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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse totale du bistramide A, d'analogues et de spirocétals d'intérêt biologique / Total synthesis of bistramide A, analogs and spiroketal of biological interest

Tomas, Loïc 08 November 2010 (has links)
L'étude des molécules issues du milieu naturel a conduit les chercheurs à s'intéresser à la synthèse d'un motif structural commun à un grand nombre de molécules bioactives, les spirocétals. La mise au point au sein de notre laboratoire, d'une méthodologie de synthèse d'éthers d'énols exo-cycliques, précurseur de spirocétals, nous a conduits à nous intéresser au fragment spirocétal puis à la synthèse totale du bistramide A. Cette molécule naturelle, issue d'un animal marin présente d'importantes propriétés cytotoxiques la plaçant comme un agent anti-tumoral ou inflammatoire potentiel. Notre méthodologie de synthèse d'éthers d'énols consistant au couplage d'une lactone et d'une sulfone selon une réaction de type Julia, nous a permis d'obtenir l'éther d'énol cible qui par spirocyclisation intramoléculaire a conduit au motif spirocétal [6,6] du bistramide A. La molécule naturelle ainsi que deux analogues sont ensuite obtenus par fonctionnalisation des chaînes latérales du spirocétal, et couplage avec les fragments de type aminoacide et tétrahydropyrane fournis respectivement par le groupe du Pr. Yli-Kauhaluoma et celui du Pr. Piva. L'étude biologique des produits montre d'intéressantes propriétés de différenciation cellulaire, de déclenchement de l'apoptose et de blocage de la cytodiérèse. L'application de notre méthodologie, à la synthèse du SPIKET, ainsi qu'à l'obtention du spirocétal [5,6] de l'atténol A, permet d'étendre le domaine d'application de cette synthèse d'éthers d'énols exo-cycliques / Spiroketals are widely occurring substructures in natural products. The ever-increasing range of pharmacological activities displayed by products containing spiroketals has triggered an intense interest in their study, both from a synthetic and biological aspect. The development in our laboratory of an original enol ether synthesis motivated us to prepare the spiroketal fragment of bistramide A and, subsequently, to undertake its total synthesis. Bistramide A is a biologically active molecule isolated from the marine ascidian Lissoclinum bistratum that has emerged as a potential anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral agent based on its high cytotoxicity and potent antiproliferative effect. The [6,6] spiroketal ring system of the natural product was accessed using a modification of the Julia olefination, extended to the reaction between a lactone and a heteroarylsulfone to prepare an exocyclic enol ether. The lactone and sulfone precursors were synthesized from a common starting material, dicyclohexylidene-D-mannitol. Bistramide A and two of its analogs were prepared by functionalization of the spiroketal side chains, followed by coupling reactions with the amino acid and tetrahydropyran subunits prepared by the groups of Pr. Yli-Kauhaluoma and Pr. Piva, respectively. An alternative approach to the precursor of the tetrahydropyran system from the chiral pool was developed. Biological studies revealed interesting effects on cellular differentiation, apoptosis, and cytokinesis. Application of our methodology to the synthesis of SPIKET and studies towards the [5,6] spiroketal of attenol A, gave us the opportunity to extend the scope of our exocyclic enol ether methodology

Asymmetric Hydrogenations : Syntheses of Ligands and Expansion of Substrate Scope

