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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O curso t?cnico em guia de turismo na faculdade SENAC Porto Alegre/RS (2012 ? 2015)

Abreu, Carina Vasconcellos 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-02-10T12:32:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_CARINA_VASCONCELLOS_ABREU_COMPLETO.pdf: 7469004 bytes, checksum: 6d1676edd90db535ef8cb0ef1a13ef57 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-10T12:32:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_CARINA_VASCONCELLOS_ABREU_COMPLETO.pdf: 7469004 bytes, checksum: 6d1676edd90db535ef8cb0ef1a13ef57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / Tourist guide is the professional in charge of leading, orienting and supporting individual tourists or tourist groups during their traveling. This profession was regulated in 1993, and since 2001 technical training is mandatory for its practice. Even though, to the present moment this course has not been thoroughly researched. So the general objective of this research is to analyze the tourist guide training, starting from a case study about a unit of the Servi?o Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial ? SENAC (National Service for Commercial Learning), which pioneered in this training in Brazil. Therefore the Course Plan effective from 2012 to 2015 for the technical course on Tourist Guide offered by Faculdade Senac Porto Alegre (Senac Porto Alegre College) was selected as the object to this study. The first specific objective here is to present the context in which the tourist guide profession and its training in Brazil on several levels were regulated. The second objective was to analyze profiles from tourist guides registered in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and their perceptions about their training and entry in the local market, in order to establish an analysis context. Data collection, which reached 117 respondents, allowed us to register that most guides work as free lancers and get updated by doing their own research. Also, they give priority to language courses. A growing profession is noticed, considering that most respondents finished their courses in the last five years. In what concerns these professionals? entry in the labor market, almost 70% of respondents registered a positive entry, which points out that there is a demand for professionals. The curriculum demanded by Brazilian law, established by Normative Act N. 427, which dates from 2001 and establishes the course outlines and its details, was also analyzed, as compared to the Course Plan studied. They both reflect restrains already seen in the profession regulation, showing both difficulties in describing the tourist guide competences, and a need for updating and redirecting. In what concerns the former students from the Course Plan studied here, 27.7% of a total of 36 former students were asked. In overall these former students are similar in their profiles and entry in the market as compared to their colleagues from other courses in this State. Analyzing their perceptions about the competence acquisition for their work based on the competences foreseen in the studied Course Plan, the former students from the studied institution see themselves as better prepared than their colleagues from other institutions. This shows that this course stands out as compared to other choices offered in the local market, also in what concerns fluency in foreign languages, which is a shortage discussed at several points of this research. This analysis allows us to point out skills that would improve the development of the curriculum, such as the competence related to research in several means, with a critical ability to select relevant information; competence in cultural mediation; interpersonal development; entrepreneurship; besides the use of technical travels as learning situations that gather all elements from several lectures. / O guia de turismo ? o profissional respons?vel pela condu??o, orienta??o e apoio aos indiv?duos ou grupos de turistas durante a execu??o de suas viagens. Esta profiss?o foi regulamentada em 1993 e desde 2001 conta com obrigatoriedade da forma??o t?cnica para seu exerc?cio, entretanto, at? o momento, este curso n?o foi objeto de uma pesquisa de maior profundidade. Assim, o objetivo geral da presente pesquisa foi analisar a forma??o do profissional guia de turismo a partir do estudo de caso de uma unidade do Servi?o Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial (SENAC), pioneira nesta forma??o no Brasil. Foi assim selecionado o Plano de Curso executado entre 2012 e 2015 do curso t?cnico em Guia de Turismo da Faculdade Senac Porto Alegre como objeto. O primeiro objetivo espec?fico buscou apresentar o contexto da regulamenta??o da profiss?o de guia de turismo e sua respectiva forma??o no Brasil nos v?rios ?mbitos. O segundo objetivo foi analisar o perfil de guias de turismo registrados no RS e suas percep??es sobre a forma??o e a inser??o neste mercado, de forma a tra?ar contexto de an?lise. A partir da coleta de dados, que contou com 117 respondentes, foi poss?vel registrar que os guias, em sua maioria, atuam de forma aut?noma, realizam suas atualiza??es a partir de pesquisas tamb?m aut?nomas, al?m de priorizarem cursos de idiomas. Percebe-se uma profiss?o em crescimento, considerando que a maioria dos respondentes concluiu o curso nos ?ltimos 5 anos. Quanto ? forma de acesso destes profissionais ao mercado de trabalho, quase 70% dos respondentes registrou um ingresso de forma positiva, o que nos faz concluir que h? demanda de profissionais. Buscou-se tamb?m analisar o curr?culo de curso demandado na legisla??o brasileira, a partir da Delibera??o Normativa n? 427, de 2001, que disp?e sobre o formato do curso e seu detalhamento, comparativamente ao Plano de Curso objeto de estudo. Ambos refletem limita??es de atua??o percebidas j? na regulamenta??o da profiss?o, demonstrando dificuldades em descrever compet?ncias do guia de turismo, carecendo de atualiza??o e redirecionamento. Quanto aos egressos do Plano de Curso objeto deste estudo, foram questionados 27,7% do total de 36 egressos. De forma geral, estes egressos demonstram perfil e forma de acesso ao mercado similares aos seus colegas egressos de outros cursos do Estado. Ao analisarmos suas percep??es sobre a aquisi??o de compet?ncias para o exerc?cio da profiss?o, baseadas nas compet?ncias previstas no Plano de Curso estudado, os egressos da institui??o estudada percebem-se mais preparados do que seus colegas das outras institui??es, o que demonstra que o curso se sobressai em rela??o a outras ofertas do mercado, inclusive em rela??o a flu?ncia em idiomas, car?ncia que foi discutida em v?rios momentos desta pesquisa. Ao concluir a an?lise podemos apontar elementos que aprimorariam o desenvolvimento do curr?culo como compet?ncia relativa ? pesquisa em meios diversos, com a capacidade cr?tica para a sele??o de informa??es pertinentes; compet?ncia de media??o cultural; desenvolvimento interpessoal; iniciativa empreendedora; al?m da utiliza??o das viagens t?cnicas como situa??es de aprendizagem catalisadoras de todos os elementos das v?rias disciplinas.

