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Desenvolvimento do saco vitelino do guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) / Development of the yolk sac in the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)Bruno Gomes Vasconcelos 23 November 2012 (has links)
O saco vitelino é uma estrutura única dos vertebrados que evoluiu uma grande diversidade de características de desenvolvimento, estrutural e funcional. É considerado de fundamental importância para a sobrevivência inicial do embrião. Apesar dos intensos estudos sobre a placentação no guinea pig, ainda existem lacunas importantes para a sua compreensão, no que se refere ao saco vitelino. Esta pesquisa visa detalhar a caracterização morfológica e do desenvolvimento do saco vitelino no Cavia porcellus. Dezessete amostras foram coletadas em idades gestacionais de 12 a 55 dias e investigadas mediante histologia convencional, histoquímica, imunohistoquímica incluindo o marcador de proliferação e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. O material histórico da implantação embrionária foi utilizado da Embryological Collection of the Museum of Natural History Berlim, Germany. Foi observada a presença temporária do saco vitelino parietal e da cavidade do saco vitelino, durante a implantação do blastocisto. O saco vitelino, que recobre a placenta corioalantoica, mostrou uma grande diferença estrutural entre o 12º e 18º dia, como a transição do epitélio pseudoestratificado para projeções, que se assemelham a uma árvore. A membrana de Reichert não está desenvolvida no 12º dia, entretanto verifica-se um espaço preenchido de material extracelular e vacúolos. A membrana de Reichert foi encontrada a partir do 16º dia de gestação e com o desenvolvimento gestacional e se tornou cada vez mais espessa e constituída de material amorfo e acelular. Os dados morfológicos sugerem que a transferência de nutrientes do saco vitelino para o feto foi mais intensa entre o 22º e 40º dia, especialmente no 40º dia. No último terço da gestação, houve uma diminuição dos tecidos de ambos os sacos vitelinos placentário e visceral. Em conclusão, o desenvolvimento do saco vitelino do guinea pig revela grande semelhança com os outros caviomorfos. Os dados sugerem que o saco vitelino nos caviomorfos é fundamental na gestação média, mas, não tanto, para os períodos iniciais da gestação, como é o caso dos outros vertebrados. / The yolk sac is a unique structure of vertebrates that evolved a great diversity of developmental, structural and functional features. It is regarded to have a fundamental role for early embryo survival. Although placentation has been intensely studied in the guinea pig, there are important gaps as in regard to the yolk sac. This research will undergo a detailed morphological and developmental characterization of the yolk sac in Cavia porcellus. Seventeen specimens have been collected at gestational ages from day 12 to 55 and investigated by conventional histology, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry including proliferation marker and transmission electron microscopy. Historical material on earlier stages was used from the Embryological Collection of the Museum of Natural History Berlin, Germany. A temporary parietal yolk sac and yolk sac cavity occurred during the blastocyst implantation. The yolk sac covering the chorioallantoic placenta showed great structural differentiation between day 12 and 18 such as a transition from a pseudostratified epithelium to projections that resemble a tree. A Reicherts membrane was not developed on day 12, but a space filled with extracellular material and vacuoles was present. The membrane was found from day 16 onward and became thick and composed of amorphous and acellular material. The morphological data suggest that a transfer of nutrients from the yolk sac to the fetus was most advanced between 22th and 40th day, especially on the 40th day. In the last third of gestation a decrease in both, placenta and visceral, yolk sacs tissues was observed. In conclusion, the development of the yolk sac in the guinea pig showed similarities to other caviomorphs. Data suggest that the yolk sac in caviomorphs is most important for mid gestation, but not so much for early pregnancy as it is for other vertebrates.
