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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att bygga Uppsalas vardagsrum : En kvalitativ studie av ombyggnationen av Studenternas Idrottsplats i Uppsala

Sandin, William, Lind, Hjalmar January 2022 (has links)
Dånet från den blodtörstiga publiken stegrar, förväntan hänger tungt i luften. Det tidigare välfyllda torget utanför arenan töms så sakteliga på folk när massorna väller in för att ta sina platser. Försäljare och matstånd ropar ut sina erbjudanden, och skräp från de tusentals underhållningssugna ligger strött över marmorplattorna. Här låg tidigare en konstgjord sjö med tillhörande trädgårdar, som fick lämna plats för den politiska ledningens nya skrytbygge – i grund och botten ett populistiskt beslut. Säkerligen knotades bland de i lokalområdet boende, när insikten att tusentals skränande besökare på reguljär basis nu skulle dundra förbi deras hus, och kanske att den vackra utsikten över de omkringliggande kullarna förstördes. “Kunde de inte byggt i stadens utkanter istället, så som man brukar?”, tänker de kanske. “Men å andra sidan, den har något ändå, den där Colosseum”.  Arenor har återfunnits i människors städer i tusentals år. De är platser för skådespel, idrott, musik och övrig kultur. Det som lätt glöms bort är det som händer utanför arenaväggarna. Hur formar lokalmiljö, kommers och arenan varandra, och hur påverkas deras estetik. I detta arbete kommer en kvalitativ fallstudie genomföras där nybyggnationen av den multifunktionella arenan på Studenternas IP i Uppsala studeras. Uppsatsen är kulturgeografisk och tar avstamp i byggnadens arkitektur för att analysera hur renoveringsprocessen har sett ut, vilka drivkrafter hos olika aktörer som har varit centrala, och hur dessa nu påverkar platsen.

