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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Condition dependent TEA-sensitive channels on crayfish motor axon

Yu, Feiyuan 31 July 2017 (has links)
In previous studies, some channels, called the “sleeper channels,” were reported to contribute to the shaping of the action potential (AP) only under non-physiological conditions. These channels have been hypothesized to play a role in providing a protective mechanism to prevent damage from neuronal hyperexcitation. Here we applied two-electrode current clamp at the primary branch point (1°BP) and the presynaptic terminal simultaneously on crayfish axons. Cadmium had minimal effects on AP shaping, suggesting the absence of calcium-activated potassium channels. Application of 1 mM TEA had minimal impact on AP waveform. In the presence of 4-Aminopyridine (4-AP), the same tetraethylammonium (TEA) concentration significantly prolonged AP duration, resembling the behaviors of sleeper channels. The kinetics of the TEA-sensitive channel (Kv(TEA)) is similar to the Kv2 family of mammalian K+ channels. TEA depolarized the potential after an AP and increased the AP duration in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that these channels contributed to maintaining AP waveform majorly during the hyperpolarization. The terminals were more sensitive to the blockers, suggesting a probability of regulation on neurotransmitter release. However, the TEA-sensitive channels at the crayfish axon had a higher affinity to TEA than the Kv2 channels. Pharmacological profiles, spatial distinction and function of the Kv(TEA) in the crayfish axon require further study.

Design and Safety Analysis ofEmergency Brake System forAutonomous Formula Car : In Reference to Functional Safety ISO 26262

Böhlander, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
The engineering competition Formula Student has introduced a Driverless Vehicle (DV)class, which requires the students to develop a car that can autonomously make its wayaround a cone track. To ensure the safety of such a vehicle, an Emergency Brake System(EBS) is required. The EBS shall ensure transition to safe state for detection of a singlefailure mode. This thesis work covers the design of the EBS for KTH Formula Student(KTH FS).Due to the safety critical character of this system, the software part of the EBS, calledEBS Supervisor, has been analyzed in accordance with the safety standard ISO 26262 tosee if an improved safety could be achieved. The analysis has been perform according toPart 3: Concept phase of ISO 26262 with an item definition, Hazard Analysis and RiskAssessment (HARA), Functional Safety Concept (FSC) and Technical Safety Concept(TSC).The result of the analysis showed that the EBS Supervisor requires extensive redundanciesin order to follow ISO 26262. This includes an additional CPU as well as signal checksof inputs and outputs. Due to limited resources in terms of money and time within theKTH FS team, these redundancies will not be implemented. The process of working withthe safety standard did however inspire an increased safety mindset. / Ingenjörstävlingen Formula Student har introducerat en förarlös tävlingsklass (eng:Driverless Vehicle) som innebär att studenterna ska utveckla en bil som autonomt kan tasig runt en konbana. För att försäkra sig om säkerheten för ett sådant fordon krävs ettnödbromssystem (eng: Emergency Brake System (EBS)). EBS:en skall försäkra att enövergång till ett säkert tillstånd sker då ett singulärt fel upptäcks. Det här examensarbetetbehandlar designen av EBS:en för KTH Formula Student.På grund av den säkerhetskritiska karaktären hos detta system har mjukvarudelen avEBS:en, kallad EBS Supervisor, blivit analyserad utifrån säkerhetsstandarden ISO 26262för att se om en förbättrad säkerhet kunde uppnås. Analysen har blivit genomfördenligt Del 3: Konceptfas av ISO 26262 med item definition, Hazard Analysis and RiskAssessment, Functional Safety Concept och Technical Safety Concept.Resultatet av analysen visade att EBS Supervisor kräver omfattande redundanser föratt uppfylla ISO 26262. Detta inkluderar en extra CPU såväl som kontroller av inochutsignaler. På grund av begränsade resurser i form av pengar och tid inom KTHFS, valdes dessa redundanser att inte implementeras. Processen av att arbeta medsäkerhetsstandarden har dock inspirerat ett ökat säkerhetstänk.

