Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ediary"" "subject:"mediary""
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Alteridade nos relatos orais de estudantes do ensino médio: leitura literária de O Diário de Anne Frank / Alterity in the oral reports of High School students: literary reading of The diary of Anne FrankDenisia Moraes dos Santos 28 August 2018 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar os relatos orais dos estudantes de 3ª série do Ensino Médio frente à leitura de O diário de Anne Frank, a fim de compreender as especificidades linguístico-discursivas encontradas a partir de uma obra advinda do Apoio ao Saber programa de política educacional de leitura do Governo do Estado de São Paulo. Para essa tarefa, consideramos dois eixos temáticos que estão numa relação indissociável: Programa Apoio ao Saber e a experiência literária dos estudantes com uma obra advinda do programa. Duas questões nortearam a pesquisa: (i) Como a vivência literária do estudante pode ser recuperada pelas marcas linguístico-discursivas presentes em seus relatos orais? (ii) De que forma o Programa Apoio ao Saber permite o acesso a obras literárias que, quando mediado, pode contribuir de forma significativa para que o livro na mão do jovem possa tornar-se leitura? Para atender ao objetivo, foi necessário recorrer aos relatos orais dos estudantes sobre a obra mais procurada e lida do Programa Apoio ao Saber (2012-2013). O caminho para chegar aos relatos orais iniciou-se com uma pesquisa de campo focada em estudantes de 3ª série do Ensino Médio de dez escolas da rede pública estadual de ensino de Santo André, região do Grande ABC Paulista, zona metropolitana do Estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados realizada nas escolas se deu por meio de questionário de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa com perguntas abertas e fechadas respondidas por 252 estudantes. A partir dos dados coletados no questionário, que apontavam para O diário de Anne Frank como a obra mais lida pelos estudantes, iniciou-se uma série de entrevistas coletivas com os jovens que leram a obra. Por meio dessa trajetória metodológica, foi possível organizar o corpus oral e escrito constituído pelos relatos dos estudantes. A fundamentação teórica deste trabalho centra-se na perspectiva dialógica da linguagem de Bakhtin e o Círculo, em especial, nos conceitos de interação discursiva, enunciado concreto, alteridade, auto-informe-confissão e cronotopo do autor e do leitor. Conclui-se que três especificidades linguístico-discursivas encontradas nos relatos orais dos estudantes foram preponderantes na condução do jovem à leitura de O diário de Anne Frank: (i) a mediação social como constituinte da relação estudante e obra literária; (ii) a relação alteritária entre o eu (estudante leitor) e o outro (ora nas figura do mediador social, ora na figura dos herói na esfera da literatura); (iii) os discursos que atravessam e engendram O diário de Anne Frank, nos anos da década de 1940, relacionam-se à temática da intolerância humana e se assemelham aos discursos que atravessam o contexto sócio-histórico-cultural do jovem da quase segunda década do século XXI. Oferecer ao estudante de Ensino Médio acesso à obra literária representou um acerto no ponto de partida. Entretanto, o caminho que conduz o estudante ao ponto de chegada, ou seja, a leitura que produz significados e constrói sentidos, exige dos programas de leitura ações que considerem o outro como elemento constituinte da relação estudante e obra literária. Não há uma resposta universal para o caminho que vai conduzir um jovem à leitura, mas, sem dúvida, na relação entre estudantes e obras literárias haverá sempre a voz do outro presente. E é essa voz do outro que precisa ser ouvida pelas políticas educacionais de leitura. / This thesis aims to analyze the oral reports of High School students in front of the reading of Anne Frank\'s Diary in order to understand the linguistic-discursive specificities found in a work from the Support to Knowing - educational policy of the State of São Paulo. For this task, we consider two thematic axes that are in an inseparable relation: Support to Knowledge Program and the literary experience of the students with a work coming from the program. Two questions guided the research: (i) How can the student\'s literary experience be recovered by the linguistic-discursive marks present in his oral reports? (ii) How does the Support to Knowing Program allow access to literary works that, when mediated, can make a significant contribution so that the book in the young person\'s hand can become reading? To meet the objective, it was necessary to resort to the students\' oral reports about the most sought and read work of the Support to Knowledge Program (2012-2013). The way to get to the oral reports began with a field research focused on high school