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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of significant themes in the diary of a person who committed murder

Muller, Michael Arnoldus 23 January 2004 (has links)
The objective of this study was to explore the authentic knowledge that evolved from a spontaneously written personal diary and other texts of a person who committed a crime of passion. I attempted to demonstrate how spontaneous linguistic forms could be used to gain a better understanding of the dynamics underlying and precipitating a crime of passion. A crime of passion represents a part of reality where both the suffering individual and the therapeutic or researching community seem to be either out of control or very vague understanding and explaining this seemingly paradoxical phenomenon. The main question is: why is the knowing (loving a person) in such cases not revealed in their way of being (killing that person)? An existential-phenomenological approach was adopted to explicate the apparently paradoxical phenomenon of a crime of passion. I explored the complicated hidden meanings (knowledge) in the diary of a person who murdered his fiancée, to unravel these assumed paradoxes, and found that the knowledge (epistemology) in the subject spontaneous self-expression provided a key for a better understanding of his way of existence or being (ontology) within a specific context, time and part of his life. Exploratory, descriptive, conceptual and semantic questions were explored by adopting an existential-hermeneutical orientation that allowed me to explicate the paradoxes both at primary and secondary levels. Working from a qualitative research perspective and phenomenological methodology, an in-depth analysis of meaning units and conceptual categories clarified underlying and hidden meanings in the texts. Theoretical linkages between different conceptual categories were explicated, highlighting the gaps in our previous understanding and theorising about crimes of passion. In this I could reveal how the person s existence gradually changed from inauthentic (insincere) and pretending to a more authentic (sincere) life of caring and responsibility after the crime. The main contribution of this project can thus be described as providing new insights to the therapeutic and research community concerning the complexity of the paradoxical existence of a person who committed a crime of passion. / Thesis (PhD (Psychotherapy))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Psychology / unrestricted

Expositions de soi : journal intime et reconfiguration de l'intimité à l'heure d'Internet / Self-exposure : the personal diary and reshaping of privacy in the internet age

Aupeix, Anaïs 27 September 2013 (has links)
Notre époque contemporaine a vu se démultiplier les phénomènes d'exposition de soi, qui ont littéralement envahi la sphère médiatique ; de la télé-réalité à la presse people, en passant par la littérature autofictionnelle ou les réseaux sociaux, l'intimité – réservée, dans l'imaginaire collectif, à la sphère privée – s'épanouit désormais sur la scène publique. Les réactions critiques sont nombreuses, naviguant entre soupçons d'exhibitionnisme, de narcissisme ou d'impudeur ; pis, certains constats alarmistes concluent à la « mort » de l'intimité – qui, en s'exposant, deviendrait simulacre. C'est dans ce contexte que sont apparus, à l'orée des années 2000, les premiers journaux intimes en ligne – c'est-à-dire tenus publiquement sur le Web. Bouleversant nos représentations d'une écriture diaristique solitaire et auto-destinée, cet objet nous est apparu comme un support d'observation privilégié des variations du rapport de l'individu à l'intime. De façon à mettre en perspective leurs évolutions, nous avons confronté les modalités d’expression et d’exposition de soi du journal intime en ligne à celles de sa forme manuscrite. Nous avons entrepris de mener, dans une perspective généalogique, et en nous appuyant sur l'analyse de plusieurs journaux intimes manuscrits édités, une étude des formulations de l'intime et de ses formes de publicisation, de la naissance du journal intime – au tout début du XIXème siècle – jusqu'à notre époque contemporaine. Dans un second temps, centrant notre regard sur le journal intime en ligne, nous avons procédé à la réalisation de portraits individuels de diaristes en ligne, reposant sur l'association d'une analyse de discours recueillis en situation d'entretien à l'observation des journaux intimes concernés. Par une approche compréhensive des expériences singulières, nous ambitionnons à mettre au jour l'articulation entre dynamiques personnelles et collectives, dont l'analyse prend toute son ampleur dans une synthèse finale transversale. Celle-ci s'attache à mettre au jour le sens que les diaristes confèrent à leur pratique, et à offrir des clés de compréhension de ce phénomène qui met à l'épreuve la perception consensuelle de l'intimité comme secret de l'individu : c'est précisément cette conception qui sera remise en question tout au long de notre étude, et qui nous permettra d'éclairer les fluctuations des frontières privé/public, et la nature fondamentalement paradoxale de l'intimité. / In our present day era, we have witnessed the proliferation of phenomena of self-exposure which have literally invaded the media sphere ; from reality television to the tabloid Press, through autofiction writing or social networks, privacy – belonging in the private sphere in people’s minds – now bursts forth on the public stage. Critical reactions are varied, ranging from suspicions of exhibitionism or narcissism to immodesty ; worse yet, some alarmist reports conclude with the « death » of privacy – which, by its self-exposure, would have become a sham. Thus, the early 2000s saw the appearance of the first on-line personal diaries – that is to say kept publicly on the Web. Overthrowing our ideas of diary writing as solitary and destined for oneself, on-line diaries enable us to observe variations in the individual’s relationship with privacy. In order to put into perspective their evolution, we have compared the modalities of expression and of self-exposure in on-line and handwritten diaries. We have undertaken, from a genealogical point of view and based on the analysis of several handwritten diaries already published, a study of the expressions of privacy and of the ways of their publicizing, from the birth of the diary – at the very beginning of the 19th century – to the present day. Subsequently, concentrating on on-line diaries, we have created individual portraits of on-line diarists by working with an analysis of statements gathered during interviews and observation of the diaries concerned. By a comprehensive analysis of individual experiences, we strive to illuminate the interaction between personal and community dynamics, fully leading to a broad cross-disciplinary synthesis. We aim to reveal the direction intended by the diarists for their practice and offer clues about this phenomenon which puts to the test the general perception of privacy as the individual’s secret. This very perception will be questioned all through our study, and which will allow us to throw light on the fluctuations in the private/public boundaries and the fundamentally paradoxical nature of privacy.

