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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Outonomie in gevangeskap : 'n ekosistemiese perspektief

Van Lill, Jacob Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die tradisionele Newtoniaanse wetenskapsbeskouing berus op drie basiese aannames, naamlik lineere oorsaaklikheid, reduksionisme en objektiwiteit. Ernstige kritiek word al hoe meer teen hierdie basiese aannames van die Newtoniaanse benadering geopper. Veral vanuit die sistemiese en ekosistemiese benaderings is alternatiewelike denkraamwerke tot hierdie benadering voorgestel. Die mees kontemporere denkraamwerk (epistemologie), naamlik die ekosistemiese benadering, is gebaseer op outonomie, struktuurgedetermineerdheid, attribusie van betekenis en konstruktivisme. Hierdie ekosistemiese beginsels is in hierdie studie gebruik om gevangenisproblematiek (wat tot op hede gekenmerk was deur Newtoniaanse denke) te herkonseptualiseer. Die nuwe konseptualisering is prakties in die psigoterapeutiese proses met gevangenes ge'lllustreer. In hierdie proses is outonomie op drie vlakke (die van gevangene, terapeut en gevangenisstelsel) bevorder. Hierdie konseptualisering skyn dus 'n wetenskaplikverantwoordbare basis te bied waarbinne gevangenisstelsels beskou kan word. / The traditional Newtonian approach to science is based on three fundamental assumtions, namely linear causality, reductionism and objectivity. Serious criticism is increasingly being brought against these fundamental assumptions of the Newtonian approach. Specifically the systemic and ecosystemic approaches have presented alternative ways of thought (epistemology). The mos t contemporary epistemology, namely the ecosystemic approach, is based on autonomy, structure-determinism, attribution of meaning and constructivism. These ecosystemic principles were used in this study to reconceptualize problems associated with prisoners, problems previously approached in a Newtonian way. This new conceptualization was practically illustrated in the psychotherapeutic process with prisoners. In this process autonomy of the prisoner, therapist and the prison system was promoted. This conceptualization present a scientifically justified basis for thinking about correctional systems. / Psychology / M.A. (Sielkunde)

Disputed custody and the people involved : an ecosystemic perspective

Du Plessis, Annelies 06 1900 (has links)
Custody disputes have traditionally been considered a legal matter. More recent trends have seen the recognition of divorce and custody as both legal and psychological events. This necessitated the involvement of professionals of the helping services in custody recommendations. Such a multidisciplinary approach is currently taken by the Office of the Family Advocate, Pretoria, in disputed custody matters. It is suggested that the way in which the problem of custody is currently defined, is on a pragmatic level, and does not include a higher-order awareness as implied by an ecosystemic epistemology. Such an awareness denotes self-reflexivity, and calls for a more aesthetic emphasis. The dialectic between aesthetics and pragmatics is maintained by means of a descriptive look at the various systems involved in a disputed custody case. Adopting an ecosystemic epistemology is recommended, through the metaphor of mediation, as a further evolution of an already changing process. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Die Komplementariteit tussen intimiteit en afstand in die terapeutiese verhouding

Eybers, Cornelia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die komplementariteit tussen afstand en intimiteit in die terapeutiese verhouding word ge"illustreer en bespreek aan die hand van 'n enkeie gevallestudie. Die klem is op rekursiewe en selfverwysende prosesse wat tussen die terapeut en kiient plaasvind, sodat die vvyse waarop intiemer en meer afstandelike interaksies ge-kokreer is, uitgelig word. Die terapeutiese proses word binne die raamwerk van die ekosistemiese en sosiale konstruksionistiese epistomologie bespreek. Navorsing word uitgevoer volgens die naturalistiese navorsingsparadigma en raakpunte tussen die navorsingsparadigma en epistomologie wat bespreek is, word aan die hand van die gevaliestudie ge"illustreer. In die studie word daar ook verwys na verwante kwessies, soos aanraking en grense in die terapeutiese verhouding, terapie as 'n a-sosiale konteks, terapie as 'n paradoksale situasie en die neutraliteit van die terapeut, wat aansluit by die tema van hierdie studie. Hierdie temas word geintegreer tydens die bespreking van die gevallestudie. / An individual case study is used in this study, to discuss the complementarity between distance and intimacy in the therapeutic relationship. The focus is on recursive and selfreflective processes between the therapist and the client in order to explain the way in which intimate and distant interactions were coconstructed. The therapeutic process was discussed in the context of ecosystemic and social constructionist epistemologies. Research was done according to the principles of the naturalistic research paradigm and overlaps between this research paradigm and epistemologies that were discussed are brought forward through the discussion of the case study. There are also references in this study to related issues, such as touching and boundaries in the therapeutic relationship, therapy as an a-social and paradoxical context, and the neutrality of the therapist, which connect with the theme of this study. These themes are integrated in the discussion of the case study. / Psychology / M.A. (Kliniese Sielkunde)