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Céramiques eutectiques oxydes à microstructure interconnectée préparées par solidification dirigée : élaboration, microstructure, mécanismes de déformation par fluage et réactivité en présence de vapeur d'eau / Oxide-based eutectic ceramics with an interpenetrated microstructure prepared by unidirectional solidification : synthesis, microstructure, creep deformation mechanisms and reactivity in steam atmosphereLondaitzbehere, Laura 01 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte général lié aux économies d’énergie et aux problèmes environnementaux, l’amélioration du rendement des moteurs dans l'aéronautique nécessite le développement de matériaux nouveaux réfractaires permettant d’atteindre des températures de fonctionnement supérieures à 1300°C. Parmi ces matériaux les céramiques oxydes préparées à une composition eutectique par solidification dirigée depuis l'état fondu apparaissent comme une alternative prometteuse. Pour certaines conditions d’élaboration, l’association de deux ou trois phases monocristallines d’oxydes tels que l’alumine, un grenat T.R.3Al5O12, une pérovskite T.R.AlO3 (T.R. : terre rare) ou de la zircone ZrO2 peut conduire à des microstructures très spécifiques, dites interconnectées. Ces matériaux composites sont exempts de joint de grains ou de phase fragilisante aux interfaces, conférant au matériau des propriétés mécaniques remarquables (déformation faible en fluage, résistance à la rupture quasiment constante) jusqu’à des températures proches de la température de fusion (1700 – 1800°C).Ces travaux de thèse ont consisté en premier lieu à étudier l’influence du mode de croissance et de la vitesse de solidification sur les caractéristiques microstructurales, chimiques et cristallographiques des composites eutectiques Al2O3 – T.R.3Al5O12 – ZrO2 (T.R. = Er, Y). De nouvelles compositions eutectiques à partir des systèmes ternaire Al2O3 – Sm2O3 – ZrO2 et quaternaire Al2O3 – Y2O3 – Sm2O3 – ZrO2 ont été élaborées et étudiées. Les eutectiques associant les phases alumine – grenat – zircone et alumine – pérovskite – zircone ont fait l’objet d’études structurales des interfaces interphases à l’échelle atomique. Les interfaces sont le plus souvent semi-cohérentes et parallèles aux plans denses des deux phases, et des marches à caractère dislocation accommodent les rotations et désaccords paramétriques. Ces céramiques eutectiques présentent une excellente résistance à la déformation en fluage-compression à haute température, le comportement étant fonction de la composition et de la méthode d’élaboration choisie et de la direction de compression. Les micro-mécanismes de déformation diffèrent selon la valeur de la contrainte appliquée, le mouvement de dislocations étant activé sous forte contrainte dans toutes les phases. Enfin, la stabilité microstructurale et chimique en présence de vapeur d'eau à haute température de ces eutectiques a été étudiée montrant l'absence d'endommagement de ces matériaux dans des conditions habituellement corrosives lorsqu'il s'agit de céramiques polycristallines / In the general context of energy savings and environmental issues, the improvement of the aircraft engine efficiency will require the development of new refractory materials allowing operating temperatures higher than 1300°C. Oxide ceramic materials with a eutectic composition prepared from the melt by unidirectional solidification seem to be a promising option. In connection with the solidification conditions, the association of two or three single-crystal phases such as alumina, garnet R.E.3Al5O12, perovskite R..E.AlO3 (R.E. : rare earth) or zirconia ZrO2 forms a specific interpenetrated microstructure.These materials are free of grain boundary or weakening phase localized at the interfaces. This provides remarkable mechanical properties (good creep resistance, fracture strength nearly constant) up to temperatures close to the melting point (1700 – 1800°C).This research first addressed to study the influence of the solidication method and the solidification rate on the microstructural, chemical and crystallographic features of the Al2O3 – R.E.3Al5O12 – ZrO2 (R.E. : Er, Y) eutectic composites. Materials with novel eutectic compositions prepared from Al2O3 – Sm2O3 – ZrO2 ternary and Al2O3 – Y2O3 – Sm2O3 – ZrO2 quaternary