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Vittnesmåls pedagogiska potential i historieundervisningen : -en didaktisk analys av undervisningsmaterial för ämnet i historia i den svenska gymnasieskolanRamberg, Nathalie January 2018 (has links)
The public authority called The living history forum has the mission to promote knowledge and understanding about human rights, tolerance and democracy in the Swedish society. They have developed a website where they provide educational materials which often treat the theme of the Holocaust during the Second World War. The aim of this study was to analyse what knowledge the students in the Swedish high school can acquire by using this material. The material consisted of five testimonies of survivors from the Holocaust and work camps during the Second World War. The testimonies were short-recorded movies of witness talking about their memories and experiences. Because of the testimonies oral form, a further aim with this study was also to analyse what knowledge the oral story can contribute to in high school students. Three questions were developed to answer the aims of the study: • What pedagogical potential has the educational material ” Personliga berättelser kan väcka starka känslor”, which is provided by The living history forum? • Which knowledge can students acquire by using the oral story, in this case in the form of testimonies, in history lessons? • Which learning criteria in Lgy 11´s Värdegrund och uppdrag and History 1b´s centrala innehåll” can the educational material fulfil? The method I used to answer these questions was a didactic analyse. This means that I answered the didactic questions who, what, why and how related to the material. To answer the didactic questions I also did a simple content analysis of the testimonies of what they said and how they said it. I then used two different theories to answer the didactic questions. My results show that the educational material has a great pedagogical potential which shows that students can learn to understand and feel historical empathy. This result is mostly based on the fact that the testimonies are oral. But the results also show that it requires careful considerations from the teacher before using the educational material, since one problem by using the oral story in history lessons seems to be that the students forget about critical thinking. Keywords:
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Interad : uma metodologia para design de interface de materiais educacionais digitaisPassos, Paula Caroline Schifino Jardim January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para design de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs). Neste estudo, considera-se como MED os recursos digitais elaborados com objetivos relacionados à aprendizagem. Mediante a revisão bibliográfica realizada foi verificado que os estudos referentes ao desenvolvimento desses tipos de materiais não contemplam de forma adequada questões relativas ao design gráfico de interface. Por outro lado, as metodologias disponíveis para design de interface têm foco comercial, não sendo ideais para a elaboração de MED. Por meio do levantamento de estudos educacionais para elaboração de MED e de metodologias de design de interfaces em geral, adquiriu-se referencial para o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia com foco educacional. A metodologia construída foi testada em um estudo de caso realizado com pesquisadores do Núcleo de Tecnologia Aplicada à Educação (NUTED/UFRGS). Após este estudo, a metodologia foi reformulada e recebeu o nome de Interad (Interfaces Interativas Digitais aplicadas à Educação). Como forma de validação da metodologia Interad foi realizado, junto à Secretaria de Educação a Distância (SEAD/UFRGS), um curso para capacitação na produção de MED. Como recurso auxiliar a este curso foi desenvolvido um objeto de aprendizagem que apresenta a metodologia acrescida de exemplos e desafios para sua aplicação prática. Os alunos do curso cumpriram satisfatoriamente os desafios propostos, o que demonstrou a aplicabilidade da metodologia Interad. / This work presents the development of a design methodology of digital educational material (MEDs). Throughout this study we consider digital resources implemented with the objective related to learning as MEDs. In view of the bibliographical review undertaken, it was seen that studies related to the development of this type of material don't take into account issues related to the design of the graphical interface. On the other hand, the methodologies available for graphic design have a commercial focus, which makes them unsuitable for the implementation of MED. By means of survey of educational studies for the implementation of MED and design methodologies of interfaces in general, insight was gained for the development of a new methodology with an educational focus. The methodology build was tested in a study case done with researchers of Nucleus of Technology applied to Education (NUTED/UFRGS). After this study, the methodology was redesigned and named Interad (Interactive Digital Interfaces applied to Education). As a way to validate the Interad methodology was conducted a training course for the production of MED at the Department of Distance Education (SEAD/UFRGS). As an aid to this course was developed a learning object that presents the methodology with examples and challenges for practical implementation. Students who attended the course satisfactorily met the challenges presented, demonstrating the applicability of the Interad methodology.
