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Comunidades macrofaunais bênticas associadas às algas de deriva e à grama marinha Halodule wrightii Ascherson na Ilha do Japonês, Cabo Frio, RJ / Macrobenthic communities associated with drift algae and with the seagrass Halodule wrightii Ascherson at Ilha do Japonês, Cabo Frio, RJAmanda Ferreira da Silva 04 September 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As extensas pradarias submersas formadas pelas gramas marinhas são importantes habitats da costa, onde ocorrem interações ecológicas entre diversas espécies da vegetação subaquática, invertebrados bentônicos e peixes. As gramas marinhas e algas de deriva são conhecidas como macrófitas marinhas e, por ocuparem o mesmo tipo de substrato, são normalmente encontradas juntas, proporcionando oxigênio, alimento, proteção, abrigo além de sítios de reprodução e pastagem para os animais associados a essas pradarias. Amostras de algas de deriva e de H. wrightii foram coletadas, ao longo de transectos fixos de 50 m paralelos à Ilha do Japonês, a fim de analisar a existência de relações positivas entre as espécies de macrófitas marinhas e sua macrofauna associada, comparar as duas comunidades e avaliar a estruturação da comunidade macrofaunal bêntica do local. Os transectos foram alocados de acordo com a posição do banco de grama marinha. Observou-se que a densidade de eixos e a biomassa de H. wrightii não explicam a variação da biomassa, riqueza de espécies e diversidade (Índice de Simpson) das algas de deriva. A grande movimentação das algas de deriva ao longo do banco de grama marinha faz com que elas se homogeneízem e ocupem diferentes lugares ao acaso na pradaria, muitos desses locais com baixa biomassa de H. wrightii devido à grande variabilidade na distribuição dessa espécie no local de estudo. Os descritores ecológicos da grama marinha também não tiveram relações positivas com sua macrofauna bêntica associada. A comunidade macrofaunal associada às gramas marinhas foi mais densa, rica e diversa do que a comunidade macrofaunal associada às algas de deriva. Os moluscos Anomalocardia flexuosa, Cerithium atratum, Ostrea sp, Tellina lineata e Divalinga quadrissulcata dominaram o ambiente de gramas marinhas. A maior complexidade estrutural das algas de deriva forneceu um habitat protegido mais atrativo para os crustáceos como, Pagurus criniticornis, Cymadusa filosa e Batea catharinensis. A malacofauna associada às algas não foi abundante, mas um novo registro foi a ocorrência do bivalve invasor Lithopaga aristatus, perfurando uma concha de Ostrea sp. As relações entre os descritores da biomassa algal foram comprovadas para a maioria dos descritores de sua fauna associada. As relações das macrófitas marinhas com a macrofauna total associada seguiram o mesmo padrão das relações das algas de deriva. As análises de agrupamento e ordenação mostraram que as comunidades macrofaunais bênticas do local são estruturadas de acordo com os táxons dos organismos associados mais dominantes influenciados pelo tipo de vegetação basibionte (algas de deriva ou grama marinha). Destaca-se com o presente estudo a importância de medidas de maior proteção no local para a preservação e manutenção do ecossistema da Ilha do Japonês, RJ, Brasil / Extensive submerged meadows formed by seagrasses are an important habitat of the coast, where ecological interactions among different species of the submerged vegetation, benthic invertebrates and fish occur. The seagrasses and drift algae are known as marine macrophytes and, since they often can be found occupying the same substrate, they make a viable coexistence, providing oxygen, food, protection, shelter, besides breeding and grazing sites for the animals associated with these meadows. Samples of drift algae and H. wrightii were collected, along fixed 50 meter transects parallel to the Ilha do Japonês, so as to analyze the relationships between the species of marine macrophytes and the associated macrofauna, compare both communities and assess the structure of the local benthic macrofaunal community. Transects were allocated according to the position of the seagrass bed. It was found that shoot density and biomass of seagrasses did not explain the variation in drift algae biomass, species richness and diversity (Simpson index). The constant movement of the drift algae along the seagrass bed makes the algae homogenize and occupy different places by chance on the meadow, many of these places with low biomass of H. wrigthii, due to the high variability on the distribution of this species in the study area. The descriptors of the seagrassdid not have positive relations with its associated fauna either. Macrobenthos associated with the seagrasses was denser, richer and more diverse than the macrobenthic community associated with the drift algae. The mollusks Anomalocardia flexuosa, Cerithium atratum, Ostrea sp., Tellina lineata and Divalinga quadrissulcata dominated the environment of seagrass. The greater structural complexity of drift algae provided a protected habitat more attractive for the detritivores Pagurus criniticornic, Cymadusa filosa and Batea catharinensis. Malacofauna associated with algae was not abundant, but an important record was a new occurrence of the invasive bivalve Myoforceps aristatus, drilling a shell of Ostrea sp. The relationships among the descriptors of the algae biomass were confirmed to most of the descriptors of its associated fauna. Linear relations between marine macrophytes and its total macrobenthic community followed the same pattern as drift algae linear relationships. Cluster and MDS analysis showed that the local macrobenthic communities are structured according to the taxa of the most dominant associated organisms influenced by the type of the basibiont vegetation (drift algae or seagrasses). The present study considers the importance of more protective measures at the place for the preservation and maintenance of Ilha do Japonês ecosystem, RJ, Brasil