systems were obtained and studied. The interfaces of eutectic composites made of alumina – garnet – zirconia and alumina – perovskite – zirconia phases were studied at the atomic scale. The interfaces are mostly semi-coherent, parallel to dense planes for both phases and steps with disconnections accommodate the rotations and the misfits. These eutectic ceramics have excellent compressive creep deformation strength at high temperature. The strength is a function of the composition, the used solidification method. The deformation micro-mechanisms are different according to the applied stress, dislocation motion being activated in all phases for high stress level. Last, the microstructural and chemical stability in the presence of water vapor at high temperature of these eutectics was studied. No damaging is observed even though the conditions applied are usually corrosive for polycrystalline ceramics
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Exploration de la diversité virale dans les échantillons environnementaux / Exploration of viral diversity in environmental samplesFabre, Elisabeth 19 January 2017 (has links)
La découverte des virus géants il y a une dizaine d’années a véritablement bouleversé notre perception du monde viral. Cette découverte a ouvert un débat sur l’origine et l’histoire évolutive de ces virus, et ravivé celui portant sur la nature des virus : peuvent-ils être considérés comme vivants ?J'ai caractérisé un nouveau Marseilleviridae, isolé à partir d’un échantillon prélevé en Nouvelle-Calédonie, appelé Noumeavirus. Les Marseilleviridae sont des grands virus à ADN, qui possèdent des particules à symétrie icosaédrique d’environ 200 nm de diamètre, et des génomes à ADN double-brin de plus de 300 kb. Différentes approches de génomique, protéomique, ainsi que l’étude du cycle infectieux ont montré que le cycle infectieux de ces virus n’était pas indépendant du noyau cellulaire mais recrutait transitoirement les fonctions nucléaires à l’usine virale.J'ai également caractérisé un nouveau Pandoravirus, isolé à partir d’un échantillon prélevé en Nouvelle-Calédonie, appelé Pandoravirus neocaledonia. Les Pandoravirus possèdent une morphologie unique au sein des virus, ainsi qu’un génome colossal à ADN double-brin de 2.5 Mb. Des études comparatives avec d’autres Pandoravirus ont été réalisées en combinant plusieurs approches, afin de mieux comprendre les caractéristiques de ces virus inédits. La morphologie étonnante de ces virus nous a poussés à étudier la nature de leur enveloppe, constituée d’un réseau de fibres formant des structures lamellaires. Se pourrait-il que les Pandoravirus, contrairement aux autres virus, détournent la machinerie cellulaire pour construire leurs particules ? Dans ce cas, quelle serait leur place dans l’histoire évolutive des virus ? / The discovery of giant viruses about a decade ago has truly shaken our perception of the viral world. This discovery has initiated a debate on the origin and evolutionary history of these viruses, and it revived the debate on their nature: are viruses alive?I characterized a new Marseilleviridae, isolated from a sample collected in New-Caledonia, named Noumeavirus. The Marseilleviridae are large DNA viruses that have icosahedral particles of about 200 nm in diameter, and double-stranded DNA genomes of more than 300 kb. Various approaches, such as genomics, proteomics and the study of the infectious cycle, allowed us to reveal that the infectious cycle of these viruses was not independent from the cell nucleus as we thought, but was transiently recruiting nuclear functions to the viral factory.I also characterized a new Pandoravirus, isolated from a sample collected in New-Caledonia, named Pandoravirus neocaledonia. Pandoraviruses have a unique morphology and a gigantic double-stranded DNA genome of about 2.5 Mb. Comparative studies with other Pandoraviruses were performed using several approaches to better understand the characteristics of these original viruses. The astonishing morphology of these viruses led us to investigate the nature of their envelope, which is made of a mesh of fibers forming lamellar structures. Is it possible that Pandoraviruses, unlike other viruses, hijack the cellular machinery to build their particles? In this case, what would be their place in the evolutionary history of viruses?
