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Services au système et gestion d'interactions énergétiques transitoires dans un parc éolien offshore / Services to the system and management of transient energy interactions in an offshore wind farmAimene, Merzak 12 October 2016 (has links)
L’intégration massive de la production d’énergie éolienne intermittente au niveau des réseaux électriques pose un problème de stabilité du système électrique. En effet les caractéristiques sont très différentes de celles de sources conventionnelles maîtrisées par les gestionnaires de réseau. Par conséquent, l’injection de cette énergie induit de nouveaux challenges pour les gestionnaires de réseaux électriques. De plus, les conditions de raccordement évoluent et tendent à ce que toutes les sources participent aux services rendus aux systèmes électriques. Les travaux de cette thèse sont focalisés sur la proposition d’une nouvelle stratégie de commande non-linéaire basée sur la commande par « platitude à une boucle » d’un système de conversion d’énergie éolienne. Cette stratégie de contrôle vise la gestion des interactions au point de connexion par la génération et le suivi de trajectoires de références. De par le fait que toutes les variables du système sont liées à la « sortie plate » de ce système, cette commande procure une rapidité de réponse et une bonne maitrise des régimes transitoires. La mise en œuvre de cette nouvelle stratégie de contrôle pour la constitution d’un parc éolien offshore, capable de satisfaire différentes conditions de raccordement a été simulée avec succès. Plus particulièrement, l’évaluation de l’impact de différents défauts du réseau sur les services proposés (Régulation de fréquence et de tension, la tenue aux creux de tension.) a été réalisée. / The massive integration of intermittent production of wind energy in electrical networks creates an electrical system stability problem. Indeed, its characteristics are very different from those of conventional sources controlled by Grid managers. Therefore, the injection of this energy makes new challenges for power Grid operators. Moreover, the connection conditions are evolving and go towards the situations that all different sources participate into services of electrical systems. This thesis proposes a new nonlinear control strategy based on a « one loop flatness control » of a wind energy conversion system. This control strategy has aim of energy interactions management at the connection point through generation and tracking of reference trajectories. As all system variables are functions of the « flat output » of the system, this control provides fast response and good control in transient state. The application of this new control strategy into an offshore wind farm which is able to satisfy different connection conditions was simulated successfully. Specifically, effects of various grid faults on the proposed ancillary services (frequency and voltage regulation, and low-voltage ride through capabilities) were performed.
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Posouzení připojitelnosti nového zdroje do sítě 110 kV / Assessment of connectivity of the new source to the 110 kV networkKopečný, David January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the connectivity problems of the new sources to the electrical network. The first part of the thesis deals with the description of the new source and the method of its connection to the electrical network. Furthermore, in work, there are elaborated the blocking conditions for substation TR Neratovice expanded distribution point. A distribution network operator must receive an attachment application for connecting before the actual connection. The attachments consist of study cases of conjunction that values the inverse influence on the distributional network and informs the operator about the required measures for the reliable service with the new source. PSS Sincal computer software was used to survey the inverse influences on the distributional network. Based on processed data, the evaluation of conjunction of the synchronous generator to the grid at TR Neratovice substation was reconsidered.
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A market-based instrument for renewable energy : Modelling a dynamic price function for local areasFlygare, Carl January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes the current situation of the electrical grid on a general level and contemporary support policies for residents who feed renewably produced electricity into the grid within a Swedish context. It shows which issues currently exists and suggests a new way to value overproduced renewable electricity which is not self-consumed. This way is called a dynamic price function (DPF), and this thesis models, simulates and analyzes the DPF in order to create an economic incentive to support the balance of the electrical grid – one of its most important parameters. The suggested DPF could potentially work with any renewable source in any area, but the focus in this thesis has been on solar power-systems for households in local areas. While the currently support policies, which uses static models to value overproduced renewable electricity, have created important incentives for the initial penetration of solar power among local residents they do not scale well as the share of renewable production on a local level increase. This might cause negative impacts on the electrical grid. The thesis’ results show that by designing the DPF in certain ways it is possible to create an economic incentive for different behaviors. The most promising design incorporates three different incentives at the same time and they are: 1) to incentivize the initial penetration of solar power in local areas which do not have any production, 2) to incentivize a higher share of solar power, but not too high, and 3) to procure storage possibilities for overproduced electricity. These incentives do not only encourage a more even geographical distribution of solar power, but also allow for a higher share of solar power in the energy system without risking the balance of the grid.
