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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ensino de fundamentos de astronomia e astrofísica na modalidade a distância para alunos de graduação

Müller, Alexei Machado January 2013 (has links)
O número de cursos na modalidade a distância tem aumentado consideravelmente no mundo, porém existe um grande receio por parte de muitos que o ensino nessa modalidade tenha qualidade inferior ao apresentado na modalidade presencial. Contudo a qualidade do ensino não decorre da presença de todos os envolvidos num mesmo local, e sim da implementação de ações que facilitem o processo de aprendizagem. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo produzir um módulo didático, em hipermídia, para a disciplina de Fundamentos de Astronomia e Astrofísica, a ser ministrada na modalidade a distância aos alunos do curso de licenciatura em Física e a outros alunos interessados, vinculados à UFRGS, por meio de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, que tornasse possível um ensino de qualidade nessa modalidade. Com esse intuito, foi elaborada uma adaptação do hipertexto Astronomia e Astrofísica dos Professores Kepler de Souza Oliveira Filho e Maria de Fátima Oliveira Saraiva, procurando colocá-lo num formato mais adequado para a aprendizagem sem a presença do professor. Para atingir a meta de favorecer uma aprendizagem significativa ausubeliana, os conteúdos das aulas foram organizados de forma a propiciar a diferenciação progressiva e a reconciliação integradora, e no desenvolvimento das atividades propostas, a interação social vygostkyana entre os alunos, no ambiente virtual. O módulo de ensino está dividido em três áreas e contém 28 aulas no total, todas tendo a mesma estrutura básica: objetivos, introdução, desenvolvimento, resumo e atividades de fixação. Também são utilizados aplicativos (applets) de uso livre na rede e outros recursos próprios do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem tais como fóruns e questionários. O material foi aplicado no segundo semestre de 2011, 2011/2, tendo sido trabalhado com uma turma de 25 alunos matriculados. No final de cada uma das três áreas, os alunos foram submetidos a uma avaliação presencial, sendo a nota de cada área estabelecida a partir de uma composição entre as participações nas atividades propostas no ambiente virtual e na prova presencial. A média final foi calculada pela média aritmética das notas de cada área. Os resultados foram bastante satisfatórios do ponto de vista de desempenho e aproveitamento dos alunos participantes, mas não corresponderam à expectativa de diminuição da taxa de abandono da disciplina. O mesmo material, com algumas melhorias, foi reaplicado no primeiro semestre de 2012, com resultados semelhantes aos de 2011/2. Novamente, os alunos que se dedicaram ao estudo conseguiram ter na modalidade a distância um aproveitamento tão bom quanto os alunos dedicados das turmas presenciais; no entanto, o taxa de abandono, principalmente por parte dos alunos de Licenciatura Noturna, permaneceu alta. / The number of online distance learning courses has greatly increased worldwide, but there is a great concern shared by many that this type of teaching modality offers lower quality than that offered by onsite courses. However, we understand that the quality of education does not follow from the onsite presence of all participants, but from the implementation of actions that facilitate the learning process. This study aims at producing a high quality hypermedia didactic module to the online teaching of the Fundamentals of Astronomy and Astrophysics to the undergraduate students and students alike who are linked to UFRGS through a virtual environment. In addition, to achieve such goal, an adaptation of the Astronomy and Astrophysics hypertext by Dr. Kepler Oliveira de Souza Filho and Dr. Maria de Fatima Oliveira Saraiva was accomplished. Also, to carry out the Ausubelian meaningful teaching method class contents were organized in a way to encourage the progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation of Ausubel. Furthermore, the Vygostkyan social interaction method was applied to the development of activities among the distance learning students. The teaching module is divided into three areas and contains 28 lessons in total, all having the same basic structure: objectives, introduction, development, summary and fixation activities. Freeware applets and other virtual learning environment resources such as forums and questionnaires were used. The teaching resources were applied in the second semester of 2011, 2011/2, to a class of 25 enrolled students. At the end of each of the three areas the students were submitted to an on-site assessment: the score of each area was established from a composition between the participation in the online proposed activities and the test applied. The final average was calculated as the arithmetic average of the ratings for each area. The results were quite satisfactory from the point of view of performance and progress of the participating students, but did not correspond to the expected decrease in the class drop-out rate. The same class material, with some improvements, was reapplied in the first semester of 2012, with results similar to those of 2011/2. Again, dedicated students benefited from the distance learning course as much as the best students of the onsite course. Nonetheless, the drop-out rate, mainly by evening class undergraduate students, remained high.

