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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The determinants of off-farm employment and the impact of off-farm employment on food consumption in rural Ethiopia

Shifa, Mhbuba Ahmad January 2010 (has links)
Includes abstract. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 27-30). / This study analyses the determinants of off-farm employment in rural Ethiopia using a representative sample farm households from four regions of the country. Very few previous regional case studies assess the impact of off-farm employment on household food consumption. To fill this gap the study goes on to examine the impact of participation in off-farm employment on household food consumption controlling for possible endogenous treatment selection bias.

Analysis of the predictive ability and profitability of an analytically derived trading algorithm in the intra-day spot foreign exchange market

Sokolovski, Valeri January 2011 (has links)
Includes abstract. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-93). / This paper examines the predictive power and profitability of an analytically derived, technical trading algorithm in the intraday spot foreign exchange market, using over nine years of hourly data. This trading rule, the reservation price policy (RPP), stems from the computer science literature and, based on certain assumptions, is shown to be efficient under the worst-case scenario criterion. The results indicate the existence of significant information content in the trading rule, which is robust to the parameter choice and consistent across the eleven currencies examined. But, the nonparametric, bootstrap analysis shows that the rule does not capture any incremental information above what is accounted for by the seasonal GARCH(1,1)-MA(1) model.

Untangling the determinants of crime in South Africa

Verrinder, Noel January 2013 (has links)
Includes abstract. / Includes bibliographical references. / This study investigates the relationships between several key economic, sociodemographic and infrastructural factors and crime in South Africa. Using the five March waves, 2003 to 2007, of the Labour Force Survey and crime statistics for the five-year period from April 2003 to March 2008 from the South African Police Service, this paper examines factors associated with aggregate property and violent crime rates at the district council level.

Firm-size and wages: a case study of the manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe

Kupeta, Tsungai 17 February 2022 (has links)
It has long been argued in the mainstream literature that workers in large firms earn higher wages than those in smaller firms. This phenomenon is recognised as an important puzzle that explains wage disparities in labour markets. This thesis analyses the link between firm size and wages in the Zimbabwean manufacturing sector and it is structured around three main research questions: (1) What is the link between firm size and wages in the formal and informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe? (2) Is there a firm-size wage premium in the formal and informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe? (3) If yes, what are the sources of the firm-size wage premium? The analysis of the study draws on the Matched Employer-Employee manufacturing firm-level survey dataset for formal and informal sector firms and workers that was collected in 2015. Using this dataset, we are able to distinguish between theories that attribute wage disparities to worker heterogeneity and those that hypothesise the importance of firm heterogeneity, which advances the existing literature by including the informal sector and a developing country case. We then apply the Mincerian wage regression approach to determine the magnitude, significance, and sources, of the firm size-wage premium. We control for a variety of human capital, individual, job, and firm characteristics to determine the source of the firm size wage relationship. The empirical results indicate a positive and significant association between firm size and wages in both the formal and informal sectors, as theoretically expected. The firm-size premium is more nuanced in the informal sector. Human capital endowments are found to contribute to the firm size-wage relations, at least for the formal sector. Job characteristics did not explain major variation in firm-size wage relationships. Thus, apart from human capital characteristics, most theories cannot explain the wage premium received by large firms. The results further indicate that capital intensity and firm productivity are important in shaping the firm size wage premium, although they did not alter the size effect much.

A relação entre perdas e valor no contexto de um sector emergente-o caso das empresas americanas