Electronic Transportation Markets and New Technology

Golaj, Taulant, Sümegi, Bo, Wargenkrook, Hakija January 2014 (has links)
En transportbörs är en elektronisk marknadsplats där transportsäljare kan annonsera ledig kapacitet till försäljning och transportköpare kan ge förfrågningar på transporter. När aktörerna på transportbörsen har hittat en sälj- eller köpannons som passar deras behov sluter de avtal om en transport. Transportbörser underlättar för transportsäljare att öka sina fyllnadsgrader samtidigt som den även underlättar för transportköpare att hitta transportörer. Då fyllnadsgrader och samlastning ökar med hjälp av transportbörserna tjänar även miljön på detta då antalet använda fordon minskar (Kovács, 2009).I denna studie har vi undersökt vad som fungerar bra respektive mindre bra med befintliga transportbörser, och genom detta har en konceptuell transportbörs tagits fram där dess fördelar förstärks och nackdelar minimeras. Studien baseras på en enkätundersökning med ansvariga transportsäljare samt en personlig djupintervju med en verksam transportplanerare. Vi har genom litteraturstudier även tagit reda på om det finns några tekniska hjälpmedel som skulle kunna användas för att understödja transportbörsernas syfte att öka samlastningen.Våra egna undersökningar samt litteraturstudie visar på vikten av affärsrelationer; de flesta transportsäljare beräknar i dagens läge sina fyllnadsgrader manuellt och därefter frågar de sina etablerade kunder om de är i behov av transporter. Transportköpare arbetar på ett liknande sätt – vid transportbehov ringer de till sina etablerade transportörer och frågar om de har tillgänglig kapacitet. Därför blir manuell koordination av offerter en standardprocedur vilket resulterar i att transportbörser fungerar som en sista utväg. Därför blir det inte heller någon direkt ruljans och fart på handeln på transportbörserna (Anonym transportsäljare).Vid våra empiriska undersökningar framgår det tydligt att det främsta konkurrensmedlet bland säljande företag på transportbörser är priset, något som också bekräftas av forskare i ämnet (Nandijaru & Regan, 2003). Prispressen får följden att andra konkurrensmedel såsom kundservice och kundrelationer hamnar i skymundan. Ett flertal respondenter i vår undersökning ansåg detta vara ett stort problem vilket har resulterat i att det är svårt att tjäna några pengar på transportbörserna.Om man på transportbörsen kan möjliggöra för transportörer att marknadsföra sig med andra konkurrensfördelar än pris kommer det att skapa en helt ny marknadssituation. Resultatet blir en jämnare konkurrens mellan aktörerna på transportbörsen. Låter man dessutom köpare och säljare att betygsätta varandra bidrar detta ytterligare till en ökad transparens och mer jämlik konkurrens. Anledningen till att marknaden blir mer jämlik är att företag som marknadsför sig med hög servicenivå och således ett något högre pris känner att de kan konkurrera på lika villkor med konkurrenter som använder sig av en prispressande strategi.RFID är en teknik som skulle kunna underlätta användandet av transportbörser då tekniken kan användas för att beräkna tillgänglig kapacitet samt automatiskt skapa annonser på transportbörserna. Tekniken skulle således även kunna vara ett sätt för företagen att framhäva de icke-ekonomiska konkurrensfördelarna såsom service, då en implementering av RFID skulle spara arbetstid inom de transportsäljande företagen; lägger man mindre tid på transportplanering och annonsering kan man lägga mer tid på sin kärnverksamhet och kundservice och relationer. / An electronic transportation market is a market place where transport sellers can advertise free capacity and transport buyers can make inquires on transports. When the sellers and buyers have found an offer that fits them they reach an agreement. The electronic transportation markets help to increase the average payload and gives opportunities for co-loading, which benefits both the transport carriers, transport buyers as well as the environment (Kovács, 2009).In this study we have examined what works well respectively less well with existing electronic transportation markets. This has been done through a survey among transport selling companies as well as an interview with a transport planner. Through literature study we have also investigated if there are any technical aids that can be used to support the functionality of electronic transportation markets.Our research and literature study reveals that most transport sellers manually calculate their payloads and then manually calls their customers to see if they want anything transported. We therefore suspect that manual coordination of offers and advertising is a normal procedure amongst transport selling and transport buying companies. This results in the electronic transportation markets works as a last exit for the transport sellers. As a result of this there is no momentum on the electronic transportation markets when nobody is trading there on a bigger scale (Anonymous transport seller).Our survey and interview show that the main competitive advantage amongst transport sellers on electronic transportation markets is the price. This is a theory confirmed by several authors in the field, for example Nandijaru and Regan (2003). The price focus results in other competitive advantages such as service and customer relations tend to be forgotten on electronic transportation markets. Many respondents in our survey found the price fixation to be a major problem resulting in low profits on the electronic transportation markets.If you can make it possible for transport sellers to advertise themselves with other competitive advantages than price it will create a new market situation. The will result in a more equal competition on the electronic transportation markets. The market place will be even more equal and transparent if you allow the sellers and buyers to rate one another on different scales such as service ratio. The mentioned implementations will lead to sellers that advertise themselves with a high degree of service will feel that they compete on the same terms as sellers that focus on price.RFID may offer the possibility to automatically calculate available payload and automatically create advertisements on electronic transportation markets. This can also be a way to increase the importance of non-economic competitive advantages such as customer service, as a direct result of less time spent manually calculating payload and creating advertisements.

Towards a negative ontology of leadership

Kelly, Simon January 2014 (has links)
No / Drawing on recent critical debates concerning the ontology of leadership, this article outlines a radical rethinking of the concept – not as the study of heroic individuals, skilled practitioners, collaborators or discursive actors – but as the marker of a fundamental and productive lack; a space of absent presence through which individual and collective desires for leadership are given expression. Where current critical debates tend to oscillate between variants of the physical and the social in their analyses, this article considers the potential for a negative ontology of leadership; one in which absence, ideological practices and the operation of empty signifiers form the basis for empirical investigation and critical reflection.

