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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Germany’s “Open-Door” Policy in Light of the Recent Refugee Crisis : An Interpretive Thematic Content Analysis of Possible Reasons and Underlying Motivations

Schmid, Claudia Theresia January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the medially conveyed open-door refugee policy approach of the German government, in light of the recent refugee crisis in Europe. To gain an understanding of the reasons for this policy approach, a thematic content analysis is carried out, identifying and extracting themes, as portrayed in the national, international media, and political debates in the German Bundestag. These themes are then used in a comparison with actual refugee polices and further analysed from a constructivist and a structural realist perspective so as to investigate underlying motivations behind them.Fifteen themes and reasons were identified, with the three most frequently occurring themes, Capacity and Capability, Humanitarian Responsibility, and Demography and Economy, making up about half of the number of themes found. The analysis also showed that both constructivist concepts – such as identity – as well as structural realist notions – for example national interests and capabilities – were largely contributing factors with regards to guiding, shaping and deciding on Germany’s refugee policies. Germany’s intake of about one million refugees was – in the context of identity – an acceptable decision, following its normative, national, moral, historical and humanitarian standards; and the perceived benefits of the policy provide strong arguments in regards to the country’s capabilities and national interests.The thesis concludes that because Germany’s highly internal-moral-driven identity aligned well with its capabilities and national interests, Germany was able to continuously pursue its “open-doors” refugee policy despite resistance from a vocal opposition.

Communication des organisations caritatives - Processus socio-cognitifs dans la production et la réception. Approches qualitative et expérimentale : processus socio-cognitifs dans la production et la réception : approches qualitative et expérimentale / The communication of charity organizations : socio-cognitive processes in the production and the reception : qualitative and experimental approaches

Bernard, Pascal 26 November 2015 (has links)
Régulièrement, les associations caritatives sollicitent financièrement des millions d’individus pour mener leurs actions sur le terrain. Représentant un enjeu majeur, ces campagnes de communication médiatique ont pour objectif d’appeler aux dons afin de collecter des fonds leur permettant de pérenniser leurs actions et de maintenir une indépendance à la fois financière et politique. Articulant une double méthodologie qualitative et expérimentale et l’aide d’un contexte théorique pluridisciplinaire mobilisant des ressources théoriques issues notamment des modèles psychosociaux de la réception, de la communication persuasive et de la communication engageante, la thèse vise le double objectif de mieux comprendre les processus de production et de réception de la communication d’appel aux dons des associations caritatives. Dans une logique de recherche action et devant l’importance des enjeux humains, nous proposons également des pistes pour contribuer à accroitre l’efficience des dispositifs de communication. / Charities regularly solicit millions of individuals financially to carry through their actions on the field. Representing a major stake, these media communication campaigns aim at calling for donations in order to raise funds which enable them to keep up their actions and maintain an independence both financially and politically. However, in literature so far, no research has been carried out about the socio-cognitive processes involved in this type of communication.Structuring a double qualitative and experimental methodology and the help of a theoretical multidisciplinary context calling up the theoretical resources mainly from the psychosocial models of the reception, the persuasive communication and the binding communication, this dissertation targets a double objective, namely a better understanding of the production and of the reception processes involved in the binding communication of charity fundraising campaigns

Energikartläggning av smältugnar i en aluminiumprocess : En analys av två oxyfuel-ugnars energiförbrukning, energiförluster och påverkande parametrar hos Gränges AB / Energy mapping of melting furnaces in a aluminium process : An analysis of energy consumption, energy losses and affecting parameters at two oxyfuel furnaces at Gränges AB