Gama, Ana Paula Bernardino Matias January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to analyse the positive loss-earnings relation in the context of U.S. net firms. This topic earns special relevance with the emergence of the Internet sector. We focus on the period between 1996 and 2003. In order to identify the net firms, we collected information from ISDEX – Internet Stock List. With the goal to control the survivor bias effect, we obtain information about net firms from the Morgan & Stanley reports. We also selected a match sample (non net firms) from NASDAQ, with close IPO dates to those of the net firms. We assume that the negative relation observed in the U.S net firms, is due the growth opportunities bias. This hypothesis is in line with the Ohlson (1995) and the Feltham and Ohlson (1995) models, who regard current expenses such as R&D and advertising as generating the potential for future growth. Accounting measurements may be misleading, as the GAAP prevailing in the U.S. treat theses items as expenses. By contrast, capital markets seem to give a strong value to firms undertaking such investments. The Ohlson model was re-specified as a function of current earnings and lagged book value, and incorporated the Fama and MacBeth (1973) methodology, in order to analyse if the market prices differently the value drivers of theses firms as the Internet sector/net firms matures. The results are significant and consistent with: i) investors look beyond aggregate earnings; ii) investors value certain components of losses (R&D and advertising expenditures) positively; iii) the variable book value of equity conveys information for funding available to continue investments in loss firms and iv) since the nineties we assist to a change in life cycle: the new firms tend to be small, operate in high tech sectors and report losses for long periods. This research makes a set of contribution to the literature: i) some firms´ losses may not be associated with value destruction; ii) we challenge the traditional view that losses convey little information content, specially when they are associated to the implementation of growth opportunities; iii) losses are not homogenous across losses firms, consequently treating losses homogenously can lead to incomplete or incorrect inferences in empirical research and v)distressed firms, specially high tech firms tend to restructure through mergers and acquisitions, curbing the incidence of bankruptcy. Key Words: valuation, price-earnings, conservatism, growth opportunities / O objectivo central da presente investigação consistiu em analisar a aparente anomalia verificada entre o registo de prejuízos e o elevado valor de mercado das acções registado pelas empresas americanas da nova economia, com destaque para as net firms. A relevância do presente estudo deriva do impacto da emergência do sector da Internet. O período analisado compreende os anos de 1996 a 2003. A seleccão das net firms baseou-se na lista de empresas cotadas no ISDEX – Internet Stock List e nos relatórios da Morgan & Stanley. Seleccionamos ainda uma amostra de controlo com base no número de IPO ocorridos no NASDAQ, cujo critério foi identificar outras empresas com datas de IPO próximas das net firms. Tendo como quadro teórico os modelos de avaliação de Ohlson (1995) e Feltham e Ohlson (1995), assume-se que os prejuízos registados por estas empresas são consequência dos elevados investimentos em activos intangíveis, tais como: I&D e Publicidade, que de acordo com os GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles são integralmente contabilizados como custos. Porém, o mercado associa o investimento nestas rubricas à probabilidade de existência em carteira de maiores oportunidades de crescimento, pelo que são grandes as expectativas de rendibilidades supranormais. O modelo de Ohlson é reespecificado em função dos resultados líquidos e dos capitais próprios e incorpora a metodologia de Fama e MacBeth (1973), no sentido de analisar como os principais determinantes do valor (value drivers) influenciam o valor de mercado dos capitais próprios ao longo do tempo (efeito ciclo de vida). Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que os investidores: i) não baseiam a sua avaliação apenas na variável resultados; ii) valorizam positivamente, como activos, os items I&D e Publicidade, que contabilisticamente são tratados como custo; iii) a variável capitais próprios é particularmente relevante para efeitos de avaliação registando a empresa prejuízos, pois o mercado vê nesta variável uma proxy para os resultados futuros normais e iv) o acréscimo do investimento nas rubricas I&D e Publicidade surge associado a uma alteração do perfil de empresas a operar no mercado na década de 90: empresas de pequena dimensão, maioritariamente de base tecnológica a registarem prejuízos, de maior magnitude e por períodos mais longos. A evidência empírica, corroborada por uma análise em dados de painel, permite apontar como principais contributos da presente investigação: i) o reporte de prejuízos pode não estar associado à destruição de valor; ii) em oposição à teoria da opção de abandono, o conteúdo informativo dos prejuízos não é irrelevante para efeitos de avaliação, quando os mesmos surgem associados ao exercício de oportunidades de crescimento; iii) as empresas a registar prejuízos não podem ser tratadas de forma homogénea, pois tal é susceptível de conduzir a conclusões empíricas erróneas e iv) em situação de stress financeiro as empresas, em particular de base tecnológica, tendem a optar por um processo de F&A como forma de reestruturação, reduzindo a incidência de processos de falência. Palavras-chave: avaliação de empresas, relação preço-resultados, subavaliação, oportunidades de crescimento.