The ecology of stress in work-related human systems

Jacobson, Julia Dienes 06 1900 (has links)
Individual distress in the work-place has been cited as the cause of enormous loss of productivity and income, and has therefore attracted much attention from researchers and therapists alike. However, an extensive literature study reveals that in the field of work-related distress and its management, there appears to be discontinuity, a diversity of opinion and even confusion with regard to definitions, causes and possible remedies for the problem. It is suggested that this situation has been brought about and is being perpetuated by the Newtonian/Cartesian epistemological foundation on which most thinking in the field is based. It is further suggested that an epistemology informed by ecosystemic, constructivist principles could facilitate a way of thinking which would be more useful in this context. A case study was done in accordance with the above-mentioned ideas, which served as an investigation of their usefulness in a situation of reported work-related stress. On the basis of the information which emerged from the study, it is concluded that an ecosystemic approach can indeed provide a useful basis for understanding such situations. Furthermore, it is suggested that there are certain commonalities between such situations which are primarily founded in contexts in which the individual finds himself faced with contradictory demands which are not acknowledged as such. Finally, the point is made that if, in accordance with a constructivist viewpoint, "stress" is understood to be a social construction rather than an absolute condition, then the traditional way of thinking provides us with descriptions of man, society and the relationship between them, which are negative and may also be reflexively destructive. However, since constructivism allows for a different construction to be brought forth, we may utilise ecosystemic thinking to provide a more optimistic view. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

The influence of hypnosis in the context of sports-injuries : an ecosystemic perspective

Kaplan, Roleen Sandra 12 1900 (has links)
In this study an ecosystemic approach to self-hypnosis was utilised as a tool to explore and describe the healing of sport injuries. Four injured Subjects, from four different sporting activities participated in the study. Self-hypnosis/hypnosis was used as a linguistic means to perturb the problem-defining ideas within which the sport injury was embedded. Problem dis-solution involved a process of reframing each Subject's current reality through dialogue, and a new reality for each respective Subject was co-constructed through consequent linguistic differentiation. The hypnotist, participating in the linguistic domain as an equal participant, looked for intended meanings in each respective conversational exchange with the athletes, and synthesised information creatively. This process and the thinking behind each case study is described in detail in this dissertation. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer : an ecosystemic study of hypnosis and attributions of meaning

Levy, Phyllis 11 1900 (has links)
The word "cancer" has different meanings for different people. In general, it is synonymous with fatality, either imminent or in the forseeable future. How each person perceives and attributes meaning to this personal experience, varies according to idiosyncratic factors. These factors are constituted by each individual's unique internal make up and by external influences and it is the combination of the multiplicity of factors that bring about the personal attributions of meaning for each individual. The thesis examines the attributions of meaning of a sample of 42 women with breast cancer, through administration of a semi-structured interview and questionnaire, with follow up interviews. The theoretical concepts which are explored, examine the shift away from the traditional, Newtonian, linear-causal, neutral observer model (as in the traditional medical model), towards an ecosystemic, a-causal, contextual, holistic stance. Ecosystemic thinking is utilised in this research work, and this way of thinking is applied to the findings. In addition, a qualitative, descriptive approach is adopted, so that an in depth emphasis rather than a quantitative, empirical view of the patients in the sample, is undertaken. The applied questionaire focuses on the patient's experience of cancer diagnosis, with more specific reference to the side effects of the chemotherapy. The emphasis is towards the issue of anticipatory nausea and emesis and the possible use of hypnosis in relation to these effects. Each patient's attribution of meaning to these aspects forms the core of the thesis. The study discloses the wide variety of attributions of meaning held by different women in a similar predicament towards different aspects of that predicament. Concomitantly, the study highlights the limitations of the traditional, medical model which contribute to diminishing the personal understanding of each patient, and the impact of this on both treatment and outcome for each patient. / Psychology / D.Phil. (Psychology)

