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Le rôle de la source de financement dans le Business Model de la PE/TPE ouest-africaine : de la convention de financement à la convention d'affaires / The role of funding source in the BM of SMB in West Africa : from financing convention to business conventionElhadji Issa, Maazou 04 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de notre thèse est d'étudier le Business Model (BM) des PE/TPE ouest africaines à travers une approche conventionnaliste et institutionnaliste. Le BM et la convention constituent nos choix conceptuels et théoriques de départ, tandis que l'approche institutionnaliste s'est invitée via les thèmes émergents lors de l'étude. Nous avons qualifié notre conceptualisation conventionnaliste du BM de «modèle 3C» de la triple convention: convention de la valeur, convention de financement et convention d'exploitation. L'hypothèse centrale suggère que ces trois conventions lient la source de financement à la PE/TPE et que l'étude du rôle de la source de financement permettrait de comprendre le BM de la PE/TPE. L'opérationnalisation de la grille d'analyse du modèle 3C, à travers une méthodologie de recherche mixte et abductive a abouti à des résultats sur trois volets : 1) la compréhension des conventions du BM des PE/TPE nécessite un retour aux conditions préalables à celles-Ci; 2) il existe une pluralité de conventions de BM en fonction des PE/TPE, le dirigeant de la PE/TPE et des sources de financement; 3) les conventions de BM ne sont pas qu'une fonction de la source de financement et de la PE/TPE; les cadres institutionnels jouent un rôle important. Un retour sur les concepts clefs de notre recherche à la lumière de nos résultats a permis d'ouvrir des nouvelles perspectives d'étude. / The aim of our work is to study the Business Model (BM) of small and micro business (SMB) in West Africa. Our research is based on a conventionalist and institutionalist approach of the concept of BM. BM and the convention are our conceptual and theoretical initial choice, while the institutionalist approach has been introduced through the emerging topics during our research. We called our conventionalist conceptualization of BM "modèle 3C" of tree convention: value convention, financing convention and operating convention. The central hypothesis of our study suggests that these three conventions link the funding source to theSMB. So the role of funding source is relevant to study the SMB BM. The operationalization of the analytical framework of the 3C model, through a mixed methodology and abductive research has produced results in three areas: 1) understanding of the conventions of SMB BM requires a return to the preconditions; 2) there is a plurality of conventions of BM based of SMB, according to the leader of the SMB and funding sources; 3) BM conventions are not only a function of the source of funding and SMB; institutional context play an important role. A critical view of the key concepts of our research based on our findings has opened new avenues of study.
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Quand les utilisateurs créent l’industrie : le cas des applications Web / When users create industry : the case of Web-based applicationsChrysos, Paris 17 December 2013 (has links)
La présente étude explore le problème, curieusement peu étudié en gestion, de l'innovation dans le développement des applications Web. En partant de la distinction entre innovation par « l'usager » (U) et innovation par « l'industriel/entrepreneur » (E) et en utilisant une approche de « phenomenon-based research », elle identifie un troisième acteur, le « développeur » (D), dont l'action se positionne entre les deux autres. Trois figures d'acteur sont proposées pour le décrire : celle de l'usager-développeur (UD), de l'usager-développeur-entrepreneur (UDE) et du développeur-entrepreneur (DE).Cette grille de lecture (U, D, E) est testée, dans la 2ème Partie, sur le cas de trois industries dont on peut retracer l'histoire, depuis leur genèse jusqu'à des stades de maturité avancés : l'industrie des radiocommuni- cations, celle du PC, celle de l'ordinateur d'entreprise. L'importance du rôle joué par l'acteur D identifié se retrouve dans chacune de ces 3 industries. Les étapes de développement de chacune de ces industries peuvent être lues comme une suite d'innovations liées à des acteurs différents - successivement : UDs, UDEs, DEs - jusqu'à l'étape de proposition de rationalisations par des entreprises (Es) puis d'autonomisation de chacun trois acteurs U, D, E.Dans la phase de maturité intermédiaire que connaît le Web où sont déjà apparues des entreprises spéciali- sées E mais où les développeurs D continuent à exister sous les formes riches de DEs ou d'UDEs, se pose la question pour les entreprises de savoir comment mobiliser et gérer l'activité de ces développeurs à des fins d'innovation. Trois formes de gestion sont identifiées dans la 3ème Partie. La première méthode consiste à favoriser l'auto-révélation de ces acteurs. La seconde consiste à mobiliser ces acteurs dans des actions éphé- mères visant l'exploration du potentiel d'un service donné. La dernière consiste à animer une communauté de développeurs qui utilisent déjà la technologie de l'entreprise pour les encourager à développer des applications sur la base de cette