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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

POSS-Based Biodegradable Polymers for Stent Applications: Electroprocessing, Characterization and Controlled Drug Release

Guo, Qiongyu January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Influência da composição da placa aterosclerótica nos resultados da angioplastia com stent coronariano / Influence of atherosclerotic plaque composition on the results of coronary angioplasty with stent implantation

Galon, Micheli Zanotti 07 December 2017 (has links)
Fundamentos: A caracterização precisa da interação da placa aterosclerótica no momento do implante do stent é crucial para o entendimento da complacência e da cicatrização vasculares. Objetivamos investigar se a composição da placa avaliada pela tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT), influencia as alterações agudas no procedimento índice do implante do stent e na cicatrização vascular no seguimento tardio. Métodos: Os pacientes tratados com um único tipo de stent eluidor de fármaco (cromo cobalto, eluidor de sirolimus e polímero bioabsorvível) foram incluídos prospectivamente, seguindo um protocolo com etapas de dilatações progressivas do vaso. As imagens de OCT sequenciais foram realizadas no procedimento índice (basal e a cada etapa do protocolo) e no seguimento tardio, co-registradas e analisadas a cada 0,6mm. A avaliação semiquantitativa da placa foi realizada dividindo-se secções transversas em 4 quadrantes, com cada quadrante rotulado de acordo com o seu componente mais prevalente (fibrótico, calcificado, lipídico, normal). A interação stent-vaso avaliada pela OCT foi utilizada como indicador substituto para lesão e cicatrização vasculares após o implante do stent. Resultados: Um total de 22 lesões (1stent/lesão) de 20 pacientes e 2298 seções transversas de OCT foram analisadas no procedimento índice. O reestudo com OCT foi realizado em 17 pacientes e 19 lesões (86%). O componente de placa predominante foi fibrótico (fibrótico = 46.84 ± 16%; lipídico = 17.63 ± 10.72%; calcificado = 4.63 ± 5.9%; normal = 29.16 ± 12.24; não analizável=1.74 ± 5.35%). Houve um aumento nas áreas da luz (10atm = 5.5 (4.5 - 7.4) mm2, 14-16atm = 6.0 (4.7 - 7.70) mm2, 20atm = 6.7 (5.5 - 8.2) mm2; P < 0.001) e do stent (10atm = 5.2 (4.3 - 7.0) mm2, 14-16atm = 5.7 (4.5 - 7.5) mm2, 20atm = 6.5 (5.3 - 7.9) mm2; P < 0.001), com um aumento na área do prolapso tecidual (10atm =0.09 (0.06 - 0.12) mm2, 14-16atm =0.10 (0.06 - 0.15) mm2, 20atm =0.15 (0.08 - 0.20) mm2; P < 0.01). Segmentos com muito tecido fibrocalcificado tiveram áreas luminais menores ao longo das etapas da intervenção. Por outro lado, placas com muito conteúdo lipídico ou vaso normal tiveram maiores ganhos nas medidas das áreas luminais mínimas ao longo das dilatações sequenciais. Além disso, placas com muito tecido fibrocalcificado no momento basal apresentaram menor crescimento neointimal no seguimento tardio, enquanto que o grau de conteúdo lipídico e de vaso normal não tiveram impacto sobre a formação do tecido neointimal. Os indicadores substitutos de lesão vascular após o implante do stent correlacionaram-se significativamente com o crescimento neointimal no seguimento tardio. Conclusões: A composição tecidual das placas subjacentes influencia significativamente o comportamento mecânico agudo e a longo prazo dos vasos coronarianos submetidos ao implante de stent. Além disso, a lesão vascular após o implante do stent está potencialmente ligada ao futuro crescimento neointimal no seguimento tardio / Background Accurate characterization of atherosclerotic plaque interaction during stent deployment is crucial to understand vascular compliance and healing. We sought to determine whether plaque composition assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT), influences acute changes at index procedure and vascular healing at follow up. Methods Patients treated with a single drug-eluting stent type (cobalt chromium with bioabsorbable polymer eluting sirolimus stent) were prospectively included, following a pre-defined step-by-step progressive vessel dilatation. Sequential OCT imaging were performed at the index procedure (baseline and at each time point of the protocol) and at follow up, co-registered and analyzed every 0.6mm for quantitative measurements. Semi-quantitative plaque assessment was performed at baseline by dividing cross-sections into 4 quadrants, with each quadrant labeled according to its most prevalent component (fibrotic, calcific, lipid). OCT assessments of stent-vessel interactions were used as a surrogate for vessel injury and healing after stent implantation. Results A total of 22 lesions (1stent/lesion) of 20 patients and 2298 OCT crosssections were analyzed at the index procedure. For an average of 19.7 months (591.88 ± 60.52 days), 17 of the patients and 19 lesions (86%) underwent OCT imaging at follow up. The predominant percentage plaque component was fibrotic (fibrotic = 46.84 ± 16%; lipid = 17.63 ± 10.72%; calcific = 4.63 ± 5.9%; normal = 29.16 ± 12.24; non-analyzable = 1.74 ± 5.35%). There was an increase in lumen (10atm = 5.5 (4.5 - 7.4) mm2, 14-16atm = 6.0 (4.7 - 7.70) mm2, 20atm = 6.7 (5.5 - 8.2) mm2; P < 0.001) and stent (10atm = 5.2 (4.3 - 7.0) mm2, 14-16atm = 5.7 (4.5 - 7.5) mm2, 20atm = 6.5 (5.3 - 7.9) mm2; P < 0.001) areas, with an increase in tissue prolapse area (10atm =0.09 (0.06 - 0.12) mm2, 14-16atm =0.10 (0.06 - 0.15) mm2, 20atm =0.15 (0.08 - 0.20) mm2; P < 0.01). Segments with high fibrocalcific content tended to have decreased minimal luminal areas along the intervention time-points. Conversely, plaques with high lipid content had increased minimal luminal areas during sequential dilatations. Moreover, plaques with high fibrocalcific tissue at baseline had significantly smaller neointimal growth at follow-up, whereas the degree of lipid content or normal tri-layered vessel had no impact on neointimal formation. OCT surrogates of vessel injury after coronary stenting significantly correlated with neointimal growth at follow-up. Conclusions: Tissue composition of underlying plaques significantly influences the acute mechanical and the long-term behavior of coronary vessels undergoing stent implantation. In addition, vessel injury after coronary stenting is potentially linked to future neointimal growth at follow-up