’n Interaktiewe kwalitatiewe analise van laerskoolonderwysers se aanpassing by veranderinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulum

Smuts, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Daar bestaan verskeie stressors in onderwysers se werksomgewing (Steyn & Kamper, 2006; Van den Berg, 2003). Cox (in Travers & Cooper,1996:4) noem egter dat volgehoue en voortdurende verandering, een van die grootste stressors blyk te wees. In die onderhawige studie is laerskoolonderwysers se aanpassing by veranderinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulum ondersoek. Die navorsing het aan die hand van Interaktiewe Kwalitatiewe Analise (IKA) geskied, soos uiteengesit deur Northcutt en McCoy (2004). Die deelnemers was 14 laerskoolonderwysers wat 10-36 jaar ondervinding in die onderwys het. Die groep onderwysers het deel gevorm van ‘n gekose afdeling, op grond van wat hul in gemeen het en hoe naby hulle aan die fenomeen is, wat nagevors is. Die navorser het aan die hand van ’n gevallestudie as navorsingsontwerp en IKA as navorsingsmetode, gepoog om meer inligting rakende die navorsingsvraag in te win. Die Affiniteit Verhoudingstabel (AVD), Sistemiese Invloedsdiagram (SID) en Interverhoudingsdiagram (IRD), is gebruik en het deel gevorm van die ouditspoor. Tydens die navorsingsproses is IKA se sentrale benadering, naamlik dat deelnemers vrylik aan die navorsingsproses kan deelneem, deur die minimalisering van die invloed van die navorser en die ander deelnemers, as effektief en positief deur die navorser ervaar. Die navorser het slegs ‘n fasiliterende rol ingeneem en leiding aan die deelnemers verskaf terwyl hulle self hul data gegenereer, gegroepeer en benoem het. Deelnemers is elkeen die kans gegun om as individue hul persoonlike belewenisse en ervaring anoniem te beskryf en te benoem. Die studie demonstreer die belangrikheid van sewe konsepte, (naamlik: kurrikulum-veranderinge; onderwysers se gesindheid; negatiewe emosies en ervaringe; werkslading; groeiproses vir onderwysers; groeiproses vir kinders; en administrasie-frustrasie) in die navorsing van onderwysers se aanpassing by kurrikulumveranderinge. Die navorsing het gefokus op die invloed wat die kurrikulumveranderinge op die onderwysers en derhalwe ook op die leerders uitoefen. Msibi en Mchunu (2013:23) vestig die aandag op die belangrikheid van professionaliteit by die onderwyser en voer verder aan dat laasgenoemde die sukses van kurrikulumhervorming en ‘n algemene sistemiese verbetering van die onderwysstelsel sal bepaal. Ten spyte van die voortdurende veranderinge in die onderwysstelsel en kurrikulum, tesame met die toenemende werkslading, het die meerderheid onderwysers in die onderhawige studie steeds ’n positiewe gesindheid getoon en ook persoonlike groei beleef. Dié groep onderwysers plaas die leerders se belange en groei steeds eerste en vir hulle is dit die spil waarom alles draai. A variety of different stressors exists in the working environment of teachers (Steyn & Kamper, 2006; Van den Berg, 2003). Cox (in Travers & Cooper,1996:4), however, mentions that change and change-on-change seems to be one of the greatest stressors. In the present study, primary school teachers’ adaptation to the changes in the South African curriculum was studied. The research was conducted by the use of Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) as outlined by Northcutt and McCoy (2004). The participants consisted of 14 primary school teachers whose experience ranged from 10–36 years in the teaching profession. The group of teachers, as participants, formed a constituency based on what they have in common and how close they find themselves to the phenomenon that was being studied. By using a case study as a research design and IQA as the research method, the researcher attempted to gain more insight and information with regards to the research question. The Affinity Relationship Table (ART), Systems Influence Diagram (SID) and Interrelationship Diagram (IRD), were applied during the research and formed a part of the audit trail that is presented in the present study. During the research process, the researcher experienced the IQA’s central approach, namely that participants can freely take part in the research process by minimizing the influence of the researcher and other participants, as positive and effective. The researcher filled a facilitative role only and guided the participants while they generated, grouped and named their own data. Participants were each given the opportunity to express and name their personal experiences and opinions with regards to the phenomenon, anonymously. The present study demonstrated the importance of seven concepts (namely, curriculum changes; teachers’ attitude; negative emotions and experiences; workload; development process for teachers; development process for learners; and administration-frustration) to the study of primary teachers’ adaptation to the curriculum changes. This study focused on the influence that the curriculum changes had on the teachers and subsequently also on the learners. Msibi and Mchunu (2013:23) highlight the importance of the professionalism of the teacher and argue that the level of professionalism will determine how sucessful a curriculum reform and a general systemic improvement of the education system will be implemented. Despite the recurring changes in the education system and curriculum, together with the increasing workload, the majority of teachers in the present study still displayed a positive attitude and experienced personal growth in terms of professional development. The learners’ interest and develpment remain pivotal and are still the main goal of the participants’ practice. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Educational Psychology / MEd / unrestricted