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Deriva e análise de risco das aplicações de fungicidas, herbicidas e inseticidas nas culturas do feijão e da soja / Drift and risk assessment of fungicide, herbicide and insecticide application on dry bean and soybean cropsBueno, Mariana Rodrigues 25 March 2015 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The use of pesticides in management of dry beans and soybeans is fundamental to maintain healthy crops. However, inadequate use of these products represent risks of contamination of the fauna, flora and humans through drift during spraying. Thus, this study quantified deposited drift after boom spraying with different nozzles to determine drift curves for dry beans and soybeans and, from such curves, to calculated the indices of environmental and occupational risks of pesticides used for both crops and to establish buffer zones for spraying these products. The study was divided into two parts: the first one estimated drift curves for dry beans and soybean crops, according to the methodology proposed by norm ISO 22866. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in split plots over space 4 x 20 with 10 replications, measuring drift from spraying with four nozzle types (standard and venturi flat fans XR and AIXR and standard and venturi deflector flat fans TT and TTI) in 20 sampling points (corresponding to 20 parallel distances to crop row outside the target area, spaced by 2.5 m). Evaluation of deposition in filter paper targets on the soil, the dye Rodamine B was added to the tank of a hydraulic boom sprayer, which was quantified by fluorimetry. The second part consisted of computations of contamination risk evaluations from exposition to fungicides, herbicides and insecticides recommended for both crops in Brazil. The risk indices were computed for three different groups: water organisms (daphnia, alga and fish), terrestrial (bees and worms) and occupational risk for bystanders, children and residents, according to models proposed by the methodologies POCER and HAIR. Four drift prediction models were obtained for dry beans and three for soybeans, similar to the Dutch Model , with exponential trend of four parameters, considering the 90 percentile. The coefficients of the drift Dutch Model for Cereals, as well as the coefficients of the German Model for Field Crops are not adequate to estimate drift for dry beans and soybeans. In general, water organisms are more sensitive to contamination by drift. No risk of contamination was found for worms. However, the insecticides chlorpyrifos, spinosad and thiamethoxam presented risk to bees, regardless of droplet size used in the drift curve and, therefore, demand different dimensions for the buffer zones. The herbicide paraquat was the only one with potential occupational contamination risk. It is suggested that, for estimation of drift and risk in dry beans and soybeans, for Brazilian climate conditions, the drift prediction models generated in this study, for each nozzle type, should be used. / A utilização de produtos fitossanitários no manejo das culturas do feijão e da soja é muito importante para manter a sanidade dos cultivos. Contudo, o uso inadequado desses produtos pode causar riscos de contaminação à fauna, à flora e aos seres humanos, quando ocorre deriva durante as aplicações. Assim, o trabalho objetivou quantificar a deriva depositada decorrente da aplicação terrestre com diferentes pontas de pulverização, a fim de se obter curvas de deriva para as culturas do feijão e da soja e, a partir dessas, calcular os índices de risco ambiental e ocupacional de produtos fitossanitários utilizados para as duas culturas e estabelecer zonas de segurança para essas aplicações. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas: na primeira estimaram-se curvas de deriva para as culturas do feijão e da soja, conforme a metodologia proposta pela norma ISO 22866. Em delineamento de blocos casualizados e esquema de parcela subdividida no espaço 4 x 20 com 10 repetições, foi mensurada a deriva proveniente da pulverização com quatro tipos de pontas (jato plano simples e com indução de ar XR e AIRX e jato plano defletor simples e com indução de ar TT e TTI) em 20 pontos amostrais (correspondentes a 20 distâncias paralelas à linha de cultivo fora da área-alvo, espaçadas em 2,5 m). Para a avaliação dos depósitos em alvos de papel filtro junto ao solo adicionou-se ao tanque de um pulverizador hidráulico de barras um marcador composto do corante Rodamina B para ser detectado por fluorimetria. Na segunda etapa foram calculados os índices de risco de contaminação decorrentes da exposição a fungicidas, herbicidas e inseticidas recomendados para as duas culturas no Brasil. Os índices de risco foram calculados para três diferentes grupos: organismos aquáticos (daphnia, algas e peixes), terrestres (abelhas e minhocas) e risco ocupacional para espectadores, crianças e residentes; calculados de acordo com as modelagens propostas pelas metodologias POCER e HAIR. Foram obtidos quatro modelos de previsão de deriva para a cultura do feijão, e três para a cultura da soja, análogos ao Modelo Holandês , com tendência exponencial de quatro parâmetros, considerando o Percentil 90. Os coeficientes do Modelo Holandês de deriva para cultivo de Cereais (Cereals), assim como os coeficientes do Modelo Alemão para culturas anuais (Field Crops) não são indicados para estimar a deriva nas culturas do feijão e da soja. Em geral, os organismos aquáticos são os mais sensíveis à contaminação por deriva. Não foi observado risco de contaminação para minhocas. Para as abelhas, os inseticidas chlorpyrifos, spinosad e thiamethoxam apresentam riscos, independente do tamanho de gota utilizado na curva de deriva e, portanto requerem diferentes tamanhos de zonas de segurança. O herbicida paraquat é o único com potencial de risco de contaminação ocupacional. Em avaliações de estimativa de deriva e risco nas culturas do feijão e da soja, em condições climáticas brasileiras, sugere-se a utilização dos modelos de previsão de deriva gerados neste trabalho, para cada tipo de ponta de pulverização. / Doutor em Agronomia
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Tomography in a linear magnetised plasma / Tomographie d'une colonne de plasma magnétiséDavid, Pierre 27 February 2017 (has links)
Quel est le point commun entre des propulseurs à effet hall, des sources d'ions et les grandes machines de recherche sur la fusion magnétique ? Ils sont tous composés de plasmas interagissant avec des champs électrique et magnétique orthogonaux, et leurs tailles, sophistications et inaccessibilités rendent leur étude directe compliquée. Cette étude directe peut être menée à bien sur des machines plus simples, comme la colonne de plasma magnétisée Mistral utilisée dans ce travail, qui sont conçues pour l’étude de mécanismes fondamentaux. La tomographie, quant à elle, est couramment utilisée dans les tokamaks et stellarators, mais plus rarement sur des machines de laboratoire. Son intérêt majeur est de pouvoir reconstituer l’évolution temporelle de section 2D de plasma, et ce sans mesure intrusive. Dans le cadre de cette thèse un diagnostic de tomographie a été entièrement conçu, installé, calibré et testé. Les modèles existant de tomographie ont d'abord été adaptés à ce nouveau contexte, pour ensuite développer et valider le code complet d’inversion tomographique associé. Puis, une étude de faisabilité a été réalisée en mettant au point un diagnostic de tomographie utilisant un seul capteur avec un échantillonnage conditionnel sur des modes réguliers. L’attention est alors portée au développement, à la configuration et à l’application du diagnostic complet à 128 voies. Enfin, une étude paramétrique des modes réguliers a fait ressortir l'importance des paramètres de contrôle sur les modes (présence, fréquence et parité), et l'attention qui doit être portée à l'ensemble des paramètres expérimentaux, ainsi que l’évolution de leur forme et le comportement du plasma central. / What do satellites thrusters, ions sources, and fusion devices have in common? They all have plasmas with orthogonal electric and magnetic fields and their size, complexity and accessibility often make them hard to be directly studied. Simpler devices, like the linear magnetised plasma device Mistral used during this work, are conceived in order to understand, predict, and eventually control, some of their fundamental mechanisms. To this purpose, a tomography diagnostic is developed. Tomography is a well known diagnostic in tokamaks and stellarators, but remains seldom used in low temperature plasma studies. Its main advantages are to give access to the temporal evolution of a two-dimensional section of the plasma emissivity, and to be non-intrusive. In the frame of this thesis, a tomography diagnostic has been designed from scratch, implemented, calibrated and tested. The first step consists in the adaptation of existing tomography models in this context, and the full development and validation of the associated numerical code. Then, a proof of concept is conducted with a mono-sensor diagnostic using conditional sampling on coherent rotating modes. Following, the development, configuration, and application of the full 128 channels emission tomography diagnostics on Mistral are reported. New insights to characterise coherent rotating modes, such as the evolution of their shape and the behaviour of the core plasma, are given. Additionally, a parametric study of the rotating modes revealed the complex and intricated effect of control parameters on the modes (existence, frequency, and mode number), and the care that has to be put in monitoring many experimental parameters.