Driver Assistance Systemswith focus onAutomatic Emergency Brake

Henriksson, Tomas January 2011 (has links)
This thesis work aims at performing a survey of those technologies generally called DriverAssistance Systems (DAS). This thesis work focuses on gathering information in terms ofaccident statistics, sensors and functions and analyzing this information and shall thruaccessible information match functions with accidents, functions with sensors etc.This analysis, based on accidents in United States and Sweden during the period 1998 – 2002and two truck accident studies, shows that of all accidents with fatalities or sever injuriesinvolving a heavy truck almost half are the result of a frontal impact. About one fourth of theaccidents are caused by side impact, whereas single vehicle and rear impact collisions causesaround 14 % each. Of these, about one fourth is collision with unprotected (motorcycles,mopeds, bicycles, and pedestrians) whereas around 60 % are collision with other vehicles.More than 90 % of all accidents are partly the result of driver error and about 75 % aredirectly the result of driver error. Hence there exist a great opportunity to reduce the numberof accidents by introducing DAS.In this work, an analysis of DAS shows that six of the systems discussed today have thepotential to prevent 40 – 50 % of these accidents, whereas 20 – 40 % are estimated to actuallyhaving the chance to be prevented.One of these DAS, automatic emergency brake (AEB), has been analyzed in more detail.Decision models for an emergency brake capable to mitigate rear-end accidents has beendesigned and evaluated. The results show that this model has high capabilities to mitigatecollisions.

Konceptstudie för att korta bromssträckan hos personbilar i nödsituationer / Concept study on reducing the braking distance of passenger cars in emergency situations

Ekermann, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Utifrån en problemställning formulerad av Trafikverkets skyltfond har produktutvecklingsföretaget Prodelox drivit ett projekt med syfte att testa kreativa idéer för att minska bromssträckan för personbilar i nödsituationer. Som en del i projektet har ett examensarbete genomförts vilket resulterat i denna rapport. Examensarbetet ämnar sammanställa en mängd idéer på alternativa metoder att bromsa bilar, för att sedan välja ut tre av dessa för praktiska tester. Idén med att korta bromssträckan grundar sig i trafiksäkerhetsarbetet i kombination med introduktionen av nya tekniska system som kan förutspå kollisioner. Om en kollision kan förutses är det av största intresse att kunna bromsa in bilen så mycket som möjligt innan detta sker för att minska skadorna och rädda liv. Ur ett förutsättningslöst perspektiv har kreativa idéer tagits fram. Rapporten tar dessutom upp och sammanfattar friktionsteorier och fordonsdynamiska aspekter att ta hänsyn till vid utvecklingsarbetet. Projektet följer en produktutvecklingsmetodik presenterad av Ulrich och Eppinger (2008) och omfattningen är utvecklingsfasens tidiga steg. Genom två iterationer utvecklas koncept genom framtagande av kravspecifikation, konceptgenerering, och konceptval. Idéer testas löpande genom fysiska såväl som virtuella prototyper under hela processen. Den första utvecklingsiterationen resulterar i 17 konceptidéer innefattande olika typer av bromsmetoder. Koncepten delas in i kategorierna ökad friktion, ökad normalkraft, spjärn mot asfalten, aerodynamik och magnetism. Tre koncept väljs ut och utvecklas vidare: Koncept Ankare, Gummiplatta och Avverkan. Utvecklingen av koncept Ankare resulterar i ett koncept där en infästning i asfalten sker i farten under bilen med hjälp av krutdrivna spikpistoler. Fästet förbinds med bilen med ett textilband kallat Tear Webbing. Det är två sydda remmar som producerar en konstant kraft då remmarna slits isär och sömmarna rivs upp. Bandet testas praktiskt och ger en bromseffekt på uppemot 1,5 g-krafter, medan de krutdrivna spikpistolerna inte kan testas i farten inom ramen för detta projekt. Koncept Gummiplatta bygger på att en stor gummiyta placerad under bilen trycks ner i marken och lyfter framvagnen på bilen. Olika gummibelägg testas med förhoppningen att hitta ett gummibelägg med goda friktionsegenskaper. Ökad area och optimerade materialegenskaper kan i teorin leda till bättre friktion. Konceptet testas på både vått och torrt väglag genom en konstruktion under testbilens framvagn. Fyra olika gummiprover jämförs med bilens vanliga bromsar. Endast ett gummi, naturgummi, presterar bättre än referensen i tester från 50 km/h, medan resten resulterar i längre bromssträcka. Vid tester från 100 km/h presterar samtliga gummiprover sämre än referensbromsningarna. Koncept Avverkan baseras på idén att en större kraft än friktionskraften kan fås ut om ett hårt material trycks ner i asfaltens yta och river upp densamma. Deformationerna av asfalten åstadkommer den bromsande kraften. I test av konceptet höll inte konstruktionen, men retardationen som utvecklades innan konstruktionen gav vika kom upp i 1,2 g-krafter, något som visar på att konceptet har kapacitet att korta bromssträckan. Som fortsättning på detta projekt föreslås flera vägar att gå. Koncepten Ankare och Avverkan visar på stor potential att korta bromssträckan och nya projekt med syfte att fortsatt utveckla och testa dessa koncept föreslås. Även andra projekt som ligger utanför syftet av denna rapport, så som en idé för att minska dubbdäcksanvändningen, föreslås för utredning i framtida studier. / At the request of the Swedish Transport Administration the product development company Prodelox has initiated a project aiming to test creative ideas on reducing the braking distance for passenger cars in emergency situations. As a part of this project a master thesis has been conducted resulting in this report. The thesis aims to compile ideas on alternative methods for braking cars, and thereafter choosing three of them for practical testing. In combination with introduction of new technical innovations that predict collisions, an alternative braking system that could brake more than standard brakes are of great interest. By reducing the braking distance deaths and serious injuries in traffic can be reduced. From this perspective ideas have been impartially generated. The report includes friction theory and vehicle dynamics to consider in the development. The project is following a product development process presented by Ulrich and Eppinger (2008) and focuses on the early stages of the process. In two iterations concepts are developed through the phases target specification, concept generation and concept selection. Ideas are concurrently tested through physical as well as virtual prototypes. The first development iteration resulted in 17 concepts including different kinds of braking methods. The concepts are divided into five categories; increased friction, increased normal load, grabbing of the asphalt, aerodynamics, and magnetism. Three concepts are chosen for further development; concept Anchor, Rubber plate, and Rip up. The development of concept Anchor results in a concept for which an attachment is made in the asphalt on the fly by use of cartridge actuated fastening machine. The attachment is connected to the car by a textile webbing, called Tear Webbing. It consists of two sewn straps that produce a constant force when torn apart. In practical tests, the concept generate a breaking effect of 1.5 g-forces, while the cartridge actuated fastening cannot be tested on the fly within this project. The development of concept Anchor results in a concept for which an attachment is made in the asphalt on the fly by use of cartridge actuated fastening machine. The attachment is connected to the car by a textile webbing, called Tear Webbing. It consists of two sewn straps that produce a constant force when torn apart. In practical tests, the concept generate a breaking effect of 1.5 g-forces, while the cartridge actuated fastening cannot be tested on the fly within this project. Concept Rip up is based on idea that a bigger force than the frictional force can be achieved by pressing a hard material into the surface of the asphalt road and tearing up the same. The deformations of the asphalt generate the braking force. While testing the concept the structure holding the horns broke, but the force achieved before time of collapse was corresponding to a deceleration of 1.2 g-forces. This shows that the concept has potential to reduce the braking distance. To conclude this project several new projects are suggested. The concepts Anchor and Rip up show great potential to reduce the braking distance and new projects aiming to further develop and test these concepts are recommended. Also other further studies outside the frame of this report are suggested, for example an idea on how to reduce the usage of studded tires.

