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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educa??o por compet?ncias na forma??o profissional : um desafio para Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia no Senac-RS

Berte, Roberto Sarquis 14 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-11-21T16:47:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_ROBERTO_SARQUIS_BERTE_COMPLETO.pdf: 5531594 bytes, checksum: 478b05bb74afb5f8a7ad9adb96ad5721 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-21T16:47:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_ROBERTO_SARQUIS_BERTE_COMPLETO.pdf: 5531594 bytes, checksum: 478b05bb74afb5f8a7ad9adb96ad5721 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-14 / This thesis analyzes the effectiveness of education methodology skills in professional educational institutions, especially in the Colleges of Senac-RS Technology. The growing interest in the concept of competence and its importance to education in general, including the Colleges of Technology, justifies the proposed research. It begins with an assessment of Vocational Education and legislation for Technological Education in Brazil in order to historically contextualize the empirical field, reflecting on the goals and guiding principles of Technological Level Professional Education. As a contribution to the understanding of the concept, the understanding is contemplated of the main authors who theorize about competence, to then discuss about the emergence of competence for education, its challenges and its proposals as a way to integrate different views of the actors involved in the teaching andlearning process. Finally, a survey is carried out with graduates of the Course of Technology Analysis and Systems Development, Faculty Senac Porto Alegre in order to analyze their perceptions regarding the professional skills developed in the Course of Technology and how they are these skills required by the labor market, in relation to the demands identified by companies. The results obtained by the research, as the perception of holistic character and integrated skills, the richness of the cultural context and / or professional egress is and its provisions or attitudes, may help education by competence in vocational training, especially in implementation of the challenge in Technology Colleges in Senac-RS, this benefit which may also be extended other courses of the Faculty Senac Porto Alegre and other institutions of higher education offering Colleges of Technology. / Esta tese analisa a efetividade da metodologia de educa??o por compet?ncias nas institui??es de educa??o profissional, especialmente nos Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia do Senac-RS. O crescente interesse pela no??o de compet?ncia e a sua import?ncia para a educa??o em geral, incluindo os Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia, justifica a pesquisa proposta. Inicia-se com uma avalia??o da Educa??o Profissional e da legisla??o para a Educa??o Tecnol?gica no Brasil com o intuito de contextualizar historicamente o campo emp?rico, refletindo sobre os objetivos e os princ?pios norteadores da Educa??o Profissional de N?vel Tecnol?gico. Como forma de contribuir para a compreens?o do conceito, contempla-se o entendimento dos principais autores que teorizam sobre compet?ncia, para, em seguida, discutir acerca do surgimento da educa??o por compet?ncia, de seus desafios e de suas proposi??es como uma forma de integrar os diversos olhares dos atores envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Por fim, realiza-se uma pesquisa junto aos egressos do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em An?lise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas da Faculdade Senac Porto Alegre com o objetivo de analisar as percep??es deles relativas ?s compet?ncias profissionais desenvolvidas no Curso Superior de Tecnologia e como s?o requeridas essas compet?ncias pelo mercado de trabalho no que tange ?s demandas identificadas pelas empresas. Os resultados obtidos pela pesquisa, como a percep??o do car?ter hol?stico e integrado das compet?ncias, da riqueza do contexto cultural e/ou profissional em que o egresso se encontra e de suas disposi??es ou atitudes, podem auxiliar a educa??o por compet?ncia na forma??o profissional, especialmente no desafio da implementa??o em Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia no Senac-RS, benef?cio esse que tamb?m poder? ser estendido a outros Cursos da Faculdade Senac Porto Alegre e a outras Institui??es de Educa??o Superior que oferecem Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia.

Hist?rias contadas e vividas : mem?rias da Escola Normal Rural Murilo Braga de Itabaiana/Sergipe (1950/1972)

