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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental identification of physical thermal models for demand response and performance evaluation / Identification expérimentale des modèles thermiques physiques pour la commande et la mesure des performances énergétiques

Raillon, Loic 16 May 2018 (has links)
La stratégie de l’Union Européenne pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques, est d’augmenter progressivement la part d’énergies renouvelables dans le mix énergétique et d’utiliser l’énergie plus efficacement de la production à la consommation finale. Cela implique de mesurer les performances énergétiques du bâtiment et des systèmes associés, indépendamment des conditions climatiques et de l’usage, pour fournir des solutions efficaces et adaptées de rénovation. Cela implique également de connaître la demande énergétique pour anticiper la production et le stockage d’énergie (mécanismes de demande et réponse). L’estimation des besoins énergétiques et des performances énergétiques des bâtiments ont un verrou scientifique commun : l’identification expérimentale d’un modèle physique du comportement intrinsèque du bâtiment. Les modèles boîte grise, déterminés d’après des lois physiques et les modèles boîte noire, déterminés heuristiquement, peuvent représenter un même système physique. Des relations entre les paramètres physiques et heuristiques existent si la structure de la boîte noire est choisie de sorte qu’elle corresponde à la structure physique. Pour trouver la meilleure représentation, nous proposons d’utiliser, des simulations de Monte Carlo pour analyser la propagation des erreurs dans les différentes transformations de modèle et, une méthode de priorisation pour classer l’influence des paramètres. Les résultats obtenus indiquent qu’il est préférable d’identifier les paramètres physiques. Néanmoins, les informations physiques, déterminées depuis l’estimation des paramètres, sont fiables si la structure est inversible et si la quantité d’information dans les données est suffisante. Nous montrons comment une structure de modèle identifiable peut être choisie, notamment grâce au profil de vraisemblance. L’identification expérimentale comporte trois phases : la sélection, la calibration et la validation du modèle. Ces trois phases sont détaillées dans le cas d’une expérimentation d’une maison réelle en utilisant une approche fréquentiste et Bayésienne. Plus précisément, nous proposons une méthode efficace de calibration Bayésienne pour estimer la distribution postérieure des paramètres et ainsi réaliser des simulations en tenant compte de toute les incertitudes, ce qui représente un atout pour le contrôle prédictif. Nous avons également étudié les capacités des méthodes séquentielles de Monte Carlo pour estimer simultanément les états et les paramètres d’un système. Une adaptation de la méthode de prédiction d’erreur récursive, dans une stratégie séquentielle de Monte Carlo, est proposée et comparée à une méthode de la littérature. Les méthodes séquentielles peuvent être utilisées pour identifier un premier modèle et fournir des informations sur la structure du modèle sélectionnée pendant que les données sont collectées. Par la suite, le modèle peut être amélioré si besoin, en utilisant le jeu de données et une méthode itérative. / The European Union strategy for achieving the climate targets, is to progressively increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix and to use the energy more efficiently from production to final consumption. It requires to measure the energy performance of buildings and associated systems, independently of weather conditions and user behavior, to provide efficient and adapted retrofitting solutions. It also requires to known the energy demand to anticipate the energy production and storage (demand response). The estimation of building energy demand and the estimation of energy performance of buildings have a common scientific: the experimental identification of the physical model of the building’s intrinsic behavior. Grey box models, determined from first principles, and black box models, determined heuristically, can describe the same physical process. Relations between the physical and mathematical parameters exist if the black box structure is chosen such that it matches the physical ones. To find the best model representation, we propose to use, Monte Carlo simulations for analyzing the propagation of errors in the different model transformations, and factor prioritization, for ranking the parameters according to their influence. The obtained results show that identifying the parameters on the state-space representation is a better choice. Nonetheless, physical information determined from the estimated parameters, are reliable if the model structure is invertible and the data are informative enough. We show how an identifiable model structure can be chosen, especially thanks to profile likelihood. Experimental identification consists of three phases: model selection, identification and validation. These three phases are detailed on a real house experiment by using a frequentist and Bayesian framework. More specifically, we proposed an efficient Bayesian calibration to estimate the parameter posterior distributions, which allows to simulate by taking all the uncertainties into account, which is suitable for model predictive control. We have also studied the capabilities of sequential Monte Carlo methods for estimating simultaneously the states and parameters. An adaptation of the recursive prediction error method into a sequential Monte Carlo framework, is proposed and compared to a method from the literature. Sequential methods can be used to provide a first model fit and insights on the selected model structure while the data are collected. Afterwards, the first model fit can be refined if necessary, by using iterative methods with the batch of data.