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INSTRUMEDS : um instrumento para materiais educacionais digitais em dispositivos móveis para idososGrande, Tássia Priscila Fagundes January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre a importância da usabilidade no desenvolvimento de materiais educacionais digitais em dispositivos móveis voltados para o publico idoso. Para tanto, teve como objetivo construir um instrumento que possa auxiliar no processo de criação e avaliação de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs) para dispositivos móveis voltados para o público idoso, denominado InstrUMEDS. As características da tecnologia digital podem instigar o uso pelos idosos que buscam um contato maior com a família e amigos ou simplesmente para se mantiver atualizado. Entre as tecnologias digitais, os dispositivos móveis, como smartphone e tablet, se tornaram atrativos pela facilidade na comunicação e mobilidade. Portanto, o aumento da procura por estas tecnologias, por parte dos idosos, possibilitou que diferentes estudos sejam realizados sobre usabilidade para estes dispositivos. Entendese que usabilidade é o fator que assegura que os produtos sejam eficientes, agradáveis e fáceis de usar, do ponto de vista do usuário. Neste sentido, é pertinente a construção de materiais educacionais digitais para atender os idosos, considerando não somente suas necessidades cognitivas e motoras, mas também seu contexto social e conhecimentos prévios de vida. Materiais educacionais digitais são aqueles que apresentam recursos digitais na sua elaboração. A metodologia deste estudo se constitui como quali-quantitativa, do tipo design science research. Os sujeitos da pesquisa selecionados foram 23 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados três tipos de instrumentos: questionário, entrevista e observação participante. A partir da coleta de dados foi possível delimitar três categorias, bem como seus respectivos indicadores. Foram avaliados e validados 18 indicadores: Tecnológica (2 indicadores), Interface (10 indicadores) e Gerontoeducacional (7 indicadores). Para cada categoria é apresenta uma abordagem específica das áreas a serem consideradas, possibilitando, de forma significativa, a construção e avaliação dos MEDs para dispositivos móveis. Entende-se que o material resultante poderá possibilitar uma maior inclusão social para os idosos, pois o uso de materiais educacionais digitais apropriados em dispositivos móveis pode motivá-los a buscar novos horizontes e conhecimentos. / This paper discusses the importance of usability in the development of digital educational materials for mobile devices aimed at the elderly public. The goal was to build a tool that can assist in the creation and evaluation of digital educational materials (DEM) for mobile devices for the elderly in which was called InstrUMEDS. As characteristics of digital technology can instigate the use by the elderly who seek greater contact with family and friends or just to keep up. Among digital technologies, mobile devices such as smartphone and tablet, have become attractive for ease of communication and mobility. Therefore, the increased demand for these technologies, for the elderly, allowed different studies be conducted on usability for these devices. Usability is the factor that ensures that products are efficient, pleasant and easy to use, the user's point of view In this sense, it is pertinent to building digital educational materials to meet the elderly, considering not only their cognitive and motor needs but also its social context and previous knowledge of life. digital educational materials are those with digital resources in their manufacture. The methodology of this study is as qualitative and quantitative type design science research. The subjects of the research were selected 23 elderly aged over 60 years. For data collection were used three types of instruments: questionnaire, interview and participant observation. From the data collection it was possible to identify three categories and their respective indicators. They were assessed and validated 18 indicators Technology (2 indicators), interface (10 indicators) and gerontology-educational (7 indicators). For each category is presents a specific approach to the areas to be considered, allowing significantly, the construction and evaluation of MEDs for mobile devices. It is understood that the resulting material could enable greater social inclusion for the elderly, because the use of educational materials suitable for mobile devices can motivate them to seek new horizons and knowledge.
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Implementační analýza edukačního portálu se zaměřením na jeho monetizaci / The Implementation Analysis of the Educational Portal with a Focus on Its MonetizationCHUCHLOVÁ, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis titled, "The Implementation Analysis of the Educational Portal with a Focus on Its Monetization" is the creation of a strategy that could be used for a new educational portal and subsequently its monetization. Primarily, the portal will be designed for university students. The theoretical part is focused on basic terms associated with issues of portals, web content monetization and operational expenses for running a website. In the practical part, there is a questionnaire survey, with the target audience being university students. Besides other things, this questionnaire survey also identifies the biggest competitors of the project. The competitors are analysed and their services and contributions to students are compared. After processing the questionnaire survey, a different strategy for a new educational portal is designed.