Costa, Silv?nia Santana 14 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-12-13T13:47:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_SILVANIA_SANTANA_COSTA_COMPLETO.pdf: 6373803 bytes, checksum: 448aba1fa387bb74c848bc0cbc685ab0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-13T13:47:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_SILVANIA_SANTANA_COSTA_COMPLETO.pdf: 6373803 bytes, checksum: 448aba1fa387bb74c848bc0cbc685ab0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-14 / The object of this study is the history of Murilo Braga Rural Normal School, located in the city of Itabaiana, State of Sergipe / Brazil. It was created in 1949 within the federal government project which aimed at the expansion of primary schools and rural normal schools, these in order to train teachers to work in rural areas. It would only be possible to promote the progress and development of the country if the most remote areas received education for life, a school that promoted the feeling of belonging and nationality, through agricultural, patriotic and hygienic values education. This mission of civilization through education had a responsible agent, the teacher, for that, it should be improved in rural normal school directed to training for rural areas. The governor of Sergipe, being ahead of the Department of Education, Acr?sio Cruz began the expanding activities with the construction of Rural Normal School of Itabaiana and primary schools in all municipalities in the state. The physical structure of the school building of Murilo Braga Rural Normal School followed the architectural model of INEP, standard used in the construction of rural normal schools spread throughout the country. The project directed by Acr?sio Cruz was widely praised and considered as pilot by Robert King Hall. In 1950, the school began the first class of junior high school and in 1969 it started to denominate Murilo Braga State School due to the creation of scientific course. The selected time frame for this study corresponds to the period from 1954 to 1972, in this, the teaching was regulated until 1960 by the Organic Law of the Normal Education, Decree Law No. 8530 of 1946 and from 1961 by Guidelines Law and Education Base (LDB No. 4024). The chosen time frame corresponded to the offer of the first group of normal course in 1954 and the completion of the last group in the life of the LDB of 1961. The classes after 1971 were regulated by the LDB No. 5692/71. The aim of this study is to analyze the process of teacher training of Murilo Braga. Within the purposes of the federal government, Murilo Braga Rural Normal School was created to train rural teachers, however, there wasn't the adequacy in the organization of normal and primary education of Sergipe, in order to meet the objectives of the implementation, and neither attracted a number of people to meet the demand for teachers in rural primary schools. The student teachers composed the teaching staff of Murilo Braga and primary schools in the city. The narrative is included in studies of the History of Education in the perspective of Cultural History, and oral, by allowing to study the various contexts in which historical subjects are inserted. The main concepts used were those of Civilization (ELIAS, 1993); Habitus (BOURDIEU, 1990); Representation (CHARTIER, 2009). The study contributes to the historiography of Sergipe Education, by discussing the history of primary teachers training from an inner educational institution, little explored by researchers of Sergipe education. A school that after 1970 was considered the reference to education in the state. / O objeto desse estudo ? a hist?ria da Escola Normal Rural Murilo Braga, situada no munic?pio de Itabaiana, Estado de Sergipe/Brasil. Ela foi criada em 1949, dentro do projeto do governo federal que visava a expans?o das escolas prim?rias e das normais rurais, estas com o intuito de formar professores para atuar nas zonas rurais. Somente seria poss?vel promover o progresso e o desenvolvimento do pa?s se as ?reas mais distantes recebessem educa??o para a vida, uma escola que promovesse o sentimento de pertencimento, de nacionalidade, por meio do ensino agr?cola, dos valores p?trios e higi?nicos. Essa miss?o civilizat?ria atrav?s da educa??o tinha um agente respons?vel, o professor, para isso, deveria ser aperfei?oado na escola normal rural direcionada para forma??o para o ?mbito rural. O governador de Sergipe, tendo ? frente do Departamento de Educa??o, Acr?sio Cruz iniciou as atividades de expans?o com a constru??o da Escola normal rural de Itabaiana e de escolas prim?rias em todos os munic?pios do estado. A estrutura f?sica do pr?dio escolar da Escola Normal Rural Murilo Braga seguiu o modelo arquitet?nico do INEP, padr?o utilizado na constru??o das escolas normais rurais difundidas para todo o pa?s. O projeto dirigido por Acr?sio Cruz foi bastante elogiado e considerado como piloto por Robert King Hall. Em 1950, a escola iniciou a primeira turma do curso ginasial e em 1969 passou a denominar-se Col?gio Estadual Murilo Braga devido a cria??o do curso cient?fico. O marco temporal selecionado para esse estudo corresponde ao per?odo de 1954 a 1972, neste, o ensino foi regulado at? 1960 pela Lei Org?nica do Ensino Normal, Decreto Lei N? 8530 de 1946 e a partir de 1961 pela Lei de Diretrizes e Base da Educa??o (N? 4024). O recorte temporal escolhido correspondeu a oferta da primeira turma do curso normal em 1954 e da conclus?o da ?ltima turma sob a vig?ncia da LDB de 1961. As turmas posteriores a 1971 foram regulamentadas pela LDB N? 5692/71. O objetivo desse estudo ? analisar o processo de forma??o de professores do Murilo Braga. Dentro dos prop?sitos do governo federal, a Escola Normal Rural Murilo Braga foi criada para formar professores rurais, entretanto, inexistiu a adequa??o na organiza??o do ensino normal e prim?rio de Sergipe, a fim de atender aos objetivos da implanta??o, nem atraiu um quantitativo de pessoas para atender a demanda de professores das escolas prim?rias rurais. As normalistas compuseram o quadro docente do Murilo Braga e das escolas prim?rias da cidade. A narrativa se insere nos estudos de hist?ria da educa??o, na perspectiva da Hist?ria Cultural, e oral, por possibilitar estudar os diversos contextos nos quais os sujeitos hist?ricos est?o inseridos. Os principais conceitos utilizados foram os de Civiliza??o (ELIAS, 1993); Habitus (BOURDIEU, 1990); Representa??o (CHARTIER, 2009). O estudo contribui ? historiografia da Educa??o sergipana, por discutir a hist?ria da forma??o de professores prim?rios de uma institui??o de ensino do interior, pouco explorada pelos pesquisadores da educa??o sergipana. Uma escola que ap?s 1970 foi considerada refer?ncia para a educa??o no Estado.

Construindo a qualidade da educa??o jur?dica : limites e possibilidades da aprendizagem baseada em problemas

Ust?rroz, Elisa 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-12-13T13:55:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ELISA_USTARROZ_COMPLETO.pdf: 5027243 bytes, checksum: 98542425f618cce82d67d07b0a6e841b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-13T13:55:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ELISA_USTARROZ_COMPLETO.pdf: 5027243 bytes, checksum: 98542425f618cce82d67d07b0a6e841b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The aim of this dissertation is to understand to what extent problem-based learning (PBL) can contribute to enhance legal education. Beyond this general objective, the research pursued the following specific objectives: (i) to reflect on the concept of quality in higher education in the current context of the Brazilian educational system; (ii) to investigate the crisis in the Brazilian legal education in the present scenario; (iii) to conduct a literature review on the application of PBL in law schools by identifying the limits and possibilities of the methodology in order to foster the academic formation of the desired students. The research is based on the conception of social constructivism and qualitative-exploratory approaches (CRISWELL, 2010). Regarding the procedure, it is a literature review of the scientific production about the quality of higher education, legal education and application of PBL in law schools. The theoretical foundations of these investigations were based on the contributions of Dewey (1979), Barrows (1999), Morosini (2001; 2008; 2009; 2011) and Rodrigues (1993; 1995; 2000; 2002; 2005; 2007; 2010). The results showed that PBL can improve the quality in legal education, as it promotes learning by skills, one of such being the critical and reflective thinking. In addition, it favors both collaboration and autonomy, allowing for the construction of a new concept of teaching process based on partnership, mutual respect and shared responsibility. On the other hand, it was found that its contributions may not be as effective if cultural influences and institutional constraints suffered by students and teachers alike are neglected. The success is conditioned to a permanent reflection by all those involved in the teaching and learning process. / A presente disserta??o ? o resultado de uma revis?o da literatura que teve por objetivo compreender em que medida a aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP) pode contribuir para o incremento da qualidade da forma??o jur?dica. Para al?m desse objetivo geral, a pesquisa assumiu como objetivos espec?ficos: (i) refletir acerca do conceito de qualidade da educa??o superior em face do atual contexto do sistema educacional brasileiro; (ii) investigar a crise da forma??o jur?dica brasileira no cen?rio atual; (iii) realizar uma revis?o da literatura acerca da aplica??o da ABP em cursos jur?dicos, identificando os limites e possibilidades da metodologia para contribuir para a forma??o do egresso desejado, a partir das Diretrizes Nacionais Curriculares atualmente vigentes. A pesquisa partiu da concep??o do construtivismo social (CRISWELL, 2010) e caracterizou-se, quanto ? abordagem, substancialmente como qualitativa e, quantos aos objetivos, como explorat?ria (CRISWELL, 2010). No que se refere ao procedimento, trata-se de pesquisa bibliogr?fica do tipo revis?o de literatura, na qual se realizou o levantamento da produ??o cient?fica acerca das tem?ticas objeto de reflex?o ? qualidade da educa??o superior, educa??o jur?dica e aplica??o da metodologia da ABP em cursos jur?dicos ?, a fim de proceder a sele??o e posterior revis?o. Tomou-se como referencial te?rico as contribui??es de Dewey (1979), Barrows (1999), Morosini (2001; 2008; 2009; 2011) e Rodrigues (1993; 1995; 2000; 2002; 2005; 2007; 2010). Os resultados apontaram que a ABP possui aptid?o para melhorar a qualidade dos cursos de Direito, na medida em que promove a aprendizagem por compet?ncias, sem inibir o exerc?cio do pensamento cr?ticoreflexivo. Ademais, favorece, simultaneamente, a autonomia e a colabora??o, permitindo a constru??o de uma nova concep??o dos processos de ensino fundada na parceria, no respeito m?tuo e na responsabilidade partilhada. Por outro lado, verificou-se que suas contribui??es podem n?o ser t?o efetivas se forem menosprezadas influ?ncias culturais e condicionamentos institucionais que recaem sobre os alunos e os docentes, de modo que ? preciso ter claras tais influ?ncias e condicionantes. O sucesso est? condicionado a uma permanente reflex?o por parte de todos aqueles envolvidos nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem.