technologie.Mots clés : développement des applications Web, innovation par les usagers, innovation par les industriels, entrepreneurs, développement industriel, potentiel technologique. / He current study explores the curiously not much studied in management problem of innovation of contemporary Web-based applications. Starting from the distinction between user (U) and manufacturer/entrepreneur (E) innovation and using a phenomenon-based research approach, it identifies a third actor, the developer (D), whose action is found to lie in-between the two. Three actor figures are proposed for his description: user-developer (UD), user-developer-entrepreneur (UDE) and developer- entrepreneur (DE).This interpretative framework (U, D, E) is tested in the second part on the cases of three industries, where it enables a tracing of their history, from their birth to their maturity: radio industry, PC industry and enterprise computer industry. The important role of D actor is identified in all three settings. Their development phases can be read as a sequence of innovations related to different actors, UDs, UDEs and DEs successively, until the proposition of a rationalisation by enterprises (Es) and leading to the independence of the three actors, U, D, E.During the intermediate maturity phase of the Web, where expert enterprises Es have appeared, yet the de- velopers Ds remain under the forms of DEs or UDEs, the question posed for enterprises is how to harness their activity for innovation. Three management modes are identified in the third part. The first method consists in fostering the self-revelation of these actors. The second consists in harnessing their action using ephemeral settings for the exploration of the potential of a given service. The last consists in animating a community of developers already using the enterprise's technology to encourage them in developing applications on the basis of this technology.
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Representación del peruano emprendedor en el storytelling de campañas publicitarias de entidades financieras / Representation of the Peruvian entrepreneur in the storytelling of advertising campaigns of financial entitiesGonzales de la Torre, Dhayanna Michelle 20 April 2021 (has links)
Resumen: Se identifica un evidente crecimiento en la cantidad de micro y pequeñas
empresas (mypes) tanto en América Latina como en el Perú, lo que las hace acreedoras de
la nominación de una clase empresarial en ascenso. Los actores principales de estas
empresas son emprendedores que materializan sus sueños a través de sus negocios, que a
su vez son financiados por empresas del rubro financiero con la prestación de créditos y
demás productos ofrecidos. En el panorama habitual, se tiene a la publicidad tomando la
función de vincular esta entidad financiera (empresa) con el microempresario
(consumidor), para ello hace uso de la estrategia del storytelling en las campañas
publicitarias a través de la variedad del material publicitario dirigido a su segmento y en
ésta misma se representa la imagen del emprendedor peruano. El presente estudio busca
conocer el pensamiento del consumidor e identificar su percepción del material publicitario
emitido por las entidades financieras hacia su target emprendedor y para ello se considera
principalmente el enfoque para conocer el nivel de aceptación, satisfacción e identificación
con su imagen en la comunicación a analizar. Para la investigación cualitativa propuesta, se
realizarán entrevistas a profundidad semiestructuradas a una muestra aleatoria de
comerciantes microempresarios del cono sur y norte de Lima Metropolitana, con el fin de
interpretar la percepción del emprendedor en su imagen representada en el storytelling
publicitario de entidades financieras. / Abstract: There is an evident growth in the number of micro and small companies (mypes)
both in Latin America and Peru, which makes them deserving of the nomination of a rising
business class. The main actors of these companies are entrepreneurs who materialize their
dreams through their businesses, which are once financed by companies in the financial
sector with the provision of loans and other products offered. In the usual scenario, we
have advertising taking the function of linking this financial entity (company) with the
micro-entrepreneur (consumer), for this it makes use of the storytelling strategy in
advertising campaigns through the variety of advertising material directed to its segment
and in this same the image of the Peruvian entrepreneur is represented. The present study
seeks to know the consumer's thinking and identify their perception of the advertising
material issued by financial institutions towards their entrepreneurial target and for this the
approach is mainly considered to know the level of acceptance, satisfaction and
identification with their image in the communication to analyze. For the proposed
qualitative research, semi-structured in-depth interviews are carried out with a random
sample of micro-entrepreneur merchants from the southern and northern cone of
Metropolitan Lima, in order to interpret the perception of the entrepreneur in his image
represented in the advertising storytelling of financial entities. / Trabajo de investigación