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Simulações Computacionais em Ecologia de Comunidades: uma Interface Intuitiva entre Modelos Verbais e Matemáticos. / Computer simulation in community ecology: an intuitive interface between verbal and mathematical modelsCamila Yumi Mandai 26 October 2015 (has links)
Hipóteses e sistemas ecológicos podem ser descritos pelos mais variados tipos de modelos teóricos. Modelos teóricos por sua vez descrevem sistemas idealizados e podem ser construídos sob diferentes abordagens. A ecologia foi profundamente influenciada por modelos ou hipóteses verbais construídos em uma abordagem predominantemente indutiva. Apesar de inspiradoras, tais hipóteses podem apresentar previsões que são logicamente falhas, uma vez que sistemas ecológicos são altamente complexos cujas trajetórias são difíceis de se prever intuitivamente. Neste sentido modelos teóricos quantitativos podem ser usados como ferramentas para traduzir hipóteses e deduzir previsões que podem ser confrontadas com dados reais. Modelos matemáticos são a forma mais tradicional e aceita de abordagem quantitativa. Apesar das vantagens analíticas da aplicação de modelos matemáticos, eles apresentam limitações para tratar de sistemas mais complexos e em escalas mais basais. Além disso, eles podem se tornar rapidamente complicados não só em termos de tratamento matemático mas também de entendimento por parte de um público mais biológico e empírico. Essa dificuldade de entendimento pode estar impedindo que estudos empíricos sejam fortemente embasados em teoria. Neste sentido, modelos computacionais pode ser uma solução promissora. Modelos computacionais podem ser criados para descrever sistemas virtuais que além de ser mais fáceis de serem desenvolvidos e entendidos por biólogos, permitem a inclusão de vários processos, variáveis e interações. Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um modelo baseado em indivíduos (IBM) para descrever comunidades com estocasticidade demográfica, interações intra e inter-específicas e dispersão. Com essa composição de modelo é possível combinar de diferentes maneiras três dos quatro processos presentes em hipóteses e teorias em ecologia, a saber: deriva, seleção e dispersão. No primeiro capítulo descrevemos os detalhes do modelo e como foi sua concepção e implementação. Ainda no neste capítulo simulamos o modelo explorando um espaço de parâmetros arbitrário, i.e. sem especificar um grupo ou sistema de estudo e analisamos o comportamento do modelo em relação à proporção de espécies persistentes ao fim da simulação e comparamos com a previsão do modelo determinístico de competição sem dispersão. No segundo capítulo aplicamos o modelo em uma versão não espacializada para avaliar dentro das premissas do modelo a consistência lógica das previsões da Hipótese da perturbação intermediária (IDH). No terceiro capítulo simulamos o modelo explorando um espaço de parâmetros baseados em dados empíricos de aves e avaliamos quais características das espécies as tornavam mais ou menos suscetíveis à extinção em paisagens com destruição de habitat. Por fim, discutimos brevemente sobre como o modelo apresentado o modelo apresentado e explorado aqui pode ser usado para diferentes propósitos e responder diferentes perguntas dentro dos contextos teóricos de cada capítulo da tese. E concluímos com algumas considerações finais sobre quais foram as contribuições de se desenvolver um modelo computacional e aplicá-lo a diferentes contextos nesta tese para a formação da doutoranda. / Ecological systems and hypothesis can be described by many different kinds of theoretical models. Theoretical models, on the other hand, are idealized descriptions of real systems that can be constructed under different approaches. Ecology was deeply influenced by verbal models or hypothesis under a inductive approach. Although inspiring, such hypothesis can be logically flawed, since ecological systems are highly complex which trajectories are difficult to predict by intuition. Accordingly quantitative theoretical models can be used as tools to translate hypotheses and deduce predictions that can be confronted with empirical data. Mathematical models are most traditional and well-accepted quantitative approach. Despite of the analytical advantages of using mathematical models , they have limitations to address the complexity of biological systems in lower scales. Furthermore, they become rapidly complicated not only in terms of mathematical treatment but also in terms of comprehension by a biological and empirical audience. This difficulties might prevent that theoretical studies predictions play its role of ground empirical studies. In this sense, computer simulation models can be a promising solution. Computer simulation models are more flexible to include various processes, variables and interaction than mathematical models. Furthermore, they create virtual systems that are easier to be developed and understood by biologists. Here, we developed an individual based model (IBM) to describe communities with stochastic demography, intra and inter-specific interactions and dispersion. With this configuration we can build models combining of different manners three of the four processes present in hypotheses and theories in ecology: drift, selection and dispersal. In the first chapter we describe the model details of implementation and conceptions. We also simulated the model to explore a broad parameter space of competing systems, without specifying a group or system of study; we then analyze the model behavior regarding the proportion of persistent species in the end of the simulation and compared the results with the predictions of deterministic model with competition, without dispersion. In the second chapter we apply the model in a non spatialized version of it to assess the logical consistency of the predictions of the Intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). In the third chapter we used the model to describe fragmented landscapes. We explored a parameter parameters based on empirical data of birds and we evaluate which characteristics of the species made them more or less susceptible to extinction in landscapes with habitat destruction. Finally, we discussed briefly how the model can be used for different purposes and some of the future directions within the theoretical contexts of each chapter of the thesis. We conclude the thesis with a reflexion on how the development and exploration of computer model in this thesis contributed to the student ecological background.