Robust and Durable Vacuum Insulation Technology for Buildings

Karami, Peyman January 2015 (has links)
Today’s buildings are responsible for 40% of the world’s energy use and also a substantial share of the Global Warming Potential (GWP). In Sweden, about 21% of the energy use can be related to the heat losses through the climatic envelope. The “Million Program” (Swedish: Miljonprogrammet) is a common name for about one million housing units, erected between 1965 and 1974 and many of these buildings suffer from poor energy performance. An important aim of this study was to access the possibilities of using Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) in buildings with emphasis on the use of VIPs for improving the thermal efficiency of the “Million Program” buildings. The VIPs have a thermal resistance of about 8-10 times better than conventional insulations and offer unique opportunities to reduce the thickness of the thermal insulation. This thesis is divided into three main subjects. The first subject aims to investigate new alternative VIP cores that may reduce the market price of VIPs. Three newly developed nanoporous silica were tested using different steady-state and transient methods. A new self-designed device, connected to a Transient Plane Source (TPS) instrument was used to determine the thermal conductivity of granular powders at different gaseous pressure combined with different mechanical loads. The conclusion was that the TPS technique is less suitable for conducting thermal conductivity measurements on low-density nanoporous silica powders. However, deviations in the results are minimal for densities above a limit at which the pure conduction becomes dominant compared to heat transfer by radiation. The second subject of this work was to propose a new and robust VIP mounting system, with minimized thermal bridges, for improving the thermal efficiency of the “Million Program” buildings. On the basis of the parametric analysis and dynamic simulations, a new VIP mounting system was proposed and evaluated through full scale measurements in a climatic chamber. The in situ measurements showed that the suggested new VIP technical solution, consisting of 20mm thick VIPs, can improve the thermal transmittance of the wall, up to a level of 56%. An improved thermal transmittance of the wall at centre-of-panel coordinate of 0.118 to 0.132 W m-2K-1 and a measured centre-of-panel thermal conductivity (λcentre-of-panel) of 7 mW m-1K-1 were reached. Furthermore, this thesis includes a new approach to measure the thermal bridge impacts due to the VIP joints and laminates, through conducting infrared thermography investigations. An effective thermal conductivity of 10.9 mW m-1K-1 was measured. The higher measured centre-of-panel and effective thermal conductivities than the published centre-of-panel thermal conductivity of 4.2 mW m-1K-1 from the VIP manufacturer, suggest that the real thermal performance of VIPs, when are mounted in construction, is comparatively worse than of the measured performance in the laboratory. An effective thermal conductivity of 10.9 mW m-1K-1 will, however, provide an excellent thermal performance to the construction. The third subject of this thesis aims to assess the environmental impacts of production and operation of VIP-insulated buildings, since there is a lack of life cycle analysis of whole buildings with vacuum panels. It was concluded that VIPs have a greater environmental impact than conventional insulation, in all categories except Ozone Depilation Potential. The VIPs have a measurable influence on the total Global Warming Potential and Primary Energy use of the buildings when both production and operation are taken into account. However, the environmental effect of using VIPs is positive when compared to the GWP of a standard building (a reduction of 6%) while the PE is increased by 20%. It was concluded that further promotion of VIPs will benefit from reduced energy use or alternative energy sources in the production of VIP cores while the use of alternative cores and recycling of VIP cores may also help reduce the environmental impact. Also, a sensitivity analysis of this study showed that the choice of VIPs has a significant effect on the environmental impacts, allowing for a reduction of the total PE of a building by 12% and the GWP can be reduced as much as 11% when considering both production and operation of 50 yes. Finally, it’s possible to conclude that the VIPs are very competitive alternative for insulating buildings from the Swedish “Million Program”. Nevertheless, further investigations require for minimizing the measurable environmental impacts that acquired in this LCA study for the VIP-insulated buildings. / Dagens byggnader ansvarar för omkring 40% av världens energianvändning och  står också för en