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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intervalo entre cortes em capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf cv. Marandu): produção, valor nutritivo e perdas associadas à fermentação da silagem. / Cutting intervals in marandu grass (brachiaria brizantha (hochst. ex a. rich.) stapf cv. marandu): dry matter yield, nutritive value and silage fermentation losses.

Lucas José Mari 26 September 2003 (has links)
Os objetivos do estudo foram avaliar os efeitos do intervalo entre cortes e da estação do ano, sobre a produção de matéria seca (MS), composição morfológica e químico-bromatológica do capim-Marandu. Os tratamentos consistiram em seis intervalos entre cortes (T15, T30, T45, T60 T75 e T90), com forragens colhidas, respectivamente, aos 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 e 90 dias de rebrotação, conduzidos ao longo de 12 meses. Parte da forragem colhida foi ensilada em janeiro (verão) e julho (inverno), exceto T75. Foram realizados dois ensaios, no primeiro houve a caracterização da produção de MS, composição morfológica e químico-bromatológica da forragem. Num segundo ensaio foi caracterizada a composição químico-bromatológica das silagens de capim-Marandu e foram avaliados alguns parâmetros físicos das mesmas, como densidade da massa verde (DMV), da massa seca (DMS), tamanho médio das partículas, condutividade elétrica (CE) e atividade de água (Aw). O processo fermentativo foi avaliado indiretamente através da quantificação das perdas por gases, produção de efluente e taxa de recuperação de MS das silagens. O delineamento experimental constituiu-se de blocos completos casualizados avaliando seis tratamentos para o primeiro ensaio e cinco no segundo. Para o ensaio de produção e qualidade da forragem os dados foram agrupados em ciclos de cortes de 90 dias para efeito de comparação entre os tratamentos. As produções de MS nos tratamentos T30 e T45 (21 t ha -1 ano -1 ) foram inferiores (P<0,01) aos demais (27 t ha -1 ano -1 ) e a produção de MS digestível (16,2 t ha -1 ano -1 ) seguiu a mesma tendência. As alterações encontradas nas variáveis estudadas foram, sobretudo, decorrentes das variações ambientais, que levaram a alterações na composição morfológica e químico-bromatológica. Em geral, maiores intervalos entre cortes proporcionaram redução na porcentagem de folhas e aumento na de hastes que, como conseqüência, levaram ao declínio nos teores de proteína bruta (PB) e na digestibilidade verdadeira in vitro da matéria seca (DVIVMS), além de aumentos nos teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). A silagem de inverno promoveu discreta alteração na composição químico-bromatológica entre os tratamentos, restringindo-se a variações nos teores de PB, FDN e celulose que levaram a alterações na DVIVMS. Na silagem de verão observou-se consistência de redução do valor nutritivo com a maior extensão do intervalo entre cortes da forragem ensilada, com aumento das frações da parede celular, exceto hemicelulose, e diminuição nos componentes do conteúdo celular. Os valores de pH (4,9), apesar de elevados, estiveram dentro da amplitude de variação esperada para silagens de capins tropicais. O menor tamanho de partículas (31 mm) proporcionou maiores (P<0,01) DMV (633 kg m -3 ). Os maiores teores de MS nas silagens confeccionadas no inverno levaram a maiores perdas por gases e menores produções de efluente, com maiores taxas de recuperação de MS. A otimização do intervalo entre cortes, visando conciliar elevada produção de MS e valor nutritivo satisfatório, ocorreu ao redor dos 60 dias de crescimento vegetativo, quando a baixa digestibilidade (63,1%) foi compensada pela maior produção de MS (27 t ha -1 ano -1 ) e menores perdas (3,45% MS) no processo fermentativo. / The objectives of this study were to evaluate cutting intervals and season of the year on dry matter (DM) yield, morphological and chemical composition of Marandu grass. Treatments consisted of Marandu grass harvested at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90-d intervals and was carried out during 12 months. Part of the harvested forage was ensiled, both in the summer (January) and in the winter (July) cuts, except that of 75-d interval. In the first trial was evaluated the dry matter (DM) yield, morphological composition and nutritive value of Marandu grass. In the second trial, silage samples were submitted to chemical and physical analysis (electrical conductivity - EC, water activity - Aw, particle size - PS, fresh matter density - FMD, dry matter density - DMD, effluent yield, gases losses and dry matter recovery rate-DMRR). Randomized blocks with six treatments in the first trial and five treatments in the second one was the experimental design chosen. In the first trial data were pooled in 90-d interval to compare treatments. DM yield was lower (P<0.01) at 30 and 45-d interval (21 t ha -1 year -1 ) as compared to 15, 60, 75 and 90-d interval (27 t ha -1 year -1 ). Digestible DM yield (16.2 t ha -1 year -1 ) followed the same pattern. Values observed in the measured parameters were probably due to environmental conditions, leading to morphological and chemical composition changes. In general, samples harvested at longer cutting intervals showed a decrease in leaves, crude protein (CP) content and in vitro true DM digestibility (IVTDMD) and an increase in stems and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content. Among treatments, the winter cut silages showed minor chemical composition changes as compared to the summer cut silages. The summer cut silages showed a trend for increasing cell wall fractions, except hemicellulose and decreasing cell soluble contents as the cutting intervals were increased. Average silage pH values were 4.9. Small particle size (31 mm) silages had higher (P<0.01) FMD (633 kg m -3 ). The higher DM content observed in the winter cut silages led to increased gases losses and DMRR and lower effluent yield. The 60-d cutting interval is recommended based on productivity (27 t ha -1 year -1 ), digestibility (63.1%) and fermentation losses (3.4% DM) values.