L'enseignement des sciences économiques et gestion en BTS en Guadeloupe : entre prescrits nationaux et contexte socio-économique régional / The teaching of economics and management in BTS in Guadeloupe : between national prescriptions and the regional socio-economic context

Odacre, Elisabeth 20 April 2018 (has links)
Même s’il existe une production de ressources pédagogiques s’appuyant sur des exemples pris en Guadeloupe ou dans son environnement, l’enseignement des sciences économiques et de gestion ne nous semble pas y avoir été considéré comme objet d’étude, alors qu’il interroge des composantes fondamentales du contexte de ce territoire comme la situation socio-économique et l’environnement réglementaire. Cette étude porte sur le fonctionnement de certains Brevets de Technicien Supérieur en Guadeloupe (BTS), diplôme professionnel français se préparant en deux ans après le baccalauréat, dont les programmes et critères d’évaluation sont nationaux. Les lauréats sont supposés pouvoir s’insérer immédiatement dans le monde professionnel, en particulier dans leur environnement géographique local et sont préparés à cette insertion par des stages en entreprises. Nous nous intéressons à la tension pouvant résulter d’une définition nationale du diplôme, le plus souvent en référence à des réalités de l’hexagone et le contexte local d’enseignement et d’insertion professionnelle, éloigné sur les plans sociaux-économiques et règlementaires. De manière plus précise, nous questionnons en premier lieu les conceptions de professeurs de ces BTS au regard de cette tension : existe-elle pour eux ? Comment la prenne-t-elle éventuellement en compte dans leur action pédagogique ? Ce questionnement a permis de préparer le second volet de notre étude, auprès d’étudiants de BTS. En effet, la question de l’insertion professionnelle ressort comme importante dans les propos des professeurs. Nous avons donc voulu savoir comment, au fil des stages – moments privilégiés de modification des représentations sociales des étudiants – leur projet professionnel s’affinait. Avant de réaliser ces enquêtes, nous avons dressé un paysage de la place du BTS en Guadeloupe et choisi de concentrer notre travail sur deux BTS, assistant de manager et tourisme, le premier possédant des prescrits faisant que peu référence à l’environnement du déroulement de la formation à l’opposé du second. Nous souhaitions ainsi pouvoir établir une comparaison basée sur ce que nous avons appelé l’ancrage contextuel d’une formation. La première enquête a été réalisée auprès de professeurs en économie-gestion des deux BTS retenus sous forme d’entretiens semi-directifs. Notre objectif était donc d’appréhender leurs conceptions et leurs pratiques déclarées quant à la contextualisation didactique. Les professeurs, faisant état d’effets de contexte occasionnés par la tension susmentionnée, déclarent en tenir compte dans leurs enseignements des sciences économiques et de gestion, en contextualisant leurs pratiques. Cependant, ces contextualisations restent limitées, les professeurs se sentant contraints par le cadre national du diplôme. Par exemple, en BTS tourisme, les décalages entre le contexte local et celui de l’hexagone peuvent provenir d’une mutation moins accomplie en Guadeloupe (au moment de l’enquête) vers la « tourismatique » (informatique appliquée au tourisme). En BTS assistant de manager, ces décalages peuvent résider dans les spécificités du contexte économique et fiscal comme par exemple, les régimes différents de TVA ou l’existence de l’octroi de mer en Guadeloupe : les professeurs hésitent à enseigner les règles en vigueur en Guadeloupe, de peur de pénaliser leurs étudiants lors des