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Transitividade Oracional: Reflexões sobre a função textualdiscursiva dos pronomes o(s), a(s), me, te. / Speech Transitivity: Reflections over the discursive-textual function of the pronouns o(s), a(s), me, te.Vanderlei, Delma de Melo 14 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:43:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work deals with the oblique pronouns o(s), a(s), me, te, starting from a syntactic
traditional analysis for a discursive approach based on the concepts of the functional linguistic
of the prototipicity, speech transitivity (Hopper and Thompson, 1980), discursive relevance
and textual-discursive function (Matos, 2008). The data analysed were extracted of the corpus
composed of three volumes of narratives narrated by Luiza Tereza, being this corpus part of
the acquis of the Paraibana popular culture present in the NUPPO (Núcleo de Pesquisa e
Documentação da Cultura Popular/Centre of Research and Documentation of the Popular
Culture). It has been found that the study of the grammatical categories is not valid if made in
an isolate way without observing, for example, speech transitivity that signal the syntactic
function involved. It is important to consider the prototypical function so that the analysis be
done on what is regular and in doing so the dimension of the results obtained is more
comprehensive, as the regular is more frequent, in other words, more recurring, facilitating the
more efficient comprehension as a function of the study. It was also confirmed the hypothesis
that the pronoun me listed for analysis is part of the narratives of high transitivity level, being
more to figure than to background. The prototypical function of the pronoun me is the
function of the object, being this direct or indirect and in both high discursive transitivity is
presented. / Este trabalho trata dos pronomes oblíquos o(s), a(s), me, te, partindo de uma análise sintática
tradicional para uma abordagem discursiva fundamentada nos conceitos de prototipicidade,
transitividade oracional (Hopper e Thompson, 1980), relevância discursiva e função textualdiscursiva
oriundos da Linguística funcional (Matos, 2008). Os dados analisados foram
do extraídos do corpus composto de três volumes de narrativas narrados por Luzia Tereza,
sendo este corpus parte do acervo da cultura popular paraibana presente no NUPPO (Núcleo
de Pesquisa e Documentação da Cultura Popular). Verificou-se que o estudo das categorias
gramáticas não é válido se feito isoladamente, sem observar, por exemplo, a transitividade
oracional que sinaliza a função sintática envolvida. É importante considerar a função
prototípica para que a análise seja feita em torno do que é regular e, assim, a dimensão dos
resultados obtidos é mais abrangente, visto que o regular é mais frequente, ou seja, mais
recorrente, facilitando a compreensão mais eficaz da função em estudo. Também foi
confirmada a hipótese de que o pronome me elencado para a análise está presente nas
narrativas em um nível de alta transitividade, estando mais para figura do que para fundo. A
função sintática prototípica desse pronome é a de objeto, sendo este direto ou indireto e, em
ambos os casos, apresenta alta transitividade discursiva.
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A Study of the Emphasis that Junior College Counselors, Academic Faculty and Occupational Faculty Believe that Counselors Should Place on Specific Counseling ActivitiesMogor, Albert G. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether differences exist among counselors, academic faculty, and occupational faculty, on two campuses of a junior college district, with respect to the emphasis they believe that counselors should place on specific counseling activities.
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The trials of creativity: A rhetorical analysis of A View from the Bridge and The Crucible by Arthur MillerGarnett, Edward Hal 01 January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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The trials of creativity: A rhetorical analysis of A View from the Bridge and The Crucible by Arthur MillerGarnett, Edward Hal 01 January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Teaching for Conversion: A History of the Fundamentals, the Objective, and the Gospel Teaching and Learning Handbook for Seminaries and Institutes of Religion in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsSmith, Adam 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to document the history and the contributing factors that led to the formation of the Current Teaching Emphasis (2003), the Objective (2009), and the Gospel Teaching and Learning Handbook (2012) within Seminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The analysis of this history, contained herein, clearly identifies the principles that have driven the changes in S&I's description of teaching and learning, describes how these adjustments differ from previous approaches, illustrates the significance of this shift, and presents the contemporary issues that influenced the increased clarity and direction from senior Church leaders to S&I.