Why-Query Support in Graph Databases

Vasilyeva, Elena 28 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In the last few decades, database management systems became powerful tools for storing large amount of data and executing complex queries over them. In addition to extended functionality, novel types of databases appear like triple stores, distributed databases, etc. Graph databases implementing the property-graph model belong to this development branch and provide a new way for storing and processing data in the form of a graph with nodes representing some entities and edges describing connections between them. This consideration makes them suitable for keeping data without a rigid schema for use cases like social-network processing or data integration. In addition to a flexible storage, graph databases provide new querying possibilities in the form of path queries, detection of connected components, pattern matching, etc. However, the schema flexibility and graph queries come with additional costs. With limited knowledge about data and little experience in constructing the complex queries, users can create such ones, which deliver unexpected results. Forced to debug queries manually and overwhelmed by the amount of query constraints, users can get frustrated by using graph databases. What is really needed, is to improve usability of graph databases by providing debugging and explaining functionality for such situations. We have to assist users in the discovery of what were the reasons of unexpected results and what can be done in order to fix them. The unexpectedness of result sets can be expressed in terms of their size or content. In the first case, users have to solve the empty-answer, too-many-, or too-few-answers problems. In the second case, users care about the result content and miss some expected answers or wonder about presence of some unexpected ones. Considering the typical problems of receiving no or too many results by querying graph databases, in this thesis we focus on investigating the problems of the first group, whose solutions are usually represented by why-empty, why-so-few, and why-so-many queries. Our objective is to extend graph databases with debugging functionality in the form of why-queries for unexpected query results on the example of pattern matching queries, which are one of general graph-query types. We present a comprehensive analysis of existing debugging tools in the state-of-the-art research and identify their common properties. From them, we formulate the following features of why-queries, which we discuss in this thesis, namely: holistic support of different cardinality-based problems, explanation of unexpected results and query reformulation, comprehensive analysis of explanations, and non-intrusive user integration. To support different cardinality-based problems, we develop methods for explaining no, too few, and too many results. To cover different kinds of explanations, we present two types: subgraph- and modification-based explanations. The first type identifies the reasons of unexpectedness in terms of query subgraphs and delivers differential graphs as answers. The second one reformulates queries in such a way that they produce better results. Considering graph queries to be complex structures with multiple constraints, we investigate different ways of generating explanations starting from the most general one that considers only a query topology through coarse-grained rewriting up to fine-grained modification that allows fine changes of predicates and topology. To provide a comprehensive analysis of explanations, we propose to compare them on three levels including a syntactic description, a content, and a size of a result set. In order to deliver user-aware explanations, we discuss two models for non-intrusive user integration in the generation process. With the techniques proposed in this thesis, we are able to provide fundamentals for debugging of pattern-matching queries, which deliver no, too few, or too many results, in graph databases implementing the property-graph model.

Syntax a sémantika podmětového "it" jako stylový ukazatel / The syntax and semantics of the subject "it" as a style marker

Fišerová, Helena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses the distribution of the different functions of the subject it in two text types: academic prose and fiction. The objective of the thesis is to discover to what extent and in which aspects the two examined text types differ. The analysis is based on two hundred examples of it in the subject function obtained from the British National Corpus (BNC), one half of them drawn from academic prose, the other from fiction. The functions of it analysed include anaphoric it, anticipatory it, empty it and it as the subject in a cleft sentence (focusing it). The discussion of anaphoric it focuses on the distance of the referent from the pronoun, the realisation form and semantic role of the referent; in the case of anticipatory it, attention is paid to the type of subordinate clause realising the extraposed subject and the realisation form and semantics of the predicate in the superordinate clause; for the cleft sentence, the analysis deals mainly with the realisation form and underlying syntactic function of the focused element. Additionally, the instances of it that did not fit into any of the four main categories are also examined. The two text types are first discussed separately, and the findings are then compared in the final part of the thesis. Key words: anaphoric it, anticipatory...

Modelo de decisão para o planejamento da movimentação de contêineres vazios. / A decision support system for the planning of empty containers repositioning.

Zambuzi, Nathalia de Castro 23 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do planejamento da movimentação de contêineres vazios ao longo de um conjunto de portos, buscando o balanceamento entre as demandas e ofertas dos mesmos em todos os portos ao menor custo, e considerando as restrições de capacidade de transporte dos modais envolvidos. Para isso será adotado um modelo de fluxo em rede multi-produto para representar o sistema de movimentação de contêineres vazios e que servirá de base para o desenvolvimento de uma formulação matemática, a qual, implementada através de uma ferramenta computacional de otimização, determina os fluxos de vazios no sistema. A verificação do modelo proposto deu-se através de testes em problemas reduzidos de movimentação de vazios, assim como em um problema cujos resultados foram publicados na literatura. Os resultados sugeriram a adequabilidade e confiabilidade do modelo proposto que pode, então, ser aplicado a um problema real da empresa de navegação Hamburg Süd, tendo seus resultados comparados aos resultados fornecidos pela mesma. / This dissertation deals with the empty containers movement planning throughout a set of ports, aiming the balancing between the demands and supplies in all the ports at minimal cost, and considering the capacity constraints of the transport modes considered. A multi-commodity network flow model will be adopted to represent the empty containers movement system. This model supports the development of a mathematical formulation which, through a computational optimization tool, determines the flows of empty containers throughout the system. The verification of the proposed model was given through tests in reduced problems, as well as in a problem which results had already been published in literature. The results had suggested the adequateness and trustworthiness of the proposed model, which could, then, be applied to a real problem of the navigation company Hamburg Süd, and the results could be compared with the ones given by the company.

