Spelling suggestions: "subject:"learner"" "subject:"earners""
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An empirical investigation into the time-use and activity patterns of dual-earner couples with and without young childrenBernardo, Christina 23 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the time-use patterns of adults in dual-earner households with and without children as a function of several individual and household socio-demographics and employment characteristics. A disaggregate activity purpose classification including both in-home and out-of-home activity pursuits is used because of the travel demand relevance of out-of-home pursuits, as well as to examine both mobility-related and general time-use related social exclusion and time poverty issues. The study uses the Nested Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Value (MDCNEV) model, which recognizes that time-decisions entail the choice of participating in one or more activity purposes along with the amount of time to invest in each chosen activity purpose, and allows generic correlation structures to account for common unobserved factors that might impact the choice of multiple alternatives. The 2010 American Time Use Survey (ATUS) data is used for the empirical analysis. A major finding of the study is that the presence of a child in dual-earner households not only leads to a reduction in in-home activity participation but also a substantially larger decrease in out-of-home activity participation, suggesting a higher level of mobility-related social exclusion relative to overall time-use social exclusion. To summarize, the results in the thesis underscore the importance of re-designing work policies in the United States to facilitate a reduction in work-family conflict in dual-earner families. / text
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Rapport salarial, rationalisation des modèles productifs et relation de service : le cas des centres d'appels téléphoniques / Wage earner relation, rationalization of productive models and service relation : the case of call centersFeriel, Emilie 18 October 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose d’analyser les transformations des rapports salariaux à partir d’une lecture croisée de la dynamique des modèles productifs et de l’expansion de la relation de service. Nous formulons l’hypothèse que la relation entretenue avec le client devient, sous différentes facettes, une source de profit obtenue à partir du travail salarié, ce qui conduit à une transformation des modes de production caractérisée par une division du travail et des emploi plus prononcée. L’exploration de cette hypothèse est effectuée pour le cas particulier des centres d’appels téléphoniques, sur la base d’une analyse empirique réalisée à partir d’entretiens sectoriels et de huit études de cas. Au regard de l’abondante littérature portant sur cet objet d’étude, notre recherche propose d’adopter un angle d’analyse original, qui consiste à prendre en compte les centres d’appels du point de vue de leur ancrage au sein des organisations productives. Nous partons de l’idée que l’activité des centres d’appels n’est pas totalement nouvelle et qu’elle résulte d’une transformation de situations antérieures. Il s’agit alors d’étudier cette activité au regard de son insertion au sein d’un processus de division du travail. L’application de la grille d’analyse d’un modèle productif permet dans ce cadre de mettre en exergue une recomposition et un découpage des différentes dimensions de la relation de service à travers l’ensemble de l’entreprise, qui entraîne une segmentation flexible des emplois et une rationalisation commune du travail empruntant à la fois à une logique industrielle et professionnelle, mais qui mobilise fortement l’implication subjective des salariés. / Our thesis offers to analyze the transformation of wage earner relations through a cross reading of the productive models dynamics and the growth of the service relation. We venture the hypothesis that the relationship with the customer becomes a source of profit achieved by paid work at different level, which leads to a transformation of productive models characterized by a stronger division in work and employment. The analysis of this hypothesis is made for the specific case of call centers on the basis of a purely practical analysis carried through sectorial interviews and eight case studies. With regard to abundant sources about this study, our research offers to adopt an original angle of analysis consisting in taking into account call centers regarding their base within productive organization. We start by assuming that call centers activity isn’t entirely new and that it ensues from a transformation of former situation. Thus we have to study the activity with regard to its integration within a work division process. The implementation of the frame of reference of a productive model allows us to underline in this context a reconstruction and a division of the various dimensions of service relation through the whole industry. It leads to a flexible segmentation of jobs and a common rationalization of works borrowing an industrial and professional reasoning but which highly uses employees subjective commitment.
