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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taikomosios kūno kultūros efektyvumas pacientams po galvos smegenų insulto, siekiant funkcinio nepriklausomumo / Effciency of the applied physical training in the restoration of functional independence of patiens suffering from the effects of brain insult

Grušaitė, Vaida 08 June 2006 (has links)
Brain insult is one of the main medical – social problems of current concern, both due to the high death-rate and severe residual physical disability caused by this illness. So far, one of the rehabilitation program elements, very widely discussed as a measure helping to recover functional independence of patients suffering from the after-effects of insult, is kinesitherapy. Implementation of the applied physical training in rehabilitation is not widely discussed yet. The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of educational experimental motor training program in the development of functional independence. Tasks of this study are as follows: • To assess the functional state of patients suffering from the effects of insult before rehabilitation; • To develop an education kinetic training program; • To assess the change functional state indicators at the end of rehabilitation period. • To assess the efficiency of experimental educational motor training program. This research has been conducted in a Public Institution Mazeikiai Hospital, in the department of in-patient rehabilitation, from 30 September 2004 to 29 December 2005. 80 brain insult patients were covered by this study. All of them were subdivided into two groups of 40 individuals in each: comparison group (CG) and experimental group (EG). A therapy of physical exercises was applied to the control group, while the experimental group underwent experimental educational motor training program. ... [to full text]

Senyvo amžiaus žmonių stacionarios globos paslaugų ekonominis ir socialinis efektyvumas / Economic efficiency and effectiveness of the institutional care sevices for the elderly people

Bikmanienė, Raimonda 24 May 2005 (has links)
In the context of integration of the Lithuanian social service sector into the international social security system of the European Union where relations of market economy are getting more and more stronger, it is important to substantiate the trends and priorities for efficient development of the mentioned services. In order to ensure rendering of one of the types of the mentioned services – institutional care services – for elderly population not only by the objective structure and scope, but also to ensure sufficient funding thereof, it is necessary to identify the priorities and principles of efficient rendering of the mentioned services. Researches carried out in the European Union show that most of the goals of effectiveness of institutional care services (further – “the ICS”) for the elderly are short-term, driven to technical efficiency, where efforts are taken to render maximal quantity of services (of the definite quality) for the minimal ICS costs. However, the increasing need for these services in a result of new changes in the structure and values of the society is not adequate to public resources and does not ensure satisfaction of the ICS need either.

Akcijų vertinimo modelių taikymas Lietuvos Vertybinių popierių rinkoje / Stock valuation models and their application in lithuanian stock market

Jankauskas, Simonas 25 June 2014 (has links)
Teoriškai, akcijos rinkos kaina bei jos vidinė ir investicinė vertės efektyvioje rinkoje turėtų būti lygios. Tačiau visuotinai pripažįstama, kad rinka nėra visiškai efektyvi. Todėl prieš investuojant į akcijas būtina jas vertinti siekiant nustatyti jų tikrąsias vertes ir palyginti jas su šiuo metu rinkoje esančiomis šių akcijų rinkos kainomis. Darbe nagrinėjami vieni iš seniausiųjų fundamentaliųjų akcijų vertinimo modelių, turintys didžiausią ekonominį pagrindimą: dividendų diskontavimo ir kainos – pelno modeliai. Tačiau identifikuojamas nežinomas modelių taikymo efektyvumas besivystančiose, jaunose ir modeliais nepatikrintose akcijų rinkose. Todėl iškeliamas tikslas išnagrinėti akcijų vertinimo modelius ir įvertinti jų taikymo galimybes bei efektyvumą Lietuvos VP rinkoje. Siekiant tikslo nagrinėjami dividendų diskontavimo bei kainos – pelno modeliai, nustatomos jų taikymo galimybės bei teikiama nauda. Vertinamas jų taikymo efektyvumas Lietuvos VP rinkoje: tyrimo metu kiekvieno iš modelių pagalba apskaičiuojamos tikrosios akcijų vertės 2001-2007 metams pagal sekančių trijų metų faktinius duomenis. Gautos vertės lyginamos su rinkos kainomis bei priimami investavimo sprendimai. Pagal tikrąsias akcijų vertes ir priimtus investavimo sprendimus sudaromi atskiri investiciniai portfeliai. Pritaikius dividendų diskontavimo modelį nustatyta, kad šis modelis gali būti taikomas Lietuvos VP rinkoje ir dažniausiai efektyviai nustatyti rinkos neįvertintas akcijas, kas ypač svarbu vidutinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theoretically, market price of a stock in efficient market should be equal to its intrinsic value. Nevertheless publicly agreed, that market is not fully efficient. That is why stock should be evaluated and its real intrinsic value should be determined as well as compared to market price before investing. This paper investigates ones of the oldest fundamental stock valuation models that have heaviest economic substantiation: dividend discount model and price – earnings model. However, unknown application efficiency of these models is identified in emerging, young and unchecked stock markets. That is why the goal of this paper is to analyze stock valuation models and evaluate their application possibilities and efficiency in Lithuanian stock market. Dividend discount model and price – earnings model are analyzed, their application possibilities as well as benefit are determined. Research of their application efficiency in Lithuanian stock market is performed: the intrinsic values of years 2001-2007 are calculated using both models according data of following three years. Intrinsic values are compared with market prices. Investment decisions are made according those comparisons. Moreover, using information of intrinsic values and made investment decisions, investment portfolios are constructed. While dividend discount model have been tested, it was ascertained that this model can be applied in Lithuanian stock market and in most cases could determine undervalued stocks –... [to full text]

