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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ICT Security of an Electronic Health Record System: an Empirical Investigation : An in depth investigation of ICT security in a modern healthcare system / ICT-säkerhet inom vårdsystem:en empirisk undersökning

Kvastad, Johan January 2016 (has links)
An empirical investigation of the security flaws and features of an in-use modern electronic health record system is performed. The investigation was carried out using dynamic analysis, manual testing and interviews with developers. The results indicate that in-use electronic health record systems suffer from serious authentication flaws, arising from the interaction of many different proprietary systems. The authentication problems are so severe that gaining access to any user’s computer on the hospital intranet would compromise a large database of patient medical records, including radiological data regarding the patients. Common web vulnerabilities were also present, such as injections and incorrectly configured HTTP security headers. These vulnerabilities were heavily mitigated by the use of libraries for constructing web interfaces. / En empirisk undersökning av säkerheten inom ett modernt elektroniskt patientjournal-system har utförts. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av dynamisk analys, manuell testning och intervjuer med utvecklarna. Resultatet indikerar att system för elektroniska patientjournaler har stora brister inom autentisering, vilka uppstår p.g.a. att flera olika kommersiella system måste samarbeta. Problemen är så allvarliga att med tillgång till en enda dator på intranätet kan en stor databas med patientdata äventyras, inklusive radiologisk data gällande patienterna. Vanliga websårbarheter fanns också, så som injektioner av skript och inkorrekt konfigurerade HTTP säkerhetsheaders. Dessa sårbarheter mitigerades starkt genom användandet av bibliotek för webinterface.


