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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drugonomics : Industrial Organization of Illegal Drug Markets

Naranjo R., Alberto J. January 2007 (has links)
Insurgents, drug lords and anti-drug supply policies in the Andes. The United States has spent enormous resources on supply policies to decrease illegal drug production in the Andes and availability in the U.S. market. However, evidence suggests increased drug production and availability over time. Moreover, insurgent activities in the region have also increased. We present an explanation for these unexpected trends by analyzing an illicit drug market where drug lords and insurgents interact. The analysis suggests that supply policies increase drug production and insurgent activity while having no effect on drug availability and prices. Counter-intuitive effects of domestic law enforcement policies in the United States. In spite of the increase in domestic law enforcement policies in the U.S., illegal drug distribution activities have followed a non-monotonic trend and cocaine and heroin prices have been dropping or have remained stable over time. This paper provides an explanation for these counter-intuitive effects. We model how drug lords respond to this type of policy and predict distribution activities, prices and drug consumption in the United States. Spillover effects of domestic law enforcement policies. Independent efforts by local and state governments in the United States to combat illegal drug markets are in contrast with a global market where drugs are sold and distributed simultaneously in different locations. We study the effect that domestic law enforcement policies may have on this global context. The external effects of these policies induce overspending by governments, but a low level of global drug consumption. Competition effects are also studied. Drive-by competition? Violence in the drug market. Today, the retail distribution of most illegal drugs is mainly in the hands of street gangs that also account for most of the drug related violence in many states and cities in the United States. Interestingly, the level of violence in drug markets appears to vary with the type of drug. Based on the notion that gangs use violence strategically to compete for customers we find that both the effectiveness of violence in shifting demand and the cost of switching supplier by users affect the level of violence in the market. Indirect effects of anti-drug policies are discussed.

Efterlevnad av svaveldirektiven : En studie over hur landerna i svavelkontrollomradena agerar for att sakerstalla svaveldirektivens efterlevnad

Pettersson, Niclas January 2013 (has links)
De senaste åren har utsläppsreglerna för sjöfarten blivit allt hårdare och under de kommande åren skärps de ännu mer. För att svaveldirektiven för sjöfarten ska fungera effektivt så krävs det också att de efterlevs. Syftet med den här studien var därför att undersöka hur länderna i Europeiska SECA områdena agerar och kommer att agera i framtiden för att se till att svaveldirektiven efterlevs. Studien syftar också till att undersöka hur efterlevnadskontroller genomförs, samt se om länderna har infört sanktioner mot överträdelser och vad dessa innebär. För att få svar på detta studerades lagar och förordningar, men framförallt skickades frågeformulär ut till de ansvariga myndigheterna i flera olika länder kring SECA områdena. Slutsatsen av det här arbetet är att samtliga länder anser att efterlevnadskontroll sker i tillräcklig omfattning och alla länder använder sig av samma metod. I Sverige pågår utveckling av en optisk mätmetod för att mäta svavelhalt i avgaserna ifrån luften, men än är metoden inte tillräckligt säker för att kunna användas. Det framkom också att i flera länder anses det på grund av flera faktorer vara svårt att fälla någon ifall de bryter mot gällande svavelförordningar, därför anses det också finnas en risk för överträdelser. Detta trots att det i andra länder faktiskt sker ingripande mot överträdelser och samtliga länder använder sig av samma metoder för efterlevnadskontroll. Det saknas i dagsläget även sanktioner mot överträdelser i flera länder.

Narratives of Power and the Power of Narratives: Transformation along the U.S.-Mexico Border

Cormier, Caroline 17 December 2010 (has links)
Using the Three Border Model developed by Mike Davis and Alessandra Moctezuma, this thesis presents a number of case studies focused on the narratives of power and transformation that continue to develop on the American side of the U.S.-Mexico border in the post-9/11 context. The first case study overviews the history of the U.S.-Mexico border in relation to the ongoing fortification of the physical boundary and its legal reification in federal policy. The second case study examines the exclusionary policies enacted by the state of Arizona as well as the anti-immigration agenda instituted by the Minuteman Project. The third case study examines the ways in which urban communities in the borderlands contest the material manifestations of the border present in their everyday lives. By surveying case studies at different sites and scales along the U.S.-Mexico boundary, this thesis challenges traditional conceptions of state power at the border.