Vers une meilleure compréhension du phénomène de l'abandon du traitement chez les délinquants sexuels

Mandeville Marcotte, Vanessa 12 1900 (has links)
Objectif : L’objectif de cette recherche était d’identifier les processus et facteurs impliqués dans le phénomène de l’abandon du traitement chez les délinquants sexuels et d’explorer les différences et similitudes entre les expériences d’abandon et les expériences de complétion d’un traitement. Méthode : Sept entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées avec des hommes purgeant une peine fédérale en lien avec des délits de nature sexuelle. Ceux-ci étaient incarcérés dans un pénitencier ou en surveillance dans la collectivité sous la juridiction du SCC dans la région du Québec. Les entrevues ont été retranscrites et analysées selon une approche de théorisation ancrée. Résultats : Les résultats ont permis d’élaborer un premier modèle de l’abandon du traitement chez les délinquants sexuels. Ce modèle comprend deux voies, qui comportent chacune deux phases, soit la phase « Avant le programme » et la phase « Pendant le programme ». La Voie #1- Abandon rapide est caractérisée par la présence d’un conflit préexistant avant le début du programme. Pendant le programme, des insatisfactions à l’égard des intervenants surgissent et sont tolérées un certain temps avant l’abandon, qui survient typiquement après quelques séances seulement. Dans la Voie #2-Abandon tardif, des facteurs de vulnérabilité préexistants se retrouvent dans la phase « Avant le programme ». Pendant le programme, des conflits entre les participants et leurs intervenants ou leurs coparticipants surviennent et déclenchent des pensées d’abandon. Survient ensuite un événement précipitant qui favorise un discours interne décisif, puis l’abandon, qui prend place après plusieurs semaines de traitement. Les résultats permettent de constater que le concept de conflit se situe au coeur du phénomène de l’abandon du traitement chez les délinquants sexuels. De plus, les expériences d’abandon se démarquent par l’absence d’une alliance thérapeutique entre les participants et leurs intervenants. Plusieurs facteurs contributifs à la réussite sont également notés, notamment des perceptions favorables envers les intervenants et les autres participants, puis des dispositions personnelles favorables. / Objective: The objective of this research was to identify the process and factors that play a role in treatment drop-out for sexual offenders and to target the similarities and differences between the drop-out experiences and that of program completion. Method: Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with men serving a federal sentence for sex-related crimes. These individuals were either incarcerated in a federal penitentiary or being supervised in the community under CSC jurisdiction in the region of Quebec. The interviews were transcribed and analysed according to a grounded theory approach. Results: The results enabled the elaboration of an initial model for treatment drop-out in sexual offenders. This model is comprised of two pathways containing two phases each: the "Before the program" phase and the "During the program" phase. Pathway #1-Rapid drop-out is characterised by the presence of a pre-existing conflict. During the program, unhappiness with the program facilitator arises and is tolerated for a brief amount of time before the individual drops out. In Pathway #2-Delayed drop-out, pre-existing vulnerability factors can be found in the "Before the program" phase. Over the course of the program, conflicts between the participants and either the program facilitator or co-participants arise and trigger the thought of dropping out. This is followed by a precipitating event that favors a decisive internal discourse followed by dropping out, typically much later in the program. The results from this research demonstrate that conflict appears to be at the heart of treatment drop-out for sexual offenders, combined with the absence of a quality therapeutic alliance between the participants and their program facilitators. Many factors contributing to treatment completion were also identified, such as a positive perception of the program facilitator and other participants, as well as favorable personal dispositions.