Martínez Millana, Antonio 01 September 2017 (has links)
Health and sociological indicators confirm that life expectancy is increasing, and so, the years that patients have to live with chronic diseases and co-morbidities. Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases, specially linked to overweight and ages over sixty. As a metabolic disease, Type 2 Diabetes affects multiple organs by causing damage in blood vessels and nervous system at micro and macro scale. Mortality of subjects with diabetes is three times higher than the mortality for subjects with other chronic diseases. On the one hand, the management of diabetes is focused on the maintenance of the blood glucose levels under a threshold by the prescription of anti-diabetic drugs and a combination of healthy food habits and moderate physical activity. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of new strategies to delay and even prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes by a combination of active and healthy lifestyle on cohorts of mid to high risk subjects. On the other hand, prospective research has been driven on large groups of population to build risk scores which aim to obtain a rule for the classification of patients according to the odds for developing the disease. Currently there are more than two hundred models and risk scores for doing this, but a few have been properly evaluated in external groups and, to date, none of them has been tested on a population based study. The research study presented in this doctoral thesis strives to use externally validated risk scores for the prediction and detection of Type 2 Diabetes on a population data base in Hospital La Fe (Valencia, Spain). The study hypothesis is that the integration of existing prediction and detection risk scores on Electronic Health Records increases the early-detection of high risk cases. To evaluate this hypothesis three studies on the clinical, user and technology dimensions have been driven to evaluate the extent to which the models and the hospital is ready to exploit such models to identify high risk groups and drive efficient preventive strategies. The findings presented in this thesis suggest that Electronic Health Records are not prepared to massively feed risk models. Some of the evaluated models have shown a good classification performance, which accompanied to the well-acceptance of web-based tools and the acceptable technical performance of the information and communication technology system, suggests that after some work these models can effectively drive a new paradigm of active screening for Type 2 Diabetes. / Los indicadores de salud y sociológicos confirman que la esperanza de vida está aumentando, y por lo tanto, los años que los pacientes tienen que vivir con enfermedades crónicas y comorbilidades. Diabetes tipo 2 es una de las enfermedades crónicas más comunes, especialmente relacionadas con el sobrepeso y edades superiores a los sesenta años. Como enfermedad metabólica, la diabetes tipo 2 afecta a múltiples órganos causando daño en los vasos sanguíneos y el sistema nervioso a escala micro y macro. La mortalidad de sujetos con diabetes es tres veces mayor que la mortalidad de sujetos con otras enfermedades crónicas. Por un lado, la estrategia de manejo se centra en el mantenimiento de los niveles de glucosa en sangre bajo un umbral mediante la prescripción de fármacos antidiabéticos y una combinación de hábitos alimentarios saludables y actividad física moderada. Estudios recientes han demostrado la eficacia de nuevas estrategias para retrasar e incluso prevenir la aparición de la diabetes tipo 2 mediante una combinación de estilo de vida activo y saludable en cohortes de sujetos de riesgo medio a alto. Por otro lado, la investigación prospectiva se ha dirigido a grupos de la población para construir modelos de riesgo que pretenden obtener una regla para la clasificación de las personas según las probabilidades de desarrollar la enfermedad. Actualmente hay más de doscientos modelos de riesgo para hacer esta identificación, no obstante la inmensa mayoría no han sido debidamente evaluados en grupos externos y, hasta la fecha, ninguno de ellos ha sido probado en un estudio poblacional. El estudio de investigación presentado en esta tesis doctoral pretende utilizar modelos riesgo validados externamente para la predicción y detección de la Diabetes Tipo 2 en una base de datos poblacional del Hospital La Fe de Valencia (España). La hipótesis del estudio es que la integración de los modelos de riesgo de predicción y detección existentes la práctica clínica aumenta la detección temprana de casos de alto riesgo. Para evaluar esta hipótesis, se han realizado tres estudios sobre las dimensiones clínicas, del usuario y de la tecnología para evaluar hasta qué punto los modelos y el hospital están dispuestos a explotar dichos modelos para identificar grupos de alto riesgo y conducir estrategias preventivas eficaces. Los hallazgos presentados en esta tesis sugieren que los registros de salud electrónicos no están preparados para alimentar masivamente modelos de riesgo. Algunos de los modelos evaluados han demostrado un buen desempeño de clasificación, lo que acompañó a la buena aceptación de herramientas basadas en la web y el desempeño técnico aceptable del sistema de tecnología de información y comunicación, sugiere que después de algún trabajo estos modelos pueden conducir un nuevo paradigma de la detección activa de la Diabetes Tipo 2. / Els indicadors sociològics i de salut confirmen un augment en l'esperança de vida, i per tant, dels anys que les persones han de viure amb malalties cròniques i comorbiditats. la diabetis de tipus 2 és una de les malalties cròniques més comunes, especialment relacionades amb l'excés de pes i edats superiors als seixanta anys. Com a malaltia metabòlica, la diabetis de tipus 2 afecta múltiples òrgans causant dany als vasos sanguinis i el sistema nerviós a escala micro i macro. La mortalitat de subjectes amb diabetis és tres vegades superior a la mortalitat de subjectes amb altres malalties cròniques. D'una banda, l'estratègia de maneig se centra en el manteniment dels nivells de glucosa en sang sota un llindar mitjançant la prescripció de fàrmacs antidiabètics i una combinació d'hàbits alimentaris saludables i activitat física moderada. Estudis recents han demostrat l'eficàcia de noves estratègies per a retardar i fins i tot prevenir l'aparició de la diabetis de tipus 2 mitjançant una combinació d'estil de vida actiu i saludable en cohorts de subjectes de risc mitjà a alt. D'altra banda, la investigació prospectiva s'ha dirigit a grups específics de la població per construir models de risc que pretenen obtenir una regla per a la classificació de les persones segons les probabilitats de desenvolupar la malaltia. Actualment hi ha més de dos-cents models de risc per fer aquesta identificació, però la immensa majoria no han estat degudament avaluats en grups externs i, fins ara, cap d'ells ha estat provat en un estudi poblacional. L'estudi d'investigació presentat en aquesta tesi doctoral utilitza models de risc validats externament per a la predicció i detecció de diabetis de tipus 2 en una base de dades poblacional de l'Hospital La Fe de València (Espanya). La hipòtesi de l'estudi és que la integració dels models de risc de predicció i detecció existents la pràctica clínica augmenta la detecció de casos d'alt risc. Per avaluar aquesta hipòtesi, s'han realitzat tres estudis sobre les dimensions clíniques, de l'usuari i de la tecnologia per avaluar fins a quin punt els models i l'hospital estan disposats a explotar aquests models per identificar grups d'alt risc i conduir estratègies preventives. Les troballes presentades sugereixen que els registres de salut electrònics no estan preparats per alimentar massivament models de risc. Alguns dels models avaluats han demostrat una bona classificació, el que va acompanyar a la bona acceptació d'eines basades en el web i el rendiment tècnic acceptable del sistema de tecnologia d'informació i comunicacions implementat. La conclusió es que encara es necesari treball per que aquests models poden conduir un nou paradigma de la detecció activa de la diabetis de tipus 2. / Martínez Millana, A. (2017). ASSESSMENT OF RISK SCORES FOR THE PREDICTION AND DETECTION OF TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IN CLINICAL SETTINGS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86209

Building a semantic RESTFul API for achieving interoperability between a pharmacist and a doctor using JENA and FUSEKI