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African American Women Bloggers’ Lived Experiences with Digital Entrepreneurship: A Transcendental Phenomenological StudyMcDowell, Melissa 01 January 2020 (has links)
The professionalization of blogs has elevated blogging to an organizational field whereby bloggers develop a legitimate career path. For many minority women bloggers, the transition from being traditionally employed to managing a one-person digital enterprise is often met with racial and gender imbalances created by nontraditional modes of work. The purpose of this qualitative transcendental phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of how African American women bloggers described their lived experiences with managing a one-person digital enterprise and the implications of their racial and gender identity within this nontraditional mode of work. To address this gap, a transcendental phenomenological method was used to collect data from African American women bloggers. This study was framed by 3 key concepts focused on African American women bloggers: Brydges and Sj00F6holm’s concept of personal style blogger, Martinez Dy et al’s concept of women digital entrepreneurs, and Gabriel’s concept of Black female identity online. Data were gathered using 9 virtual semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the modified Van Kaam method. Eight themes emerged when answering the research question. The findings of the research showed that being an African American woman blogger means conducting entrepreneurial activity, working towards financial solvency, being proud of racial identity, and creating and delivering content as a blogger. Results gleaned from this transcendental phenomenological study may help promote social change by bringing awareness to policymakers on the issues of equity, access, and opportunity for marginalized populations who seek to become digital entrepreneurs.
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Företagande i kommuner : En jämförande studie av främjandet av företagande i kommuner / Entrepreneurship in municipalities : A comparing study of the promotion of entrepreneurship in municipalitiesPedersen, Laila, Hedberg Larsson, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet inom civilekonomiprogrammet syftar till att bidra med kunskap om främjandet av företagande och utifrån offentliga sektorns perspektiv identifiera faktorer som har mer eller mindre möjlighet att påverka företagandet i Sverige. Vidare har det lagts betoning på de olika faktorerna som är synliga i främjandet av företagande för att kunna analysera huruvida det på lokal nivå går att påverka näringslivet ur ett kommunalt perspektiv. Regeringens målsättning är att kommuner fungerar effektivt inom gränserna av valfrihet och medbestämmande. I Sveriges välfärdssystem finns det en hög ambitionsnivå, men det ger varierande resultat beroende på vilken kommun som diskuteras. När det gäller andra delar av förvaltning har kommunerna krav eller regler som påverkar hur organisationen utformas, men dessa finns i mindre omfattning när det kommer till näringslivet. Det finns en hel del studier i ämnet, men det har enligt vår uppfattning funnits en brist i informationen som finns synlig angående hur utvecklingen ser ut från företagande till att aktivt starta företag med hjälp och förutsättningar från kommunen. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie, där det insamlade materialet har utgått från grundad teori och konceptuell forskning. Metoden som använts var telefonintervjuer med olika kommuner. En sammanställning gjordes sedan till mindre beskrivningar av attribut som anses viktiga av respondenterna. Resultatet är en redogörelse av intervjuerna och en jämförelse mellan kommuner i relation till företagande. Utifrån uppsatsen och undersökningen har vi fått mer insikt i vad som kan påverka förutsättningar i näringslivet och att det ligger en del problematik i hur den institutionella strukturen allokerar uppgifter utan att ge organisationer befogenhet att påverka förutsättningarna för individen i samhället. Det bör vara mer tydligt huruvida främjandet av nyföretagande är en statlig eller kommunal prioritering. Arbetet med främjande åtgärder av företagande kan med fördel bli mer tydlig och ett hållbarhetstänk kan vara en bättre utgångspunkt snarare än antalet startade företag. / The thesis aims to contribute to knowledge in the promotion of nascent entrepreneurship and from the public sectors perspective identify factors that have more or less opportunity to influence how starting businesses is encouraged in Sweden. In addition to this it aims to discuss visible factors in an encouraging business region and how municipalities work within these limits. The Government's objective is for municipalities to function effectively within the limits of Swedish rules for municipalities. In the Swedish welfare system, there is a high level of ambition, with varying results depending on which municipality is being analysed. When it comes to how the business climate is structured, the municipalities lack rules or requirements. There are a lot of studies on the subject, but in our opinion, there is a lack of transparency in the development of creating an encouraging business environment in Sweden. The thesis is a qualitative case study, where the collected material has been based on theory and conceptual research. The method used was telephone