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Analys av kapacitetsbrist i ett mellanspänningsnät samt dimensioneringskriterier i kabelnätet inför energiomställningenAndersson, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
På grund av den rådande energiomställningen flockar både företag och privatpersoner till mer effektiva och gröna energislag. I många fall är dessa via elnätet, vilket gör det lämpligt att se över hur ett lokalnät påverkas av en sådan ökning av effekt samt om det finns kapacitetsbrist. Syftet är att utreda mängen nya elbilsladdare till 2030, samt undersöka om det finns kapacitetsbrist vid både normalt kopplingsläge samt två reservkopplingslägen. Det ska även undersökas om det finns nyckeltal för olika dimensioneringskriterier. De metoder som används för att uppskatta en framtida toppeffekt i nätet är olika. Den ena antar en homogen ökning samtidigt som den andra baserar sin väntade ökning på antal hushåll, parkeringsplatser och verksamheter i området runtomkring en nätstation. Det blir ganska stor spridning, samt olika slags resultat för de olika kopplingslägena. Utifrån uppskattningarna som gjordes, simulerades den nya högsta effekten för de olika scenarierna och kopplingslägena och därefter beräknades belastningen i kablarna för dessa. Simuleringar visade att det finns kablar i alla scenarierna som inte håller upp till företagets egna mål angående belastning i kablarna. I reservkopplingsläget klarade många kablar heller inte av den högsta strömmen som kan förväntas under högsta lasttimmen utifrån databladet för kablarna. När topplasten ökar, ökar även antalet kablar som blir överbelastade, i scenario 1 blev det många fler jämfört med nuläget och scenario 2. För de normala kopplingsläget gick det nästan alltid att byta ut till grövre kablar för hålla sig under den angivna belastningsgraden av 50$\%$ eller precis ovanför. För reservkopplingslägena blir det svårare då kablarna måste ha en belastningsgrad under $100\%$ för att inte överlastskydden ska slå till. Där hittades det att byta till grövre kablar inte alltid var bäst då högsta strömmen var högre än den grövsta kabeln som används. Denna högsta strömmen verkar bero på att en slinga ska reservmata fler än en annan slinga. Det kan då vara lämpligt att bygga fler reservslingor som då kan underlätta vid reservmatningsläget. / Given the roaring energy transition, both people and companies want to be ahead of the curve and change to more energy efficient and green energy con- sumption. In most cases these renewable energy have to use the electrical grid, which is why this study focuses on the distribution network in a local electrical grid regarding its capacity. The goal is to estimate and investigate the amount of charging points for electrical vehicles in regards to the available capacity in the network. This is to be done in three different network configurations, which is then to conclude in dimensioning criterias. The three methods used to estimate the increase in top load in the local electrical grid are different. Two of the assumes a linear increase in the top load of every transformer, while the other one is based on the area which the sub- station is placed and estimates according to households, businesses and parking places. Where the top load increase differes between the different scenarios. With the estimations at hand, the different network configurations were simulated and subsquently calculated the load in the cables for the different scenarios. These simulations pointed out that there are cables in every scenario that are not up to par with the companys goal of limiting the load in the network configuration that is normally used. Aswell as not up to par with the cable data sheet in the reserve configuration. As the top load increase the amount of cable above the threshold increased, especially in scenario 1 for the normal configura- tion mode. In most cases in the normal configuration mode changing the cable to a 240mm2 cable would solve the problem. For the reserve configuration mode it was not always that simple, mostly because one trail of cable sometimes back up several other trails. Resulting in a bottle neck between the trails, some of these are not fully up to par, and some of them even have a higher maximum current than what the cables that are used can handle. Which meant that so- mething other than changing cable would be prefered, the best option seems to be increasing the amount of trail that can back up in the reserve configuration
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En elektrifiering av den interna busstrafiken på Stockholm Arlanda AirportZisimopoulos, Dimitrios January 2016 (has links)
Functional and cost effective systems for the full electrification of a bus network are areas of intense research and development. The electrification can be accomplished using different technological solutions, for example using opportunity charging or using an electric road system – ERS. Both opportunity charging and ERS have the potential to be integrated into already existing bus lines. With opportunity charging, the regular dwell time at the end stops is used for the bus to recharge its batteries and with an ERS the bus can charge dynamically along the road. The purpose of this report is to analyze how the existing Alfa- and Beta line at Stockholm Arlanda Airport, in a functional and cost effective way, can be electrified using either opportunity charging or an ERS. The tradeoff between required charging power, battery capacity and the necessity to change the existing running schedule is explained in detail. In addition, the impact on the electrical grid is analyzed based on different load profiles of different charging stations using different power levels. The analysis is based on real data from the Alfa – and Beta line with its existing buses, the electrical grid at Arlanda and data provided by both the leading (electrical) bus manufacturers and the leading charging infrastructure manufacturers. The outcome of this report suggests that a full electrification of the existing Alfa- and Beta line has the potential to lower CO2-emissions and energy use at a functional and cost effective way.