väsentlig del av utsläppen av växthusgaser. I Sverige kan ca 21 % av energianvändningen relateras till förluster genom klimatskalet. Miljonprogrammet är ett namn för omkring en miljon bostäder som byggdes mellan 1965 och 1974, och många av dessa byggnader har en dålig energiprestanda efter dagens mått. Huvudsyftet med denna studie har varit att utforska möjligheterna att använda vakuumisoleringspaneler (VIP:ar) i byggnader med viss fokus på tillämpning i Miljonprogrammets byggnader. Med en värmeledningsförmåga som är ca 8 - 10 gånger bättre än för traditionell isolering erbjuder VIP:arna unika möjligheter till förbättrad termisk prestanda med minimal isolerings tjocklek. Denna avhandling hade tre huvudsyften. Det första var att undersöka nya alternativ för kärnmaterial som bland annat kan reducera kostnaden vid produktion av VIP:ar. Tre nyutvecklade nanoporösa kiselpulver har testats med olika stationära och transienta metoder. En inom projektet utvecklad testbädd som kan anslutas till TPS instrument (Transient Plane Source sensor), har använts för att mäta värmeledningsförmågan hos kärnmaterial för VIP:ar, vid varierande gastryck och olika mekaniska laster. Slutsatsen blev att transienta metoder är mindre lämpliga för utföra mätningar av värmeledningsförmåga för nanoporösa kiselpulver låg densitet. Avvikelsen i resultaten är dock minimal för densiteter ovan en gräns då värmeledningen genom fasta material blir dominerande jämfört med värmeöverföring genom strålning. Det andra syftet har varit att föreslå ett nytt monteringssystem för VIP:ar som kan användas för att förbättra energieffektiviteten i byggnader som är typiska för Miljonprogrammet. Genom parametrisk analys och dynamiska simuleringar har vi kommit fram till ett förslag på ett nytt monteringssystem för VIP:ar som har utvärderats genom fullskaleförsök i klimatkammare. Resultaten från fullskaleförsöken visar att den nya tekniska lösningen förbättrar väggens U-värde med upp till 56 %. En förbättrad värmegenomgångskoefficienten för väggen i mitten av en VIP blev mellan 0.118 till 0,132 W m-2K-1 och värmeledningstalet centre-av-panel 7 mW m-1K-1 uppnåddes. Detta arbete innehåller dessutom en ny metod för att mäta köldbryggor i anslutningar med hjälp av infraröd termografi. En effektiv värmeledningsförmåga för 10.9 mW m-1K-1 uppnåddes. Resultaten tyder även på att den verkliga termiska prestandan av VIP:ar i konstruktioner är något sämre än mätvärden för paneler i laboratorium. En effektiv värmeledningsförmåga av 10.9 mW m-1K-1 ger dock väggkonstruktionen en utmärkt termisk prestanda. Det tredje syftet har varit att bedöma miljöpåverkan av en VIP-isolerad byggnad, från produktion till drift, eftersom en livscykelanalys av hela byggnader som är isolerade med vakuumisoleringspaneler inte har gjorts tidigare. Slutsatsen var att VIP:ar har en större miljöpåverkan än traditionell isolering, i alla kategorier förutom ozonnedbrytande potential. VIP:ar har en mätbar påverkan på de totala utsläppen av växthusgaser och primärenergianvändningen i byggnader när både produktion och drift beaktas. Miljöpåverkan av de använda VIP:arna är dock positiv jämfört med GWP av en standardbyggnad (en minskning med 6 %) medan primärenergianvändningen ökade med 20 %. Slutsatsen var att ytterligare användning av VIP:ar gynnas av reducerad energiförbrukning och alternativa energikällor i produktionen av nanoporösa kiselpulver medan användningen av alternativa kärnmaterial och återvinning av VIP kärnor kan hjälpa till att minska miljöpåverkan. En känslighetsanalys visade att valet av VIP:ar har en betydande inverkan på miljöpåverkan, vilket ger möjlighet att reducera den totala användningen av primärenergi i en byggnad med 12 % och utsläppen av växthusgaser kan vara minska, så mycket som 11 % när det gäller både produktion och drift under 50 år. Avslutningsvis är det möjligt att dra slutsatsen att VIP:ar är ett mycket konkurrenskraftigt alternativ för att isolera byggnader som är typiska för Miljonprogrammet. Dock krävs ytterligare undersökningar för att minimera de mätbara miljöeffekter som förvärvats i denna LCA-studie för VIP-isolerade byggnader. / <p>QC 20151109</p> / Simulations of heat and moisture conditions in a retrofit wall construction with Vacuum Insulation Panels / Textural and thermal conductivity properties of a low density mesoporous silica material / A study of the thermal conductivity of granular silica materials for VIPs at different levels of gaseous pressure and external loads / Evaluation of the thermal conductivity of a new nanoporous silica material for VIPs – trends of thermal conductivity versus density / A comparative study of the environmental impact of Swedish residential buildings with vacuum insulation panels / ETICS with VIPs for improving buildings from the Swedish million unit program “Miljonprogrammet”