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實習諮商心理師的工作壓力、自我照顧重視知覺與自我照顧行為之關係 / The relationship among work-stress, perception of self-care emphasis, and self-care behavior in counseling trainees.洪育志, Hung, Yu Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果指出:1.實習諮商心理師在實習期間有低程度的工作壓力,其中較高的是「專業角色壓力」以及「與督導有關的壓力」,而自我照顧重視知覺及自我照顧行為也皆為中等程度。2.實習於大專院校的實習諮商心理師,工作壓力顯著高於在高中/職及醫療院所實習的實習諮商心理師;另外大學畢業於心理相關科系及非相關科系的實習諮商心理師,其工作壓力顯著高於大學畢業於心理諮商本科系的實習諮商心理師。3.實習諮商心理師的工作壓力與自我照顧重視知覺之間達顯著低度負相關,工作壓力與自我照顧行為達顯著低度負相關,自我照顧重視知覺與自我照顧行為達顯著中度正相關。4.工作壓力在自我照顧重視知覺與自我照顧行為關係中具調節效果。研究者根據上述研究結果進行討論並對實務及未來研究提出建議。 / This study examined the relation between work-stress, perceptions of self-care emphasis, and self-care behavior among a convenience sample of 143 counseling psychology graduate students. Specifically, this study proposed that there would be a relation between graduate trainee’s perceptions of self-care emphasis and graduate trainee’s self-care behavior and that this relation would be modified by work-stress of the graduate trainee. A non-experimental designed examined the linear relations among the 3 variables, which were assessed by two measures modified by the authors (work-stress scale of陳俊任 (2012) and perceptions of self-care emphasis questionnaire of Goncher, Sherman, Barnett, & Haskins (2013)) and the self-care behavior scale of張吟慈 (2008).
Results of this study showed that (1) graduate trainees had low level work-stress , moderate level perception of self-care emphasis , and moderate level self-care behaviors during internship , (2) The work-stress of graduate trainee intern in colleges is greater than in high school and in the hospital, and the work-stress of graduate trainees graduated from the department of non-psychology is greater than from the department of psychology , (3) there was a low level significant negative relation between work-stress and perceptions of self-care emphasis positive, a low level significant negative relation between work-stress and self-care behaviors, and a moderate level significant positive relation between perceptions of self-care emphasis and self-care behaviors, (4) The test for modification as outlined by Baron and Kenny (1986) demonstrated support by the survey data as perceptions of self-care emphasis was a positive predictor of self-care behaviors and that this relation was modified by work-stress. Implications for training programs are addressed, and recommendations for individual and systemic changes to promote a culture of self-care within graduate training in professional psychology are provided that should be helpful for promoting enhanced self-care behavior among psychology graduate students.
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Развој машина алатки примјеном виртуалних модела са посебним освртом на динамичко понашање склопа главног вретена / Razvoj mašina alatki primjenom virtualnih modela sa posebnim osvrtom na dinamičko ponašanje sklopa glavnog vretena / Development of machine tool by applying virtual models with special emphasis on main spindle dynamic behaviourKošarac Aleksandar 04 July 2016 (has links)
<p>У првом, уводном поглављу представљени су циљеви истраживања, хипотезе и примјењена методологија истраживања. У овом поглављу дат је приказ досадашњих истраживања у сљедећим областима: пројектовање виртуалних машина алатки, савремене методе моделовања и симулације у идентификацији понашања машина алатки примјеном метода коначних елемената, те примјена редукција реда модела у пројектовању машина алатки.<br />У другом поглављу дате су теоријске основе методе редукције реда модела. При анализи система који имају велики број чворова (под велики број чворова се подразумјева 105 - 106 чворова, па и више) вријеме потребно за извођење симулација, али и потребне карактеристике рачунара на ком се изводи анализа могу представљати значајан проблем, поготово првим фазама процеса пројектовања када су честе измјене пројектоване структуре.</p><p>Технике редукције реда, односно редукције броја степени слободе МКЕ модела, подразумјевају да се системи добијени примјеном метода коначних елемената замјене редукованим системима, (системима првог реда), који са довољном тачношћу описује динамичко понашање посматраног система. Након што се систем преведе у простор стања, даље се врши модална редукција, гдје се на бази утврђених критеријума селектује потребан број модова. У овом поглављу за рангирање модова користе се два критеријума: појачање у максимуму и појачање на нултој фреквенцији, односно критеријум балансираних редукција.