Fizinės aplinkos įtaka pardavimo efektyvumui / The influence of physical environment on sales effectiveness

Tamušauskas, Virginijus 26 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Fiziniai aplinkos elementai vadinami paslaugų pagrindu, kuris apima visus organizacijos fizinius elementus, leidžiančius vartotojams ne tik numatyti paslaugų kokybę, bet ir susidaryti įmonės įvaizdį. Kadangi paslauga yra neapčiuopiama, norint sukurti vizualią asociaciją, reikia išryškinti su ta paslauga susijusius regimus materialinius dalykus (patalpas, paslaugą teikiančių asmenų išvaizdos detales), taip pat nemažai dėmesio skiriama pastato fasadui, interjerui, patalpų išplanavimui ir panašiai. Tuo siekiama sukurti tam tikrą vientisą stilių, kuris pabrėžtų pageidaujamos paslaugos savybes. Kuriant fizinę aplinką, reikia sukurti tokią fizinę aplinką, kad svečias pajustų paslaugos naudą, pasijustų laukiamas ir gerbiamas. Pardavimo efektyvumas prekybos ploto aplinkoje yra vienas svarbiausių faktorių prekybinėms kompanijoms. Todėl yra labai svarbu suvokti ir pritaikyti fizinės aplinkos elementus taip, kad sukurtoji prekybinio ploto fizinė aplinka skatintų potencialų vartotoją įsigyti prekes ar paslaugas. Mokslinė problema, jos aktualumas. Fizinės aplinkos įtaka mažmeninės prekybos rentabilumui pasaulinės praktikos kontekste, problemos tyrimas Lietuvoje iki šiol nebuvo plačiai išvystytas, kadangi nebuvo labai didelio tokios veiklos poreikio. A. Pajuodis (2005) įvardija dvi tokio fenomeno priežastis: akademinis problemos naujumas ir problemos neišryškinimas praktinėje organizacijų veikloje. Galima būtų suformuoti ir trečią priežastį – organizacijų vadovų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / TAMUŠAUSKAS, Virginijus. (2010) .The Influence of Physical Education on Sales Efficiency. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 72 p. SUMMARY Theme relevance. The elements of physical environment are the foundation of service, because it is intangible. The firms have to create visual association on purpose to develop tangible assets – interior, place arrangement, presence of employees etc. It is essencial to create such physical environment where consumer feels the benefits of service before he/she tries it. The goal of every firm is to get revenue and profit – physical environment can promote the sales together with revenue if it is well organized. The subject of this research – the elements of physical environment that promote sales efficiency. The goals of search work: 1. To present comprehensive theoretical grounding about the influence of physical environment on sales efficiency according to various scientific literature. 2. To develop theoretical model of ideal physical environment which promote sales. 3. To fulfil the analysis of physical environment usage on sales efficiency promotion. 4. To accomplish experimental research using physical environment as sales promotion tool. 5. To improve designed ideal physical environment model with the conclusions of experimental research. The main conclusions. The physical environment is a part of „7P“ complex and involves the exterior, the interior, the equipment and the tools of... [to full text]

