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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A framework for learner's participation in sport at public township schools in the City of Tshwane.

Pule, Eric Rapuane Jan. January 2014 (has links)
D. Tech. Marketing, Logistics and Sport Management / Difficulties in implementing and promoting school sport programmes using the sport policy guidelines in South Africa (White Paper), and interviews with employees at the Department of Basic Education in the Tshwaga region, motivated the researcher to undertake this study. The importance of motivating children to participate in sport, and the need to provide a platform and resources for children, teachers and parents to be involved in school sport were discussed. This study explored and described those factors that influence the level of participation of children in sports at both primary and secondary township schools in the City of Tshwane. The aim of the study was to develop a framework for learners' participation in sport at public township schools.

Assessing the impact of public participation in enhancing service delivery in the City of Tshwane.

Molepo, John Ntshaupe. January 2013 (has links)
M. Tech. Public Management / The issue of public participation in local government is important for the delivery of services to communities. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and other legislation relating to public participation such as the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000,) encourage the participation by communities in the affairs of the municipality. In this study, public participation perspectives are outlined on an international level and in South African local government. The area of the study is the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, which is situated in the Gauteng Province. The study seeks to assess the impact that public participation has on enhancing service delivery in the City of Tshwane. Furthermore, the study seeks to achieve its purpose by establishing the extent to which public participation enhances service delivery in the City of Tshwane.

Jämställdhetsintegrering, bara prat och ingen verkstad? : En kvalitativ studie av landstinget och kommunerna i Västmanlands län / Jämställdhetsintegrering i Västmanlands kommuner och landsting

Lennmark, Mathilda January 2015 (has links)
How do municipalities and county councils work with gender mainstreaming? What tools are used and which are the conditions and obstacles in the working process? Gender mainstreaming has been an official strategy in Sweden since 1994. In all policy decisions at all levels, a gender perspective shall be integrated. This will ultimately have an impact on the citizen level. The essay shows that despite the fact that the strategy has been official for 21 years, it is not used everywhere. I examine how the county council and municipalities in the county of Västmanland are working with gender mainstreaming. In Västerås, there is much work going on, on the basis of the strategy. While in other municipalities, no work at all can be found. Within the framework of gender mainstreaming, the municipalities and the county council are using a set of tools. There is talk about several conditions and obstacles in the work with gender mainstreaming, where knowledge is a recurring element. This makes the study particularly interesting when we get an insight of how much the work within gender mainstreaming can be separated for each municipality.

Mångfaldsarbete, en intersektionell strategi? : En studie av kommuners kombinerade jämställdhets- och mångfaldsplaner.

Lindblad, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze the term diversity in five Swedish municipality’s combined gender equality- and diversity plans. The purpose is also to investigate who or whom of the employers that are included in the term diversity and if gender equality is included in the diversity work. The material is analyzed on the basis of theory of intersectionality and discourse analysis. The outcome of the analysis indicates that the municipalities use the term diversity in many different ways in the combined gender equality- and diversity plans. The municipalities usually use the term diversity for all of the employers and all groups of people are included in the work with diversity. Gender is included in the term diversity but gender quality work is often not included in the diversity work. In this essay the term diversity seem to be a difficult term for the municipalities to use and they often uses the term in different contexts.

Planera och budgetera osäkerhet i skolförvaltningen : en kvalitativ undersökning i tre kommuner