<br />У оквиру трећег поглавља описана је процедура извођења експерименталне модалне анализе и утврђивања модалних параметара, релативног коефицијента пригушења, сопствених фреквенција осциловања, модалне масе, модалне крутости, вискозног пригушења и облика осциловања. Приказани су принципи аквизиције података при извођењу експерименталне модалне анализе и дат приказ кориштене аквизиционе и мјерне опреме. На примјеру греде константног кружног попречног пресјека приказан је аналитички начин утвррђивања модалних параметара на основу Ојлер – Бернулијеве теорије греда, те модална анализа у временском домену примјеном АRX директне методе утврђивања модалних параметара, те дато поређење добијених резултата.</p><p>У четвртом поглављу описана је проблематика аналитичког одређивања преносне функције на примјеру греде промјењивог кружног попречног пресјека (тростепеног цилиндра).<br />У петом поглављу анализира се динамичко понашање склопа главног вретена модула радне јединице (јединице пиноле), за које су одређени математички модел динамичког<br />понашања, те потом извршена нумеричка и експериментална верификација добијених резултата.<br />У шестом поглављу приказано је кориштење нумеричких и експериметналних метода у циљу утврђивања сопствених фреквенција и облика осциловања,<br />као и модалних параметара (модалне масе, модалне крутости и модалног пригушења) различитих компоненти хоризонталног обрадног центра за глодање ФМ38.<br />У седмом поглављу дата су закључна разматрања, критички осврт на извршена истраживања и правци и смјернице за даља истраживања.</p> / <p>U prvom, uvodnom poglavlju predstavljeni su ciljevi istraživanja, hipoteze i primjenjena metodologija istraživanja. U ovom poglavlju dat je prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja u sljedećim oblastima: projektovanje virtualnih mašina alatki, savremene metode modelovanja i simulacije u identifikaciji ponašanja mašina alatki primjenom metoda konačnih elemenata, te primjena redukcija reda modela u projektovanju mašina alatki.<br />U drugom poglavlju date su teorijske osnove metode redukcije reda modela. Pri analizi sistema koji imaju veliki broj čvorova (pod veliki broj čvorova se podrazumjeva 105 - 106 čvorova, pa i više) vrijeme potrebno za izvođenje simulacija, ali i potrebne karakteristike računara na kom se izvodi analiza mogu predstavljati značajan problem, pogotovo prvim fazama procesa projektovanja kada su česte izmjene projektovane strukture.</p><p>Tehnike redukcije reda, odnosno redukcije broja stepeni slobode MKE modela, podrazumjevaju da se sistemi dobijeni primjenom metoda konačnih elemenata zamjene redukovanim sistemima, (sistemima prvog reda), koji sa dovoljnom tačnošću opisuje dinamičko ponašanje posmatranog sistema. Nakon što se sistem prevede u prostor stanja, dalje se vrši modalna redukcija, gdje se na bazi utvrđenih kriterijuma selektuje potreban broj modova. U ovom poglavlju za rangiranje modova koriste se dva kriterijuma: pojačanje u maksimumu i pojačanje na nultoj frekvenciji, odnosno kriterijum balansiranih redukcija.<br />U okviru trećeg poglavlja opisana je procedura izvođenja eksperimentalne modalne analize i utvrđivanja modalnih parametara, relativnog koeficijenta prigušenja, sopstvenih frekvencija oscilovanja, modalne mase, modalne krutosti, viskoznog prigušenja i oblika oscilovanja. Prikazani su principi akvizicije podataka pri izvođenju eksperimentalne modalne analize i dat prikaz korištene akvizicione i mjerne opreme. Na primjeru grede konstantnog kružnog poprečnog presjeka prikazan je analitički način utvrrđivanja modalnih parametara na osnovu Ojler – Bernulijeve teorije greda, te modalna analiza u vremenskom domenu primjenom ARX direktne metode utvrđivanja modalnih parametara, te dato poređenje dobijenih rezultata.</p><p>U četvrtom poglavlju opisana je problematika analitičkog određivanja prenosne funkcije na primjeru grede promjenjivog kružnog poprečnog presjeka (trostepenog cilindra).<br />U petom poglavlju analizira se dinamičko ponašanje sklopa glavnog vretena modula radne jedinice (jedinice pinole), za koje su određeni matematički model dinamičkog<br />ponašanja, te potom izvršena numerička i eksperimentalna verifikacija dobijenih rezultata.<br />U šestom poglavlju prikazano je korištenje numeričkih i eksperimetnalnih metoda u cilju utvrđivanja sopstvenih frekvencija i oblika oscilovanja,<br />kao i modalnih parametara (modalne mase, modalne krutosti i modalnog prigušenja) različitih komponenti horizontalnog obradnog centra za glodanje FM38.<br />U sedmom poglavlju data su zaključna razmatranja, kritički osvrt na izvršena istraživanja i pravci i smjernice za dalja istraživanja.