Κλινική μελέτη των καλυμμένων με φαρμακευτικές ουσίες ενδοπροθέσεων στα κνημιαία αγγεία

Κρανιώτης, Παντελής 26 January 2009 (has links)
Σκοπός: Η μελέτη είχε ως σκοπό την διερεύνηση της ασφάλειας και της αποτελεσματικότητας των sirolimus-eluting stent, σε σχέση με τα απλά μεταλλικά stent, στα πλαίσια αγγειοπλαστικής των κνημιαίων αγγείων, σε ασθενείς με χρόνια κρίσιμη ισχαιμία του κάτω άκρου. Πρόκειται για μια προοπτική ελεγχόμενη, κλινική μελέτη με διπλό σκέλος. Τα stent τοποθετήθηκαν σε περιπτώσεις μη ικανοποιητικής αγγειοπλαστικής (δηλ. σε περιπτώσεις ελαστικής επαναφοράς-υπολειμματικής στένωσης >30% και σε περιπτώσεις διαχωρισμού). Οι ασθενείς ελέγχθηκαν κλινικά και αγγειογραφικά στο εξάμηνο και στο 1 έτος. Ασθενείς και μέθοδοι: 29 ασθενείς, εκ των οποίων 8 γυναίκες και 21 άνδρες, με μέση ηλικία τα 68,7 έτη υποβλήθηκαν σε αγγειοπλαστική στα κνημιαία αγγεία, με απλά μεταλλικά stent, ομάδα Β. Σε αυτή την ομάδα τοποθετήθηκαν απλά stent σε 65 αλλοιώσεις, εκ των οποίων 38 στενώσεις και 27 αποφράξεις σε συνολικά 40 κνημιαία αγγεία. Άλλοι 29 ασθενείς, 8 γυναίκες και 21 άνδρες, με μέση ηλικία τα 68,8 έτη αντιμετωπίστηκαν με sirolimus-eluting stent, ομάδα S. Σε αυτή την ομάδα αντιμετωπίστηκαν 66 αλλοιώσεις εκ των οποίων 46 στενώσεις και 20 αποφράξεις, σε 41 συνολικά αγγεία. Οι ασθενείς επανελέγχθηκαν κλινικά και με ενδαρτηριακή αγγειογραφία στους 6 μήνες και στο 1 έτος, μετά την αρχική επέμβαση. Έγινε στατιστική ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων. Αποτελέσματα: Οι συνοδές νόσοι ήταν περισσότερες στην ομάδα S (όπως η συμπτωματική νόσος από την καρδιά και τις καρωτίδες, καθώς και η υπερλιπιδαιμία, p<0.05). Η τεχνική επιτυχία ήταν 96,6% (28/29 άκρα) στην ομάδα Β έναντι 100% (29/29 άκρα) στην ομάδα S (p=0.16) Στον επανέλεγχο εξαμήνου: Η βατότητα ήταν 68,1% στην ομάδα Β και 92,0% στην ομάδα S, (p<0.002). Τα μεγαλύτερα ποσοστά βατότητας των sirolimus-eluting stent, μετά από πολυπαραγοντική regression analysis είχαν OR 5.625, με 95% CI 1.711- 18.493, που ήταν στατιστικά σημαντικό (p=0.004). Η δυαδική επαναστένωση εντός του stent ήταν 55,3% ενώ η επαναστένωση στα άκρα του stent ήταν 66,0% στους ασθενείς με τα απλά μεταλλικά stent. Αντιθέτως τα ποσοστά στους ασθενείς με sirolimus-eluting stent ήταν 4,0% και 32,0% αντίστοιχα. Συγκεκριμένα η επαναστένωση εντός του stent είχε OR 0.067, με 95% CI 0.021-0.017, και η επαναστένωση στα άκρα του stent είχε OR 0.229 με 95% CI 0.099-0.533. Και τα δύο ήταν ήταν στατιστικά σημαντικά με p<0.001 και p=0.001, αντίστοιχα. Τα συνολικά ποσοστά επανεπέμβασης (TLR) στο εξάμηνο ήταν 17,0% στην ομάδα Β έναντι 4,0% στην ομάδα S, (OR 0.057, με 95% CI 0.008-0.426). Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν επίσης στατιστικά σημαντικό υπέρ των sirolimus stent. (p=0.02) Η διάσωση του άκρου ήταν 100% και στις δύο ομάδες. Η θνησιμότητα και ο ελάσσων ακρωτηριασμός στο εξάμηνο ήταν 6,9% και 17,2% στην ομάδα Β έναντι 10,3% και 3,4% στην ομάδα S (p=0.32 και p=0.04, αντίστοιχα). Στον επανέλεγχο έτους: Τα sirolimus-eluting stent σχετίζoνταν και πάλι με καλύτερη πρωτογενή βατότητα (OR 10.401, με 95% CI 3.425-31.589, p<0.001) και σημαντικά μειωμένη δυαδική επαναστένωση εντός του stent (OR 0.156, με 95% CI 0.060-0.407, p<0.001), καθώς και στα άκρα του stent. (OR 0.089, με 95% CI 0.023-0.349, p=0.001) Τα ποσοστά επανεπέμβασης στις βλάβες (TLR) ήταν πολύ μικρότερα στην ομάδα του sirolimus (OR 0.238, με 95% CI 0.067-0.841, p=0.026) . Δεν υπήρξαν στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές ανάμεσα στις δύο ομάδες Β και S όσον αφορά στα ποσοστά θνησιμότητας 10,3% έναντι 13,8%, στη διάσωση του άκρου 100% έναντι 96% και στους ελάσσονες ακρωτηριασμούς 17,2% έναντι 10,3% αντίστοιχα. Συμπεράσματα: Τα sirolimus-eluting stents περιορίζουν την ενδοθηλιακή υπερπλασία στα κνημιαία αγγεία. Η εφαρμογή τους έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την σημαντική μείωση των ποσοστών επαναστένωσης και μειώνει την ανάγκη για επανεπεμβάσεις. / Aim : The purpose of our study was to investigate the 6-month and 1-year angiographic and clinical outcome in the setting of a controlled clinical study. The study examined the safety and relative effectiveness of sirolimus-eluting stents opposed to conventional metal stents, in the infrapopliteal vessels, in patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI). The stents were used in a bail-out setting during infrapopliteal endovascular procedures, i. e. stenting was carried out in cases of suboptimal angioplasty results (recoil - residual stenosis >30%, or in cases of dissection, after angioplasty). Patients and Methods: Twenty-nine patients comprising 8 women and 21 men with a mean age of 68.7 years were submitted to infrapopliteal revascularization with conventional (bare) metal stents, called group B. In these patients 65 lesions were treated with bare stents, of whom 38 stenoses and 27 occlusions, in a total of 40 infrapopliteal vessels. Another 29 patients, again 8 women and 21 men, with a mean age of 68.8 years were treated with sirolimus-eluting stents, named group S. There were 66 lesions in this group with 46 of them stenoses and 20 occlusions, in a total of 41 arteries. Patients were followed-up with clinical examination and intrarterial angiography 6 months and 1 year after the procedure. Both results were subsequently analyzed statistically. 135 Results: Co morbidities like symptomatic cardiac and carotid disease, as well as hyperlipidemia were more prominent in group S (p<0.05). Technical success was 96.6% (28/29 limbs) in group B against 100.0% (29/29 limbs) in group S (p=0.16). During 6-month patient follow-up: Primary patency was 68.1% in group B opposed to 92.0% in group S (p<0.002). Sirolimus-eluting stents exhibited higher primary patency with OR 5.625 and 95% CI 1.711-18.493, which was statistically significant (p=0.004). Binary in-stent restenosis rate was 55.3% while in-segment restenosis was 66.0%, in patients who had received bare metal stents. In opposition the respective restenosis rates, in patients with sirolimus-eluting stents were 4.0% and 32.0%. Diminished in-stent (OR 0.067 with 95% CI 0.021-0.017) and insegment (OR 0.229 with 95% CI 0.099-0.533) binary restenosis were both statistically significant with p values being p<0.001 and p=0.001 respectively. Collective target lesion re-intervention (TLR) at 6 month follow-up was 17.0% in group B against 4.0% (OR 0.057 with 95% CI 0.008-0.426) in group S, which proved again statistically significant for sirolimus stents (p=0.02). Six-month limb salvage rate was 100% in both groups. Six-month mortality and minor amputation rates were respectively 6.9% and 17.2%, in group B versus 10.3% and 3.4%, in group S (p=0.32 and p=0.04, respectively). During 1-year patient follow-up: 136 SES were still related with better primary patency rate (OR 10.401 with 95% CI 3.425-31.589, p<0.001) and considerably lesser events of in-stent binary restenosis (OR 0.156, 95% CI 0.060-0.407, p<0.001) as well as insegment (OR 0.089, 95% CI 0.023-0.349, p=0.001) binary restenosis. Target lesion re-intervention (TLR), was much lower in the SES patients group during 1-year follow-up (OR 0.238 with 95% CI 0.067-0.841, p=0.026) . At 1 year follow-up there were no statistically significant differences among group B and group S regarding mortality (10.3% against 13.8%), limb salvage rates (100% vs. 96%) and minor amputation (17.2% vs. 10.3%). Conclusions: Sirolimus-eluting stents appear to limit intimal hyperplasia in the infrapopliteal vessels. The use of sirolimus-eluting stents decreases considerably restenosis rates in the infrapopliteal vessels and reduces the need for repeat interventions