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Redes de pesca empregadas pelos pescadores comerciais em uma área de intensa atividade pesqueira do Baixo Amazonas: caracterização, técnicas e eficiência de capturaSouza Junior, Moises Torres de, . 23 January 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-01-23 / Knowledge about fishing nets used by commercial fishermen is essential for the management of fish stocks. The objective of this work is to analyze the strategies of use of these nets, their structural characteristics, their target species and their CPUE in an area of intense fishing activity of Central Amazonia. The collections were carried out bimonthly during a hydrological cycle. Data collection was done through forms and monitoring of fisheries. The fishing net found were the seine net, and two gill nets that are different both in their construction and in the form of use (fixed and drift), which is reflected in the differentiation of the diversity and abundance of captured species. It was verified that the purse seine is the one with the highest average production for both the biomass (367700 grams) and the number of individuals captured (2232 units). Through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) it was verified that there is a significant difference between all the fishing net tested for both biomass (p = 0.00001) and number of individuals (p = 0.0000). The CPUE ANOVA shows a significant difference between the biomass captured by the net (p = 0.001). The CPUE of the surface drift was the highest in both biomass and number of individuals. The fishing nets of the study area are larger than those already described in the literature for Amazonian areas. The tested tools are differentiated in capture power, trap shape, number of individuals and strategies of use. The purse seine is the device that generates greater production and number of species captured and the surface drift net which results in smaller values for this parameter. / O conhecimento sobre redes de pesca utilizadas por pescadores comerciais são fundamentais para administração dos estoques pesqueiros. O objetivo desse trabalho é a analisar as estratégias de uso dessas redes, suas características estruturais, suas espécies alvo e sua CPUE em uma área de intensa atividade pesqueira da Amazônia Central. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente durante um ciclo hidrológico. O levantamento dos dados foi realizado através de formulários e pelo acompanhamento das pescarias. As redes encontradas foram a rede cerco, e duas redes de emalhar que são diferentes tanto na sua construção quanto na forma de uso (fixa e a deriva) , o que se reflete na diferenciação da diversidade e abundância de espécies capturadas. Verificou-se que a rede de cerco é a que tem maior média de produção tanto para a biomassa (367700 gramas) quanto para número de indivíduos capturados (2232 unidades). Através de análise de variância (ANOVA) comprovou-se que existe diferença significativa entre todas as redes testadas tanto para biomassa (p=0,00001) quanto para número de indivíduos (p=0,0000). Já a ANOVA da CPUE mostra diferença significativa entre biomassa capturada por rede (p=0,001). A CPUE da malhadeira de deriva de superfície foi a maior tanto no que diz respeito a biomassa quanto ao número de indivíduos. As redes de pesca da área de estudo são maiores do que as já descritas na literatura para áreas amazônicas. Os apetrechos testados são diferenciados em poder de captura, forma de entralhamento, número de indivíduos e estratégias de uso.