Narratives of Power and the Power of Narratives: Transformation along the U.S.-Mexico Border

Cormier, Caroline 17 December 2010 (has links)
Using the Three Border Model developed by Mike Davis and Alessandra Moctezuma, this thesis presents a number of case studies focused on the narratives of power and transformation that continue to develop on the American side of the U.S.-Mexico border in the post-9/11 context. The first case study overviews the history of the U.S.-Mexico border in relation to the ongoing fortification of the physical boundary and its legal reification in federal policy. The second case study examines the exclusionary policies enacted by the state of Arizona as well as the anti-immigration agenda instituted by the Minuteman Project. The third case study examines the ways in which urban communities in the borderlands contest the material manifestations of the border present in their everyday lives. By surveying case studies at different sites and scales along the U.S.-Mexico boundary, this thesis challenges traditional conceptions of state power at the border.

Inlined Reference Monitors : Certification,Concurrency and Tree Based Monitoring

Lundblad, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Reference monitor inlining is a technique for enforcing security policies by injecting security checks into the untrusted software in a style similar to aspect-oriented programming. The intention is that the injected code enforces compliance with the policy (security), without adding behavior (conservativity) or affecting existing policy compliant behavior (transparency). This thesis consists of four papers which covers a range of topics including formalization of monitor inlining correctness properties, certification of inlined monitors, limitations in multithreaded settings and extensions using data-flow monitoring. The first paper addresses the problem of having a potentially complex program rewriter as part of the trusted computing base. By means of proof-carrying code we show how the inliner can be replaced by a relatively simple proof-checker. This technique also enables the use of monitor inlining for quality assurance at development time, while minimizing the need for post-shipping code rewrites. The second paper focuses on the issues associated with monitor inlining in a concurrent setting. Specifically, it discusses the problem of maintaining transparency when introducing locks for synchronizing monitor state reads and updates. Due to Java's relaxed memory model, it turns out to be impossible for a monitor to be entirely transparent without sacrificing the security property. To accommodate for this, the paper proposes a set of new correctness properties shown to be realistic and realizable. The third paper also focuses on problems due to concurrency and identifies a class of race-free policies that precisely characterizes the set of inlineable policies. This is done by showing that inlining of a policy outside this class is either not secure or not transparent, and by exhibiting a concrete algorithm for inlining of policies inside the class which is secure, conservative, and transparent. The paper also discusses how certification in the style of proof-carrying code could be supported in multithreaded Java programs. The fourth paper formalizes a new type of data centric runtime monitoring which combines monitor inlining with taint tracking. As opposed to ordinary techniques which focus on monitoring linear flows of events, the approach presented here relies on tree shaped traces. The paper describes how the approach can be efficiently implemented and presents a denotational semantics for a simple ``while'' language illustrating how the theoretical foundations is to be used in a practical setting. Each paper is concluded by a practical evaluation of the theoretical results, based on a prototype implementation and case studies on real-world applications and policies. / Referensmonitorinvävning, eller monitorinvävning, är en teknik som används för att se till att en given säkerhetspolicy efterföljs under exekvering av potentiellt skadlig kod. Tekniken går ut på att bädda in en uppsättning säkerhetskontroller (en säkerhetsmonitor) i koden på ett sätt som kan jämföras med aspektorienterad programmering. Syftet med den invävda monitorn är att garantera att policyn efterföljs (säkerhet) utan att påverka ursprungsprogrammets beteende, såvida det följer policyn (transparans och konservativitet). Denna avhandling innefattar fyra artiklar som tillsammans täcker in en rad ämnen rörande monitorinvävning. Bland annat diskuteras formalisering av korrekthetsegenskaper hos invävda monitorer, certifiering av invävda monitorer, begränsningar i multitrådade program och utökningar för hantering av dataflödesmonitorering. Den första artikeln behandlar problemen associerade med att ha en potentiellt komplex programmodifierare som del i den säkerhetskritiska komponenten av ett datorsystem. Genom så kallad bevisbärande kod visar vi hur en monitorinvävare kan ersättas av en relativt enkel beviskontrollerare. Denna teknik möjliggör även användandet av monitorinvävning som hjälpmedel för programutvecklare och eliminerar behovet av programmodifikationer efter att programmet distribuerats. Den andra artikeln fokuserar på problemen kring invävning av monitorer i multitrådade program. Artikeln diskuterar problemen kring att upprätthålla transparans trots införandet av lås för synkronisering av läsningar av och skrivningar till säkerhetstillståndet. På grund av Javas minnesmodell visar det sig dock omöjligt att bädda in en säkerhetsmonitor på ett säkert och transparent sätt. För att ackommodera för detta föreslås en ny uppsättning korrekthetsegenskaper som visas vara realistiska och realiserbara. Den tredje artikeln fokuserar även den på problemen kring flertrådad exekvering och karaktäriserar en egenskap för en policy som är tillräcklig och nödvändig för att både säkerhet och transparens ska uppnås. Detta görs genom att visa att en policy utan egenskapen inte kan upprätthållas på ett säkert och transparent sätt, och genom att beskriva en implementation av en monitorinvävare som är säker och transparent för en policy som har egenskapen. Artikeln diskuterar också hur certifiering av säkerhetsmonitorer i flertrådade program kan realiseras genom bevisbärande kod. Den fjärde artikeln beskriver en ny typ av datacentrisk säkerhetsmonitorering som kombinerar monitorinvävning med dataflödesanalys. Till skillnad mot existerande tekniker som fokuserar på linjära sekvenser av säkerhetskritiska händelser förlitar sig tekniken som presenteras här på trädformade händelsesekvenser. Artikeln beskriver hur tekniken kan implementeras på ett effektivt sätt med hjälp av abstraktion. Varje artikel avslutas med en praktisk evaluering av de teoretiska resultaten baserat på en prototypimplementation och fallstudier av verkliga program och säkerhetsegenskaper. / <p>QC 20130220</p>