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Fordismens kris och löntagarfonder i Sverige / The Crisis of Fordism and Wage-Earner Funds in SwedenViktorov, Ilja January 2006 (has links)
One of the most controversial debates in contemporary Swedish history centred on a proposal to create “wage-earner” funds. The main institutional actors of Swedish society were involved in this debate during the 1970s and 1980s. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how the most important institutional actors in Sweden, namely LO, the Swedish Social Democratic Party (SAP) and the Swedish Employer Confederation (SAF), participated in and defined themselves in the wage-earner funds debate, against the background of the crisis of the Swedish Fordism, i.e. the mass production society. Chapter 2 consists of an analysis of those inherent features of Swedish Fordism that potentially could imply dissolution of the Fordist society in Sweden after the 1960s. Chapter 3 investigates debates about wage solidarity policy and the concentration of power and ownership in the Swedish economy that resulted in the LO wage-earner funds proposal from 1975. Chapter 4 discusses the opinions of active members in LO regarding the wage-earner funds proposals from 1975 and 1978. Chapter 5 investigates the Social Democratic Party's relationship to wage-earner funds. The chapter surmises that SAP leaders took a pragmatic attitude towards funds. This pragmatism differed from the opinion expressed by the radical activists in the party. Chapter 6 deals with the reaction of the Swedish Employer Confederation to the wage-earner funds proposal. The SAF anti-fund campaigns of the 1970s and 1980s are investigated in detail in the context of a neoliberal ideological offensive in Sweden. The chapter argues that the decision to abandon the centralized wage bargaining model influenced SAF's strategy in the debate over wage-earner funds. The dissertation’s main conclusion is that the radical wings of LO and SAP as well as the SAP leaders and the Swedish employers all used the mobilization around wage-earner funds for their own political purposes to solve problems resulting from the crisis of Swedish Fordism.
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Daily Recovery from Work: The Role of GuiltCho, Eunae 01 January 2013 (has links)
Acknowledging the critical role that occupational factors play in employee health, researchers have tried to understand ways to reduce the harmful effects of work on employee health. As the process by which individuals recharge resources that have been depleted, recovery has been recognized as important due to its potential to mitigate the negative effects of work on employee well-being. Although the recovery literature has continued to grow, many questions remain unanswered. The purpose of the present study was to expand our knowledge of recovery by examining situational (job characteristics) and individual (trait guilt) predictors of recovery and investigating psychological attributes of off-job activities. An experience sampling design was used to understand relationships among focal variables at day level. Hypotheses were tested using the data from 99 full-time employees living with a full-time working spouse and at least one dependent. The results suggest that daily job characteristics serve an important role in recovery such that they relate to recovery experiences of psychological detachment and relaxation. However, job characteristics did not have significant relationships with the choice of off-job activities. With regard to subjective experiences of off-job activities, findings demonstrated considerable variance across individuals. Further, psychological attributes of off-job activities were found to relate to recovery experiences although the results were not always consistent with expectation. Next, little support was found for the moderating role of trait guilt in the relationship between job characteristics and off-job activities. Finally, consistent with previous research, recovery experiences related to better well-being outcomes.
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Contribution à l'étude du salariat sportif / Contribution to the study of the sports wage-earnerPaget, David 19 January 2010 (has links)
Occupant une place essentielle dans la société, le sport ne pouvait échapper plus longtemps au droit, en particulier le sportif professionnel. Le statut social du sportif, acteur central du spectacle sportif, fait l'objet d'une construction de plus en plus élaborée, car nécessaire. Le régime du salariat sportif, qui se limite aux contrats conclus entre les sportifs professionnels et les clubs sportifs, sans que l'on puisse les assimiler à des artistes, obéit à la fois aux droits étatique et communautaire, mais également aux pouvoirs sportifs, que ce soit la réglementation ou la justice sportive. La spécificité du salariat sportif repose sur ce pluralisme juridique, de sources et d'organes de justice, avec l'intégration dans le régime social du sportif de la norme sportive. Le droit du travail est particulièrement propice à une telle intégration, notamment la place qu'il fait à la négociation collective et au principe de faveur. Le juge y participe également en reconnaissant cette spécificité. Cette spécificité s'exprime tant au niveau de la formation du contrat, que de son exécution ou de sa rupture. Les pratiques des transferts, des prêts, de l'homologation des contrats ou des réglementations contre le dopage attestent de celle-ci. / Occupying an essential place in the society, the sport could escape no longer the law, in particular the sportsman become professional. The social status of the sportsman, the central actor of the sports show, is the object of a more and more elaborated construction, because necessary. The regime of the sports wage-earner, who limits himself to the contract between the professional sportsmen and the sports clubs, without that we can assimilate them to artists, obeys at once the state and community rights, but also the sports powers, whether it is the regulations and the sports justice. The specificity of the sports wage-earner bases on this legal pluralism, in sources and in organs of justice, with the integration in the social diet of the sportsman of the sports standard. The labor law is particularly convenient to such an integration, in particular the place which it makes for the collective bargaining and for the principle of favour. The judge also participates in it by recognizing this specificity. This specificity expresses himself both at the level of the formation of the contract, and of its execution or of its break. The practices of transfers, loans, ratification of contracts or regulations against the doping give evidence of this one.