Reordenamento de redes escolares no Brasil e em Portugal : racionalizar para qualificar para o ensino?

Gra?a, Tereza Cristina Cerqueira da 24 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2017-02-06T14:03:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_TEREZA_CRISTINA_CERQUEIRA_DA_GRACA_COMPLET?.pdf: 2514834 bytes, checksum: 7623834c13dc1fe34e7eb8cf6a9f1911 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-06T14:03:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_TEREZA_CRISTINA_CERQUEIRA_DA_GRACA_COMPLET?.pdf: 2514834 bytes, checksum: 7623834c13dc1fe34e7eb8cf6a9f1911 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-24 / This thesis investigates the school systems rearrangement processes in Brazil and Portugal, as a way of coping with enrollment drops in primary and secondary education due to the falling birth rates from 2002 to 2012. The hypothesis is that the rearrangements of school systems compasses the rationalization of education and are encouraged by multilateral funding agencies. The research uses the categories of analysis from comparative education, which includes authors such as BRAY and KAI (2010), GARRIDO (1997), MANZON (2010), N?VOA and CATANI (2000), SCHRIEWER (1990, 1995, 2010), SOUZA and MARTINEZ (2009), as well as other Brazilian and Portuguese scholars, like ANTUNES (2005), AKKARI (2011), BOMENY (2001), CASTRO (2013), RIBEIRO (2008), SANTOS (2011), STOER ( 1980, 1999), THEODORO (2008). Data and information were gathered from government offices, newspapers and academic studies. In Brazil, we focus on the rearrangements occurred in the Northeastern States, furthering some approaches with some other Brazilian States; in Portugal, we analyse a few ?CartasEducativas? from some representative cities of each Portuguese geographic regions. The historical path of Education explains the late universalization basic education, illiteracy and low rates of education of the population. Low use of public school buildings and the reduction of the number of students led both countries to foster their school systems rearrangements through various procedures and strategies, which greatest impact is still schools closure. In Portugal, the rearrangements led to the constitution of school groups, and in Brazil to the expansion of the daily school. In both countries, these processes are taking place paripassu a process in which cities are taking control over primary education ? but in Brazil, this process is in a more advanced stage because of the federative model of government. Relations between central and local powers and those with educational segments, the relations between private and public schools, the different influence levels of international organizations and the progress accomplished in education are analyzed in order to identify the contribution of schools systems rearrangements in schooling expansion and improvement of educational services. In Portugal, the findings indicate that the school system rearrangement is part of the government commitments to reduce the public expenditure made by the country with international organizations. In Brazil, where this process is very recent, this intervention is motivated by the disclosure of the international experiences. With no demographic surveys or researches, as well as no medium or long-term planning, the school systems rearrangements are going on as long as some public schools are being emptied due to reducing rates of students. Given the demographics and urban reconfigurations, the public school systems rearrangements are needed, and undoubtedly part of the public funds rationalisation policies announced / implemented by successive governments. However, this process lacks transparency and openness to the engagement of some educational segments. / Esta tese investiga os processos de reordenamento de redes escolares no Brasil e em Portugal, como forma de enfrentamento da redu??o de alunos na educa??o b?sica e nos ensino b?sico e secund?rio, pela queda das taxas de natalidade, no per?odo de 2002 a 2012. A hip?tese central ? a de que os reordenamentos das redes p?blicas de ensino comportam a dimens?o da racionaliza??o dos recursos aplicados na educa??o e s?o estimulados pelos organismos multilaterais de financiamento. A pesquisa se serve das categorias de an?lise da educa??o comparada, com autores como BRAY e KAI (2010), GARRIDO (1997), MANZON (2010), N?VOA e CATANI (2000), SCHRIEWER (1990, 1995, 2010), SOUZA e MARTINEZ (2009), assim como outros estudiosos da educa??o brasileira e portuguesa, a exemplo deANTUNES (2005), AKKARI (2011), BOMENY (2001), CASTRO (2013),RIBEIRO (2008), SANTOS (2011), STOER (1980 e 1999), THEODORO (2008). Os dados e informa??es foram recolhidos junto aos ?rg?os oficiais de produ??o das estat?sticas e de documentos, de material jornal?stico e de estudos acad?micos. No Brasil, o foco de an?lise s?o os reordenamentos ocorridos nos estados nordestinos, onde se promove algumas aproxima??es com outros estados da federa??o; em Portugal, as Cartas Educativas de munic?pios representativos de cada uma das regi?es. A trajet?ria hist?rica da educa??o escolar explica a tardia universaliza??o do ensino fundamental/b?sico, os ?ndices de analfabetismo e os baixos n?veis de escolariza??o das popula??es. A baixa ocupa??o dos parques escolares p?blicos, pela redu??o de alunos, levou os dois pa?ses a promoverem os reordenamentos das suas redes p?blicas, mediante variados procedimentos e estrat?gias, cujo maior impacto continua sendo o fechamento de escolas. Em Portugal, os reordenamentos contam com a constitui??o dos agrupamentos escolares e, no Brasil, com a amplia??o da jornada escolar di?ria. Nos dois pa?ses, esses processos v?m ocorrendo em paralelo com a municipaliza??o da educa??o infantil e do ensino b?sico que, no Brasil, se encontra em est?gio mais avan?ado, face ao modelo pol?tico-administrativo federativo. As rela??es entre os poderes centrais e locais e desses com os segmentos educacionais, a rela??o ensino p?blico-ensino privado, os n?veis de influ?ncia dos organismos internacionais e os avan?os registrados na educa??o s?o analisados na perspectiva de identificar a contribui??o dos reordenamentos na amplia??o da escolariza??o das popula??es e na melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Para o caso portugu?s, as conclus?es apontam que o reordenamento escolar ? parte dos compromissos de redu??o da despesa p?blica assumidos pelo pa?s com organismos internacionais. No Brasil, onde os processos s?o muito recentes, essa interven??o se faz de forma indireta, motivada pela divulga??o dos comparativos internacionais. Sem estudos de prospec??o demogr?fica e sem planejamento de m?dio ou longo prazo, por aqui os reordenamentos v?o acontecendo ? medida que as escolas p?blicas v?o sendo esvaziadas pela redu??o de alunos, dentro do imediatismo que caracteriza as pol?ticas p?blicas brasileiras. Face ? quest?o demogr?fica e ?s reconfigura??es urbanas, os reordenamentos das redes escolares p?blicas s?o necess?rios e, indubitavelmente, fazem parte das pol?ticas de racionaliza??o dos recursos p?blicos anunciadas/implantadas pelos sucessivos governos. Entretanto, os processos carecem de transpar?ncia e abertura ? maior participa??o dos segmentos educacionais.