Sigwele, Tshiamo, Naveed, A., Hu, Yim Fun, Ali, M., Hou, Jiachen, Susanto, Misfa, Fitriawan, H. 05 January 2020 (has links)
Yes / Interoperability within different healthcare systems (clinics/hospitals/pharmacies) remains an issue of further research due to a barrier in sharing of the patient’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) information. To solve this problem, cross healthcare system collaboration is required. This paper proposes an interoperability framework that enables a pharmacist to access an electronic version of the patient’s prescription from the doctor using a RESTFul API with ease. Semantic technology standards like Web Ontology Language (OWL), RDF (Resource Description Framework) and SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) were used to implement the framework using JENA semantic framework tool to demonstrate how interoperability is achieved between a pharmacy and a clinic JENA was used to generate the ontology models for the pharmacy called pharmacy.rdf and clinic called clinic.rdf. The two models contain all the information from the two isolated systems. The JENA reasoner was used to merge the two ontology models into a single model.rdf file for easy querying with SPARQL. The model.rdf file was uploaded into a triple store database created using FUSEKI server. SPARQL Endpoint generated from FUSEKI was used to query the triple store database using a RESTFul API. The system was able to query the triple store database and output the results containing the prescription name and its details in JSON and XML formats which can be read by both machines and humans. / Supported by a Institutional Links grant, ID 261865161, under the Newton-Ristekdikti Fund partnership. The grant is funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and delivered by the British Council.