Το "παράδοξο της ενέργειας" στην ελληνική βιομηχανία : έκταση, υιοθέτηση τεχνολογιών εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας και αντιρρύπανσης και επιδράσεις στην απόδοση, αποτελεσματικότητα και παραγωγικότητα

Κουνετάς, Κωνσταντίνος 13 April 2009 (has links)
Το πρόβλημα της κλιματικής αλλαγής αποτελεί έναν από τα κυριότερα σημεία έντονου ενδιαφέροντος για τις περισσότερες χώρες. Μάλιστα, τα επόμενα χρόνια αναμένεται να δοθεί μεγαλύτερη προσοχή στην ανάπτυξη πολιτικών που θα μειώνουν τις εκπομπές ρυπογόνων αέριων ρύπων. Η εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας, ως μέτρο πολιτικής, θα συνεχίσει να αποτελεί μια σημαντική στρατηγική ανάπτυξης για την οικονομία της χώρας μας, μια και συνδέεται σε σημαντικό βαθμό, με την κατανάλωση ενέργειας όπως και με την μείωση των εκπομπών αερίων ρύπων. Επιπλέον, συντονισμένες προσπάθειες τόσο από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση όσο και από άλλους οργανισμούς (IEA, OECD) θέτουν σε βασικό άξονα προτεραιότητας την μείωση της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας, την χρησιμοποίηση εναλλακτικών μορφών και ανανεώσιμων πηγών και την μείωση των ρυπογόνων εκπομπών ιδιαίτερα στον βιομηχανικό κλάδο. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διατριβής αναλύονται θέματα που σχετίζονται με την υιοθέτηση τεχνολογιών εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας από Βιομηχανικές επιχειρήσεις. Κεντρικό στοιχείο αυτής της προσέγγισης είναι το “Παράδοξο της Ενεργειακής Αποδοτικότητας”. Τρία συγκεκριμένα θέματα εξετάζονται σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση. Πρώτον, η διερεύνηση των παραγόντων που οδηγούν στην εμφάνιση του “παραδόξου της ενεργειακής αποτελεσματικότητας” και συγκεκριμένα αν οι αποφάσεις των επιχειρήσεων για υιοθέτηση τέτοιων τεχνολογιών συνυπολογίζουν το στοιχείο της αποδοτικότητας των επενδεδυμένων κεφαλαίων. Δεύτερον, και με δεδομένο ότι στα αποτελέσματα του προηγούμενου σταδίου ανάλυσης αναδεικνύουν την σημαντικότητα του παράγοντα της πληροφορίας, αναπτύσσεται μια εκτενής προσέγγιση που αφορά τόσο το περιεχόμενο όσο και τον ρόλο του παράγοντα της πληροφορίας στην διαδικασία υιοθέτησης ΤΕΕ. Τρίτο, διερευνάται η επίδραση της υιοθέτησης των ΤΕΕ στην παραγωγική αποτελεσματικότητα και παραγωγικότητα των βιομηχανικών επιχειρήσεων. Για τις ανάγκες της ανάλυσης αυτών των θεμάτων αναπτύσσονται δύο επιμέρους μικροοικονομικά υποδείγματα και μια μέθοδος μέτρησης της παραγωγικότητας σε ετερογενής τεχνολογίες. Το πρώτο μικροοικονομικό υπόδειγμα διερευνά την διαδικασία λήψης επενδυτικών αποφάσεων σε ΤΕΕ υπό το πρίσμα της συσχέτισης της επενδυτικής επιλογής με την κερδοφορία, σε πλαίσιο μερικής παρατηρησιμότητας. Το δεύτερο μικροοικονομικό υπόδειγμα επανατοποθετεί την έννοια της πληροφορίας και διερευνά τους παράγοντες που προσδιορίζουν το επίπεδο πληροφόρησης της επιχείρησης για ΤΕΕ. Τέλος για την μέτρηση της επίδρασης των ΤΕΕ στην παραγωγική αποτελεσματικότητα και παραγωγικότητα αναπτύσσεται μια μέθοδος που λαμβάνει ρητά υπόψη της την τεχνολογική ετερογένεια. Η διερεύνηση των τριών αυτών ζητημάτων βασίζεται στην ανάλυση εμπειρικών δεδομένων που αφορούν επιχειρήσεις οι οποίες ενέταξαν στην παραγωγική τους διαδικασία τεχνολογίες εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας στην περίοδο 1990-2004. Οι επενδύσεις αυτές επιδοτήθηκαν κυρίως στα πλαίσια του Β’ και Γ’ Κοινοτικού Πλαισίου Στήριξης. Τα δεδομένα συλλέχθηκαν με την μέθοδο των προσωπικών συνεντεύξεων (ερωτηματολόγια). Συμπληρωματικά δεδομένα αντλήθηκαν από την βάση δεδομένων της ICAP. / The improvement for energy efficiency is generally viewed as an important option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental damage caused by other pollutants (e.g. NOX,SOX). Moreover, is