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Interad : uma metodologia para design de interface de materiais educacionais digitaisPassos, Paula Caroline Schifino Jardim January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para design de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs). Neste estudo, considera-se como MED os recursos digitais elaborados com objetivos relacionados à aprendizagem. Mediante a revisão bibliográfica realizada foi verificado que os estudos referentes ao desenvolvimento desses tipos de materiais não contemplam de forma adequada questões relativas ao design gráfico de interface. Por outro lado, as metodologias disponíveis para design de interface têm foco comercial, não sendo ideais para a elaboração de MED. Por meio do levantamento de estudos educacionais para elaboração de MED e de metodologias de design de interfaces em geral, adquiriu-se referencial para o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia com foco educacional. A metodologia construída foi testada em um estudo de caso realizado com pesquisadores do Núcleo de Tecnologia Aplicada à Educação (NUTED/UFRGS). Após este estudo, a metodologia foi reformulada e recebeu o nome de Interad (Interfaces Interativas Digitais aplicadas à Educação). Como forma de validação da metodologia Interad foi realizado, junto à Secretaria de Educação a Distância (SEAD/UFRGS), um curso para capacitação na produção de MED. Como recurso auxiliar a este curso foi desenvolvido um objeto de aprendizagem que apresenta a metodologia acrescida de exemplos e desafios para sua aplicação prática. Os alunos do curso cumpriram satisfatoriamente os desafios propostos, o que demonstrou a aplicabilidade da metodologia Interad. / This work presents the development of a design methodology of digital educational material (MEDs). Throughout this study we consider digital resources implemented with the objective related to learning as MEDs. In view of the bibliographical review undertaken, it was seen that studies related to the development of this type of material don't take into account issues related to the design of the graphical interface. On the other hand, the methodologies available for graphic design have a commercial focus, which makes them unsuitable for the implementation of MED. By means of survey of educational studies for the implementation of MED and design methodologies of interfaces in general, insight was gained for the development of a new methodology with an educational focus. The methodology build was tested in a study case done with researchers of Nucleus of Technology applied to Education (NUTED/UFRGS). After this study, the methodology was redesigned and named Interad (Interactive Digital Interfaces applied to Education). As a way to validate the Interad methodology was conducted a training course for the production of MED at the Department of Distance Education (SEAD/UFRGS). As an aid to this course was developed a learning object that presents the methodology with examples and challenges for practical implementation. Students who attended the course satisfactorily met the challenges presented, demonstrating the applicability of the Interad methodology.
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INSTRUMEDS : um instrumento para materiais educacionais digitais em dispositivos móveis para idososGrande, Tássia Priscila Fagundes January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre a importância da usabilidade no desenvolvimento de materiais educacionais digitais em dispositivos móveis voltados para o publico idoso. Para tanto, teve como objetivo construir um instrumento que possa auxiliar no processo de criação e avaliação de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs) para dispositivos móveis voltados para o público idoso, denominado InstrUMEDS. As características da tecnologia digital podem instigar o uso pelos idosos que buscam um contato maior com a família e amigos ou simplesmente para se mantiver atualizado. Entre as tecnologias digitais, os dispositivos móveis, como smartphone e tablet, se tornaram atrativos pela facilidade na comunicação e mobilidade. Portanto, o aumento da procura por estas tecnologias, por parte dos idosos, possibilitou que diferentes estudos sejam realizados sobre usabilidade para estes dispositivos. Entendese que usabilidade é o fator que assegura que os produtos sejam eficientes, agradáveis e fáceis de usar, do ponto de vista do usuário. Neste sentido, é pertinente a construção de materiais educacionais digitais para atender os idosos, considerando não somente suas necessidades cognitivas e motoras, mas também seu contexto social e conhecimentos prévios de vida. Materiais educacionais digitais são aqueles que apresentam recursos digitais na sua elaboração. A metodologia deste estudo se constitui como quali-quantitativa, do tipo design science research. Os sujeitos da pesquisa selecionados foram 23 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados três tipos de instrumentos: questionário, entrevista e observação participante. A partir da coleta de dados foi possível delimitar três categorias, bem como seus respectivos indicadores. Foram avaliados e validados 18 indicadores: Tecnológica (2 indicadores), Interface (10 indicadores) e Gerontoeducacional (7 indicadores). Para cada categoria é apresenta uma abordagem específica das áreas a serem consideradas, possibilitando, de forma significativa, a construção e avaliação dos MEDs para dispositivos móveis. Entende-se que o material resultante poderá possibilitar uma maior inclusão social para os idosos, pois o uso de materiais educacionais digitais apropriados em dispositivos móveis pode motivá-los a buscar novos horizontes e conhecimentos. / This paper discusses the importance of usability in the development of digital educational materials for mobile devices aimed at the elderly public. The goal was to build a tool that can assist in the creation and evaluation of digital educational materials (DEM) for mobile devices for the elderly in which was called InstrUMEDS. As characteristics of digital technology can instigate the use by the elderly who seek greater contact with family and friends or just to keep up. Among digital technologies, mobile devices such as smartphone and tablet, have become attractive for ease of communication and mobility. Therefore, the increased demand for these technologies, for the elderly, allowed different studies be conducted on usability for these devices. Usability is the factor that ensures that products are efficient, pleasant and easy to use, the user's point of view In this sense, it is pertinent to building digital educational materials to meet the elderly, considering not only their cognitive and motor needs but also its social context and previous knowledge of life. digital educational materials are those with digital resources in their manufacture. The methodology of this study is as qualitative and quantitative type design science research. The subjects of the research were selected 23 elderly aged over 60 years. For data collection were used three types of instruments: questionnaire, interview and participant observation. From the data collection it was possible to identify three categories and their respective indicators. They were assessed and validated 18 indicators Technology (2 indicators), interface (10 indicators) and gerontology-educational (7 indicators). For each category is presents a specific approach to the areas to be considered, allowing significantly, the construction and evaluation of MEDs for mobile devices. It is understood that the resulting material could enable greater social inclusion for the elderly, because the use of educational materials suitable for mobile devices can motivate them to seek new horizons and knowledge.
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Výukový materiál - získávání a zpracování dat v tabulkovém kalkulátoru / Educational materials - gathering and processing data in a spreadsheetFARKA, František January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to create a teaching material which will introduce the secondary school students to the issue of getting and processing information and data, as well as their consequent practical usage. My thesis has the form of an analysis of the subject matter, includes a suggestion and possible application of the teaching material with the focus on maximum usage of pupil?s individual work, research methods and project teaching. This teaching material will be aimed at pupils between 12 and 16 years of age and it can be used during optional lessons or in various IT hobby clubs for teenagers.
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Jämställdhet i engelska läromedel : - En läromedelsanalys av könsidentiteter och sexuella läggningarNilsson, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
This study compares two educational materials for English education on how different genderidentities and sexualities are represented in text and illustrations. The curriculum for the Swedish school (Skolverket 2016, Lgr11) is based on a value system, one of equality. The equality program in the curriculum includes awareness of and respect toward different genders, and is against offensive treatment based on excessive gender expressions, sexualities, ethnicities, body capabilities, religions, and age. Traditional gender roles are to be questioned and countervailed, so that all children can develop their own personal qualities and interests without the influences of gender standards. The equality program is meant to be a part of the daily learning environment. Educational materials should therefor reflect diversity, according to the value system (Berge, 2011). Pupils can read many different educational texts each da y, and reflect on illustrations and pictures. All these materials can affect pupils’ values and standards. Indeed, pupils can learn more than English when the educational materials covers more than the subjects’ core information.