Recursos do MOODLE como apoio ? pr?tica pedag?gica : investigando o fazer docente

Azeredo, Isabel Cristina da Silva 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2017-03-03T18:54:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ISABEL_CRISTINA_DA_SILVA_AZEREDO_COMPLETO.pdf: 1311279 bytes, checksum: ca555f90ae8dcb1d81d475780a5ba6d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-03T18:54:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ISABEL_CRISTINA_DA_SILVA_AZEREDO_COMPLETO.pdf: 1311279 bytes, checksum: ca555f90ae8dcb1d81d475780a5ba6d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This research intended to investigate teachers? actions, more specifically, the pedagogical practices implemented by teachers on the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) - MOODLE. The subjects of this investigation are the teachers who used platform more frequently and proficiently for planning their lessons. Works by authors such as Moran, Kenski, N?voa, Imbern?n, Lib?neo, Levy, Gil, Carneiro and Turchielo have been used as theoretical framework. The research uses a qualitative approach, supported by a case study, taking place at a private university, in the city of Porto Alegre (RS). Textual Discursive Analysis was used as a method of analysis, as proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2011). The instruments used for data collection are: a report containing basic statistical information concerning the usage of Moodle?s resources ? provided by the distance education unit; an online questionnaire using Google Forms; a recorded semi-structured interview and the transcribed interviews. The first phase of the investigation relied on Moodle?s reports in order to identify the possible interviewees, who were selected using the following criteria: teachers who used Moodle more frequently and proficiently. In the second phase, the selected teachers received the questionnaire link. It allowed us to understand how they planned their lessons and how they learned how to use technological resources. In the third phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers whose virtual rooms had frequent movement. After crossing the information from the three stages, the findings showed us that there is a connection with organization and planning with pedagogical practices adopted in Moodle; There is a commitment on the part of teachers with their continuing formation; the virtual rooms have similarities in their organization related to the resources used are the same, however, didactic strategies are distinguished; The activities of Moodle most explored by the teachers are Task, Forum and Questionnaire; The lack of time and knowledge seems to be the cause of less variety of elements in the virtual space; The teachers believe that the virtual classes connect to face-to-face activities helps students to learn; Teachers want specific formations regarding pedagogical theories and methodologies. Also, it was clear that digital fluency is a facilitating factor for teachers to create/adapt and organize their space on AVA. Additionally, it is important to stress the need to connect virtual and on-site actions and vice-versa. We hope that this investigation can contribute to the reflections on pedagogical practices in the use of Digital Technologies ? DT, especially on Moodle, and to the organization of actions for teachers? long life training. / Esta pesquisa buscou investigar o fazer docente, mais especificamente, as pr?ticas pedag?gicas organizadas por professores usu?rios do Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) - MOODLE. Foram considerados como sujeitos da pesquisa aqueles que s?o usu?rios frequentes da plataforma e que apresentavam diversidade nos recursos utilizados para organiza??o das suas aulas. O referencial te?rico foi estabelecido a partir do estado do conhecimento, no qual se destacam os autores Moran, Kenski, N?voa, Imbern?n, Lib?neo, L?vy, Gil, Carneiro e Turchielo. Como metodologia de pesquisa, optou-se pela abordagem de natureza qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, considerando uma Universidade Privada Comunit?ria, situada na cidade de Porto Alegre (RS). O m?todo de an?lise de dados adotado foi o da An?lise Textual Discursiva (ATD), proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2011). Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: relat?rio com estat?sticas b?sicas relacionadas ao uso dos recursos do Moodle - fornecido pelo setor que administra a plataforma na institui??o, question?rio online usando o Forms do Google, entrevista semiestruturada gravada e textos oriundos da degrava??o das entrevistas. Na primeira fase da investiga??o, foram utilizados os relat?rios de uso do Moodle para identifica??o dos poss?veis respondentes do question?rio, cuja sele??o baseou-se no seguinte crit?rio: docentes que apresentavam uso frequente do Moodle e alguma diversidade de recursos utilizados. Na segunda etapa, enviou-se o link do question?rio aos professores selecionados, a fim de compreender como os professores organizavam suas aulas e como aconteceu sua forma??o no que tange ao uso de recursos tecnol?gicos. Na terceira fase, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores cujas salas virtuais apresentavam movimenta??o frequente. Ap?s o cruzamento das informa??es oriundas das tr?s etapas, os principais achados apontam que: as pr?ticas pedag?gicas no Moodle est?o relacionadas com a organiza??o e o planejamento das aulas presenciais; existe comprometimento, por parte dos docentes, com sua forma??o continuada; as salas virtuais possuem similaridades na sua organiza??o, decorrentes dos recursos utilizados serem os mesmos, no entanto, as estrat?gias did?ticas no uso desses recursos se distinguem; as atividades do Moodle mais exploradas pelos professores s?o Tarefa, F?rum e Question?rio; a falta de tempo e de conhecimento implicam no uso de poucos elementos do Moodle; os professores acreditam que o espa?o virtual colabora para aprendizagem dos alunos e para o fazer docente; os professores sinalizam a necessidade de se pensar em forma??es espec?ficas, por ?rea, e reconhecem a import?ncia de discutirem teorias pedag?gicas e metodologias. Ficou evidente, tamb?m, que a flu?ncia digital ? um fator facilitador para que o docente crie/adapte e organize seu espa?o no AVA. Ainda, faz-se importante ressaltar a necessidade da vincula??o do que ocorre no virtual com as a??es presenciais e vice-versa. Espera-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para as reflex?es acerca das pr?ticas pedag?gicas no uso das Tecnologias Digitais ? TD, especialmente no Moodle, e para organiza??o de a??es para forma??o continuada dos professores.