Gamifica??o nas pr?ticas pedag?gicas : um desafio para a forma??o de professores em tempos de cibercultura

Martins, Cristina 14 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-02-10T15:37:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_CRISTINA_MARTINS_COMPLETO.pdf: 1667958 bytes, checksum: b2646cc1bd3aeacadcedaa6f3e910912 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-10T15:37:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_CRISTINA_MARTINS_COMPLETO.pdf: 1667958 bytes, checksum: b2646cc1bd3aeacadcedaa6f3e910912 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This thesis, associated to the Graduate Program in Education at the Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, in the line of research on Training, Policies and Practices in Education, discusses the challenges of teachers? formation to work with cyberculture, where the school and university system preserves outdated paradigmatic heritages. Moreover, new meanings aimed at the complete education of the student are necessary. Our guiding question is as follows: what are the relations between the development of educational gamified practices and the formation background of teachers in the Early Years of Elementary Education in a private school in Porto Alegre/RS? The objective was to investigate how the formation background of professors of Early Years (EY) of Elementary Education (EE) in a private school in Porto Alegre/RS implies the constitution of educational practices based on gamification, based on the proposal of a model of elements of digital games in gamified activities. The theoretical foundation consisted of the state of the knowledge, where the following authors highlighted: Tardif, L?vy, Huizinga, Santaella, Alves, Zabala and Arnau, and, Prensky. For the research methodology, we opted for a qualitative approach, using a case study. The data analysis was carry out using Textual Discourse Analysis, using the following data collection instruments: questionnaires, participant and non-participant observations, interviews and research journals. The research subjects were professors of EY in EE. The main results show that: (a) the initial formation rarely enables the professor to develop the competencies necessary for working with cyberculture; (b) the short-term continuing education courses do not provide the teacher with the necessary reflection and experiences; (c) the teachers that include gamification in their teaching practices do not always understand what they are doing; (d) the model proposed is promising, though the teachers that present the best results are those who have already had contact with Role-Playing Games and with gamification elements. The following issues remain to be discussed in future research: broadening the investigation to other environments and pursuing contributions of gaming to student learning. / Esta disserta??o, vinculada ao Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, na linha de pesquisa Forma??o, Pol?ticas e Pr?ticas em Educa??o, problematizou os desafios de formar professores para atuarem na cibercultura, onde o sistema escolar e universit?rio conserva heran?as paradigm?ticas ultrapassadas, e que ressignifica??es voltadas ? forma??o integral do estudante se fazem necess?rias. Adotou-se como quest?o norteadora: como ocorrem as rela??es entre o desenvolvimento de pr?ticas pedag?gicas gamificadas e a constitui??o formativa de professores de Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola de ensino privado de Porto Alegre/RS? O objetivo foi investigar como a constitui??o formativa dos professores de Anos Iniciais (AI) do Ensino Fundamental (EF) de uma escola de ensino privado de Porto Alegre/RS implica a constitui??o de pr?ticas pedag?gicas a partir da gamifica??o, a partir de uma proposta de modelo de elementos de jogos digitais em atividades gamificadas. O referencial te?rico constituiu o estado de conhecimento, onde destacam-se os autores: Tardif, L?vy, Huizinga, Santaella, Alves, Zabala e Arnau, e, Prensky. Como metodologia de pesquisa optou-se pela abordagem de natureza qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso. O m?todo de an?lise de dados foi a An?lise Textual Discursiva, sendo os instrumentos de coleta de dados: question?rio, observa??o participante e n?o participante, entrevistas e di?rios de pesquisa. Os sujeitos de pesquisa foram professores dos AI do EF. Os principais resultados alcan?ados mostram que: (a) a forma??o inicial pouco possibilita ao professor desenvolver as compet?ncias necess?rias para atua??o na cibercultura; (b) os cursos de Educa??o Continuada de curta dura??o n?o proporcionam ao docente a reflex?o e as experi?ncias necess?rias; (c) os professores que inserem a gamifica??o nas pr?ticas pedag?gicas nem sempre t?m o entendimento de que est?o o fazendo; (c) o modelo proposto ? promissor, por?m, os docentes que apresentaram melhores resultados s?o aqueles que j? haviam tido contato com jogos do tipo Role-Playing Games e com os elementos da gamifica??o. Fica em aberto para ser discutido em poss?veis trabalhos futuros: ampliar a investiga??o para outros cen?rios e buscar contribui??es da gamifica??o para aprendizagem dos alunos.