Parametrização e avaliação de modelos de estimativa das exigências e do desempenho de bovinos leiteiros para uso no Brasil / Parameterization and evaluation of models to estimate the requirements and performance of dairy cattle for use in Brazil

Veridiana Lourenço de Souza 26 August 2015 (has links)
O rebanho brasileiro de bovinos leiteiros é composto predominantemente por vacas mestiças criadas em condições tropicais. Os principais modelos usados no Brasil para a formulação e avaliação de dietas são norte-americanos e baseados nas exigências de vacas Holandesas em clima temperado. A principal contribuição do primeiro capítulo deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento e avaliação de um novo modelo para estimar a ingestão de matéria seca (IMS) de vacas mestiças. A nova equação de predição da IMS foi desenvolvida e avaliada usando um banco de dados com 161 médias de tratamentos provenientes de 38 estudos brasileiros publicados com vacas mestiças [n = 446 vacas, 16,60 ± 5,70 (DP) kg leite/dia]. O modelo proposto foi: IMS (kg/dia): [0,5552 (± 0,06636 EP) × LC4%G + 0,06332 (± 0,009455) × PV0,75] × [1 - e (- 0,7732 (± 0,7019) × (SEM - 1,629 (± 1,9313))) ]. O novo modelo apresentou maior acurácia (QMEP = 1,64, r2 = 0,88) na predição da IMS quando comparado com modelos norte-americanos. O novo modelo de predição da IMS pode ser aplicado na formulação de dietas para vacas leiteiras mestiças em condições tropicais. No capítulo 2, um estudo avaliou as novas atualizações das exigências nutricionais de bezerras leiteiras sugeridas por Van Amburgh e Drackley (2005) e inseridas em programa comercial (AMTS, Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems, AMTS.Cattle.ProTM Calf Model versão, 2015). Dados de 16 estudos brasileiros envolvendo 51 dietas para bezerros leiteiros (n = 485, peso ao desmane de 62,02 ± 10,16 kg) foram usados para avaliar os modelos do NRC (2001) e o AMTS. Nas condições do conjunto de dados do presente estudo, ambos os sistemas superestimaram o ganho calculado a partir da proteína disponível. O ganho de peso estimado pela energia disponível da dieta, foi superestimado em 19 g/dia quando calculado pelo NRC e subestimado em 68 g/dia quando calculado pelo AMTS. O ganho de peso possível a partir da energia disponível foi menor quando calculado pelo AMTS em relação ao NRC (2001). Para o conjunto de dados experimentais brasileiros, os ganhos de peso de bezerros foram 32% inferiores aos descritos na literatura para sistemas norte-americanos. As razões para esta discrepância precisam ser compreendidas, pois somente assim novos modelos poderão ser desenvolvidos e parametrizados para estimar o desempenho animal de forma mais acurada e precisa. / The Brazilian dairy herd is mainly made up of crossbred cows fed under tropical conditions. The main models in use to formulate and evaluate diets in Brazil are from North America. These models are based on the requirements of Holstein dairy cows under temperate climate. Therefore, the main contribution of this first Chapter was the development and evaluation of a new model to estimate dry matter intake (DMI) of crossbred dairy cows. The new DMI equation was developed and evaluated using a database with 161 treatment means from 38 published studies of Brazilian crossbred cows [n = 446 dairy cows, mean milk production of 16.60 ± 5.70 (SD) kg/day]. The new model showed higher DMI prediction accuracy (MSEP = 1.64, r2 = 0.88) than American models. Therefore, this model can be used in the formulation of diets for crossbred dairy cows under tropical conditions. In Chapter 2, we evaluated the updates on the nutritional requirements of dairy calves suggested by Van Amburgh and Drackley (2005) and inputted into Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems (AMTS, AMTS.Cattle.ProTM Calf Model version, 2015). Data from 16 previous Brazilian studies involving 51 diets for dairy calves (n = 485 calves, weaning weight of 62.02 ± 10.16 kg) were used to evaluate the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle - NRC (2001) and AMTS models. According to the data set from this study, both systems overestimated the gain calculated from the available protein. The weight gain estimated by the energy available from the diet was overestimated by 19 g/day when calculated by the NRC and underestimated by 68 g/day when calculated by AMTS. Weight gain estimated by the dietary energy of the AMTS system was lower than the NRC (2001). The Brazilian data set showed a calf gain around 32% lower than those described in U.S. dairy farms. The reasons for this discrepancy need to be understood, for only then can new models be developed and parameterized to estimate animal performance more accurately and precisely.

Degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido e digestibilidade in vitro da cana-de-açúcar fresca ou ensilada e silagem de milho em diferentes ambientes ruminais / In situ dry matter, organic matter, neutral and acid detergent fiber degradability and in vitro digestibility of green chopped or ensiled sugar cane and corn silage under different ruminal conditions

Vanessa Pillon dos Santos 26 January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e matéria orgânica (DIVMO) e as degradabilidades in situ (DIS) da matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDA) da cana-de-açúcar in natura (CF) e ensilada (SC), bem como da silagem de milho em diferentes ambientes ruminais, utilizando a técnica in situ macro-bag. Para a DIVMS, DIVMO e a degradabilidade in situ foram utilizadas duas vacas não lactantes com peso médio de 450 kg. As rações fornecidas aos animais foram formuladas de maneira a se obter diferentes ambientes ruminais, através da inclusão de diferentes volumosos: CF ou SC. A DIS da MS, MO, FDN e FDA da CF, SC e SM foram avaliadas utilizando-se sacos com porosidade de 50 µm, com medidas de 20 x 40 cm (macro-bag), sendo os volumosos incubados sem prévio processamento (secagem e moagem) nos horários 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 horas. Os tratamentos consistiram de um arranjo hierárquico 3x2 (três volumosos dentro de dois ambientes ruminais) com medidas repetidas nos mesmos animais. Foram também colhidas amostras de fluído ruminal para a avaliação do ambiente ruminal resultante de cada ração experimental, com base na determinação do pH, nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3) e concentração dos ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com medidas repetidas no tempo. Diferenças significativas foram observadas para a concentração molar total dos AGCC nos diferentes tratamentos (P<0,05). O horário de colheita afetou significativamente a concentração molar do ácido acético, total dos AGCC, e o pH ruminal. Foram observadas diferenças significativas (P<0,05) para as frações solúveis (A), potencialmente degradáveis (B), não degradáveis (C) e degradação potencial (DP) da MS dos volumosos avaliados nos diferentes ambientes ruminais. As variáveis de degradação da MO foram afetadas de forma significativa pelos tratamentos (P<0,05), exceto para a taxa de degradação (c%/h), cuja média foi de 2,1%/h. Diferenças significativas (P<0,05) foram observadas para a FDN e FDA, apenas para a fração A dos alimentos incubados nos diferentes ambientes ruminais com médias de 9,11 e 2,66%, respectivamente. Os inóculos utilizados para o ensaio da digestibilidade in vitro foram colhidos dos animais alimentados com as rações para obter os diferentes ambientes ruminais. Os resultados demonstram que as digestibilidades in vitro da CF, SC e SM foram maiores (60,82; 68,36 e 71,79%, respectivamente) quando inoculados no ambiente referente à SC aditivada com Lactobacillus buchneri comparando com o ambiente composto pela CF (53,90; 54,54 e 62,02%). De modo geral, o ambiente ruminal resultante do fornecimento de rações contendo SC foi benéfico à degradabilidade e à digestibilidade dos alimentos estudados. A técnica in situ macro-bag pode ser utilizada para o estudo das frações A, B e C, assim como para a estimativa da DP e efetiva da CF, SC e SM. / The objectives of this study were to determine the in vitro dry matter (DMIVD) and organic matter (OMIVD) digestibilities and in situ degradability (ISD) of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) of green chopped sugar cane (GCSC) or sugar cane silage (SCS), as well as corn silage (CS) under different ruminal conditions. For in vitro digestibility and in situ degradability trials, two dry Holstein cows were used (live weight of 450 kg). Diets were formulated to obtain different ruminal conditions by inclusion of two forage sources: GCSC or SCS. The ISD of DM, OM, NDF and ADF were evaluated by using 20 x 40 cm nylon bags (macro-bags), with 50 ?m of porosity. Forages sources were incubated without previous sample processing (drying and grounding) during 0, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96h. Treatments consisted of a 3x2 hierarchy design (three forages and two ruminal conditions), with repeated measurements in both animals. Rumen fluid sample were taken to evaluate ruminal parameters regarding of each experimental diet, based on pH, ammonia-N (NNH3) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA). The experimental design was a randomized block with time-measurements sampling. Treatments had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the total SCFA molar concentrations. Sampling time affected significantly the molar concentrations of acetic acid and total SCFA, and the ruminal pH. Differences were also observed (P<0.05) for the soluble fraction (A), potentially degradable fraction (B), undegradable fraction (C) and potentially DM degradability (PD) of forages sources evaluated under different ruminal conditions. Organic matter degradability variables were also significantly affected by treatments (P<0.05), except for the degradation rate (%/h), which averaged 2.1%/h. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for NDF and ADF only in A fraction of both forages sources under different ruminal conditions, with mean values of 9.11 and 2.66%, respectively. The inocula used for the in vitro digestibility trial were collected from the animals fed with the experimental rations in order to achieve the different ruminal conditions, aiming to different ruminal conditions. The in vitro digestibilities of GCSC, SCS and CS were higher (60.82; 68.36 e 71.79, respectively) when inoculated in the ruminal conditions containing SCS added with Lactobacillus buchneri (SCS), as compared to GCSC (53.90; 54.54 e 62.02%). In conclusion, for the in situ as well for the in vitro trial, the SCS ration resulted in improved ruminal condition for the degradability and digestibility of the evaluated forages. The macro-bag protocol might be used for the A, B and C fractions studies, as welll as for the potential and effective degradability estimation of GCSC, SCS and CS.