Boscá Tomás, Diego 05 April 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Healthcare domain produces and consumes big quantities of people's health data. Although data exchange is the norm rather than the exception, being able to access to all patient data is still far from achieved. Current developments such as personal health records will introduce even more data and complexity to the Electronic Health Records (EHR). Achieving semantic interoperability is one of the biggest challenges to overcome in order to benefit from all the information contained in the distributed EHR. This requires that the semantics of the information can be understood by all involved parties. It has been stablished that three layers are needed to achieve semantic interoperability: Reference models, clinical models (archetypes), and clinical terminologies. As seen in the literature, information models (reference models and clinical models) are lacking methodologies and tools to improve EHR systems and to develop new systems that can be semantically interoperable. The purpose of this thesis is to provide methodologies and tools for advancing the use of archetypes in three different scenarios: - Archetype definition over specifications with no dual model architecture native support. Any EHR architecture that directly or indirectly has the notion of detailed clinical models (such as HL7 CDA templates) can be potentially used as a reference model for archetype definition. This allows transforming single-model architectures (which contain only a reference model) into dual-model architectures (reference model with archetypes). A set of methodologies and tools has been developed to support the definition of archetypes from multiple reference models. - Data transformation. A complete methodology and tools are proposed to deal with the transformation of legacy data into XML documents compliant with the archetype and the underlying reference model. If the reference model is a standard then the transformation is a standardization process. The methodologies and tools allow both the transformation of legacy data and the transformation of data between different EHR standards. - Automatic generation of implementation guides and reference materials from archetypes. A methodology for the automatic generation of a set of reference materials is provided. These materials are useful for the development and use of EHR systems. These reference materials include data validators, example instances, implementation guides, human-readable formal rules, sample forms, mindmaps, etc. These reference materials can be combined and organized in different ways to adapt to different types of users (clinical or information technology staff). This way, users can include the detailed clinical model in their organization workflow and cooperate in the model definition. These methodologies and tools put clinical models as a key part of the system. The set of presented methodologies and tools ease the achievement of semantic interoperability by providing means for the semantic description, normalization, and validation of existing and new systems. / [ES] El sector sanitario produce y consume una gran cantidad de datos sobre la salud de las personas. La necesidad de intercambiar esta información es una norma más que una excepción, aunque este objetivo está lejos de ser alcanzado. Actualmente estamos viviendo avances como la medicina personalizada que incrementarán aún más el tamaño y complejidad de la Historia Clínica Electrónica (HCE). La consecución de altos grados de interoperabilidad semántica es uno de los principales retos para aprovechar al máximo toda la información contenida en las HCEs. Esto a su vez requiere una representación fiel de la información de tal forma que asegure la consistencia de su significado entre todos los agentes involucrados. Actualmente está reconocido que para la representación del significado clínico necesitamos tres tipos de artefactos: modelos de referencia, modelos clínicos (arquetipos) y terminologías. En el caso concreto de los modelos de información (modelos de referencia y modelos clínicos) se observa en la literatura una falta de metodologías y herramientas que faciliten su uso tanto para la mejora de sistemas de HCE ya existentes como en el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas con altos niveles de interoperabilidad semántica. Esta tesis tiene como propósito proporcionar metodologías y herramientas para el uso avanzado de arquetipos en tres escenarios diferentes: - Definición de arquetipos sobre especificaciones sin soporte nativo al modelo dual. Cualquier arquitectura de HCE que posea directa o indirectamente la noción de modelos clínicos detallados (por ejemplo, las plantillas en HL7 CDA) puede ser potencialmente usada como modelo de referencia para la definición de arquetipos. Con esto se consigue transformar arquitecturas de HCE de modelo único (solo con modelo de referencia) en arquitecturas de doble modelo (modelo de referencia + arquetipos). Se han desarrollado metodologías y herramientas que faciliten a los editores de arquetipos el soporte a múltiples modelos de referencia. - Transformación de datos. Se propone una metodología y herramientas para la transformación de datos ya existentes a documentos XML conformes con los arquetipos y el modelo de referencia subyacente. Si el modelo de referencia es un estándar entonces la transformación será un proceso de estandarización de datos. La metodología y herramientas permiten tanto la transformación de datos no estandarizados como la transformación de datos entre diferentes estándares. - Generación automática de guías de implementación y artefactos procesables a partir de arquetipos. Se aporta una metodología para la generación automática de un conjunto de materiales de referencia de utilidad en el desarrollo y uso de sistemas de HCE, concretamente validadores de datos, instancias de ejemplo, guías de implementación , reglas formales legibles por humanos, formularios de ejemplo, mindmaps, etc. Estos materiales pueden ser combinados y organizados de diferentes modos para facilitar que los diferentes tipos de usuarios (clínicos, técnicos) puedan incluir los modelos clínicos detallados en el flujo de trabajo de su sistema y colaborar en su definición. Estas metodologías y herramientas ponen los modelos clínicos como una parte clave en el sistema. El conjunto de las metodologías y herramientas presentadas facilitan la consecución de la interoperabilidad semántica al proveer medios para la descripción semántica, normalización y validación tanto de sistemas nuevos como ya existentes. / [CA] El sector sanitari produeix i consumeix una gran quantitat de dades sobre la salut de les persones. La necessitat d'intercanviar aquesta informació és una norma més que una excepció, encara que aquest objectiu està lluny de ser aconseguit. Actualment estem vivint avanços com la medicina personalitzada que incrementaran encara més la grandària i complexitat de la Història Clínica Electrònica (HCE). La consecució d'alts graus d'interoperabilitat semàntica és un dels principals reptes per a aprofitar al màxim tota la informació continguda en les HCEs. Açò, per la seua banda, requereix una representació fidel de la informació de tal forma que assegure la consistència del seu significat entre tots els agents involucrats. Actualment està reconegut que per a la representació del significat clínic necessitem tres tipus d'artefactes: models de referència, models clínics (arquetips) i terminologies. En el cas concret dels models d'informació (models de referència i models clínics) s'observa en la literatura una mancança de metodologies i eines que en faciliten l'ús tant per a la millora de sistemes de HCE ja existents com per al desenvolupament de nous sistemes amb alts nivells d'interoperabilitat semàntica. Aquesta tesi té com a propòsit proporcionar metodologies i eines per a l'ús avançat d'arquetips en tres escenaris diferents: - Definició d'arquetips sobre especificacions sense suport natiu al model dual. Qualsevol arquitectura de HCE que posseïsca directa o indirectament la noció de models clínics detallats (per exemple, les plantilles en HL7 CDA) pot ser potencialment usada com a model de referència per a la definició d'arquetips. Amb açò s'aconsegueix transformar arquitectures de HCE de model únic (solament amb model de referència) en arquitectures de doble model (model de referència + arquetips). S'han desenvolupat metodologies i eines que faciliten als editors d'arquetips el suport a múltiples models de referència. - Transformació de dades. Es proposa una metodologia i eines per a la transformació de dades ja existents a documents XML conformes amb els arquetips i el model de referència subjacent. Si el model de referència és un estàndard llavors la transformació serà un procés d'estandardització de dades. La metodologia i eines permeten tant la transformació de dades no estandarditzades com la transformació de dades entre diferents estàndards. - Generació automàtica de guies d'implementació i artefactes processables a partir d'arquetips. S'hi inclou una metodologia per a la generació automàtica d'un conjunt de materials de referència d'utilitat en el desenvolupament i ús de sistemes de HCE, concretament validadors de dades, instàncies d'exemple, guies d'implementació, regles formals llegibles per humans, formularis d'exemple, mapes mentals, etc. Aquests materials poden ser combinats i organitzats de diferents maneres per a facilitar que els diferents tipus d'usuaris (clínics, tècnics) puguen incloure els models clínics detallats en el flux de treball del seu sistema i col·laborar en la seua definició. Aquestes metodologies i eines posen els models clínics com una part clau del sistemes. El conjunt de les metodologies i eines presentades faciliten la consecució de la interoperabilitat semàntica en proveir mitjans per a la seua descripció semàntica, normalització i validació tant de sistemes nous com ja existents. / Boscá Tomás, D. (2016). DETAILED CLINICAL MODELS AND THEIR RELATION WITH ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62174 / Compendio

eHealth development in Sweden : A study of prominent aspects and benefits from a multi-user perspective / eHälsa-utveckling i Sverige : En studie om framträdande aspekter och fördelar utifrån ett fleranvändarperspektiv