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Interad : uma metodologia para design de interface de materiais educacionais digitaisPassos, Paula Caroline Schifino Jardim January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para design de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs). Neste estudo, considera-se como MED os recursos digitais elaborados com objetivos relacionados à aprendizagem. Mediante a revisão bibliográfica realizada foi verificado que os estudos referentes ao desenvolvimento desses tipos de materiais não contemplam de forma adequada questões relativas ao design gráfico de interface. Por outro lado, as metodologias disponíveis para design de interface têm foco comercial, não sendo ideais para a elaboração de MED. Por meio do levantamento de estudos educacionais para elaboração de MED e de metodologias de design de interfaces em geral, adquiriu-se referencial para o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia com foco educacional. A metodologia construída foi testada em um estudo de caso realizado com pesquisadores do Núcleo de Tecnologia Aplicada à Educação (NUTED/UFRGS). Após este estudo, a metodologia foi reformulada e recebeu o nome de Interad (Interfaces Interativas Digitais aplicadas à Educação). Como forma de validação da metodologia Interad foi realizado, junto à Secretaria de Educação a Distância (SEAD/UFRGS), um curso para capacitação na produção de MED. Como recurso auxiliar a este curso foi desenvolvido um objeto de aprendizagem que apresenta a metodologia acrescida de exemplos e desafios para sua aplicação prática. Os alunos do curso cumpriram satisfatoriamente os desafios propostos, o que demonstrou a aplicabilidade da metodologia Interad. / This work presents the development of a design methodology of digital educational material (MEDs). Throughout this study we consider digital resources implemented with the objective related to learning as MEDs. In view of the bibliographical review undertaken, it was seen that studies related to the development of this type of material don't take into account issues related to the design of the graphical interface. On the other hand, the methodologies available for graphic design have a commercial focus, which makes them unsuitable for the implementation of MED. By means of survey of educational studies for the implementation of MED and design methodologies of interfaces in general, insight was gained for the development of a new methodology with an educational focus. The methodology build was tested in a study case done with researchers of Nucleus of Technology applied to Education (NUTED/UFRGS). After this study, the methodology was redesigned and named Interad (Interactive Digital Interfaces applied to Education). As a way to validate the Interad methodology was conducted a training course for the production of MED at the Department of Distance Education (SEAD/UFRGS). As an aid to this course was developed a learning object that presents the methodology with examples and challenges for practical implementation. Students who attended the course satisfactorily met the challenges presented, demonstrating the applicability of the Interad methodology.
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Propuesta de marco referencial para el mejoramiento del proceso de distribución de materiales educativos. Caso de estudio: UGEL Andahuaylas / Referential framework proposal for the improvement of the process of distribution of educational materials. Study Case: UGEL AndahuaylasRamos Vega, Ruth Liseth, Rojas Bruckmann, Maia Libertad, Vargas Mires, Silvia, Villavicencio Jimenez, Gladys Mariella, Valenzuela Rodriguez de Reto, Carolina Lucia Elizabeth 28 November 2019 (has links)
La limitada disponibilidad de materiales educativos en términos de llegada oportuna, suficiente y en buen estado se ha mantenido a lo largo de los años en el Perú, con mayor incidencia en las zonas rurales, toda vez que dichos materiales no llegan a los estudiantes al inicio del año escolar, afectando el logro de sus aprendizajes y dificultando al docente la preparación oportuna de sus clases.
Con este objetivo, el presente trabajo de investigación plantea el desarrollo de un marco referencial que propone estrategias y acciones a tomar en cuenta, en función a los actores involucrados y los tipos de problemas identificados, teniendo como referencia los principios del Gobierno Abierto, a fin de promover la acción intersectorial y comunitaria de los actores locales, y de esta manera, mejorar y optimizar el proceso de distribución de materiales educativos, el mismo que busca ser replicable a nivel nacional.
Finalmente, el presente trabajo de investigación busca contribuir con la mejora en la calidad y equidad de la educación, enfocándose en uno de los factores que inciden en el logro del aprendizaje de los estudiantes, esto es, la limitada disponibilidad de materiales educativos impresos en el aula. Para ello, se ha tomado como caso de estudio el proceso de distribución de materiales educativos de las II.EE comprendidas en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa de Andahuaylas, en adelante UGEL Andahuaylas. / The limited availability of educational materials in terms of timely arrival, sufficient and in good condition has been maintained throughout the years in Peru, with greater incidence in rural areas, since such materials do not reach students at the beginning of the school year, affecting the achievement of their learning and making it difficult for teachers to prepare their classes in a timely manner.
With this objective, the present research work proposes the development of a referential framework that proposes strategies and actions to be taken into account, depending on the actors involved and the types of problems identified, having as reference the principles of Open Government, in order to promote the intersectoral and community action of local actors, and in this way, improve and optimize the process of distribution of educational materials, which seeks to be replicable at the national level.
Finally, this research work seeks to contribute to the improvement in the quality and equity of education, focusing on one of the factors that influence student learning achievement, that is, the limited availability of printed educational materials in the classroom. For this, the process of distribution of educational materials of the II.EE included in the Educational Management Unit of Andahuaylas, hereinafter UGEL Andahuaylas has been taken as a case study. / Trabajo de investigación
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