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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Retrofitting a Single-family Home with Increased Use of Renewable Energy

Ma, Chenwen January 2017 (has links)
Buildings account for up to 40% of the total energy use in the world. Directives from the European Union have pointed out the significance of increasing the energy efficiency in buildings. New regulation in countries like Sweden has established that new buildings should fulfil regulations of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB), providing the opportunity for renewable energy technologies to achieve these goals. In this paper, the retrofitting potential of renewable energy technologies for a single-family home in Sweden was investigated.The present work studied the characteristics of several renewable energy technologies and their applications for a single-family home in Sweden, including biomass, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, heat pump, and small-scale wind turbine. Three renewable energy technologies (solar thermal, heat pump and small-scale wind turbine) and one renovation method (window) were selected to investigate. The analysis was made of the current energy use and the potential energy (and cost) savings from each retrofitting of these facilities by means of simulation models using IDA ICE software. The study results show that the proposed renewable energy technologies are technically feasible and economically viable as a source of alternative renewable energy in order to produce clean energy and reduce electricity bills for an electric-heated single-family home located in Sweden. Moreover, the combined retrofitting scheme consist of solar thermal system and window renovation was also proposed and explored. As a result the energy performance of the single-family home would satisfy the nearly-zero energy building requirements and thermal comfort could be maintained at an acceptable level.

Управление энергоэффективностью предприятия при производстве нержавеющих труб : магистерская диссертация / Enterprise Energy Efficiency Management in the Production of Stainless Pipes

Мальцев, А. В., Maltsev, A. V. January 2022 (has links)
Цель исследования – разработка методических основ эффективного управления системой энергетического менеджмента на промышленном предприятии с учетом тенденций развития зеленой экономики и цифровизации производства в современных условиях. Объектом исследования является система энергетического менеджмента промышленного предприятия. Научная новизна исследования состоит в разработке теоретических основ и методических подходов на основе интеграции концепций экологической ответственности и цифровизации производства в систему энергетического менеджмента предприятия. Развита концепция дорожной карты внедрения системы энергетического менеджмента на предприятии в соответствии с принятой энергетической политикой и современными представлениями об энергоэффективности. Особенностью карты является планирование мероприятий, направленных на углубление цифровизации внутренней среды энергопотребления и соблюдение показателей результативности внедрения зеленой экономики, таких как снижение выбросов диоксида углерода, доля невозобновляемых ресурсов в структуре энергопотребления, доля повторного использования энергии в производстве. Предложенная концепция позволит достичь энергоэффективности бизнес-процессов с учетом современных подходов к ответственному энергоменеджменту на промышленном предприятии. / The purpose of the study is to develop methodological foundations for the effective management of the energy management system at an industrial enterprise, taking into account the trends in the development of a green economy and digitalization of production in modern conditions. The object of the study is the energy management system of an industrial enterprise. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of theoretical foundations and methodological approaches based on the integration of the concepts of environmental responsibility and digitalization of production into the energy management system of an enterprise. The concept of a roadmap for the implementation of an energy management system at an enterprise has been developed in accordance with the adopted energy policy and modern ideas about energy efficiency. A feature of the map is the planning of activities aimed at deepening the digitalization of the internal environment of energy consumption and compliance with the performance indicators of the implementation of the green economy, such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the share of non-renewable resources in the structure of energy consumption, the share of energy reuse in production. The proposed concept will allow achieving energy efficiency of business processes, taking into account modern approaches to responsible energy management at an industrial enterprise.

A Study on Building Energy Modelling and Energy Efficiency Strategies for Educational Buildings / En Studie om Byggnadsenergimodellering och Energieffektivitetsstrategier för Utbildningsbyggnader