Produção e partição de biomassa, produtividade e qualidade de mini melancia em hidroponia / Production and biomass partitioning, yield and quality of mini watermelon in hydroponics

Rodrigues, Silvana 01 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:33:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_silvana_rodrigues.pdf: 749385 bytes, checksum: bb05166dd4cb67ec59ad2ef37911e97d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-01 / The mini watermelons growing in greenhouses can be a more viable alternative crop to be used in rotation or soilless systems under protected cultivation. Greenhouse cultivation and staking require the use and suitability of various other crop management practices, such as increasing plant density and fruit thinning. Two experiments were performed at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, RS from November 2010 to January 2011, in order to study plant growth (dry matter production and partitioning), fruit yield and quality of mini watermelon Rapid Fire under greenhouse and NFT hydroponic system conditions. The first experiment aimed to study different plant densities (1.8, 2.4, 2.9, 3.4 and 3.9 plants m-2), setting four fruits per plant. The second experiment was conducted to verify the effect of sink demand (number of fruits per plant) in five levels (01, 02, 03, 04 and 05 fruits per plant). Fresh and dry matter of leaves, stems, roots and fruits, leaf area, average fruit weight, soluble solids content and pulp colour were evaluated. Regarding the results obtained in the first experiment, it was observed that increasing plant density from 1.8 to 3.9 plants m-2 reduced linearly growth of all organs and fruit yield per plant (from 9.58 to 7.47 kg) and presented no effect on fruit sugar content and pulp colour. However, from a marketable point of view, it neither caused losses in the average fruit weight (ranging from 2.39 to 1.86 kg) nor altered the plant dry matter partitioning. But, it increased linearly crop and fruit dry matter production as well as fruit yield obtained per square meter (from 17.23 to 29.11 kg m-2).Thus, we can recommend the density of 3.9 plants m-2 for the stanking mini watermelon Rapid Fire in hydroponic cultivation. The results obtained in the second experiment indicate that increasing fruit load caused a strong competition by fotoasimilates among different plant organs and reduced leaf expansion and fruit as well as other plant organs dry matter production. But, it had no effect on dry matter partitioning. Thus, one fruit per plant can be considered as the saturation fruit load related to the fraction partitioned into fruits. A linear reduction of the average fruit fresh weight from 3.42 kg to 1.77 and 1.26 kg was observed when the number of fruit increased from one to 4 and 5 fruits, respectively. Also, fruit soluble solids content was reduced, without any effect on pulp colour. The water accumulation into the fruits occurred differently from the dry matter accumulation. As a consequence, fruit yield increased linearly from 3.42 kg plant-1, at one fruit, until 7.09 kg plant-1, at 4 fruits per plant. The obtained results allow us to recomend a fruit load of two fruits per plant when the goal is to achieve more quality markets and three fruits per plant, when the goal is to increase fruit production without major losses in fruit quality of mini watermelon Rapid Fire in hydroponic cultivation. / O cultivo de mini melancias em estufas