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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza uplatnitelnosti absolventů studijního oboru Andragogika a personální řízení Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze / Analysis of employability of the Adult Education and Personnel Management graduates at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague

Spieglerová, Regina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with exertion of Adult education and Personnel Management students of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University on job market. It deals with different approaches to adult education and personnel management, work roles of andragogy graduates and human resources officers. The thesis also pays attention to changes of university education system and alteration of further eduation. Empiric research is dedicated to employment of graduates of the study program Adult education and Personnel Management, it detects the work experience during their studies and focuses on whether the graduates find work in the desired profession or in the field of their studies. The empiric part also investigates whether educational stay or internship helps in finding a job after graduation. Furthermore, the thesis addresses issues such as unemployment, monthly income, work positions and roles the graduates take most frequently.

Práva obětí trestných činů a možností jejich uplatnění v trestním řízení / Rights of the victims of crimes and options of their employment during the criminal proceesings

Marvan, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Rights of the victims of crimes and options of their employment during the criminal proceedings Abstract This master's thesis inquires into crime victims' rights, their status in the criminal proceedings and actual employability of their guaranteed rights. It contains a brief history of development of the legislative concerning the topic. My thesis comes to a conclusion that especially in the last fifty years, the status and range of crime victims' rights has been constantly improving. Crime victim is becoming less and less just a bearer of evidence of the crime and is more and more becoming an active subject of the criminal proceedings, on which they also have their interest. With the passing of the new Crime Victims' Rights Act, the Czech legal system was enriched by a wide array of victims' rights that provides special care and approach from the state and its authorities. In the heart of the new act is the victim as a target of an undeserved attack in the form of a crime and as such is entitled to help. Necessary help provided to the victim is not only specialized psychological and social assistance, but also straightforward financial help and a kind and understanding approach. One of the main goals of the Crime Victims' Rights Act is prevention and protection from the secondary victimization, which is...

Vliv masifikace vysokoškolského vzdělání na uplatnění absolventů na trhu práce / Effect of massification of university education on the labor market and job opportunities for graduates

Ludvíková, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines the influence of massification of tertiary education in labor market. There are explored effects of access to higher education of graduates and their chances of finding an adequate employment. It is partially inspired by the piece of work from Jan Keller and Lubor Tvrdý - Vzdělanostní společnost? Chrám, výtah a pojišťovna. The thesis also describes a situation on the labour market with regard to the employment of graduates and their applicability in practice. Statistical research is used and complemented by a survey among employers. The main objective of the thesis, ie. Employment of graduates in the labor market, was achieved thanks to these results. This piece of work could be used as a presentation of the results of the quality investigation and the need of higher education.

L'essaimage stratégique : cas des entreprises tunisiennes / The strategic spin-off : case of tunisian companies

Lassoued, Yousri 11 July 2013 (has links)
Dans un environnement très compétitif, les entreprises ont besoin de contrôler et revoir constamment leurs positions stratégiques et repenser leurs compétences centrales via de nouvelles pratiques organisationnelles et managériales telle que l’essaimage. L’essaimage, se présente donc, comme un choix stratégique qui doit se faire d'une manière réfléchie dans le cadre de management innovant d’entreprise. Les initiatives d’appui à l’essaimage s’avèrent comme pistes prometteuses pour la création de l’emploi, la création de valeur et la création de richesse.Nous avons ainsi identifié les déterminants manageriels et organisationnels qui favorisent d’avantage le développement de l’essaimage, particulièrement dans le contexte tunisien à travers une recherche combinant une analyse de type qualitatif et longitudinal avec des éléments quantitatifs validant les résultats obtenus dans trois entreprises. / In a highly competitive environment, companies need to constantly monitor and review their strategic positions and rethink their core competencies through new organizational and managerial practices such as the spin-off. Therefore the spin-off presents itself as a strategic choice that must be taken in a thoughtful way in the context of innovative business management. The supporting initiatives of the spin-off appear as promising leads for job creation, value creation and wealth creation. We have identified the managerial and organizational determinants that primary promote the development of spin-offs, particularly in the Tunisian context through a research combining qualitative and longitudinal analysis with quantitative elements validating the results obtained in three different companies.