students of ten high schools in the state public school of Santo André, Grande ABC Paulista region, metropolitan area of the State of São Paulo. The data collection performed in the schools was done through a qualitative and quantitative questionnaire with open and closed questions answered by 252 students. From the data collected in the questionnaire, which pointed to Anne Frank\'s Diary as the work most read by the students, a series of collective interviews with the young people who read the work began. Through this methodological trajectory, it was possible to organize the oral and written corpus constituted by the reports of the students. The theoretical basis of this work focuses on the dialogical perspective of Bakhtin\'s language and the Circle, especially on the concepts of discursive interaction, concrete statement, alterity, self-report-confession and chronotope of the author and the reader. It is concluded that three linguistic-discursive specificities found in the oral reports of the students were preponderant in the young person\'s conduction to the reading of the newspaper of Anne Frank: (i) the social mediation as constituent of the relation student and literary work; (ii) the alteritary relationship between the \"I\" (student reader) and the \"other\" (now in the figure of the social mediator, now in the figures of heroe in the sphere of literature); (iii) the discourses that traverse and engender Anne Frank\'s Diary in the 1940s relate to the theme of human intolerance and resemble speeches that traverse the sociocultural-cultural context of the young person in the near second decade of the 21st century. To offer the student of High School access to the literary work represented a correct starting point. However, the path that leads the student to the point of arrival, that is, reading that produces meanings and constructs meanings, demands from the reading programs actions that consider the other as a constituent element of the relation student and literary work. There is no universal answer to the path that will lead a young person to reading, but no doubt in the relationship between students and literary works there will always be the voice of the other present. And it is this voice of the other that needs to be heard through educational reading policies.
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Writing Her Way to Spiritual Perfection: The Diary of 1751 of Maria de Jesus FelipaOliver, Stephanie 01 January 2011 (has links)
Throughout the colonial period of Mexican history, cloistered nuns wrote spiritual journals at the request of their confessors. These documents were read and scrutinized, not only by the confessors, but also by others in the hierarchy of their Orders. They are important sources of study for historians in that they provide a window into the religious culture of the times and the spiritual mentality of their authors. This thesis will examine one such record, discovered in a collection of volumes at the Historical Franciscan Archive of Michoacán in Celaya, Mexico. The diary covers eleven months of 1751 in the life of a Franciscan nun -- believed to be María de Jesús Felipa who kept such records over a period of more than twenty years. María de Jesús Felipa was a visionary who experienced occasional ecstatic states. Through her contacts with the spiritual world, she pursued her own salvation and that of those most specifically in her charge: members of her own community -- the convent of San Juan de la Penitencia in Mexico City -- and the souls in purgatory. These encounters propelled her into different frames of time and space -- moving her into the past and the future, and transporting her to bucolic and horrific locations. Her diary ascribes meaning to these encounters by tying them to her life and her relationships within the convent. Her diary of 1751 also indicates that this spiritual activity and the records she kept brought her to the attention of the Inquisition. The thesis argues that, because of its cohesiveness of thought and consistency of focus, the diary effectively casts its record keeper as author of her own life story. A close reading reveals the inner thoughts and perceptions of a distinct personality. Her first-person account also reflects the character of Christianity, the impact of post-Tridentine reforms and difficulties in the governance of convents in eighteenth-century New Spain. Although always arduous and often unpleasant, writing provided Sor Maria with an opportunity to establish her integrity, exercise control, and justify her thoughts and actions as she pursued her vocation. Writing under the supervision of a confessor, María de Jesús Felipa was her own person. In its organization and focus, her diary resolutely records a struggle for self-determination within the limits imposed by the monastic vows of obedience, chastity, poverty and enclosure.