interviews with various respondents from different municipalities. A summary is then presented with attributes that were considered important by the respondents. The result of the performed interviews shows the operational work within the municipality, correlating with the business world. From the study we have gained more insight into what can affect the process of encouraging businesses in municipalities. Furthermore, it became visible that there might be a shortage in institutional structure, because of deficient regional power when it comes to allocating conditions to an encouraging business climate. Perhaps it could benefit the matter of increasing businesses if the objective was more pronouncedly exalted, as to whether it is a governmental or municipality priority. The promotion of entrepreneurship could possibly be clearer and perhaps benefit from more of a sustainability perspective rather than the number of companies started.
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What drives change? Examining wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs' creation of foundations: an institutional entrepreneurship theory perspectiveHe, Lijun 03 June 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A significant literature gap exists in our understanding of the motivating mechanisms for creation of foundations by philanthropists, a rapid paradigm shift that is occurring in many countries. This study aims to address the literature gap by discovering Chinese entrepreneurs' heterogeneous responses to the conditions that may lead to creation of their own foundations. Adopting the institutional entrepreneurship theory, which examines agency/change in breaking from an old institution, the researcher tested and operationalized four major factors derived from the institutional entrepreneurship theory--i.e. conflict, heterogeneity, institutional logic, and power--to account for the behavioral change. Through investigating 209 wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs from the 2003-2004 Top 100 Philanthropists List produced by the Hurun Research Institute, utilizing the event history analysis method, the study discovered that among the four factors only heterogeneity resulting from strategic industry intersection and the entrepreneurs' political power are the antecedents of their creation of foundations. Other factors--such as conflict, heterogeneity resulted from civil network, and institutional logic--were not relevant in this study. These results suggest that Chinese entrepreneurs who benefit from their improved political and social standing and increased capital are also making endeavors to take initiatives to contribute to the social and economic well-beings in the social areas that the entrepreneurs' industry intersect heavily. This study enriches our understanding of the creation of foundations from entrepreneurs' contextual background in an emerging market. The empirical validation of the antecedents of behavior change and civic leadership innovation also provides practical implications for policy-makers, philanthropy advisers, and nonprofit leaders.
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Shattering the second glass ceiling:Interpreting the lived experiences of Female Entrepreneurs in Lagos, Nigeria, using Schlossberg’s Transition Theory.Amusan, Abosede January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Introduction: This study examined the lived experiences of Female Entrepreneurs in Lagos State, Nigeria, who transitioned from traditional corporate employment settings to venture into uncharted entrepreneurial territory. In their transition from employee to entrepreneur, this study identified the existence of glass ceiling in both phases. Considering the perception of a woman’s identity in the Nigerian patriarchal system, practical attention and analysis have not been given to their experiences as employees and entrepreneurs. Seven (7) Nigerian Female Entrepreneurs with established businesses in Lagos, Nigeria, participated in this study. Method: A qualitative research method that builds upon the philosophy of social constructivism was used to decipher the transition. Storytelling theory assisted the interviewees in expressing themselves freely and facilitated this research. Also, Schlossberg's Transition Theory was the foundational theoretical framework for this study. Result: The result of the study identified the inherent glass ceiling in their transition. Some peculiarities of the glass ceiling within Nigerian context include financing barriers, gender discrimination, a good support system, and limited female mentors. This was framed as the “second glass ceiling”. They discussed their coping mechanisms to overcome challenges and build successful businesses during transition. Conclusion: The conclusion demonstrates helpful modifications that can aid groups, organizations, academic institutions, and policymakers understand Nigerian women’s situation in corporate and business domains. Such understanding could promote equality of opportunity within society and organizations, eliminate entrepreneurship barriers, and aid their long-term retention of corporate or entrepreneurial engagement. In the long run, this will benefit the Nigerian economy, corporate organizations, female entrepreneurs in Nigeria, and their communities.