Dokumentation zum SZ-Hochschul-TÜV 2005: Eine Gegenüberstellung von hochschulstatistischen Kennzahlen und Ergebnissen von Studentenbefragungen: Ingenieurwissenschaften, Mathematik/ Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Zahnmedizin, Wirtschafts-/ Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften: Im Auftrag der Sächsischen Zeitung

Krempkow, René 13 December 2005 (has links)
Nach der erstmaligen Veröffentlichung dieses kurz auch "Hochschul-TÜV" genannten vergleichenden Studienführers Sachsen für Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik (2000) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Sächsischen Zeitung erscheint diese 6. Auflage nunmehr zum dritten Mal für alle Fächergruppen gleichzeitig mit aktuellen Daten. Zugrunde gelegt wurden in diesem Jahr, anders als bei den vorhergehenden Studienführern, die aktuellsten verfügbaren Daten des Statistischen Landesamtes sowie Daten zur Auslastung und zur Aufnahmekapazität. Diese wurden im Rahmen eines umfassenderen vom Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (SMWK) finanzierten Forschungsprojektes ?Hochschulbericht zur Dauerbeobachtung der Studiensituation und Studienqualität im Freistaat Sachsen? zusammengestellt. Die Aufbereitung der Daten für eine journalistisch verwendbare Zeitungsveröffentlichung und die Erstellung dieser Dokumentation erfolgte im Rahmen einer gesonderten Vereinbarung im Auftrag der Sächsischen Zeitung. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem SMWK konnte in diesem Jahr erstmals die Auslastung der Lehreinheiten (in Prozent) anstelle der Betreuungsrelation (Studierende je Professor) dargestellt werden. "Dienstleistungsverflechtungen" werden dadurch nun mit berücksichtigt. Außerdem konnten die studentischen Einschätzungen erstmals durch eine eigene, im Rahmen des o.g. Forschungsprojektes vom SMWK finanzierte Befragung erweitert werden. Neben den Studienbedingungen und der Lehrqualität wurde zusätzlich die Förderung von Fachkompetenzen und Schlüsselkompetenzen ausgewiesen. Veränderungen zu den Vorjahren wurden nun als Vergleich der aktuellsten drei Jahre mit den vorhergehenden drei Jahren dargestellt (mittelfristige Trends). Im Studienführer Sachsen 2005 wurden wiederum mehr Studienfächer (jetzt 35) als im Vorjahr (26) berücksichtigt. In diesen Studienfächern ist der Großteil der Studierenden an den staatlichen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen im Freistaat Sachsen immatrikuliert. Da alle "großen" Studienfächer einbezogen wurden und in den "kleinen" und neu eingerichteten Studienfächern oft eine zu geringe Anzahl von Absolventen vorliegt, sind zu den übrigen Studienfächern auch kaum zuverlässige Aussagen möglich. Das besonders in den Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften, aber auch in anderen Fächergruppen z. T. breite Fächerspektrum der einzelnen Hochschulen kann aus diesem Grund nicht vollständig wiedergegeben werden. Wie in den Vorjahren wurden Studienfächer einbezogen, in denen in Sachsen insgesamt mehr als 1000 Studierende immatrikuliert sind und/ oder die mindestens an drei Standorten angeboten werden. Außerdem wurden einige für das Profil der Hochschulen wichtige Studienfächer ergänzt. Dadurch sind im Vergleich zum Studienführer 2004 neben "großen" Fächern wie der Medieninformatik solche wie z.B. Landbau/ Landespflege oder Angewandte Kunst hinzugekommen. Weitere Informationen zu Studienmöglichkeiten erhält man über die Internetseiten bzw. Studienberatungen der Hochschulen, die für Sachsen über www.sz-online.de, bundesweit über den HRK-Hochschul¬kompass (www.hrk.de) zu finden sind. Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung gliedert sich zunächst in einen Abschnitt, der kurz die Datenquellen beschreibt. Anschließend wird die Auswahl der hochschulstatistischen Indikatoren ausführlich diskutiert. Darauf folgt ein Abschnitt, in dem die Anlage und Durchführung der Studentenbefragung dokumentiert, die Aussagekraft und Zuverlässigkeit der Befragungsergebnisse sowie der aus ihnen gewonnenen Indikatoren diskutiert wird. Schließlich werden die Ergebnisse zu den ausgewählten Indikatoren dokumentiert und kurz interpretiert.