Falas vazias: língua, referência e sujeito na demência

Landi, Rosana 19 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosana Landi.pdf: 468150 bytes, checksum: a523f0351c6d85209089f6843624cdec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-19 / This study focuses on questions raised in the course of clinical observation involving patients with dementia, more particularly, the ones with Alzheimer s Disease (AD). It aims at discussing, with particular emphasis, the symptomatic speech manifestations of the common events referred to in literature as anomia or empty speech speech, although grammatically well formed, does not properly convey meaning neither does it establish reference. I departure from a critical review of the literature of the fields of Medicine and Speech Therapy. The assessment of such literature indicated that - despite the variability concerning both the description of speech symptoms in AD and its causes - all studies eventually mention a loss of external reference in characterizing the patients speech. Such common trait between otherwise differing studies is interpreted as being the result of the theoretical assumption of language as nomenclature. It is argued that in such a perspective reduces language to a code which can, as so, be approached through descriptive apparatuses (based either on grammar, pragmatics or semantics). This view on language is associated with the notions of language and sign, sustained by Classical Philosophy, as well as with the notion of psychological subject. It is pointed out that the process of displacement of such notions to clinical fields involves a significant loss of conceptual strength. In this dissertation, I examine different approaches to the speech of AD patients. In order to do so, I assume the theoretical perspective on language which was inaugurated by Saussure a perspective that promoted a discontinuity in the path traditionally followed in the reflections on language (and the sign) in western literature. From this point of view, language is not a nomenclature. Such a statement guided the interpretation of the speech of AD patients presented in this study. As a result of this theoretical approach, it is argued, that the so-called empty speech can be finally recognized as being full of truth the truth of a singular relationship between a speaking-subject and language / Este trabalho aborda uma questão suscitada pelo meu encontro com falas de sujeitos com demência, ou seja, com manifestações sintomáticas que, na literatura sobre o assunto, são designadas como anomia - diminuição de vocabulário funcional e como fala vazia - falas que, embora articuladas e coesas, são esvaziadas de sentido, carente de referências. Parto de um levantamento bibliográfico não exaustivo, porém extenso, de trabalhos na área da demência. Explorei com maior detalhe estudos referentes à Doença de Alzheimer (DA), desenvolvidos nos campos clínicos na Medicina e na Fonoaudiologia. Pude observar que, apesar das diferenças quanto ao tipo de explicação sobre suas causas e quanto ao modo de descrição dos sintomas na fala, em todas as pesquisas sobre a DA a perturbação lingüística é caracterizada em termos de perda da referência externa. Argumento que, em todos eles, a linguagem é implicitamente assumida como uma nomenclatura. Em outras palavras, ela é código, pode ser abordada a partir de aparatos categoriais (gramaticais, pragmáticos ou semânticos) e tem, declaradamente, as funções representativa e designativa. Trata-se de uma visão fortemente ligada às concepções de linguagem e de signo que movimentaram a Filosofia Clássica, que deixam em saliência a concepção de sujeito psicológico. Essa perspectiva sobre a linguagem se estende, com perdas conceituais, sem dúvida, para os campos clínicos. Nesta tese, discuto tais abordagens (na verdade redutíveis a uma). Tomo o partido de Saussure porque dou reconhecimento à enunciação da ordem própria da língua, um corte em relação ao pensamento ocidental sobre a linguagem e sobre o signo. Segundo Milner (1978), Saussure não é mais um na história das idéias lingüísticas e filosóficas sobre a linguagem: ele é UM. Seu pensamento é exigente e oferece resistência. Assumo, com Saussure que a língua não é nomenclatura e procuro retirar conseqüências teóricas e empíricas para a escuta e explicação de sujeitos com demência. Procuro fazer valer as leis de referência interna da linguagem que deslocam o signo para o lugar de efeito de suas operações. Com base neste solo teórico, encontro na ditas falas vazias , falas plenas de uma verdade sobre a relação profunda e indissolúvel do sujeito com a linguagem