Pedaliavimo dažnio įtaka dviratininkų vegetacinių sistemų rodikliams nuosekliai didinamo krūvio metu / The effect of pedaling rate to the indices of vegetative systems of cyclists during consistently increasing workload

Biga, Rūta 16 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study: to identify the effect of pedaling rate of cyclists to the indices of vegetative systems during consistently increasing workload. Hypothesis. We claimed that the rate of pedaling will have impact on some indices of cyclists’ vegetative systems during consistently increasing workload. The objectives 1. To evaluate the effect of pedaling rate to indices of maximal aerobic power. 2. To evaluate the effect of pedaling rate to indices of anaerobic metabolism threshold. 3. To identify the effect of pedaling rate to the efficiency of aerobic work. Subjects: 7 Lithuanian cyclists – the members of the selected. Their age: 18,1±2,04 years, height: 178±6,4 cm, and body mass 71,6±8,4 kg. The methods of the study: 1) the identification of aerobic fitness during the consistently increasing workload on the veloergometer with different pedaling rates (70, 90, 110 rpm). The warming-up was performed (10 min with the 50 W power). The initial testing load (20 W) was increased every 5 s, consistently by 2 W. The load was increased until the fatigue. After that the subject rested in lying position for 5 minutes. The workload was applied once a day; 3 tests were conducted during a week. 2) The first (VeT1) and the second (VeT2) ventilatory thresholds were determined according to the dependence of lungs ventilation and also of ventilatory oxygen and CO2 equivalents on the power of the work. After 5 minutes of the rest period the capillary blood samples were taken from the... [to full text]

AB banko „Snoras“ veiklos efektyvumo didinimo galimybės / The possibilities of efficiency growth of Snoras bank‘s activities

Biržietytė, Evelina 30 May 2006 (has links)
Theoretical and practical methods of assessment of the bank‘s activities of variuos foreign and Lithuanian authors are analyzed and systemized in the master‘s final paper. There are mentioned such methods of assessment of the bank‘s activities: Economic Value Added, Economical and book-keepinng methods of estimate of the bank‘s activities and ect. A great attention is turned on the role of risk management in the commercial bank and its influence on the rezults of bank‘s activities in this research work. The urgent problems of the bank‘s capital adequancy and liquidity management are investigated in the master‘s final paper. Moreover, the participation place of the bank is ascertained in the financial institutes‘ activity. Therefore, the analisys of the balance sheet of Snoras bank is carried out, the standarts of risk‘s limits are looked over and investment activities are evaluated in this work. The author‘s couched hypothesis of the scientific research that correctly chosen policy of assets management of the commercial bank has direct impact on the efficiency of the commercial bank‘s activities, is corroborated.

Gamybos efektyvumo rezervai uždaroje akcinėje bendrovėje "Terekas" / Reserves of manufacture efficiency in the Joint Stock Company “TEREKAS”

Mituzaitė, Rimantė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe apžvelgiami ir išsamiai išanalizuojami gamybinės įmonės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo principai, vertinimo galimybės bei metodologija. Remiantis kitų šalių patirtimi bei teorinėmis žiniomis, apsvarstytos efektyvumo gerinimo alternatyvos. Iš gautų UAB “Terekas” finansinės analizės rezultatų, atliktas pagrindinių veiklos efektyvumą įtakojančių rodiklių prognozavimas, pasitelkiant koreliacinės regresinės analizės bei eksponentinių reikšmių lyginimo skaičiavimo būdus atlikta pardavimų apimties prognozė, bendrojo bei grynojo pelno prognozės 2008-2009 metams, įvertinta įmonės bankroto tikimybė bei stabilaus augimo koeficientas. Pagal gautus rezultatus, pateiktos rekomendacijos veiklos (gamybos) efektyvumui gerinti. Patvirtinama autorės suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad gamybinės įmonės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo rodikliai atskleidžia įmonės finansinę padėtį ir leidžia spręsti apie įmonės veiklos efektyvumą. / This Master thesis contains a review and a thorough analysis of production company’s principles of activity effectiveness evaluation, evaluation possibilities and methodology. With reference to the experience of foreign countries and theoretical knowledge, the alternatives of effectiveness improvement were discussed. The results of financial analysis were received. Thus the forecast of the main influencing indicators of the activity effectiveness was accomplished. With the help of correlation and regressive analysis as well as the calculating ways of comparing exponential values, sales volume, profit and gross profit for 2008-2009 were forecasted. The possibility of bankrupt and the coefficient of steady progress were evaluated. According to the gained results, the recommendations of improvement of activity (production) effectiveness were proposed. The scientific hypothesis of the author was proven. It claims that the evaluation indicators of a production company’s activity effectiveness reveal the financial state of a company and let decide about a company’s activity effectiveness.