Pathways of out-of-school youth and their re-entrance into the education training and development system or the labour market

Dube, Andile Laureth Maletsatsi 06 June 2011 (has links)
The study is an investigation into the pathways of out-of-school youth and their re-entrance into the Education Training and Development (ETD) system or the labour market. In the study the pathways of youth who dropped out of school between grades 1 and 11 are traced as they seek re-entrance to the ETD system, or entrance into the labour market. Particular attention was given to the factors that determine the choices that dropouts make either in re-entering the ETD system or entering the labour market. An analysis of the experiences of the interviewed sample of dropouts is presented. The study employs a qualitative research methodology using interviews to elicit the experiences of dropouts and school managers. The participants (young people and three school principals) were selected through snowballing from a township south of Durban. Individual and focus group interviews were held. The findings provide evidence of the value of investing in education, as suggested by the youth. This is in line with the human capital theory framework that suggests that there are major benefits to investing in education. The study is concluded by suggesting the need for second chance education in South Africa. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Early Warning System of Students Failing a Course : A Binary Classification Modelling Approach at Upper Secondary School Level / lFörebyggande Varningssystem av elever med icke godkänt betyg : Genom applicering av binär klassificeringsmodell inom gymnasieskolan

Karlsson, Niklas, Lundell, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Only 70% of the Swedish students graduate from upper secondary school within the given time frame. Earlier research has shown that unfinished degrees disadvantage the individual student, policy makers and society. A first step for preventing dropouts is to indicate students about to fail courses. Thus the purpose is to identify tendencies whether a student will pass or not pass a course. In addition, the thesis accounts for the development of an Early Warning System to be applied to signal which students need additional support from a professional teacher. The used algorithm Random Forest functioned as a binary classification model of a failed grade against a passing grade. Data in the study are in samples of approximately 700 students from an upper secondary school within the Stockholm municipality. The chosen method originates from a Design Science Research Methodology that allows the stakeholders to be involved in the process. The results showed that the most dominant indicators for classifying correct were Absence, Previous grades and Mathematics diagnosis. Furthermore, were variables from the Learning Management System predominant indicators when the system also was utilised by teachers. The prediction accuracy of the algorithm indicates a positive tendency for classifying correctly. On the other hand, the small number of data points imply doubt if an Early Warning System can be applied in its current state. Thus, one conclusion is in further studies, it is necessary to increase the number of data points. Suggestions to address the problem are mentioned in the Discussion. Moreover, the results are analysed together with a review of the potential Early Warning Systemfrom a didactic perspective. Furthermore, the ethical aspects of the thesis are discussed thoroughly. / Endast 70% av svenska gymnasieelever tar examen inom den givna tidsramen. Tidigare forskning har visat att en oavslutad gymnasieutbildning missgynnar både eleven och samhället i stort. Ett första steg mot att förebygga att elever avviker från gymnasiet är att indikera vilka studenter som är på väg mot ett underkänt betyg i kurser. Därmed är syftet med rapporten att identifiera vilka trender som bäst indikerar att en elev kommer klara en kurs eller inte. Dessutom redogör rapporten för utvecklandet av ett förebyggande varningssystem som kan appliceras för att signalera vilka studenter som behöver ytterligare stöd från läraren och skolan. Algoritmen som användes var Random Forest och fungerar som en binär klassificeringsmodell av ett underkänt betyg mot ett godkänt. Den data som använts i studien är datapunkter för ungefär 700 elever från en gymnasieskola i Stockholmsområdet. Den valda metoden utgår från en Design Science Researchmetodik vilket möjliggör för intressenter att vara involverade i processen. Resultaten visade att de viktigaste variablerna var frånvaro, tidigare betyg och resultat från Stockholmsprovet (kommunal matematikdiagnos). Vidare var variabler från lärplattformen en viktig indikator ifall lärplattformen användes av läraren. Algoritmens noggrannhet indikerade en positiv trend för att klassificeringen gjordes korrekt. Å andra sidan är det tveksamt ifall det förebyggande systemet kan användas i sitt nuvarande tillstånd då mängden data som användes för att träna algoritmen var liten. Därav är en slutsats att det är nödvändigt för vidare studier att öka mängden datapunkter som används. I Diskussionen nämns förslag på hur problemet ska åtgärdas. Dessutom analyseras resultaten tillsammans med en utvärdering av systemet från ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Vidare diskuteras rapportens etiska aspekter genomgående.