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An analysis of copper transport in the insulation of high voltage transformersWhitfield, Thomas Britain January 2001 (has links)
Examination of the paper insulation and copper stress braiding during stripdown of a number of Current Transformers (FMK type 400kV) has revealed the presence of dark deposits. Copper foils are often interspersed within layers of paper insulation and mineral oil found in transformer windings. The dark deposits were often found in association with these foils, affecting several layers of paper in addition to the layer in contact with the copper foil. This thesis describes the research undertaken to identify these deposits and establish a mechanism for the transportation through the paper layers. Preliminary investigation using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in conjunction with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) has shown these dark deposits to be copper based. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to show that the transport of the copper deposit through the paper insulation was working under the influence of a diffusion controlled process, related to Fick's law. Laboratory studies in support of work designed to eliminate the problem have shown that corrosion of copper occurs in mineral oils containing a trace of oxygen. This corrosion is non protective in character and leads to migration of copper into adjacent layers of paper. It has been shown that the transport of copper through several layers of paper can be measured by XPS and that the concentration from one paper winding to the next declines in accord with Fick's law for non-steady state diffusion. Measurements of surface concentrations by XPS correlate well with measurements made with atomic absorption spectroscopy on solutions of extracts of the contaminated paper. The laboratory measurements have allowed determination of the diffusion coefficients and activation energy for the transport process and thus give a basis for interpretation of the diffusion profiles found in the transformer in terms of time and temperature of operation. The diffusion process is temperature dependant. The results have been used to produce long term prediction curves.
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Etude structurale du co-activateur transcriptionnel SAGA et de son module d'acétylation des histones / Structural study of transcriptional coactivator SAGA and its histone acetylation moduleSharov, Grigory 18 September 2015 (has links)
L’initiation de la transcription chez les eucaryotes nécessite le recrutement de l'ARN polymérase II (Pol II) et des facteurs de transcription généraux sur les promoteurs de gènes formant le complexe de préinitiation (PIC). Des activateurs se lient en amont du promoteur et stimulent l’ouverture de la chromatine et la formation du PIC en recrutant des complexes coactivateurs. SAGA est un tel coactivateur, conservé chez les eucaryotes, connu pour modifier les histones de tous les gènes et impliqué dans la transcription par Pol II. Dans ce travail, j’ai analysé l'organisation moléculaire de SAGA par microscopie électronique. J'ai (i) étudié l'architecture et les interactions des sous unités du module d’acétylation des histones et l’ai localisé dans SAGA; (ii) obtenu la première carte cryo-EM du complexe SAGA chez la levure et analysé sa flexibilité; (iii) défini le site d'interaction entre TBP et SAGA et montré que le complexe subit un changement conformationnel lors de cette liaison. / Transcription initiation in eukaryotes requires the recruitment of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and general transcription factors to the promoters of protein coding genes in order to form a PreInitiation Complex (PIC). Sequence specific activators bind up stream of the promoter, stimulating chromatin opening and PIC formation via recruitment of coactivator complexes. SAGA is such a coactivator, conserved in all eukaryotes, known to modify the histones on all expressed genes in yeast and human and involved in Pol II transcription. In this work I have analyzed SAGA’s molecular organization mostly by electron microscopy. I have (i) studied the architecture and sub unit interactions of SAGA histone acetylation (HAT) module and localized it in the full SAGA complex; (ii) obtained the first cryo-EM map of yeast SAGA and analyzed its flexibility; (iii) defined the interaction site of SAGA with TBP protein and shown that the complex under goes a large conformational change upon TBP binding.