Cheruku, Pradeep January 2008 (has links)
Asymmetric hydrogenation has emerged as a versatile methodology to obtain a wide range of chiral precursors. This thesis focused on the synthesis of new chiral ligands and the expansion of the substrate scope of asymmetric hydrogenations. Paper I described the synthesis and evaluation of N,P-ligands for the Ir-catalyzed hydrogenations of unfunctionalized olefins. The substrate scope of Ir-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenations is limited to a narrow range of “test” olefins. The foremost focus of this thesis was to expand the substrate scope of Ir-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenations. Papers II and III disclosed the potential of the N,P-ligated Ir complexes in hydrogenation of the enol phosphinates. This substrate class is attractive because the hydrogenated products are chiral alkylphosphinates that can be transformed into chiral alcohols and chiral phosphines without sacrificing enantiopurity. A wide range of enol phosphinates were hydrogenated to excellent conversions and enatioselectivities. The hydrogenation of purely alkyl-substituted enol phosphinates in very high conversions and ee values was emphasized in these studies. Paper IV described the investigation of unfunctionalized enamines as substrates in Ir-catalyzed hydrogenation studies. The hydrogenation results and structural limitations of the substrates are presented. Paper V described the asymmetric hydrogenation of diphenylvinylphosphine oxides, di- and trisubstituted vinyl phosphonates. The hydrogenation of diphenylvinylphosphine oxides gives direct access to protected chiral phosphines. The hydrogenated products of vinylphosphonates are highly synthetically useful in pharmaceutical and material chemistry. Hydrogenation of E/Z mixtures of carboxyethyl vinylphosphonates with perfect enantioselectivities was striking in these studies. In paper VI, we have reported the development of a new, highly enantioselective synthetic route to building blocks with CF3 at the chiral center. Several functionalized and unfunctionalized CF3-substituted olefins were hydrogenated with varied degree of success. This methedilogy is useful in the formation of chiral fluorine-containing molecules for a wide range of applications. Paper VII described the hydrogenation of imines using the phosphine-free Cp*Ru/diamine complexes. Chiral version of this reaction was also examined. Despite the modest results, this is the first study to use phosphine-free Cp*Ru/diamine complexes as catalysts for the reduction of C=N double bonds.

Mutagenicity of 5-bromouracil : quantum chemical study

Holroyd, Leo January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes a computational investigation of the mutagenicity of 5-bromouracil (BrU). In Chapter 1, three models of spontaneous and BrU-induced base mispairing (rare tautomer, wobble pair, and ion) are reviewed. Chapter 2 presents the computational techniques used: electronic structure methods (Hartree–Fock-based and density functional theory) and molecular dynamics. Chapter 3 presents optimisations of the keto and enol tautomers of BrU and uracil (U) in water clusters. The enol tautomer of BrU is found to be more stable than that of U. Chapter 4 is a molecular dynamics study of the keto-enol tautomerism of BrU and U in a periodic water box. The pKₐ of BrU at N3 is found to be lower than that of U. Chapter 5 is a study of stacked base dimers containing BrU, U, or thymine (T) stacking with natural bases. Some structures were taken from the Protein Data Bank, while others were generated using an in-house methodology. BrU is found to stack more strongly than T in vacuo, but solvation and thermal effects nullify this difference. Chapter 6 discusses the significance of the results in Chapters 3–5 in terms of BrU-induced mutagenesis. Appendices A and B–D provide supplementary material to Chapters 2 and 5, respectively. Appendix E is an investigation of the “base flipping” pathway of 2-aminopurine (2AP). Both 2AP/N and A/N dinucleosides (N = thymine or guanine) are found to adopt a wide range of energy-minimum conformations – not only stacked and “flipped”, but also intermediate – and the stacked are not the most favourable by free energy. Appendix F is a list of publications and papers in preparation. One publication concerns BrU stacking. The other is a conformational study of the dipeptide tyrosine-glycine: the theoretical results are shown to be consistent with experiment (R2PI spectra) if thermal effects are taken into account.

First Hyperpolarizability (β) of Organic and Inorganic Compounds : Keto-Enol Tautomerism and Halogen Effect