agrícolas se apresenta como uma alternativa viável a ser empregada em rotação de culturas ou em cultivos sem solo em sistemas de produção desenvolvidos em ambiente protegido. A adoção de ambiente protegido e tutoramento pressupõem o uso e adequação de vários outros tratos culturais, como o aumento da densidade de plantio e do raleio de frutos. Com o objetivo de se estudar o crescimento (produção e partição de massa seca), a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos de mini melancia Rapid Fire em condições de ambiente protegido e cultivo hidropônico do tipo NFT, dois experimentos foram realizados entre novembro de 2010 e janeiro de 2011, no Campus da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, RS. O primeiro experimento teve o objetivo de estudar diferentes densidades de plantio (1,8; 2,4; 2,9; 3,4 e 3,9 plantas m-2), fixando-se quatro frutos por planta. O segundo experimento foi conduzido a fim de verificar o efeito da demanda de drenos (número de frutos por planta), estabelecendo-se cinco níveis (01, 02, 03, 04 e 05 frutos por planta). Em ambos os experimentos, avaliaram-se a matéria fresca e seca de folhas, caule, raízes e frutos, a área foliar, a massa média dos frutos, o teor de sólidos solúveis totais e a coloração da polpa. Em relação aos resultados obtidos no primeiro experimento, observou-se que o aumento da densidade de plantio no intervalo entre 1,8 e 3,9 plantas m-2 reduziu o crescimento de todos os órgãos e a produtividade das plantas de forma linear (de 9,58 para 7,47 kg planta-1) e não afetou a concentração de açúcares e a coloração da polpa. No entanto, não prejudicou a massa média do fruto do ponto de vista comercial (que variou de 2,39 a 1,86 kg) e nem alterou a partição de massa seca da planta, aumentando de forma linear a produção absoluta de massa seca da cultura e dos frutos bem como a produtividade por unidade de área (de 17,23 para 29,11 kg m-2). Desta forma, recomenda-se a densidade de 3,9 plantas m-2 para a mini melancia Rapid Fire tutorada em cultivo hidropônico. Os resultados obtidos no segundo experimento indicam que o aumento da carga de frutos na planta provoca uma forte competição por fotoassimilados entre os diferentes órgãos da planta, diminuindo a expansão foliar, a produção de massa seca dos frutos e dos demais órgãos da planta, sem afetar a partição de massa seca. Portanto, a carga saturante para a partição de massa seca para os frutos é a de um fruto por planta. Ocorreu uma redução da massa fresca média dos frutos de forma linear de 3,42 kg para 1,77 e 1,26 kg, quando se aumentou o número de frutos na planta de um para 4 e 5 frutos, respectivamente. Também, houve uma diminuição do teor de sólidos solúveis dos frutos, sem efeitos sobre a coloração da polpa. O acúmulo de água nos frutos ocorreu em uma proporção diferente do acúmulo da massa seca, fazendo com que o aumento do número de frutos levasse a uma elevação linear da produtividade, passando de 3,42 kg planta-1, na carga de um fruto, até 7,09 kg planta-1, na carga de 4 frutos. Os resultados obtidos permitem recomendar a carga de dois frutos para atingir mercados mais exigentes em qualidade e de três frutos para aumentar a produção, sem grandes prejuízos à qualidade da mini melancia Rapid Fireem cultivo hidropônico.

Gradiente de umidade na maturação de sementes de milho doce e sua qualidade fisiológica / Moisture gradient in the maturation of the sweet corn seed and it s physiological quality

