2, 2015). The experiment was also conducted in an open configuration of the cabinet (doors were completely removed) to determine the benefits of the doors on the temperature performance. The results showed that when the doors were permanently closed, the temperature distribution in the cabinet was similar whatever the ambient temperatures and occupied-volume percentages – the highest temperature position at the front-top shelf and the lowest temperature position at the rear-bottom shelf. The temperature distribution changed when the doors were periodically or permanently open – the front of the middle shelf became the highest temperature position while the lowest temperature position remained at the rear-bottom shelf. However, the air and product temperatures in the cabinet with doors remained lower despite a very high door-opening frequency (i.e. 60 OPH, product temperatures at least 1.0 °C lower), compared to the case without doors.Air velocity measurement using a hot-wire anemometer at the front of the cabinet from the discharge to the return air grilles allowed to observe the shape of the air curtain, while the measurement in the rear duct allowed to quantify the air flow distribution over the perforated back panel of different shelves. The use of a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique allowed the characterization of the air curtain with higher spatial resolution and accuracy. The result showed a zone of air recirculation at the upper part of the cabinet where warm ambient air infiltration through the door gaps was also observed, leading to an increase in the air curtain temperature. A 2D-CFD k-ε turbulence model was developed to reproduce the main flow phenomena observed by PIV so that its influence on the internal temperature distribution can be examined.Finally, a simplified heat transfer model was developed based on a zonal approach in both static and dynamic regimes which permits, respectively, the predictions of time-averaged air and product temperatures and temperature fluctuations according to the on/off cycle of the compressor regulation. The dynamic model was solved with a spectral approach, thus the influence of different parameters on the damping of the temperature fluctuations can be identified.

Penetration testing of Sesame Smart door lock / Penetrationstest av Sesame Smart dörrlås

Liu, Shuyuan January 2023 (has links)
The Internet of things (IoT) device has been widely used in various fields, and its market is expanding rapidly. However, the growing usage of IoT devices also brings more security concerns. The smart door lock is one of the smart home IoT devices that need to be designed securely. This thesis work aims to evaluate and investigate the security aspect of the newest smart door lock. This thesis first provides an introduction and background of penetration testing and creates the threat model. Based on the threat model, some testings are conducted, including state consistency, Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack, replay attack, reverse engineering, GPS spoofing, Denial of service (DoS) attack. The result indicates that penetration tests reveal some security problems on the tested device, especially in the access log, traffic between application and server, and the ability of resistance disruption on the WiFi access point. / IoT-enheten har använts i stor utsträckning inom olika områden och dess marknad expanderar snabbt. Den ökande användningen av IoT-enheter medför dock också fler säkerhetsproblem. Det smarta dörrlåset är en av de smarta hem IoT-enheterna som måste utformas säkert. Detta examensarbete syftar till att utvärdera och undersöka säkerhetsaspekten av det nyaste smarta dörrlåset. Denna avhandling ger först en introduktion och bakgrund av penetrationstestning och skapar hotmodellen. Baserat på hotmodellen genomförs vissa tester, inklusive tillståndskonsistens, MITM attack, replay attack, reverse engineering, GPS spoofing, DoS attack. Resultatet indikerar att penetrationstester avslöjar vissa sårbarheter på den testade enheten, särskilt i åtkomstloggen, trafik mellan applikation och server och förmågan till motståndsavbrott på WiFi-åtkomstpunkten.

“The Best Possible Time for War?” The USS Panay and American Far Eastern Policy During the Roosevelt Presidency

Schnurr, Jeremy 13 December 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines American Far Eastern policy from the beginning of the Franklin Roosevelt presidency through the early months of 1938. This study is chiefly concerned with the attack by Japanese aircraft on the USS Panay and its effect on the course of U.S. foreign policy. Particular attention is paid to the Anglo-American dialogue which occurred throughout the Far Eastern Crisis. Prior to the end of 1938, the U.S. administration’s position in Asia was dictated both by policies inherited from preceding administrations and by the extreme isolationism of the American people. This foundation effectively inhibited any cooperation with foreign powers. Relying on a reactive policy in the Far East, Washington remained aloof from entanglement as the President sought a plan which would permit U.S. involvement without inviting isolationist wrath. This paper traces an evolution in American Far Eastern policy, highlighting the Panay incident as a distinctly identifiable turning point whereby isolationism gave way to internationalism.

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