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Fashion drawing skills training for unqualified fashion entrepreneurs in the Emfuleni Local Municipality: a needs assessmentStrydom, Le-nika 21 August 2019 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Visual Arts and Design: Fashion, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND
The fashion trade is a global industry (Amankhwah, Badoe & Chichi 2014:144) that plays a major role in the socio-economic development of many countries (Sarpong, Howard & Osei-Ntiri 2011:98). A number of Asian countries, for example, have been known to thrive in the international textile and fashion trade, owing to their successful training programs in fashion and apparel design (Maiyo, Abong’o & Tuigon’g 2014:63). In South Africa (SA) fashion is also seen as an important industry, as it forms part of economic development programs (Dlodlo 2014:191) and aids in income generation for individuals, not only in major cities, but also in smaller towns and peri-urban areas. Thus, the statement can be made that the successful training of individuals through training programs (with regard to fashion-related skills) has a direct link to a thriving fashion industry and a direct impact on individuals, group and community income generation.
Nonetheless, not all individuals within the fashion industry have acquired formal fashion training. Some may have obtained fashion-related skills (such as sewing, pattern making and fashion drawing) through family members, short courses, school or in-service work experience elsewhere. These skills, particularly fashion drawing and illustration (hereafter referred to as fashion drawing), are necessary visual communication tools with which the designer relays their ideas and designs to the client. Visual communication is a pictorial form of communication where visual symbols are incorporated in order to convey information (Liu 2015:41) and this process of visual communication enables both parties to be equally clear about the proposed design (Tatham & Seaman 2004:114; Calderin 2013:148). Thus, specifically in relation to the field of fashion, visual communication is used to communicate designs or ideas to individuals in a visual manner by making use of sketches, photographs, drawings, etc.
However, in a previous study conducted in the Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) (Van Wyk 2007:78), it was found that the most prominent skill that fashion entrepreneurs felt they needed, but lacked, is that of fashion drawing. Of the total sample population, 19% indicated that they do not possess fashion drawing skills. Although this is not a significantly high number, it is important to note that 66%
of the mentioned study’s respondents had obtained qualifications from tertiary institutions (Van Wyk 2007:77), which would in all probability have included a fashion drawing curriculum. The lack of drawing skills could be problematic, as this lack relates to client satisfaction which, in turn, promotes the success of entrepreneurial endeavours (Burns & Bryant 2002:42). To address this, the current study
was aimed at determining the level, nature and type of fashion drawing applied by fashion entrepreneurs with no formal fashion-related training (FEWNFFRT)1 within the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM). This ascertainment was completed in terms, specifically, of the following: the use of fashion sketches to visually communicate the design of the garment to the client; the challenges experienced by the
fashion entrepreneurs when communicating an idea or design to a client; and the need for training in fashion drawing as a means of visual communication.
A quantitative, non-experimental needs assessment was conducted among a group of FEWNFFRT within the ELM. It is important for the reader to note that this specific research study formed part of a larger study, in which the data was gathered in a joint manner with another researcher (whose study focussed on the business skills training needs for FEWNFFRT in the ELM). To clarify, data was collected and analysed together, but the interpretation and application of the data differed due to different research questions, focus and context. Therefore, while the same data was gathered and used in conjunction with another researcher, it should be noted that this study followed a unique angle. The reason for the joint data collection was dictated by the specific constraint of the study in terms of the specific inclusion criteria to which the sample population had to adhere.