An analysis of collaborative efforts towards violence prevention in urban secondary schools

Emslie, Annemarie 11 May 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the current study was two-fold. Firstly, to explore and describe how school staff members, learners and parents collaborate to prevent violence at two urban secondary schools and secondly, to help school staff members, parents and policymakers to gain a better understanding of the complex and multi-faceted problem of addressing school violence, which should result in guiding them to adopt effective strategies to prevent violence. The ecosystemic perspective, which is an integration of ecological and systems theories combined with the typology of violence, was the theoretical lens through which the phenomenon of adolescent learner violence was viewed. The study was rooted in the sociological interpretative research paradigm and a qualitative descriptive and exploratory case study design was employed. Multi-method data collection strategies (individual, dyad, triad and group interviews; document reviews) were employed to obtain trustworthy data from the three population units of analysis (school staff members, learners and parents) at the two selected urban secondary school sites situated in Johannesburg, South Africa. The inductive qualitative content analysis of the framework approach was used to give a transparent account of the data analysis process. Constant comparative analysis was employed to discover the emergent themes. The main research findings were interpreted by relating the results to the research purpose, the socio-ecological theoretical framework and the existing knowledge base on collaborative strategies for violence prevention. The findings of the current study suggest that family-school collaboration in violence prevention is especially important for families with adolescent children. Adolescence is characterised by many physical and psychological changes and development. Adolescents strive to find their independence and establish their own identities. However, this experimentation may lead to risk-taking or antisocial behaviour. Contrary to current belief, the findings of the current study suggest that adolescent learners want their parents to be involved in their lives and that parents want to support their children’s education but may lack the know-how. The learners explicitly expressed their need for the support and guidance of both their parents and also the school staff members in withstanding the peer and societal pressures that can result in their acting in aggressive or violent ways at school. To promote the positive development of all young people, the school staff members and most centrally young people and their families, must actively work together to establish positive and effective family-school collaborative partnerships as part of their violence prevention strategies. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Approche bioéconomique et gestion intégrée des zones humides. / Bioeconomic approach and integrated management of wetlands