O diário de aprendizagem como instrumento revelador do processo de construção identitária de futuros sargentos enquanto leitores e produtores de textos em sua formação inicial

Emília Maria da Silva Pereira de Andrea 29 April 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação, realizada com trinta alunos da primeira série de 2012 do Curso de Formação de Sargentos de uma escola militar, objetiva analisar seus diários de aprendizagem, produzidos ao longo das práticas letradas do Curso de Redação, a fim de investigar em que medida os relatos dos diários são reveladores do processo de construção identitária desses futuros sargentos em formação inicial. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa-ação, cujo instrumento foi o diário de aprendizagem, que forneceu os objetos de análise, que propiciaram observar quais marcas linguístico-enunciativo-discursivas presentes nos relatos permitiram identificar a tomada de consciência dos alunos em relação ao uso da língua padrão. Com os resultados, queríamos saber também a que conclusão era possível se chegar sobre o uso do diário para favorecer a aprendizagem dos alunos nesse contexto de formação técnico-militar. A análise foi realizada seguindo-se o exposto na teoria sobre identidade, aprendizagem, metacognição e meta-afetividade, posicionamento, interação e mediação. Os resultados mostraram que a inserção no mundo figurado militar aconteceu de forma diferenciada para os sujeitos. Uma das dificuldades apontadas por eles diz respeito à produção de textos na língua padrão, atividade para a qual muitos dizem não ter competência, por crerem que só sabe escrever quem domina regras gramaticais, talvez baseados em crenças (vozes) vindas de vivências anteriores. A mediação e a interação foram apresentadas como elementos importantes para minimizar as dificuldades. Quanto ao posicionamento dos sujeitos frente à professora-interlocutora, evidenciou-se que, de uma forma geral, a proximidade veio com o tempo de convivência, influenciando a escolha das palavras e dos gêneros discursivos usados nos relatos. A prática diarista mostrou-se útil para os sujeitos, propiciando-lhes o espaço-tempo necessário para as reflexões sobre si e sua formação, e para a professora-pesquisadora, possibilitando-lhe conhecer o que expressam seus alunos, o que gerou nela reflexões sobre seu pensar e agir enquanto professora de uma escola técnico-militar. / This dissertation, performed with thirty students from the first grade in 2012, at Curso de Formação de Sargentos (Sergeants Education Course) in a military school, intends to analyze theirComposition Course, in order to investigate how the reports in the diaries tell us about the identity construction process of these future sergeants in their initial stage. Therefore, it was conducted an action research, whose was the learning diary, which provided the objects of analysis so as to observe which evidences found in the linguistic-discursive reports allow us to identify the awareness of the research subject regarding the use of the standard language. With the results, we would like to know what conclusion could be reached on the use of the diary so as to improve the students learning in this context of technical-military education. The analysis was performed according to the theory of identity, learning, meta-cognition, meta-affectivity, positioning, interaction and mediation. The results showed that the insertion in the military figured world occurred differently for each research subject. One of the difficulties mentioned by the subjects concerns about the production of texts in the standard language. They claim that they are not competent enough to develop that kind of activity because they believe that you can only write well if you master the grammatical rules, perhaps based on beliefs (voices) originated from previous experiences. The mediation and the interaction were presented as important elements to minimize the difficulties. With regard to the students positioning in relation to the teacher-interlocutress, it became evident, on the whole, that the close proximity came with the coexistence time, having influence in the choice of the words and of the discursive genre used in the reports. The diary practice was useful for the students, providing them the necessary space-time for reflection about themselves and their education, and for the teacher-researcher, enabling her to know her students thoughts, producing reflection about her thinking and her acting as a teacher at a military-technical school.