School management imperatives in addressing the needs of impoverished secondary school learners in rural areas

Tekete, Zoleka Mizper 01 1900 (has links)
The study focuses on management strategies of the highly impoverished secondary schools of the Mount Fletcher District in the Eastern Cape. Challenges facing the impoverished learners and managerial experiences of principals of these schools have been discussed in the study. A literature review provided a conceptual framework and covered definitions of poverty, school management strategies, leadership styles and qualities required for a successful principal heading a secondary school with impoverished learners. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach was conducted and data gathered by means of interviews with principals, Life Orientation teachers and parents. Finally a synopsis of findings and recommendations were made to assist the policy makers, Departmental officials, principals, teachers and parents in proper management of secondary schools in the poor rural communities. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Accompagnement de l'élève de 16 à 24 ans en formation générale des adultes du Québec et réussite au sein de l'école

Lethiecq, Monique 04 1900 (has links)
Afin d’enrichir les outils en matière de solution au décrochage scolaire, cette recherche s’intéresse à l’accompagnement de l’élève et à la réussite au sein de l’école. Elle se déroule dans le cadre de la formation générale des adultes (FGA) âgés de 16 à 24 ans et fréquentant les centres d’éducation des adultes du Québec (CÉA). L’objectif général est de décrire ce qui se fait comme pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève pour la réussite tout en identifiant les caractéristiques et les objectifs de ces pratiques. Pour ce faire, trois questions de recherche ont été étudiées à savoir : 1) que se fait-il comme pratiques d’accompagnement en FGA, 2) quels sont les objectifs poursuivis par ces pratiques et, enfin, 3) quelles sont les caractéristiques de ces pratiques? Cette étude s’appuie sur l’approche de la sociologie de l'éducation de François Dubet (1994) et propose d’examiner trois dimensions (pédagogique, personnelle et sociale) et sept formes de pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève : le tutorat, le counseling, le compagnonnage, l’entraide par les pairs, le mentorat, le cybermentorat et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants. La démarche étant d’établir un ensemble de pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève comme il se présente dans le milieu, puisque toutes les pratiques d'accompagnement n’avaient pas été, avant notre recherche, répertoriées en tant que telles. Les résultats obtenus permettent de constater la présence d’un déploiement important de plusieurs pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève en FGA incluant les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants. En effet, le tutorat et le counseling sont deux pratiques qui obtiennent des scores importants. De plus, il aura été possible de documenter de façon assez complète les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignantes dites « d’accompagnement de l’élève » et de comprendre l’articulation de l’ensemble de ces pratiques avec la réussite de l’élève au sein de l’école. Au terme de cette recherche, deux sources de connaissances ont été mises en évidence. D’abord, la première découle des composantes issues du modèle théorique à l’étude, ensuite, la deuxième concerne l’explicitation des pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants. Dans les deux cas, les résultats, ainsi que les analyses, révèlent le caractère central de la dimension pédagogique dans l’accompagnement de l’élève en FGA, ce qui nous renvoie à l’importante contribution, en matière d’accompagnement de l’élève en FGA, de l’enseignant, puisque ce dernier inclut l’accompagnement de l’élève dans l’acte même d’enseigner. / With a view to developing and refining the tools needed to better solve the problem of school drop-out rates, this research interests itself in the accompaniment of the student and the resulting success in the school. It is addressed to the 16 to 24 year old students that are attending Québec’s FGA Education Centres. The general objective is describing what practices are used to accompany the student toward success while also identifying and describing the characteristics and objectives of said practices. In order to achieve this goal, three research questions have been studied, namely: 1) what are the accompaniment methods used in FGA; 2) what are the objectives sought with the use of these methods, and; 3) what are the characteristics of these methods? This research leans on the approach of sociology of education developed by François Dubet (1994), and proposes to examine three dimensions (pedagogical, personal, and social) as well as seven methods of student accompaniment: tutoring, counselling, pair work, assistance between peers, mentoring, cyber-mentoring, and teacher pedagogical methods. The undertaking is aimed at establishing a group of accompaniment practices for the student in his environment. All of these practices, prior to our research, had never been tabulated. The results obtained permit us to observe an important deployment of several accompaniment methods in use in FGA, including the teachers’ own pedagogical methods. In fact, tutoring and counselling are two methods that score high marks. In addition, this research has helped make it possible to document in a rather complete manner the teachers’ pedagogical methods in said student accompaniment, and to understand the dynamics of these methods in student successes at school. Upon the completion of this research, two sources of knowledge stand out. The first one emanates from the components of the theoretical model presently being studied, while the second relates to the specificity of the teachers’ pedagogical methods. In both cases the results, as well as the analyses, reveal the importance of the pedagogical dimension with respect to accompanying the FGA student, which in turn leads us back to the important contribution made by the teacher in student accompaniment in FGA, as in fact the teacher includes student accompaniment in the actual practice of teaching.