Influência da composição da placa aterosclerótica nos resultados da angioplastia com stent coronariano / Influence of atherosclerotic plaque composition on the results of coronary angioplasty with stent implantation

Micheli Zanotti Galon 07 December 2017 (has links)
Fundamentos: A caracterização precisa da interação da placa aterosclerótica no momento do implante do stent é crucial para o entendimento da complacência e da cicatrização vasculares. Objetivamos investigar se a composição da placa avaliada pela tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT), influencia as alterações agudas no procedimento índice do implante do stent e na cicatrização vascular no seguimento tardio. Métodos: Os pacientes tratados com um único tipo de stent eluidor de fármaco (cromo cobalto, eluidor de sirolimus e polímero bioabsorvível) foram incluídos prospectivamente, seguindo um protocolo com etapas de dilatações progressivas do vaso. As imagens de OCT sequenciais foram realizadas no procedimento índice (basal e a cada etapa do protocolo) e no seguimento tardio, co-registradas e analisadas a cada 0,6mm. A avaliação semiquantitativa da placa foi realizada dividindo-se secções transversas em 4 quadrantes, com cada quadrante rotulado de acordo com o seu componente mais prevalente (fibrótico, calcificado, lipídico, normal). A interação stent-vaso avaliada pela OCT foi utilizada como indicador substituto para lesão e cicatrização vasculares após o implante do stent. Resultados: Um total de 22 lesões (1stent/lesão) de 20 pacientes e 2298 seções transversas de OCT foram analisadas no procedimento índice. O reestudo com OCT foi realizado em 17 pacientes e 19 lesões (86%). O componente de placa predominante foi fibrótico (fibrótico = 46.84 ± 16%; lipídico = 17.63 ± 10.72%; calcificado = 4.63 ± 5.9%; normal = 29.16 ± 12.24; não analizável=1.74 ± 5.35%). Houve um aumento nas áreas da luz (10atm = 5.5 (4.5 - 7.4) mm2, 14-16atm = 6.0 (4.7 - 7.70) mm2, 20atm = 6.7 (5.5 - 8.2) mm2; P < 0.001) e do stent (10atm = 5.2 (4.3 - 7.0) mm2, 14-16atm = 5.7 (4.5 - 7.5) mm2, 20atm = 6.5 (5.3 - 7.9) mm2; P < 0.001), com um aumento na área do prolapso tecidual (10atm =0.09 (0.06 - 0.12) mm2, 14-16atm =0.10 (0.06 - 0.15) mm2, 20atm =0.15 (0.08 - 0.20) mm2; P < 0.01). Segmentos com muito tecido fibrocalcificado tiveram áreas luminais menores ao longo das etapas da intervenção. Por outro lado, placas com muito conteúdo lipídico ou vaso normal tiveram maiores ganhos nas medidas das áreas luminais mínimas ao longo das dilatações sequenciais. Além disso, placas com muito tecido fibrocalcificado no momento basal apresentaram menor crescimento neointimal no seguimento tardio, enquanto que o grau de conteúdo lipídico e de vaso normal não tiveram impacto sobre a formação do tecido neointimal. Os indicadores substitutos de lesão vascular após o implante do stent correlacionaram-se significativamente com o crescimento neointimal no seguimento tardio. Conclusões: A composição tecidual das placas subjacentes influencia significativamente o comportamento mecânico agudo e a longo prazo dos vasos coronarianos submetidos ao implante de stent. Além disso, a lesão vascular após o implante do stent está potencialmente ligada ao futuro crescimento neointimal no seguimento tardio / Background Accurate characterization of atherosclerotic plaque interaction during stent deployment is crucial to understand vascular compliance and healing. We sought to determine whether plaque composition assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT), influences acute changes at index procedure and vascular healing at follow up. Methods Patients treated with a single drug-eluting stent type (cobalt chromium with bioabsorbable polymer eluting sirolimus stent) were prospectively included, following a pre-defined step-by-step progressive vessel dilatation. Sequential OCT imaging were performed at the index procedure (baseline and at each time point of the protocol) and at follow up, co-registered and analyzed every 0.6mm for quantitative measurements. Semi-quantitative plaque assessment was performed at baseline by dividing cross-sections into 4 quadrants, with each quadrant labeled according to its most prevalent component (fibrotic, calcific, lipid). OCT assessments of stent-vessel interactions were used as a surrogate for vessel injury and healing after stent implantation. Results A total of 22 lesions (1stent/lesion) of 20 patients and 2298 OCT crosssections were analyzed at the index procedure. For an average of 19.7 months (591.88 ± 60.52 days), 17 of the patients and 19 lesions (86%) underwent OCT imaging at follow up. The predominant percentage plaque component was fibrotic (fibrotic = 46.84 ± 16%; lipid = 17.63 ± 10.72%; calcific = 4.63 ± 5.9%; normal = 29.16 ± 12.24; non-analyzable = 1.74 ± 5.35%). There was an increase in lumen (10atm = 5.5 (4.5 - 7.4) mm2, 14-16atm = 6.0 (4.7 - 7.70) mm2, 20atm = 6.7 (5.5 - 8.2) mm2; P < 0.001) and stent (10atm = 5.2 (4.3 - 7.0) mm2, 14-16atm = 5.7 (4.5 - 7.5) mm2, 20atm = 6.5 (5.3 - 7.9) mm2; P < 0.001) areas, with an increase in tissue prolapse area (10atm =0.09 (0.06 - 0.12) mm2, 14-16atm =0.10 (0.06 - 0.15) mm2, 20atm =0.15 (0.08 - 0.20) mm2; P < 0.01). Segments with high fibrocalcific content tended to have decreased minimal luminal areas along the intervention time-points. Conversely, plaques with high lipid content had increased minimal luminal areas during sequential dilatations. Moreover, plaques with high fibrocalcific tissue at baseline had significantly smaller neointimal growth at follow-up, whereas the degree of lipid content or normal tri-layered vessel had no impact on neointimal formation. OCT surrogates of vessel injury after coronary stenting significantly correlated with neointimal growth at follow-up. Conclusions: Tissue composition of underlying plaques significantly influences the acute mechanical and the long-term behavior of coronary vessels undergoing stent implantation. In addition, vessel injury after coronary stenting is potentially linked to future neointimal growth at follow-up