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Representing a Nation of Tailors and Cobblers : A Study of Bulstrode Whitelocke´s <em>Journal of the Swedish Embassy,</em> 1653-1654Martin, Rebecca January 2007 (has links)
<p>In November 1653, a vessel arrived in the harbour town of Gothenburg, on the west coast of the Protestant monarchy of Sweden. Aboard the ship was the newly appointed English Ambassador Extraordinary, Bulstrode Whitelocke (1605-1675); jurist, Puritan and avid diary keeper. In his journal, Whitelocke noted down the entirety of what he was to experience during his stay in Sweden. From the heaps of papers he produced over his lifetime, he later edited this particular record under the title <em>Journal of the Swedish Embassy</em>. Spanning between 1653 and 1654, the pages of the journal contains information of the most mundane kind, as well as eye witness accounts of what must be recognised as a very interesting part of European history. More so, it reveals Whitelocke’s views on the political questions of his time, mainly presented through conversations with important actors from Swedish society, such as Queen Christina, Lord High Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, and the Archbishop of Uppsala, Johannes Canuti Lenaeus. In the eyes of the Swedes, Whitelocke became a representative not only of the new Commonwealth of England, but of the new ideas that had formed the basis of its government. As such, he was often made to explain the conduct of his country men, as well as defend the recent events in England. Thus, through these recorded exchanges, an image of Whitelocke´s representation and of his views regarding the changes in England emerges from the pages. This Masters Thesis will analyse this image, as well as discuss Whitelocke’s political views, both practical and ideological, at the time of his embassy to Sweden.</p>
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Von der bleichen Prinzessin, die ein purpurrotes Pferd über den Himmel entführte : das Utopische im Werk Brigitte ReimannsWiesener, Barbara January 2003 (has links)
Nach einem Rekurs über den Utopiebegriff wurden sowohl im diarischen Werk als auch in der veröffentlichten Prosa Brigitte Reimanns utopische Konzeptionen aufgespürt. Gesucht wurde das Utopische sowohl in den Beschreibungen einer konkreten Gesellschaftsutopie, als auch in den literarischen „Verfeinerungen“ einer kruden Ideologie, wie im kritischen Hinterfragen des „Noch-Nicht-Bewussten“ (Ernst Bloch). Als ästhetische Utopien wurden auch Wunschbilder des Alltags, Träume, Märchen und Mythen gedeutet. Ausführliche Untersuchungen beschäftigten sich mit der Gestaltung der weiblichen Figuren und ihrer Entwicklung von der ideologisch (auch männlich) indoktrinierten Protagonistin zur „freien“ Ich–Gestalterin. Nachgewiesen wurde sowohl im diarischen Werk, als auch in der veröffentlichten Prosa eine Wandlung des Utopieverständnisses von der Gesellschaftsutopie zur subjektiven „Augenblicksutopie“, die im Deutungshorizont der Literatur der Romantik auch als DDR-spezifische Innerlichkeit verstanden werden könnte, welche mit ihrem Rückzug ins Individuelle die ritualisierte DDR-Öffentlichkeit desavouierte. / After a study of the term of
Utopia, Utopian concepts were discovered both in the diary texts and in
the published prose of Brigitte Reimann′s oeuvre. The Utopian was searched
in the descriptions of concrete social Utopia as well as in the literary
<EM>Verfeinerungen</EM> of crude ideology and in the critical research of
the <EM>Noch-Nicht-Bewusste</EM> (Ernst Bloch). Wishful thinking, dreams,
fairy-tales and myths were interpreted as an aesthetic Utopia. Detailed
researches were engaged in a study of representation of feminine
characters and their development from the ideological indoctrinated
protagonist to the “free” <EM>Ich-Gestalterin</EM>. The change in
understanding of Utopia from the social Utopia to the
<EM>Augenblicksutopie</EM> could be proved both in the diary texts and in
the published prose of Brigitte Reimann. In the <EM>Deutungshorizont</EM>
of Romantic literature it may be understood as a specific
<EM>DDR-Innerlichkeit</EM>, which with its retreat into individualism showed up the ritual public.