Inconfessadamente ditoso: trânsitos do eu nas escritas de Roland Barthes e de Ana Cristina Cesar / Unconfessedly joyful: displacements of the written I in works by Roland Barthes and Ana Cristina Cesar

Priscila Pesce Lopes de Oliveira 17 August 2015 (has links)
Ana Cristina Cesar e Roland Barthes são frequentemente caracterizados por uma dicção intimista e subjetiva, que o estudo especializado averigua ser resultado de articulações muito específicas do eu em seus textos. Esta dissertação inscreve-se nesses estudos, traçando a movimentação entre os espaços de intersecção, os de autonomia e o trânsito entre escritor e locutor em escritos de Ana C. e de Barthes. Examina a inclusão deliberada de determinados dados biográficos dos escritores no espaço textual da obra, pensando um arraigamento da escrita na biografia como projeto em Barthes e como inquietação em Ana C.. Discute os diários como espaço de modulação do eu na escrita, e também de correlatos como subjetividade e identidade, visto que os dois autores trabalham o gênero com finalidades literárias, operando nele certos deslocamentos. São também investigados modos de relação entre os meticulosos eus textuais e o Outro, em duas frentes: imagens fotográficas em livros dos autores e o anseio pelo outro, como interlocutor em Ana C. e como matéria e motivo de um narrar em Barthes. A análise se concentra sobre A teus pés, Crítica e Tradução e a iconografia de Inéditos e Dispersos de Ana C., e de Barthes, A Câmara Clara, Incidentes e Roland Barthes por Roland Barthes. / Ana Cristina Cesar and Roland Barthes are often described as having an intimist and subjective diction, which specialized study shows to be the result of very specific articulations of I in their texts. Likewise, this dissertation traces the dynamics of intersection, autonomy and transit between writer and speaker in the writings of Ana C. and Barthes. It examines the deliberate inclusion of certain writers biographical data in the oeuvre arena, which roots writing in biography as a project for Barthes and as unease for Ana C.. This work discusses the diary as a writing arena for modulating the I, as well as related notions such as subjectivity and identity, given that the two authors work the genre with literary purposes and thus operate certain shifts in it. This study also investigates relationships between the meticulous textual I and the Other, on two fronts: photography in the authors books and the longing for the other, as an interlocutor for Ana C. and as subject and reason of narrative for Barthes. The analysis focuses on Ana C.s A teus pés, Crítica e Tradução and the iconography of Inéditos e Dispersos, and Barthes Camera Lucida, Incidents and Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes.