A Educa??o Corporativa e os impactos na empregabilidade do trabalhador: um estudo do SENAC / The Corporate Education and the impacts on the worker employability: a study of SENAC

Amaral, Rodrigo Buzin Siqueira do 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RODRIGO BUZIN SIQUEIRA DO AMARAL.pdf: 410181 bytes, checksum: df32a8e417d00fa4d9bf4b4e9f7b602a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-19 / The goal of this study is to understand the Corporate Education Program from SENAC S?o Paulo, institutionally organized by the Corporate Education Center, with the purpose to analyze within a case study the program impact on the improvement of the former organization workers employability. The changes that took place during the historic post-industrial period affected work organization as well the worker profile. The productive capacity had to be revised in such a way to attend to the new global-market demand. The process of professional development for the worker extended to the business corporate environment to reach the new production and accumulation needs, characteristics of this new stage of the capitalist development. In this context, educational initiatives are developed where the person effectively practices work related activities. The Corporate Education consists of actions developed by the contractors with the goal of developing their employees qualifications. With the goal of developing a qualitative research, we chose a case study as our method. We used two instruments to collect data: documental and bibliographic analysis and semi-structured interviews with eight former employees of the institution who gave consent for us to talk about our impressions, write perspectives and to give suggestions. The idea of the Corporate Education or as it is known in the business world as Corporate University seems to not be able by itself, to contribute to the increase of the worker employability. The organizations have benefited from Corporate Education, but also collaborate with the worker qualification to the market. However, Corporate Education does not solve the unemployment issue because it sets its own boundaries, beyond those developed by the market itself, reinforcing the need of the presence of the State as the controller of economy and provider of the basic social-rights equally for all. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer o Programa de Educa??o Corporativa do SENAC S?o Paulo, organizado institucionalmente pelo N?cleo de Educa??o Corporativa, no intuito de analisar, atrav?s de estudo de caso, o impacto do programa na melhoria das condi??es de empregabilidade dos ex-funcion?rios da organiza??o. As mudan?as ocorridas no per?odo hist?rico p?s-industrial afetaram decisivamente a organiza??o do trabalho e o perfil do trabalhador. A capacidade produtiva precisou ser revista, de modo a atender as novas necessidades do mercado global. O processo de qualifica??o profissional dos trabalhadores se estendeu para o ambiente empresarial, buscando o atendimento das novas necessidades de produ??o e acumula??o, caracter?sticas desta nova etapa do desenvolvimento capitalista. Neste contexto, iniciativas educacionais s?o desenvolvidas onde a pessoa exerce efetivamente seu trabalho. A Educa??o Corporativa consiste em a??es conduzidas pelo meio empresariais com vistas ? qualifica??o de seus funcion?rios. Dentro do prop?sito da realiza??o de uma pesquisa qualitativa, lan?amos m?o do estudo de caso, enquanto op??o metodol?gica. Para isso, utilizamos dois instrumentos para coleta dos dados: an?lise documental e bibliogr?fica e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com oito ex-funcion?rios da Institui??o, que permitiram ao final deste trabalho, tecer nossas an?lises, elencar perspectivas e promover sugest?es. Contrap?e-se ? id?ia da Educa??o Corporativa ou como se veicula no meio empresarial, Universidade Corporativa ser capaz, sozinha, de contribuir para o aumento da chamada empregabilidade do trabalhador. As organiza??es s?o beneficiadas pela Educa??o Corporativa, mas tamb?m colaboram com a qualifica??o do trabalhador para o mundo do trabalho. No entanto, n?o soluciona o problema do desemprego, pois ela pr?pria apresenta limites, al?m daqueles oriundos do mercado, ressaltando assim a necessidade da presen?a do Estado como regulador da economia e como provedor dos direitos sociais b?sicos igualmente a todos.