Enforcement of Pollution Regulation in China

Lin, Liguo 05 June 2008 (has links)
La tesis estudia como las firmas cumplen con la regulación de impuestos de contaminación en China y como las agencias ambientales de China imponen la regulación ambiental eficaz a firmas. Nuestro estudio proporciona pruebas claras que las firmas considerablemente underreport su contaminación y acciones de imposición por agencias ambientales son principalmente eficaces en la verificación de la contaminación relatada de las firmas e inducción de firmas a relatar su contaminación más exactamente. Además, mostramos que las agencias ambientales tienen la edad de las firmas en cuenta y la propiedad cuando ellos imponen los estándares de contaminación de las plantas y emprenden inspecciones. También mostramos que las plantas quiénes son localizados en el PBI más alto per cápita áreas y cuyas emisiones con mayor probabilidad inducirán daños de contaminación afrontan la regulación ambiental eficaz más estricta, que es estándares de contaminación más estrictos e inspecciones más frecuentes. / The thesis studies how firms comply with pollution taxation regulation in China and how China's environmental agencies impose effective environmental regulation on firms. Our study provides clear evidence that firms significantly underreport their pollution and enforcement actions by environmental agencies are mainly effective in verifying firms' reported pollution and inducing firms to report their pollution more accurately. Moreover, we show that environmental agencies take into account firms' age and ownership when they impose plants' pollution standards and undertake inspections. We also show that plants who are located in higher GDP per capita areas and whose emissions are more likely to induce pollution damages are facing stricter effective environmental regulation, which is stricter pollution standards and more frequent inspections.

Implementation of Economic Sanctions

Kobayashi, Yoshiharu 16 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation investigates implementation problems in economic sanctions and how a state's concerns about policy implementation affect its decisions and the outcomes of sanctions. This study builds on the premise that sanctions are carried out by firms within a sanctioning state, not the state itself. First, using a game-theoretical model, I show that firms' non-compliance with sanction policies not only undermines the effectiveness of unilateral sanctions, but also has a counter-intuitive effect on a sanctioning state's decision to impose sanctions. The model suggests that a state is more likely to impose sanctions when it anticipates firms' non-compliance. A number of empirical implications are derived from the model and corroborated with data. Second, this study also investigates a sanctioning state's decision to sanction multilaterally or unilaterally, and how its expectations about the enforcement of sanctions influence this decision. When the enforcement of unilateral sanctions is expected to be difficult, the state is more likely to sanction multilaterally, but only when it has enough resources and the bureaucratic capability to help other states enforce their sanctions. The empirical evidence also buttresses these theoretical results. This study highlights the importance of incorporating expectations about enforcement into a full understanding of the sanctions processes. The conclusion is that states' ability to influence firms' decisions at home as well as abroad is a crucial determinant of whether they impose, how they design, and the effectiveness of sanctions.