Sobin, Jonathan, Jakobsson, Ludvig January 2014 (has links)
The European health care is facing challenges with an increasing ageing population, with a higher frequency of chronic diseases, which have resulted in rising health care costs. Meanwhile, the trend shows how patients and citizens are becoming more active in their personal health care, with the number of existing doctors and nurses subsiding furthermore entailing problems. The area of eHealth, which involves information and communication technologies with health care, is hence seen as a partial long-term solution and is considered being a rapidly growing market both in Sweden, but also in Europe. eHealth services further consider to promote increased access, mobility and interoperability in the health care, but the lack of wholehearted commitment, financial support and complex EHR-systems in Sweden's municipalities and county councils might partially impeding down the development. The purpose of this report is therefore targeting to explore, identify and analyze prominent aspects for the continued development of the Swedish health care and eHealth services. The study also examines what subsequent benefits an implementation of an eHealth service entails, which also has been related to the identified prominent aspects. This master thesis is based on a thorough literature review extracted from a theoretical framework including an interoperability-, security-, mobility- and business-modeling perspective, which are used as a foundation for the building of a set of hypotheses, which are subsequently verified with the aid of gathered empirics. The empirics are obtained from 10 semi-structured qualitative interviews, as well as two case studies, which together resulted in key-findings and conclusions. Firstly, in relation to the interoperability perspective, it became clear how there should exist both a technical and social interoperability that communicate with each other. The EHR-systems of today are often considered difficult to learn, non-intuitive and lacking interfaces that are user-friendly designed for the end-user. Increased interoperability was also seen as enabling and simplifying the access to the patient’s medical history, which the EHR-system TakeCare evidently demonstrated. Furthermore, it was acknowledged how there is no correlation between the increased time spent by health care professionals with administrative tasks and documentation with an increased interoperability. It also emerged that patients and the dominant part of the population had either no or very limited knowledge regarding the underlying security and overall management of personal health information in health care. Patients instead often blindly trust the Swedish health care system being secure, and prioritizing other things during medical appointments. The knowledge of security issues in the health care is predicted to increase among patients if they in the future would obtain full access to their own medical records. There is also a general opinion among health care professionals and related instances how new security risks will arise alongside the eHealth wave, with a particular concern for the increasing involvement of mobile devices. Relationships between an increased interoperability also seem to favor increased mobility in health care, but security aspects often prevent the mobility development. Finally, it was unanimously espoused how non-financial values must not be ignored, where the on-going debate argues whether what real impact these non-financial values have, where inter alia strict budgets and large gaps between the decision-makers and end-users appeared as issues. Similar arguments were encountered regarding the actual impact of the opinions of patients in relation to business modeling, where a tripartite-problem and the patients’ limited access to their medical records was partly seen as a primary issue. Secondly, the case studies demonstrated how a transition to the EHR-system TakeCare generally did result in cost- and resource savings in terms of local servers, IT-maintenance and inventory management. The TakeCare implementation also led to an increased visibility among health care centers by enabling and simplifying the access to patient medical history. Increased communication, awareness, and more effective internal processes due to integrated modules and direct connections to ePrescriptions could also be accessed from the TakeCare transition. Finally, it emerged that relations existed between simplified access to the patient’s medical history and how it subsequently resulted in an increased interoperability. A correlation was also seen as the health care become generally more mobile due to increased interoperability. / Hälso- och sjukvården i Europa står inför utmaningar i och med en stigande åldersgrupp med en större andel kroniska sjukdomar, vilket resulterat i stegrande sjukvårdskostnader. Samtidigt ses en trend i hur patienter och medborgare börjar bli mer aktiva i sin egen vård och efterfrågan på sjukvårdspersonal ökar, med ökande utmaningar som följd. eHälsa-området, vilket involverar informations- och kommunikationsteknik inom sjukvården, ses därför som en potentiell långsiktig del-lösning och anses samtidigt vara ett starkt växande område i Sverige, men också på den övriga europeiska marknaden. eHälsa betraktas vidare främja en ökad åtkomst, mobilitet och interoperabilitet inom sjukvården, men bristen på helhjärtat engagemang, finansiellt stöd och det stora antal komplexa journalsystem i Sveriges olika kommuner och landsting ses delvis ligga till grund för en bromsad utveckling. Syftet med denna rapport är därför att undersöka, kartlägga och analysera de mest centrala aspekterna för den fortsatta utvecklingen av svensk sjukvård och eHälso-tjänster. Studien undersöker även vad implement av en eHälso-tjänst praktiskt har medfört, med ett fokus på journalsystem där de enskilda förändringarna även har relaterats till de identifierade centrala aspekterna. Examensarbetet är baserat på en gedigen litteraturstudie som utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk inkluderande ett interoperabilitets-, säkerhets-, mobilitets- och affärsmoduleringsperspektiv ligger till grund för framtagandet av hypoteser som sedan verifierats med hjälp av empiriskt insamlad information. Empirin är erhållen från tio semi-strukturerande kvalitativa intervjuer, samt två fallstudier, vilka tillsammans har resulterat i ett flertal slutsatser. Utifrån ett interoperabilitetsperspektiv framgick det hur det bör finnas både en teknisk och social interoperabilitet som kommunicerar med varandra, då journalsystem idag anses vara svåra att lära sig, icke intuitiva och ej användarvänligt utformade för slutanvändaren. Ökad interoperabilitet ses även möjliggöra och förenkla åtkomsten av patienthistorik, vilket journalsystemet TakeCare tydligt påvisat. Vidare kunde det konstateras att det inte finns en korrelation mellan den progressivt ökande avsatta tiden som sjukvårdspersonal idag tillbringar med administrativa uppgifter och dokumentation med en förhöjd interoperabilitet. Det framkom även att patienter har väldigt liten eller obefintlig kunskap rörande den underliggande säkerheten och hanteringen av personlig information i sjukvården, då de ofta blint litar på att svensk sjukvård anses vara säker samt att patienter prioriterar annat vid läkarbesök. Kunskaper om säkerheten i sjukvården bland patienterna anses dock öka ifall de i framtiden får tillgång till sin journal. Det finns även en allmän oro bland sjukvårdspersonal och närbesläktade instanser för att nya säkerhetsrisker kommer att uppstå i och med eHälsa-vågen, med ett särskilt orosmoln för den ökande användningen av mobila enheter. Relationer mellan hur ökad interoperabilitet även gynnar förhöjd mobilitet sågs även förekomma, men att det ofta samtidigt är säkerhetsaspekter som hindrar den mobila utvecklingen. Avslutningsvis förespråkades det hur icke-finansiella värden inte får bli ignorerade, men problemet kring hur verkningsfull dess faktiska påverkan är, relateras bland annat till strikta budgetar samt stora avstånd mellan beslutstagare och slutanvändare. Liknande argument påträffades angående den faktiska inverkan av åsikter från patienter vid affärsmodulering, där ett trepartsproblem och patienternas begränsade åtkomst till sina journaler delvis sågs ligga till grund. Fallstudierna påvisade hur övergången till journalsystemet TakeCare generellt har lett till resursbesparingar i form av lokala servrars underhåll och lageranvändning, samt en ökad synlighet i vården med förbättrad tillgång till patienthistorik jämfört med tidigare journalsystem. En ökad kommunikation och medvetenhet samt effektivare interna processer på grund av integrerade moduler och direktkoppling till eRecept kunde även påvisas. Slutligen framgick det att relationer förekom mellan den ökande åtkomsten av patienthistorik och andra journaler, och hur förhöjd interoperabilitet medfört detta. Samband kunde även ses hur ökad interoperabilitet positivt gynnar mobiliteten i sjukvården.