Gil Castro, Robertson Manuel André, Vera Martínez, Raúl January 2023 (has links)
The building sector is one of the sectors with the highest energy utilization and is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions worldwide. At the same time, energy prices in Europe have significantly increased in recent years. For these two reasons, energy efficiency in buildings has become highly relevant for public and private organizations aiming to reduce energy consumption for the operation of buildings and therebyd ecrease their carbon footprint and operation costs for users and owners. This master’s thesis aims to identify areas of opportunity for energy utilization reduction and the implementation of energy efficiency strategies in four buildings of the KTH Campus, owned by Akademiska Hus. First, an energy data analysis of the last years of the operation of the buildings was conducted to identify trends and atypical energy uses. Next, energy audits were performed on the most important energy-consuming equipment and major building facilities to understand the operation conditions and characteristics of electrical, heating, and cooling systems, aiming to identify areas of opportunity for reducing energy use from current operation of the buildings. Subsequently, after understanding the energy use in the four buildings, models of the buildings were created in IDA ICE. The approach involved two steps: first, modeling the buildings’ geometry and adapting their energy consumption to match the patterns identified in the previous data analysis; and secondly, modeling the implementation of energy efficiency strategies on the buildings that aim to improve the findings of the data analysis and energy audits performed previously. These energy efficient models were subjected to energy performance analysis, economic analysis, investment feasibility analysis, among others. The results obtained from the models with energy efficiency strategies showed energy and economic savings that varied from building to building through the automation of lighting systems in the buildings, with an average return on investment of 2.5 years. Likewise, significant savings were achieved by reducing the heating setpoint during nights, causing the district heating usage to differ from the daytime demand, resulting in savings between 5 % and 8 % of the total annual energy use in the buildings, without any required investment. Additionally, the implementation of renewable energy solutions was studied by modeling the use of solar panels in the buildings, leading to a reduction in electrical grid demand between 20 % and 48 %, depending on the available area for the panels, with an average return on investment of 5.5 years. Other strategies were also studied and discussed in this report. In conclusion, this study provides evidence of the energy, economic, and environmental feasibility of different energy efficiency strategies that can be implemented in the buildings of the KTH campus. These strategies contribute to achieving the environmental objectives of Akademiska Hus and KTH. / Byggnadssektorn är en av de sektorer som har högst energianvändning och är en av de största källorna till utsläpp globalt. Samtidigt har energipriserna i Europa ökat avsevärt de senaste åren. Av dessa två skäl har energieffektivitet i byggnader blivit mycket relevant för offentliga och privata organisationer som strävar efter att minska energiförbrukningen för byggnaders drift och därigenom minska deras koldioxidavtryck och driftskostnader för användare och ägare. Denna master avhandlingsyftar till att identifiera möjlighetsområden för minskning av energianvändning samt implementering av energieffektivitetsstrategier i fyra byggnader på KTH Campus, ägda av Akademiska Hus. Först genomfördes en analys av energidata från de senaste åren av byggnadernas drift för att identifiera trender och otypisk energianvändning. Därefter utfördes energirevisioner av de mest betydande energiförbrukande utrustningarna och huvudsakliga byggnadsanläggningarna för att förstå driftsförhållandena och egenskaperna hos elektriska, uppvärmnings- och kylsystem. Syftet var att identifiera möjlighetsområden för att minska energianvändningen från nuvarande drift av byggnaderna. Efter att ha förstått energianvändningen i de fyra byggnaderna skapades modeller av byggnaderna i IDA ICE. Tillvägagångssättet innefattade två steg: först att modellera byggnadernas geometri och anpassa deras energiförbrukning för att matcha de mönster som identifierades i den tidigare dataanalysen. Sedan modellering av implementeringen av energieffektivitetsstrategier på byggnaderna, som syftar till att förbättra resultaten av den tidigare utförda dataanalysen och energirevisionerna. Dessa energieffektiva modeller underkastades analys av energiprestanda, ekonomisk analys, investeringsmöjlighetsanalys, bland andra. Resultaten som erhölls från modellerna med energieffektivitetsstrategier visade på energi- och ekonomiska besparingar som varierade från byggnad till byggnad genom automatisering av belysningssystemen i byggnaderna, med en genomsnittlig avkastning på investeringen på 2.5 år. På samma sätt uppnåddes betydande besparingar genom att sänka uppvärmningsinställningen under nätterna, vilket fick fjärrvärmeförbrukningen att skilja sig från dagtidens efterfrågan och resulterade i besparingar mellan 5 % och 8 % av den totala årliga energianvändningen i byggnaderna, utan någon nödvändig investering. Dessutom studerades implementeringen av förnybara energilösningar genom modellering av användningen av solpaneler i byggnaderna, vilket ledde till en minskning av elnätets efterfrågan med mellan 20 % och 48 %, beroende på tillgänglig yta för panelerna, med en genomsnittlig avkastning på investeringen på 5.5 år. Andra strategier studerades också och diskuterades i denna rapport. Sammanfattningsvis ger denna studie bevis på energi-, ekonomi- och miljömässig genomförbarhet av olika energieffektivitetsstrategier som kan implementeras i byggnaderna på KTH Campus. Dessa strategier bidrar till att uppnå miljömålen för Akademiska Hus och KTH.