clearly interwoven with the exploitation of new and innovative technologies through the production process and its consequent paradox, the so called “energy efficiency paradox”. This paradox has recently attracted the interest of researchers and organizations (IEA,OECD) in an attempt to bring to light the source of it, the causalities between the adoption of energy efficient technology (EET) and the behaviour of firms . Three research questions have been examined in the specific Phd Thesis. Our first main research question were examined by formulating and testing the following hypothesis: the decision of the firms to adopt or not EET, is correlated to their profitability. Our second research project develops in two stages. The first stage aims at examining the factors influencing retrieval of information concerning EETs by manufacturing firms, while at the second stage we distinguish between readily available and emerging energy efficiency technologies and examine the factors affecting information acquisition for each one of these two broad sets of technologies. Finally, in order to disentangle firm’s heterogeneity we developed a methodological framework to calculate total factor productivity and its components differences arising from EETs adoption. Our first research question examines the energy efficiency paradox demonstrated in Greek manufacturing firms through a partial observability approach. Maximum likelihood estimates that arise from an incidental truncation model reveal that the adoption of the energy saving technologies is indeed strongly correlated to the returns of assets that are required in order to undertake the corresponding investments. The source of the energy efficiency paradox lies within a wide range of factors. Policy schemes that aim to increase the adoption rate of energy saving technologies within the field of manufacturing are significantly affected by differences in the size of firms. Finally, mixed policies seem to be more effective than polices that are only capital subsidy or regulation oriented. Answering the second research question, we aim to redefine the notion of awareness regarding the adoption of EETs. In a second stage we explore the crucial factors that affect the information level of EET adopters, distinguishing between epidemic and emerging technologies information. Our empirical findings reveal that the main factor that exerts positive influence on the level of information acquired by the firms may be encompassed in a set of variables that reflect what may be called a “business culture” regarding the EET Finally, we examined the impact of EETs adoption to Greek manufacturing firms operating under heterogeneous technology sets and we measured the components of total factor productivity (TFP) and its components arising from scale and technological differences. In order to examine our research questions we formulate a unique database. Our database came to light from the necessity of the Greek government to conserve energy in manufacturing and to reduce dangerous emissions in order to meet the criteria of the Kyoto Protocol. An extensive questionnaire was addressed to the 298 firms across the country that adopt EETs that have been subsidized from (i) the Support Frameworks for Regional and Industrial Development, (ii) the Energy Operational Program (OPE), which was part of the second European Union Support Framework (1994-2000) and (iii) the Operational Program ‘Competitiveness’, which is part of the third European Union Support Framework (2000-2006). Finally, 161 of them agreed to be interviewed on the basis of the questionnaire. Face to face interviews took place in the first six months of 2004. Additional data derived from ICAP financial database.