OMOP CDM Can Facilitate Data-Driven Studies for Cancer Prediction: A Systematic Review

Ahmadi, Najia, Peng, Yuan, Wolfien, Markus, Zoch, Michéle, Sedlmayr, Martin 22 January 2024 (has links)
The current generation of sequencing technologies has led to significant advances in identifying novel disease-associated mutations and generated large amounts of data in a highthroughput manner. Such data in conjunction with clinical routine data are proven to be highly useful in deriving population-level and patient-level predictions, especially in the field of cancer precision medicine. However, data harmonization across multiple national and international clinical sites is an essential step for the assessment of events and outcomes associated with patients, which is currently not adequately addressed. The Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) is an internationally established research data repository introduced by the Observational Health Data Science and Informatics (OHDSI) community to overcome this issue. To address the needs of cancer research, the genomic vocabulary extension was introduced in 2020 to support the standardization of subsequent data analysis. In this review, we evaluate the current potential of the OMOP CDM to be applicable in cancer prediction and how comprehensively the genomic vocabulary extension of the OMOP can serve current needs of AI-based predictions. For this, we systematically screened the literature for articles that use the OMOP CDM in predictive analyses in cancer and investigated the underlying predictive models/tools. Interestingly, we found 248 articles, of which most use the OMOP for harmonizing their data, but only 5 make use of predictive algorithms on OMOP-based data and fulfill our criteria. The studies present multicentric investigations, in which the OMOP played an essential role in discovering and optimizing machine learning (ML)-based models. Ultimately, the use of the OMOP CDM leads to standardized data-driven studies for multiple clinical sites and enables a more solid basis utilizing, e.g., ML models that can be reused and combined in early prediction, diagnosis, and improvement of personalized cancer care and biomarker discovery.