</p> / <p>The first introduction chapter presents research objectives, hypotheses and applied methodology. This chapter provides an overview of current research in the following areas: design of virtual machine tools, modern methods of modelling and simulation in identifying the behaviour of machine tools using the finite element method, as well as the use of model order reduction in the design of machine tools.<br />The second chapter provides a theoretical bases for model order reduction. In analysing systems that have a large number of nodes (a large number of nodes alludes to 105 - 106 nodes, or more) the following can present significant problem: time required to perform the simulation and necessary characteristics of the computer on which the analysis is performed, especially in the early stages of the process design when changes of designed structure are frequent.</p><p>Model order reduction techniques, i.e. reduction of the number of degrees of FEM model freedom, imply that the systems obtained by using the finite element method are replaced by the one (the first order system) that describes the dynamic behaviour of the observed system with sufficient accuracy. Once the system is converted to state space, modal reduction continues whereby on the basis of established criteria required number of modes are selected. In this chapter the following criteria are used for ranking modes: DC gain / peak gain, and the balanced reduction.<br />Third chapter shows procedures of performing experimental modal analysis and determining the following parameters: relative damping ratio, natural frequencies, modal mass and stiffness and viscous damping coefficient. The principles of data acquisition and equipment used for experimental modal analysis are shown. Analytical model of determining modal parameters based on Euler - Bernoulli beam theory is shown on the sample of constant cross-section beam. For the same model, modal analysis in the time domain using the ARX direct method of determining the modal parameters is performed. The results obtained thereinafter, using both methods, are compared.<br />The fourth chapter describes the analytical determination of the transfer function in the case of beam with changing cross-section (three-stage cylinder).</p><p>The fifth chapter analyses the dynamic behaviour of the main spindle assembly of experimental model. Mathematical model is made, and then gained results are verified numerically, by FEM analysis and experimentally by experimental modal analysis.<br />Sixth chapter shows the usage of different numerical and experimental methods in order to determine the natural frequencies, mode shapes, modal mass and stiffness and damping ratio of the various components of the horizontal machining center FM38.<br />The seventh chapter contains the concluding observation, critical review of research that was carried out and directions for further researches.</p>
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[pt] Este estudo compara o Letramento Científico dos estudantes brasileiros e japoneses, com base nos resultados do PISA e procura responder às seguintes as questões de pesquisa: a) Há diferenças de competência cognitiva em Ciências entre os alunos brasileiros e dos outros países, sobretudo os do Japão no PISA?; b) Existem itens do PISA 2006 que apresentam comportamento diferencial, tendo o Brasil como referência?; e c) É possível, a partir dos dados do PISA e da adoção complementar de uma abordagem qualitativa, identificar diferentes ênfases curriculares e/ou práticas pedagógicas no Ensino de Ciências de Brasil e Japão que contribuam para a compreensão das diferenças de desempenho entre seus estudantes? Para responder a primeira questão, comparamos os resultados do Brasil e do Japão nas edições 2006 e 2015 do PISA, em que o foco foi Ciências. O Brasil se mostra em situação de desvantagem em relação a quase todos os países que participaram do Programa, o que é em parte explicado pela repetência. Na
escala de desempenho, o Brasil permanece no nível 1 e o Japão, no nível 3 em2006, passou para o nível 4 em 2015. Para responder à segunda questão, utilizamos a análise de Differential Item Functioning (DIF) nos itens da prova de Ciências de 2006 e concluímos que há grande presença de DIF nesses itens
comparativamente entre o Brasil e o Japão. Apesar de não serem capazes de comprometer o processo avaliativo privilegiando um grupo em detrimento do outro, esses itens sugerem diferentes ênfases curriculares em Ciências. Levando em conta essa hipótese e para responder à terceira questão adotamos uma abordagem qualitativa, com observação do uso do tempo das aulas; registro das ênfases curriculares e da ocorrência de atividades relacionadas à interação, investigação, experimentação e aplicação na perspectiva dos alunos, professores e da observação; e entrevistas com especialistas e gestores. Os