De, Soumi January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The work presented in this thesis has broadly established a few findings about the structure¬hyperpolarizability relation in molecular compounds: First, by measuring βHRS of an organic keto-enol tautomer, benzoylacetanilide in a binary solvent, I have shown that the first hyperpolarizability can be manipulated favourably by changing the composition of the solvent or by altering the pH of the solution. BA which exists in the pure keto form in water and as a keto-enol tautomer in ethanol, co-exists in equilibrium with the keto and enol forms at pH 11 in aqueous solution. The β value of the anion form is 709 x 10¬30 esu , whereas that of the enol is 232 x 10-30 esu and of the keto is 88 x 10-30 esu. There is an enhancement of β by ~ 8 times for the anion and ~3 times for the enol compared to the keto form. This opens up the possibility of finding large nonlinearities in organic molecules by simply ionizing it. Second, in organometallic complexes of divalent Ru, the first hyperpolarizability could be manipulated by altering the valence state of the metal center by oxidation or reduction or by introducing highly polarisable halogen atoms as substitutions in ligands attached to the metal center. The enhancement of first hyperpolarizability was observed in mononuclear [RuII(acac)2(CH3CN)2] complex by 1.7 times when the metal center was oxidized from RuII to RuIII. As it is already known that the complexes like [(acac)2Ru-bptz-Ru(acac)2] produce stable mixed valent compound, the enhancement of β by ~1.6 times is appearing because of that species only. Exploring Large Nonlinearity in Tautomers In this thesis I have taken a linear ketone for studying the effect of structure on β via the enol and anion formation mediated by solvent and pH of the medium. In the present study the proton transfer in BA took place in the ground state of the ketone and the enol or anion are produced in the ground states. The proton transfer reaction (tautomerism) can also happen in the excited state as well in some molecules where there is a substantial barrier to the proton transfer reaction in the ground state. In such systems, once the ketone is excited using ultraviolet light the barrier to proton transfer in the medium is overcome and a proton transfer in the excited state takes place and the enol is produced. Since such a system will be at higher energy, it will be interesting to do a two-laser experiment where the excited state hyperpolarizability is measured in a time resolved manner and the β value is determined in the excited state. Building Molecular Nonlinearity in Step-by-Step Electron Transfer In this thesis, I have dealt with a binuclear complex of Ru(II) which in one-step electrochemical oxidation produced a mixed valence compound which had substantially higher β value compared to the unoxidized complex. In this way it is possible to build a multicentered complex and see if sequential one-electron transfer and subsequent oxidation/reduction of the metal centers produce a mixed-valent metal compound with large molecular nonlinearity. The indication from the present study is that such a scheme should double the β value in each one-electron transfer step. Also the linker group/moiety between the successive metal centers will play an important role in dictating the efficiency of electron transfer. If the metal d-electrons in a multinuclear complex are linked through a π-conjugation, one would expect manifold enhancement of β. Such metal arrays can also be designed in 2 or 3 dimensions. The dimensionality of the multinuclear metal complexes can easily be changed by supramolecular design and synthesis strategy. Such metal networks may or may not generate large β molecules since electronic polarization in such systems may not be superimposable in a coherent fashion and may not add in a positive sense. All these remain to be tested and explored in the future.

Synthèse d'éthers polycycliques par cycloisomérisations catalysées par des acides de Lewis : applications dans le domaine des arômes et parfums. / Synthesis of polycyclic ethers by Lewis acid-catalysed cycloisomerisation for applications in the field of flavour and fragrance

Ondet, Pierrick 20 October 2016 (has links)
Les molécules polycycliques, et notamment les éthers spirocycliques, sont des structures présentant un fort intérêt dans le domaine de la chimie des parfums. Cette thèse est dédiée au développement de nouvelles cycloisomérisations de dérivés d’éthers d’énol catalysées par le triflate de bismuth(III). Une étude bibliographique a ainsi été consacrée aux réactions de cyclisation catalysées par Bi(OTf)3. Une réaction de cycloisomérisation d’éthers d’énol alléniques permettant la formation rapide de produits cyclopenténiques et dihydrofuraniques a été développée. Des dérivés oxaspirocycliques ont été obtenus à partir de substrats trifonctionnels possédant un éther d’énol cyclique et une fonction alcool additionnelle. La chimiodivergence de ces réactions a été étudiée avec l’activation préférentielle de l’allène par des catalyseurs à base d’or(I) menant à d’autres structures cyclopenténiques. Une réaction de double cyclisation a été développée donnant un accès privilégié à des produits polycycliques pontés comportant un motif oxaspirocyclique. Des études mécanistiques ont été effectuées et une nouvelle cyclisation tandem impliquant un transfert d’hydrure-1,5 a été étudiée. La réaction de double cyclisation de dérivés du campholénal énantioenrichis a ensuite été développée pour la formation de bis-éthers tétracycliques et de cétones tricycliques. La plupart de ces nouveaux composés présentent des notes remarquables, principalement dans les familles olfactives aromatiques et boisées. / Polycyclic compounds and more specifically, spirocyclic ethers are of particular interest in fragrance chemistry. This thesis is dedicated to the development of new cycloisomerisations of enol ether derivatives by bismuth(III) triflate catalysis. In this way, a bibliographic study has been carried out on cyclisations catalysed by bismuth(III) triflate. A cycloisomerisation of allenic enol ethers has been developed for the straightforward synthesis of cyclopentene and dihydrofuran derivatives. New oxaspirocyclic compounds have been obtained starting from trifunctional substrates containing a cyclic enol ether and an additional hydroxyl group. The chemodivergence of this reaction has been studied by means of gold(I) catalysis to access different cyclopentenic structures via the preferential activation of the allene. A double cyclisation reaction has been developed leading to bridged polycyclic compounds featuring an oxaspirocyclic moiety. Mechanistic studies have been performed and a tandem cyclisation involving a 1,5-hydride shift has been studied. The double cyclisation of enantioenriched campholenic aldehyde derivatives has been investigated for the formation of tetracyclic diethers and tricyclic ketones. Most of the new compounds presented interesting notes, mainly in the aromatic and woody olfactory family.