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Representing a Nation of Tailors and Cobblers : A Study of Bulstrode Whitelocke´s Journal of the Swedish Embassy, 1653-1654Martin, Rebecca January 2007 (has links)
In November 1653, a vessel arrived in the harbour town of Gothenburg, on the west coast of the Protestant monarchy of Sweden. Aboard the ship was the newly appointed English Ambassador Extraordinary, Bulstrode Whitelocke (1605-1675); jurist, Puritan and avid diary keeper. In his journal, Whitelocke noted down the entirety of what he was to experience during his stay in Sweden. From the heaps of papers he produced over his lifetime, he later edited this particular record under the title Journal of the Swedish Embassy. Spanning between 1653 and 1654, the pages of the journal contains information of the most mundane kind, as well as eye witness accounts of what must be recognised as a very interesting part of European history. More so, it reveals Whitelocke’s views on the political questions of his time, mainly presented through conversations with important actors from Swedish society, such as Queen Christina, Lord High Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, and the Archbishop of Uppsala, Johannes Canuti Lenaeus. In the eyes of the Swedes, Whitelocke became a representative not only of the new Commonwealth of England, but of the new ideas that had formed the basis of its government. As such, he was often made to explain the conduct of his country men, as well as defend the recent events in England. Thus, through these recorded exchanges, an image of Whitelocke´s representation and of his views regarding the changes in England emerges from the pages. This Masters Thesis will analyse this image, as well as discuss Whitelocke’s political views, both practical and ideological, at the time of his embassy to Sweden.
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Bildterapi vid bröstcancer : Kvinnors berättelser i ord och bildÖster, Inger January 2007 (has links)
The overall aims of this thesis are to describe women’s experiences of breast cancer from a gender perspective, describe women’s experiences of an art therapy intervention and the effects of an art therapy intervention on self-rated coping resources and quality of life. The thesis presents results from a study with 42 women with primary breast cancer without distance metastasis who participated in a randomized intervention study with art therapy carried out between 2001 and 2004. All women were recruited as they were referred to the Department of Oncology at Umeå University Hospital in northern Sweden for postoperative radiotherapy. They were randomized to an intervention group (n = 20) with individual art therapy for 1 hour/week during postoperative radiotherapy, or to a control group (n = 22). The women were between 37–69 years old and had a range of educational and socioeconomic backgrounds. All 42 women completed questionnaires in connection with three interview occasions during six months: at baseline (start of radiotherapy), two and six months later. The questionnaires assessed coping resources, quality of life, symptoms, and self-image. In addition, all women were interviewed about their experiences, and were asked to write a weekly diary about their experiences of breast cancer during the six months of participation. All women signed a written consent form in which they were assured voluntariness and that ending their participation would not affect the care or medical treatment in any way. The study protocol was approved by the Umeå University Ethical Committee at the Medical Faculty (archive number 99-386). In this thesis, part of results from the study is reported. The results presented in the first study show an overall increase in coping resources as measured by the Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) among women with breast cancer after taking part in the art therapy intervention. Significant differences were seen between the study group and the control group in the total score on the second occasion and in the social domain on the second and third occasions. The second study reports results of the art therapy intervention, with regard to quality of life aspects as measured by the instruments WHOQOL-BREF and EORTC QLQ-BR23, at baseline (start of radiotherapy) and two and six months later. Significant increases in total health, total quality of life, physical health and psychological health were found in the art therapy group compared to the control group. A significant positive difference was also found within the intervention group, concerning future perspectives, body image and systemic therapy side effects. The third study builds on previous quantitative results, drawing on gender theories and, taking a discursive approach in analyzing the women’s use of interpretative repertoires in diaries and interviews. The results show a connection between participation in art therapy, talking about protecting one’s own boundaries, and scoring higher on the CRI compared to the control group. A connection between the control group, repertoire conflicts, and lower scores on the CRI was also found. The fourth study presents further knowledge about women’s trajectories, in art therapy, towards helpful management of restraining boundaries. We were inspired by discursive psychology and the analytic concept of subject position. The result shows that art therapy helped women to get access to subject positions that enabled them to protect and strengthen their boundaries and put forward their own needs. Taken together, the results from all four studies support art therapy as a valuable complement in oncology care and rehabilitation of women with primary breast cancer in similar contexts.