resultados mostraram que mais de 20 por cento do tempo oficial de aula observados no Brasil são desperdiçados com questões outras que não o ensino efetivo de Ciências; 10 vezes mais que no Japão. No Brasil, há ênfase curricular mais acentuada nas Ciências Naturais e Biológicas. O currículo é distribuído mais homogeneamente no Japão e é seccionado no Brasil. Segundo os estudantes japoneses, não são freqüentes as atividades de interação, investigação, experimentação e aplicação. As atividades mais recorrentes observadas e percebidas pelos professores japoneses são as de experimentação e interação; no Brasil, as de interação e aplicação. Entrevistas realizadas com especialistas em Ensino de Ciências e gestoras do PISA, no Brasil e no Japão, mostraram que o sucesso do Japão nessa avaliação é associado à existência de um currículo nacional comum e à formação continuada de professores em serviço, bem como às reformas do sistema educacional japonês suscitadas pelos resultados do PISA. O baixo desempenho dos estudantes brasileiros no PISA estaria, por sua vez, relacionado com o despreparo dos estudantes, com a falta de familiaridade destes com o teste, com a deficiente formação dos professores e com o limitado uso das evidências produzidas pelas avaliações em larga escala. / [en] This study compares the Scientific Literacy of Brazilian and Japanese students, based on the results of PISA and seeks to answer the following research questions: a) Are there differences of cognitive competence in Science among Brazilian students and those from other countries, especially Japan, in the PISA ?; B) Are there items of PISA 2006 that present differential functioning, with Brazil as a reference ?; and c) Is it possible, based on the PISA data and the complementary adoption of a qualitative approach, to identify different curricular emphases and / or pedagogical practices in Science Education in Brazil and Japan
that contribute to the understanding of differences in performance among their students? To answer the first question, we compared the results of Brazil and Japan in the 2006 and 2015 editions of PISA, where the focus was Science. Brazil is disadvantaged compared to almost all the countries that participated in the
Program, which is partly explained by the repetition. In the performance scale, Brazil remains at level 1 and Japan at level 3 in 2006 has moved to level 4 in 2015. In order to answer the second question, we used the Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis in the 2006 test s Science items and we conclude that
there is a large presence of DIF in these items comparatively between Brazil and Japan. Although they are not able to compromise the evaluation process by favoring one group over the other, these items suggest different curricular emphases in Science. Taking into account this hypothesis and to answer the third
question we adopted a qualitative approach, with observation of the use of class time; record of curricular emphases and the occurrence of activities related to interaction, investigation, experimentation and application from the perspective of students, teachers and observation; and interviews with experts and
PISA managers. The results showed that more than 20 percent of official classroom time observed in Brazil is wasted with questions other than effective teaching of science; 10 times more than in Japan. In Brazil, there is a more pronounced curricular emphasis in Natural and Biological Sciences. The curriculum is distributed more homogeneously in Japan and is sectioned in Brazil. According to Japanese students, activities of interaction, investigation, experimentation and application are not frequent. The most recurrent activities observed and perceived by Japanese teachers are those of experimentation and interaction; In Brazil, those of interaction and application. Interviews with experts in Science Education and PISA managers in Brazil and Japan have shown that Japan s success in this assessment is associated with the existence of a common national curriculum and the teachers ongoing in-service training as well as the educational system reforms raised by the PISA results. The low performance of Brazilian students in PISA
would, in turn, be related to the lack of preparation of the students, their lack of familiarity with the test, poor teacher training and the limited use of the evidence produced by the large scale evaluations.