Enterprise system implementation projects : a study of the impact of contextual factors on critical success factors

Van Scoter, Diane J. 24 October 2011 (has links)
Critical success factors (CSFs) are those things that must be done correctly for a project to be successful; however, CSFs are not sufficient by themselves to guarantee success. CSFs, as identified in the literature, vary from study to study. In addition, previous studies have not typically included contextual details for the projects studied. As a result, it is difficult to know how the particulars of a project impact (or not) CSFs. Researchers have suggested that CSFs can be affected by contextual details. Knowledge about the effect of contextual factors on CSFs would allow organizational leaders and project managers to more effectively use resources to achieve project success. Enterprise system implementation projects have exhibited high failure rates. Both Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) system implementations have proven to be challenging for organizations. For enterprise system implementation projects, a variety of contextual factors may be important. Examples of contextual factors include the number of software modules implemented, the number of sites undergoing implementation, the geographic dispersion of the sites, the number of people in the organization, and the percentage of personnel in the organization whose daily tasks are disrupted by the new enterprise system. This research was designed to shed light on the role of contextual factors on CSFs for enterprise system implementation projects. A survey was created to evaluate the effects of contextual factors on CSF ratings. The survey included questions related to 17 CSFs, 14 of the CSFs included in the study have been well-cited in the project management literature. Three additional CSFs were also included in the study to capture important elements of change management, which more recent studies have shown to be relevant to enterprise system implementations. The survey included questions related to eight contextual variables for ERP projects and 11 contextual variables for EHR system projects. The research focused on small to medium-size organizations, which have been less studied than larger organizations. The target respondents for the survey were enterprise system (ERP or EHR) project managers from software companies or consulting firms and government project managers whose implementation projects were within six months of completion. Data were collected on 17 ERP projects and 26 EHR system implementation projects in 43 different organizations. The survey data and subsequent analyses provided evidence that EHR system implementation projects are impacted by contextual factors. The results for the ERP implementations are not conclusive. The results suggest that contextual factors should be taken into consideration when determining how best to manage enterprise system implementations. In addition, the results of this research did not support previous research findings, which indicated that similar CSFs exist for ERP and EHR system projects. CSFs were found to vary substantially in a number of key areas, especially with respect to training. The User Training and Support CSF for the ERP projects included in this study was rated less important than prior research results suggest (Finney & Corbett, 2007). One of two CSFs included in the survey to capture change management requirements, Early Adopter/Super-user, was found to be an important CSF for the ERP projects included in this study. The EHR system projects were found to be affected by contextual factors, with nine different instances of significant relationships identified between individual CSFs and one or more contextual factor. Eight of the 17 CSFs for the EHR system implementation projects in this study were affected by contextual factors. Contextual factors impacted the ERP and EHR system implementations quite differently, suggesting that more research is needed to better understand the phenomenon leading to these differences. The findings from this research can be used by organizational leaders and project managers to more effectively achieve project success. These results provide project managers and organizational leaders in small and medium-size organizations with a much deeper and relevant understanding of the factors that are most important to manage in successfully implementing either ERP or EHR system projects. As this study focused on small and medium-size organizations and both ERP and EHR system implementation projects, the findings are relevant across a wide range of organizations. As smaller organizations have not typically been the focus of CSF research, this study makes an important contribution to the understanding of CSFs for both ERP and EHR system implementation projects. More generally, this research also expands the broader body of knowledge on the identification of CSFs, as this study has provided empirical evidence for the important role played by contextual factors. Every project is carried out within a broader organizational setting. This broader organizational setting appears, based on the results of this study, to have a strong effect on the importance of CSFs for each specific project and as such, may explain some of the seemingly contradictory findings related to CSFs in the existing literature. While further research is needed to understand the means by which contextual factors impact CSFs, this study has provided a significant contribution in validating the relationship between contextual factors and CSFs for a broad range of enterprise system projects in a wide range of industries. / Graduation date: 2012