A Translation of Vera Gherarducci’s Giorno Unico

Valocchi, Arianna 20 August 2019 (has links)
Italian poet Vera Gherarducci published her second book, Giorno Unico (A Single Day), in 1970. This project consists of translations of 24 of these poems, a translation of the book’s introduction by Pier Paolo Pasolini, and a critical translator’s introduction. The critical introduction positions the work within the context of post-war Italian women’s poetry; explores the legacy of mental health in literature and its ties with diary writing and gender; and discusses specific translation strategies related to these issues. Giorno Unico deals extensively with themes of mental health, focusing on struggles with depression, suicidal thoughts, marital problems, and maternal anxieties. Such topics place the work in conversation with many other post-war women writers in Italy grappling with new conceptions of womanhood and the burgeoning Italian feminist movement. Themes of mental health are also expressed by the poems being written in the form of an intimate diary, though the temporal mapping is complicated by flashback and circular narration. As the title suggests, these poems come to resemble one long, never-ending day, manifesting in the recurrence of words and phrases, frequent mental health metaphors of being trapped inside, and the repetition of monotonous household work. After contextualizing the work’s primary characteristics, I then frame my own translation approach that looks to foreground the presence of mental health and preserve the characteristics of the diary form. This approach was influenced by feminist translation theorists such as Sherry Simon and Barbara Godard who challenge the monolithic nature of both source and target texts, and endorse the recovery of forgotten women writers through translation. In my principal theoretical assertion, I push against Lawrence Venuti’s discussion of the inherent violence enacted in translation, and conceive of what I term a non-lobotomizing translation approach to Giorno Unico. This framework rejects a masking of mental health in the collection, instead underscoring such taboo themes. In some cases, I choose more clinical translations of terminology to directly reference mental health discourse; in others I select more dated terms, such as “madness,” to gesture to a different framing of mental illness during the writing of Giorno Unico.

An experience sampling study of hotel employees' subjective well-being: The job demands-resources approach

Xiaolin Shi (8797526) 05 May 2020 (has links)
<div>To capture the dynamic nature of frontline employees’ subjective well-being (SWB) and turnover intention in the hotel industry, this study used Affective Events Theory (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996) and the unfolding model of employee voluntary turnover (Lee & Mitchell, 1994) to argue the short-term variability in SWB and turnover intention. Using the job demandsresources model (JD-R model) as the framework, this study examined the role of daily job</div><div>demands (challenge stressors, hindrance stressors, and emotional dissonance) and the role of daily job resources (supervisor support, coworker support, and job autonomy). Given that hotel employees work with different supervisors and co-workers and face various guest situations during each shift, these employees may face high work stress and workload. Furthermore, employees in this industry are often requested to perform non-routine tasks. Therefore, their work is highly associated with high job demands and resource variability. Moreover, the study results stress the importance of the moderating role of day-level job resources and the multilevel moderating effects of employees’ individual levels of resilience and self-efficacy. </div><div>The design of the study employed an experience sampling method. Participants were employees who are in guest-facing positions from food & beverage and front office departments in full-service or luxury hotels in the United States. Sixty-five participants completed a one-time baseline survey and a daily diary study twice per day for at least five working days, resulting in a total of 416 day-level observations. The data structure is day nested within each person. The multi-level data was analyzed by using multilevel linear modeling. </div><div>In summary, this study shows that SWB and turnover intention may not always be stable phenomena among hotel employees due to the daily influences of job demands and job resources. In addition, both personal resources and daily job resources were found to mitigate the negative daily influences of job demands. This study helps managers to better understand employees’ feelings on a daily basis and apply strategies for daily management of employee SWB and turnover intention.</div>