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Modelo de mistura aplicado para a previsão de Holdup e gradiente de pressão bifásico em duto anular de grande diâmetro / Drift-flux model applied to predict holdup and two-phase pressure gradient in large annular ductSávider Conti Carvalho 21 March 2013 (has links)
O escoamento bifásico é muito importante para vários ramos industriais. As misturas bifásicas podem escoar em diversas configurações, as quais são chamadas de padrões de escoamento, e que, ao longo dos anos, receberam diversas classificações. Neste trabalho foi estudado o padrão bolhas dispersas em duto anular. Os trabalhos sobre escoamento bifásico em geometria anular são mais escassos, especialmente quando se trata de dutos anulares de grande dimensão. Dentre os modelos existentes para a modelagem do escoamento bifásico, trabalhamos com o modelo de mistura (Drift Flux), pois, apesar das altas velocidades superficiais, o escoamento em bolhas não possui um comportamento homogêneo, já que a fase gasosa ainda escoa na região central e com uma velocidade maior do que a velocidade da mistura. Foi utilizado o modelo de mistura unidimensional para a modelagem do escoamento bifásico água-ar, pois, além de bastante preciso, é de baixo custo computacional e fácil implementação. Neste trabalho empregamos, a princípio, equações elaboradas para dutos circulares, as quais foram adaptadas para a geometria anular fazendo-se uso do conceito de diâmetro hidráulico. As equações foram implementadas no software Mathematica® e as previsões para o holdup e queda de pressão foram comparadas com dados experimentais próprios. O trabalho experimental foi realizado no laboratório de escoamentos multifásicos do Núcleo de Engenharia Térmica e de Fluidos (NETeF) da EESC-USP, o qual conta com uma instalação experimental em estado operacional para a simulação de escoamentos bifásicos vertical e inclinados em duto anular. Foram colhidas medidas de holdup e queda de pressão bifásica. A concordância entre os dados experimentais e as previsões foi muito satisfatória. / Two-phase flow is present in a wide range of industrial processes. Such flows occur in many geometrical configurations known as flow patterns. In this work is presented a study about bubbly flow in annular duct. Works on two-phase flow in large annular geometry are very scarce. Among the existing models for modeling two-phase flow we chose the drift flux model because the bubbly flow does not behave as a homogeneous mixture, despite of the high superficial velocities, since the gas phase flows faster in the core region in comparison with the mixture velocity. The onedimensional drift flux model besides to be accurate is of low computational cost and easy implementation. The goal of this work is to analyze the prediction of holdup and pressure drop in annular ducts of large diameter. The set of equations used was adapted from those of circular ducts by using the hydraulic diameter concept. The equations were implemented in Mathematica software and holdup and pressure drop prediction were compared with experimental data taken in the experimental facility of the Thermal-fluids Engineering Laboratory of EESC-USP. It was collected measure of holdup and pressure drop. The agreement between experimental data and model predictions is encouraging.
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Etude de l'asymptotique du phénomène d'augmentation de diffusivité dans des flots à grande vitesse / The asymptotic of the phenomenon of enhancement of diffusivity in high speed flowNguyen, Thi-Hien 29 September 2017 (has links)
En application, on souhaite générer des nombres aléatoires avec une loi précise (méthode de Monte Carlo par chaines de Markov - MCMC (Markov Chaine Monte Carlo)). La méthode consiste à trouver une diffusion qui a la loi invariante souhaitée et à montrer la convergence de cette diffusion vers son équilibre avec une vitesse exponentielle. L’exposant de cette convergence est le trou spectral du générateur. Il a été montré par Chii-Ruey Hwang, Shu-Yin Hwang-Ma, et Shuenn-Jyi Sheu qu’on peut agrandir le trou spectral, en rajoutant un terme non-symétrique au générateur auto-adjoint (souvent utilisé en MCMC). Ceci correspond à passer d’une diffusion réversible (en detailed balance) à une diffusion non réversible. Un moyen de construire une diffusion non-réversible avec la même mesure invariante est de rajouter un flot incompressible à la dynamique de la diffusion réversible.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions le comportement de la diffusion lorsqu’on accélère le flot sous-jacent en multipliant le champ des vecteurs qui le décrit par une grande constante. P. Constantin, A.Kisekev, L.Ryzhik et A.Zlatoš (2008) ont montré que si le flot était faiblement mélangeant alors l’accélération du flot suffisait pour faire converger la diffusion vers son équilibre en un temps fini. Dans ce travail, on explicite la vitesse de ce phénomène sous une condition de corrélation du flot. L’article de B. Franke, C.-R.Hwang, H.-M. Pai et S.-J. Sheu (2010) donne l’expression asymptotique du trou spectral lorsque le flot sous-jacent est accéléré vers l’infini. Ici aussi, on s’intéresse à la vitesse avec laquelle le phénomène se manifeste. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions le cas particulier d’une diffusion du type Ornstein-Uhlenbeck qui est perturbée par un flot préservant la mesure gaussienne. Dans ce cas, grâce à un résultat de G. Metafune, D. Pallara et E. Priola (2002), nous pouvons réduire l’étude du spectre du générateur à des valeurs propres d’une famille de matrices. Nous étudions ce problème avec des méthodes de développement limité des valeurs propres. Ce problème est résolu explicitement dans cette thèse et nous donnons aussi une borne pour le rayon de convergence du développement. Nous généralisons ensuite cette méthode dans le cas d’une diffusion générale de façon formelle. Ces résultats peuvent être utiles pour avoir une première idée sur les vitesses de convergence du trou spectral décrites dans l’article de Franke et al. (2010). / In application, we would like to generate random numbers with a precise law MCMC (Markov Chaine Monte Carlo). The method consists in finding a diffusion which has the desired invariant law and in showing the convergence of this diffusion towards its equilibrium with an exponential rate. The exponent of this convergence is the spectral gap of the generator. It was shown by C.-R. Hwang, S.-Y. Hwang-Ma and S.