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Sex, våld och genuskonstruktioner : En psykoanalytisk feministisk filmstudieOlsson, Carl January 2011 (has links)
I uppsatsen analyseras filmerna Thriller – en grym film och Exponerad utifrån feministisk teoribildning. Analysen utgår ifrån Laura Mulveys ”Visuell lust och narrativ film” och de freudianska analysverktyg vilka artikeln erbjuder. Dessa ställs vidare emot ytterligare feministisk forskning vilken möjliggör en diskussion kring den psykoanalytiska feministiska filmteorins trovärdighet. / This paper analyzed the films Thriller - a cruel picture and Diary of a rape with feminist theory. The analysis is based on Laura Mulvey Visual pleasure and narrative cinema and the Freudian way of analysis this article offers. These theories are also put up against further feminist film studies which enable a discussion of the psychoanalytic feminist film theory's credibility.
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Women of Substance : The Aspect of Education, Career and Female Identity in Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones's DiaryLindgren, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Although two hundred years separate Jane Austen and Helen Fielding and, subsequently, also their portrayals of society, the similarities outweigh the differences. When juxtaposing Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones’s Diary in the light of feminism it is evident that both books provide clear examples of the prevailing situation of women in each time and place. The aspects of the study, which are especially important today, show both the development and some degree of stagnation of women’s rights and identities.
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Zusammenhänge zwischen Arbeitssicherheit und psychischer Fehlbeanspruchung – Synergien aus der habituellen und täglichen sowie einmaligen ErfassungsebeneJandova, Alzbeta 11 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Im Schwerpunkt der Dissertation stand die Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen psychischer Fehlbeanspruchung und Arbeitssicherheit. Psychische Fehlbeanspruchung – mit den Schwerpunkten Über- und Unterforderung – wurde dabei zum einen auf der habituellen Ebene erfasst (mittels Fragebogen). Zum Anderen interessierten die selten oder einmalig auftretenden Fehlbeanspruchungen, die üblicherweise keine Berücksichtigung im Fragebogen finden. Diese wurden mithilfe eines Arbeitstagebuchs erfasst. Die Argumentation für diese differentielle Betrachtungsweise ergibt sich aus der Überlegung, dass während in der Entstehungsgeschichte einer Erkrankung erst eine langfristige Fehlbeanspruchung eine Rolle spielt, kann ein Arbeitsunfall bereits durch eine einmalige oder nur kurzfristig auftretende Fehlbeanspruchung beeinflusst werden. Im Zusammenhang mit der verwendeten Methodik wurde – in einer zusätzlichen Fragestellung - ein sensibilisierender und damit unfallpräventiver Effekt der Tagebuchführung auf die Gefahrenwahrnehmung angenommen und mit einer Pilot-Befragung verifiziert.
An der Studie haben vier sächsische Unternehmen der metallverarbeitenden Industrie teilgenommen. Insgesamt 212 männliche Produktionsarbeiter haben einen Fragebogen ausgefüllt (Rücklaufquote: 60%), und 63 von ihnen haben ebenfalls ein vollständig über 15 Arbeitstage geführtes Tagebuch abgegeben. Beide Datenquellen erfassten parallel (als Prädiktoren) die wahrgenommenen Belastungsfaktoren am Arbeitsplatz bzw. die psychische Fehlbeanspruchung (qualitative und quantitative Über- bzw. Unterforderung sowie soziale Belastung) sowie deren negative Folgen (Merkmale von Stress, psychischer Ermüdung und Monotonie). Ebenfalls auf zweierlei Art wurden die Kriterienvariablen erhoben (meldepflichtige Arbeitsunfälle, Verletzungen und Beinahe-Unfälle; im Fragebogen zusätzlich noch ein Index sicheren Verhaltens).