Perretto, Élcio Luiz 14 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:44:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_elcio_luiz_perretto.pdf: 2190569 bytes, checksum: 1ff73055ff1d96459ff77fa47df6897f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-14 / The aim of this study was to identify the ideal sweet corn seed harvest moment by different determinations like moisture gradient in each harvest, moisture content, seeds dry matter, Hot Unity and physiological quality. Four genotypes of sweet corn, carrier of gene shrunken 2 (sh2) and nominated super sweet was used in this study. Ears from plants in the same development stage were collected. Seed harvest for the first genotype began 39 days after the flowering at intervals of two days until to complete eight harvest periods. Morphological determinations evaluated were moisture gradient between the seeds in each harvest, moisture content, seeds dry matter and Hot Unity. Seeds physiological quality was evaluated by germination test, first count of germination, soil emergence and cold test, without soil. Based on the results, the conclusions are: 1) the ideal moment to harvest sweet corn was with seed moisture content between 40 and 60% depending on genotype; 2) the ideal period to harvest the seed of sweet corn varies among genotypes; 3) the Hot Unity between 2007 to 2160°C relates to the best times to harvest the genotypes of sweet corn; 4) the moisture gradient of the seeds in a ear of sweet corn can reach more than 40 percentage points; 5) the seed moisture loss on the ear reaches around 1.5 percentage points per day after 40 days of flowering. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o momento ideal de colheita de sementes de milho doce, por diferentes determinações, como o gradiente de umidade das sementes em cada colheita, o teor de água, o acúmulo de matéria seca, a soma térmica em graus-dia e a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Quatro genótipos de milho doce portadores do gene shrunken 2 (sh2), denominado superdoce, foram utilizados neste trabalho. Foram coletadas espigas em mesmo estádio de desenvolvimento. A colheita das sementes para o primeiro genótipo começou aos 39 dias após a floração, em intervalos regulares de dois em dois dias, até completar 8 épocas de colheita. As determinações morfológicas avaliadas foram o gradiente de umidade entre as sementes de cada colheita, o teor de água, a matéria seca das sementes e a determinação da soma térmica. A qualidade das sementes foi avaliada pelo teste de germinação, teste de primeira contagem de germinação, emergência em solo e o teste de frio sem solo. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que: 1) o melhor momento para colheita de sementes de milho doce situa-se com umidade das sementes entre 40 e 60% e é dependente do genótipo; 2) a época ideal de colheita de sementes de milho doce varia entre genótipos; 3) a soma térmica entre 2007 a 2160°C relaciona-se com as melhores épocas de colheita dos genótipos de milho doce; 4) o gradiente de umidade das sementes em uma espiga de milho doce pode alcançar mais de 40 pontos percentuais; 5) a perda de umidade das sementes na espiga, após 40 dias da floração, varia de 1,5 pontos percentuais por dia.

Effect of planting dates and densities on yield and yield components of short and ultra-short growth period maize (Zea mays L.)

Kgasago, Hans 20 September 2007 (has links)
In general, yield reduction in most dryland maize growing areas of South Africa occur because seasonal rainfall distribution is erratic with annual variation that cannot be predicted accurately. Cultivar selection, planting date and plant density are other factors that consistently affect maize yield. Long growing season maize cultivars are higher yielding, particularly under conditions of good moisture and nutrient supply. However, as both moisture and nutrient availability becomes more limiting, yield tends to decline. Short growing season maize cultivars could yield more than long season counterparts because they can maximize the growing season and potentially reach the critical flowering stage before traditional midsummer droughts occur. The short growing season maize cultivars, which have only recently been developed, have traits, which can address the problem of reduced yield, which is ascribed to midsummer drought. There has been no previous effort to evaluate the effects of planting dates and plant densities on yield and yield components of these short and ultra-short growth period maize cultivars. This prompted research in the 2004/05 growing season. One field experiment was conducted at each of two selected areas (Bethlehem&Potchefstroom) in the “Maize Triangle” of South Africa. The aim was to evaluate the response of short and ultra-short growth period maize cultivars to planting dates and plant densities at two localities with distinct environmental conditions. The effects of planting date, plant density and cultivar on yield and yield components were investigated. Both yield and yield components were affected by planting date, plant density and cultivar at both localities. At both localities early and optimum planting dates as well as low and optimum plant densities promoted increases in yield components, which contributed to increased grain yield. As for the cultivars, PAN6017 proved to be the most consistent since it out-performed other cultivars in terms of both vegetative growth, yield components and grain yield at both localities. At both localities, plant height, leaf area index and dry matter yield were affected by both planting date and plant density, with optimum planting date and optimum plant density contributing to highest yield components and yield. PAN 6017 was superior to the other cultivars at all planting dates and plant densities at both localities. In order to make findings from a study such as this applicable to the “Maize Triangle”, more research on short and ultra-short growth period maize cultivars should be conducted over a wider range of locations and seasons. / Dissertation (M Inst Agrar (Agronomy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Plant Production and Soil Science / M Inst Agrar / unrestricted

Modelling the soil water balance to improve irrigation management of traditional irrigation schemes in Ethiopia