Modellierung und Erkennung von Fahrsituationen und Fahrmanövern für sicherheitsrelevante Fahrerassistenzsysteme / Modeling and identifying of driving situations and driving maneuvers for safety-relevant driving assistance systems

Schneider, Jörg Henning 01 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein generisches Verfahren zur wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierten Erkennung von Fahrsituationen und Fahrmanövern für sicherheitsrelevante Fahrerassistenzsysteme. Fahrsituationen und Manöver unterliegen einer gewissen Unsicherheit basierend auf der unterschiedlichen Situationswahrnehmung bzw. Manöverdurchführung der Fahrzeugführer. Diese Unsicherheitskomponente wird in den Ansatz zur Situations- und Manövererkennung mit einbezogen. Ein weiterer Unsicherheitsaspekt beruht auf den ungenauen Umgebungsinformationen auf denen die Situations- und Manövererkennung basiert. Beide Unsicherheitsursachen sind völlig unabhängig voneinander und werden aus diesem Grund separat betrachtet und modelliert. Zur Modellierung dieser beiden Unsicherheitsaspekte bedient sich der vorgestellte Ansatz der Fuzzy-Theorie, der Theorie der probabilistischen Netzen sowie Verfahren zur Fehlerfortpflanzung und Sensitivitätsanalyse. Nach der theoretischen Vorstellung dieser Methodiken wird in der Arbeit detailliert auf den Einsatz und das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Verfahren zur Erkennung der Fahrsituationen und Fahrmanöver eingegangen. Die Umsetzbarkeit des vorgestellten Verfahrens wird am Beispiel der Notbremssituation gezeigt. Die Notbremssituation setzt sich aus unterschiedlichen Teilsituationen und Manövern zusammen. Die Erkennung der einzelnen Situationen und Manöver sowie die Zusammenführung zur übergeordneten Notbremssituation wurden mit Hilfe des vorgestellten Verfahrens realisiert. Zur Evaluierung der Erkennungsgüte wurden sowohl Messdaten aus dem Straßenverkehr als auch realitätsnahe Daten, aufgezeichnet auf Versuchsstrecken, herangezogen. / The present work describes a generic method for the probabilistic identification of driving situations and driving manoeuvres for safety relevant driver assistance systems. Driving situations and driving manoeuvres underlie a certain uncertainty based on the different situation perception and manoeuvre execution of the driver. This uncertainty component is considered in the approach for the situation and manoeuvre identification. An additional uncertainty aspect is based on the inaccurate environment information, the identification of driving situations and manoeuvres depend on. Both uncertainty aspects are completely independent and are considered and modelled separately for this reason. For modelling both of these uncertainty aspects the present approach is using the fuzzy theory, probabilistic networks, as well as methods for error propagation and sensitivity analysis. After introducing these techniques theoretically, the application and the interaction of the single methods to identify the driving situations and manoeuvres is described in detail. The practicability of the introduced proceeding is shown exemplarily on the emergency brake situation. The emergency brake situation consists of several situation and manoeuvre components. The identification of the single situations and manoeuvres as well as the combination to the higher emergency brake situation is realised with the introduced proceeding. Measuring data gathered on road traffic and close to reality data measured on a test track were used to evaluate the identification quality.

