Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tongue"" "subject:"oxtongue""
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Transspråkande undervisningsmetoder inom sfi : En kvalitativ studie av sfi-lärares utsagor om elevers modersmål som resurs i undervisningen / Translingual teaching methods within SFI : A qualitative study of SFI teachers’ statements about pupils’ mother tongue as a teaching resourceLundqvist, Ulrika January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige talas det många olika språk utöver svenskan och officiellt råder det en flerspråkig norm där också Skolverkets styrdokument betonar vikten av att tillvarata elevens alla kompetenser. Trots det råder det i praktiken ibland en enspråkig norm inom svenskt utbildningsväsende. Sfi är en utbildning för vuxna invandrare där alla elever har flerspråkiga kunskaper. Syftet med den här uppsatsen var därför att undersöka hur sfi-lärare uttrycker sin inställning till transspråkande undervisning och sin syn på förstaspråkets betydelse och funktion för undervisning. Studien utgick från en fenomenologisk ansats med kvalitativa intervjuer av åtta sfi-lärare på samma kommunala sfi-skola och som också var kollegor till mig. Analysen av intervjuerna undersökte olika aspekter av sfi-lärarnas utsagor om elevers förstaspråk som resurs i undervisningen. Studien sökte efter uppfattningar och synsätt som visade sig i lärarnas tal om ämnet. De viktigaste resultaten i studien visade att utsagorna från lärarna pekade på en positiv syn på transspråkande undervisning. Aspekter som framkom var att lärarna ansåg att flerspråkigheten hade positiv inverkan vid inlärning av ett andraspråk och att lärarnas tal beskrev en tro på elevernas personliga studieansvar. Men analysen av lärarnas utsagor kring deras egen flerspråkiga undervisning visade att lärarna lade in olika betydelser av begreppet flerspråkighet. Det vill säga att det skiljde sig mellan lärarnas utsagor hur man talade om vad flerspråkighet var och vilka kvaliteter som måste vara infriade för att undervisningen skulle uppfattas som transspråkande. / In Sweden, many different languages are spoken in addition to Swedish and officially there is a multilingual norm. The National Agency for Education´s governing documents emphasizes how important it is to utilize all competencies that students possess. Despite this, there is at times a monolingual norm present in the Swedish education system in practice. SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) is an education for adult immigrants where all students have multilingual knowledge. The purpose of this thesis was therefore to investigate how SFI teachers express their attitude to translingual teaching and their view of the significance and function of the first language for teaching. The study was based on a phenomenological approach with qualitative interviews of eight SFI teachers from same municipal SFI school. These SFI teachers were also my colleagues. The analysis of the interviews examined various aspects of the SFI teachers’ statements about their students’ first language as a resource in teaching. The study looked for perceptions and perspectives that were reflected in what the teachers had to say about the subject. The most important results in the study showed that the statements from the teachers pointed towards a positive view on translingual teaching. Aspects that emerged were that the teachers considered that multilingualism had a positive impact when learning a second language and that the teachers’ statements expressed a belief in their students’ personal study responsibilities. However, the analysis of the teachers’ statements about their own multilingual teaching showed that the teachers added different meanings to the concept of multilingualism. There was a difference between the teachers’ statements regarding how they talked about what multilingualism was and what qualities must be met in order for teaching to be perceived as translingual.
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Fonetická gramotnost českých žáků středních škol v ruském jazyce / Phonetic literacy of Czech secondary school pupils in the Russian languageKonečný, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the pronunciation of Czech pupils in the Russian language. In this work, the phonetic literacy is defined and the attention is paid to its formation. The text is divided into three basic parts - the first is devoted to theoretical foundations which influence pupils' acquisition of the phonological system of a foreign language (from the linguistic, psychological and lingvodidactic points of view); the second part summarizes the results of the analysis of the relationship of Russian language teachers to the examined problem, the results of an analysis of available textbook sets and it describes a performed phonetic testing of secondary school pupils including the interpretation of its results; in the third part of the thesis there is a synthesis of the findings from both preceding chapters, followed by a discussion. During the research within the domain of the dissertation focus, quantitative and qualitative methods of educational research were used: a survey, content analysis of textbook sets, phonetic testing and analysis of recordings of students' authentic speech. The work provides a comprehensive view of the examined problem in the context of the current situation when the Russian language at Czech schools is taught as L3. It proves that Russian language teachers...
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Hudba jako výrazný prostředek kultivace řeči předškolních dětí / Music as a Significant Means for Speech Cultivation in Pre-School ChildrenKmentová, Milena January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation of an interdisciplinary character involves music education, music psychology, linguistics and special education. In the theoretical part of the thesis the author explains the term timbre from the musicological and linguistic perspective; characterizes timbre hearing as a musical hearing ability; introduces and compares timbre and phonemic hearing tests; describes the development of musicality and speech of pre-school children from an ontogenetic perspective, and emphasizes hearing atten- tion as a prerequisite for their advancement. The author also characterizes disruption of these abilities and describes reeducation therapies that involve elements of music education and mu- sic therapy. A field study described in the practical part of the thesis has a form of fundamental research and experiment. Research participants were 180 pre-school children. A field study is addressing the relationship between speech and musical manifestations of pre-school children with atypi- cal speech development. The aim of the experiment was to search for the most effective com- bination of music and language education with positive influence on both musicality and speech. Chapters of the thesis introduce a unique diagnostic material, experimental methodol- ogy and research outcomes. A field study...