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桃園市高中職校長學術樂觀與 教師教學成效關係之研究 / Research on Principal’s Academic Optimism and Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness in Seiner and Vocational High Schools in Taoyuan City黃挹芬 Unknown Date (has links)
為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園市33所公私立高中職之教師兼主任、教師兼組長(含科主任)、教師兼導師與專任教師為研究對象,採隨機抽樣方式,寄發問卷440份,回收有效問卷412份,有效回收率為93.6 %。問卷所得資料採用IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0統計軟體進行資料分析,獲得以下結論:
七、高中職現職教師在「校長學術樂觀」的「信任教師、學生、家長」與「重視學生學習」對「教師教學成效」具有較高之預測力 / This study was designed to investigate the current status of high school principal’s academic optimism, teacher’s teaching effectiveness and their relationship in Taoyuan. Base on the result of analyzing the difference of teaching effectiveness of teachers from different backgrounds and different schools, and of school principal’s academic optimism, and on the result of exploring the influence of principal’s academic optimism on the effectiveness of teacher’s teaching, the conclusion is made.
To achieve the above purpose, the research uses the questionnaire survey procedure, the grand total provides 440 questionnaires randomly to teachers who are in different positions, either homeroom teachers, full time teachers, section chief or directors in 33 public or private high schools in Taoyuan, recycling effective questionnaires 412, the effective questionnaire recycling a rate 93.6%. The data obtained from questionnaires has been analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.00 obtain the following a conclusion:
1. When high school teachers’ age and the length of teaching year vary, their perception of principal’s academic optimism differs.
2. High school teachers’ perception of principal’s academic optimism is weak if they are homeroom teachers.
3. Public high school teachers have stronger perception of principal’s academic optimism.
4. Teachers with different ages and different length of teaching years have different perception of teaching effectiveness.
5. Current teachers who are homeroom teachers have weak perception of teaching effectiveness.
6. Academic optimism of high school principals is moderate significantly correlated to teachers’ teaching effectiveness, but weak correlated to classroom climate.
7. Two parts of measurement of principal’s academic optimism, faculty trust in students and parents and the school’s academic emphasis are highly predictable to teacher’s teaching effectiveness of current high school teachers.
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Transforming high-effort voices into breathy voices using adaptive pre-emphasis linear predictionNordstrom, Karl 29 April 2008 (has links)
During musical performance and recording, there are a variety of techniques and electronic effects available to transform the singing voice. The particular effect examined in this dissertation is breathiness, where artificial noise is added to a voice to simulate aspiration noise. The typical problem with this effect is that artificial noise does not effectively blend into voices that exhibit high vocal effort. The existing breathy effect does not reduce the perceived effort; breathy voices exhibit low effort.
A typical approach to synthesizing breathiness is to separate the voice into a filter representing the vocal tract and a source representing the excitation of the vocal folds. Artificial noise is added to the source to simulate aspiration noise. The modified source is then fed through the vocal tract filter to synthesize a new voice. The resulting voice sounds like the original voice plus noise.
Listening experiments were carried out. These listening experiments demonstrated that constant pre-emphasis linear prediction (LP) results in an estimated vocal tract filter that retains the perception of vocal effort. It was hypothesized that reducing the perception of vocal effort in the estimated vocal tract filter may improve the breathy effect.
This dissertation presents adaptive pre-emphasis LP (APLP) as a technique to more appropriately model the spectral envelope of the voice. The APLP algorithm results in a more consistent vocal tract filter and an estimated voice source that varies more appropriately with changes in vocal effort. This dissertation describes how APLP estimates a spectral emphasis filter that can transform the spectral envelope of the voice, thereby reducing the perception of vocal effort.
A listening experiment was carried out to determine whether APLP is able to transform high effort voices into breathy voices more effectively than constant pre-emphasis LP. The experiment demonstrates that APLP is able to reduce the perceived effort in the voice. In addition, the voices transformed using APLP sound less artificial than the same voices transformed using constant pre-emphasis LP. This indicates that APLP is able to more effectively transform high-effort voices into breathy voices.
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