examens définis nationalement. Cette enquête a donc révélé l’existence de paradoxes, entre les visées professionnalisantes des BTS et les prescrits (référentiels, examens…) définis nationalement, et donc (partiellement) inadaptés aux divers contextes d’exercice des métiers. En ce qui concerne les étudiants, une enquête longitudinale par questionnaires a été menée auprès d’une cohorte de chacun des BTS retenus, sur la durée de la formation. / Even if there is a production of educational resources based on examples in Guadeloupe or its environment, the teaching of the economics sciences and management was not considered as an object of scientific study, though it questions fundamental components of the context of this territory like the socioeconomic situation and the regulatory environment. This study concerns the functioning of some French BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Advanced Technician Certificate), a professional diploma prepared in two years after the “baccalaureat”, with national programs and evaluation criteria. The successful candidates are supposed to be immediately employable, especially in their local geographical environment, and are prepared for that by professional training sessions in companies. We are interested in a paradox which can be the result of the national definition of the diploma, in reference to the French mainland realities and the local contexts of teaching and of professional integration, far from the socio-economic and regulatory plans. Firstly, we wonder about the point of view of the teachers of those “BTS” about this paradox: does it exist for them? How is it taken into account in their educational action? These questions allowed us to prepare the second part of this study, among students of BTS. Indeed teachers think that the occupational integration is important. We wanted to know how, during and after professional training sessions– privileged moments for modification of the social representations of the student – their professional project became refined. Before doing these inquiries, we drew up a landscape of the place of the BTS in Guadeloupe and chose to focus our study on two BTS, namely assistant manager [deputy manger] and tourism. The first with programs with few references to the environment of the training, contrary to the second. We wanted to ensure a comparison on what we called the anchoring contextual of a training. In the first survey, we conducted semi-structured interview with Guadeloupean teachers of the two BTS mentioned previously. Our objective was to grasp their conceptions and their practices declared about the contextualization of didactics. The teachers, mentioned context effects, by the paradox mentioned previously and declare to take it account in their teachings of the economics sciences and management by contextualizating their practices. However, these contextualizations remain limited, the teachers feeling forced by the national frame of the diploma. For example, in BTS tourism, the gaps between the local context and the French mainland can result from a transformation less accomplished in Guadeloupe (at the time of the survey) towards the “tourismatique” (computing applied to tourism). In BTS assistant manager, these gaps may stay in the specificities of the economic and fiscal context as for example, the different sets of VAT or the existence of the duck dues in Guadeloupe: these adaptations remain limited by fear of disadvantaging the students for the national exam. This demonstrates paradoxes between the professionalizing aim of the BTS and its programs (exams), and thus (partially) unsuitable for the different contexts of the jobs background.