Residential Energy Report Card for University Students for Driving Behavioral Energy Reduction and for Measuring Behavior Impact on Consumption

Bhattarai, Saroj 31 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Energibesparing med automatiserad inneklimat- och ventilationsstyrning – drivkrafter och barriärer

Selhammer, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Energiförbrukningen i Sveriges fastigheter uppgår till närmare 40% av totalprimärenergin för Sverige. Denna siffra förväntas öka ytterligare under den kommande 20-årsperioden. Av denna energimängd motsvarar 67% byggnadens operativa fas. I denna studie undersöks hur energiförbrukning kan minskas genom att införa mera byggnadsautomation och högre automationsgrad. Detta för att få fastigheter i ökad grad att anpassa sina energibehov efter faktiska rådande behov i stället för mer statiska driftfall.  En litteraturgranskning inom forskningsfältet utfördes mot forskningsfråga 1, Finns det en korrelation mellan energibesparing och automationsgrad i inneklimat och ventilationsstyrning? Här har tekniker som building management system (BMS) och building energy management system (BEMS) påvisat besparingar runt 30% vid införande. Vidare har tekniker som digitala tvillingar påvisat besparingar mellan 6,2%- 21,5% samt lägre påverkan på fastighetens brukare. Detta genom ett mer prediktivt underhåll och bättre förhandsanalyser av energieffektiva utfall innan implementering. Även artificiell intelligens (AI) påvisade goda energibesparingar vid införande med energibesparingar mellan 14% - 44%. Här indikerar studien att det finns problem med implementeringen. Detta har sin härkomst i, dels felaktigt konstruerat metadata och för få sensorer som ger AI för litet beslutsfattande underlag att arbete mot. Här har studier funnit att AI införd på en för dålig dataplattform kan bli direkt kontraproduktivt och öka energiförbrukningen i stället för att sänka denna. Dock framkommer det att det finns en positiv koppling mellan energibesparing och automationsgrad. Detta då besparingen ligger i fastighetens förmåga att adaptera sig till rådande omständigheter.  Forskningsfråga 2 avser: Vad föreligger det för hinder och drivkrafter för ökad implementering av automationsgrad i inneklimat och ventilationsstyrning? Gällande barriärer och hinder påvisar svaren från enkätundersökningen utförd i denna studie att det förkommer främst kunskapshinder och ekonomiska hinder för vidare implementering av automation inom fastigheterna. Vidare kan det utrönas att förvaltare och drifttekniker arbetar mer aktivt med energiledningsfrågor än de övriga skråna som undersöks i denna undersökning. Här visar svaren på att framför allt styrentreprenörerna och konsulterna behöver informera i högre grad om den nytta deras lösningar kan erbjuda för energikonservering. Detta på ett sätt som mottagaren förstår och kan relatera till för att motivera prisskillnader initialt i byggprocessen och med detta försöka överbrygga energiparadoxen, där kostnadseffektiva och energieffektiva lösningar uteblir som en konsekvens. / Energy consumption in Sweden, which originates from buildings and facilities, amounts to almost 40% of the total primary energy in Sweden. This figure is expected to increase further over the next 20 years. From this, 67% corresponds to the operational phase of the building. This study examines how this energy consumption can be reduced by increasingly adding a higher degree of building automation into the buildings, to get properties to increasingly adapt their energy needs to the actual prevailing needs instead of a more static operation. A literature review in the research field was performed against research question 1, Is there a correlation between energy saving and degree of automation in indoor climate and ventilation control? Here, technologies such as building management systems (BMS) and building energy management systems (BEMS) had demonstrated savings around 30% upon introduction. By adding technologies such as digital twins have demonstrated savings between 6.2%-21.5% and lower the effect on the occupants’ residences comfort through better predictive maintenance and preliminary analysis of energy and comfort outcomes before real life implementation. AI also showed good energy saving potential with energy reduction between 14.4%-44.36%. However, there are problems that could occur with the implementation, as this study stats. This has its origin in partly incorrectly constructed metadata and a lack of sensors and actuators. This in turn gives the AI insufficient data for training basis and incorrect bases to build their forecasts on. This study also found that AI, or other analysis tools, on an insufficient databased platform can be directly counterproductive and increase energy consumption instead. However, it appears that there is a positive connection between energy saving and degree of automation. This is because the savings lie in the property's ability to adapt to prevailing circumstances. Research question 2 refers to what are the obstacles and driving forces for increased implementation of the degree of automation in indoor climate and ventilation control? The answers from the questionnaire show that there are mainly knowledge barriers and financial obstacles for further implementation of automation within the properties. Furthermore, it can be ascertained that facility managers and technicians are more actively engaged with energy management issues than the other guilds in this survey. Here, the answers show that, above all, the automation-contractors and consultants need to provide better information about the benefits if their automation solutions and how it could reduce energy waste and thereby try to bridge the energy paradox, where cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions are overlooked due to hinders and barriers.