Grand finale? : a conclus?o do ensino m?dio no col?gio estadual C?ndido Jos? de God?i (Porto Alegre/RS, 2014)

Silva, B?rbara Virg?nia Groff da 14 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-02-17T16:06:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_BARBARA_VIRGINIA_GROFF_DA_SILVA_COMPLETO.pdf: 5278940 bytes, checksum: b1aca9867c09228742bc88ba9bf3d700 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-17T16:06:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_BARBARA_VIRGINIA_GROFF_DA_SILVA_COMPLETO.pdf: 5278940 bytes, checksum: b1aca9867c09228742bc88ba9bf3d700 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This dissertation examines the high school graduation in 2014 from the State College C?ndido Jos? de God?i, located in Porto Alegre (RS, Brazil). The objectives of this research are twofold: investigate the importance of high school graduation for young students of the diurnal third year of the educational institution in question, in order to identify who would be these young people and what the reasons leading them to consider important this rite of passage. The other goal seeks to contextualize the Brazilian high school throughout the twentieth century as a way to understand how this level of education was organized, such as its recent transformations and challenges related to this educational stage. This research is linked to the History of Education as it analyzes the historical trajectories of the high school, the neighborhood where the school is located as well as the paths that the College God?i ran along its decades of existence. In addition, the former graduations from the educational institution were investigated from the vestiges located in history archive of the College God?i. In this part of the dissertation, concepts such as school culture and school's rite are used. Regarding the graduation of 2014, has crafted a questionnaire answered voluntarily by graduating students of the diurnal, trying to identify who would be these young school graduates and how they were experiencing this period of completion of basic education. Furthermore, not to be restricted to the questionnaire, nine interviews were conducted, six with graduating students and three with school teachers, as a possibility to enrich the analysis of this moment of completion of the school routine. The concepts used for that part of the work are: youths, consumer society, rites of passage and society of the spectacle. The results indicate that the graduation is not restricted only to ceremony, there are other events throughout the school year that are related with the graduation. Regarding the importance of this high school graduation for these young people, the answers were distinct. At the same time which could be a recognition by the student who is wrapping up a course of study and gaining a higher education than their families, there are others who consider it normal the completion of this stage. While most of the students wish to remain studying, others understand that this graduation may be the only of their lives, that is why the commitment to organize it in the best possible way. / Esta disserta??o analisa a formatura de ensino m?dio de 2014 do Col?gio Estadual C?ndido Jos? de God?i, localizado em Porto Alegre (RS, Brasil). Os objetivos dessa pesquisa s?o dois: investigar a import?ncia da formatura de ensino m?dio para os jovens estudantes do terceiro ano diurno da institui??o de ensino em quest?o, buscando identificar quem seriam esses jovens e quais os motivos que os levariam a considerar importante esse ritual de passagem. O outro objetivo procura contextualizar o ensino secund?rio brasileiro, ao longo do s?culo XX, como forma de compreender como foi organizado esse n?vel de ensino, tal como suas transforma??es recentes e desafios relacionados com essa etapa educacional. Essa pesquisa vincula-se ? Hist?ria da Educa??o, pois analisa as trajet?rias hist?ricas do ensino secund?rio, do bairro onde est? localizada a escola, bem como os percursos que o Col?gio God?i percorreu ao longo de suas d?cadas de exist?ncia. Al?m disso, as antigas formaturas da institui??o de ensino foram analisadas a partir dos vest?gios localizados no Acervo Hist?rico do Col?gio God?i. Nesta parte da disserta??o, conceitos como cultura escolar e rito escolar s?o utilizados. Com rela??o ? formatura de 2014, foi elaborado um question?rio respondido de forma volunt?ria pelos estudantes concluintes do diurno, procurando identificar quem seriam esses jovens formandos da escola e como eles vivenciavam esse per?odo de conclus?o da educa??o b?sica. Ademais, para n?o ficar restrito ao question?rio, foram realizadas nove entrevistas, seis com estudantes concluintes e tr?s com docentes da escola, como possibilidade de enriquecer a an?lise desse momento de finaliza??o da rotina escolar. Os conceitos utilizados para essa parte do trabalho s?o: juventudes, sociedade de consumo, ritos de passagem e sociedade do espet?culo. Os resultados indicam que a formatura n?o se restringe somente ? cerim?nia, h? outros eventos ao longo do ano letivo que est?o associados. Com rela??o ? import?ncia dessa formatura do ensino m?dio para esses jovens, as respostas foram distintas. Ao mesmo tempo em que pode ocorrer um reconhecimento por parte do estudante de que est? encerrando um ciclo de estudos e conquistando uma escolaridade superior a dos seus familiares, h? outros que consideram normal a finaliza??o dessa etapa. Enquanto a maioria dos estudantes desejam permanecer estudando, outros compreendem que essa formatura pode ser a ?nica de suas vidas, por isso o empenho em organiz?-la da melhor forma poss?vel.