Andersson, Elise, Bertilsson, Veronica January 2012 (has links)
Problematiken för vår undersökning grundar sig i den nya skollagen som trädde i kraft i juli 2011. Där står det reglerat att kommunen är ansvarig för alla elever i en kommun. Då det nu råder fritt skolval enligt den nya skollagen, kan elever och dess vårdnadshavare själva välja vilken grundskola de vill gå på. Eleverna kan antingen välja en kommunal grundskola eller en friskola och därmed blir planeringen och budgeteringen av elevantalet osäker för kommunerna då de inte vet hur många elever som kommer att gå i de olika skolorna. Vårt syfte med denna undersökning är att skapa förståelse för och en fördjupad kunskap om hur skolförvaltningen inom kommunen går tillväga för att planera och budgetera osäkerhet och om budgetarbetet har påverkats av det fria skolvalet och friskolorna. Undersökningen baseras på en kvalitativ metod med tre intervjuer av ekonomer på skolförvaltningen i tre kommuner; Helsingborgs stad, Lunds kommun och Kristianstads kommun. Utifrån det empiriska materialet har det framkommit att ledorden i budgetarbetet är; planering, kommunikation och kontroll. För att kunna budgetera för verksamheten som är oviss på grund av det osäkra elevantalet är dessa ledord viktiga i hela budgetarbetet, från förberedelser av budget till uppföljningen av budgetutfallet. Vad som har förändrats med införandet av det fria skolvalet och friskolorna är att det har blivit svårare att planera verksamheten och veta vilken skola som eleverna kommer att välja. Detta har medfört att behovet av långsiktig planering har blivit ännu viktigare och rektorerna har infört ett par tillvägagångssätt för att försöka ta reda på vilken skola eleverna kommer att välja. Det fria skolvalet och friskolorna har även bidragit till att kontrollen och själva uppföljningen har blivit än viktigare än det var tidigare. / The problem of our study is based on the new law of school which came into force in July 2011. In the law it is regulated that the municipality is responsible for all pupils in the municipality. Because of the new law of school the students and their guardians are free to choose which primary school they want to go to. Students can either choose a local school or an independent school and because of that planning and budgeting of the student population becomes more difficult for the municipalities when they do not know how many students will attend different schools. Our purpose in this study is to create an understanding and a deeper knowledge of how the school board in the municipality proceed in order to plan and budget uncertainty and if the budget has been affected by the free school choice and independent schools. This survey is based on a qualitative approach with interviews with economist on the school board in three municipalities; Helsingborgs’s city, Lund’s municipality and Kristianstad’s municipality. Based on the empirical material, it has emerged that the keywords in the budget are: planning, communication and control. To be able to budget for the schools which are uncertain because of the uncertain pupil numbers, these keywords are important throughout the whole budget process, from preparation of the budget to the monitoring of the budget. What has changed with the introduction of the free school choice and independent schools is that it becomes more difficult to plan for the schools and to know which school the students will choice. This has meant that long-term planning has become more important and principals have introduced a couple of approaches to attempt to find out at which school students will choice. The free school choice and independent schools have also contributed to the control and monitoring has become more important now than it was before.

Savivaldybės investicinės veiklos strategijos formavimas: Akmenės rajono savivaldybės pavyzdžiu / The formation of the Municipality investment strategy based on the Akmene Region Municipality

Meškytė, Sigutė 29 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe pagrindžiama Akmenės rajono savivaldybės investicinės veiklos strategija. Tyrime nagrinėjami investicinių strategijų formavimo aspektai. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas teoriniais šaltiniais pagrįsti pagrindinės investicinės veiklos analizę ir strategijos formavimą, atlikti Akmenės rajono savivaldybės investicinės veiklos išorinių ir vidinių veiksnių analizę ir suformuoti bei pagrįsti strateginius investicinės veiklos prioritetus, programas, priemones. Atlikus mokslinės literatūros, įstatymų, metodikų, Savivaldybės išorinės aplinkos ir vidinių išteklių analizę buvo nustatyti trys Akmenės rajono savivaldybės investicinės veiklos strateginiai prioritetai, numatytos priemonės šiems prioritetams įgyvendinti. Išvados apie atliktus tyrimus bei gautus rezultatus pateiktos baigiamojoje magistro darbo dalyje. / This Master paper is written on the basis of the Municipality investment strategy in Akmene region. The formation of the investment strategy aspects are analized in this research. The main objective of the work is to ground the main investment analysis and formation of the strategy on theory to do the analysis of interior and exterior investments and to motivate the srtategic priorities, programmes and how to solve them. After making the analysis of scientific literature, laws, methods, external and internal resources the main three priorities were pointed out and the measures were provided how to fulfill them. Conclusions about done research and the results are listed in the concluding part of the Master paper.

Kommunal rekrytering i praktiken- platsannonsens betydelse vid tjänstetillsättningsärenden