早川, 直樹, 鈴置, 保雄, 加藤, 丈佳 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:10680481 研究代表者:早川 直樹 研究期間:1998-1999年度

A Ventilation Strategy Based on Confluent Jets : An Experimental and Numerical Study

Janbakhsh, Setareh January 2015 (has links)
This study presents air distribution systems that are based on confluent jets; this system can be of interest for the establishment of indoor environments, to fulfill the goals of indoor climate and energy-efficient usage. The main objective of this study is to provide deeper understanding of the flow field development of a supply device that is designed based on wall confluent jets and to investigate the ventilation performance by experimental and numerical methods. In this study, the supply device can be described as an array of round jets on a flat surface attached to a side wall. Multiple round jets that issue from supply device apertures are combined at a certain distance downstream from the device and behave as a united jet or so-called confluent jets. Multiple round jets that are generated from the supply device move downward and are attached to the wall at the primary region, due to the Coanda effect, and then they become wall confluent jets until the floor wall is reached. A wall jet in a secondary region is formed along the floor after the stagnation region. The characteristics of the flow field and the ventilation performance of conventional wall confluent jets and modified wall confluent jets supply devices are investigated experimentally in an office test room. The study of the modified wall confluent jets is intended to improve the efficiency of the conventional one while maintaining acceptable thermal comfort in an office environment. The results show that the modified wall confluent jets supply device can provide acceptable thermal comfort for the occupant with lower airflow rate compared to the conventional wall confluent jets supply device. Numerical predictions using three turbulence models (renormalization group (RNG k– ε), realizable (Re k– ε), and shear stress transport (SST k– ω) are evaluated by measurement results. The computational box and nozzle plate models are used to model the inlet boundary conditions of the nozzle device. In the isothermal study, the wall confluent jets in the primary region and the wall jet in the secondary region, when predicted by the three turbulence models, are in good agreement with the measurements. The non-isothermal validation studies show that the SST k– ω model is slightly better at predicting the wall confluent jets than the other two models. The SST k– ω model is used to investigate the effects of the nozzle diameter, number of nozzles, nozzle array configuration, and inlet discharge height on the ventilation performance of the proposed wall confluent jets supply device. The nozzle diameter and number of nozzles play important roles in determining the airflow pattern, temperature field, and draught distribution. Increased temperature stratification and less draught distribution are achieved by increasing the nozzle diameter and number of nozzles. The supply device with smaller nozzle diameters and fewer nozzles yields rather uniform temperature distribution due to the dominant effect of mixing. The flow behavior is nearly independent of the inlet discharge height for the studied range. The proposed wall confluent jets supply device is compared with a mixing supply device, impinging supply device and displacement supply device. The results show that the proposed wall confluent jets supply device has the combined behavior of both mixing and stratification principles. The proposed wall confluent jets supply device provides better overall ventilation performance than the mixing and displacement supply devices used in this study. This study covers also another application of confluent jets that is based on impinging technology. The supply device under consideration has an array of round jets on a curve. Multiple jets issue from the supply device aperture, in which the supply device is positioned vertically and the jets are directed against a target wall. The flow behavior and ventilation performance of the impinging confluent jets supply device is studied experimentally in an industrial premise. The results show that the impinging confluent jets supply device maintains acceptable thermal comfort in the occupied zone by creating well-distributed airflow during cold and hot seasons.

Modelling and experimental analysis of a geothermal ventilated foundation / Modélisation et étude expérimentale d'une fondation géothermique ventilée