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You can’t always get what you want, but does it matter? The relationship between prechild preferences and post-child actual labor division fit and well-beingShockley, Kristen M 29 June 2010 (has links)
Significant shifts in social ideology and legislation have brought about considerable changes in work and family dynamics in the Western world, and the male as breadwinner-wife as homemaker model is no longer the norm. However, despite increasingly gender egalitarian ideals, the division of labor among dual-earner couples tends to adopt a "neo traditional" once children are born, where women devote more time to family labor and men spend more time in paid employment
Although asymmetrical divisions of labor have clear workplace and societal consequences in terms of women's earnings, organizational advancement, and inequality, the effects on individual well-being are not well understood. The purpose of the present study was to apply the theoretical lens of person-environment fit to examine how misfit between dual-earner couples' pre-child division of labor preferences and post-child actual divisions of labor relate to affective (career, marital, and family satisfaction) and health-related (depression and physical health symptoms) well-being. Additionally, several conditions were posited to temper the strengths of these relationships (domain centrality, gender, voice in division of labor decision making, and satisfaction with the current division of labor).
Participants were 126 dual-earner couples with small children, and hypotheses were testing using polynomial regression analyses. The results suggested that congruence between an individual's own pre-child desires for the division of paid labor and the actual post-child division of paid labor relates to his/her own career and marital satisfaction, depression, and physical health symptoms. Congruence in the family domain is also important, as desire-division of family labor fit related to affective sentiments toward family and one's spouse. With the exception of career satisfaction, these relationships were curvilinear, such that deviations in either direction from perfect fit related to poorer well-being. On the other hand, there was little evidence for spousal effects, as dual-earner well-being did not relate the congruence between division of labor abilities and spousal demands. Finally, evidence of moderation was only found in a few cases, and none were consistent with prediction, highlighting the need for future research on the contextual conditions of P-E fit in the dual-earner context.
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The Development of Father Involvement in Diverse Family EnvironmentsKotila, Letitia E. 21 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Aprendo ahora para utilizarlo después : Autonomía del alumno en la enseñanza del español como lengua moderna / I learn now to use it laterRehnberg Fritz, Linus January 2017 (has links)
Aprendo ahora para utilizarlo despuésAutonomía del alumno en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjeraLinus Rehnberg FritzSumarioLa adquisición de lenguas modernas ocurre cada vez más fuera del aula, pero a muchos alumnos todavía lesfaltala capacidad de valorar y utilizarla información disponible.Por una parte, el informe de Gymnasieutredningenpropone que la participación activa del alumno sea una parte obligatoria del currículo. Por otra parte, muchosalumnos interrumpen sus estudios de español como lengua modernacoincidiendo en la necesidad que tienen de recibir más ayuda de laque se le proporciona actualmente. Por ello pretendemos investigar acerca de la autonomía de los alumnos en la asignatura de español como lengua moderna en el instituto en Suecia. La hipótesis de este trabajo se basa en que los alumnos no tienen suficiente apoyo para desarrollar la autonomía.Para comprobar la hipótesis formulamostres preguntas de investigación que ocupan los aspectos de: (1) cómo y en qué grado el trabajo de forma autonómica aparece en el aula, (2)el profesor como ayuda en el desarrollo de la autonomía en el aula y (3) los motivos subyacentes del trabajo de forma autonómica. Para responder a las preguntas hicimos dos observaciones en elaulay tres entrevistas con alumnos de nivel 3 de español como lengua moderna. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos no realizanmuchas acciones de forma autonómica durante las observaciones, pero que la tendencia atrabajar de forma colaborativa fue el rasgo más característico del trabajo autonómico. Además, observamos que el profesor no dedica suficiente tiempo al trabajo preparatoriopara estimularla autonomía de los alumnos. Finalmente, se deriva de las entrevistas que los motivos que llevan al desarrollo del trabajo de forma autonómica se relacionancon el propósitodel alumocon los estudios yla propia capacidadde estos para llevarlos a cabo.