Geremew, Eticha Birdo 24 May 2009 (has links)
Traditional irrigation was practiced in Ethiopia since time immemorial. Despite this, water productivity in the sector remained low. A survey on the Godino irrigation scheme revealed that farmers used the same amount of water and intervals, regardless of crop species and growth stage. In an effort to improve the water productivity, two traditional irrigation scheduling methods were compared with two scientific methods, using furrow irrigation. The growth performance and tuber yield of potato (cv. Awash) revealed that irrigation scheduling using a neutron probe significantly outperformed the traditional methods, followed by the SWB model Irrigation Calendar. Since the NP method involves high initial cost and skills, the use of the SWB Calendar is suggested as replacement for the traditional methods. SWB is a generic crop growth model that requires parameters specific to each crop, to be determined experimentally before it could be used for irrigation scheduling. It also accurately describes deficit irrigation strategies where water supply is limited. Field trials to evaluate four potato cultivars for growth performance and assimilate partitioning, and onions' critical growth stages to water stress were conducted. Crop-specific parameters were also generated. Potato and onion crops are widely grown at the Godino scheme where water scarcity is a major constraint. These crop-specific parameters were used to calibrate and evaluate SWB model simulations. Results revealed that SWB model simulations for Top dry matter (TDM), Harvestable dry matter (HDM), Leaf area index (LAI), soil water deficit (SWD) and Fractional interception (FI) fitted well with measured data, with a high degree of statistical accuracy. The response of onions to water stress showed that bulb development (70-110 DATP) and bulb maturity (110-145) stages were most critical to water stress, which resulted in a significant reduction in onion growth and bulb yields. SWB also showed that onion yield was most sensitive to water stress during these two stages. An irrigation calendar, using the SWB model, was developed for five different schemes in Ethiopia, using long-term weather data and crop-specific parameters for potatoes and onions. The calendars revealed that water depth varied, depending on climate, crop type and growth stage. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Agronomical and physiological factors affecting growth, development and yield of sweet potato in Ethiopia

Belehu, Terefe 26 July 2004 (has links)
Morphological and anatomical studies demonstrated the root formation characteristics of sweet potato. The presence and importance of preformed root primordia is recorded for the first time. On the vines root primordia are present in sets of four to ten adjacent to the leaf bases. These roots originate from the procambium on both sides of the leaf gap. Macroscopically the root tips of preformed root primordia protruding through the cortex and epidermis of the stems are prominent. The preformed root primordia produce adventitious roots, with pentarch, hexarch or septarch steles. Storage roots will under normal circumstances only originate from undamaged root primordia on the nodes of cuttings, or on nodes of newly formed vines, or from wound roots originating from the cut ends of the stem or leaf cuttings. Lateral roots originating from damaged root primordia, or directly from the adventitious roots, exhibit tetrarch steles and develop into fibrous roots without the potential to develop into storage roots. This understanding of the origin, anatomy and morphology of sweet potato roots should improve production practices, which will contribute to improved crop establishment and increased yield. Differences in the contribution of individual subterranean nodes to storage root yield were studied. On average cuttings with three subterranean nodes produced 3.7 storage roots, with 33.2% on subterranean node 1, 30.0% on node 2 and 36.8% on node3. However, in terms of fresh mass of the storage roots node 1 contributed 45.4%, node 2 contributed 27.1% and node 3 contributed 27.4%. The effect of temperature (20, 24, 28 and 32oC constant), orientation of cuttings (vertical vs. horizontal) and size of cuttings (1 or 3 nodes) on the development of adventitious roots was observed in plant growth chambers. Twenty-one days after planting, the longest total root length of 4m per plant was recorded from the 24oC growth chamber. The effect of soil moisture content on early root development was investigated by wetting and equilibrating sandy soil to 100, 80, 60 and 40% of field capacity. Although the 80% of field capacity treatment resulted in the best root development, differences among treatments were small, demonstrating the capacity of cuttings to successfully establish under a range of soil moisture contents. Changes in dry mass of storage roots, stems, and leaves of three sweet potato cultivars (Awasa-83, Bareda and Falaha) were studied at Awasa and Melkassa. At the final sampling the early maturing cultivar Falaha had diverted a higher proportion of the total dry mass into storage roots at Melkassa because of the early initiation and growth of storage roots. The late maturing cultivar Awasa-83 had a smaller proportion of the total dry mass diverted into the storage roots at both locations because of late root initiation and growth. The high yielding cultivars Bareda at Melkassa, and Awasa-83 at Awasa, had higher crop growth rates and higher net assimilation rates than the other cultivars. The effects of cultivar (Kudadie, Bareda and Awasa-83), planting position (horizontal and vertical), type of planting material (terminal cuttings with and without leaves) and cutting length (20, 25 and 30 cm) on the number and yield of storage roots were quantified in field trials at Awasa and Melkassa. Cultivar Kudadie produced the highest storage root yield at both locations. Horizontal planting of cuttings resulted in the highest total storage root yield at both locations. Cutting length did not affect storage root number and yield. The effect of population density (50,000, 55,555, 75,000, and 100,000 cuttings per hectare) on the performance of the three Ethiopian sweet potato cultivars was studied at Awasa. The highest planting density consistently produced the best root yield, indicating the potential to increase yields with plant populations much higher than normally used. Early maturing cultivar Falaha produced more small and medium storage roots per plant, while the intermediate cultivar Bareda produced more large storage roots. Copyright 2003, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Belehu, T 2003, Agronomical and physiological factors affecting growth, development and yield of sweet potato in Ethiopia, PhD thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-07262004-141704 / > / Thesis (PhD (Plant Production and Soil Science))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Silagem de grão de milho reidratado com soro de leite e água / Silage maize grain rehydrated with whey and water