Perman?ncia na gradua??o a dist?ncia na perspectiva dos estudantes : um estudo a partir da experi?ncia do projeto Alfa Guia

Santos, Pricila Kohls dos 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-04-07T17:46:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_PRICILA_KOHLS_DOS_SANTOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 4983858 bytes, checksum: 21063f241fae524a1f9ac69c99746d44 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-07T17:46:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_PRICILA_KOHLS_DOS_SANTOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 4983858 bytes, checksum: 21063f241fae524a1f9ac69c99746d44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / School dropout represents, at the same time, a complex and necessary issue for the quality of actions to students? permanency at higher education, taking into account this education sector's expansion and therefore eminent challenges which follows such university expansion. Course offerings in the distance education modality are considered high when compared with classroom courses and it is impacting the expected result of the academic formation, especially in regard to teacher training. Thus, to know the reasons because students abandon their studies represents the first step to qualification of the actions to students? permanency and retention. The search for indicators and tools which allow understanding what makes a student stand is a challenge. Using as theoretical background the work of Tinto (1989, 1997, 2006), Garland (1993), Kember (1995), Aretio (2002), Cabrera (2006), Castles (2004), Tello (2007) and from the author experience with Project Alfa GUIA, it was carried out a study about the quali-quantitative character to verify whether the investigation tool used by Project Alfa GUIA could be adapted to offer these indicators, since the data related to distance education available in Brazilian system is fragile. As a result of this investigation, we observed that the original tool did not contemplate all items required, especially about the influence of virtual environment, considering that it is the place where interactions and practices are consolidated. However, there are indicators showing that the structure proposed in this dissertation has potential to select the information that support to understand the student who stands? perspective. We describe some indicators and also additional issues to be explored, in order that we can measure the typical nuances of this modality, and contributing with teachers and students for courses project's building, which contemplate aspects that support to mitigate this serious problem of high social cost. / O abandono estudantil configura-se num tema complexo e ao mesmo tempo imprescind?vel para a qualidade das a??es de perman?ncia dos estudantes na Educa??o Superior, tendo em vista a expans?o desse setor da educa??o e por consequ?ncia os eminentes desafios que acompanham tal expans?o universit?ria. A oferta de cursos na modalidade de Educa??o a Dist?ncia (EaD) ? considerada alta se comparada com os cursos presenciais e impacta no resultado esperado da forma??o, especialmente no que tange a forma??o de professores. Logo, conhecer os motivos pelos quais os estudantes abandonam seus estudos representa o primeiro passo para a qualifica??o das a??es de perman?ncia e reten??o de estudantes. A busca por indicadores e instrumentos que permitam compreender o que faz um estudante permanecer ? um desafio. Usando como referencial te?rico o trabalho de Tinto (1989, 1997, 2006), Garland (1993), Kember (1995), Aretio (2002), Cabrera (2006), Castles (2004), Tello (2007) e, a partir da experi?ncia da autora com o Projeto Alfa GUIA, foi realizado um estudo de car?ter quali-quantitativo para verificar se o instrumento de investiga??o utilizado pelo Projeto Alfa GUIA poderia ser adaptado para ofertar estes indicadores devido a fragilidade dos dados oficiais que est?o dispon?veis no sistema brasileiro relacionado a EaD. Como resultado desta investiga??o observamos que o instrumento original n?o contemplava todos os itens necess?rios, especialmente na quest?o da influ?ncia do ambiente virtual, considerando que ele ? o espa?o onde as intera??es e as pr?ticas se consolidam. Nesse sentido propomos um instrumento de pesquisa que abarca tais quest?es, das quais propomos indicadores para medir a perman?ncia de estudantes na Educa??o Superior, a saber: Gest?o Institucional, Pr?tica Docente, Dedica??o do Estudante e Qualidade do curso. Existem perspectivas que apontam que a estrutura proposta nesta tese possui potencial para captar as informa??es que auxiliam a entender o ponto de vista do estudante que permanece, contribuindo com, gestores, docentes e estudantes para constru??o de projetos de cursos que contemplem aspectos que auxiliem a mitigar este grave problema de alto custo social que ? o abandono na Educa??o Superior.

Aprendizagens musicais na educa??o infantil em escolas da rede privada de Porto Alegre : com a palavra, o professor

Ramos, Giane 22 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-04-07T17:54:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_GIANE_RAMOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 1520885 bytes, checksum: 8153e92979139166b57b546121ce851b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-07T17:54:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_GIANE_RAMOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 1520885 bytes, checksum: 8153e92979139166b57b546121ce851b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-22 / This study aims to research and reflect on musical learning in Early Childhood Education as the primary objective of this dissertation. Seeking to know how these learnings happen and what is the current situation in the schools Private Network from Porto Alegre, five Music teachers were chosen, who are working at this stage of basic education, so that they could bring their impressions about these learning processes. Hence from semi-structured interviews, data were collected for analysis and conclusions. It should be noted that each person, playing a role in society, their chosen profession or one that emerged as an option, brings his or her history, beliefs, concepts of education and therefore the data collected are relevant in order to give voice to those who are directly involved in the teaching and learning processes. Children, in turn, are described by these professionals, who have the certainty of the importance of their role in the individual formation. / O presente estudo se prop?e a pesquisar e refletir sobre as aprendizagens musicais na Educa??o Infantil como o objetivo primeiro dessa disserta??o. Buscando saber como acontecem essas aprendizagens e qual ? o cen?rio atual nas escolas da Rede Privada de Porto Alegre. Foram escolhidos cinco professores de M?sica, que est?o trabalhando nessa etapa da educa??o b?sica, para que pudessem trazer as suas impress?es sobre estes processos de aprendizagem. Assim, a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas, foram coletados os dados para an?lise e conclus?es. Cabe destacar que cada pessoa, ao desempenhar uma fun??o na sociedade, uma profiss?o que escolheu ou que lhe surgiu como op??o, traz consigo sua hist?ria, suas cren?as, suas concep??es acerca da educa??o e, por isso, os dados coletados s?o relevantes no sentido de se dar voz aqueles que est?o diretamente implicados nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. As crian?as, por sua vez, s?o descritas por estes profissionais, que tem a certeza da import?ncia de seu trabalho para a forma??o do indiv?duo.