Finding common ground: the road to electronic interprofessional documentation

McDonald, Kristie 21 April 2017 (has links)
This thesis portrays a research study undertaken to explore the unknown concept of electronic interprofessional documentation. Academic literature largely centers on multidisciplinary electronic documentation yet clinicians provide care using an integrated interprofessional model. Current design of electronic health records (EHRs) continue to propagate a deluge of data resulting from disparate siloed documentation. End users report challenges with finding data. Additionally, care planning and decision making are delayed. To bridge the gap between electronic design and interprofessional delivery of care, more understanding of shared documentation is required. The provenance of the design of this study is based on the concept of common ground and the framework for complex diverse data. Common ground is a shared communication space within a team with a shared purpose (Cioffi, Wilkes, Cummings, Warne, & Harrison, 2010). The framework for complex diverse data posits that data must be linked to other interconnected data; linked data enables connection of diverse pieces and insight-sharing within a team. A descriptive qualitative study was designed to answer the research question: What are the common data elements between disciplines? A case scenario of a patient with a fractured hip was created; participants generated clinical notes based on the video and patient record. The clinical notes were coded and results indicated numerous diverse common data elements. These were analyzed and major findings such as categories appropriate for use by all disciplines on admission and design implications for care planning throughout an acute care stay were identified. Further, as disciplines and care team members do have different documentation patterns, it is suggested attendance to differences in the entry of data yet maintaining a common ground in the display of patient information is vital. Finally suggestions such as duplicate checking for documentation through a common care plan that tracks assessments and completed interventions alongside planned interventions are made. Creation of a standardized interprofessional terminology is key in building the road leading to interprofessional electronic documentation. / Graduate

Using Situated Learning, Community of Practice, and Guided Online Discourse in Healthcare Education for Learning Effective Interprofessional Communication

Krumwiede, Kimberly A.H. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem exists that there are no education initiatives focused on teaching and taking into practice the skills of effective interprofessional discourse in this online, asynchronous, professional environment. The purpose of this study was to examine whether it is possible for students in the health professions to learn to practice effective interprofesssional online discourse in an electronic health record. This was a mixed methods study that included both quantitative ad qualitative inquiry underpinned by post positivism and used a method triangulation research design model. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed from an educational intervention and simulated electronic health record exercise. The students' perceptions of their practice in an electronic health record did not necessarily match their knowledge and skills in this group of students. Emergent themes from the study pointed in the possible direction of perceived value of the exercise, prior experience in an electronic health record, and logistical barriers to the activity. Perceived time constraints was a particularly strong concern of the students. The emergent themes might be valuable considerations for other interprofessional programs looking to implement similar activities concerning the electronic health record.

Användbarhet hos journalsystem : En fallstudie om upplevd användbarhet hos Cosmic på Akademiska Sjukhuset

Nordlander, Henrik, Mjöberg, Olof January 2019 (has links)
Det har i Sverige gjorts stora åtaganden om att vara världsledande inom digitalisering av vården. Ett av de verktyg som möjliggör för vårdpersonalen att uppnå dessa åtaganden är de digitala journalsystem som idag används. I detta arbete genomför vi en fallstudie i syfte att undersöka hur användarna av det största digitala journalsystemet Cambio Cosmic upplever användbarheten hos systemet samt vilka förändringar och åtgärder som kan öka användbarheten. Datan i studien har insamlats med hjälp av fem intervjuer, tre läkare och två sjuksköterskor vid Akademiska sjukhuset som sedan analyserats utifrån modellen Quality in Use Integrated Measurement(QUIM) om användbarhet. En modell som används för att mäta användbarhet hos ett informationssystem. Resultatet av studien tyder på att Cosmic är användbart, men användbarheten är bristande vad gäller tillgänglighet av information och möjligheter att överblicka relevanta patientdata är undermålig. Studien visar att datorvana inte nödvändigtvis är synonymt med enkelhet att lära sig använda Cosmic, men att datorvana möjliggör en mer intuitiv navigering. Datorvana räcker däremot inte för att användaren ska bemästra Cosmic. Vi identifierar därför behovet av en introduktionsutbildning och regelbunden fortbildning inom systemet. Sett till hur användare söker kunskap om, och lösningar på, problem som kan uppstå i arbetet, försöker de ofta skapa egna lösningar än de Cosmic förser dem med. Vi identifierar i studien att en större delaktighet av användarna i vidareutvecklingen av systemet krävs för att nå bättre användbarhet. Vidare finner vi även att det bör implementeras utbredd funktionalitet och rutiner för återkoppling mellan användarna och ansvariga av systemet. Delaktigheten och återkopplingen ses som nära sammankopplade i resultatet. Återkoppling kan vara en del av, eller i helhet utgöra den delaktighet användarna efterfrågar och studien visar vara nödvändig. Det är dessa faktorer som studien sammanfattningsvis visar vara avgörande för att genom digitala journalsystem göra vården mer effektiv.

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