Gli studenti del sistema educazione degli adulti in Cile: uno studio nella regione di Valparaiso

ACUNA COLLADO, VIOLETA ROSA 16 March 2011 (has links)
Il proposito di questa ricerca è di conoscere gli utenti dell’educazione degli adulti in Cile, il motivo per cui hanno abbandonato e poi ripreso gli studi, oltre alla loro attuale percezione del sistema scolastico. Per lo studio si è utilizzata la tecnica dei questionari, con un campione aleatorio di 597 giovani e 61 docenti in 24 scuole della regione di Valparaiso. Gli aspetti analizzati per gli studenti sono stati: abbandono della scuola, reinserimento nel sistema scolastico, didattica dell’insegnante; per gli insegnanti: soddisfazione per lavorare nei centri per adulti, opinioni rispetto agli studenti e percezione della propria didattica. Tra i risultati risalta il fatto che gli studenti riconoscono di aver abbandonato la scuola per mancanza di motivazione e per motivi didattici e per contro la buona percezione che hanno delle peculiarità della modalità di Educazione degli Adulti e del modo di fare degli insegnanti. Gli insegnanti si sentono soddisfatti del loro lavoro e considerano che la specializzazione nell’area l’hanno acquisita con l’esperienza. Riguardo agli studenti rilevano carenze nella motivazione, nella costanza allo studio e nella presenza alle lezioni; c’è una buona percezione dell’aiuto reciproco tra studenti anche se si registrano casi di auto-isolamento. / The purpose of this research is to know users of adult education in Chile, because they left their studies and taken up today, as well as current perception of the school system. The survey technique was used in the study and a random sample of 597 youth and 61 teachers from 24 schools in the Region of Valparaíso. The studied topics of students were: return to the school system, teaching used by teachers and drop out of school. The teacher topics were: satisfaction of working in adult schools, students view and perception of their own teaching. Results indicated that students admit to having left the formal system mostly due to lack of motivation and educational reasons. In addition they have a good perception of the treatment of teachers and characteristics of the adult education system. On the other hand, teachers believe that specialization in this area have been acquired through experience and feel satisfied in their work. About their students, teachers emphasize their lack of motivation, failure to attend classes and persistence in their studies.

Accompagnement de l'élève de 16 à 24 ans en formation générale des adultes du Québec et réussite au sein de l'école