Fatores econ??micos e sociais: impacto no resultado do ??ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa????o B??sica (IDEB) de munic??pios do Estado de S??o Paulo de 2005 a 2015

Silva, Carlos Daniel da 04 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-03-14T14:50:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosDanieldaSilvaDissertacao2017.pdf: 3504038 bytes, checksum: b00ad4cbb53123e1bc5fbe5ed0ad7a66 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-03-14T14:50:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosDanieldaSilvaDissertacao2017.pdf: 3504038 bytes, checksum: b00ad4cbb53123e1bc5fbe5ed0ad7a66 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-14T14:50:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosDanieldaSilvaDissertacao2017.pdf: 3504038 bytes, checksum: b00ad4cbb53123e1bc5fbe5ed0ad7a66 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-04 / This study, developed under the Stricto Sensu Post Graduation Program in Education at Universidade Cat??lica de Bras??lia (UCB), discusses the influence of economic and social variables on the results of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb), in Municipalities of the State of S??o Paulo, from 2005 to 2015. In order to analyze such influences, It has been studied the issue of Brazilian federalism and its historical implications, especially economic and social inequality in Brazil and the State of S??o Paulo. A bibliographical research was also carried out with the purpose of analyzing the state of the art of inequality and its implications in education, as well as the financing of education in Brazil. In order to give more support to the research, an exploratory research was also carried out, with an analysis of numerous financial documents of municipal expenditures, historical expenditure series on education, health and sanitation, besides tax collection, Gini index, Social Vulnerability Index of the State of S??o Paulo, average income of families, population and data of all editions of Ideb. As a type of research the quantitative data analysis was used in panel, in which it was sought to verify the influence of the economic and social variables in the variation of the Ideb over time. The panel analysis identified that the variables education expenditure, teacher compensation, sanitation, Tax on Operations Related to the Circulation of Goods and on Services of Interstate, Intermunicipal and Communication Services (ICMS) share has an influence on Ideb's result, although it does not explain the total results of the indicator. Research shows that extra classroom factors, of a social nature, can make a difference in improving the quality of education, when considering the ideb indicator. / Este trabalho, desenvolvido no Programa de P??s-Gradua????o Stricto Sensu em Educa????o da Universidade Cat??lica de Bras??lia (UCB), aborda as influ??ncias de vari??veis econ??micas e sociais nos resultados do ??ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa????o B??sica (Ideb), em Munic??pios do Estado de S??o Paulo, no per??odo de 2005 a 2015. Para analisar tais influ??ncias, foi estudada a quest??o do federalismo brasileiro e suas implica????es hist??ricas, em especial na desigualdade econ??mica e social no Brasil e no Estado de S??o Paulo. Tamb??m foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliogr??fica, com o prop??sito de se analisar o estado da arte da desigualdade e suas implica????es na educa????o, bem como do financiamento da educa????o no Brasil. Para dar maior suporte ?? pesquisa, tamb??m foi realizada uma pesquisa explorat??ria, com an??lise de in??meros documentos financeiros de despesas dos munic??pios, s??ries hist??ricas de despesa na educa????o, sa??de e saneamento, al??m da arrecada????o de impostos, ??ndice de Gini, ??ndice de Vulnerabilidade Social do Estado de S??o Paulo, rendimento m??dio das fam??lias, popula????o e dados de todas as edi????es de Ideb. Como tipo de pesquisa se utilizou a quantitativa, com an??lise de dados em painel, em que se buscou verificar as influ??ncias das vari??veis econ??micas e sociais na varia????o do Ideb, ao longo do tempo. Com a an??lise em painel se identificou que as vari??veis despesas com educa????o, remunera????o de professores, saneamento e cota-parte de ICMS tem influ??ncia no resultado do Ideb, apesar de n??o explicar a totalidade dos resultados do indicador. A pesquisa demonstra que fatores extra sala de aula, de car??ter social, podem fazer a diferen??a na melhora da qualidade da educa????o, quando se considera o indicador ideb.

A EaD no contexto da expans??o da educa????o superior privada no Distrito Federal