Lietuvos švietimo akcijų efektyvumas / Effectiveness of Education Actions in Lithuania

Valainienė, Laura 16 August 2007 (has links)
Pristatoma ryšių su visuomene svarba, taip pat analizuojamas švietimo akcijų populiarinimas visuomenei. Pristatoma Lietuvos švietimo sistema. Žvelgiama į skirtingus požiūrius, kaip reikia pateikti visuomenei informaciją apie vis didėjančias problemas. Siekiant parodyti, kokį poveikį visuomenei apie aktualias problemas ir klausimus gali daryti žiniasklaida, darbe aptariami žiniasklaidos darbo procesai, žiniasklaidos naudojami teoriniai mechanizmai ir modeliai, kuriais žiniasklaida vadovaujasi lemdama ir formuodama visuomenės nuomonę ir kaip žinios yra suvokiamos ir įvertinamos žiniasklaidos vartotojų. Taip pat nagrinėjama, ar žiniasklaida tinkamai atlieka savo funkcijas, kokie svarbiausi žiniasklaidoje vykstantys procesai, kokių pasekmių gali turėti švietimo sferai žiniasklaidos formuojamas įvaizdis. / The objective of the paper is to analyze the effectiveness of Lithuanian educational actions as well as to identify the problems and solutions to them in the course of those actions. The object of the paper is the educational actions organized in Lithuania as well as the point of view of teachers and pupils from Salcininkai region, and Vilnius city to educational actions, their causes and evaluation of them. The paper comprises the opinion of officials from The Ministry Of Education and Science.

Gimdos kaklelio vėžio atrankinės patikros programos eigos 2004-2005 metais Lietuvoje vertinimas / Estimation of a course of screening of a cervical cancer in Lithuania 2004-2005

Michailova, Julija 04 March 2009 (has links)
Lietuvoje gimdos kaklelio patologijos skriningo programa pradėta vykdyti nuo 2004 m. liepos mėnesio. Į gimdos kaklelio patikros programą įtrauktos 30-60 metų moterys. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti pradinį 2004-2005 metų gimdos kaklelio skriningo etapą. Tiriamoji medžiaga: kviestos moterys, atliktų citologinių tepinėlių skaičius, gimdos kaklelio vėžio atvejai ir karcinomos in situ atvejai. Nagrinėta: kvietimo rodikliai, citologinio tepinėlio rodikliai, gimdos kaklelio karcinomos atvejai pagal stadijas, karcinomos in situ kitimas pagal metus, santykis tarp karcinomos ir karcinomos in situ pagal pusmečius. Isvados: gimdos kaklelio skriningo programa vyksta, bet jos apimtys nepakankamos. / The screening program of the pathology of cervical cancer has been carried in Lithuania since July 2004. Women, in the age range 30 - 60, were involved in this cervical cancer screening program. The aim of this study: to estimate the primary stage of the cervical cancer screening program in the year 2004 - 2005. Methods and materials: women invited for the checkup; number of the cytological swabs; cases of the cervical cancer carcinoma, distinguish by the stages of the cervical cancer; variation of the carcinoma in situ by the years; proportion between carcinoma and carcinoma in situ by the half-years. Conclusion: The cervical cancer screening program is carried on, but the extent of it is not sufficient.

Socialinių institucijų vadovų veiklos efektyvumo prielaidos / Efficiency of social institution leaders

Kazlauskienė, Rasa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šitas darbas yra apie socialinių institucijų vadovų veiklos efektyvumą. Jo tikslas atskleisti vadovų veiklos efektyvumo prielaidas. / This work teels about social institutions’ leaders’ activity efficiency. Its aim is to reveal leaders’ activity efficiency preconditions.

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