Air Recirculation System for Electrolyte Filling Room : A CFD study of VOCs Distribution in Clean & Dry room

Chen, Lin January 2022 (has links)
Energy storage development is an important step for the energy transition, meanwhile Lithium-ion battery is the most common core component of electric vehicles. Over the past decade, investment has been poured into lithium-ion battery production, as a result, the production environment (Clean & Dry room) used for some processes such as Stacking, Electrolyte filling and so on and the energy consumption to maintain this special environment which precise control of air humidity and air cleanliness have become major concerns. In this study, only one production process is concerned: electrolyte filling. During this process, Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) are the substance that affects air quality, also it is the reason that no air recovery in this Clean&Dry room before investigating the air quality, which leads to huge energy consumption for treating 100% fresh air.  The main purpose of this thesis is studying the Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) distribution in the Clean&Dry room with electrolyte filling activity to check whether the air quality is good enough to be recycled. This part of the study was approached by combining ANSYS FLUENT and the onsite measurement. A secondary objective is studying the energy-saving of dehumidification system with air recirculation system, meanwhile do the environmental analysis and cost analysis. In the end, in order to safely recycle the air in the Clean&Dry room, the Building Automation System should be installed solve the worst case scenario. The conclusions drawn in this study include the Electrolyte Filling machine forms a ”negative pressure room” which means the Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) generated from the machine is not likely spreading to the room, and the energy-saving, carbon footprint decreasing, energy cost and the cost of Building Automation System were provided. / Utveckling av energilagring är ett viktigt steg för energiomställningen, samtidigt är litiumjonbatterier den vanligaste nyckelkomponenten i elfordon. Under det senaste decenniet har investeringar gjorts i produktion av litiumjonbatterier, som ett resultat av produktionsmiljön (Rent & torrt rum) som används för vissa processer som stapling, elektrolytfyllning och så vidare och energiförbrukningen för att upprätthålla denna speciell miljö där exakt kontroll av luftfuktighet och luftrenhet har blivit ett stort problem. I denna studie berörs endast en produktionsprocess: elektrolytfyllning. Under denna process är flyktiga organiska föreningar (VOC) ämnet som påverkar luftkvaliteten, vilket också är anledningen till att ingen luftåtervinning i detta rena&torra rum innan man undersöker luftkvaliteten, vilket leder till enorm energiförbrukning för behandling av 100% frisk luft.  Huvudsyftet med denna avhandling är att studera distributionen av flyktiga organiska föreningar (VOC) i Clean&Dry-rummet med elektrolytfyllningsaktivitet för att kontrollera om luftkvaliteten är tillräckligt bra för att kunna återvinnas. Denna del av studien togs fram genom att kombinera ANSYS FLUENT och mätningen på plats. Ett sekundärt mål är att studera energibesparing av avfuktningssystem med luftcirkulationssystem, samtidigt gjorde miljöanalys och kostnadsanalys. I slutändan, för att säkert återvinna luften i Clean&Dry-rummet, bör Building Automation System implementeras för att lösa det värsta scenariot. Slutsatserna som dras i den här studien inkluderar att elektrolytfyllningsmaskinen bildar ett ”negativt tryckrum” vilket betyder att de flyktiga organiska föreningarna (VOC) som genereras från maskinen sannolikt inte sprider sig till rummet, och det energibesparande, koldioxidavtrycket minskar, energi kostnaden och kostnaden för Building Automation System tillhandahölls.