Desenvolvimento profissional e educa??o especial : narrativas de (trans) forma??o de professores e a partir de experi?ncias inclusivas

Machado, Gla? Corr?a 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2017-03-03T19:03:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_GLAE_CORREA_MACHADO_COMPLETO.pdf: 1309761 bytes, checksum: 792a0f5c5d1b83e46fb97be9f07952d7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-03T19:03:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_GLAE_CORREA_MACHADO_COMPLETO.pdf: 1309761 bytes, checksum: 792a0f5c5d1b83e46fb97be9f07952d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The objective of this study was to research on the construction of the professional development of teachers, as well as the formations and the inclusive experiences that transformed them into teachers of Special and Inclusive Education, from narratives of teachers from the municipality of Montenegro/RS. In order to participate in the research, five teachers of the municipal network, who work in Basic Education, were chosen, performing the Specialized Educational Assistance in the Multifunctional Resource Rooms. The qualitative study was theoretically based on Benjamin, Freire, Aranha, Batista, Edler Carvalho, Fernandes, Jesus, Josso, Jovchelovitch & Bauer, L?dke and Andr?, Mantoan, Marcelo Garcia, Mazzota, Minayo, Montero, N?voa, Os?rio Marques , Pimenta, Sarmento, Sassaki, Tardif and Lessard, among others. From the analysis process, it was possible to identify four dimensions: a) Professional initiation; b) Training and professional experience; c) Special and Inclusive Education and Professional Development; and d) Professional (trans) formations. The findings of this research present the possibilities and the paths found in the form of four thematic syntheses. The first thematic synthesis indicated the dialogues and the reflections on the professional initiation and the motivations for the professional choice. The second thematic synthesis revealed the dialogues and reflections about the formation and the professional experience, that imply a personal investment, a free and creative work on the own routes and the projects, with a view to the construction of an identity, that is also a professional identity. The third thematic synthesis brought the dialogues and reflections on special and inclusive education and professional development, in which special education is understood as a resource that benefits all students and that crosses the work of all teachers, and it is necessary to propose inclusive alternatives for education and not just for schools. And the fourth and last thematic synthesis, refers to the dialogues and reflections on professional (trans) formations, and in this sense, it is understood that teacher training is a process that will occupy all his permanence in his professional activity. / O objetivo desse estudo foi pesquisar sobre a constru??o do desenvolvimento profissional dos professores, assim como as forma??es e as experi?ncias inclusivas que os transformaram em professores da Educa??o Especial e Inclusiva, a partir de narrativas de professoras do munic?pio de Montenegro/RS. Para participar da pesquisa, foram escolhidas cinco professoras da rede municipal, que atuam na Educa??o B?sica, realizando o Atendimento Educacional Especializado nas Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais. O estudo de cunho qualitativo apoiouse teoricamente em Benjamin, Freire, Aranha, Batista, Edler Carvalho, Fernandes, Jesus, Josso, Jovchelovitch & Bauer, L?dke e Andr?, Mantoan, Marcelo Garcia, Mazzota, Minayo, Montero, N?voa, Os?rio Marques, Pimenta, Sarmento, Sassaki, Tardif e Lessard, entre outros. A partir do processo de an?lise, foi poss?vel identificar quatro dimens?es: a) Inicia??o profissional; b) Forma??o e a experi?ncia profissional; c) Educa??o Especial e Inclusiva e Desenvolvimento profissional; e d) (Trans) forma??es profissionais. Os achados dessa pesquisa apresentam as possibilidades e os caminhos encontrados sob a forma de quatro s?nteses tem?ticas. A primeira s?ntese tem?tica indicou os di?logos e as reflex?es sobre a inicia??o profissional e as motiva??es para a escolha profissional. A segunda s?ntese tem?tica revelou os di?logos e reflex?es sobre a forma??o e a experi?ncia profissional, que implicam um investimento pessoal, um trabalho livre e criativo sobre os percursos e os projetos pr?prios, com vistas ? constru??o de uma identidade, que ? tamb?m uma identidade profissional A terceira s?ntese tem?tica trouxe os di?logos e reflex?es sobre a educa??o especial e inclusiva e o desenvolvimento profissional, na qual compreende-se a educa??o especial como um recurso que beneficia a todos os alunos e que atravessa o trabalho de todos os professores, sendo necess?rio propor alternativas inclusivas para a educa??o e n?o apenas para as escolas. E a quarta e ?ltima s?ntese tem?tica, remete aos di?logos e reflex?es sobre as (trans) forma??es profissionais, e nesse sentido, compreende-se que a forma??o do professor ? um processo que ocupar? toda sua perman?ncia em sua atividade profissional.

Criatividade na expertise: implica????es para processos de aprendizagem de alto n??vel