Laskowski-Fauvet, Natacha 11 May 2015 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est de se demander comment améliorer la gestion des zones humides etdes biens/services associés. En intégrant les connaissances pluridisciplinaires aux modèles degestion, nous étudions l'économie comme un outil au service de l'Homme et de la Nature.Nous proposons d'améliorer la gestion des zones humides en combinant une approcheéconomique à une approche biologique de manière à pouvoir rendre compte de la complexitéde ces milieux dans les modèles économiques. Pour ce faire, nous basons cette thèse surl'étude des fonctions écosystémiques fournies par les zones humides, que sont les fonctionsd'habitat, de production et de régulation. La fonction d'habitat est traitée à travers laproblématique de l'accessibilité des zones humides de l'Estuaire de la Gironde aux espècespiscicoles migratrices. La fonction de production, étroitement liée à la fonction d'habitat, estétudiée à travers un modèle théorique de partage d'une zone humide entre productionpiscicole et production agricole. Enfin, nous traitons la fonction de régulation en intégrantcette fonction dans un programme d'incitation à la réduction de rejets de polluants agricoleset de restauration de zones humides. / This thesis aims at improving the management of wetlands and associated goods/services.By integrating multidisciplinary knowledge to management models, we study the economyas a tool that served Human and Nature. We propose to improve wetlands management bycombining an economic approach to a biological approach in order to express the complexityof these environments in economic models. To do so, this thesis is based on the study ofecosystem services provided by wetlands, which are the functions of habitat, production andregulation. Habitat function is studied through the issue of wetlands accessibility in theGironde estuary by migratory fish species. The production function, closely linked to habitatfunction, is studied through a theoretical model of shared wetland between fish productionand agricultural production. Finally, we address the regulation function by integrating thisfunction in a program of incentives to reduce emissions of agricultural pollutants and restorewetlands

Quel futur pour les forêts de production en Amazonie ? Du bilan Carbone de l'exploitation forestière à la recherche de compromis entre services écosystémiques (bois d'oeuvre, biodiversité et carbone) / What future for amazonian production forests ? Looking for compromises between ecosystem services (timber production, carbone and biodiversity)

Piponiot, Camille 07 December 2018 (has links)
La moitié des forêts tropicales du monde est désignée comme des forêts de production par les services forestiers nationaux. Si l'effet de la déforestation sur les émissions de carbone et les pertes de biodiversité en région tropicale ont fait l'objet de nombreuses études, les impacts à long terme de l'exploitation commerciale de bois sur ces forêts restent à ce jour très peu étudiés. Or, les enjeux sont grandissants pour ces forêts de production. Non seulement elles doivent alimenter le commerce du bois tropical, mais leur rôle dans le stockage de carbone et dans la préservation de la biodiversité est de plus en plus reconnu. La thèse développée ici s'organise en trois temps. Premièrement, un modèle de bilan carbone de l'exploitation forestière est développé, et les différences régionales de dynamique de récupération du carbone post-exploitation sont modelisées. Deuxièmement, un modèle de récupération du volume de bois d'oeuvre a été développé et calibré à l'échelle amazonienne. Ces résultats ont permis de montrer la lenteur de la récupération du volume de bois d'Amazonie, et la non-durabilité des pratiques actuelles d'exploitation. Ces modèles (carbone et bois d'oeuvre) ont été élaborés dans un cadre bayésien, avec l'appui et les données du Tropical managed Forest Observatory (www.tmfo.org), réseau rassemblant 9 institutions de recherche et plus de 200 parcelles de suivi de la dynamique forestière après exploitation en Amazonie. Enfin, une analyse comparative de scénarios prospectifs a été effectuée, où les compromis possibles entre services écosystémiques (bois d'oeuvre, carbone et biodiversité) ont été explorés par des techniques d'optimisation multicritères. / Half of the world's tropical forets are designated by national forest services as production forests. While here have been numerous studies on the impact if devorestation on carbon emissions and biodiversity loss in the tropics, the long-term impacts of selective logging are still poorly studied; However, the importance of these production forests is increasing. Not only must they meet the growing tropical timber demand, but their role in Carbon storage and the biodiversity conservation is increasingly recognized. The studies developped in this thesis are threefold. First, a carbon balance model of logging is developped, and regional differences in post-logging carbon recovery of timber volume on the Amazon, and thus the unsustainability of current logging practices. These models (carbon and timber) were developped on a Bayesian framework, with support and data from the Tropical managed Forest Observatory (TmFO : www.tmfo.org), a netword of 9 research institutions and more than 200 forest plotswhere post-logging forest dynamics have been monitored for <30 years in the Amazon. Finally, a comparative analysis of prospective scenarios was carried out, where potential tradeoffs between ecosystem services (timber, carbone and biodiversity) were explored using multi-criteria optimization analysis.

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