Innovation through energy saving and condition monitoring of material handling machines

Annalisa Sciancalepore (14232971) 17 May 2024 (has links)
<p>One of the most often utilized machinery in fluid power applications is the material-handling machines, which includes telehandlers, forklifts, cranes, and scissor lifts that are used from constructions to mining.<br> Counterbalance valves (CBVs), hydraulic components that protect the system from failures and manage the load under overrunning load conditions due to their distinctive design, are used in material-handling devices to ensure both the operators' and most off-road vehicles' safety. However, they present a significant shortcoming: the over-pressurization of the supply line, which leads to constringent energy consumption. The primary motivation for this work is this drawback. In this work, a CBV-based system with an adjustable pilot has been investigated using a truck-mounted hydraulic crane as a reference machine.</p> <p>By analyzing theoretically and experimentally the behavior of this novel hydraulic system, it is possible to achieve up to 90% of energy-saving than a baseline configuration of a load-holding machine by controlling the opening of the CBV by adjusting the pressure at the pilot stage. After exploring the capabilities of the studied system and the possible control strategies to control opening of the CBV, this work suggests two different solutions to control the system: “Smart CBV” and “Smart System” modes. By properly controlling the signal on the pilot stage of the CBV, "Smart CBV" enables energy savings of up to 80%. On the other hand, the "Smart System" mode can save up to 95% of energy by using the CBV as a meter-out element that successfully regulates the flow to the actuator and, consequently, its velocity. To attain these outstanding results, it is essential to maintain proper system control.</p> <p>Moreover, since safety is one of the priorities of this type of machine, a Condition Monitoring (CM) model is developed to ensure the actual functionalities of the novel proposed system. By identifying faulty conditions and preventing breakdowns before they occur, CM can be utilized to improve the safety of these type of machines. However, training a CM model using experimental data is time-consuming and expensive since it requires abundant data with different extent of machine failures from the field test. The solution suggested in this work is to generate faulty and healthy data for the reference machine using a high-fidelity simulation tool to train a CM model.</p> <p>Particular focus is given to the counterbalance valve (CBV), a crucial element for the hydraulic system of material handling machines, and the linear actuator (hydraulic cylinder). The different types of faults on two elements are modeled with an approach validated using experimental tests. Considering that the simulation model provides comparable outcomes to training on empirical data, the CM model is trained in a single fault condition and multi faults conditions using simulated data. Instead, the CM model is tested using the experimental tests in multiple faulty conditions on the chosen components.</p> <p>Moreover, finding the best CM model for this case study is another goal of this work. As a result, several CM models are investigated: Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). In terms of precision and recall, metrics frequently employed in the CM field to assess the performances of the designed CM model, the results generally indicate more than 90% accuracy.</p>

The analysis of primary metered half-hourly electricity and gas consumption in municipal buildings