-J. Sheu that the spectral gap can grow up by adding a non-symmetric term to the self-adjoint generator.This corresponds to passing from a reversible diffusion to a non-reversible diffusion. A means of constructing a non-reversible diffusion with the same invariant measure is to add an incompressible flow to the dynamics of the reversible diffusion.In this thesis, we study the behavior of diffusion when the flow is accelerated by multiplying the field of the vectors which describes it by a large constant. In 2008, P. Constantin, A. Kisekev, L. Ryzhik and A. Zlatoˇs have shown that if the flow was weakly mixing then the acceleration of the flow was sufficient to converge the diffusion towards its equilibrium after finite time. In this work, the speed of this phenomenon is explained under a condition of correlation of the flow. The article by B. Franke, C.-R.Hwang, H.-M. Pai and S.-J.Sheu (2010) gives the asymptotic expression of the spectral gap when the large constant goes to infinity. Here we are also interested in the speed with which the phenomenon manifests itself. First, we study the special case of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion which is perturbed by a flow preserving the Gaussian measure. In this case, thanks to a result of G. Metafune, D. Pallara and E. Priola (2002), we can reduce the study of the generator spectrum to eigenvalues of a family of matrices. We study this problem with methods of limited development of eigenvalues. This problem is solved explicitly in this thesis and we also give a boundary for the convergence radius of the development. We then generalize this method in the case of a general diffusion in a formal way. These results may be useful to have a first idea on the speeds of convergence of the spectral gap described in the article by Franke et al. (2010).
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Arbetstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk lag : En studie om byråkratisk driftStrömberg, Hampus January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this master-thesis is to investigate the emergence of bureaucratic drift in connection with implementation of EU-legislation in Sweden. To narrow it down I have chosen to look at the Swedish implementation of the Working Time Directive, directive 93/104/EG. To be able to fulfil the purpose of this master-thesis I have used two research questions; [1] How did Sweden implement the Working Time Directive into Swedish law? and [2] Why did Sweden omit to correct implement the Working Time Directive? To be able to understand and explain the situation I have used the principal-agent perspective as a theoretical framework. An analysis of motives has been used as analytical method. The results from the analysis show that Sweden, in order to keep the contractual model used on the labour market, which is a part of the well known Swedish model, shirked while implementing the directive and implemented as to be able to fulfil its own agenda. This gives a new dimension to implementation research, since Sweden and Scandinavia is considered a ‘black hole’ regarding research on implementation in connection with EU-legislation.
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Transport properties of internal gravity waves / Les propriétés de transport des ondes de gravité internesHorne Iribarne, Ernesto 29 October 2015 (has links)
Les ondes internes sont produites par suite de l’équilibre dynamique entre les forces de flottabilité et la gravité quand une particule de fluide est déplacée verticalement dans un milieu stratifié stable. Les systèmes géophysiques tels que océan et l’atmosphère sont naturellement stratifiés et donc favorables à la propagation des ondes internes. En outre, ces deux environnements stockent une grande quantité de particules tant dans leur intérieur que sur les bords. Par conséquent, les ondes internes et les particules vont inévitablement interagir dans ces systèmes. Au cours de ce travail, des expériences exploratoires sont réalisées pour étudier le transport par érosion des particules, généré par les ondes internes. Afin de déterminer un seuil de transport, les propriétés particulières des réflexions d’ondes internes («réflexion critique ») sont utilisées pour augmenter l’intensité du champ d’ondes à la surface de réflexion. Une méthode a été développée en collaboration avec une équipe de traitement du signal pour améliorer la détermination des composantes de l’onde impliquées dans une réflexion quasi critique. Cela nous a permis de comparer nos résultats expérimentaux avec une théorie de la réflexion critique, montrant un bon accord et permettant d’extrapoler ces résultats à des expériences au-delà de la nôtre et à des conditions océaniques. Nous avons aussi étudié l’interaction des ondes internes avec une colonne de particules en sédimentation. Deux effets principaux ont été observés : la colonne oscille autour d’une position d’équilibre, et elle est déplacée dans son ensemble. La direction du déplacement de la colonne est expliquée par le calcul de l’effet de la dérive Lagrangienne produite pour des ondes. Cet effet pourrait également expliquer la dépendance en fréquence du déplacement. / Internal waves are produced as a consequence of the dynamic balance between buoyancy and gravity forces when a particle of fluid is vertically displaced in a stably stratified environment. Geophysical systems such as ocean and atmosphere are naturally stratified and therefore suitable for internal waves propagation. Furthermore, these two environments stock a vast amount of particles at their boundaries and in their bulk. Therefore, internal waves and particles will inexorably interact in these systems. In this work, exploratory experiments are performed to study wave generated erosive transport of particles. In order to determine a transport threshold, the peculiar properties of internal waves (“critical reflection”) are employed to increase the intensity of the wave field at the boundaries. A method was developed in collaboration with a signal processing team to improve the determination of the wave components involved in near-critical reflection. This method enabled us to compare our experimental results with a theory of critical reflection, showing good agreement and allowing to extrapolate these results to experiments beyond ours and to oceanic conditions. In addition, we study the interaction of internal waves with a column of particles in sedimentation. Two main effects are observed: the column oscillates around an equilibrium position, and it is displaced as a whole. The direction of the displacement of the column is explained by computing the effect of the Lagrangian drift of the waves. This effect could also explain the frequency dependence of the displacement.