A empregabilidade na era digital: um estudo de caso

Matias, Eliane Tavares Barreto 18 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:19:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eliane Tavares Barreto Matias.pdf: 1488751 bytes, checksum: 81a5991f5a973746038e6ca23fd62c26 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-18 / The main target of this research, which has a qualitative character, is to examine whether CEFET-MG offers a technical formation in electronics in due proportion to the current labor market referring to employability and permanence in the work, especially regarding to the digital literacy level and the acquaintance with the English language. For this, a case study was conducted and data were collected in CEFET-MG, more precisely in the technical course of Electronics, and in 06 companies that are established in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte. This research is anchored in the theoretical assumptions about globalization and the transformations occurring in our contemporary society after the spread of new technologies (CASTELLS, 2009; LÉVY, 1996; 2000), the concept of digital literacy according to Soares (2002, 2003) and Xavier (2009) and its implication in education. We seek to verify the development of the web (SNYDER, 2009; THORNE & BLACK, 2008) and to investigate the required competence for employability and permanence in the work (ZARIFIAN, 2002; LAZZARESCHI, 2007; 2008). To accomplish the proposed goal a questionnaire with semi-structured questions was applied to students and ex-students at CEFET-MG in order to ascertain their digital literacy level and their English level. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with those students, with the Coordinator of the Electronics course, with the General Coordinator of the Professional Training and 06 representatives of the companies chosen. The purpose of the interviews was to identify the real needs of digital literacy and English, by both trainees and/or workers and by the companies. We concluded that students are dissatisfied with the teaching received, as regard to the development of their digital literacy and English learning, required for the working world. It seems urgent that CEFET-MG should promote some adjustments in the curriculum in order to continue offering a free high-quality education, as it intends to. Similarly, it seems possible to infer that all institutions that purpose to prepare students for the labor market should also keep their curriculum updated to be able to provide their students with subsides, thus assuring them more and better opportunities / O objetivo desta pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, está em averiguar se o CEFET-MG oferece uma formação técnica em eletrônica consoante com a empregabilidade e a permanência no mercado de trabalho atual, em especial no que se refere ao nível de letramento digital e ao conhecimento de língua Inglesa. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso e os dados foram coletados no CEFET-MG, mais precisamente no curso técnico em Eletrônica, e em 06 empresas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. A pesquisa ancora-se nos pressupostos teóricos acerca da globalização e das transformações que vêm ocorrendo na sociedade contemporânea a partir da difusão das novas tecnologias (CASTELLS, 2009; LÉVY, 1996; 2000), do conceito de letramento digital segundo Soares (2002, 2003) e Xavier (2009) e seus desdobramentos na educação. Buscamos verificar o desenvolvimento da web (SNYDER, 2009; THORNE & BLACK, 2008) e levantar as competências necessárias para a empregabilidade e permanência no trabalho (ZARIFIAN, 2002; LAZZARESCHI, 2007; 2008). Para atender o objetivo proposto foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas semiestruturadas aos alunos e ex-alunos do CEFET-MG com o propósito de verificar seus níveis de letramento digital e de Inglês. Além disso, foram feitas entrevistas com esses alunos, com o Coordenador do Curso de Eletrônica, o Coordenador Geral de Estágios e 06 representantes das empresas escolhidas. As entrevistas tiveram o propósito de identificar a real necessidade do letramento digital e do Inglês, tanto por parte dos estagiários e/ou trabalhadores, quanto por parte das empresas. Concluímos que os alunos encontram-se insatisfeitos com o ensino recebido, no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de seu nível letramento digital e à aprendizagem de Inglês, necessários ao mundo do trabalho. Parece premente que o CEFET-MG promova um ajuste curricular para continuar oferecendo um ensino gratuito e de excelência, como tanto preza a instituição. No mesmo sentido, parece possível inferir que as demais instituições que se propõem a preparar os estudantes para o mercado de trabalho também precisam trazer seus currículos sempre atualizados no sentido de fornecer tais subsídios aos estudantes, garantindo-lhes, assim, mais e melhores oportunidades