Johansson, Niclas, Edman, Philip January 2021 (has links)
I denna rapport har ett projekt utförts tillsammans med Gränges AB. Projektet behandlade en energianalys av deras två oxyfuel-smältugnar för smältning av aluminium. Aluminiumsmältan består till stor del av återvunnet skrot, denna metod kallas omsmältning. Ett omsmältverk kräver enorma mängder energi och därför är en minimering av ugnarnas energiförbrukning önskvärd. Smältugnarna har liknande uppbyggnad där den stora skillnaden är deras smältkapacitet, 25 ton respektive 45 ton. Trots sina likheter påvisas en skillnad i energiförbrukning mellan ugnarna vilket även skapar ett intresse för en jämförelse av ugnarna. Med en historisk datamängd som innehöll mätvärden på ett flertal parametrar togs energiförbrukningar för varje smältcykel fram. Vid jämförelser användes energiförbrukning i enheten kWh/ton. Smältcyklarnas energiförbrukning sattes in ett histogram för jämförelse mellan ugnarna. En energibalans för vardera ugn gjordes och gav förståelse var de stora förlusterna sker. Energibalansen gavs av brännarnas totalt förbrukade energi, avgasförluster, väggförluster, askaförluster, sumpförluster, nyttiga energin till aluminiet och övriga förluster. I övriga förluster inkluderades förluster vid dörröppning vilket också beräknades. Ytterligare undersöktes parametrarna dörröppningstid, sumpvikt, körningstid och vikt på tungt aluminium individuellt för att fastställa vad som påverkar energiförbrukningen mest. Detta genom att jämföra smältcyklar där endast en parameter varierar. Parametern dörröppningstid undersöktes på en djupare nivå då denna parameter kan minimeras. Resultaten påvisade att ena ugnen hade mer oregelbunden energiförbrukning än den andra vilket berodde på att den tillverkar en större variation av aluminiumlegeringar och har tillgång till en förvärmningsugn. De största förlusterna var avgasförlusterna, sumpförlusterna och övriga förluster. En stor del av övriga förluster var förluster vid dörröppning. Väggförlusterna var märkbara och askaförlusterna var minimala. Undersökning av dörröppningstid visade att dörröppningstiden påverkade energiförbrukningen markant. / A project has been carried out together with Gränges AB which treated an energy analysis of their two oxyfuel furnaces for aluminium melting. The aluminium melt largely consists of recycled scrap and this method is called secondary melting. These secondary melting plants consumes a huge amount of energy and that is why a minimization of the furnace’s energy consumption is needed. The two furnaces have similar construction, and the main difference is their melting capacity, 25 and 45 tonnes respectively. Despite their similarities a difference in energy consumption is shown which creates an interest for a comparison of the furnaces. With a collection of earlier measurement data of several parameters the energy consumption of every melting cycle could be calculated. For comparisons of energy consumptions, the unit kWh/tonne was used. The energy consumption of every melting cycle was placed in a histogram for simple comparison. An energy balance of each furnace was done which gave understanding of their major losses. The energy balance consisted of the total used energy from the burners, the flue gas losses, the wall losses, the dross losses, the slag losses, the useful energy output for aluminium and the miscellaneous heat losses. One part of the miscellaneous heat losses is the losses from door opening which also was accounted to. Furthermore, the parameters door opening duration, slag weight, the melting cycle duration and heavy aluminium weight was examined individually to understand its impact on the furnace energy consumption. This was done by comparing the melting cycles consumed energy when only one of the parameters varied. The parameter door opening duration was examined more profound because it is a parameter that can be minimized. The results showed that one of the furnaces had more irregular energy consumption. This was due to this furnace producing a higher variety of aluminium alloys and utilizing a preheating furnace. The major energy losses were flue gas losses, the slag losses, and the miscellaneous losses. The door opening duration was a major part of the miscellaneous losses. The wall losses were noticeable, and the dross losses were minimal. The examination of the parameter door opening duration showed that this parameter largely affected the furnace consumed energy.

Vzdělávací a poradenské centrum Otevřená zahrada NNO v Brně - stavebně technologický projekt / Educational and counseling center Open garden NGOs in Brno - construction technology project

Marková, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is solving of the construction project of the administrative building "Educational and consulting center Open Garden of NGO in Brno" The building is designed as three-storey reinforced concrete skeleton with a flat vegetation roof and a light cladding. The diploma thesis includes technological prescriptions for the assembly of the light cladding and for window installation, inspection and quality plans, design of machine assembly, site equipment project, item budget, etc.

