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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dialog, engagemang & neutralitet : Vad gör en professionell facilitator? / Dialogue, Commitment & Neutrality : Skills of a Professional Facilitator

Dunne, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
I denna uppsats ställer jag mig frågan vilken praktisk kunskap jag har, i min yrkesroll som professionell facilitator.  En professionell facilitator är en för gruppen neutral mötesledare vars huvudsakliga syfte är att planera, förbereda och genomföra arbetsmöten och workshops som bygger på dialog, engagemang och delaktighet. Inte sällan med inriktning på erfarenhetsutbyte och kunskapsutveckling. Men, vad är det jag gör när jag skapar delaktighet och engagemang i en grupp, när jag får deltagarna att se sakfrågan i ett större sammanhang och genom olika metodval ger dem förutsättningar till konstruktiva dialoger? När jag underlättar för deltagare att inte bara närvara fysiskt under ett möte utan säkerställer att alla i gruppen aktivt deltar och bidrar till ett konkret resultat. Uppsatsen har skrivits inom ramen för magisterprogrammet i yrkeskunnande och professionsutveckling vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö under våren 2013. Empirin utgörs av de reflekterande texter som jag har skrivit inom ramen för kurserna mellan åren 2011-2013, baserade på 18 års erfarenhet av att leda och facilitera arbetsmöten och workshops. Mina erfarenheter har jag kopplat ihop med de olika teorierna inom ämnesområdet yrkeskunnande och professionsutveckling. Resultatet av uppsatsen vittnar om att mina erfarenheter och min praktiska kunskap har jag fått genom att öva och utveckla en känsla för olika människors och gruppers beteenden. Jag har också utvecklat en förtrogenhetskunskap beträffande vilka metoder och tekniker som fungerar i olika situationer och för olika sakfrågor. Varje möte som jag leder är direktsändning och det finns aldrig någon möjlighet att generalrepetera några repliker. I realtid reflekterar och analyserar jag vad som händer i gruppen. Jag använder olika metoder och tekniker. Planerat eller improviserat. Jag kallar det ibland för planerad improvisation. Jag kommer nämligen alltid väl förberedd och med en skräddarsydd mötesplan i handen, för att i själva mötessituationen kunna improvisera. Det är något jag vet av erfarenhet alltid blir fallet. Vad som kommer att hända under ett möte går aldrig att förutse. För att lyckas med denna konst behöver facilitatorn tro på varje individs lika värde, bortse från förutfattade meningar, lyssna och höra, både vad som sägs, men också lyssna efter vad som inte sägs. Facilitatorn underlättar för gruppen genom att driva mötet framåt utifrån ett specifikt syfte och önskat slutresultat. Att som facilitator vara mentalt närvarande under hela mötet och förhålla sig neutral till sakfrågan, gruppen och slutresultatet, men även till uppdragsgivaren, även om det är svårt, är kärnan i facilitatorns yrkesroll. Uppdragsgivarens betydelse ska aldrig underskattas och jag har myntat följande uttryck: Jag kan aldrig facilitera ett möte bättre än vad min uppdragsgivare tillåter. / This thesis explores a number of questions around the skills of a Professional Facilitator. It has been completed as part of the Programme on Skill and Professional Development, within the Faculty of Technology at Linneaus University, Sweden. A Professional Facilitator is a person who is both neutral to the group, and the subject under discussion. The facilitator plans, prepares, and runs workshops where dialogue, commitment and neutrality all play a central role. The practical insights presented within, are derived from the texts that I have submitted as part of the programme requirements during 2011-2013. The insights are based on my direct experience from facilitating professional workshops over the last 18 years. These insights have been presented in the context of the relevant literature and research within the areas of skill and technology. The conclusions from my work clearly show that the development of my skills is as much grounded in a structured approach to continued Professional Development as it is in experiential learning. I have developed skills regarding group dynamics, as well as methods and tools that can be appropriately applied in different contexts, subjects and groups. Every meeting I facilitate is completed in real-time, which means that I do not have the opportunity to rehearse or prepare for all eventualities. However, I am always very well prepared and have a tailor-made plan for every meeting. Improvisation is key, and is always required no matter what level of planning has been completed. My experience clearly shows that a Professional Facilitator needs to believe in the individuals potential, show no prejudice, and listen and hear what is being said both directly and indirectly. A facilitator needs to be alert throughout the whole meeting and take a neutral stance in relation to the group, the subject and the Meeting Sponsor.

Jüngerschaft und Mission: der Nachfolgebegriff und seine Konsequenzen für die missionale Befähigung / Discipleship and mission: the concept of discipleship and its implications for the missional empowerment