Beckett-we : em busca de uma poética do vazio

Brito, Luciana January 2016 (has links)
Em Busca de uma Poética do Vazio é uma pesquisa teórico-prática fomentada no Núcleo de Pesquisa Beckett-we – espaço de criação, desconstrução e de transbordamentos criativos a partir do universo de Samuel Beckett. Criado no ano de 2012 em Canoas/RS, o Núcleo dá voz aos aqui chamados esgotados, sujeitos contemporâneos que encontram em Beckett uma possibilidade de diálogo e caos. Os participantes não são atores, nem bailarinos, nem pesquisadores, são PIM: massa de corpos que não aguentam mais, unidos por uma pequena vida – extrato de existência em comum, que transcende as referências culturais, geográficas, étnicas ou históricas – PIM é plural. Este escrito é composto pelas vozes de esgotados, de Beckett, por minha voz, por fluxos de pensamento que me atravessaram durante a pesquisa e pela voz de referências significativas neste estudo: Gilles Deleuze, Suely Rolnik, Peter Pál Pelbart, dentre outros tantos. São analisadas performances criadas durante três anos do Núcleo, a partir dos textos: Todos os que Caem (Beckett - 1957) que se transformou em Eu, Ser Pulsante e Semivivo (2013) e Eleutheria (Beckett - 1947) metamorfoseado em sobre.vida (2015), Ensaio sobre a Liberdade (2014) e inspiração (2014). Buscando fazer um paralelo estrutural com a obra Como É (Beckett, 1961), que se passa em um buraco enlameado, no qual um personagem procura seu parceiro – PIM -, esta pesquisa se propõe a investigar os caminhos que foram inventados durante as práticas, visando se aproximar de uma possível metodologia que se encontra no vazio, buscando constantemente a instabilidade – seja através da tentativa de esvaziamento de referências, no diálogo com os esgotados que são desconhecedores de Beckett ou na renovação constante de PIM. No ato de esvaziar-se e se deixar atravessar pelas vozes e impulsos dos envolvidos, alimentados pelo universo beckettiano, esta dissertação sugere a figura do cartógrafo, desenvolvida por Rolnik, como um possível caminho para a prática criativa no vazio. / In Search of a Poetic of Emptiness is a theoretical-practical research fomented in the Núcleo de Pesquisa Beckett-we (Research Group Beckett-we) - space of creation, deconstruction and creative overflows based on the universe of Samuel Beckett. Created in the year of 2012 in Canoas/RS, the group gives voice to the ones here called the exhausted , contemporary subjects that find in Beckett a possibility of dialogue and chaos. The participants are not actors, nor dancers, nor researchers, they are PIM: a mass of bodies that cannot bear anymore, united by a little life - extract of a common existence, that transcends the cultural, geographical, ethnic or historical references - PIM is plural. This writing is composed by the voices of the exhausted, Beckett’s voice, my own voice, by flows of thoughts that crossed me while researching and by the voice of significative references in this study: Gilles Deleuze, Suely Rolnik, Peter Pál Pelbart, among so many others. Here we analyse performances created during the three years of the group, based on the texts: All that fall (Beckett - 1957) that became Eu, ser pulsante e semivivo [Me, pulsing being and halfalive (2013) and Eleutheria (Beckett - 1947) metamorphosed in sobre.vida [about.life] (2015), Ensaio sobre a Liberdade [Essay about Freedom] (2014) and inspiração [inspiration] (2014). Aiming to create a structural parallel with the work How it is (Beckett - 1961), that passes in a muddy hole, in which one character looks for his partner - PIM -, this research proposes itself to investigate the paths that were invented during the practices, aiming to approach a possible methodology found in the emptiness, searching constantly the instability - be it through the attempt of emptying references, in the dialogue with the exhausted who are unfamiliar with Beckett or in the constant renovation of PIM. In the act of emptying itself and letting it be crossed by the voices and impulses of the involved, fed by the beckettian universe, this dissertation suggests the figure of the cartographer, developed by Rolnik, as a possible path for the creative practice in the emptiness.