Výroba součásti z plechu s využitím technologie hlubokého tažení / Production single parts from sheet metal with usage technology deep drawing

Jurča, Jan January 2009 (has links)
JURČA Jan: The manufacturing of sheet metal part by deep draw technology. Thesis of Master´s Studies, the 5th Year of Study, the School-year 2008/2009, The Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Department of Machining, FSI VUT Brno.The thesis deals with the project of manufacturing the part of the car body – the fifth door by deep draw technology. The material is zinc-coated sheet metal HX220YD EN 10292. Mechanical properties and suitability of the material are evaluated by mechanical tests. The structure of the material is evaluated by metalography scratch pattern. The analysis of draw process and manufacturability of the part is made by calculations and AutoForm software. The production line, necessary machinery and construction solution of draw tool for the manufacturing the part are determined. Last section deals with economical evaluation of the production.

Rozšiřování NATO: Vyhlídky Gruzie na členství / NATO Enlargement: Georgia's Prospects of the Membership

Tsereteli, Salome January 2018 (has links)
NATO's enlargement policy has been opposed by Russia. The disagreements over Georgia's pro Ronald Asmus "a little war that shook the world". concept of 'NATO Georgia relations' within the theoretical framework of leading IR approaches in 'pillars' of NATO Georgia relations) each perceive the Atlantic Alliance's enlargement and approaches are best theorized separately since all three nations " ". The thesis contributes an alternative theoretical explanation behind Georgia's -

Utbildningssimulator av funktioner i spårfordon : Hårdvarusimulator med felsökning på dörrsystem / Educational simulator of functions in rail vehicles

Eriksson, Niklas, Lifvendahl, Patrik January 2015 (has links)
I denna rapport beskrivs en utvecklad utbildningssimulator över spårfordon och dess del- komponenter på järnvägen. Simulatorn är en hårdvarubaserad prototyp över ett dörrsystem på spårfordon. Prototypen ska användas av systemspecialister och tekniker inom järnvägs- branschen. Simulatorn ger användare en teknisk demonstration av hur komponenter funge- rar i ett dörrsystem. Prototypen innehåller motor, brytare, reläer och givare. Komponenterna används för att illustrerar funktioner i ett dörrsystem på ett spårfordon. Utbildningssimula- torn kontrolleras med en styrenhet och genom tryckknappar för manuell styrning. För de- monstration av säkerheten vid av och ombordstigning används en optisk givare som symbo- liserar hinderdetektering. Utbildningssimulatorn har två vanliga fel inbyggda: kabelfel och jordfel. En instruktions- manual bestående av ett kretsschema används för felsökning. Kretsschemat över dörrsyste- met används för hitta felen och åtgärda dem. I felanalysen ingår de faktorer som är orsaken till att de vanligaste felen inträffar på ett spårfordon. Dörrsystem tar emot diagnostiska ko- der från en dörrdator som styr prioriteringen på vilka åtgärder som ska göras. / This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor. The components are used for illustration of the functions in a door system on a rail vehicle. The educational simulator is controlled with a control unit and with pushbuttons for manual control. For demonstration of the boarding security an optical sensor is used as symbolize for the obstacle detection. The educational simulation has two embedded common faults: cable fault and ground fault. The instruction manual consists of a circuit diagram and is used for troubleshooting. The circuit diagram over the door system is used to find the faults and to correct them. The fault analysis includes the factors, which is the reason for the most common faults to occur in a rail vehicle. Door system receives diagnostic code from a door computer that control priori- tizing for arrangements that will be made.

Jane Wegewitz/Tom Pürschel: Broder, Cerf & Löbl – Nachbarn auf Zeit. Neighbours for Some Time

Balz, Eva 18 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic Engineering As Literary Praxis: A Study In Contemporary Literature