Ribeiro, Olzeni Leite Costa 07 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Kelson Anthony de Menezes (kelson@ucb.br) on 2016-10-27T12:22:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 OlzeniLeiteCostaRibeiroTese2016.pdf: 5126140 bytes, checksum: 9a4a401f4dcd5bc1722ae1451150eac0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-27T12:22:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 OlzeniLeiteCostaRibeiroTese2016.pdf: 5126140 bytes, checksum: 9a4a401f4dcd5bc1722ae1451150eac0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-07 / This theses, based on the the qualitative approach, is structured in the dialogue between three perspectives: epistemology (complexity theory and constructionism); theory (interpretativism); methodology (hermeneutical phenomenology). These approaches guide not only the philosophy and logic of the methodological choices, but also the procedures adopted for the development of the method. Two research dimensions have been integrated, characterising the research as a multi-approach one. The theoretical-empirical aspect aggregated reflexive/practical features concerning field research. The method was inspired in the hermeneutic circle, generating a recursive and integrative dynamics whose structure developed in three concentric circles: data generation, interpretation and new understanding. The circle starts on the theoretical dimension of the research e evolves in the way of a process of metacognition. Based on the principles of bricolage and grounded theory, this process resulted in generating theoretical pointers of creativity and expertise. The circle continues with an empirical dimension, inspired in the principles of the phenomenological attitude, by means of which a level of deepness in the understanding of the object of this work has been achieved. For this, a life-history methodology was designed that investigated in depth the lives of ten experts eminent in different learning domains. The epoch?? state, integrated to a sensitive listening process, contributed to the unveiling of the whole analytic-interpretative process. It consisted of two major parts: (i) a description of participants??? profile, and (ii) the characterization of the phenomenon under investigation (analysis of narratives). From the empirical dimension of the research resulted the indigenous pointers of creativity in expertise. With the chapter of the new understanding, the hermeneutic circle is completed, but not finished. This is an unfinished investigative process, as it is usual in this type of research. In the new understanding, all theoretical insights that emerged from the relationship between the two dimensions (expertise and creativity) have been gathered in a chapter that, conventionally, would be that of conclusions. As epicentre of these insights and with the purpose of responding which is the role of creativity in expertise (problem, phenomenon and object of research) this thesis brings about to the fields of expertise and creativity the figure of the innovative-expert, the creation of the relational space of expertise (RE-E) and the creation of the potential space of creativity (E-Po). From the articulation of the figure of the innovative-expert, who dialogues, in these spaces, with his or her object of expertise, the field and domain, it emerges the reciprocal benefits of the interaction between creativity and expertise and the aim of the double study consisting of exploring and unveiling the role of creativity in expertise is achieved. As a means of contribution to the field, there is the intention of taking to spaces of transformation (educational, academic and professional), the catalysing action of the pointers of creativity in expertise responsible for projecting the relational space and to make it possible the access to the potential space / Esta tese, fundamentada na abordagem qualitativa, sustenta-se no di??logo entre tr??s perspectivas: epistemologia (complexidade e construcionismo); teoria (interpretativismo); metodologia (fenomenologia-hermen??utica). Tais perspectivas orientaram n??o somente a filosofia e a l??gica do percurso metodol??gico, mas delimitaram crit??rios e procedimentos adotados no desenvolvimento do m??todo. Duas dimens??es da pesquisa foram integradas, caracterizando-a como multig??nero, na modalidade te??rico-emp??rica, caracter??stica que agregou o car??ter reflexivo e pr??tico na pesquisa de campo. O m??todo foi inspirado no conceito de C??rculo Hermen??utico, criando uma din??mica recursiva e integrativa, cuja estrutura se desenvolveu em tr??s c??rculos conc??ntricos: o da Gera????o de Dados, o da Interpreta????o e o da Nova Compreens??o. O c??rculo se inicia na Dimens??o Te??rica da pesquisa e evolui nos moldes de um processo de metacogni????o. Fundamentado nos princ??pios da bricolagem e da teoria fundamentada nos dados da pesquisa, este processo resultou na gera????o dos indicadores te??ricos da criatividade e nos indicadores te??ricos da expertise. O c??rculo segue com a Dimens??o Emp??rica, inspirada nos princ??pios da atitude fenomenol??gica, por meio da qual se alcan??ou um aprofundamento significativo na compreens??o do objeto de estudo. Para tal, adotou-se a hist??ria de vida de dez experts que se destacam em diferentes dom??nios, como t??cnica de gera????o de dados. O estado de epoch??, integrado ?? escuta sens??vel, contribuiu para o desvelamento de todo o processo anal??tico-interpretativo. Este, por sua vez, foi desenvolvido em dois grandes blocos: a caracteriza????o dos participantes (An??lise do Perfil Biogr??fico), e a caracteriza????o do fen??meno investigado, (An??lise das Narrativas). Da Dimens??o Emp??rica resultaram os indicadores ind??genas da criatividade na expertise. Com o cap??tulo da Nova Compreens??o, completa-se, mas n??o se encerra o C??rculo Hermen??utico. Considera-se, como ?? pr??prio em pesquisas fenomenol??gicas, este estudo como inacabado. Na Nova Compreens??o reuniram-se, portanto, todos os insights te??ricos que emergiram da rela????o entre as duas dimens??es, em um cap??tulo que, convencionalmente, seria o cap??tulo para ???conclus??es???. Como n??cleo destes insights, e, cumprindo o prop??sito de responder qual ?? o papel da criatividade na expertise (problema, fen??meno e objeto de pesquisa), esta tese trouxe ao campo da expertise e da criatividade, a figura do Expert-inovador, a cria????o do Espa??o Relacional da Expertise (E-Re) e a cria????o do Espa??o Potencial da Criatividade (EPo). Da articula????o do Expert-inovador, que dialoga, nestes espa??os, com o seu objeto de expertise, o campo e o dom??nio, materializam-se os benef??cios rec??procos da intera????o da criatividade com a expertise e atinge-se o objetivo duplo do estudo, que consistiu em explorar e desvelar o papel da criatividade na expertise. Como possibilidade de contribui????o, pretendese levar para os espa??os de trans-forma????o (educacional, acad??mica e profissional), a a????o catalisadora dos indicadores emp??ricos da criatividade na expertise, como respons??vel por projetar o Espa??o Relacional e possibilitar o acesso ao Espa??o Potencial

Educa????o f??sica escolar na fronteira Brasil-Bol??via: desafios e dilemas interculturais