Die Ergebnisse der Regressionsanalysen haben die Annahme bestätigt, dass sowohl Überforderung als auch Unterforderung die individuelle Arbeitssicherheit beeinträchtigen. Sicheres Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz wird von Merkmalen der Arbeitsgestaltung, insbesondere durch Unterbrechungen und quantitative Überforderung, negativ beeinflusst. Beeinträchtigend auf die Einhaltung der Arbeitsschutzregeln wirkt sich auch belastendes Verhalten des Vorgesetzten aus. Relevant für die Regeleinhaltung sind ebenfalls die erlebten Folgen einer Über- und Unterforderung: Merkmale psychischer Ermüdung einerseits, Langeweile und Unzufriedenheit mit der Aufgabe andererseits. Interessant sind die Ergebnisse bezüglich der individuellen Variabilität der täglich erlebten Fehlbeanspruchungsfolgen. Mit steigenden Schwankungen von Langeweile und Erschöpfung werden die Arbeitsschutzregeln seltener eingehalten und Beinahe-Unfälle kommen häufiger vor. Erlebte meldepflichtige Unfälle und Verletzungen (im Fragebogen erfasst) stehen lediglich mit zwei tagebuchbasierten Prädiktoren in einem signifikanten Zusammenhang: mit Häufigkeit der sozialen Konflikte und mit der kumulierten Erschöpfung. Diese Faktoren weisen in ihrem Zusammenhang mit individueller Arbeitssicherheit somit eine besonders hohe Validität und Generalisierbarkeit auf.
Die Methode der Tagebuchführung stieß, selbst bei einer relativ langen Untersuchungsdauer, auf eine hohe Akzeptanz der Teilnehmer. Die angenommene, auf Gefahren und für Arbeitssicherheit sensibilisierende Wirkung der Tagebuchführung konnte anhand der Selbsteinschätzungen bestätigt werden. Als innovatives und mitarbeiterorientiertes Instrument betrieblicher Unfallprävention hat die Tagebuchführung das Potenzial, einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der Ziele der Gemeinsamen Deutschen Arbeitsschutzstrategie für den Zeitraum 2008 - 2012 zu leisten.
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Daily Recovery from Work: The Role of GuiltCho, Eunae 01 January 2013 (has links)
Acknowledging the critical role that occupational factors play in employee health, researchers have tried to understand ways to reduce the harmful effects of work on employee health. As the process by which individuals recharge resources that have been depleted, recovery has been recognized as important due to its potential to mitigate the negative effects of work on employee well-being. Although the recovery literature has continued to grow, many questions remain unanswered. The purpose of the present study was to expand our knowledge of recovery by examining situational (job characteristics) and individual (trait guilt) predictors of recovery and investigating psychological attributes of off-job activities. An experience sampling design was used to understand relationships among focal variables at day level. Hypotheses were tested using the data from 99 full-time employees living with a full-time working spouse and at least one dependent. The results suggest that daily job characteristics serve an important role in recovery such that they relate to recovery experiences of psychological detachment and relaxation. However, job characteristics did not have significant relationships with the choice of off-job activities. With regard to subjective experiences of off-job activities, findings demonstrated considerable variance across individuals. Further, psychological attributes of off-job activities were found to relate to recovery experiences although the results were not always consistent with expectation. Next, little support was found for the moderating role of trait guilt in the relationship between job characteristics and off-job activities. Finally, consistent with previous research, recovery experiences related to better well-being outcomes.
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