Mobile systems for monitoring Parkinson's disease

Memedi, Mevludin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents the development and evaluation of IT-based methods and systems for supporting assessment of symptoms and enabling remote monitoring of Parkinson‟s disease (PD) patients. PD is a common neurological disorder associated with impaired body movements. Its clinical management regarding treatment outcomes and follow-up of patients is complex. In order to reveal the full extent of a patient‟s condition, there is a need for repeated and time-stamped assessments related to both patient‟s perception towards common symptoms and motor function. In this thesis, data from a mobile device test battery, collected during a three year clinical study, was used for the development and evaluation of methods. The data was gathered from a series of tests, consisting of selfassessments and motor tests (tapping and spiral drawing). These tests were carried out repeatedly in a telemedicine setting during week-long test periods. One objective was to develop a computer method that would process tracedspiral drawings and generate a score representing PD-related drawing impairments. The data processing part consisted of using the discrete wavelet transform and principal component analysis. When this computer method was evaluated against human clinical ratings, the results showed that it could perform quantitative assessments of drawing impairment in spirals comparatively well. As a part of this objective, a review of systems and methods for detecting the handwriting and drawing impairment using touch screens was performed. The review showed that measures concerning forces, accelerations, and radial displacements were the most important ones in detecting fine motor movement anomalies. Another objective of this thesis work was to design and evaluate an information system for delivering assessment support information to the treating clinical staff for monitoring PD symptoms in their patients. The system consisted of a patient node for data collection based on the mobile device test battery, a service node for data storage and processing, and a web application for data presentation. A system module was designed for compiling the test battery time series into summary scores on a test period level. The web application allowed adequate graphic feedback of the summary scores to the treating clinical staff. The evaluation results for this integrated system indicate that it can be used as a tool for frequent PD symptom assessments in home environments.

Zusammenhänge zwischen Arbeitssicherheit und psychischer Fehlbeanspruchung – Synergien aus der habituellen und täglichen sowie einmaligen Erfassungsebene: Zusammenhänge zwischen Arbeitssicherheit und psychischer Fehlbeanspruchung – Synergien aus der habituellen und täglichen sowie einmaligen Erfassungsebene

Jandova, Alzbeta 15 June 2010 (has links)
Im Schwerpunkt der Dissertation stand die Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen psychischer Fehlbeanspruchung und Arbeitssicherheit. Psychische Fehlbeanspruchung – mit den Schwerpunkten Über- und Unterforderung – wurde dabei zum einen auf der habituellen Ebene erfasst (mittels Fragebogen). Zum Anderen interessierten die selten oder einmalig auftretenden Fehlbeanspruchungen, die üblicherweise keine Berücksichtigung im Fragebogen finden. Diese wurden mithilfe eines Arbeitstagebuchs erfasst. Die Argumentation für diese differentielle Betrachtungsweise ergibt sich aus der Überlegung, dass während in der Entstehungsgeschichte einer Erkrankung erst eine langfristige Fehlbeanspruchung eine Rolle spielt, kann ein Arbeitsunfall bereits durch eine einmalige oder nur kurzfristig auftretende Fehlbeanspruchung beeinflusst werden. Im Zusammenhang mit der verwendeten Methodik wurde – in einer zusätzlichen Fragestellung - ein sensibilisierender und damit unfallpräventiver Effekt der Tagebuchführung auf die Gefahrenwahrnehmung angenommen und mit einer Pilot-Befragung verifiziert. An der Studie haben vier sächsische Unternehmen der metallverarbeitenden Industrie teilgenommen. Insgesamt 212 männliche Produktionsarbeiter haben einen Fragebogen ausgefüllt (Rücklaufquote: 60%), und 63 von ihnen haben ebenfalls ein vollständig über 15 Arbeitstage geführtes Tagebuch abgegeben. Beide Datenquellen erfassten parallel (als Prädiktoren) die wahrgenommenen Belastungsfaktoren am Arbeitsplatz bzw. die psychische Fehlbeanspruchung (qualitative und quantitative Über- bzw. Unterforderung sowie soziale Belastung) sowie deren negative Folgen (Merkmale von Stress, psychischer Ermüdung und Monotonie). Ebenfalls auf zweierlei Art wurden die Kriterienvariablen erhoben (meldepflichtige Arbeitsunfälle, Verletzungen und Beinahe-Unfälle; im Fragebogen zusätzlich noch ein Index sicheren Verhaltens). Die Ergebnisse der Regressionsanalysen haben die Annahme bestätigt, dass sowohl Überforderung als auch Unterforderung die individuelle Arbeitssicherheit beeinträchtigen. Sicheres Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz wird von Merkmalen der Arbeitsgestaltung, insbesondere durch Unterbrechungen und quantitative Überforderung, negativ beeinflusst. Beeinträchtigend auf die Einhaltung der Arbeitsschutzregeln wirkt sich auch belastendes Verhalten des Vorgesetzten aus. Relevant für die Regeleinhaltung sind ebenfalls die erlebten Folgen einer Über- und Unterforderung: Merkmale psychischer Ermüdung einerseits, Langeweile und Unzufriedenheit mit der Aufgabe andererseits. Interessant sind die Ergebnisse bezüglich der individuellen Variabilität der täglich erlebten Fehlbeanspruchungsfolgen. Mit steigenden Schwankungen von Langeweile und Erschöpfung werden die Arbeitsschutzregeln seltener eingehalten und Beinahe-Unfälle kommen häufiger vor. Erlebte meldepflichtige Unfälle und Verletzungen (im Fragebogen erfasst) stehen lediglich mit zwei tagebuchbasierten Prädiktoren in einem signifikanten Zusammenhang: mit Häufigkeit der sozialen Konflikte und mit der kumulierten Erschöpfung. Diese Faktoren weisen in ihrem Zusammenhang mit individueller Arbeitssicherheit somit eine besonders hohe Validität und Generalisierbarkeit auf. Die Methode der Tagebuchführung stieß, selbst bei einer relativ langen Untersuchungsdauer, auf eine hohe Akzeptanz der Teilnehmer. Die angenommene, auf Gefahren und für Arbeitssicherheit sensibilisierende Wirkung der Tagebuchführung konnte anhand der Selbsteinschätzungen bestätigt werden. Als innovatives und mitarbeiterorientiertes Instrument betrieblicher Unfallprävention hat die Tagebuchführung das Potenzial, einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der Ziele der Gemeinsamen Deutschen Arbeitsschutzstrategie für den Zeitraum 2008 - 2012 zu leisten.