Andrade, Luiz Paulo de 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T13:55:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Paulo de Andrade Dissertacao.pdf: 1041310 bytes, checksum: 2f93e6e6a802137d5b7cf724994ac377 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Given the intensification of animal production , the use of technology Wet grain silage can contribute significantly to improving productivity indices , highlighting the economic importance of this as a constituent of food rations . The objective of this research was to investigate the nutritional value of silage maize grain rehydrated at different moisture contents . The experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University José do Rosário Vellano , Campus Alfenas - MG . The experimental design was completely randomized with a 3x2x2 , and ( rehydration grain at three moisture contents ; rehydrated in saline and water with and without inoculant ) totaling 12 treatments and 4 replications ; Results concerning the characteristics bromatological underwent to analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) using the statistical program SISVAR ( FERREIRA , 2003) . It was found lower pH in silage inoculated when there rehydration with acid whey . Inoculation biological silage moisture corn resulted in higher concentration of lactic acid . Inoculation of silage resulted in higher concentrations of acetic and propionic acid . The propionic acid concentration remained similar between treatments evaluated in this study , although the concentration was low in all of them . Rehydrated silages with whey had higher dry matter silages compared with rehydrated with water . The concentration of protein (CP ) in silage moisture corn was only changed due to the liquid used in rehydration . The NDF was reduced by rehydration with acid whey , whether or not the application of the inoculant . The concentration of ADF increased linearly in the control treatment due to rehydration using acid whey , while the inoculated silage , there was greater concentration rehydration by 40%. / Diante da intensificação da produção animal, o emprego da tecnologia da ensilagem de grãos úmidos pode contribuir significativamente para melhoria dos índices de produtividade, destacando-se a importância econômica deste alimento como constituinte de rações. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa, estudar o valor nutricional da silagem de grão de milho reidratado à diferentes teores de umidade . O experimento foi conduzido na faculdade de agronomia da Universidade José do Rosário Vellano, Campus de Alfenas - MG. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado num esquema fatorial 3x2x2, sendo( reidratação do grão em três teores de umidade; reidratado com soro e água e com e sem inoculante) totalizando 12 tratamentos e 4 repetições; Os resultados referentes às características bromatólogica foram submetidos a análises de variância (ANOVA) utilizando-se o programa estatístico SISVAR (FERREIRA, 2003). Constatou-se menor valor de pH na silagem inoculada quando houve reidratação com soro ácido de leite. A inoculação biológica da silagem de grão úmido de milho resultou em maior concentração de ácido lático. A inoculação das silagens resultou em maiores concentrações de ácido acético e propiônico. A concentração de ácido propiônico permaneceu semelhante entre os tratamentos avaliados neste estudo, embora a concentração tenha sido baixa em todos eles. As silagens reidratadas com soro de leite apresentaram teores de matéria seca maiores quando comparadas com silagens reidratadas com água. A concentração de proteína (PB) na silagem de grão úmido de milho somente foi alterada devido ao líquido utilizado na reidratação. A concentração de FDN foi reduzida pela reidratação com soro ácido de leite, independente da aplicação ou não do inoculante. A concentração de FDA aumentou linearmente na silagem controle devido à reidratação utilizando-se soro ácido de leite, enquanto na silagem inoculada, constatou-se maior concentração pela reidratação a 40%.

Sušení čistírenských kalů solární energií / Drying of sewage sludge using solar energy

Prášek, Dalibor January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis deals with a question of the current methods of treatment of sewage sludge. The main objective is to compare the financial cost of conventional drying with solar drying. In the first part is described process of the treatment sludge and its disposal options. The Thesis also describes different methods of drying sewage sludge.

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