Recherche économique en santé cardiovasculaire

Guertin, Jason Robert 02 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies médicales contribuent aux dépenses en santé qui ne cessent de croître, alors que les budgets se trouvent limités. L’évaluation économique des technologies devraient permettre d’identifier quelles sont celles qui sont les plus rentables. Malgré cela, plusieurs technologies dont le rapport coût-efficacité reste plutôt limite ou défavorable sont utilisées en médecine moderne et remboursées par notre système public de santé. Ce mémoire se concentre sur deux technologies en santé cardiovasculaire dont le rapport coût-efficacité est plutôt limite mais qui sont fréquemment utilisées au Canada; les tuteurs médicamentés ou pharmaco-actifs et les défibrillateurs cardiaques implantables (DCI). Nous avons fait une évaluation contingente de ces technologies dans le but d’examiner si ce type d’évaluation économique complémentaire pouvait procurer un point de vue nouveau sur la valeur économique et sociétaire des ces technologies. Les résultats de ces deux évaluations indiquent que les patients accordent une grande importance aux bénéfices que procurent ces deux technologies. Nos résultats soutiennent les politiques de santé actuelles de rembourser de façon libérale ces deux technologies. / Technological innovations have greatly contributed to the rising costs in healthcare, while budgets have remained limited. Economic evaluations of technologies should identify which technologies are cost-effective. However, several technologies used in modern medicine are either borderline cost-effective or even not cost-effective according to many studies. This thesis focuses on two technologies in cardiovascular medicine which are considered borderline cost-effective; drug-eluting stents and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. We conducted a contingent valuation of these technologies in hopes of determining if this alternative type of economic evaluation could give a novel point of view on the economic and societal value of these technologies. Results indicated that patients greatly valued benefits provided by these two technologies. Our result support our public healthcare system policies’ of liberal reimbursement of these two technologies.

Recherche économique en santé cardiovasculaire

Guertin, Jason R. 02 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies médicales contribuent aux dépenses en santé qui ne cessent de croître, alors que les budgets se trouvent limités. L’évaluation économique des technologies devraient permettre d’identifier quelles sont celles qui sont les plus rentables. Malgré cela, plusieurs technologies dont le rapport coût-efficacité reste plutôt limite ou défavorable sont utilisées en médecine moderne et remboursées par notre système public de santé. Ce mémoire se concentre sur deux technologies en santé cardiovasculaire dont le rapport coût-efficacité est plutôt limite mais qui sont fréquemment utilisées au Canada; les tuteurs médicamentés ou pharmaco-actifs et les défibrillateurs cardiaques implantables (DCI). Nous avons fait une évaluation contingente de ces technologies dans le but d’examiner si ce type d’évaluation économique complémentaire pouvait procurer un point de vue nouveau sur la valeur économique et sociétaire des ces technologies. Les résultats de ces deux évaluations indiquent que les patients accordent une grande importance aux bénéfices que procurent ces deux technologies. Nos résultats soutiennent les politiques de santé actuelles de rembourser de façon libérale ces deux technologies. / Technological innovations have greatly contributed to the rising costs in healthcare, while budgets have remained limited. Economic evaluations of technologies should identify which technologies are cost-effective. However, several technologies used in modern medicine are either borderline cost-effective or even not cost-effective according to many studies. This thesis focuses on two technologies in cardiovascular medicine which are considered borderline cost-effective; drug-eluting stents and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. We conducted a contingent valuation of these technologies in hopes of determining if this alternative type of economic evaluation could give a novel point of view on the economic and societal value of these technologies. Results indicated that patients greatly valued benefits provided by these two technologies. Our result support our public healthcare system policies’ of liberal reimbursement of these two technologies.