Modellierung und Erkennung von Fahrsituationen und Fahrmanövern für sicherheitsrelevante Fahrerassistenzsysteme

Schneider, Jörg Henning 01 June 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein generisches Verfahren zur wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierten Erkennung von Fahrsituationen und Fahrmanövern für sicherheitsrelevante Fahrerassistenzsysteme. Fahrsituationen und Manöver unterliegen einer gewissen Unsicherheit basierend auf der unterschiedlichen Situationswahrnehmung bzw. Manöverdurchführung der Fahrzeugführer. Diese Unsicherheitskomponente wird in den Ansatz zur Situations- und Manövererkennung mit einbezogen. Ein weiterer Unsicherheitsaspekt beruht auf den ungenauen Umgebungsinformationen auf denen die Situations- und Manövererkennung basiert. Beide Unsicherheitsursachen sind völlig unabhängig voneinander und werden aus diesem Grund separat betrachtet und modelliert. Zur Modellierung dieser beiden Unsicherheitsaspekte bedient sich der vorgestellte Ansatz der Fuzzy-Theorie, der Theorie der probabilistischen Netzen sowie Verfahren zur Fehlerfortpflanzung und Sensitivitätsanalyse. Nach der theoretischen Vorstellung dieser Methodiken wird in der Arbeit detailliert auf den Einsatz und das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Verfahren zur Erkennung der Fahrsituationen und Fahrmanöver eingegangen. Die Umsetzbarkeit des vorgestellten Verfahrens wird am Beispiel der Notbremssituation gezeigt. Die Notbremssituation setzt sich aus unterschiedlichen Teilsituationen und Manövern zusammen. Die Erkennung der einzelnen Situationen und Manöver sowie die Zusammenführung zur übergeordneten Notbremssituation wurden mit Hilfe des vorgestellten Verfahrens realisiert. Zur Evaluierung der Erkennungsgüte wurden sowohl Messdaten aus dem Straßenverkehr als auch realitätsnahe Daten, aufgezeichnet auf Versuchsstrecken, herangezogen. / The present work describes a generic method for the probabilistic identification of driving situations and driving manoeuvres for safety relevant driver assistance systems. Driving situations and driving manoeuvres underlie a certain uncertainty based on the different situation perception and manoeuvre execution of the driver. This uncertainty component is considered in the approach for the situation and manoeuvre identification. An additional uncertainty aspect is based on the inaccurate environment information, the identification of driving situations and manoeuvres depend on. Both uncertainty aspects are completely independent and are considered and modelled separately for this reason. For modelling both of these uncertainty aspects the present approach is using the fuzzy theory, probabilistic networks, as well as methods for error propagation and sensitivity analysis. After introducing these techniques theoretically, the application and the interaction of the single methods to identify the driving situations and manoeuvres is described in detail. The practicability of the introduced proceeding is shown exemplarily on the emergency brake situation. The emergency brake situation consists of several situation and manoeuvre components. The identification of the single situations and manoeuvres as well as the combination to the higher emergency brake situation is realised with the introduced proceeding. Measuring data gathered on road traffic and close to reality data measured on a test track were used to evaluate the identification quality.

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