Ferreira, Vasco Guedes January 2009 (has links)
This thesis addressed the need for improved analysis and interpretation of primary meter half-hourly energy consumption data. The current work offers a novel benchmarking technique that was tested for 6 types of municipal buildings. This approach is different from conventional annual benchmarking mainly because it uses electricity and gas data in half-hourly periods, together with outside temperature data. A survey to European local authorities’ metering and monitoring practices was conducted in order to assess municipal energy managers' current procedures and needs in terms of data analysis to assess building energy performance and to identify potential energy saving opportunities. The benchmarking approach was developed considering the energy managers’ needs, but also the state-of the art in terms of building energy monitoring techniques, particularly building energy signatures, and the analysis techniques used on electricity grid demand forecasting. The benchmarking approach is based on the use of a metric composed of several indicators that are related to the load demand shape profile and the building energy signature. The comparison of indicators for buildings of the same type using standard scores identifies uncommon load demand profile characteristics and/or gas dependency on outside temperature in specific buildings. The metric is able to support the identification of potential energy wastage, which is linked to the detection of opportunities to save energy. The benchmarking technique was tested in 81 municipal building owned by Leicester City Council. This methodology can be applied to any non-domestic building equipped with primary meters for registering half-hourly electricity and gas consumption. In theory, this approach can also be applied to residential buildings, and to other short time series data types, for example quarter-hourly or 10 minutes interval data. The main contribution of this thesis is to improve the objectivity of building primary meter half-hourly electricity and gas consumption data analysis and interpretation by using quantitative parameters, instead of subjective visualisation techniques. The interpretation of building consumption data in short time series periods can now be streamlined, automated and perhaps incorporated in existing energy analysis software. This thesis raises questions that can lead to future research projects aiming to improve the metric and also to enlarge the scope of its application to national and European scale, to other building types and to other utilities.

Transition delay in boundary-layer flows via reactive control / Fördröjning av laminärt-turbulent omslag i gränsskiktströmning genom reaktiv kontroll

Fabbiane, Nicolò January 2016 (has links)
Transition delay in boundary-layer flows is achieved via reactive control of flow instabilities, i.e. Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) waves. Adaptive and model-based control techniques are investigated by means of direct numerical simulations (DNS) and experiments. The action of actuators localised in the wall region is prescribed based on localised measurement of the disturbance field; in particular, plasma actuators and surface hot-wire sensors are considered. Performances and limitations of this control approach are evaluated both for two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) disturbance scenarios. The focus is on the robustness properties of the investigated control techniques; it is highlighted that static model-based control, such as the linear-quadratic- Gaussian (LQG) regulator, is very sensitive to model-inaccuracies. The reason for this behaviour is found in the feed-forward nature of the adopted sensor/actuator scheme; hence, a second, downstream sensor is introduced and actively used to recover robustness via an adaptive filtered-x least-mean-squares (fxLMS) algorithm. Furthermore, the model of the flow required by the control algorithm is reduced to a time delay. This technique, called delayed-x least-mean-squares (dxLMS) algorithm, allows taking a step towards a self-tuning controller; by introducing a third sensor it is possible to compute on-line the suitable time-delay model with no previous knowledge of the controlled system. This self-tuning approach is successfully tested by in-flight experiments on a motor-glider. Lastly, the transition delay capabilities of the investigated control con- figuration are confirmed in a complex disturbance environment. The flow is perturbed with random localised disturbances inside the boundary layer and the laminar-to-turbulence transition is delayed via a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) version of the fxLMS algorithm. A positive theoretical net-energy- saving is observed for disturbance amplitudes up to 2% of the free-stream velocity at the actuation location, reaching values around 1000 times the input power for the lower disturbance amplitudes that have been investigated. / I den här avhandlingen har reglertekniska metoder tillämpats för att försena omslaget från ett laminärt till ett turbulent gränsskikt genom att dämpa tillväxten av små instabiliteter, så kallade Tollmien-Schlichting vågor. Adaptiva och modellbaserade metoder för reglering av strömning har undersökts med hjälp av numeriska beräkningar av Navier-Stokes ekvationer, vindtunnelexperiment och även genom direkt tillämpning på flygplan. Plasmaaktuatorer och varmtrådsgivare vidhäftade på ytan av plattan eller vingen har använts i experimenten och modellerats i beräkningarna. Prestanda och begränsningar av den valda kontrollstrategin har utvärderats för både tvådimensionella och tredimensionella gränsskiktsinstabiliteter. Fokus har varit på metodernas robusthet, där vi visar att statiska metoder som linjär-kvadratiska regulatorer (LQG) är mycket känsliga för avvikelser från den nominella modellen. Detta beror främst på att regulatorer agerar i förkompenseringsläge (”feed-foward”) på grund av strömningens karaktär och placeringen av givare och aktuatorer. För att minska känsligheten mot avvikelser och därmed öka robustheten har en givare införts nedströms och en adaptiv fXLMS algoritm (filtered-x least-mean-squares) har tillämpats.                  Vidare har modelleringen av fXLMS-algoritmen förenklats genom att ersätta överföringsfunktionen mellan aktuatorer och givare med en lämplig tidsfördröjning.  Denna  metod som kallas för dxLMS (delayed-x least-mean-squares) kräver att ytterligare en givare införs långt uppströms för att kunna uppskatta hastigheten på de propagerande instabilitetsvågorna. Denna teknik har tillämpats framgångsrikt för reglering av gränsskiktet på vingen av ett segelflygplan. Slutligen har de reglertekniska metoderna testas för komplexa slumpmässiga tredimensionella störningar som genererats uppströms lokalt i gränsskiktet. Vi visar att en signifikant försening av laminärt-turbulentomslag äger rum med hjälp av en fXLMS algoritm. En analys av energibudgeten visar att för ideala aktuatorer och givare kan den sparade energiåtgången på grund av minskad väggfriktion vara upp till 1000 gånger större än den energi som använts för reglering.