Scott, Mathilda January 2014 (has links)
This Paper examine how a municipality hire employees and in what way they use relevantlegislation in the recruitment process. The purpose of this paper is to clarify one specific municipality and their recruitment process, where the selection of the candidates is in focus of the process. The premiss is that municipalities can hire whoever they want, although some legislation needs to be considered. The principle of objectivity, the precedence and prohibition against discrimination are some restrictions municipalities must be aware of and not contravene.Further on candidates have an opportunity to require probation of the legality if they experience that mistakes have been made with the recuritment. However, only members of the municipality can emphasise this request. The municipalities job advertisements conformation and demands will be clarified in the paper. Job advertisements has a validity regarding disputes refering to discrimination because only the advertisement can justify employers procedure and choise. The specific municipality has a prepared guideline when employers recruite as an aid when composing advertisements. The municipality operates with equality and announce this in the job advertisements. Looking over how the responsible for recruitment work with equality it seems that the plan of equality isn’t beeing used. The equality plan hasn’t been present because of the changes in legislation which can be the reason why the person who is responsible for recuritment doesn’t know how to reach equality in workplace. Further on the paper ascertaine that the guidelines regarding recruitment is not being used as they should. Employers responsible and preparing job advertisements do not always persue and analyze the requisites like wanted. Since legislation regarding a process in recuritment doesn’t exist I call for clearer guidelines which can helpthe municipality to work alike in all employments. / Uppsatsen utreder hur en kommun går tillväga när en nyanställning sker, hur de resonerar ochbeaktar gällande lagstiftning. Syftet med uppsatsen är därmed att undersöka en specifik kommuns rekryteringsprocess, främst avseende rekryteringsansvarigas urval. Utgångspunkten är att kommuner har möjlighet att fritt anställa den de vill, dock måste viss lagstiftning beaktas. Objektivitetsprincipen, företrädesrätten och förbud mot diskriminering är begränsningar som kommuner inte får handla i strid med vid rekryteringsförfaranden. Vidare har sökande kandidater möjlighet att begära laglighetsprövning om hen anser att fel har begåtts vid anställningsbeslut från kommunens sida. Dock tillfaller endast kommunmedlemmar denna rätt. Studien berör hur platsannonser är utformade och vilka krav kommunen ställt i sina annonser. Platsannonsers värde kan spela väsentlig roll vid diskrimineringstvister eller laglighetsprövning eftersom detta dokument förklarar arbetsgivarens tillvägagångssätt och anledning till beslut. Kommunen som bistått mig med uppgifter har sedan tidigare rekryteringsriktlinjer utformade som ska vara en hjälp för rekryteringsansvariga vid författandet av platsannonser. Kommunen arbetar även med jämställdhetsfrågan och tydliggör detta i sina platsannonser. Vid närmare granskning verkar inte rekryteringsansvariga använda jämställdhetsplanen till grund vid rekrytering. Jämställdhetsplanen har förvisso inte varit aktuell att använda då lagstiftning i handlingsplanen förändrats, vilket kan ha medfört att rekryteringsansvariga inte vet vilket tillvägagångssätt som ska användas för att uppnå jämn könsfördelning på arbetsplatsen. Vidare konstaterar studien att rekryteringsriktlinjerna inte följs i den mån som skulle behövas. Rekryteringsansvariga upprättar platsannonser utan att närmare granska och analysera vilka krav som eftersöks. Eftersom lagstiftningen inte informerar rekryteringsansvariga hur rekryteringsprocessen ska förlöpa efterlyser uppsatsen tydligare rekryteringsriktlinjer vilket skulle kunna leda till att kommunen som helhet arbetar likadantvid alla tjänstetillsättningsärenden.

X rajono savivaldybės darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos tobulinimas / X district municipal employees motivation system

Gritėnas, Mindaugas 03 December 2010 (has links)
Darbuotojų motyvacija gerai ir našiai dirbti – tai vienas iš aktualiausių klausimų, kasdien iškylančių daugeliui darbdavių. Šio darbo tikslas - nustatyti ir įvertinti X rajono savivaldybės darbuotojus motyvuojančius veiksnius bei pateikti X savivaldybės motyvavimo sistemos tobulinimo, motyvavimo priemonių realizavimo vadybinius sprendimus. Pirmoje, teorinėje, darbo dalyje apibrėžiamos motyvacijos, motyvavimo, motyvo ir kitos pagrindinės darbe naudotos sąvokos skirtingų autorių darbuose, taip pat supažindinama su svarbiausiomis, šiai dienai sukurtomis, motyvacijos teorijomis, viešojo sektoriaus darbuotojų motyvavimo ypatumais ir teisiniu viešųjų įstaigų darbuotojų motyvavimo reglamentavimu. Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiami ir analizuojami darbuotojų motyvų struktūros tyrimo, atlikto X rajono savivaldybėje, rezultatai, aprašoma tyrimo atlikimui naudota metodika, supažindinama su X rajono savivaldybės struktūros ypatumais. Projektinėje darbo dalyje, remiantis teoriniu modeliu, projektuojama motyvavimo sistema, suformuluojami konkretūs pagrindinių motyvavimo priemonių realizavimo vadybiniai sprendimai. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos apibendrinančios išvados ir rekomendacijos. / Employee motivation to work efficiently and well - this is one of the most pressing issues facing every day for many employers. The aim of this - to identify and evaluate X district municipality staff and motivating factors and provide motivation system X municipal development, motivational tools marketing management solutions. The first, theoretical, part of defining motivation, motivation, motive, and other key terms used in the work of different authors, as well as an introduction to the key, to this day created, motivation theories, public sector employees, motivation and characteristics of the legal institutions of public employee motivation regulation. Analytical part provides an analysis of the structure of the grounds staff survey X district municipality of the results of the research performance of the methodology used, presents the district X, the structure of the company. The design part, on the basis of a theoretical model, designed a system of reasoning, the framing of the main reasons the specific measures to exercise managerial decisions. In the end of summarizing the findings and recommendations.