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Rozvoj čtenářské gramotnosti u dětí s odlišným mateřským jazykem v kontextu inkluzivního vzdělávání / Reading Literacy Development of Pupils with Other Mother Tongue in Inclusive Education ContextRychlíková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Reading Literacy Development of Pupils with Other Mother Tongue in Inclusive Education Context AUTHOR: Mgr. Marie Rychlíková DEPARTMENT: Department of Primary Education PedF UK Prague SUPERVISOR: prof. PaedDr. Radka Wildová, CSc. ABSTRACT: This thesis is focused on the reading literacy issues of pupils with other mother tongue in primary education. The aim of this work is to analyse and describe the contemporary state of reading literacy skills of pupils with other mother tongue in inclusive education context. The foreigners children have to overcome the social and cultural differences as well as the language barrier. In order to be successfully included into the education system, and consequently into our society, the pupils need to learn Czech language at the best level they are able to. The structure of this work is divided into two parts - the theoretical and practical one. There were quantitative and qualitative methods used in the research. The individual aims of this work were analysed, processed and discussed based on the results of the two research phases and description of good practice examples from Finland. Finally the conclusions and suggestions were expressed. KEY WORDS: Reading literacy, first reading literacy, inclusion, stereotypes, basic literacy, pupil with other mother tongue,...
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Formování a povaha vztahů mezi neziskovými organizacemi a státem Případová studie Meta, o.p.s. / The Formation and Nature of the Relations between the Government and Non-profit Organizations Case Study of Meta o.p.s.Richterová, Natálie January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this paper is to describe the relationship between a non-governmental organisation and the government. The paper is a case study of the non-governmental organization Meta o.p.s. which works in the field of integrating foreigners and focuses on the issue of educating pupils who speak various mother tongues. The paper deals with the development of relationships, the roles within these relationships the organization fulfils with regards to the government, and the influence these relationships with the government have on the organization's goals and development. Furthermore, the paper focuses on the persisting barriers which prevent these relationships from being created and developed. The relationships between Meta o.p.s. and the government are observed on individual levels of the public administration (national, regional, municipal). The paper consists of 4 parts. The theoretical part introduces basic theoretical starting points, namely models of relationships between the government and non-governmental organizations, and the roles fulfilled by non-governmental organizations in the society. The next part presents the methodology and chosen strategy of the research, i.e. case study. The empirical part monitors the development and nature of the relationships on individual levels of the public...
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Žáci s odlišným mateřským jazykem a mentálním postižením na základní škole / Pupils with Diffrent Mother Tongue and Intellect Disabilities in elementary SchoolsTkadlečková, Magdalena January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of education of pupils with different mother tongue and intellectual disabilities. The theoretical part is focused on definition of the fundamental concepts which are narrowly associated with the subject. It speaks about pupils with intellectual disabilities and different mother tongue, their education which concludes framework education programmes and supporting measures and statistical data of number of pupils with different mother tongue. The practical part defines targets and and research questions, methodology and its subchapters delimiting technology of collecting the data, characteristics of research sample and analytical procedure. Lastly in this part we can find chapters with results of research and subchapter summarizing answers to the research questions. The last chapter is discussion and recommendation for practice. The goal of the practical part of the diploma thesis is to find support for pupils of the elementary schools who have different mother tongues and intellectual disabilities. In the research process there was found that the support of pupils of the primary schools who have different mother tongue and intellectual disabilities is an individual matter. Every pupil needs a specific form of support, its extent and that is the reason why the...