Evans, Taylor 01 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis considers the understudied issue of genetic engineering as it has been deployed in the literature of the late 20th century. With reference to the concept of the enlightened gender hybridity of Cyborg theory and an eye to ecocritical implications, I read four texts: Joan Slonczewski's 1986 science fiction novel A Door Into Ocean, Octavia Butler's science fiction trilogy Lilith's Brood – originally released between 1987 and 1989 as Xenogenesis – Simon Mawer's 1997 literary novel Mendel's Dwarf, and the first two books in Margaret Atwood's speculative fiction MaddAddam series: 2003's Oryx and Crake and 2009's The Year Of the Flood. I argue that the inclusion of genetic engineering has changed as the technology moves from science fiction to science fact, moving from the fantastic to the mundane. Throughout its recent literary history, genetic engineering has played a role in complicating questions of sexuality, paternity, and the division between nature and culture. It has also come to represent a nexus of potential cultural change, one which stands to fulfill the dramatic hybridity Haraway rhapsodized in her "Cyborg Manifesto" while also containing the potential to disrupt the ecocritical conversation by destroying what we used to understand as nature. Despite their four different takes on the issue, each of the texts I read offers a complex vision of utopian hopes and apocalyptic fears. They agree that, for better or for worse, genetic engineering is forever changing both our world and ourselves.

Knock-Knock Door Lock : Unlocking your door with a secret knock sequence / Knack-Knack Öppna Tack

ANDERSSON, FILIP, BERGLING, DAVID January 2020 (has links)
The door lock - a key function in every modern home, as well as a product which is today undergoing drastic change. The digital revolution has not left the door lock untouched, and there is today a wide variety of digital door locks utilizing technologies ranging from touch displays to fingerprint readers. The premises of the project was to try a different approach to the digital door lock and implement it schoolyard-style using a secret knock sequence, set by the user. The secret sequence would consist of two elements, both a rhythmical and a positional pattern. To unlock the door, the user would therefore need to simultaneously knock the correct rhythm and knock at the correct positions. To record and analyze the knock vibrations, piezo electric sensors connected to an Arduino Uno were used. To unlock the door, a small servo motor, two gears and a timing belt were used to turn the lock turning knob . Despite a short time frame and hardships due to the limitations caused by the coronavirus outbreak, a fully functional prototype which fulfilled both reliability and consistency was achieved. It could with good consistency recognize the test sequence, which was the intro rhythm to ”We Will Rock You” knocked in a square pattern. But even with flawless functionality, the conclusion would have been the same. The security of the system may be exceptional from a technical perspective, but it falls flat when the human factor is taken into account. The ability for a potential burglar to simply watch as one executes the secret knock is too much of a security hazard for the system to ever be considered as a competitor to other alternatives. The usage of the system is therefore better suited for applications where the thrill of using the product is more important than the actual security of it. / Dörrlåset - en grundläggande funktion i varje modernt hem, och samtidigt en produkt som idag genomgår drastisk förändring. Som resultat av den digitala revolutionen finns det idag en uppsjö av olika digitala dörrlås som utnyttjar allt från touchskärmar till fingeravtrycksläsare. Syftet med projektet var att testa en annorlunda tappning på det digitala dörrlåset, och förverkliga något många hade drömt om i barndomen - ett dörrlås aktiverat genom ett eget hemligt knackningsmönster. Det hemliga knackningsmönstret skulle då bestå av både ett rytmiskt och ett positionellt mönster. Därmed skulle den som ville öppna dörren behöva knacka både rätt rytm, och på rätt ställen på dörren. För att spela in och analysera vibrationerna från knackningarna användes piezoelektriska sensorer kopplade till en Arduino Uno. Mekanismen som styrde själva upplåsningen bestod av en liten servomotor, två kugghjul och en kuggrem som kopplade samman det hela. Trots en begränsad tidsram och motgångar orsakade av coronaviruset lyckades en fullt fungerande prototyp med hög pålitlighet färdigställas. Den kunde med hög tillförlitlighet känns igen testsekvensen, som var introrytmen till ”We Will Rock You” knackat i mönstret av en kvadrat. Men även med felfri prestanda hade slutsatsen varit densamma. Säkerheten för systemet må vara exeptionell ur ett rent tekniskt perspektiv, men den faller platt när den mänskliga faktorn tas med i beräkningen. Risken att en potentiell inbrottstjuv helt enkelt tittar på när någon knackar det hemliga mönstret är för stor för att systemet någonsin skulle kunna betraktas som en seriös konkurrent till andra digitala dörrlås. Produkten är därmed bäst lämpad för användningsområden där nöjet av att använda den är av högre prioritet än själva säkerheten.

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