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Work-family balance : an interpretive approach to understanding perceptions and strategies of dual-earner couples in Cape Town, South AfricaSeeley, Ana-Cristina 02 1900 (has links)
Balancing the work and family domains is an ongoing concern for men and women in dual-earner relationships. However, most of the research studies that have explored work-family balance, have been conducted within the North American context using highly educated middle-class couples. Furthermore, no known South African studies have explored work-family balance experiences and strategies based on the couple as a unit. The aim of this study is therefore to understand how middle-class South African dual-earner couples experience and pursue work-family balance. A sample comprising ten multi-racial, middle-class, heterosexual dual-earner couples with children, who work in different employment sectors, and reside in Cape Town, South Africa, were selected purposefully through the use of convenience and snow-ball sampling techniques. The interpretive approach located within the qualitative paradigm was employed to understand the subjective experiences of couples through the method of semi-structured conjoint interviews. All conjoint interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for later analysis. Patterns and themes within the data were identified using thematic analysis and later organised through the use of thematic networks. Two organising themes were uncovered for the global theme "subjective experiences of work-family balance amongst dual-earner couples", namely that work-family balance is a unique experience, and that work-family balance is a dynamic process. Furthermore, the data analysis revealed ten organising themes for the global theme "strategies dual-earner couples use to pursue a work-family balance", namely that striving towards an egalitarian marital relationship helps to promote couples' experience of work-family balance; proactively structuring opportunities for time with family contributes to a balanced work and family life; accessing familial and paid support promotes feelings of being successful in balancing work and family roles; shared planning and organisation facilitates a better balance of work and family roles; living within means relieves couples of unnecessary financial stress; creating opportunities for "alone time" supports couples' work-family balance; work validation and satisfaction encourages greater experiences ofwork-family balance; having the ability to control one's schedule ensures greater freedom to transition between work and family domains; setting boundaries around work and family domains helps couples maintain their balance; and relying on faith to cope with work and family stressors leads to a more balanced life. Each organising theme contained several basic themes which were discussed in relation to previous literature and/or research studies. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Work-family balance : an interpretive approach to understanding perceptions and strategies of dual-earner couples in Cape Town, South AfricaSeeley, Ana-Cristina 02 1900 (has links)
Balancing the work and family domains is an ongoing concern for men and women in dual-earner relationships. However, most of the research studies that have explored work-family balance, have been conducted within the North American context using highly educated middle-class couples. Furthermore, no known South African studies have explored work-family balance experiences and strategies based on the couple as a unit. The aim of this study is therefore to understand how middle-class South African dual-earner couples experience and pursue work-family balance. A sample comprising ten multi-racial, middle-class, heterosexual dual-earner couples with children, who work in different employment sectors, and reside in Cape Town, South Africa, were selected purposefully through the use of convenience and snow-ball sampling techniques. The interpretive approach located within the qualitative paradigm was employed to understand the subjective experiences of couples through the method of semi-structured conjoint interviews. All conjoint interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for later analysis. Patterns and themes within the data were identified using thematic analysis and later organised through the use of thematic networks. Two organising themes were uncovered for the global theme "subjective experiences of work-family balance amongst dual-earner couples", namely that work-family balance is a unique experience, and that work-family balance is a dynamic process. Furthermore, the data analysis revealed ten organising themes for the global theme "strategies dual-earner couples use to pursue a work-family balance", namely that striving towards an egalitarian marital relationship helps to promote couples' experience of work-family balance; proactively structuring opportunities for time with family contributes to a balanced work and family life; accessing familial and paid support promotes feelings of being successful in balancing work and family roles; shared planning and organisation facilitates a better balance of work and family roles; living within means relieves couples of unnecessary financial stress; creating opportunities for "alone time" supports couples' work-family balance; work validation and satisfaction encourages greater experiences ofwork-family balance; having the ability to control one's schedule ensures greater freedom to transition between work and family domains; setting boundaries around work and family domains helps couples maintain their balance; and relying on faith to cope with work and family stressors leads to a more balanced life. Each organising theme contained several basic themes which were discussed in relation to previous literature and/or research studies. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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