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Att göra det annorlunda normalt i förskolan : En vetenskaplig essä om att förstå och stödja tvåspråkiga barn i deras språkutveckling och kommunikation utifrån en interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens / To make different normal in the preschool : A scientific essay on understanding and supporting bilingual children in their language development and communication based on an intercultural pedagogical competenceRahman, Subarna January 2020 (has links)
This is a scientific essay that has been written with the aim to reflect and analyze difficulties of bilingual children to communicate, being seen in a group and to focus during a traditional learning in language development within preschool. I have also reflected on my experiences and competences in intercultural pedagogy to support bilingual children in a changing society and in a globalized world. By using self-experienced situations from my professional practice, I have in a narrative form reflected back at my experiences with the help of academic literature, research articles, theoretical perspectives, curriculum (2018) and even asked questions to gain different perspectives on my stories. The main part of my research questions is whether I could have planned and acted differently in my self-experienced situations? Did I have enough knowledge about intercultural approach in order to adapt various situations based on the need of different children? In which ways could the preschool have provided better support in language development and communication for all children? This scientific essay has shown that it is important to understand the cultural background, language and ethnicity of bilingual children. It is also important to have a good collaboration with the guardians in order to plan suitable activities and classes/sessions. In addition, it is necessary to have great knowledge of intercultural pedagogical competence, diversified normality, inclusion, sociocultural perspective and support for the mother tongue to be able work with bilingual children. As a pedagogue and a future preschool teacher, I have according to Skolverket - Swedish National Agency for Education (2020) a greater responsibility to change, for example, the traditional way of working, but also to improve and adapt the education based on different needs to provide an equal education and preschool for all children. / Detta är en vetenskaplig essä som har skrivits för att reflektera och analysera tvåspråkiga barns svårigheter med att kommunicera, synas i en grupp samt att fokusera under ett traditionellt lärande i språkutveckling inom förskolan. Här har jag också reflekterat över mina erfarenheter och kompetenser inom interkulturell pedagogik för att stödja tvåspråkiga barn i ett förändrat samhälle och i en globaliserad värld. Genom att använda mig av egenupplevda situationer i berättande form i min yrkespraktik har jag reflekterat tillbaka med hjälp av akademisk litteratur, forskningsartiklar, teoretiska perspektiv, läroplanen (2018) samt ställt frågor för att få olika perspektiv på mina berättelser. Centralt i forskningsfrågorna är om jag kunde ha planerat och handlat annorlunda i mina egenupplevda situationer? Har jag haft tillräckligt med kunskaper inom interkulturellt förhållningsätt för att anpassa situationer utifrån barns olika behov? Hur skulle förskolan ha kunnat ge bättre stöd i barnens språkutveckling och kommunikation? Denna vetenskapliga essä har visat att det är viktigt att förstå tvåspråkiga barns kulturella bakgrunder, språk, etnicitet samt ha ett gott samarbete med vårdnadshavare för att kunna planera passande aktiviteter och undervisningar. Det krävs också kunskaper inom interkulturell pedagogisk kompetens, diversifierat normalitet, inkludering, sociokulturellt perspektiv samt modersmålsstöd för att jobba med tvåspråkiga barn. Jag som pedagog och blivande förskollärare har enligt Skolverket (2020) ett större ansvar för att förändra exempelvis det traditionella arbetssättet, men även förbättra och anpassa utbildningen utifrån olika behov för att få en likvärdig utbildning och förskola för alla barn.
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Rozvoj jazykových dovedností žáků z jazykově znevýhodněného prostředí v přírodovědné výuce / Language skills development of pupils from language disadvantaged background realised in primary science educationŠtěpán, Cyril January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis - Cyril Štěpán Abstract In the theoretical part of my thesis, I first aim to outline the particular language problems of children brought up in a socially disadvantaged background. I attempt to describe what actually is "social disadvantage" and what are its specifics. Moreover, I deal with the particularity of development of children in such background and with the imapact on communication skills of these children when they enter nursery or elementary school. In the second chapter of my thesis, I write about langugage and communication barriers of children with different mother tongue. I describe and explain the term "different mother tongue". Then I pursue the statistics on pupils foreigners in czech schools and their categorisation to discover the most represented foreign languages in czech schools. I furthermore describe these languages (Slavic language group and Vietnamese) and I point out those linguistic differences of these languages when compared to the czech language that are the most crucial ones in the process of learning czech. In the last chapter of the theoretical part of my thesis, I write about school inclusion of these pupils. I first try to define the term inclusion only to later come up with concrete strategies and possibilities of inclusion of these pupils in czech...
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Dramatická výchova jako cesta k porozumění závažným sociálním tématům. / Drama in Education as the Way to Understanding Crurial Social Topics.Pospíšilová, Marie January 2020 (has links)
Diploma work is intented on multicultural edication, mainly on integrating a pupil with a different first language to the environment of a primary school, using the methods and techniques of Drama in Education. The technical part deals with Drama in education and structured drama. Next it deals with multicultural upbringing and its enforcing in the educational system, a pupil with a different mother tongue and his accepting and integrating in his new class. In the practical part I try to approach the complexity of a newly moved in pupil who has a different language to a new class using structured drama. KEYWORDS Drama in Education, multicultural education, pupil with different mother tongue, structured drama, first level of elementary school
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Implementace zjednodušených projektů národních operačních programů 2014-2020 ve vztahu k dětem s odlišným mateřským jazykem v základních školách v Praze / Implementation of Simplified Projects of National Operational Programmes 2014-2020 in Relation to Children with Different Mother Tongue in Primary Schools in PragueJanatová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the terms and conditions of specific calls for proposals of national operational programmes 2014-2020, aimed at children with different mother tongue, and implementation of simplified projects in selected primary schools in Prague. The thesis describes relevant grant opportunities and, based on a research survey, evaluates their conditions and implementation process. From the methodological point of view, a qualitative approach and design of a case study are employed. The thesis also points out the relation of street-level bureaucrats to applicants/beneficiaries and explains the reasons why eligible applicants do not request support through simplified projects. In order to accomplish the set research goals and questions, in-depth interviews were conducted with primary school principals, administrators of the considered operational programmes, a representative of the municipal district, and an expert on subsidies for schools. Within the last part of the thesis, recommendations for the creators of relevant calls for their possible modification and recommendations for other principals of primary schools are proposed in order to facilitate the implementation of simplified projects. From the theoretical perspective, the diploma thesis is based on four theories that frame...
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