Golin, Carlo Henrique 14 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-06T13:10:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CarloHenriqueGolinTese2017.pdf: 4727676 bytes, checksum: f026a79443dbc9af7764981f4d203551 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-06T13:10:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarloHenriqueGolinTese2017.pdf: 4727676 bytes, checksum: f026a79443dbc9af7764981f4d203551 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-14 / The present work was developed in the city of Corumb?? in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), a frontier site that interacts with Bolivia. In this place there is the permanent presence of different ethnicities that transit and perpass that territory. Before this reality and its complex frontier nuances (Brazil-Bolivia), the School Physical Education is discussed in this thesis, linked to the themes such as education, cultural diversity, interculturality, ethnicity, ethnocentrism, sport and body. It should be emphasized that the region studied is influenced by the various events (macro and micro) of the social, cultural, political and economic fields, creating a mosaic of approximations, exchanges, difficulties, frictions and constraints that permeate human relations at the border, which tend to be valued, stressed and/or shared by the people who live in that place. Thus, the present study seek to understand the School Physical Education in a frontier territory, that undergoes diverse influences of its own context, resulting from national and international laws, cultural, political/diplomatic, economic, social, ethnic factors. Considering processes of approximations and prejudices existing in the region, the general objective was to examine the ethnic aspects that permeate the pedagogical actions of the School Physical Education discipline, especially observing how teachers and students describe ??? the latter from different ethnicities and identities (in some cases hybrids) ??? on corporal practices in a border school. In methodological terms the research had as background the ethnography, especially considering the complexity of articulation between the Physical Education area and the different aspects of the frontier under study. We interviewed seven teachers and 20 students (Brazilian-Bolivians) from a municipal public school (CAIC), particularly close to the border (Brazil-Bolivia) and with a greater number of students living in Bolivia who do the pendulum movement to study in Brazil. Field survey data were collected through interviews that were previously structured (script) and analyzed qualitatively (discourse analysis). Subsequently, with the information of all interviewees, it was possible to compare intragroup data (teacher X teacher / student X student) and also between groups (teachers X students). We obtained, from this, the convergences and divergences between the discourses of the respondents, particularly on the issues related to intercultural education and the sociocultural aspects in the conduction of the Physical Education discipline in the frontier region. The data analyzed indicate that there is potential in the area to collaborate in overcoming possible discriminatory processes among students, also projecting new educational issues/concerns for Physical Education teachers and other undergraduate courses, especially for those who want to consider the intercultural education in regions with international border integration. / O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na cidade de Corumb??, no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (Brasil), um local fronteiri??o que faz intera????o particular com a Bol??via. Neste local, existe a presen??a permanente de diferentes etnias que transitam e perpassam aquele territ??rio. ?? diante desta realidade e suas complexas nuances fronteiri??as (Brasil-Bol??via) que a Educa????o F??sica escolar ?? discutida nesta tese, vinculada a temas como educa????o, diversidade cultural, interculturalidade, etnicidade, etnocentrismo, esporte e corpo. Ressalta-se que a regi??o estudada ?? influenciada pelos diversos acontecimentos (macro e micro) dos campos social, cultural, pol??tico e econ??mico, criando um mosaico de aproxima????es, trocas, dificuldades, fric????es e constrangimentos que permeiam as rela????es humanas na fronteira, as quais tendem a ser valoradas, tensionadas e/ou compartilhadas pelas pessoas que convivem naquele local. Assim, o presente estudo buscou compreender a Educa????o F??sica escolar em um territ??rio fronteiri??o, que sofre diversas influ??ncias do seu pr??prio contexto, decorrentes das leis nacionais e internacionais, de fatores culturais, pol??ticos/diplom??ticos, econ??micos, sociais e ??tnicos. Considerando os processos de aproxima????es e preconceitos existentes na regi??o, o objetivo geral foi examinar os aspectos ??tnicos que permeiam as a????es pedag??gicas da disciplina Educa????o F??sica escolar, especialmente observando como descrevem professores e alunos ??? estes de etnias e identidades distintas (em alguns casos h??bridas) ??? sobre as pr??ticas corporais numa escola fronteiri??a. Em termos metodol??gicos, a pesquisa teve como pano de fundo a etnografia, sobretudo considerando a complexidade de articula????o entre a ??rea de Educa????o F??sica e os diferentes aspectos da fronteira em estudo. Foram entrevistados sete professores e 20 alunos (brasileiros-bolivianos) de uma escola p??blica municipal (CAIC), particularmente pr??xima ?? fronteira (Brasil-Bol??via) e com maior n??mero de discentes residentes na Bol??via, que fazem o movimento pendular para estudar no Brasil. Os dados da pesquisa de campo foram coletados atrav??s de entrevistas previamente estruturadas (roteiro) e analisadas qualitativamente (an??lise de discurso). Posteriormente, com as informa????es de todos os entrevistados, foi poss??vel comparar os dados ???intragrupos??? (docente X docente / discente X discente) e tamb??m ???intergrupos??? (docentes X discentes). Obtiveram-se, dessa forma, converg??ncias e diverg??ncias entre os discursos dos pesquisados, particularmente sobre as quest??es ligadas ?? educa????o intercultural e aos aspectos socioculturais na condu????o da disciplina Educa????o F??sica em regi??o de fronteira. Os dados analisados indicam existir potencialidades da ??rea para colaborar na supera????o dos poss??veis processos discriminat??rios entre os alunos, projetando tamb??m novas quest??es-preocupa????es educativas para os professores de Educa????o F??sica e aos demais cursos de forma????o superior em licenciatura, especialmente para os que pretendem considerar o tema da educa????o intercultural em regi??es com integra????o fronteiri??a internacional.

Espa??os de educa????o libertadora: a dissidente voz de uma escola suficientemente boa