Supercritical CO2 Assisted Impregnation to prepare Drug-eluting Polymer Implants / Imprégnation par voie CO2 supercritique pour préparer des implants polymère à libération contrôlée de principes actifs

Champeau, Mathilde 04 November 2014 (has links)
Le procédé d’imprégnation par voie CO2 supercritique est une solution prometteuse pour préparer des implants polymère à libération contrôlée de médicaments.Ce travail a permis de comprendre l’influence des paramètres gouvernant ce procédé et de préciser dans quelle mesure ce procédé peut être utilisé pour préparer des implants polymères chargés en médicament. Pour ce faire, nous avons combiné les informations obtenues grâce aux techniques classiques de caractérisation de polymères et à un dispositif que nous avons développé basé sur la micro-spectroscopie FTIR haute pression in situ.Dans cette étude, des fils de suture de PLLA, PP and PET ont été imprégné avec deux anti-inflammatoires (aspirine et kétoprofène).Tout d’abord, l’évolution du comportement des systèmes binaires médicament/CO2 (solubilité et spéciation) et polymère/CO2 (quantité de CO2 adsorbé, gonflement de la matrice, évolution de la microstructure et des propriétés de tension du polymère) a été déterminé en fonction de la pression et de la température. Ensuite, le procédé d’imprégnation a été étudié. L’influence des conditions expérimentales sur le taux d’imprégnation a été déterminée et expliquée par la quantité de CO2 adsorbé, le gonflement de la matrice, la solubilité du médicament, l’évolution de la microstructure du polymère et aussi l’affinité médicament/polymère. La matrice de PLLA a pu être plus largement imprégnée (jusqu’à 32%) que celles de PP et PET (5% max). Enfin, l’influence des conditions d’imprégnation et de dépressurisation sur le relargage a été démontrée sur le système PLLA/Kétoprofène, la durée de relargage variant de 3jours à 3mois. / The scCO2 impregnation process is a promising alternative to other manufacturing process to prepare drug-eluting polymer implants.This work enabled to rationalize the influence of the key parameters governing this process and to determine in which extent this process can be used to prepare drug-eluting implants. We have combined the information obtained with traditional polymer characterization techniques and a newly characterization set-up we have developed that is based on in situ FTIR micro-spectroscopy. We have worked on the impregnation of sutures made of PLLA, PP and PET with two anti-inflammatory drugs namely ketoprofen and aspirin.Firstly, the thermodynamic behaviors of the systems drug/CO2 (solubility and speciation of the drug) and polymer/CO2 (CO2 sorption, polymer swelling, evolution of the polymer microstructure and of the tensile properties) were studied as a function of pressure and temperature. Then, the scCO2 impregnation process was investigated. The impact of the operational conditions on the drug loading (contact time, pressure, temperature and depressurization conditions) was explored and accounted regarding to the CO2 sorption, the2swelling, the drug solubility as well as the changes in the polymer microstructure with the experimental conditions and the presence of the drug. The drug/polymer affinity was also explored. The tensile properties of the impregnated fibers were also evaluated. PLLA was more impregnated (up to 32%) than PP and PET (up to 5%) in the investigated conditions. Finally, we have shown that the drug release can be tuned from 3 days to 3 months by varying the impregnation and depressurization conditions on the system PLLA/Ketoprofen.

Focus sur les dispositifs biorésorbables dans la revascularisation de la maladie coronarienne

Haddad, Kevin 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Endoprothèses vasculaires biorésorbables dans la revascularisation coronarienne : traitement de la coronaropathie extensive et caractéristiques angiographiques de la resténose

El Yamani, Mohammed El Mehdi 12 1900 (has links)
Il y a plus de 40 ans, la cardiologie interventionnelle a vu le jour et n’a cessé de révolutionner la prise en charge de l’athérosclérose coronarienne. Les endoprothèses vasculaires biorésorbables (BVS) avaient été conçues pour pallier les risques liés à la présence permanente de tuteurs métalliques dans les artères. En principe, ils fournissent de manière transitoire un soutien mécanique pour le scellement des dissections et la prévention du vasospasme et du remodelage constrictif en plus d’une élution médicamenteuse avant de se résorber et restaurer la vasomotricité coronarienne. L’enthousiasme autour des endoprothèses biorésorbables ABSORB™ était mitigé par un risque soutenu de thrombose du tuteur. Ce mémoire traitera en premier lieu des bases moléculaires de l’athérosclérose. Il abordera ensuite la prise en charge de la coronaropathie athérosclérotique ainsi que l’histoire de la cardiologie interventionnelle et ses différentes révolutions. Ensuite, deux études cliniques ont été conduites dans le cadre de ce travail et seront présentées. La première étude évalue le rôle du BVS dans la revascularisation de la coronaropathie extensive (multivaisseaux ou diffuse) et a montré que, dans un contexte aussi peu favorable au déploiement d’un tuteur coronarien, ABSORB™ a présenté des résultats cliniques acceptables à très long terme comparativement aux tuteurs métalliques de deuxième génération. La deuxième étude s’intéresse quant à elle aux caractéristiques angiographiques de resténose des BVS. Elle a démontré qu’à long terme, la resténose des BVS devient de plus en plus diffuse, et était associée à des issues cliniques moins favorables. Le dernier chapitre de ce mémoire se constitue d’une ouverture conclusive présentant les différentes endoprothèses biorésorbables actuellement à l’étude ou en cours de développement en soulignant leurs principales différences avec ABSORB™. / More than 40 years ago, interventional cardiology was born and has continued to revolutionize the management of coronary atherosclerosis. Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds (BVS) were designed to alleviate the risks associated with the permanent presence of metal stents in the arteries. In theory, they provide a transient mechanical support for sealing dissections and preventing vasospasm and constrictive remodeling in addition to a drug-eluting function before complete bioresorption and restoration of coronary vasomotion. Enthusiasm around the ABSORB™ bioresorbable scaffold was mitigated by a sustained risk of scaffold thrombosis. This thesis will first review the molecular basis of atherosclerosis. It will then discuss the management of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, the history of interventional cardiology and its multiple revolutions. Then, two clinical studies that were conducted as part of this work will be presented. The first study that evaluates the role of BVS in the revascularization of extensive coronary artery disease (multivessel or diffuse) showed that, in such an unfavorable context for the deployment of a coronary stent, ABSORB™ has shown acceptable clinical results in the very long term compared to second generation drug-eluting stents. The second study focuses on the angiographic patterns of BVS restenosis. It showed that in the long term, the pattern of restenosis tended to be more diffuse than focal and that restenosis was associated with less favorable clinical outcomes. The final chapter of this thesis presents the different bioresorbable scaffolds currently under study or under development while highlighting their main differences with ABSORB™.