Civilian Coping Strategies in War : A Qualitative Content Analysis of a Diary from the Siege of Breslau in 1945

Middendorf, Greta January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how civilians coped with life-threatening situations in WWII through analyzing the diary of a civilian from the siege of Breslau in 1945. There are two main issues this study attempts to address. Firstly, current Peace and Conflict Studies lack integration from theories from psychology. Furthermore, civilian experiences of war should be addressed in their historical context. Drawing from Suedfeld et al.’s Ways of Coping Scale (1997), which derives from Lazarus and Folkman’s (1984) theory on psychological stress and coping, a directed, qualitative content analysis explores the coping strategies used by the diarist. The study finds that the diarist mostly uses problem-oriented coping strategies, aiming at altering the threat, consisting of escaping from bombs, analyzing, preparing for, and altering the damage caused by artillery and seeking social support. Emotion-oriented coping, aimed at regulating the emotional response to a threat, mostly shows through denying the threat to get sleep and to keep normality, and through distancing from the threat through humor, hope and a positive attitude. My findings form a base to adapt Suedfeld et al.’s Ways of Coping Scale to better assess civilian coping strategies in war.

Rozvoj čtenářské gramotnosti: Edukační model na bázi metody Podvojného zápisu / Progress in Reading Literacy: Education Model based on Double-entry Diary method

Ronková, Jolana January 2015 (has links)
In this study, I analyse current studies to discover the common Double-Entry Diary points which result in reading literacy development and find the essential data which support this theory and describe the state of reading among Czech children from eight to fifteen years of age. Although reading literacy is a well-recognized feature of academic writing, little research has been undertaken as to its models. Because the purpose of reading is using the texts as efficiently as possible, teachers should use methods which allow a variety of active strategies. What we need is a sustained coordinated effort. In my study I focus on fourth-grade primary schools learners who have mastered the technique of reading and are ready to improve their understanding of the text and get an idea of what is hidden beyond the text. Its goal is to familiarize the reader with the reasons for effective education using the Double-Entry Diary method, which originated in the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking International Consortium. This paper focuses on the issue of theoretical analysis of previous research and literature. It presents specific educational practices and deals with the consequences that lead to practical usage of this method. The research analysis indicates much strength in this teaching method. This...

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