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Advanced 3D and in-situ TEM approaches applied to carbon-based and zeolitic nanomaterials / Microscopie électronique 3D et environnementale de nanomatériaux carbones et zéolitiquesMelinte, Georgian 18 September 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des techniques avancées de Microscopie électronique à transmission (MET)ont été utilisées dans le but de caractériser et de fabriquer de nouveaux nanomatériaux pour des applications dans les domaines de la nanoélectronique et de la catalyse. Trois types de matériaux fonctionnalisés sont étudiés: le graphène multifeuillets (FLG– Few-Layer Graphene) avec des nanomotifs,des nanotubes de carbone (CNTs - Carbon Nanotubes en anglais) et des zéolithes mésoporeux. La formation de nanomotifs de tranchées et de tunnels sur des flocons de FLG à l’aide de nanoparticules(NPs) de fer est étudiée dans une approche qui combine la tomographie électronique et la MET environnementale. Le rôle des facettes de la nanoparticule et des paramètres topographiques de FLG a été déterminé du point de vue quantitatif, ce qui a mené à la mise en évidence du mécanisme de formation des nanomotifs de tranchées et de tunnels. Le transfert de nanoparticules à base de métal entre deux nanostructures de carbone a été également étudié, en temps réel, en employant un porte-échantillon MET couplé avec un dispositif STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope en anglais). Le protocole de contrôle du transfert des nanoparticules, les transformations chimiques et structurales subies par celles-ci, le mécanisme de croissance de nouvelles nanoparticules et d’autres phénomènes liés à ces effets ont été étudiés avec attention. La dernière partie de la thèse est centrée sur l’étude de la tomographie électronique à faible dose de la porosité induite dans deux classes de zéolithes, ZSM-5 et zéolithe Y, en utilisant un traitement chimique novateur à base de fluor. / In this thesis, advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) techniques are used to characterize and fabricate new nanomaterials with applications in nanoelectronics and catalysis. Three types of functionalized materials are investigated: nanopatterned few-layer graphene (FLG), carbon nanotubes(CNTs) and mesoporous zeolites. The nanopatterning process of FLG flakes by iron nanoparticles (NPs) is studied using an approach combining electron tomography (ET) and environmental TEM. The role of the nanoparticle faceting and of the FLG topographic parameters has been quantitatively determined leading to the first determination of the operating mechanism of the patterning process. The mass transfer of metallic-based NPs between two carbon nanostructures was studied as well in real-time by using a TEMSTMholder. The protocol of controlling the mass transfer, the chemical and structural transformations of the NPs, the growth mechanism of the new NPs and other related phenomena were carefully investigated.The last part deals with the low-dose ET investigation of the porosity induced in two classes of zeolites,ZSM-5 and zeolite Y, by an innovative fluoride-based chemical treatment.
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Species Specific Microcalcification in Reef Building Caribbean Corals in Ocean Acidification ConditionsDungan, Ashley M 13 November 2015 (has links)
Coral reefs are one of the most economically important ecosystems on the planet. Despite their great contribution to the world economy, anthropogenic influence via carbon dioxide emissions is leading to unprecedented changes with concerns about subsequent negative impacts on reefs. Surface ocean pH has dropped 0.1 units in the past century; in spite of this rapid shift in oceanic chemistry, it is unclear if individual species or life stages of Caribbean stony corals will be more sensitive to ocean acidification (OA). Examined is the relationship between CO2-induced seawater acidification, net calcification, photosynthesis, and respiration in three model Caribbean coral species: Orbicella faveolata, Montastraea cavernosa, and Dichocoenia stokesi, under near ambient (465 ± 5.52 ppm), and high (1451 ± 6.51 ppm) CO2 conditions. A species specific response was observed for net calcification; D. stokesi and M. cavernosa displayed a significant reduction in CaCO3 secreted under OA conditions, while O. faveolata fragments showed no significant difference. At the cellular level, transmission electron micrographs verified that all species and treatments were actively calcifying. Skeletal crystals nucleated by O. faveolata in the high CO2 treatments were statistically longer relative to controls. These results suggest that the addition of CO2 may shift the overall energy budget, causing a modification of skeletal aragonite crystal structures, rather than inhibiting skeletal crystal formation. Consequential to this energy shift, Orbicella faveolata belongs in the category of Scleractinian corals that exhibit a lower sensitivity to ocean acidification.