Ενδοαγγειακή απεικόνιση των αγγείων κάτωθεν του βουβωνικού συνδέσμου με Οπτική Συνεκτική Τομογραφία (Optical Coherence Tomography)

Παρασκευόπουλος, Ιωάννης 18 June 2014 (has links)
Η οπτική συνεκτική τομογραφία με τη χρήση συχνοτήτων ( FD-OCT) είναι μια ενδαγγειακή απεικονιστική μέθοδος που χρησιμοποιεί εγγύς στο υπέρυθρο φως, για να παράγει υψηλής ανάλυσης εικόνες του τοιχώματος του αυλού του αγγείου. Όπως και στην τεχνολογία υπερήχων, εκπέμπεται φωτεινή ενέργεια η οποία ανακλάται και εξασθενεί, σύμφωνα με την υφή του προσπιπτομένου ιστού. Το OCT μπορεί να απεικονίσει, με ανάλυση από 10 έως 20 μm, μικροδομές του αγγειακού τοιχώματος με εξαίσια λεπτομέρεια. Μέχρι σήμερα, η δυνατότητα εφαρμογής της μεθόδου είχε περιοριστεί σε μικρές αρτηρίες διαμέτρου έως 4mm και δεν είχε εφαρμοστεί in vivo στα αγγεία των κάτω άκρων, κάτωθεν του επιπέδου των βουβώνων. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να αναφερθεί για παγκοσμίως πρώτη φορά η ασφάλεια και η σκοπιμότητα της απεικόνισης με Οπτική Συνεκτική Τομογραφία του αρτηριακού άξονα των κάτω άκρων , κάτωθεν του επιπέδου της βουβώνας ( μηροϊγνυακός άξονας και κνημιαία αγγεία), καθώς και οι σχετιζόμενες με το FD-OCT επιπλοκές. Επιπρόσθετα, να διερευνηθούν για πρώτη φορά, με τη χρήση FD-OCT, τα χαρακτηριστικά του αγγειακού τοιχώματος του ανωτέρω άξονα (τόσο πριν όσο και μετά από αγγειοπλαστική ή/και τοποθέτηση stent), η μορφολογία της αθηρωματικής πλάκας, η μορφολογία και η ποσοτικοποίηση της υπερπλασίας του νέου εσωτερικού χιτώνα (neointima) εντός του stent, η επαναστένωση εντός του stent (ISR) και η κακή εναπόθεση (malapposition) των stent struts σε μια σειρά από ασθενείς που πάσχουν από περιφερική αρτηριοπάθεια (PAD). Μελετήθηκαν, με ποσοτική ανάλυση του αυλού τους (Quantitative vascular analysis), αρτηρίες με διάμετρο έως 7 χιλιοστά. Μικτά χαρακτηριστικά από περιοχές πλούσιες σε λιπίδια, εναποθέσεις ασβεστίου και ασβεστοποιημένες πλάκες, νεκρωτικές περιοχές και ίνωση εντοπίστηκαν σε όλες τις απεικονιζόμενες αθηροσκληρωτικές βλάβες. Ωστόσο, με βάση το επικρατέστερο από τα παραπάνω απεικονιστικά χαρακτηριστικά, οι βλάβες στο πλαίσιο της έρευνας ταξινομήθηκαν ως αμιγώς ινωτικές, ως ινοασβεστοποιημένες, ως πλούσιες σε λιπίδια και τέλος ως νεκρωτικές/ασβεστοποιημένες. Συσσώρευση των μακροφάγων εντός της αθηρωματικής πλάκας σημειώθηκε σε μικρό ποσοστό των de novo αθηρωματικών αλλοιώσεων. Ποικίλοι βαθμοί υπερπλασίας του νέου έσω χιτώνα απεικονίσθηκαν σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις ISR αλλοιώσεων, με καθαρά ινωτικά χαρακτηριστικά και σημαντική νεοαγγείωση σε κάποιες από αυτές. Η νεοαγγείωση συνέπεσε με το επίπεδο της μέγιστης στένωσης του αγγειακού αυλού. Σημαντικού βαθμού διαχωρισμός με μεγάλο περιορισμό του αγγειακού αυλού, τέτοιος ώστε να απαιτηθεί να τοποθετηθεί ενδοαυλικό stent, ανιχνεύθηκε σε αρκετές περιπτώσεις της de novo αθηρωμάτωσης. Η ψηφιακή αφαιρετική αγγειογραφία παρέλειψε να προσδιορίσει μεγάλο ποσοστό των σοβαρών διαχωρισμών μετά από αγγειοπλαστική. Η νεοαθηροσκλήρυνση εντός του νέου έσω χιτώνα των κνημιαίων φαρμακευτικών stents (DES), είναι ένα συχνό εύρημα τόσο στους συμπτωματικούς όσο και στους ασυμπτωματικούς ασθενείς. Μπορούμε να υποθέσουμε ότι, κατά αναλογία με τα εμφυτευμένα DES στα στεφανιαία αγγεία, η ελαττωματική ενδοθηλιοποίηση που προκαλείται από την εκλυόμενη φαρμακευτική ουσία, μαζί με την νεοαγγείωση που αναπτύσσεται μεταξύ των stent struts, μπορούν να υποδαυλίσουν την νεοαθηροσκλήρυνση εντός του νέου έσω χιτώνα των κνημιαίων DES, η οποία μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε επαναστένωση εντός του stent (ISR) και απώλεια του εμβαδού του αυλού των περιφερικών αρτηριών. Οι παρατηρήσεις της μελέτης αυτής θέτουν σε αμφισβήτηση το παραδοσιακό τρόπο κατανόησης της περιφερειακής επαναστένωσης εντός του stent ως μιας απλής υπερπολλαπλασιαστικής απάντησης στο βαρότραυμα. Η απεικόνιση με FD-OCT είναι ένα βέλτιστο πειραματικό εργαλείο για την αξιολόγηση της εξέλιξης της αθηροσκληρωματικής νόσου και την επαναστένωση του αγγείου. Μπορεί να παρέχει υψηλής ευκρίνειας ενδοαγγειακή απεικόνιση κατά τη