A Study on Fishery Resource Management in Taiwan: A Law Enforcement Aspect

Lu, Chih-Chiang 06 September 2011 (has links)
Taiwan, surrounded by sea and rich in marine resources, is one of the most important fishery states in the world. Fishery activity, one of the ways for humans to obtain food, provides jobs and economic benefits for fishery personnel. Plentiful fishing resources given from the nature have been considered to be unlimited for a long time. However, with the spread of fishery knowledge and the promotion of techniques, unrestrained fishing and damaged fishery environment have caused exhausted crisis to fishing resources. It is finally recognized by humans that marine resources are not inexhaustible. Hence, humans should take necessary measures to conserve and manage fishing resources in order to utilize fishing resources sustainably. After the approval of UNCLOS in 1982, coastal states have the rights and bear the obligations to manage and utilize the fishing resources in the waters under their jurisdiction. UNCLOS itself is also the norm of management in maritime fishing resources. Owing to international responsibility, Taiwan not only signs agreements with other states and fishery organizations proactively, but also revises domestic fishery laws and regulations to implement the conventions. Taking necessary management measures is insufficient for the conservation of fishing resources that the maritime law enforcement needs to be strengthened. Consequently, illegal fishing activities can be clamped down and fishing resources can be conserved as well. Recently, the security of fishermen working in our sea area is under threat due to escalated fishing activities violating to the regulation, increased fishing boats from mainland China crossing the boundary, and disputes among neighboring countries on the overlap areas of EEZ. For growing emphasis on the conservation and management of fishery resources, this study will analyze the legal system of fishing resources conservation and inspect the situations of law enforcement by the fishery and coast guard authorities. Moreover, advanced steps will be discussed to provide suggestions to improve the law enforcement system and conserve maritime fishing resources under considerations of important fishery states¡¦ management and law enforcement measures.

The Legal-Military Dilemma in the Response to International Terrorism

Allan, Matthew W. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Historically, the US appears to have responded inconsistently to similar acts of terrorism in two different ways, using either a law enforcement or military response. These legal and military responses can be either unilateral or multilateral. This study attempts to determine when each type of response is preferred by decisionmakers, both political leaders and their citizens. The hypotheses suggesting that a response is preferred depending upon terrorist attack success, location, and the terrorists' sociocultural similarities are tested in three experiments and examined in a case study. These three variables are believed, as suggested by the Cognitive Calculus concept, to cause an emotional reaction amongst the respondents resulting in them having a higher preference for the military and unilateral options. Whether or not the respondents were experiencing an emotional reaction was studied in each experiment as well as being tested in the third experiment by examining the respondents? selection of options based upon their success rates. The case study examined US government responses to the First World Trade Center bombing, the Bojinka Plot, the Khobar Towers bombing, and the September 11, 2001 attacks. The results of the experiments and case study suggest a calm and deliberative response by the respondents to acts of terrorism, with a greater preference for legal and multilateral responses to terrorism.

Research of Conducting Social Welfare Information System of Kaohsiung City Government

Li, Sung-nien 06 September 2004 (has links)
Social Welfare Information System was implemented in Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government and now well functioning since August, 2002. This research mainly investigated the key factors of this system and can be referred as a successful experience of conducting similar systems to other governmental institutions . Results of this research are as following: 1. Strengthen the drive of conducting system through adoption of non-enforcement strategy, concordance with officers¡¦ policies and replacement of punishment for encouragement. 2. Well social relationship and intercommunication between people have positive influence in conducting system. 3. Mutual dependences: highly mutual dependences can gather users and conductors as a group to reach the consensus of strengthening system conducting. 4. Trust degree: users deeply trust conductors and system can affect system conducting. 5. Entrustment: higher entrustment causes lower resistance due to the interdependence of entrustment and system conducting. 6. Social influence: internet and well social behavior can reduce the obstruction in system conducting. 7. Participation of policy decision and open communication: well communication and participation of policy decision for users make a fine progress of system conducting. 8. Interaction and attitude of initial stage: well interaction includes communication, coordination, counseling, problem solution, which can helpfully support the system conducting during initial stage. According to research results mentioned above, researcher drew a conclusion of these factors had great influences in conducting Social Welfare Information System. In addition to conductors¡¦ efforts, active cooperation of users also plays an important role in it. Effective factors found in this research can be the reference of successfully conducting similar systems to governmental institutions.

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