Interviewer-administered questionnaires were employed in order to gather data from respondents. This type of data collection tool was seen as the most appropriate for the collection of data for this study, as it was conducted in a verbal manner and allowed the interviewer to explain questions and instruction to the respondents in cases where questions were in any way unclear or the respondents were uncertain. This in turn ensured a higher response rate and enhanced the quality of the data gathered. Insight gained from this study aided in generating a new understanding of the fashion drawing skills training needs of fashion entrepreneurs in the ELM region, which may guide future research aimed at developing training programs, materials and interventions with regard to fashion drawing skills.
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Customer satisfaction: a study of home-based fashion entrepreneurs and custom-made garmentsHomela, Chevllin 03 June 2022 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Visual Arts and Design: Fashion, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Customer satisfaction has proven to be a major determinant on the success or failure of a business. Regrettably, fashion entrepreneurs are not meeting customer expectations because they have problems that are affecting the quality of their work. In order to promote customer satisfaction, fashion entrepreneurs require a master plan that is customer-based. Thus, they could implement customisation of garments to address customers’ concerns. It is, therefore, crucial for home-based fashion entrepreneurs to be aware of their customers’ needs and the factors that affect their satisfaction to boost its levels.
Based on this background, it was found necessary to conduct a research study with the aim to determine factors that affect customer satisfaction of custom-made garments produced by home-based fashion entrepreneurs in the Emfuleni Local Municipality. A qualitative study, applying purposive and snowball sampling techniques, was conducted by means of one-on-one interviews. Data saturation guided the study and was reached after nineteen women were interviewed and two more interviews were done to enhance credibility. Analysis of data was conducted applying the six stages of Creswell’s approach of data analysis. During this process four themes emerged and were presented in line with their categories.
The study findings revealed that some of the factors that largely influenced customer satisfaction were service quality, product quality, price, value and location. Garment fit and uniqueness were also found to be reasons why participants opted for custom-made garments. However, some of the participating women did not get the satisfaction they were seeking. Their satisfaction was negatively affected by garment quality, lack of communication, missing delivery deadlines and inaccessibility of the entrepreneur. The research outcome provides home-based fashion entrepreneurs with useful information to improve the levels of customer satisfaction.
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Business on the Border of Breakdown : An Interdisciplinary Study of Entrepreneurs inKabul, AfghanistanThorson, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
Afghanistan has experienced a civil war since the last three decades that has causedenormous damages to infrastructure and incredible human suffering. Insecurity is not only fromterrorists, many Afghans rank political gridlock and deeply rooted corruption as worse. A modelby Bullough et al. provides risk perception, resilience and self-efficacy as determinants forentrepreneurial intentions. The study aggregates resilience and self-efficacy into a psychologicalperspective that, together with a non-monolithic perspective on risk, generates a new model offorces. Vectors illustrate how these forces can balance each other out. The result is a useful modelto detail entrepreneurship under the adverse conditions in Kabul, where entrepreneurs experiencekidnapping as their primary personal risk while administrative threats related to corruption,informality and poor governance are seen to carry an almost equal amount of risk. / Under de tre senaste decennierna har Afghanistan befunnit sig i inbördeskrig somorsakat stora skador på infrastruktur och enormt mänskligt lidande. Osäkerheten kommer intebara från terrorism eftersom många afghaner anser att det politiska dödläget och djupt rotadkorruption är värre hot än terrorattackerna. I Bullough m.fl. finns en modell kring ”Danger ZoneEntrepreneurs" som visar på att riskuppfattning, motståndskraft och tilltro på egen förmåga ärfaktorer som bestämmer om en individ har avsikt att bli entreprenör. Den här studien betraktarmotståndskraft och tilltro till egen förmåga ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv som tillsammans med ettdetaljerat riskperspektiv bildar en ny kraftsystemsmodell. Vektorer illustrerar hur dessa krafterkan balansera ut varandra. Resultaten är en användbar modell på entreprenörskap under deogynnsamma förhållanden som råder i Kabul, där kidnappning upplevs som farligast medankorruption, avsaknad av regler och dålig styrning anses nästan lika riskfyllt.
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