A empregabilidade na era digital: um estudo de caso

Matias, Eliane Tavares Barreto 18 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:52:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eliane Tavares Barreto Matias.pdf: 1488751 bytes, checksum: 81a5991f5a973746038e6ca23fd62c26 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-18 / The main target of this research, which has a qualitative character, is to examine whether CEFET-MG offers a technical formation in electronics in due proportion to the current labor market referring to employability and permanence in the work, especially regarding to the digital literacy level and the acquaintance with the English language. For this, a case study was conducted and data were collected in CEFET-MG, more precisely in the technical course of Electronics, and in 06 companies that are established in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte. This research is anchored in the theoretical assumptions about globalization and the transformations occurring in our contemporary society after the spread of new technologies (CASTELLS, 2009; LÉVY, 1996; 2000), the concept of digital literacy according to Soares (2002, 2003) and Xavier (2009) and its implication in education. We seek to verify the development of the web (SNYDER, 2009; THORNE & BLACK, 2008) and to investigate the required competence for employability and permanence in the work (ZARIFIAN, 2002; LAZZARESCHI, 2007; 2008). To accomplish the proposed goal a questionnaire with semi-structured questions was applied to students and ex-students at CEFET-MG in order to ascertain their digital literacy level and their English level. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with those students, with the Coordinator of the Electronics course, with the General Coordinator of the Professional Training and 06 representatives of the companies chosen. The purpose of the interviews was to identify the real needs of digital literacy and English, by both trainees and/or workers and by the companies. We concluded that students are dissatisfied with the teaching received, as regard to the development of their digital literacy and English learning, required for the working world. It seems urgent that CEFET-MG should promote some adjustments in the curriculum in order to continue offering a free high-quality education, as it intends to. Similarly, it seems possible to infer that all institutions that purpose to prepare students for the labor market should also keep their curriculum updated to be able to provide their students with subsides, thus assuring them more and better opportunities / O objetivo desta pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, está em averiguar se o CEFET-MG oferece uma formação técnica em eletrônica consoante com a empregabilidade e a permanência no mercado de trabalho atual, em especial no que se refere ao nível de letramento digital e ao conhecimento de língua Inglesa. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso e os dados foram coletados no CEFET-MG, mais precisamente no curso técnico em Eletrônica, e em 06 empresas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. A pesquisa ancora-se nos pressupostos teóricos acerca da globalização e das transformações que vêm ocorrendo na sociedade contemporânea a partir da difusão das novas tecnologias (CASTELLS, 2009; LÉVY, 1996; 2000), do conceito de letramento digital segundo Soares (2002, 2003) e Xavier (2009) e seus desdobramentos na educação. Buscamos verificar o desenvolvimento da web (SNYDER, 2009; THORNE & BLACK, 2008) e levantar as competências necessárias para a empregabilidade e permanência no trabalho (ZARIFIAN, 2002; LAZZARESCHI, 2007; 2008). Para atender o objetivo proposto foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas semiestruturadas aos alunos e ex-alunos do CEFET-MG com o propósito de verificar seus níveis de letramento digital e de Inglês. Além disso, foram feitas entrevistas com esses alunos, com o Coordenador do Curso de Eletrônica, o Coordenador Geral de Estágios e 06 representantes das empresas escolhidas. As entrevistas tiveram o propósito de identificar a real necessidade do letramento digital e do Inglês, tanto por parte dos estagiários e/ou trabalhadores, quanto por parte das empresas. Concluímos que os alunos encontram-se insatisfeitos com o ensino recebido, no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de seu nível letramento digital e à aprendizagem de Inglês, necessários ao mundo do trabalho. Parece premente que o CEFET-MG promova um ajuste curricular para continuar oferecendo um ensino gratuito e de excelência, como tanto preza a instituição. No mesmo sentido, parece possível inferir que as demais instituições que se propõem a preparar os estudantes para o mercado de trabalho também precisam trazer seus currículos sempre atualizados no sentido de fornecer tais subsídios aos estudantes, garantindo-lhes, assim, mais e melhores oportunidades

As conseqüências das transformações organizacionais pós-90 e o novo perfil do trabalhador : um estudo de caso

Treff, Marcelo A. 05 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo A Treff.pdf: 2222328 bytes, checksum: 92b0e13cbcc4227765ab5a257f330647 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-05 / The aim of this thesis is to analyze, through a case-study in a large company of paper and cellulose, the consequences for a worker imposed by the process of productive restructure, during the 1990s, after the commercial opening, marked by the changes in the productive and organizational structures. The subjects of this research were workers and ex-workers, as well as managers and ex-managers. The collected data was done through semi-structured questions, documental sources and non-systematic observation of the workers daily routines. The analysis of the data prioritized the qualitative understanding of the reality presented according to theoretical references and revealed a strong increase in the level of demands to the worker, besides the acquisition of new skills in a context determined by the decrease of jobs and by the increase of the informality, in addition to a preoccupying picture in relation to educational possibilities connected to this reality / Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar, por meio de um estudo de caso em uma empresa de grande porte do setor de Papel e Celulose, as conseqüências para o trabalhador impostas pelo processo de reestruturação produtiva, durante a década de 90, pós-abertura comercial, marcado pelas alterações nas estruturas produtiva e organizacional. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram trabalhadores e extrabalhadores, além de gestores e ex-gestores. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, fontes documentais e observação assistemática do cotidiano do trabalho dos trabalhadores. A análise dos dados priorizou o entendimento qualitativo da realidade apresentada à luz do referencial teórico pertinente e revelou um aumento significativo do grau de exigências para o trabalhador em termos de aquisição de novas competências em um contexto marcado pela diminuição dos postos de trabalho e pelo aumento da informalidade, somado a um quadro preocupante em termos de oferta de educação condizente com essa realidade

Coaching de carreira: análise de uma intervenção em um grupo de alunos de graduação