Lethiecq, Monique 04 1900 (has links)
Afin d’enrichir les outils en matière de solution au décrochage scolaire, cette recherche s’intéresse à l’accompagnement de l’élève et à la réussite au sein de l’école. Elle se déroule dans le cadre de la formation générale des adultes (FGA) âgés de 16 à 24 ans et fréquentant les centres d’éducation des adultes du Québec (CÉA). L’objectif général est de décrire ce qui se fait comme pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève pour la réussite tout en identifiant les caractéristiques et les objectifs de ces pratiques. Pour ce faire, trois questions de recherche ont été étudiées à savoir : 1) que se fait-il comme pratiques d’accompagnement en FGA, 2) quels sont les objectifs poursuivis par ces pratiques et, enfin, 3) quelles sont les caractéristiques de ces pratiques? Cette étude s’appuie sur l’approche de la sociologie de l'éducation de François Dubet (1994) et propose d’examiner trois dimensions (pédagogique, personnelle et sociale) et sept formes de pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève : le tutorat, le counseling, le compagnonnage, l’entraide par les pairs, le mentorat, le cybermentorat et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants. La démarche étant d’établir un ensemble de pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève comme il se présente dans le milieu, puisque toutes les pratiques d'accompagnement n’avaient pas été, avant notre recherche, répertoriées en tant que telles. Les résultats obtenus permettent de constater la présence d’un déploiement important de plusieurs pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élève en FGA incluant les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants. En effet, le tutorat et le counseling sont deux pratiques qui obtiennent des scores importants. De plus, il aura été possible de documenter de façon assez complète les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignantes dites « d’accompagnement de l’élève » et de comprendre l’articulation de l’ensemble de ces pratiques avec la réussite de l’élève au sein de l’école. Au terme de cette recherche, deux sources de connaissances ont été mises en évidence. D’abord, la première découle des composantes issues du modèle théorique à l’étude, ensuite, la deuxième concerne l’explicitation des pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants. Dans les deux cas, les résultats, ainsi que les analyses, révèlent le caractère central de la dimension pédagogique dans l’accompagnement de l’élève en FGA, ce qui nous renvoie à l’importante contribution, en matière d’accompagnement de l’élève en FGA, de l’enseignant, puisque ce dernier inclut l’accompagnement de l’élève dans l’acte même d’enseigner. / With a view to developing and refining the tools needed to better solve the problem of school drop-out rates, this research interests itself in the accompaniment of the student and the resulting success in the school. It is addressed to the 16 to 24 year old students that are attending Québec’s FGA Education Centres. The general objective is describing what practices are used to accompany the student toward success while also identifying and describing the characteristics and objectives of said practices. In order to achieve this goal, three research questions have been studied, namely: 1) what are the accompaniment methods used in FGA; 2) what are the objectives sought with the use of these methods, and; 3) what are the characteristics of these methods? This research leans on the approach of sociology of education developed by François Dubet (1994), and proposes to examine three dimensions (pedagogical, personal, and social) as well as seven methods of student accompaniment: tutoring, counselling, pair work, assistance between peers, mentoring, cyber-mentoring, and teacher pedagogical methods. The undertaking is aimed at establishing a group of accompaniment practices for the student in his environment. All of these practices, prior to our research, had never been tabulated. The results obtained permit us to observe an important deployment of several accompaniment methods in use in FGA, including the teachers’ own pedagogical methods. In fact, tutoring and counselling are two methods that score high marks. In addition, this research has helped make it possible to document in a rather complete manner the teachers’ pedagogical methods in said student accompaniment, and to understand the dynamics of these methods in student successes at school. Upon the completion of this research, two sources of knowledge stand out. The first one emanates from the components of the theoretical model presently being studied, while the second relates to the specificity of the teachers’ pedagogical methods. In both cases the results, as well as the analyses, reveal the importance of the pedagogical dimension with respect to accompanying the FGA student, which in turn leads us back to the important contribution made by the teacher in student accompaniment in FGA, as in fact the teacher includes student accompaniment in the actual practice of teaching.

On modelling the transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in a closed mixed society

Mudimu, Edinah 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis sought to develop an agent-based model that replicates the formation of social and sexual partnerships in real-world settings with an eventual aim of revealing the main drivers of the HIV pandemic in a closed mixed society. Agent-based modelling is a computational modelling approach that allows for the simulation of the actions and interactions of autonomous agents, with the eventual objective of disovering global effects on the system. This modelling technique is less dependent on generalisations and does not average out the behaviour of individuals. Sexual partnerships formed in the model goes through the process of dating, courting and has a chance of developing into marriage as well as the possibility of breaking up or undergo divorce. Sexual partnership formation is based on a likeability index calculated using aspiration, attractiveness and age. Over and above the the sexual relationships we include commercial sex work. Commercial sex work depends mainly on the availability of female sex workers and their clients. We superimpose the spread of HIV on the social and sexual network model. Results from the model reveal that saturation of HIV prevalence is driven by the social and sexual network structure, behaviour change as well as biologic factors. Excluding commercial sex work in the model resulted in a decrease in HIV prevalence and incidence. Dense social networks resulted in a dense sexual network which consequently increased HIV incidence. A change in the infection probability per coital act contributed significantly to a change in incidence and prevalence levels. Model results also show that enrolling all HIV positive agents on antiretroviral therapy (ART) as from 2016 simulation year will help in curbing HIV transmission if zero dropout rate from ART is assumed. Therefore, on concomitant action to avoid dropouts from ART is necessary if full benefits of introducing ART to all HIV positive individuals are to be realised. / Operations Management / D.Phil. (Operations Research)

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