O ensino da Economia atrav?s do estudo da cadeia produtiva do artesanato de Bio e Eco j?ias no munic?pio de Tabatinga, no Amazonas / The teaching of economics by studying the production chain Bio handicraft and Eco jewelry in the city of Tabatinga, in Amazonas

NEVES, N?colas Andretti de Souza 28 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-17T18:11:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - N?colas Andretti de Souza Neves.pdf: 3040016 bytes, checksum: 3600f05656878beafe9a7cf3690b764f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-17T18:11:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - N?colas Andretti de Souza Neves.pdf: 3040016 bytes, checksum: 3600f05656878beafe9a7cf3690b764f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-28 / The economy, as present in absolutely ordinary activities in antiquity was already studied by the great names of philosophy, as Aristotle and Plato. However, today we see is an obvious lack of guidance about the economy in a comprehensive way, as a science that is specific and, when engaged with all relevant aspects of the life of modern man, namely labor relations, production and especially in the education process. You can still see a gap between large population of what are the most basic concepts of economics. There is a resistance, often laden with myths, to which seeks to understand what really is the economy. In Brazil, the teaching of economics in high school is still in the process hiking very short steps. The initiative is still timid and faces resistance, especially in private educational institutions. And in public institutions Economy is present mainly in technical and vocational courses. One must realize that even the smallest social groups need to recognize the science that allows them the effective relations gain, profit upon their productions, whether basic, dedicated to agriculture, livestock, within a familiar aspect, or still in production, for example, crafts. It is possible to see that the IFAM courses, throughout its history, has sought to insert mechanisms to make space to learn, know and practice. And in this context, it appears in the curriculum of their courses, subjects directly related to economics. It is possible to bring to the Alto Solim?es communities, for example, the necessary support so that the people who had long lives fishing, handicraft production, fruit of the fruits of the region to develop their art, their work, knowing that he is inserted in an economic process, enabling a marked growth, since it is not only related to the empirical, but brings with it science Economics, as a source of knowledge necessary to make you think and rethink the means of production, ways of producing, selling strategies and expansion of any business that makes real what is taught in the classroom of technical courses offered by IFAM. In this sense, the teaching of economics in the production chain bio handicraft and jewelry echo in Tabatinga-AM district, allows monitoring of this creative activity and its stages, which takes advantage of the natural resources sustainably, available in the forest, together with inputs and tools to help artisan productivity and generate you income. This work aimed to achieved assess learning of economics concepts in the formation of the course students Medium Level Technical Administration of the Federal Institute of Education, Amazon Science and Technology - Campus Tabatinga, through the Theory of Production content, Production and Maximizing Profits costs in the participative study of the handicraft production chain in the upper Amazon, specifically in Tabatinga-AM / A Economia, t?o presente em atividades absolutamente corriqueiras, na antiguidade j? era objeto de estudo de grandes nomes da Filosofia, como Arist?teles e Plat?o. No entanto, hoje o que vemos ? uma car?ncia evidente de uma orienta??o acerca da economia de uma forma ampla, enquanto ci?ncia que ?, e espec?fica, quando envolvida com todos os aspectos pertinentes ? vida do homem contempor?neo, a saber as rela??es de trabalho, de produ??o e principalmente no processo de educa??o. Ainda ? poss?vel perceber uma dist?ncia entre grande parte da popula??o daquilo que sejam os conceitos mais b?sicos sobre economia. H? uma resist?ncia, muitas vezes carregada de mitos, a que se busque compreender o que realmente ? a Economia. No Brasil, o ensino da Economia no ensino m?dio ainda ? o processo que caminha a passos muito curtos. A iniciativa ainda ? t?mida e enfrenta resist?ncia, especialmente nas institui??es de ensino privado. E nas institui??es p?blicas a Economia est? presente principalmente nos cursos t?cnico-profissionalizante. H? que se perceber que mesmo os menores grupos sociais precisam reconhecer a ci?ncia que lhes permite as rela??es efetivas de ganho, de lucro em cima de suas produ??es, sejam elas b?sicas, voltadas para a agricultura, pecu?ria, dentro de um aspecto bastante familiar, ou ainda da produ??o, por exemplo, do artesanato. J? ? poss?vel ver que os cursos do IFAM, ao longo de sua trajet?ria, tem buscado inserir mecanismos que abram espa?o para o aprender, conhecer e praticar. E nesse contexto, surge, na grade curricular de seus cursos, as disciplinas diretamente ligadas ? Economia. J? ? poss?vel levar ?s comunidades do Alto Solim?es, por exemplo, o apoio necess?rio para que o povo que desde muito vive da pesca, da produ??o do artesanato, fruto dos frutos daquela regi?o possa desenvolver sua arte, seu trabalho, ciente de que ele est? inserido num processo econ?mico, viabilizando um crescimento not?rio, visto que n?o est? apenas relacionado ao emp?rico, mas traz em seu bojo a ci?ncia Economia, como fonte dos saberes necess?rios para que se pense e repense meios de produ??o, formas de produzir, estrat?gias de venda e amplia??o de todo e qualquer neg?cio que torne real aquilo que se ensina na sala de aula dos cursos t?cnicos oferecidos pelo IFAM. Nesse sentido, o ensino da economia na cadeia produtiva do artesanato de bio e eco joia no munic?pio de Tabatinga-AM, permite um acompanhamento desta atividade criativa e suas etapas, que aproveita os recursos naturais de forma sustent?vel, disponibilizados na floresta, em conjunto com insumos e ferramentas que auxiliam a produtividade do artes?o e que lhe geram renda. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo alcan?ado avaliar a aprendizagem dos conceitos de Economia na forma??o dos discentes do curso T?cnico de N?vel M?dio em Administra??o do Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do Amazonas ? Campus Tabatinga, atrav?s dos conte?dos da Teoria da Produ??o, Custos de Produ??o e Maximiza??o do Lucros, no estudo participativo da cadeia produtiva do artesanato na regi?o do Alto Solim?es, especificamente em Tabatinga-AM.