Taurines, Kevin 26 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’analyse thermique et énergétique d’une fondation géothermique ventilée. A l’instar des échangeurs air-sol classiques (EAHE), celle-ci permet de rafraichir ou préchauffer selon la saison l’air destiné au renouvellement sanitaire des bâtiments. Face aux contraintes de rationalisation des consommations et aux exigences de confort thermique croissantes, ces systèmes passifs apparaissent comme étant prometteurs. Le principe de cette fondation est simple et similaire à celui des EAHE : faire circuler de l’air dans une conduite enterrée dans le sol (un à trois mètres) pour qu’il bénéficie - via convection - de l’inertie thermique du sol. La différence réside dans le fait que le canal dans lequel circule l’air n’est pas un tube en PVC ou aluminium mais fait partie intégrante de la structure du bâtiment, à savoir la fondation en béton armé. Ceci présente comme avantage majeur le gain de place lié à l’espace requis pour l’enfouissement des tuyaux. D’un point de vue thermique, la fondation échange non seulement de la chaleur avec le sol exposé aux sollicitations météorologiques mais aussi, et simultanément, aux sollicitations venant du bâtiment. De plus, la profondeur de la fondation – imposée par des raisons structurelles et économiques – est moindre que pour un EAHE traditionnel. Additionné au fait que le béton est poreux, la présence d’humidité peut fortement influencer la performance thermique de la fondation. Le présent travail propose donc d’étudier le comportement thermique complexe de cette fondation par deux approches. La première est expérimentale : un EHPAD équipé de deux fondations a été lourdement instrumenté et des données ont été accumulées sur plus d’un an. L’autre est numérique : deux modèles validés par comparaison avec les données expérimentales ont été développés. Le premier a vocation d’outil de dimensionnement, l’autre de compréhension fine des phénomènes physiques et prends en compte les transferts couplés de chaleur et de masse. / This thesis deals with the thermal and energy analysis of a geothermal ventilated fonudation. Similarly to earth-to-air heat exchangers (EAHE) this foundation enables, according to the season, to preheat or to cool down the air for the hygienic air change. Considering the energy consumption constraints and the buildings users thermal comfort desire, these systems appears to be relevant. The principle of this foundation is simple: to force the air to circulate in a hollowed beam buried into the ground (1 to 3m depth) so that it takes advantage - via convection - to the thermal inertia of the ground. The difference lays on the fact that the channel is not a plastic or aluminium pipe but it a part of the building structure, namely the reinforced concrete foundation. This induces a significant space gain, usually devoted to the pipe burying. From a thermal point of view, the foundation exchanges heat with both the soil beneath the building, and with the soil exposed to the weather thermal loads. Furthermore, the depth - imposed by structural and economical purposees - is lower than that of traditional EAHE. In addition to the fact that concrete is a porous material, the humidity content may strongly influence the thermal performance of the foundation. The current work thus proposes to study the complex thermal behaviour of this foundation in two ways. The first is experimental: an retirement home equipped with two foundation has been intensively instrumented and data recorded over more than one year. The other is numerical: two models validated against the experimental data have been developed. The first is intended to be a designing tool, the second a tool to allow a fine comprehension of the physical phenomenon and take into account coupled heat and moisture transfers.

On the interactions between urban structures and air flows : A numerical study of the effects of urban morphology on the building wind environment and the related building energy loads / Interactions entre les villes et l'aérodynamique : Etude numérique des effets de la morphologie urbaine sur l'environnement aéraulique urbain et leur impact sur les sollicitations énergétiques des bâtiments