Nepomuceno, Cristiana Andrade 15 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-04-13T16:54:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianaAndradeNepomucenoDissertacao2017.pdf: 1833902 bytes, checksum: 5798e709469d8bcf0f150d4457f45151 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-04-13T16:55:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianaAndradeNepomucenoDissertacao2017.pdf: 1833902 bytes, checksum: 5798e709469d8bcf0f150d4457f45151 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-13T16:55:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianaAndradeNepomucenoDissertacao2017.pdf: 1833902 bytes, checksum: 5798e709469d8bcf0f150d4457f45151 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-15 / The objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between distance education (EaD, in Portuguese abbreviation) offers in the Federal District (DF, in Portuguese abbreviation) and the local higher education privatization process. It is a quantitative study that uses an approximation with the methodology and reference of the Policy Cycle Approach (BOWE; BALL; GOLD,1992; BALL,1994) to analyze the data and to reflect upon the generated results. As investigation methods, documental analysis was used to verify the changes occurred in the four main laws about EaD issued between 2005 and 2017; as well as interviews with EaD coordinators of private and public Higher Education Institutes (IES, in Portuguese abbreviation) and also with representatives of higher education policy managers in the DF. The collected data were analyzed based on Bardin Content Analysis (2011), with theory and methodology support from the Policy Cycle Approach and discussed in five axes of analysis: characteristics of the EaD modality; conditions for EaD offers; coordinators interpretation about EaD legislation; EaD in higher education; and public higher education in the DF. The results indicate an offer expansion of EaD bachelor??s courses from profit and non-profit private IES in the national level as well as in the DF. This expansion will probably gain impulse based on new laws about EaD issued in 2017 by the federal government and that, as demonstrated in this research, created more flexible rules to the creation of EaD bachelor??s courses. The results also demonstrated that the EaD private offer in DF is concentrated in hands of big educational groups that already dominate the national offer of higher education, which leaves little room for local private IES. The research data also indicated that higher education manager institutions in DF do not effectively monitor private IES expansion, with its respective course offers in the EaD modality. From the viewpoint of the managers, they defend the creation of a DF public university as an option to reduce the strong presence of the private sector in DF??s higher education. This work indicates some research lines that could be investigated in the future, such as to verify how EaD bachelor??s courses expansion will occur both in private and public IES, based on new EaD legislation; and what will be the impact of the new rules about the Programa Universidade Aberta do Brasil, the main public program for EaD bacherlor??s courses offer. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a rela????o da oferta da modalidade ?? dist??ncia no Distrito Federal e o processo local de privatiza????o da educa????o superior. ?? um estudo qualitativo que se utilizou de uma aproxima????o com o referencial te??rico-metodol??gico do Ciclo de Pol??ticas (BOWE; BALL; GOLD,1992; BALL,1994) para analisar os dados e refletir sobre os resultados encontrados. Como t??cnicas de investiga????o, utilizou-se a an??lise documental para verificar o teor e as mudan??as ocorridas nas quatro principais legisla????es sobre Educa????o a Dist??ncia editadas entre 2005 e 2017; e ainda entrevistas realizadas com coordenadores de EaD de Institui????es de Ensino Superior (IES) privadas e representantes de ??rg??os gestores da educa????o superior no Distrito Federal. Os dados coletados foram analisados ?? luz da teoria da An??lise do Conte??do de Bardin (2011), com o suporte te??rico-metodol??gico do Ciclo de Pol??ticas, e discutidos em cinco eixos de an??lise: Caracter??sticas da modalidade EaD; Condi????es para a oferta de EaD; Interpreta????o dos coordenadores sobre a legisla????o de EaD; a EaD na educa????o superior e A educa????o superior p??blica no Distrito Federal. Os resultados apontaram para uma expans??o da oferta de cursos de gradua????o na modalidade a dist??ncia pelas IES privadas com e sem fins lucrativas no cen??rio nacional e tamb??m no Distrito Federal. Essa expans??o dever?? ganhar impulso a partir das novas legisla????es sobre EaD editadas em 2017 pelo governo federal e que, conforme demonstrou a pesquisa, flexibilizam as regras para a oferta de cursos de gradua????o na modalidade EaD. Os resultados tamb??m demonstraram que a oferta privada de EaD no DF est?? concentrada nas m??os de grandes grupos educacionais que j?? dominam a oferta nacional de educa????o superior, o que deixa pouco espa??o de atua????o para as IES privadas locais. Os dados da pesquisa indicaram ainda que n??o h??, por parte dos ??rg??os gestores da educa????o superior no DF, um monitoramento efetivo da expans??o das IES privadas, com suas respectivas ofertas de cursos na modalidade EaD. Do ponto de vista dos gestores, eles defendem a cria????o de uma universidade p??blica distrital como op????o para reduzir a forte presen??a do setor privado na educa????o superior do DF. O trabalho deixa em aberto algunas trilhas de pesquisa que podem ser investigadas no futuro, entre elas verificar como se dar??, a partir das novas legisla????es sobre a EaD, a expans??o dos cursos de gradua????o nessa modalidade tanto nas IES privadas, quanto nas IES p??blicas e qual ser?? o impacto das novas regras no Programa Universidade Aberta do Brasil, principal programa p??blico de oferta de cursos de gradua????o a dist??ncia.

A aplica????o da andragogia na educa????o a dist??ncia pelos profissionais de treinamento e educa????o corporativa

Oliveira, Jackes Teixeira de 12 December 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-04-24T14:15:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JackesTeixeiradeOliveiraDissertacao2017.pdf: 1614047 bytes, checksum: 908bbdd24c472a036c000892eb60174c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-04-24T14:16:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JackesTeixeiradeOliveiraDissertacao2017.pdf: 1614047 bytes, checksum: 908bbdd24c472a036c000892eb60174c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-24T14:16:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JackesTeixeiradeOliveiraDissertacao2017.pdf: 1614047 bytes, checksum: 908bbdd24c472a036c000892eb60174c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-12-12 / Seventy-eight percent of workers in the Brazilian industry have only a High School diploma. Therefore, organizations need to develop in-house educational actions to reach their goals. According to previous studies, face-to-face training has been slowly replaced by distance learning and professionals who work in corporate education do not have the pedagogical training to ensure their proposals are efficient and effective. Thus, the present study mapped key andragogic processes that must considered by these professionals and inquired whether they have been used in distance learning work routine. The results show that the application of andragogy to distance learning educational actions was a challenge to most interviewees. / Setenta e oito por cento dos trabalhadores da ind??stria brasileira possuem a forma????o educacional at?? o Ensino M??dio completo, e desta forma as organiza????es necessitam desenvolver a????es educacionais internas para que os objetivos tra??ados sejam alcan??ados. De acordo com estudos j?? realizados, estas a????es est??o aos poucos sendo substitu??das da modalidade presencial para ?? dist??ncia, e os profissionais que atuam com os processos de Educa????o Corporativa n??o t??m a forma????o pedag??gica necess??ria para garantir a efici??ncia e efic??cia em suas proposi????es. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa mapeou os importantes processos andrag??gicos que devem ser considerados por esses profissionais e pesquisou se estes j?? os utilizam em sua rotina de trabalho no que se refere ?? educa????o a dist??ncia. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a aplica????o da andragogia para a????es educacionais EaD ?? um desafio para a maior parte dos entrevistados.