LR savivaldybių biudžetų sudarymo praktika ir vykdymo tendencijos (Alytaus miesto savivaldybes pavyzdžiu) / Budgets conclusion practise and execution tendency of LR municipalities (in example of Alytus city municipality)

Beinaravičiūtė, Rita 26 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojama 2007-2013 metų Alytaus miesto savivaldybės biudžeto vykdymas. Pirmoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiama nacionalinio biudžeto struktūra, pateikiama intergruoto planavimo ir biudžeto sudarymo schema, nacionalinio biudžeto sudarymo daugiapakopė teisinio reglamentavimo struktūra, savivaldybės vykdomų funkcijų klasifikacija, vietos savivaldos samprata. Teoriniu aspektu aptariamas fiskalinės decentarlizacijos principas kaip ryšys tarp valstyvės biudžeto ir savivaldybių biudžeų pagrindas, savivaldybių savarankiškumo ir įtakos ribotumo biudžeto pajamoms klausimas, bei sudaromas konceptualus modelis. Antroje darbo dalyje apibrėžiama kas yra savivaldybių biudžetų išlaidos ir savivaldybių pajamas, pateikiama pajamų sudėtis bei asignavimai pagal ekonominę ir funkcinę klasifikaciją. Atliekama Alytaus miesto savivaldybės biudžeto pajamų ir išlaidų dinaminė ir struktūros analizė. Trečioje darbo dalyje atliekama Alytaus miesto savivaldybės 2007-2013 metų biudžeto pajamų ir išlaidų planų įvykdymo analizė, nurodoma priežastys ir pasekmės. Ketvirtoje darbo dalyje palyginami Alytaus, Kauno ir Vilniaus miestų savivaldybių biudžetai. Baigiamojo darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados, paremtos atlikto tyrimo rezultatais. / In this master‘s work it is analysed 2007-2013 years budget revenue and expenditure plans implementation of municipality of Alytus city. In the first part of work, it is looked at structure of National budget, submitted the integral planning and and the drawing up principles of National and municipality budget, it is showed a classification of municipality functions, adduced in the conception of local government. It is adduced in theoretical aspect the principle of fiscal decentralization as an important connection between state budget and municipality budget, reviewed a question of municipality autonomy and limitation of influence to affect municipality incomes, developed a constructive model. In the second part of work, it is defined what is the budgetary expenditure of municipalities and revenue. Also reviewed what composes the income of municipalities and reviewed expenditure partition of government functions. It is analysed the structure and dynamic of budget income and expenditure of municipality of the city of Alytus 2007-2011 years. In the third part of work, it is fulfilled the analysis of budget revenue and expenditure plans implementation of Alytus city municipality 2007-2011 years. It is indicated the reasons and consequences. In the fourth part, three budgets are compared with: the Kaunas, Vilnius and the Alytus city budgets. In the final part there are given conclusions based on the results of accomplished research.

Local economic development and local government : a case study of the Ingwe Municipality.

Gardyne, Samantha Lee. January 2005 (has links)
On a global scale, the challenges of confronting poverty and inequality continue to dominate the development agenda. The ability of local economic development to empower local people has earned favour with national governments and development theorists. The imperative facing South Africa to achieve a more equitable and sustainable economy is essentially the challenge to adopt and implement a development approach that will reduce poverty and inequality to the greatest extent. It is within this context that the South African government has sought to incorporate local economic development into their economic development framework, predominantly through the decentralisation of development control and planning to the local government level. This dissertation seeks to examine the potential for South African local government to have a positive impact on economic development through fulfilling the roles and responsibilities provided in the government's mandate for developmental local government. The analysis focuses on the local economic development strategy adopted by the Ingwe Municipality, with specific attention given to the diversification of their economy through the tourism sector. The dissertation seeks to identify key lessons and contributions for local economic development that Ingwe has to offer, as well as providing recommendations for the Ingwe municipality's benefit. An extensive range of research methodologies, including interviews, questionnaires, secondary data analysis and literature reviews, were employed in this study. Analysis and evaluation of the Ingwe Municipality's local economic development strategy was achieved using the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework and the guidelines set out by Nel (1999). This dissertation revealed the potential that does exist within local government to play a developmental role. The Ingwe experience illustrates the benefits gained when local leadership and vision is extended on behalf of the local communities. Through the acquisition of funds and the formation of public and private partnerships, the Ingwe Municipality has created an economic environment conducive to further economic growth through the avenue of tourism. While success cannot be guaranteed, the Ingwe Municipality is evidence of the potential that does and can exist within local government to embark on innovative pro-poor development initiatives. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

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