¿Cómo se mide el progreso en economía? / How to measure progress in economy?

Zaratiegui Labiano, Jesús María 10 April 2018 (has links)
How do we measure progress in economics? Can theory change be interpreted as progress, and how? There are various possible answers that are not necessarily mutually exclusive; the question might be seeking the answer to several puzzles, each one of which needs to be answered differently. Perhaps the starting point should be to think about in parallel how the same task has been carried on in natural sciences, the model that inspired the birth and further development of economics all along. How it has been analyzed, understood and explained. / La crisis económica mundial ha puesto, de nuevo, sobre la mesa el viejo tema de la capacidad explicativa de la cienciaeconómica. La visión convencional nos habla de un progreso lineal y progresivo en el tiempo, pero está claro que la economía presenta aún muchas limitaciones. ¿Cómo podemos medir ese progreso real o ficticio de la ciencia? ¿Se pueden considerar progreso los cambios en la teoría, y cómo? Hay diversas respuestas que no tienen por qué ser excluyentes. E este artículo, usamos el método de examinar cómo se ha respondido a las mismas preguntas en las ciencias naturales, el modelo que inspiró el nacimiento y posterior desarrollo de la economía. Además, se analiza cómo ha sido analizado, entendido y explicado el progreso en unas y otra. La claridad de los criterios de progreso en las ciencias naturales puede arrojar alguna luz sobre la misma cuestión en la ciencia económica.

O jovem Prebisch (1901-1943) / The young Prebisch (1901-1943)

Barboza, Darlan Praxedes 05 December 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação se debruça sobre a trajetória de Raúl Prebisch entre 1930-1943, período conhecido na historiografia argentina como a década infame. Objetiva-se capturar como o jovem economista construiu uma exitosa carreira nos escalões superiores da burocracia estatal argentina valendo-se de sua origem social entre os Uriburu de Tucumán (família tradicionalmente vinculada ao poder desde os tempos coloniais), das relações de amizade e colaboração especializada com os responsáveis pela restauração conservadora da década de 1930 e da alta cotação de seus conhecimentos num cenário de emergência econômica. Em meio às repercussões negativas da crise de 1929 sobre a economia argentina e o ressurgimento das forças políticas oligárquicas, que buscaram na ciência econômica sua fonte de legitimidade, Prebisch se capitalizou como a liderança do processo de modernização do Estado ao dispor de uma rede privilegiada de contatos que possibilitou o acesso às novas oportunidades de colocação na burocracia, além de projetá-lo como mediador entre as novas demandas estatais, o poder executivo e os jovens economistas da Universidade de Buenos Aires. / This dissertation focuses on the trajectory of Raúl Prebisch between 1930 and 1943, a period known in Argentine historiography as the \"infamous decade\". It aims to capture how the young economist built a successful career in the upper echelons of the Argentine state bureaucracy using the social origins among the Uriburu of Tucumán (family traditionally linked to power since colonial times), friendship and technical collaboration with those responsible for the conservative restoration of the 1930s and his highly esteemed knowledge in an emergency economic scenario. In the circumstances of the negative repercussions of the 1929 crisis on the Argentine economy and the resurgence of oligarchic political forces, which sought the economic science as their source of legitimacy, Prebisch capitalized himself in the leadership of the process of modernization of the State by having a privileged network of contacts that enabled him to control the new opportunities of placement in the bureaucracy and projected him as a mediator between the new state demands, the executive branch and the young economists of the University of Buenos Aires.