O letramento na s?ndrome de down : o papel da fam?lia e da escola

Feistauer, Cl?udia Madalena 20 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:39:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 463977.pdf: 989053 bytes, checksum: 7e0a4733a3ed217f2eacd3c5d2e20ad9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-20 / In a society of literate culture, where reading is valued, not understanding the written materials to circulate socially means to live in a parallel world. So, reading and writing become the way of access to social inclusion, since they constitute fundamental learnings for individuals to be inserted in societies considered literates. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize not only the domain of the code of reading and writing, but also the competence as a reader and writer of his own text, his own story, here also including those with special educational needs such as people with Down syndrome. However, studies on literacy these individuals is scarce. Thus, this study aims to examine the impact of family and school in shaping readers relate what they read with what they see, what they feel, what they live, finally, that build social, historical and political meanings on reading the text in which they engage, becoming thus subject thinking, so that they learn to use their potential for thought in the construction and reconstruction of concepts to understand the world around them. To this end, we investigated the involvement of family and school in promoting literacy events with children with Down Syndrome. Developed a qualitative, cross-sectional study in which questionnaires to parents or guardians and educators to check promoting literacy situations were applied, and applied materials were analyzed and observed lessons in reading APAE. The research results show that three of the five mothers are semi-literate and do not read to their children, or have books at home. Two families have higher education and promote literacy events with children and adolescents with DS. Teachers conduct practices and literacy events observed in lessons and language workshop. The two students with Down syndrome whose families are literate understand, question, retell and dramatize texts; the three students whose families are not literate can understand and retell stories. In the lessons observed the teachers promote literacy events using various text genres. According to these observations, it seems possible to conclude that students with Down syndrome can achieve satisfactory levels of literacy when well guided by teachers committed to the work and even more if they have contact with materials written early with family. / Numa sociedade de cultura letrada, em que a leitura ? valorizada, n?o compreender os materiais escritos a circular socialmente ? viver em um mundo paralelo. Por isso a leitura e a escrita tornam-se via de acesso para a inclus?o social, uma vez que constituem aprendizagens fundamentais para a inser??o dos indiv?duos nas sociedades ditas letradas. N?o obstante, ? relevante reconhecer n?o somente o dom?nio do c?digo da leitura e da escrita, mas tamb?m a compet?ncia como leitor e escritor de seu pr?prio texto, de sua pr?pria hist?ria, incluindo-se aqui tamb?m indiv?duos com necessidades educativas especiais como ? o caso das pessoas com S?ndrome de Down. No entanto, os estudos sobre o letramento desses indiv?duos ? escasso. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho objetiva analisar, o impacto da fam?lia e da escola na forma??o de leitores que relacionem o que leem com o que veem, com o que sentem, com o que vivem, enfim, que construam significados sociais, hist?ricos e pol?ticos na leitura do texto a que se dedicam, tornando-se, dessa forma, sujeitos pensantes, de modo que aprendam a utilizar o seu potencial de pensamento na constru??o e reconstru??o de conceitos para compreender o mundo que os cerca. Para tanto, foi verificada a participa??o da fam?lia e da escola na promo??o de eventos de letramento com crian?as com S?ndrome de Down. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa e transversal, na qual foram aplicados question?rios para os pais ou respons?veis e educadores para verifica??o da promo??o de situa??es de letramento, bem como foram analisados materiais aplicados e observadas aulas de leitura na APAE. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que tr?s das cinco m?es s?o semi-alfabetizados e n?o leem para os filhos, nem possuem livros em casa. Duas fam?lias possuem maior escolariza??o e promovem eventos de letramento com as crian?as e adolescentes com SD. As professoras realizam pr?ticas e eventos de letramento nas aulas observadas e na oficina de linguagem. Os dois alunos com SD cujas fam?lias s?o letradas compreendem, questionam, recontam e dramatizam textos; os tr?s alunos cujas fam?lias n?o s?o letradas conseguem compreender e recontar hist?rias. Nas aulas observadas as educadoras promovem eventos de letramento utilizando variados g?neros textuais. A partir dessas verifica??es, pode-se concluir que os alunos com SD podem alcan?ar n?veis satisfat?rios de letramento quando bem orientados por professoras comprometidas com o trabalho e mais ainda se tiverem o contato com materiais escritos precocemente com a fam?lia.