Le "vide structure" : enquête sur la structure plastique du décor de cinéma à travers ses racines et sa poïétique / "Constructive emptiness" : roots and process of the creation of the film set

Bled, Grégory 02 July 2015 (has links)
Le thème central de la recherche est la place du vide constructif dans la dimension spatiale du décor de cinéma. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence, à travers les racines et le processus de création du décor de cinéma, la notion d’objet espace vide comme source d’informations et comme « troncage narratif » en sus de sa spatialité et de sa dépendance au construit et au visible. En s’appuyant sur la notion de tressage, on observe le jeu du visible et de l’invisible qui devient, pour le décorateur, le jeu du construit, de l’intervalle et du vide. Cette poïétique du décor de cinéma nous fait voyager en aller-retour entre image et espace. L’image de création, l’image iconographique devient matière, ontogénèse à double sens. L’étude des processus de perception des images met en évidence des notions que le créateur d’espace, le décorateur plasticien utilisera dans la modélisation de son espace poétique et la mise en place de sa vraisemblance, émergence de nos jeux d’enfance. Espace de la feinte théâtrale et cinématographique, espace poétique sensible au scopique, véritable installation panoptique du sens dont le processus de perception a été expérimenté par certains artistes du Quattrocento avec la naissance de la perspective puis ensuite par des artistes contemporains. / The central theme of my research is the importance of constructive emptiness in the spatial dimension of the film set. My intent is to highlight, through the roots and processes of the creation of the film set, the notion of empty space object as a source of information and as a “narrative truncation" besides its spatiality and dependence on what is constructed and visible. By relying on the notion of interweaving, one can observe the interactions of what is visible and invisible, which becomes, for the set designer, the interactions of what has been constructed on the set, as well as the intervals and the empty spaces. This poietics of the film set makes us go back and forth between image and space. The creative image, the iconographic image becomes material, a two-way ontogeny. The study of the process of image perception highlights the concepts that the creator of the space, the artistic decorator, will use in the modelling of their poetic space and the establishment of their likelihood, which is the emergence of our childhood games. It is the crafty space of theater and film, the poetic space sensitive to the scopic, a true panoptic installation of meaning whose processes of perception have been experienced by some artists of the Quattrocento with the birth of perspective and now by contemporary artists.

Aspectos psicossociais na vivência do ninho vazio em mulheres: uma compreensão da psicologia analítica / Psychosocial aspects in women empty nest experience: an understanding with analytical psychology

Ferreira, Tatiana Lima 19 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tatiana Lima Ferreira.pdf: 718467 bytes, checksum: 9343fdb194c3a94efe5214939d51a1da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-19 / This research seeks to observe and to understand feelings and behaviors of mothers in "empty nest" phase. The theme is justified mainly because it is an intrinsic step to the family cycle and not much exploited so far in Brazilian scientific research. So it has importance both in academia and to women demonstrated suffering at this stage. Using a qualitative approach, the study was used of questionnaire socio-demographic and semi-open interview, besides having been based on concepts of Analytical Psychology. It is considered that the majority of mothers interviewed showed negative reaction to the departure of the children, with feelings of sadness, loneliness, grief and abandonment. We conclude that the quality of the marital relationship and family that the mother established throughout her life may have influenced the type of reaction experienced at empty nest stage / Esta pesquisa procura observar e entender os sentimentos e comportamentos das mães frente à fase do ninho vazio . A temática se justifica, principalmente, por se tratar de uma etapa intrínseca ao ciclo familiar e por não ser muito explorada, até então, em pesquisas científicas brasileiras. Por isso, apresenta importância tanto no meio acadêmico, quanto para mulheres que demonstram sofrimento nesta fase. Com abordagem qualitativa, o trabalho se utilizou de questionário sócio demográfico e entrevista semiaberta, além de ter se baseado em conceitos da Psicologia Analítica. Considera-se que a maioria das mães entrevistadas apresentou reação negativa com a saída dos filhos, com sentimentos de tristeza, solidão, angústia e abandono. Conclui-se que a qualidade do relacionamento conjugal e familiar que a mãe estabeleceu ao longo da vida pode ter influenciado o tipo de reação vivida na fase do ninho vazio

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