Ramp, Stephan 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German and English / In der Auseinandersetzung um Mission in einer zunehmend nach-christlichen Zeit und die Rolle der Kirche darin findet das Konzept der Jüngerschaft vermehrt Beachtung. Dieses wachsende Interesse an Jüngerschaft entspringt der Überzeugung, dass Mission die Angelegenheit aller Gläubigen ist und diese deshalb dazu befähigt werden sollen. In der näheren Betrachtung dieser Diskussion fällt gleichzeitig auf, dass die Konturen dieses Konzeptes oftmals unscharf sind und es in seiner Verwendung unterschiedliche Akzentsetzungen erfährt. Diese Studie will einen Beitrag zur Klärung und Konkretisierung des Jüngerschaftsbegriffs leisten und damit Jüngerschaft als eine Befähigung zur Mission weiter fruchtbar machen. Dazu wurde sowohl missionstheologische als auch biblisch theologische Literatur untersucht, um den Zusammenhang von Jüngerschaft und Mission zu begründen und zu einer inhaltlichen Konkretion von Jüngerschaft zu gelangen. Mit den Ergebnissen wurden dann Konsequenzen für das Missionsverständnis und die missionale Befähigung formuliert, und 3DM wurde als Beispiel eines praktischen Ansatzes einer solchen Befähigung ins Gespräch gebracht. / In the discussion about mission in an increasingly post-Christendom era and the role of the church in it, the concept of discipleship is receiving increased attention. This growing interest stems from the belief that mission is the concern of all believers and that they must therefore be empowered for it. A closer look at this discussion shows that the contours of this concept are often fuzzy and used in different emphasis. This study wants to make a contribution to the clarification and concretization of the concept of discipleship and to make it further fruitful as an empowerment for mission. For this purpose, both missiological and biblical-theological literature was examined in order to establish the connection between discipleship and mission and to arrive at a clarification and concretization of the concept of discipleship. The results were then used to formulate consequences for the understanding of mission and missional empowerment and were discussed with 3DM as an example of a practical approach to such an empowerment. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

The Swiss missionaries' management of social transformation in South Africa (1873-1976)

Masumbe, Benneth Mhlakaza Chabalala 25 August 2009 (has links)
This research surveys the Swiss missionaries' management of social transformation in South Africa (1873-1973). It has as its major focus the management of schools, hospitals and churches as the primary institutions of social change in society. The researcher's realisation that more often than not, the changes brought to bear on proselytes by the change forces take time to manifest themselves vividly induced him to extend the scope to include the dawn of the new political dispensation in this country in 1994. This need not surprise the readership as the triadic approach, which is synonymous with historical analyses compels researchers to avail readers of what happened in the past, present as well as what is likely to occur in future. In other words, readers will encounter the ethnic nationalism engineered by different change agents in this country and the repercussions thereof, and the schism within the Swiss Mission in South Africa/Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa that started in 1989 and became reality in 1991. Finally, the thesis also appraises readers of what should be done in periods of rapid social change. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)

The Swiss Missionaries' educational endeavour as a means for social transformation in South Africa (1873-1975)

Masumbe, Benneth Mhlakaza Chabalala 06 1900 (has links)
This research traces the developments in Europe that led to a rush for foreign missions i different parts of the world, with specific reference to South Africa. It describes the operations of the Swiss missionaries in South Africa from 1873 to 1975. This study also evaluates the motives for the evangelization of the African masses, and contradictions th existed in the relations that missionaries had with proselytes during the period under review. The sterling contributions of black evangelists in this period are demonstrated. It cannot be denied that the Swiss missionaries did a lot of good to the indigenous populac of South Africa-the importance of their services at Lemana Training Institution (1906) and Elim Hospital (1899) are indelibly inscribed in our historiography. They should also applauded for their response to the plight of the Shangaans, who had for reasons unkno to the researcher been by-passed by other missions during the "scramble for mission fields". But the missionaries also had their shortcomings, for instance their failure to ind the state to remove capital punishment from the statute books. They may nonetheless stil continue to be used by the present government of South Africa to assist in carrying the social transformation process forward. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

The Swiss missionaries' management of social transformation in South Africa (1873-1976)

Masumbe, Benneth Mhlakaza Chabalala 25 August 2009 (has links)
This research surveys the Swiss missionaries' management of social transformation in South Africa (1873-1973). It has as its major focus the management of schools, hospitals and churches as the primary institutions of social change in society. The researcher's realisation that more often than not, the changes brought to bear on proselytes by the change forces take time to manifest themselves vividly induced him to extend the scope to include the dawn of the new political dispensation in this country in 1994. This need not surprise the readership as the triadic approach, which is synonymous with historical analyses compels researchers to avail readers of what happened in the past, present as well as what is likely to occur in future. In other words, readers will encounter the ethnic nationalism engineered by different change agents in this country and the repercussions thereof, and the schism within the Swiss Mission in South Africa/Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa that started in 1989 and became reality in 1991. Finally, the thesis also appraises readers of what should be done in periods of rapid social change. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)

The Swiss Missionaries' educational endeavour as a means for social transformation in South Africa (1873-1975)

Masumbe, Benneth Mhlakaza Chabalala 06 1900 (has links)
This research traces the developments in Europe that led to a rush for foreign missions i different parts of the world, with specific reference to South Africa. It describes the operations of the Swiss missionaries in South Africa from 1873 to 1975. This study also evaluates the motives for the evangelization of the African masses, and contradictions th existed in the relations that missionaries had with proselytes during the period under review. The sterling contributions of black evangelists in this period are demonstrated. It cannot be denied that the Swiss missionaries did a lot of good to the indigenous populac of South Africa-the importance of their services at Lemana Training Institution (1906) and Elim Hospital (1899) are indelibly inscribed in our historiography. They should also applauded for their response to the plight of the Shangaans, who had for reasons unkno to the researcher been by-passed by other missions during the "scramble for mission fields". But the missionaries also had their shortcomings, for instance their failure to ind the state to remove capital punishment from the statute books. They may nonetheless stil continue to be used by the present government of South Africa to assist in carrying the social transformation process forward. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

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