Staatswissenschaften Unter den Linden

Czech, Uwe 16 July 2020 (has links)
Die Arbeit verfolgt die Entwicklung der wirtschaftlichen Staatswissenschaften an der Berliner Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität von ihrer Gründung bis in das erste Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts. Der breite „kameralistische“ Fächerkanon, zu welchem mit unterschiedlichem Gewicht über den Zeitverlauf historische, geographische, juristische, politische, naturwissenschaftlich-technologische und zunehmend wirtschaftliche „Disziplinen“ gehörten, wird unter dem Begriff des Staatswissenschaftlichen Fachgebietes zusammengefasst. In vorwiegend institutionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive werden auf Grundlage der Auswertung von zeitgenössischen Universitätsdaten (z. B. Matrikeln, Vorlesungsverzeichnissen, Promotionsakten) die Veränderung in der Studentenschaft und dem Lehrkörper, den Inhalten und Formen der Lehre dargestellt. Der Horizont wird dabei in Richtung der Preußischen wie anderen deutschen Universitäten, benachbarter Disziplinen und außeruniversitäre Institutionen überschritten. Gestartet mit staatlicher Unterstützung brauchte es ein halbes Jahrhundert bis das Fachgebiet Teil der Berliner Forschungsuniversität wurde. Beginnend mit dem zweiten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts setzte unter Gustav Schmoller und Adolf Wagner bei zunehmend disziplinärer Engführung auf die nationalökonomischen Disziplinen eine rasante Entwicklung ein, in der das Fachgebiet ein eigenes Profil ausbildete. Um 1900 gewann das Fachgebiet innerhalb der Berliner Philosophischen Fakultät großes Gewicht und trat allmählich an die Spitze eines sich entwickelnden reichsweiten Fachstroms. Gegen Ende des ersten Jahrzehnts des 20. wird in Berlin ein Gestaltwandel des Fachgebiets greifbar, welcher in den Übergang zu den modernen Wirtschaftswissenschaften mündete. Die Arbeit betont in der Analyse der Entwicklung ein breites Bedingungsgefüge, in dem neben wissenschaftsimmanenten Einflussfaktoren ebenso Momente der politisch-staatlichen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Dimension dieses Gefüges zum Tragen kommen. / This paper follows the development of political economy at Berlin's Friedrich Wilhelm University from its establishment to the first third of the 20th century. The broad canon of "cameralism", which to varying extents across the span of time included historical, geographical, juridical, political, scientific, technological and, increasingly, economic "disciplines", is encapsulated under the term "political science". The changes in the student body and faculty, as well as the contents and forms of instruction, are presented based on an evaluation of contemporaneous university data (e.g. registers of matriculation, lecture schedules, doctoral certificates) from a perspective primarily focused on institutional history. Looking beyond this remit, Prussian and other German universities, neighbouring disciplines and non-university institutions are also touched upon. After being started with state support, it took half a century for the field to become a part of the Berlin research university. Beginning in the second third of the 19th century, the department underwent rapid development under Gustav Schmoller and Adolf Wagner, corresponding to increasing narrowing of focus to the economic disciplines, in which context the department developed a distinct profile. Circa 1900, the field gained great importance within Berlin's Faculty of Philosophy and gradually took the lead in a developing academic stream within the Empire. Towards the end of the first decade of the 20th century, a change to the form of the field became palpable in Berlin, which culminated in the transition to the modern economic disciplines. In its analysis, the paper emphasises a far-ranging web of interconnections in which, alongside direct academic influences, aspects from the political, governmental, economic and social dimensions of this structure come to bear on the development of the field.

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