Stachiu, Mariana 09 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Divanete Paiva (divanete.paiva@utp.br) on 2018-06-04T14:12:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 COACHING DE CARREIRA.pdf: 839626 bytes, checksum: 1e42f976cfa8489548ec4a4aaeea63c2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-04T14:12:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 COACHING DE CARREIRA.pdf: 839626 bytes, checksum: 1e42f976cfa8489548ec4a4aaeea63c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-09 / This article presents the analysis of the initial interviews with a group of students of a private higher education institution, located in Curitiba / PR . The analysis focused on the issues of perspective that students have regarding their employability and professional career. These interviews prior an intervention group in which some of the students who participated answered interviews. The intervention occurred through the use of coaching methodology and epistemology of community social psychology . Twelve students participated in the interviews, the courses of administration, accounting, psychology and physiotherapy from different periods and ages, who volunteered to participate on. The interviews were conducted, consisting of 19 questions. The responses from the interviews were transcribed and linked to the categories: (a) vocational choice, (b) perceptions of the labor market, (c) employability, (d) life project , and (e) preparation for the job market. Content analysis was used as a form of assessment. It was observed that students know 9 little about the subject employability and seek to develop their career through studies, contact with other people, languages and professional courses, practical experiences, such as internships, and seek to improve their personal skills and competencies. Thinking about career and professional future generates contradictions in students. Some feel anxiety and anguish and others have feelings of happiness and achievement. The professional future is now thought, however inarticulate with reality and concrete plans. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar uma intervenção de coaching de carreira em um grupo de alunos de cursos de graduação de uma faculdade particular, na cidade de Curitiba/PR. Buscou-se averiguar uma diferente forma de trabalho voltado para conscientização, o planejamento de carreira e a empregabilidade dos participantes, utilizando-se das ferramentas do coaching. Teve como abordagem epistemológica a psicologia social comunitária, que compreende o homem em suas relações, com o intuito de conscientizar e facilitar a relação das pessoas em um contexto grupal. Para buscar compreender e analisar a intervenção do coaching de carreira em grupo, foram realizadas oito sessões de coaching de carreira com os alunos e entrevistas individuais antes e depois da intervenção, assim como a observação da mesma, caracterizando esta pesquisa como qualitativa. Participaram desta pesquisa-ação 12 alunos nas entrevistas iniciais e 6 nas sessões de coaching e entrevistas finais, sendo que estes são dos cursos de administração, ciências contábeis, psicologia e fisioterapia de diferentes períodos e idades, de ambos os sexos e que se dispuserem voluntariamente a participar da pesquisa. Os dados dos relatos dos participantes e das observações cursivas foram tratados por meio da análise de conteúdo. Com este estudo, buscou-se contribuir para o incentivo de uma nova metodologia, que se utiliza de ferramentas de coaching e pode contribuir para uma maior conscientização e aperfeiçoamento da empregabilidade dos participantes. Serão apresentados nesta dissertação de mestrado dois artigos, com os títulos Empregabilidade e Planejamento de Carreira: uma Análise da Perspectiva de Alunos de Graduação e Coaching de Carreira: Desenvolvimento e Análise de uma Intervenção em um Grupo de Alunos de Graduação. O primeiro artigo foca nas perspectivas que os alunos têm a respeito da sua empregabilidade e de sua carreira, a partir da análise da primeira entrevista individual realizada com eles. Já o segundo artigo aborda o processo e os resultados do coaching de carreira realizado com os alunos participantes desta pesquisa.

Differences in Self-Perceptions at Work Between Citizens and Undocumented Immigrants

Guevara, Marcos 01 September 2018 (has links)
This research examined if differences in social categories between two groups, natural—born U.S. citizens and undocumented immigrants with deferred action (DACA) led to differences in self-perceptions at work in areas such as Occupational Self-Efficacy (OSE), Organization Based Self-Esteem (OBSE), and Perceived Employability (PE). Additionally, the effect of Perceived Supervisor Similarity (PSS) on these relationships was also observed. Results showed significant differences only in PE with the DACA group having an unexpectedly higher level than the citizen group. The model was supported as OSE, OBSE, and PSS all significantly predicted PSS in both groups. Lastly, interaction effects were only found in the citizen group with PSS moderating the relationship between OSE and OBSE predicting PE. Specifically, PSS affected levels of PE at high levels of OSE and at low levels of OBSE. Lastly, I explored how temporal self-appraisals may have lead the DACA group to be less of an out-group along with additional implications to this field of research with this population.

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