Scardua, Martha Paiva 30 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-08T20:34:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarthaPaivaScarduaTese2016.pdf: 4904701 bytes, checksum: 720966fcaf65c7c029c11d3c7f6bef14 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-08T20:35:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarthaPaivaScarduaTese2016.pdf: 4904701 bytes, checksum: 720966fcaf65c7c029c11d3c7f6bef14 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T20:35:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarthaPaivaScarduaTese2016.pdf: 4904701 bytes, checksum: 720966fcaf65c7c029c11d3c7f6bef14 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-30 / Since 2013, a social, political and economic crisis that unveils a brutal esthetics of ways of being and acting has been consolidated in Brazil. The pressures for neoliberal and conservative policies that set aside democracy in the country are being manifested in Education, putting the struggle for rights that have already been guaranteed back on the agenda. In addition to the struggle against privatization, one can add the fight against the managerialism of schools and learning, the scaling down of teaching to elementary contents, the fight for the permanence of dialogic processes in the educational act, the freedom of expression and the teaching of life???s curriculum. By understanding the school???s role to provide the tools for the ethical and critical confrontation of problems, this research sought to identify and explore the concepts and principles of a liberating education in practices carried out in the Federal District???s network of public schools, and to point to possible alternative paths. Guided by the dialogic, liberating education (Freire), ethics of liberation (Dussel) and analectic methods, we carried out, initially, a theoretical bibliographic research in a good enough school (GES), with contributions from Winnicott, Arendt, Biesta, Mignolo and Smith. The multiple case studies investigated 33 pedagogical practices of teachers, guidance counselors, pedagogic coordinators, school managers, students and a psychologist. The semi-structured interviews and rounds of conversation that were carried out enabled us to have a more profound understanding of liberating acts of Education, as well as to have the criticism and contribution of participants in the theoretical construct of the research. The final data analysis was guided by the Theory Based on Data and revealed that the investigated practices are guided by ethical, democratic, pedagogic and methodological principles that dialogue with pedagogic, democratic, critical and liberating trends. It also demonstrated that the differential in the participants??? practices is expressed through loveliness and the capacity to believe in, be with and do with. At the end, the study presented a synthesized concept of liberating education that aggregated the participants??? discourses and contributed with a redefinition of the concept of liberating education in a GES, which questions the function of the school in the face of local, national and global problems. The study indicated that schools must find a balance between the educational dimensions of qualification (know-how), democratization (know-how to coexist), humanization (know-how to be) and transcendentalism (know-how to care), and to promote potential spaces of appearance that involve listening, accepting and caring for the students, and the exercise of global citizenship at school. The problematizations here presented point to the transformation of the school in a space for the production and dissemination of culture and knowledge, which can promote the decolonization and liberation from careless ways of being and acting in the world, and a relationship with reality and the Other, based on believing in, being with and doing with. / Consolida-se no Brasil, desde 2013, crise social, pol??tica e econ??mica que tem desvelado formas de pensar e agir de bruta est??tica. As press??es por pol??ticas neoliberais e conservadoras que colocam em xeque a democracia no pa??s se manifestam na Educa????o, recolocando em pauta a luta pela perman??ncia de direitos j?? conquistados. Soma-se ?? luta contra a privatiza????o, o gerencialismo da escola e da aprendizagem, e a redu????o do ensino a conte??dos b??sicos, a luta pela perman??ncia do processo dial??gico no ato educativo, a liberdade de express??o e o ensino do curr??culo da vida. Compreendendo o papel da escola de oferecer ferramentas para o enfrentamento ??ticocr??tico de problemas, essa pesquisa buscou identificar e explorar princ??pios e conceitos de educa????o libertadora em pr??ticas desenvolvidas nas escolas p??blicas do Distrito Federal, e apontar caminhos. Guiado pelo m??todo dial??gico da educa????o libertadora (Freire) e anal??tico da ??tica da liberta????o (Dussel), consistiu, inicialmente, na realiza????o de pesquisa te??rico-bibliogr??fica que culminou no constructo te??rico de uma educa????o libertadora em uma escola suficientemente boa (ESB), com contribui????es de Winnicott, Arendt, Biesta, Mignolo e Smith. O estudo de casos m??ltiplos investigou 33 pr??ticas pedag??gicas de professores/as, orientadores/as educacionais, coordenadores/as pedag??gicos, gestores/as escolares, alunos/as, e psic??loga. As entrevistas semiestruturadas e rodas de conversa conduzidas permitiram a cr??tica e a contribui????o dos/as participantes ao constructo te??rico da pesquisa. A an??lise final de dados se orientou pela Teoria Fundamentada em Dados e revelou que as pr??ticas investigadas s??o orientadas por princ??pios ??ticos, democr??ticos, pedag??gicos e metodol??gicos que dialogam com matizes pedag??gicos democr??ticos, cr??ticos e libertadores. Mostrou, ainda, que o diferencial nas pr??ticas dos/as participantes se expressa pela amorosidade, capacidade de acreditar em e fazer com. Ao, final, o estudo apresentou um conceitos??ntese de educa????o libertadora que agregou o discurso dos/as participantes, e contribuiu com a redefini????o do conceito de educa????o libertadora em uma ESB, que problematiza a fun????o da escola, frente aos problemas locais, nacionais e globais. O estudo apontou que a escola deve equilibrar as dimens??es educacionais de qualifica????o (saber fazer), democratiza????o (saber conviver), humaniza????o (saber ser) e transcendentalismo (saber cuidar) e promover espa??os potenciais de apar??ncia, que envolvam a escuta, o acolhimento e o cuidado com os/as alunos/as, e o exerc??cio da cidadania global na escola. Sinalizou, ainda, contribui????es para a escola p??blica, em especial, do Distrito Federal, relacionando situa????es-problema a in??ditos vi??veis. As problematiza????es apresentadas apontam para a transforma????o da escola em um espa??o de produ????o e dissemina????o de cultura e conhecimento, que permita a descoloniza????o e liberta????o das formas descuidadas de ser, estar e agir no mundo, e uma postura baseada na amorosidade (ser com), na capacidade de acreditar em, e no fazer com.

A gest??o da educa????o integral: o caso de uma escola p??blica do Distrito Federal

Sousa, Ivonete Ferreira de 20 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-09T13:34:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IvoneteFerreiradeSousaDissertacao2016.pdf: 2003078 bytes, checksum: b7151f18fe83e1999da002a581144508 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-05-09T13:35:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 IvoneteFerreiradeSousaDissertacao2016.pdf: 2003078 bytes, checksum: b7151f18fe83e1999da002a581144508 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-09T13:35:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IvoneteFerreiradeSousaDissertacao2016.pdf: 2003078 bytes, checksum: b7151f18fe83e1999da002a581144508 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-20 / This study aimed to investigate the advances and challenges in the management process of Integral Education Pilot Project in Full Time (Projeto Piloto de Educa????o Integral em Tempo Integral ??? PROEITI) in a public school in the Federal District. This is a qualitative case study based on the policy cycle method (Bowe; Ball; Gold, 1992; Ball, 1994).This research analyses the full-time education in three contexts: influence, text production and practice. Data were collected by means of document analysis, observation, interviews and focus groups with managers, teachers and students. The results indicate that the PROEITI advanced when extended the offer to all children enrolled in a journey of 10 hours daily. In addition, it allowed the hiring official teachers to work in complementary disciplines and the specific disciplines of computer science and physical education. Data indicate that the three major challenges experienced by managers relate to limitation of funds for the development of the proposed activities by integral education, the lack of continuing education to the teachers and the lack of the physical structure of schools. For the improvement of the Program was suggested more investment in the schools and the development of continued training for professionals that work in full-time schools. The research proposes alternatives to improve the management process in the context of integral education and on the identified challenges point to the a need for integral management model, who thinks and organizes the school considering the networks of local and external actors. Integral management for integral school is democratic and made with all and for all. / O presente estudo investigou os avan??os e desafios no processo de gest??o do Projeto Piloto de Educa????o Integral em Tempo Integral (PROEITI) em uma escola p??blica do Distrito Federal. Trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo baseado no m??todo do ciclo de pol??ticas (Bowe; Ball; Gold, 1992; Ball, 1994). Esta pesquisa analisa a educa????o em tempo integral no DF a partir de tr??s contextos: o de influ??ncia, de produ????o de texto e o da pr??tica, sendo o ??ltimo o foco principal do estudo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de an??lise documental, observa????o, entrevistas e grupo focal com gestores, professores e estudantes. Os resultados apontam que o PROEITI avan??ou ao ampliar a oferta para todas as crian??as matriculadas em uma jornada de 10 horas di??rias. Al??m disso, possibilitou a contrata????o de professores concursados para atuar nas disciplinas complementares e nas disciplinas espec??ficas de inform??tica e educa????o f??sica. Os dados indicam que os tr??s maiores desafios vivenciados pelos gestores se relacionam ?? limita????o de verbas para o desenvolvimento das atividades propostas pela educa????o integral, ?? car??ncia de forma????o continuada dos docentes e ?? restri????o de estrutura f??sica das escolas. Para o aprimoramento do Programa foi sugerido mais investimento nas escolas e o desenvolvimento de uma forma????o continuada para os profissionais que atuam nas escolas de tempo integral. A pesquisa prop??e alternativas para o aperfei??oamento do processo de gest??o no contexto da educa????o integral e diante dos desafios identificados aponta para a necessidade de um modelo integral de gest??o, que pensa e organiza a escola considerando as redes de atores locais e externos. A gest??o integral para a escola integral ?? democr??tica e feita com todos e para todos.

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