林曉蘋 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣工業區因應工業發展之需要已經歷經近三十年之發展,隨著大環境及產業結構的改變,加上工業區因為年代久遠,區內設備老舊失修且區內管理服務中心無法滿足廠商需求,使區內廠商外移嚴重,產生工業區土地閒置問題,於是工業區再造議題應聲而起。觀察台灣島內對於工業區再造之措施,都僅於區內環境及設備之改善,土地閒置問題仍然嚴重。 另一方面,因為地球氣候暖化問題嚴重,國際間對於二氧化碳排放量的管制隨著京都議定書的訂定產生標準及制裁行動;而油價持續上漲,如何節省能源也成為各國熱烈討論的 話題。台灣本島人口僅占全球0.4%,但二氧化碳排放量比例確高達0.96%;能源資源有限,然台灣能源皆需仰賴進口,身為地球之一份子,如何節能減碳亦成為台灣責無旁貸的目標。 在討論二氧化碳減量的方式中,增加植樹造林面積是被認為成本最低且對國家整體經濟之衝擊面影響最小,同時京都議定書對於造林減碳的方式亦予以肯定。 是否可以全面植樹來再造工業區成為本文之重點,藉由工業區以全面植樹再造之利弊分析來提供另一思維,既可解決工業區再造問題又能達到節能減碳的目標。 本文選定林口工二工業區作為個案,以其全面植樹之淨現值等資本預算方析及SWOT分析來說明其可行性,希望作為台灣工業區再造之參考。 / The industrial districts in Taiwan are facing the problem of land unused due to the movement of factories inside the district and the reason is that the old environmental facilities and the service of district center being unable to meet the request of factories with the change of external environment and industrial structure. How to regenerate these industrial districts becomes a critical issue. Using the measures which only focus on the improvement of environment and facilities can not solve the problem. On the other hand, to control and punish the heavy CO2 emission has been taken globally with the implement of Kyoto Protocol in order to ease the problem of climate warming on the earth. With the rapid rise of oil price, how to save the energy also becomes the hot issue. Taiwan island is with 0.4% of global population, compared with the high percent of 0.96% on the CO2 emission and the energy is imported mostly, as the member of the earth village, to save the energy and decrease the CO2 emission becomes the inevitable responsibility and important objective. Analyzing the possibility to plant the tree comprehensively to regenerate the old industrial district is the key point of this study, hoping to provide another kind of thinking on this issue, Moreover, to meet the goal of saving energy and decreasing CO2 emission. Based on the case study of Linko industrial district,the measure of NPV the kind of capital budget analysis and SWOT analysis are used as the reference to regenerate the old industrial district in Taiwan.

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