Quantum Chemical pK<sub>a</sub> Estimation of Carbon Acids, Saturated Alcohols, and Ketones via Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships

Baldasare, Corey Adam 28 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Asymmetric Catalysis of Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions: Use of a Sustainable Feedstock Ethylene

Biswas, Souvagya 07 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Synthese und Charakterisierung von enolisierbaren Barbituratfarbstoffen als Sensoren für Nukleinbasenderivate

Schade, Alexander 13 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Synthese neuartiger 5-monosubstituierter Barbituratfarbstoffe mit elektronenziehenden Substituenten in 5-Position beschrieben. Durch diese Funktionalisierung entstehen schaltbare Farbstoffe mit einer farblosen Ketoform und einer farbigen Enolform. Die Einflüsse verschieden stark elektronenziehender Substituenten sowie unterschiedlich großer konjugierter π-Systeme auf die Keto-Enol-Tautomerie wurden untersucht. Dies erfolgt einerseits mittels Röntgeneinkristallstrukturanalysen der Festkörper und andererseits mit solvatochromen Untersuchungen in Lösung. Durch die Keto-Enol-Tautomerie der Barbituratfarbstoffe wird die Wasserstoffbrücken¬bindungssequenz beim Übergang zwischen Keto- und Enol-Form verändert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass durch Zugabe von Rezeptoren mit komplementärer Wasserstoffbrückenbindungssequenz zur Enol-Form das tautomere Gleichgewicht der Barbitursäuren hin zur Enol-Form verschoben werden kann. Um hierzu verlässliche Aussagen zu erhalten wurden vergleichende Experimente mit N,N´-dialkylierten Barbituratfarbstoffen durchgeführt. Aufgrund der Synthesestrategie der Barbituratfarbstoffe, welche ausgehend von Barbituratanionen über nukleophile aromatische Substitutionsreaktionen hergestellt wurden, war es zweckmäßig die Nukleophilieparameter der Barbituratanionen zu ermitteln. Dazu wurde der Ansatz von Mayr gewählt und die Nukleophilie von vier Barbituratanionen bestimmt. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit die Charakterisierung von ionischen Flüssigkeiten nach der 4-Parameter-Gleichung von Catalán umgesetzt werden. Dabei gelang es erstmal für eine vielzahl verschiedener ionischer Flüssigkeiten die Polarisierbarkeit und Dipolarität getrennt voneinander mit Hilfe zweier solvatochromer Farbstoffe zu ermitteln.

Synthese und Charakterisierung von enolisierbaren Barbituratfarbstoffen als Sensoren für Nukleinbasenderivate