Merlier, Lucie 04 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse exploratoire pose les bases scientifiques et méthodologiques d’une approche transversale visant à étudier l’énergétique urbaine et le bio-climatisme. Elle fait appel à des concepts et des outils de l’architecture et l’urbanisme, et à la physique du bâtiment et de la ville. Cette thèse étudie les relations entre la morphologie urbaine et les processus aérodynamiques qui se développent dans la canopée urbaine et leurs effets sur la demande énergétique des bâtiments induite par les infiltrations d’air et les échanges thermiques convectifs. Les spécificités de l’aérodynamique et de la physique urbaines sont d’abord synthétisées et la morphologie de tissus urbains réels est analysée. Une typologie générique de bâtiments isolés et une autre d’îlots urbains en sont déduites. Le modèle CFD est ensuite validé par comparaison des prédictions du modèle avec des résultats expérimentaux et numériques, et des expérimentations numériques sont réalisées sur les différents types morphologiques. Les écoulements moyens sont analysés dans leurs rapports avec la morphologie bâtie, et la distribution des coefficients de pression sur les façades des bâtiments est analysée. Ensuite, les échanges thermiques sont couplés aux processus aérodynamiques. L’amélioration des estimations des échanges convectifs des bâtiments grâce à la CFD est vérifiée par comparaison des résultats de simulation avec des données expérimentales et numériques, ainsi qu’avec les valeurs standard. Une adaptation des fonctions de paroi relatives au transfert thermique est proposée sur la base d’études existantes, et la distribution des échanges convectifs sur les façades de bâtiments est analysée. Enfin, la demande énergétique des bâtiments due aux infiltrations d’air et à la transmission de chaleur au travers de leur envelope est estimée pour différents types morphologiques, et comparée avec les valeurs estimées suivant une approche réglementaire. Les résultats de cette thèse mettent en évidence les effets des propriétés topologiques et métriques des bâtiments et ensembles bâtis sur le développement de recirculations d’air dans la canopée urbaine. Celles-ci induisent une distribution et intensité hétérogènes des coefficients de pression et d’échange convectif sur les façades des bâtiments, qui influent sur le comportement thermique des bâtiments non isolés et perméables à l’air. Par ailleurs, l’estimation de leur demande énergétique diffère suivant si celle-ci est basée sur les valeurs simulées ou standard des coefficients de pression et d’échange convectif. Cependant, l’influence relative de la structure bâtie sur la demande énergétique des bâtiments apparaît plus importante pour les bâtiments isolés thermiquement. La différence entre la demande énergétique par unité de surface de plancher, due aux infiltrations d’air et pertes thermiques au travers de l’enveloppe peut varier de 18% à 47% suivant si le bâtiment est isolé ou situé dans un environnement bâti. / This thesis is an exploratory study that lays the scientific and methodological foundations of a transverse approach for studying urban energy and bio-climatic issues. This approach involves concepts and tools of building and urban physics as well as urban planning and architecture. It addresses the relations between urban morphology and aerodynamic processes, and studies their effects on the building energy loads due to infiltration and convective heat losses. This thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part synthesizes the specificities of urban aerodynamics and urban physics, and analyzes existing urban fabrics from a morphological point of view. Generic typologies of isolated buildings and urban blocks for small scale aerodynamic studies are deduced. The second part validates the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model (steady RANS RSM) against detailed experimental and numerical data, and presents the numerical experiments performed on the different morphological types. Mean flow structures that develop according to the construction shape and built environment, as well as pressure distribution on the building outer walls are examined. The last part couples heat and air fluxes to evaluate the contribution of urban air flows on the building energy loads. The improvement brought by CFD to the assessment of building convective heat transfers is verified by comparing numerical results to experimental data, detailed numerical studies and standard correlations. An enhanced temperature wall-function adapted for forced convection problems is adjusted to the model based on existing studies, and the convective heat transfers distribution on building facades is analyzed. Finally, the building energy loads due to air infiltration and heat transmission are estimated for typical constructions and compared to standard values. The results of this thesis show strong effects of the topology and dimensionality of constructions and urban structures on the development of recirculation phenomena within the urban canopy layer. The related aerodynamic conditions yield heterogeneous pressure and convective heat transfer intensities and distributions on building facades, which depend upon the considered built morphology. Their effects on building energy loads are logically particularly important in absolute value for buildings that are neither insulated nor air tight. Nonetheless, the estimates of the building energy needs based on standard or simulated pressure and convective heat transfer coefficients often show substantial deviation. Focusing on the relative contribution of the built structure, the effects of the aerodynamic context appear more influential for insulated buildings. Essentially, switching from an exposed to a sheltered building may decrease the energy needs per surface unit of floor due to air infiltration and heat transmission through outer walls by 18% up to 47% according to simulation.

Energeticky uvědomělá optimalizace budovy / Energy-conscious building optimization

Ryšavá, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design austerity measures of an apartment building in the form of an energy card. The theoretical part deals with heat pumps. The computational part solves the evaluation of the current state of the building, the proposal of two variants, the assessment in terms of energy and economic and recommendations of the selected variant. There is also an experimental measurement specializing in thermovision imaging. The project contains energy certificates of individual states of the solved object.

Římské lázně a saunový svět / Roman spa and sauna world

Olšáková, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
The specified location for the design is located in the street Hády near the former quarries -Hády and Růženin lom. The place is surrounded by suburban recreational greenery and has sufficient accessibility. On a dedicated site is considered new and existing applications. The new use of the buildings includes a water park and Roman bath and the sauna world. The building of the Roman bath and sauna world will contain, in addition to the main operations also ancillary services and hydrotherapy treatments. The object is oriented at the southern edge of the land between the parking lot and the building of the Aqua Park. The object is designed as a three-storey with basement (1S), 1st floor (1NP) and 2nd floor (2NP). Mass solution is the arc plan. The input section is designed as a contiguous solid mass. The rear part is then designed as two separate halls. From the perspective of the construction is a reinforced concrete skeleton. Surface materials are plaster with metallic paint, glass and wood.

Energeticky efektivní řadový rodinný dům / Energy efficient terraced house

Král, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is a design of a new energy efficient terraced house in the gap site. Building has two dwelling unit of category 4+kitchenette and 6+ kitchenette. Building has a cellar, two floors and an attic. The cellar structures and horizontal structures are made of reinforced concrete. Sand-lime bricks are used for masonry. The building is covered with gabled roof with timber roof truss. In this building there are used rainwater and renewable energy in a form of electrical energy made by photovoltaic panels.

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