Inicia??o cient?fica em redes colaborativas e forma??o universit?ria de qualidade : a perspectiva do egresso (2007-2013)

Nascimento, Marilene Batista da Cruz 04 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-05-19T18:05:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARILENE_BATISTA_DA_CRUZ_NASCIMENTO_COMPLETO.pdf: 7426633 bytes, checksum: 4b5115968cec49b09db3e86df9e97d02 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-19T18:05:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARILENE_BATISTA_DA_CRUZ_NASCIMENTO_COMPLETO.pdf: 7426633 bytes, checksum: 4b5115968cec49b09db3e86df9e97d02 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-04 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This thesis aims to analyze the impact of scientific initiation (IC) in the training of fellows graduates/volunteers who were participants in collaborative research networks, considering the perspective of citizens, scientific and professional inclusion, as well as quality indicators proposition in higher education (HE). The hypotheses of this research are: the IC as a public policy science is conceived as an action that promotes university education quality in an equity perspective (political project that seeks equal recognition of inequalities); IC promotes significant impact on scientific and social inclusion in university education, contributing to the indivisibility of teaching, research and innovation. The study categories were analyzed in the theoretical framework established in science (BACHELARD, 1972, 1978, 1985, 1996); university education (DELANTY, 2008, 2009); quality (MOROSINI, 2001, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015). It is a nature research quantitative and qualitative (mixed methods) conducted in the light of dialectical method that makes it possible to achieve the contradictions of reality and the way to understand it as a permanent process of transformation, which means effect amediation between thought and the object. The subjects are fellows graduates/volunteers ofunder graduate courses who experienced their IC experience at the Institute of Technology and Research (ITP), in SergipeTec and Tecnopuc in the 2007 to 2013 period. The instrument used to collect the quantitative datawas an online questionnaire built on the Likert scale. The qualitative approach collected data through semi-structured interviews. The results allowed us to understand the impacts of IC in a socially responsible university, and indicated interrelationships between committed professionals, progress and innovation, finally y the social relevance of the knowledge produced. In addition, it was revealed that the IC impacts qualitatively in the education of graduates and also need greater efforts to increase this device and break away from pragmatic-inducing of post-graduate studies. These variables supported the IC indicators proposition organized in the following categories: environmental responsibility: stimulating scientific production considering the environmental protection of culture and sustainability; education: use of investigative methods focused on interactive learning involving authorship, autonomy and critical reflection on the increase of the projects; cognitive: implementation of projects related to human development and interdisciplinary research; social: stimulating research in the setting of the external community with increased participation in institutional, national and international exchanges; interculturalism: valuation research actions under the awareness, understanding, autonomy and for cultural diversity, respecting the different experiences. / Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar os impactos da inicia??o cient?fica (IC) na forma??o dos egressos bolsistas/volunt?rios que foram participantes de redes colaborativas de pesquisa, considerando a perspectiva da cidadania, inclus?o cient?fica e profissional, bem como a proposi??o de indicadores de qualidade na educa??o superior (ES). As hip?teses desta investiga??o s?o: a IC como pol?tica p?blica de ci?ncia ? concebida como uma a??o que promove forma??o universit?ria de qualidade em uma perspectiva de equidade (projeto pol?tico que procura igualdade no reconhecimento das desigualdades); a IC promove impactos significativos para a inclus?o cient?fica e social na forma??o universit?ria, contribuindo para a indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e inova??o. As categorias de estudo foram analisadas sob o marco te?rico fundado em ci?ncia (BACHELARD, 1972, 1978, 1985, 1996); forma??o universit?ria (DELANTY, 2008, 2009); qualidade (MOROSINI, 2001, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015). Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza quanti-qualitativa (m?todos mistos) conduzida ? luz do m?todo dial?tico que torna poss?vel alcan?ar as contradi??es da realidade e do modo de compreend?-la como processo permanente de transforma??o, o que significa efetivar uma media??o entre o pensamento e o objeto. Os sujeitos s?o egressos bolsistas/volunt?rios dos cursos de gradua??o que vivenciaram sua experi?ncia de IC no Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa (ITP), no SergipeTec e no Tecnopuc, no per?odo de 2007-2013. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta dos dados quantitativos foi um question?rio online constru?do a partir da escala tipo Likert. A recolha dos dados da abordagem qualitativa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados permitiram compreender os impactos da IC em uma universidade respons?vel socialmente, bem como indicou inter-rela??es entre profissionais comprometidos, progresso, inova??o e pertin?ncia social do conhecimento produzido. Al?m disso, foi poss?vel perceber que a IC impacta qualitativamente na forma??o universit?ria do egresso, sendo ainda necess?rio esfor?os maiores para incrementar esse dispositivo e romper com o car?ter pragm?tico de indutor da p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu. Essas vari?veis subsidiaram a proposi??o de indicadores de IC organizados em categorias: responsabilidade ambiental: est?mulo ? produ??o cient?fica, considerando a cultura de prote??o ao meio ambiente e de sustentabilidade; educativa: utiliza??o de m?todos investigativos voltados ?s aprendizagens interativas, envolvendo autoria, autonomia e reflex?o cr?tica no incremento dos projetos; cognitiva: implementa??o de pesquisas ligadas ao desenvolvimento humano e interdisciplinares; social: est?mulo a investiga??es no cen?rio da comunidade externa com participa??o em redes colaborativas; interculturalidade: valora??o de a??es de investiga??o no ?mbito da consci?ncia, da compreens?o, da autonomia e da diversidade cultural, respeitando-se as diferentes experi?ncias.

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