Schade, Alexander 07 November 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Synthese neuartiger 5-monosubstituierter Barbituratfarbstoffe mit elektronenziehenden Substituenten in 5-Position beschrieben. Durch diese Funktionalisierung entstehen schaltbare Farbstoffe mit einer farblosen Ketoform und einer farbigen Enolform. Die Einflüsse verschieden stark elektronenziehender Substituenten sowie unterschiedlich großer konjugierter π-Systeme auf die Keto-Enol-Tautomerie wurden untersucht. Dies erfolgt einerseits mittels Röntgeneinkristallstrukturanalysen der Festkörper und andererseits mit solvatochromen Untersuchungen in Lösung. Durch die Keto-Enol-Tautomerie der Barbituratfarbstoffe wird die Wasserstoffbrücken¬bindungssequenz beim Übergang zwischen Keto- und Enol-Form verändert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass durch Zugabe von Rezeptoren mit komplementärer Wasserstoffbrückenbindungssequenz zur Enol-Form das tautomere Gleichgewicht der Barbitursäuren hin zur Enol-Form verschoben werden kann. Um hierzu verlässliche Aussagen zu erhalten wurden vergleichende Experimente mit N,N´-dialkylierten Barbituratfarbstoffen durchgeführt. Aufgrund der Synthesestrategie der Barbituratfarbstoffe, welche ausgehend von Barbituratanionen über nukleophile aromatische Substitutionsreaktionen hergestellt wurden, war es zweckmäßig die Nukleophilieparameter der Barbituratanionen zu ermitteln. Dazu wurde der Ansatz von Mayr gewählt und die Nukleophilie von vier Barbituratanionen bestimmt. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit die Charakterisierung von ionischen Flüssigkeiten nach der 4-Parameter-Gleichung von Catalán umgesetzt werden. Dabei gelang es erstmal für eine vielzahl verschiedener ionischer Flüssigkeiten die Polarisierbarkeit und Dipolarität getrennt voneinander mit Hilfe zweier solvatochromer Farbstoffe zu ermitteln.

Développement de nouveaux processus de cyclisation de dérivés alléniques catalysés par des triflates métalliques et synthèse de molécules odorantes / Development of novel cyclizations of allenic derivatives catalysed by metal triflates and synthesis of fragrance compounds

Diaf, Ilhem 18 December 2014 (has links)
De nouveaux processus de cyclisation d’allènes fonctionnalisés catalysées par des triflates métalliques sont présentés. Deux stratégies ont été développées. Dans un premier temps, une réaction de type carbonyl-ène intramoléculaire à partir de cétones γ-alléniques est développée. Cette réaction se déroule dans des conditions très douces avec une charge catalytique en triflate de bismuth(III) de seulement 1 mol%. Cette stratégie a ensuite été étendue à d’autres dérivés cétones γ-alléniques. Les alcools diéniques résultants ont pu être engagés avec succès dans une réaction de type Diels-Alder menant à la formation de structures polycycliques fonctionnalisées avec de bons rendements et une excellente régio- et diastéréosélectivité. La cyclisation d’éthers d’énol catalysée par les triflates métalliques a été par la suite étudiée. Cette stratégie permet d’obtenir des dérivés cyclopentènes avec de bons rendements en utilisant seulement 0,1 mol% de triflate de bismuth(III). Des dérivés dihydrofuranes peuvent être également formés par cette stratégie. Ces produits résultent de l’attaque nucléophile du carbone central de l’allène sur l’éther d’énol activé. Cette réactivité a pu être inversée en utilisant un complexe d’or(I) comme catalyseur en présence d’un nucléophile externe, donnant ainsi naissance à des produits différents. Dans une dernière partie, des applications dans le domaine de la chimie des arômes et des parfums ont été développées. Des dérivés acétates et alcools alléniques ont été synthétisés et exposés à des tests olfactifs, révélant des tonalités olfactives intéressantes. Des notes fruitées et florales dominantes et des nuances vertes et boisées ont été détectées. / Novel processes of metal triflate-catalyzed cyclizations of functionalized allenes are presented. Two strategies have been developed. In a first part, the intramolecular carbonyl-ene reaction with γ-allenic ketones is described. This reaction proceeds under very mild conditions using only 1 mol% of bismuth(III) triflate. The scope of this reaction was extended to several γ-allenic ketone derivatives, featuring various substitution patterns. The resulting dienols were successfully engaged in a Diels-Alder reaction allowing the formation of polycyclic functionalized frameworks in good yields with excellent regio- and diastereoselectivities. In a second part, the metal triflate-catalyzed cyclization of allenic-enol ethers is described. This reaction gives access to cyclopentene derivatives in good yields using only 0.1 mol% of bismuth(III) triflate. Dihydrofuran derivatives could also be formed using this strategy. This cycloisomerisation reaction proceeds through an initial enol ether activation, followed by the nucleophilic attack of the allene moiety. This reactivity could be inverted using a gold(I) catalyst, in the presence of an exogenous nucleophile, allowing the formation of different products. Within our interest in flavor and fragrance chemistry, allenic acetates and alcohols have been synthesized and subjected to olfactive evaluation, revealing dominant fruity and floral notes. Green and woody undertones have been detected as well.

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