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Sledování trvanlivosti FRP kompozitních materiálů (kompozitů s dlouhovláknovou výztuží a polymerní matricí) / Monitoring the durability of FRP composite materialsJanák, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of the conditions for laboratory testing of composite profiles with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP). Theoretical part describes the main material properties of FRP profiles and method of manufacturing by pultrusion. Experimental part evaluates imposition of the test samples in alkaline environment and their subsequent changes in physical properties. Next part contains evaluation of cuts FRP profiles by electron microscopy in combination with element analysis. The outcome of this work is the method of evaluation of accelerated durability FRP profiles.
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Undersökning av brottytor på utmattningsprovstavar av stål till borrkronor / Inspection of Fracture Surfaces on Fatigue Sample Rods of Steel to Drill HeadsEriksson, Mathias January 2016 (has links)
Utmattningsbrott är ett återkommande problem som uppstår i borrkronor. Atlas Copco Secoroc har tidigare gjort utmattningsprovningar på fyra serier provstavar. Serierna skiljer sig från varandra på så sätt att stålet är hårt respektive mjukt härdat. Det hårdhärdade stålet är indelat i två serier. På den ena har dragprovsutmattning utförts och på den andra roterande-böj utmattning. Det samma gäller för det mjukhärdade stålet. De brottytor som uppstått vid brott av dessa provningar har undersökts, brottsförskjutningen har mätts och brottytan har analyserats med SEM. Om en icke-metallisk inneslutning (slagg) hittats som startpunkt har fyra saker undersökts. Den största diametern för inneslutningen, hur långt från ytan av staven slaggen påträffats, vilka grundämnen som inneslutningen innehåller och hur dessa grundämnen ligger i inneslutningen. För att undersöka grundämnen i inneslutningen har EDS-analys använts och för att se grundämnens fördelning har EDS-mappning använts. På grund av den begränsade tiden till detta projekt har enbart tre av de fyra provstavsserierna undersökts. Datan som har tagits fram genom undersökningarna har jämförts med data från uppdragsgivaren för att hitta samband. Nedan följer några av de slutsatser som hittades med hjälp av denna undersökning: Den kemiska sammansättningen i inneslutningarna var väldigt lika varandra. Ingen slagg skiljer sig markant från de andra. Av de inneslutningar och avtryck som observerats hade 95 % rundaktig form. Mindre inneslutningar är att föredra framför större. Anledningen är att stål med mindre inneslutningar klarade av en högre spänning och eller fler cykler innan brott sker. Inneslutningar som var i materialet hade mindre inverkan på stålets utmattningshållfasthet, än vad de på i ytan hade. Resultaten i denna undersökning har väldigt stor spridning. För att kunna dra säkra slutsatser behövs ett större underlag. Vidare utmattningsprovningar och analyser av brottytorna är att rekommendera. / Fatigue failures are a recurring problem for drill heads. Atlas Copco Secoroc has previously done fatigue failure tests on four series of sample bars. The sample bars had been hardened in two different ways. For the two first series, hardness has been increased so the material was harder, while for the other two series material was softer than the previous series. Fatigue failure tests have been done using two different methods, rotating bending fatigue and direct force fatigue testing. The fracture surface that occurred after the performed tests has been investigated. Fracture displacement has been measured. The fracture surface was examined with SEM. If a non-metallic inclusion is the starting point of the crack four different things were then investigated. The largest diameter of the inclusion, how far from the surface of the bar the slag is found, what kind of chemical elements it contains and how these elements are located through the inclusion. EDS-analysis were used to examine the chemical elements in the inclusion and EDS-mapping to see the location of the elements. Due to the limited time of this project three of the four sample bar series has been studied. The data that has been produced from these studies was then compared to the data from the costumer to find any connections. Below follows some of the conclusions that were found with the help of this study: The chemical compositions of the inclusions where very similar. No slags distinguish itself significantly from any other. 95% of the inclusions and imprints that has been observed where round shaped. Smaller inclusions are to be preferred to larger. The reason is that metal with smaller inclusions was able to cope with higher stress and or more cycles before fracture occurs. Inclusions that where found inside the material had less effect on the fatigue life for the steel then the ones on the surface. The results that has emerged from this study has a very wide distribution. To make reliable conclusions more data is needed for support. Further fatigue testing and analysis of fracture surfaces is recommended.