διάρκεια αγγειοπλαστικών επεμβάσεων στα κάτω άκρα και θα μπορούσε να αποδειχθεί κλινικά χρήσιμο για τον προσδιορισμό της εντός του stent πρόπτωσης ιστού και του strut malapposition. Παρ 'όλα αυτά, δεν πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως εργαλείο για τη συνήθη κλινική πρακτική μέχρι να προκύψουν στοιχεία από περαιτέρω κλινικές δοκιμές για τον καθορισμό των ειδικών ενδείξεων της απεικόνισης με FD-OCT στις περιφερικές αρτηρίες. / Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a catheter-based imaging method that employs near-infrared light to produce high-resolution intravascular images. OCT can readily visualize vessel microstructure at a 10- to 20-μm resolution with exquisite detail. To date, however, applicability of the method has been limited to small diameter arteries (≤4 mm). To the best of the author’s knowledge, this study is the first worldwide that demonstrates the safety and clinical feasibility of frequency domain Optical Coherence Tomography (FD-OCT) imaging of infrainguinal vessels in vivo during infrainguinal angioplasty procedures. It is also the first study that reports the use of intravascular FD-OCT to detect and characterize in-stent neointimal tissue following infrapopliteal drug eluting stent (DES) placement in patients suffering from critical limb ischemia. Quantitative lumen analysis of arteries with diameter up to 7 mm was performed. High-resolution OCT images provided exquisite two-dimensional axial and longitudinal views of the infrainguinal arteries and allowed thorough investigation of a variety of angioplasty sequela, including and not limited to intimal tears and dissection flaps, white and red thrombus, stent mesh malapposition, and intrastent plaque prolapse. Of interest, OCT identified cases of suboptimal postangioplasty outcome that single-plane subtraction angiography did not recognize and accounted. Mixed features of lipid pool areas, calcium deposits and calcified plaques, necrotic areas, and fibrosis were identified in all of the imaged atherosclerotic lesions. However, based on the predominant baseline imaging findings, lesions under investigation were classified as purely fibrotic, fibrocalcific, mostly lipid-laden and necrotic/calcified. Intraplaque accumulation of macrophages was noted in some of de novo atheromatic lesions. Varying degrees of neointimal hyperplasia were demonstrated in all cases of in stent restenosis (ISR) lesions with purely fibrotic features and considerable neovascularization in some of them. The latter finding coincided with the level of maximum vessel stenosis in all cases. Neoatherosclerosis following infrapopliteal DES placement is a frequent finding in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Our preliminary observations allow us to speculate that analogous to coronary implanted DES, defective endothelialization induced by the eluted drug, along with neovascularization developing between the stent struts, may incite neointimal neoatherosclerosis, which may result in ISR and lumen loss of the peripheral arteries. It also seems that infrapopliteal neoatherosclerosis may be a significant contributing factor for ISR rather than a minor and sporadic process, highlighting the clinical significance of the phenomenon. Our observations put in dispute the traditional way of understanding peripheral in-stent restenosis as a simple hyperproliferative response to barotraumas and may explain the paramount importance of aggressive risk factor modification strategies. Neointimal neoatherosclerosis as identified by FD-OCT may have a role in the development of below-the-knee restenosis and thus warrants further investigation by larger controlled studies. Moreover, it may prove clinically useful for the determination of intrastent tissue prolapse and strut malapposition. FD-OCT should not be utilized as a tool for routine clinical practice until evidence from further clinical trials emerge to determine the specific indications for OCT imaging of the peripheral arteries.

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