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Couches initiales et limites de relaxation aux systèmes d'Euler-Poisson et d'Euler-Maxwell / Initial layers and relaxation limits for Euler-Poisson and Euler-Maxwell systemsHajjej, Mohamed Lasmer 29 March 2012 (has links)
Mes travaux concernent deux systèmes d’équations utilisés dans la modélisation mathématique de semi-conducteurs et de plasmas : le système d’Euler-Poisson et le système d’Euler-Maxwell. Le premier système est constitué des équations d’Euler pour la conservation de la masse et de la quantité de mouvement couplées à l’équation de Poisson pour le potentiel électrostatique. Le second système décrit le phénomène d’électro-magnétisme. C’est un système couplé, qui est constitué des équations d’Euler pour la conservation de la masse et de la quantité de mouvement et les équations de Maxwell, aussi appelées équations de Maxwell-Lorentz. Les équations de Maxwell sont dues aux lois fondamentales de la physique. Elles constituent les postulats de base de l’électromagnétisme, avec l’expression de la force électromagnétique de Lorentz. En utilisant une technique de développement asymptotique, nous étudions les limites en zéro du système d’Euler-Poisson dans les modèles unipolaire et bipolaire. Il est bien connu que la limite formelle du système d’Euler-Poisson est gouvernée par les équations de dérive-diffusion lorsque le temps de relaxation tend vers zéro. Par des estimations d’énergie aux systèmes hyperboliques symétriques, nous justifions rigoureusement cette limite lorsque les conditions initiales sont bien préparées. Le phénomène des conditions initiales mal préparées est interprété par l’apparition de couches initiales. Dans ce cas, nous faisons une analyse mathématique de ces couches initiales en ajoutant des termes de correction dans le développement asymptotique. En utilisant les techniques itératives des systèmes hyperboliques symétrisables et la technique de développement asymptotique, nous étudions la limite de relaxation en zéro du système d’Euler-Maxwell, avec des conditions initiales bien préparées ainsi que l’étude des couches initiales, dans le modèle évolutif bipolaire et unipolaire. / My work is concerned with two different systems of equations used in the mathematical modeling of semiconductors and plasmas : the Euler-Poisson system and the Euler-Maxwell system. The first is given by the Euler equations for the conservation of the mass and momentum, with a Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential. The second system describes the phenomenon of electromagnetism. It is given by the Euler equations for the conservation of the mass and momentum, with a Maxwell equations for the electric field and magnetic field which are coupled to the electron density through the Maxwell equations and act on electrons via the Lorentz force. Using an asymptotic expansion method, we study the zero relaxation limit of unipolar Euler-Poisson system and of two-fluid multidimensional Euler-Poisson equations, we prove the existence and uniqueness of profiles to the asymptotic expansion and some error estimate. By employing the classical energy estimate for symmetrizable hyperbolic equations, we justify rigorously the convergence of Euler-Poisson system with well-prepared initial data. For ill-prepared initial data, the phenomenon of initial layers occurs. In this case, we also add the correction terms in the asymptotic expansion. Using an iterative method of symmetrizable hyperbolic systems and asymptotic expansion method, we study the zero-relaxation limit of unipolar and bipolar Euler-Maxwell system. For well-prepared initial data, we construct an approximate solution by an asymptotic expansion up to any order. For ill-prepared initial data, we also construct initial layer corrections in the asymptotic expansion.
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