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Mesure de propriétés magnétiques locales de dispositifs par microscopie électronique à transmission / Measurement of local magnetic properties of devices with transmission electron microscopyFu, Xiaoxiao 27 May 2016 (has links)
L'EMCD, Energy Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichroism, est une technique récente, mise en œuvre dans le microscope électronique à transmission (TEM), qui utilise la spectroscopie de pertes d'énergie d'électrons (EELS). Elle a pour objectif la mesure du moment magnétique local d'un élément chimique donné. Son utilisation contribue à progresser dans la compréhension des phénomènes magnétiques à l'échelle nanométrique. Cette thèse propose d'élargir les domaines d'applications de l'EMCD. Nous avons exploité l'EMCD pour l'étude de films minces de MnAs épitaxiés sur un substrat de GaAs(001). Ce travail montre l'utilité de cette technique dans le cas de structures hexagonales présentant une anisotropie magnéto-cristalline élevée. Le rapport des moments orbital et de spin du Mn dans les films de MnAs ferromagnétique de structure hexagonale a été mesuré par EMCD et comparé à des calculs DFT, ceci le long des axes magnétiques facile, difficile et intermédiaire. Une rupture de l'ordre ferromagnétique a par ailleurs été observée et mesurée in situ dans le microscope grâce à un porte-objet chauffant, lors de la transition cristallographique de a-MnAs hexagonal à ß-MnAs quasi-hexagonal. La technique EMCD a également été mise en œuvre pour sonder le moment 4f de composés de terres rares à base de dysprosium. Il s'agissait d'étudier des super-réseaux DyFe2/YFe2. Les règles de somme ont été établies pour le seuil M4,5 du Dy. En outre, le couplage antiparallèle des moments Dy et Fe a été confirmé en comparant leurs signaux dichroïques et en prenant en compte la théorie dynamique de la diffraction. Ce travail de thèse illustre pour la première fois d'une part la faisabilité de la technique EMCD pour l'étude quantitative de l'anisotropie et des transitions magnétiques, et d'autre part son potentiel pour étudier les terres rares et leur moment 4f, ainsi que le couplage avec des éléments de transition. / EMCD (Energy-Loss Magnetic Chiral Dichoism) is an emerging technique based on energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in a transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It aims at measuring the element-specific local magnetic moment of solids at a nanometer scale, and hence improving our understanding of magnetic local magnetic phenomena. This thesis presents the exploring work on developing the EMCD technique and its applications. We have applied EMCD to epitaxial MnAs thin films grown on a GaAs(001) substrate, extending the application of this technique to hexagonal structure with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The 3d orbital-to-spin moment ratio of Mn in hexagonal ferromagnetic MnAs along easy, hard and intermediate magnetic axes has been respectively estimated and then compared to DFT calculations. Moreover, a breaking of the ferromagnetic order in MnAs thin film, together with the crystallographic transition from hexagonal a-MnAs to quasi-hexagonal ß-MnAs, has been locally studied in-situ by modifying the temperature of the crystal inside the electron microscope. EMCD has also been settled to probe 4f moment in rare earth compounds, by investigating Dy-M4,5 edges in DyFe2/YFe2 superlattices. We have derived sum rules which are specified for 4f moment and applied them to the obtained dichroic signal over Dy-M4,5 edges. In addition, antiparallel coupling of Dy and Fe moments has been confirmed by comparing their dichroic signals, taking into account the dynamic diffraction effect. The work in this thesis illustrates for the first time the feasibility of EMCD technique for quantitative study of magnetocrystalline anisotropy and magnetic transition, and also proves its potential as a tool to investigate 4f moment as well as moment coupling in magnetic materials.
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