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Charge into the Future Grid : Optimizing Batteries to Support the Future Low-Voltage Electrical GridDushku, Mergim, Kokko Ekholm, Julius January 2019 (has links)
The increase in electric vehicles and photovoltaic power production may introduce problems to the low-voltage distribution grid. With a higher number of electric vehicles, their accumulated charging power might breach the lowest allowed voltage level of the grid. Photovoltaic-modules can on the other hand exceed the highest allowed voltage level, by producing high accumulated power when the solar irradiance is high. Normally, electric distribution companies in Sweden reinforce the existing grid with more resilient infrastructure, such as stronger and larger cables or transformer stations. This is however a costly and time-consuming solution, which could be solved by using alternative means such as already existing resources. This Master's Thesis investigates how smart charging of batteries can support the low-voltage electrical grid with the increase in electric vehicles and photovoltaic power production. To do this, an optimization tool has been developed in Matlab. An existing model of a low-voltage grid is combined with the developed tool, where controllable batteries and photovoltaic-modules can be placed at specific households in the grid. The controllable batteries belong to either electric vehicles or stationary battery systems, and are intended to support the grid by the means of either reducing peak load powers, voltage variations, or a trade-off between them. Furthermore, this thesis investigates the maximum electric vehicle capability for a specific low-voltage electrical grid in Sweden. From the results, it can be concluded that smart charging of batteries can reduce the peak loads as well as voltage variations. The reduction of voltage variations for the entire low-voltage grid is greatest during the summer, when photovoltaic production generally is at its highest. The results also show that a stationary battery system can reduce the voltage variations to a greater extent, compared to an electric vehicle. Also, the introduction of multiple controllable batteries allows further support of the low-voltage grid. Regarding the maximum electric vehicle capability, the results show that the placement of the vehicles and the charging power strongly affect the maximum number of electric vehicles the low-voltage grid can manage. / Ökningen av elbilar och elproduktion från solceller kan ge problem i lågspänningsnätet. Med ett ökat antal elbilar kan den sammanlagrade effekten vid laddning underskrida den minsta tillåtna spänningsnivån i nätet. Solpaneler kan däremot leda till att den högsta tillåtna spänningsnivån överskrids, genom att producera en hög sammanlagrad effekt när solstrålningen är som högst. Vanligtvis förstärker elnätsbolag i Sverige det befintliga nätet med motståndskraftigare infrastruktur, såsom kraftigare och större kablar eller transformatorstationer. Detta är dock en kostsam och tidskrävande lösning, som skulle kunna lösas med alternativa medel, till exempel redan existerande resurser. Detta examensarbete undersöker hur smart laddning av batterier kan ge stöd till lågspänningsnätet, med en ökning av elbilar samt solcellsproduktion. För att undersöka detta har ett optimeringsverktyg utvecklats i Matlab. En befintlig modell av ett lågspänningsnät har kombinerats med det utvecklade optimeringsverktyget, där styrbara batterier samt solcellsproduktion kan placeras vid specifika hushåll i elnätet. De styrbara batterierna är antingen elbilar eller stationära batterisystem, och är ämnade till att stödja lågspänningsnätet genom att antingen reducera effekttoppar, spänningsvariationer eller en kompromiss av båda. Vidare undersöker detta examensarbete det maximala antalet elbilar som ett specifikt lågspänningsnät i Sverige kan hantera. Resultaten visar att smart laddning av batterier kan reducera effekttoppar samt spänningsvariationer. Reduceringen av spänningsvariationerna för hela lågspänningsnätet visar sig vara högst under sommaren, vilket är då solcellsproduktionen generellt är som högst. Resultaten visar även att stationära batterisystem kan reducera spänningsvariationer ytterligare, jämfört med en elbil. Att introducera flera styrbara batterier tillåter ett ännu större stöd till lågspänningsnätet. Angående det maximala antalet av elbilar som ett lågspänningsnät kan hantera visade resultaten att placeringen av elbilarna samt laddningseffekten har en stor påverkan.
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